HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING MINUTES 2015-10-20 � � �
On Tuesday, October 20, 2015, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Ltvonia held its 1,078th Public Hearings and Regular Meeting an the �ivonia City
Hall, 33000 Civic Center Drive, Livonia, Michigan
Mr Lee Morrow, Ghairman, called the meeting to order at 7 OQ p m
Members present: Scott P Bahr Kathleen Mclntyre R �ee Morrow
Carol A. Smiley Gerald Taylor lan Wilshaw
Members absent: None
Mr Mark Taormina, Planning Director, and Ms Margie Watson, Program
Supervisor, were alsa present.
Chairman Marrow informed the audience that if a petition on tonight's agenda
involves a rezoning request, this Commission makes a recommendation to the
City Council who, in turn, will hold its own public hearing and make the final
determination as ta whether a petition is approved or den�ed The Plann�ng
Commission holds the only public hearing c�n a request for preliminary plat and/or
vacafiing petition The Commission's recommendation is farwarded to the City
Council for the final determination as to whether a plat is accepted or re�ected if
a petition req�aesting a waiver of use or site plan approval is denied tonight, the
petitioner has ten days in wh�ch to appeal the decision, in writing, to the C�ty
Counci( Resolutions adopted by the City Planning Commissian become effective
seven (7) days after the date of adoption The Planning Commissian and the
professianal staff have reviewed each of these petitions upon their filing The
staff has furnished the Commission with both appraving and denying resalutions,
which the Commission may, or may not, use depending on the autcome of the
proceedings tonfght.
Ms Smiley, Secretary, announced the first item on the agenda, Petltion 24'15-Q9-
01-08 submitted by Ashley Capital, L L C pursuant to Section
23 01 of the C�ty of �ivonia Zon�ng Ord�nance #543, as
amended, requesting to rezone part af the property at 28101
Schoolcraft Road, located on the south side of Schoolcraft Road
between Inkster and Middlebelt Road in the Northwest 1/4 of
Section 25, fram M-2 �General Manufacturing} to C-4 I (High
Rise Cammercial - maximum � stories)
� C7ctober 24, 2015
Mr Taormina Th�s is a rezoning request that involves property located on the
south side of 5choolcraft Road between Inkster and Middlebelt
Road The slze of the properky that �s requested to be rezoned
is 2 2 acres in area It includes 254 feet of frantage on
Schoolcraft Raad and has an average depth of 384 feet. This
properky is presently vacant and it is zoned M-2 It is part of a
5$ acre parcel, a site that was once a part of the Detroit Race
Course and later the Ladbroke Race Course !t is now Livonia
Corporate Center, which includes this parce( plus a similar sized
parcel to the south On the southeriy property there are two
large industrial warehouse buildings The major tenants include
XPEDX, JMA �ogistics and Techn�color 4verall, the site has
about 1,900 feet of frontage on Schoolcraft Road with a parcel
depth af 1,20fl feet. In terms of the s�rrounding uses,
Mi�lennium Park shopping complex, which is zoned G2,
General Business, is located to the west. This inciudes a
number of both large and small retail businesses, including
Home Depat, Panera Bread, Leo's Coney (sland, and Logan's
Steakhouse, just to name a few Further to the east adjoining
this site is Burton Manor banquefi facility which is zaned M-2,
Genera! Manufacturing Further east and south are additianal
industrial uses that make up part of the City's industrial corridor,
b�t also �ncludes a recently approved Holiday Inn Express Notel
which is under construction at the corner of Inkster and
Schoolcraft Roads To the narth is the I-9� Expressway The
reason for the rezoning �s to redevelop this stte as a five-story,
110 guest room Hampton Inn Hotel A preiiminary site plan has
been submitted It shows the location of the proposed hatel near
the middle of the two acre site, with parking on the west, south
and east sides of the building It is a somewhat rectangular-
shaped hotel that would be oriented in a north-south direction
wi#h the main entrance at the north end closest to Schoolcraft
Raad Access to the site would be available from a new curb-cut
on Schoolcraft, as well as from an existing road that runs along
the west side of the site and would provide access ta the
property from the south As requested by the Planning
Commission at the study session, the petitioner has provided a
rendering of the hotel that is anticipated should this rezaning
move forward With tha�, Mr Chairman, 1 can read aut #he
departmental correspondence
Mr Morrow� Yes, please
Mr Taormina There is one item of correspondence from the Eng�neering
Division, dated September 29, 2015, which reads as fallows "/n
accordance with your request, the Eng�neer�ng Divis�on has
rev�ewed the abave referenced petit�on We have no objections
October 20, 2015
to the proposed rezon�ng at th�s time The legal descr�ptron
included with the petition appears to be correct and should be
used in con�urtctron WltI7 �'�'T%S petlflOC? The pareel address of
#28101 Schoolcraft Road�s correct for the sub�ect property The
su�bmi�ted plans do not Ind�cate calculations or loeat�ons for any
proposed utilities so we cannot comment on any potentia�
�rrrpaets fo the ex�sting systems The existrng parcel is currently
serviced by public util�ties and we wi!l rev►ew the proposed
systems when plans are submitted to th�s departmerrt for
permitfing " The letter �s signed by Qavid W Lear, P E ,
Assistant City Engineer That is the e�ent of the
Mr Morrow� Are there any questions of the Planning D�rectar?
