HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL MINUTES 1955-12-05 ADJOURNED Pae 2121
1iliN>.2-os 0 T-L.. ADJ' UdLED )111L
x OF JNLJ Cr. U-ICiL `F T L, oIT°i (DiP L1VI1-11.
On December 5, 1;55, the above etind was held at 33001 Five 111e Aoad,
Livonia, Kd.chi„an, and wan called to order at ala o,u mately cr.: 9 P. .i., by the
President of t te Council, Joan T.uae.hierty. Councilman Kleinert delivered the
invocation. 11011 was called with the foilo.-mn result: Present-- John. T. Dau;,herty,
David L. Jones, ari,- iill� i, r��aduli 11. leinert, Junn [vhiLehead, Nettie Carey
and .vilson 1. ndG_ar. Absent-- Hone.
An Ordinance entitled An _.rdinance jiiiandin Section 2 .3u of Ordinance No.
h'J, as amended., entitled: 'Lon n,, Ordinance of the City of Livonia'," introduced by
Councilman -i'r, teoead Nov . ber 21, 1 55, was La en from the table and a roll call
vote conducted thereon with the followin_ result:
AILS: Jones, i!la:�_, eluinert, Al to lead, Care-, and Dain, ierty.
1Jan Ld0ar.
The President declared the ordinance duff adopted and woll.d become effective on
date of puolication, December 1,), 1,55.
The Depot,,/ dit„ Clerk read a le u Lel dated iiovemder 25, 1 %,;5 ace), parried
oy petition from the salaried e plcr ees o1 t Cite, , wanch Jas received and placed
un file.
The lerk read a 1--tter dated I'lovemoor lt,, 1 55 fr um toe Livonia dire
i'i�hters Association w'to.cn was rucel v eu and 11aced on file.
1' m Clerk read a lette !ated i ece.,lber 5, 1 55 from the City Attorneyi
letter dated December �, i,p from toe Cite on-,ineer an-1 letter dated December 1,
1 55 from the �iic!ii„an Staue Hiz;hwa; DepaL tient regaru.in,:; th.. traffic li;,nt at
Pl rnouth and Otai ikua& .
D UoLxic 1 an Jones, seconded b, Councilman killam, it was
t iat
it is considered that there is an ur�,ent need for a
traffic control 11 �it at the intersecti >n of Stark iloa.d and :Ely-mouth
lioad (U. o. 12) in the Citic o1 Livonia., and it a .ears that the State
Page 2122
Highway Department will install such light provided that the City meets
certain conditions, a:,.onr we__ch is that some paving be installed on
Start Load;
NO u, , ♦.JL IT L-p ;L,IDD that the City will include paving
on ptar1- Load, extending north from Plymouth Load to Roston Post Load, in
its schedule of paving I rojects for
A roll call vote was tat- en on the foregoing resolution with the following result:
Jones, i..i_llan, d1:u.Lehead, Carey, Edgar and Daugherty.
aYS: Kleinert.
The President declared tho resolution adorted.
Councilman Jones offered the following resolution and requested that it
be included in the record:
in connection tion :-ri t,h the proposed installation of a
traffic control light at stark and Plymouth Loads, the State iiighway
Department requests that the City of Livonia participate in the costs
of installa,ion of certain traffic control devices consisting of con-
crete islands or ab-Ittments to the extent of pa, in one-half of such
costs estimated al- 7,O'1J.00;
NL I, T}IPlI..20 u., 3i. IT IL-0T, ID that the City will participate
in such costs, and will pay fifty ercent t iereof, of the installation
of said concrete islands or abotuments.
By Councilman Jones, seconded b; Councilman '1einert, it was
607-5 Lp,_,,-,L I_J that
In connection with the rro--osed installation of a
traffic control I ,ht at Itark and Plymouth loads, the State Iliu,Iiway
Department requests that t e City of Livonia participate in the costs
of installation and .1a_-ntenance of Uapd li ht, to the extent of paying
half of such installation and maintenance expense.,, estimated at .1,6u0
for installati ,n and 33.oa up..eep;
N , .SAL r+'0_L. , I'i : -that the City will f ar.ticipate
in such costs, and will ay fifty percent of the installation and .,ain-
tenance expenses of said traffic control light.
A roll call vote was tapen on the foregoing rusol_tion with the following result:
AYD0: Jones, =lam, la Ln rt, Ihitehead, Carey, lCd ar and Daugherty.
NAYS: None.
