A meeting of the Election Commission of the City of Livonia was held on
October 23, 1954, at 8:04 A. M., at 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan, at
which time all members of said commission:
Elbert M. Hartom, Mayor
Marie W. Clark, City Clerk
Russell C. Ashmore, City Attorney
were present in person.
Pursuant to Section 5, Chapter III of the Charter, the City Clerk presided
over the meeting as chairman of the commission.
Mayor Hartom read a letter from Gus Davis, Chairman of the Livonia
Democratic Club regarding division of members of the Boards of Election Inspectors.
Mr. Charles Walker was present as a member of the Democratic Club.
The following motion was duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that the list of Election Inspectors, as follows,
be approved as submitted so that the Chairman of the Election Commission
can send out the required notices, with the understanding that if the
Chairman of either political party objects to the workers on any one or
more precinct board, a special meeting of the Election Commission will be
held to review the Boards; that they cannot, however, tell the Commission
how to arrange the Boards; and that all objections must be made in writing
by 5:00 P. M., Tuesday, October 26, 1954.
1. Chm. Vivian McVicar 20320 Shadyside Far. 0990
Lucille Schmidt 18321 Westmore Far. 2752-M
Evelyn Ziegler 18608 Fannington Road Far. 0472-M
Isobel Dubpernell 18525 Irving Far. 0958
Vera Chapman 18110 Mayfield Liv. 9116
Leona Haase 30861 Puritan Liv. 6098
Fannie Schneider 30921 Puritan Liv. 6655
2. Chm. Lilah Hedden 9805 Berwick Liv. 6221
Grace Girardin 9840 Auburndale Liv. 4460
Jane Peristy 9816 Blackburn Liv. 5232
Moneta Warner 9840 Arden Liv. 2119
Jean Chaatpe 11411 Arden Liv. 3078
lwaLorraine Geppert 11032 Fairfield Liv. 6648
Ruth Peters 9901 Roseland Liv. 9530
3. Ohm. Frances Burns 15795 i itby Liv. 5290
LRuth _.)ch.umacher 1550`5 ,urrey Liv. 2425
Julia Ala°ine 3160; P yrns. Liv. 4311
Florence Zebel 15110 Farmington Road Liv. 2428
Aletira Phipps 14931 9 ;.rnington RL-ad Liv. 2971
Vera ' eitzel 15789 Jtam£ord Liv. 3401
Anna C. Kohn 15745 C'tamf'ord Liv. 5891
4. Chm. rlini f red Nixon 34965 '1adsworth Liv. 2854
Florence C ra rford 37500 Plym >uth Road Ply. 152-li
Ros c Bernard 12141 ;oston Post Road Liv. 4719
Hattie Taylor 351 h ,Erin Arbor Trail Liv. 2336
Ina `maninger 15901 oiithampton Liv. 6855
Lillian raters 11j2% Auburndale Liv. 4689
5. Chm. 01 u:di a Burns 19005 1 ,1plewood Far. 0754
Arm 11a Richmond 19515 'h -her Far. 1560-J
Melba Hunter 29515 ,even I. i.le 1tod Far. 0762-M
Pe=arl Teahan 18634 Deering Ke. 1-2835
Elisabeth laming 192551 '.iddlebelt Road
Dorothy Henderson 16535 9olrgeway Liv. 6657
6. Chm. Ida De^lulf 11600 ' it ler Liv. 8212
Aledra Garner 289'55 Olson Liv. 5253
Lucille Kaley 8899 I i_ddlebelt Road Liv. 4876
Alice Forsyth 10051 Cavell Liv. 3516
L Elsa H. Edwards 112.,'0 ii 11er Liv. 9617
Orlena Trunzo 11280 0l.bow Liv. 9690
Mary Jane Cutler 27581 Hathaway Liv. 9451
#7. Chm. Leona LeBar 15315 hadyside Liv. 2976
Martha Trauth 16325 Ib,iadlebelt Liv. 6675
Olive M. Schroeder 15135 P iderewski Liv. 3620
Carolyn E. Law 151°1 Garden Liv. 2589
Louvenia Oak 16776 otanmoor Liv. 5709
Leota Martin 15931 Deering Liv. 4509
Del'nhine G. riartgrove 14947 c'unbury Liv. 9602
FJRI?E R RPRLLnD, that said boards of election inspectors,
as above constituted, shall, on the members thereof taking and sub-
scribing the constitutional oath of of fice, have all powers and duties
provided by law as boards of elle ctio n inspectors at t ne next election
called for November 2, 1P54.
Mrs. Clark asked to ix out on record as clue stio ning the right of the
parties to chall enge the i nspe ctors as to their party affiliations.
Mr. Ashmore wanted it !n the record that he challenges this list.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously adopted:
THAT, the s alar le s of the Election Ins Sectors sr.all be
$18.00 for chairmen and w16.00 for Inspectors.
There being no further buss ne s t come before the 'leeting, on motion
duly made, seconded and unsniiA usly -Idonted, the meeting was adjourned at
9:15 A. M., October 23, 1(?5/1..
Clark, City Clerk and Chai :man
of the Election Commission
• • 0
City Attorney