Mr Taylor Yes Through the Chair to Mark Mark, a(I we're talking about
tonight is zon�ng and a site plan will follow along with a sign
pian is that true?
Mr Taormina That is correct.
Mr Taylor� Thank you
Mr Morrow� Any ather quesfiions of the Director? Seeing none, would the
petit�oner please come forward? We will need your name and
address for the record
Kevin Hegg, Vice President, Ashley Capital, L.L.0 , 2575 Haggerty Road, Su�te
500, Cantor�, Michigan 48381
Mr Morrow� Thank you You've heard the presentation Is there anything
you'd like to add to �t?
Mr Hegg No, not really Vlle're working with the potential buyer We thmk
it's a complementary use We think it fits in well with our
deveiopment and the surround�ng developments and daesn't
�mpose any impact to a negative e�ent on any surround�ng
areas, so we think it's a good fit for the general area and a good
fit for our overall developmen#.
Mr Morrow� Thank you I'm gofng to see �f the Commission has a question ar
two for you
Mr Wilshaw� Mr Hegg, what ather experience have you had in marketing this
property as a manufacturing zoning? Have you i�ad any luck ar
bites or interest?
October 24, 2015
Mr Hegg We've had some interest. Primarily, recent h�story was we've
been retaining the property far our own development. Over the
last probably 18 months we've been market�ng the entire 58
acres for potential purchase by either manufacturing developers
or users as well as retail Really, the retail was k�nd ofi a
secondary idea We didn't want to cause too much impact on
our site, and 1 don't think we would move forward as strong(y as
we have with this because this is smaller piece We have some
pads that are already developed there So we wouid prefer not
to impact those So while we have attempted to market them,
the mterest has been somewhat soft, and we continue to market
the rest of the acreage for manufactur�ng users We also
continue ta look at it from our own standpoint for future
development for manufacturing use
Mr Wilshaw� Excellent. I appreciate that, and I agree w�th you I think that this
particular zoning and intended use �s complementary to your
manufacturing zon�ng and alsa to the commercial zoning in the
general area Thank you
Mr Morrow� Thank you, IVir Wilshaw Rnything else? See�ng na other
questions, is there anybody in the audience that wishes to
speak for or against the granting of this petrtion? Seeing no one
coming forward, I will close the public hearing and ask for a
On a motion by Mclntyre, seconded by Bahr, and unan�mously adopted, �t was
#10-74-2015 RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held by the City Planning Commission on October 20, 2415, on
Petition 2015-09-01-08 submitted by Ashley Capital, L L C
pursuant to Section 23 01 af the Ci#y of �ivonia Zoning
Ordinance #543, as amended, requesting to rezane part of the
properky at 281�1 Schoolcraft Raad, located on the south side
of Schoolcraft Road between Inkster and Middlebelt Road in the
Northwest 1/4 af Section 25, from M-2 to C-4 I, the Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Cauncil that
Petition 2015-09-01-08 be approved for the following reasons
1 That C-4 I zoning is compatible to and in harmony with the
surround�ng zoning districts and land uses in the area,
2 That the praposed change of zaning would provide an
opportunity to develop the subject property in a manner
that is consistent with �ts size and location and would serve
the area as well as the City as a whole,
4ctober 24, 2015
3 That C-4 I zoning would allow far the development of the
site as a five-stary hotel, and
4 That C-4 I zoning is consistent with the developing
character of the area
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 23 Q5 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended
Mr Morraw� ls there any discussion?