D %
Councilman Jones, seconded b' Councilman ;bite lead, it was
I. pD that
i L: , in connection with the ud installation of traffic
Page 2123
control 11t at uall ano_ 1 Id, is, it will b nJcesar:, to oThrfor ,
carta- 1
N , i BE _Lf ilSoLVED -Lila, te Cit, .n ineer prel_arc
specificau no for the wun. work to oe done iLI _aiat-1, on ,tan -oad,
and than tie City Clerk publ-.sh renuusts for bicis in connection with said
project in ti u earliest possible issue of The Livonian with notice that
said buds are to be o-ened at the Decenber 19, 1.557 meetin6 of tee City
Council, and t _at the sum of 17,250.o0 be appropriated from the General
Funds of the City, to be used to Pay the cots of construction; provided,
however, that such arTropriation shall be consider d an advance towards
the full pavanproject on Stark ,Load from Plymouth head to Boston Post
Aoad, to be recovered from the proceeds of such special assessment as may
hereafter b : t up to coy r i,ee costs of such project; and that the flayor
and City Cleie oe aut i razed t sic;11 tie necessar,), contracts, upon approval
tnereof oy the Cit Attorney.
By Councilmen Killam, seconded 1) Council. an .clE;ar„ it was
50b-55 iLL,uLihJJ that, the fore_oin_, resolution for caving of Stark Hoad
Oe tabled until after the notin, with iilliam elarvin of the State Highway
Department, such Y etin_ to be noL later than the second regular meeting
in January, 1;56.
A roll call vote was taken on the for_; oin, resolution with the folloainL, result:
AYES: Hillam, dluinort, Carey, p,c(;ar ani iiaucnerty.
AA;S: Jonos, and Thitehea
The President declared the resolatiL_n ado too..
Bp Councilman _d:aI, seconded by Councll.aan Jones and unanimously
adoFted, it was
b02- 5 A-uoL,LJ,D Lnat, the _gy or contact Charls H. Lie,ler, Chairman
of the tate ai:hway Deartment 6u Jet, up a meutin -with the City Council
relati to tee trafflc condit:ion at Plymouti_ and utarh 'Loads.
The City Clerl., Cla.-, read a luttsr aated NoveLoel 23, 1955 from
. A. UcCary, City -ngineer, relative to release of bond in Bel-Aire Gardens Sub-
division and letter dab dove. Jer 23, 1, 55 from the Department of Public iorks.
13,; Lo-ncilman nL ueNead, seconded by Councamsn Carey, it was
71/610-55 ALuoL -.L) that, having consierea the report of the Department
of Public ,ors and Cit -nginoer dated hovemoer 23, 12.55, recommending
tnaL all _Lmprovements in Bel-Aire subdivision be accepted by the City of
Livonia; and tree City Clerk has en file the certificate of the land sur-
veyor; tie Council WOS hereby rel,:ase the bond on Bel-Aire Subdivision
dated January (, 1,5)4, in tae amo nu Ci ,3),OJJ.A; and that the New
A-starda. Casualty ComnLny, a New or'c. Cor Drat_Lon, 66o Penobscot building
Detroit, .Ii( 1-s„an, be notified of uch release.
Pa c, 2124
A roll call vote was ta_ on on the foresoing resolution with the iollowIng result:
AYES: Jones, iliai, Kldnert, Thitehead, Carey, Ed7ar and Daugherty.
2./ Y.. : None.
The City Clerk, larie Clar , read a latter dated November it, 1)55 from
the County C1rk and resolution from the Huard of Supervisors as to uniform water
control policy.
By Council—na Carey, seconded by Councilman Jones and unanimously
adoi:ted, it was
#611-55 IL I ilD that, the resolution from the 3oard of Supervisors as
to uniform water control policy be tabled pending a report from the _Tater
The City Clerk, .o.r. e Clar , react a letter from tne City Planning Com-
mission dated November 17, 192; regardng an ordinance for the erection of signs
in the City.
i:%C.aosmnoilman Killam, seconded k; Councilman nhitehead and unanimously
612-55 di0LVCD that, the recommendation of the City Planning Comiston
dated November 17, 1955, as to erection of signs in the City of Livonia is
approved and the City Lttorriey is directed to )repare an ordinance consistent
uith such recommunda(d ,n.