Mr Bahr� I'll �ust make a quick comment somewhat echoing what Mr
Wilshaw said This is just a cantinuation of the really exciting
development dawn at I-96 and Middlebelt, and even on a larger
scale, the hotel boom that we're seeing in Livonia recently i
think it both speaks to the strength of the City's economic
climate and also �ust to one of our great attributes which is our
central locatlon The developers are in the hotel business I
suspect this is one of the ways that we're not only benefiting
from ��vonia's strength but from the revival we're seeing
dawntown as well in Detroit. I think Livonia is really well
positianed for these proper�ies, and I'm really exc�ted ta see
them coming in
Mr Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted It w�ll go an to City Council with an
approving resolut�on
Ms Smiley, Secretary, annaunced the next item an the agenda, Petition 2015-
09-02-19 submitted by Motor City Peaks, L L C , on behalf of
Twin Peaks Restaurant, request�ng waiver use approval
pursuant to Section 19 06 of the City of Livonia Zoning
4rdinance #543, as amer�ded, to expand the faod service and
Class C liquor operations by constructing an outdoor dinmg
pat�a and remodel the e�erior of the restaurant at 2012a
Haggerty Road, located on fihe east side of Haggerty Road
between Seven Mile and E�ght Mile Roads in the Northwest �I4
of Section 8
Mr Taormina This is a request to construct an outdoor dining patio and
remodel the exterlor of an existing restaurant located on the
east side of Haggerty Road just south of Eight Mile Road Thfs
property is approximately 1 8 acres m area The area is zoned
October 2Q, 2015
C-2, General Business This is an existmg TGI Fr�days
restaurant. The proposed changes are part af a transfer of
ownership and a conversian of the restaurant to a Twm Peaks
TGI Fridays received waiver use approval from #he City back in
February, 2007 The existing restaurant bu�(ding is raugh(y
7,096 square feet in stze and has a seating capacity of 281
That is entirely mtenor seating, currently there is no outdoar
seat�ng TGI Fridays and the adjoining restaurant ta the rtorth,
Panera Bread, operate under a shared parking arrangement.
Together, there are a total of approximately 26$ parking spaces
availabie for bofih sites Twin Peaks proposes to add an outdoor
din�ng patio This patio would be located along the west side of
the restaurant fac�ng Haggerty �n an area that presently conta�ns
a sidewalk and some landscaping In addition to displacing
some existing landscaping and a portion of the waikway, the
patio would also result in the loss of six existing parking spaces
�ncl�ding five barrier free spaces The area that we are
considering this evening, in terms of the most significant
alterations to the s�te and the building, include the construct�on
of the patio area that is identified on the plan as the double
hatched area on the ieft s�de of the building The patio is about
1,630 square feet in area Its dimensions are roughly 53 feet by
25 feet. It does include an outdoor fire pit. (t would be
surrounded by 42" high railing There are tables and chairs with
the capacity to accommodate roughly 98 patrons on the patio
There would be a standing seam metal canapy supparted by
wood posts that would provide the outdoor patio area with
overhead screen�ng Access would be pravided by means of
three garage-style doors that would be incorparated into the
existing restaurant along the west wall, as well as an existing
man door The plans prov�de for new landscaped area that
would be created along the outer edge of the patio, as well as
otatsfde of the fencing Only partial new sidewalk would be
provided There would not be a walkway provided around the
patio to the front entrance This is something that the Planning
Commission may wish ta address this evening Twin Peaks
would have 234 interiar seats This is a reduction of 47 seats
from what currently ex�sts within the interior of the TG! Fridays
restaurant. So when we look at the overall parking, the intenor
seats, the rtumber of outdoor seats, as well as the number of
employees, a total af 180 parking spaces are required for this
restaurant. V11e add that to the req�irement for Panera, which is
77 spaces, and combined, the tatal required parking is 257
spaces Rs previously mentioned, Twin Peaks and Panera
share parking Remcaving the six spaces for the pafiio would
leave a total of 2fi2 spaces fior both s�tes, but that still restaEts in
a surplus of 5 parking spaces So the parking is adequate to
October 20, 20�15
senre both of the res#aurant uses �aoking at the exterior
changes to the building, the rendering provides the besfi
understanding of the changes It involves completely remodel�ng
the restaurant to reflect the Twin Peaks brand identity The new
building materials consist af a combination of E I F S , hardy
plank siding, dry stack cultured stone and a standing seam
metal roof That is the same roof that will be over the patio area
The accent treatments are substantially wood The tower
feature will be over the main entrance that consists of heavy
timber or pouglas Fir trusses that are mounted together us�ng
black steel gussets The awnings would be provided over the
windaws matching the standing seam that would be used for the
canopy There will be gooseneck lighting and Pergola above the
fire pit. The fire pit would have a wall surroundrng �t. 1n terms of
signage, this site is allowed one wall s�gn not to exceed 122
square feet based on the frontage of the building along
Haggerty Road However, TGI Fridays was granted a variance
far twa wall signs, totaling 156 square feet. The elevation plan
prov�des for two similar size wall signs, ane an the south s�de
and the other on the west elevation facing Haggerty Each sign
measures abaut 75 square feet for a tatal of 150 square feet,
which is slightly under the existing sign area and should be
within the original variance limitations Yau wiN recall from
previous plans that were submitted at the study meeting that
they showed a third wall sign on top af the patio canopy thafi
read "eat drink scenic views " However, that sign has been
eliminated completely from this plan They have not provided an
alternate location for that wordmg, whether it was goir�g to be
dawnsized or just eliminated altogether Maybe the petitioner
can add more on that when he provides his presentatian 1n
addition to the latest set of plans, it does show additional
landscaping as requested around the patio m the form of 1�
Spartan Juniper trees which should da a more effective job of
buffering the patio area from Haggerty Road Thase shrubs are
reflected in this rendering, but they are also shown on the
revised submitted landscape plan With that, Mr Chairman, I can
read out the departmental correspondence
Mr Morrow� Please
Mr Taormina There are four items of correspondence The first item is from
the Engineering Division, dated September 29, 2015, which
reads as fiollows "ln accordance with your request, the
Eng�neering Division has reviewed the above referenced
petit�on We have na objections to the proposed project at this
t�me The legal descript�on �ncluded w�th the petition appears to
be correct and should be used �n con�unction with this petit�on
o�ta����o, Zo��
The parcel address of#20120 Haggerty Road �s correct for the
subject praperty The existing building is currently serviced by
public utilities which are not ind�cated for alterat�ons under �he
proposed remadeling Should the owner need to alter the
existing servrce leads to fhe buildrng, p/ans w�11 need to be
submitted to this department to determine if Engineering permits
wil/ be requ�red Also, should fhe oWner do any work w�thin fhe
Haggerty Road right-of-way, they will need to contact the
Wayne �ounty Departmenf of Public Services far permit
requ�rements " The letter is signed by David W Lear, P E ,
Assistant City Engineer The second letter is from the Livonia
Fire & Rescue Div�sion, dated October 12, 2015, wh�ch reads as
fallows "This office has reviewed the site pian submitted in
connectron with a request to canstruct an outdaor dining patro
and remodel the exterior of the restaurant lacated at the above
referenced address. We have no objections fo this praposal WTth
the fallowing stipulations (1) No park�ng signs shall be posted
on fhe nor�hwest carner of�he building in fron�of the FD� - Fire
Department Connect�on, (2) Total occupant load should be
listed as 354 Bar seat�ng shows 26 not the 34 /isted on the 1
cup plans, (3) Knox box w�ll be required, (4) Pat�o space wi!/
requrre an exit gate, (5) F�re lanes shall be marked with wall or
pale mounted signs that have the words F�re Lane— No Parkrng
pamted on both sides, in contrast�ng colors at a s�ze and
spac�ng approved by the authority having�urisdretion �18 2.3 5 ?
NFPA 1, 2009, (6) These arrd other issues will be reviewed
dur�ng fhe Plan review process " The letter is signed by Daniel
Lee, Fire Marshal The third letter is from the Division of Police,
dated Qctober 1, 2015, which reads as follows "l have reviewed
the plans in connection with the pet�t�on I have no objectians to
the prapasal " The letter is signed by Jaseph Bo�tos, Sergeant,
Traffic Bureau The fourth letter is fram the Inspection
Department, dated Qctober 16, 2014, which reads as follows
"Pursuant to your request, the above-referenced pet�f�on has
been rev�ewed (1) The ex�sting dumpster enclosure and gate
need to be repaired The rnter�or af the enclosure needs ta be
cleaned (2) The park�ng lot shall be repa�red, sealed and
rest�rlped as t�ecessary Parking spaces shal/ be �D' wide and
20' deep arrd double str�ped (3) The catch bas�ns m the parkmg
lot need to be repa�red where sef�ling (4} Replace deterrorated
bumper blocks in park�ng lot as necessary (5) The parking lot
lights are constantly on It needs to be determined where the
l�ght poles are fed from so they can be turr�ed on and off at
a,npropriate t�mes (6} Remove the illegal shed constructed
with�n the dumpster enclosure (7) The ma'n lVorth entrance
drive aff of Haggerty Road needs to be repaired and to have the
striping redone (8) The trght po/es along the same entrance
4ctober 2�, 2015
dr�ve are in disreparr and need to be replaced or reparred (9)
The landscapmg needs to be maintained and any missing or
dying trees, shrubs, etc, are �o be replaced to the origlnal
appraved condition Th�s Department has no further ob�ecbons
to this Petrt�vn " The letter is s�gned by Jerome Nanna,
Assistant Director of Inspection That is the extent af the
Mr Morrow- Rre there any questions of#he Pianning Director?