By Councilman Killam, seconded by Councilman iaeinert, it was
h,613-55 diDL ,D that, the report of t'ae finance Committee for the month
of Jctober, 155, is hereby approv d and a summary spread upon the minutes
as follows:
General, Administrative and Legislative:
LegislaL,ive 70o.80
City Treasurer 1,819.35
City Clerk 301.36
Justice Court 158.16
Civil Service Commission 1914.70
Election Corviss on 1:973.70
Civil Defense 39.14
City Plannin,, Commission 356.73
Court Building 56.21
City Hall 762.15
5 6,390.30
Page 2125
Department of Public Eaiety:
Police Le artmunt
Fire De artment 4,30/1.71
inspection Deirartment 3,4C3.45
De artment of Public Jorks:
Public arks Division 9,856.56
EnginEerin,_ Division 30.28
Department of Parks a Aecreation:
Parks Division 316.47
Forestr-; Division 212.70
Recreation Division 1,830.75
CeJleter.; Division 72.05
retirement Program 12,90) .53
Insurance 6,219.01
Acquisition of Land .75
Hydrant Rental 6,925.00
General Ledger Accuunto:
A,vance to .,ei(ra:e Disposal syste:a .2)
Alvance tE Epee. Assess. D_Lst. -/.5
inventory Accounts
Gas Tax Aef,,nd-li.eceivable
Accounts heceivable 469.21
Surplus 643 /48
Tutal 60,272.69
A roll call vote was taken on the foregoin_ resolution with the following result:
ATIIEE: Jones, alIam, Eleinert, ihRehead, Carey, Edgar and Dau0erty.
NAIS- hone.
By Councilman VhJ_behead, ieconded b (,ounc ,lman Carey, it was
A-_,OLJED t at, tae rou. st, oi the Justice Court dated December 2,
1955 for an approTrdation of 15,J. 0 to capital outlay acco nt be approved.
By CouncLlman leEne::t„ seconded b Councilman Jones, it was
/r614-55 REJ,(1_, F,D that, the request of the Justice Cour!, dated December 2,
1955 for an a ro[ nation uf ,15'3.00 be tabled complete costs have been
compiled for all new eqiipment.
A roll call vote was tahen on the fore,;oEn, resolatl:,n with the following result:
tEL: Jones, Anima, Kleiheit, al,ar and Daugherty
NJLu Jhitehead and Carey.
T e President declared the resolution adoTteu,
Pa_e 2126
A recess ids call ed. at F.r E'. ., sir-tea: i _c the 1,1 etin reeiu,ied wito. all
sembers pres nt who naffed as y resent in i;,r )ra.;rna_L roll call of this meeting.
The City (.ler_,, ,_ari.e • Clah .., read the minutes of the leid.th regular and
adjo .reed i, tings.
LU es nci l.,an Joie e , sf conned a co..nc.ilman .eil:l.am and unarii_mo es1-
adopted., it was
1f.e.J he teat, the i::.nates of the 1,4th regular and adj uurned
si etin0s of t le City Council held November 14, and lJo-Jemeer 21, 1155 are
an roved as read.
A recess was cal ed at 10:22 P. -., aft,c which the _fleeting resumed with all
members present who were named as present in the original roll call of this meeting.
By Councilman Kleinert, seconded o - Councilman tehFead, it ',las
id _, .o-9� r '� thaw t e Ci u Council of the City of Liven_ a, by a
thr e-fif t ;,, (3/5) vote if the ' .kers elect anri I)urs ant, to the pro-
visions of ,recti. nn 21 of Act 2e,, of the Public Aces of hien_ gan of 1909,
as amended, does heruu,,.- propose teau there a sae-matted to the electors
of sucu cit, au the primary elecuion to be lnld on i{'ebr.ary 20, 156 t1
feller ne aiiuni.nent to the Cit:. Charter:
Proro se d Charter
Amendment No. 3
Chal_ter t, erection
COI I LNSATI U . The compensation of the I tayor shall be Light
Thu Isand Four fiundrea. dollars („o,Liu0.00) er annum, and that
of the City treasurer Three Thousand iiollars ( 3,000.00) per
annus. o.'.cept as otherwise pro ri ied by Law or this Charter,
the salary and compensation of every other administrative of-
ficer shall be fixed by the Council. ,;uch salaries shall be
pa able monthly, and, except as of 'erwi.se provided in this
Charter, shall constitute the only salary or remuneration
which mai ne paid for services.
All Charter 1 r:7vi ;Ions, acts or parts of acts in conflict here-
with are hereby fe:pealed.
that the existing Charter ,r evisiin which would ce altered or abrogated
by the or0i amenct.ient is c.ici,ion I of Chapter 1; that Honda, , Feb-
ruary 2c, !„6 is herby ciesi,naLcd as the date fer the noldin an election
on sa_ a proL0o_.ed a. endment and question; that a certified copy of said pro-
posed ameod:000nt and this res leucon be forthwith transmitted by the City
Clerk to the Governor of iici-ligan for -Lis a _ royal; that the City Clerk
small rola' tly and fully comply with all the 1.revisions of Section 21 of
said Act 2(2, as amended, and stall di and perfor a all acts required by
Pa e 2127
oVate t l:]i,.1 4i:.L l v! c. Ci b-` relai:l,,R� to the Callzn r
a_ d 1 al: i 1 c i-ich election, the ;ivin_ r. tice t i-ercof, tine registration
o� electors and p n;pai ation oT b 110 L s t :.erefor, and the matin, of all
necess`.irr ar oi„-;e; ents for such election; that bloat- Paper Dell its for
the use of electors au such elSCt1.On b:: rinteu in suostaiitiaaly the
jollo:J n loris:
U iL U 1
Instructions: A cr so `x, in the square = before the word
'rao'l is in i avor of t I ro o ..t a.senUaent to t_ie City Charter, and a
cross (h) in the square i before the tido rd "i 0" is a -ainst the proposed
Before 1 avinL, the booth, fold the ballot so that the initials
of the inspector may be seen on the o .iteide.
Is,e id ent hs. 3
1 a.end yet c .an ,in the sal dry of the :°a,�r of the City of
1,i vo rmd,i.
The urpose e.% t s aselment is to chanr•e the salary of the
itiyor from l il.r9 T iousand Jul.] ars ( !),0' 0.00) per annum to Eight Ti,.usand
r'our ihindre , Dollars ( ,1,00.00) per annum.
S ia' 1 oection o__ Chapter 7 of the Charter of
the ei tv of Livonia o a}tended to char: e the
solar of the v. Dr to ,i" Thousand L''our
11u.aori d Jo lars ` e,LOU.CU) pea annum.
Ll r'_„.
that said ro,.osed C Tart r ., e d.ent s all be ual..sned in rill with
exuutin CharLor i. revisions zr.h ch wo .11 _„ altered or abro,,ated thereb-d,
that said ro ,led mend:tent in Toll s Tail b posted in a conspicuous place
in each po -lin. ,lace, anci tirwt the canvass and determination of the votes
on sate ,Lope ee i amendment gent shall be made in accordance with the laws of the
:tate of ;tie a an;
t au in the event that, charter ai endrierits three and f our are both e. proved
by the electorate, Cnapter 7, bection L , will read as follows:
Chapter 7, Dec Lion 14
COI T'b151,TI,.1i. The con; ensaLion of tlx: eayor shall be Eignt
Tb ,sand r'our -iunired Dollars ( c,400.00) per annum, and that
of the City i rea.o aror 'Trio wand i;. hundred Dollars (;?6,600.00)
par annum. Except as o Lherwise provided by law or tn_i.s Charter,
the s alary end co:1 ensation of ev ry other administrative officer
snail be fixed by the Council. ;Duch salaries shall be payable
outhl;, and, encept es otherwise provided in this Charter,
s nstitute t e only salary or remuneration which may be
paid for services.
Pa:e 212b
All charter rovasiono, acts of _ art:; of acts in conflict
ar. r erob`r
A roll call vote was to en on th,. foro o n,. resolatim with the followinrr result :
AY 0 Jones, �.illa i, i,loi ner L, ,:_,tei-lead, Carey, Ld;,ar and Daugherty.
NAY,: done.
V Councilman !ieinert, seconded op Councilman "'Man, it was
x'617-5; r ,,�.L u,li, that the Cit Co nc it of the City of Lison. a, y a
three-fifths (3/5) vote of the ,amibers elec't and purs want to tie pro-
visions of .auction 21 01 Let 2 0 of the I ubli c Acts of clic , .ban of 1)09
as amended, does hereby propose that there be submit,ed to ti electors
of such city aL, the hrimar„ election to b, held on i�ebruary 20, 1956, the
follow n am.entijent to the City Charter:
Proposed Charter
h..lend.ent Ho. II
C iaDuer V, ,esti n 1�
Cu is -,ii:sAT ION. 1'h. cont ensaLion of L'u . ia;o r shall be 1'ivu
?he )'_and ,collars ( 5, ) ) .00 pea an u. , and t ,at of the Cit:
Treasurer Si:: i'masand. Si„ hundred Dollars (v6,600.00) per
annum. thcept as oLuaelAse rovioeu off- Lr or this Charter,
the salar.y and cum,Hensation Jf ever;, other administrative
officer soall tired by the Council. Such salaries shall
oe pa able monthLL , and, except as otherwise provided in this
Charter , shall con.,Litute toe only salary or remuneration which
I.iii- be ;aid for services.
All Charter previsions, a.ct,s or arts of acts in coil; ct here-
with are hereby repeal ed.
that the e..istin;, Charter i_rovision frhich would be altered or abro,ated
by the forego_ rk, anelid:nent s Jection 14 of Chapter V; that 1'ionday, i ebruary
2e, 1 256 i hereby d,es_i_cnetea n the date for the holdinz, an election on
said proposed a 'lendment and question; that a certi:Lied coy of sal d pro-
posed ai.Endment and this resolution oe f orttrdith transmitted by the City
Clerk to the Governor Dpi c,chi-,Ln for his al proval; that toe city Clerk
shall i_ro;epL.1, and 1 al 1;,- co:m, 1,;- with all the provisions of .,ection 21 of
said Act 2 t, , a, au,, .lded, and shall do n d perform all acts required by
Ctate Law an. L le Charter of the City of Livonia rulativ to the calling
and nole_n„ of such election, the ivin., notice thereof, tl-e re ;istration
of electors and preparation of ballots therefor, and tie makin., o_. all
necessar;, arra.i,piionts for .eucn e, lection; that plank paper ballots for the
use Di' electors au such election oe i_rinted in substantially the following
Instr .cti( ns: A cross (..) in the square LI before the Word
Pa,_e 2129
wi-Lun is in favor of the proposed u_menctment, to tee Cit Charter, aid a
in LLL square n oefolo the word liNoit is a ;ainst ti-E proposed
i3efcre leavin, the bostn, bad -La; ballot so that the initials
of the inspector may be seen on tr outside.
Anendent NO. 4
fin ahenct.Lent chanL,ing the solar, of the City treasurer of the
City of Li ono..
'Thae urpooe of t_ is aaa:n:iment is t cean p the salary of the
Cit Treasurer from. Three Th._ ,h:and Leilars 3,00(.1.00) per annum to Six
Trio Lsand Six hu Jr d Lo.daro b„6"10.00) er annum.
Si a 1 oection 4 of Chapter 'I of the C orterof
the City- of Li,ronia be a:ended to change the
ari 01 the City freasurer to b, six ih-asaid
ui . eunired Dollars ( ,6,500.00) per annum.
I— I Yis
teat said j. reposed Chartel adendment shall be published in full with
erdstinc Charte:. provisions which would b n1 tered or abrogated ther_by;
teat sail aroi os 0. aenuillent ifl i 11 shall o posted in a conspicuous
place in each. poilin„ lace; anti that tii canvass ant determination of
the votes n said „roposed a bncl,.ent snail be made in accordance with the
laws of the State of Plc d,_;an;
that, in th0 evtuit that cl..artei .-.J.;endments three and four ar both approved
by the electorate, Chapter V, oecliun 4, will read as follows:
Chater V, soction4.
COMPZNSATI..P. The cora-, ensat i on of the I.iay or shall be Ei,-ht
Thousand Pour hundred loollars .5,14o0.00) per annum, and
trot of the City Treasurer Six ThJusand ix !undrod Uollaru
( 6,600. o) per annuli. ixce t as otherwise provided by law
or this Charter, the saiar and compensation of ev,..:ry- other
act.inistrative officer rail ho fixed b the Council. Suce
salaries seal! be i„.Lwaole monthly, and, except as otherwise
provided in th.l.s Chart 1 , sdali constitute the only saLar
or rarcaneratim which oe paid for services.
lii c0.art,c1 iovision , acts 01 parts of acts in conflict
aro ner.Dby ropealed.
roll call vote was tal on the fretain.,_, res.'dat-1 n witn foilowin result:
i„ 3: Jones, —lila:1_, .aeihert, iui,enead., Cale c„ Lctgar and Daugirt-y.
NAY None.
Page 2130
On mut )n Jf uo -Lucia..Ian ia 2,inei t„ sec') del; a Council—an Jones end
. anann.),,s1 adopted, t ils adi )urneci 11:.)..)'tli .)A. ,-,:t1,__. r c.etin_, wa JAI:1y adjourned at
10: )-) I---. .L., Decerabiu 5, 1)5.).
a.cie ,;:"Clai' , City Clerk.
Attested: (
---"\ ---- c:
Job.. '' . 'augnert-,y, Pi.e ident o ti Count 'a. -----
itutdolf :, :;leinert, "ice P-.1:,,,,sc..nt, of tIle Council