Mr Taylar Through the Chair to Maric Mark, I don't quite understand the
park�ng situation because there's a busy road that goes r�ght
between Panera Bread and #he new restaurant we are talking
about. I don't know haw they could share parking without having
to go across that street. I know there's plenty of parking aut in
front of Target and maybe the petitioner has permission ta park
aut there because I don't think people are going to be going
across that street to get to the restaurant unfor�unately
Mr Taormma This was reviewed at the time when both af these restaurants
came before us You wi!! recall that this is all part of a larger
development known as Chestnut Hills Concurrent with the
development af these restaurants and the parking that was
surrounding each one of the restaurants, Target aiso expanded
its parking alang the north side of the s#ore Rs it turns aut, and
fram a practical point of view really, Panera parks on its site and
has adequate parking TGI Fridays, while it has a similar type af
convenient parking around the building, additional parking is
pravided to the south of the restaurant to make up the overall
difference that is needed to serve both restaurants But for all
practical purposes, it is parking that is available to the TGI
Fridays and probably some over€low park�ng that may occur far
the Target during penods of peak heavy usage dunng the
holidays From a practical standpoint, parking is adequate at
this location
Mr Taylor� It looks like the dumpster enclosure was all brick. I went by
there today and I don't know where the building is Is fhere
something inside the dumpster enclosure?
Mr Taorm�na Other than dumpsters, !'m not sure
Mr Taylor� They said there's a structure inside
Mr Taormina Some type of shed apparently I'm not sure what that is
Octaber 24, 2015
Mr Taylor� I thought there was more shrubbery out on the west side of the
property in front of the parking There's very low growing shrubs
there I just wonder will that be owned by the petit�oner or is it
owned by whoever owns that division there?
Mr Taormina Can you be more specific on the location that you're talking
about because I'm not sure Are you talking about along
Haggerty Road?
Mr Taylor� Along Haggerty Road on #he west side of the parking
Mr Taorm�na That's going to be area that's w�thin the right-of-way but would
have ta be maintained by this property awner
Mr Taylor� I thought there were other large shrubs there, bufi actually
they're low growing shrubs all along there So ar�ything they put
in front of the patio is warranted It should be there Thank you
Ms Mclntyre Through the Chair to Mark Mark, you said something about the
sidewalk around the patio I didn't quite #oliow #hat I'm sorry to
make you go back after we've had so much discussion, but you
had indicated it might be something we wanted to address
Mr Taormina I picked up on this really late today I didn't realize what the
implicat�ans were completely of adding the patio and loaking at
the pedestrian walkways We know it's going to be eliminated
for this patio The patEa projects out from the building There is
currently sidewalk that runs right along the building You can
see how at's interrupted by the patio and rather than wrapping
around the patio, it �ust terminates right at the edge of the patEo
and then picks up again at the south end by the fire pit. There is
no real opportunity far patrons to walk around the patio to the
front entry from the north side of the site without walking on the
travel portron of the aisleway So I th�nk what we might want to
consider is some type of separation, grade separated walkway
that might be able to provide befiter access for pedestrians �hat
are circling all the way around to the south side of the building to
the main entrance
Ms Smiley Number 3 from Daniel Lee, our Fire Marshal, said a Knox box. i
don't know what that is
Mr Taormina It's usually a coded system to gain access usually through a
gate I'm not sure where he wants it installed He just said install
it. So 1 don't know if it's for the Fire Deparkment Connection or
C7ctober 2(7, 2015
Ms Smiley� Okay
Mr Taorm�na That's something that they would address at the trme of their
plan review
Mr Wilshaw� A Knox box is usually by the door at the entrance to a building
The Fire Department has access to get m there, and there's
keys to get into the building that way It's like a lock box that a
realtar wotald use
Ms Smiley� 4kay Thank yau
Mr Morrow- Anything else, Mr Wilshaw?
Mr Wilshaw� No That's the extent of my fire knowledge
Mr Morrow• Mark, would you explain the height and little bit more about the
fence that's surrounding the patio? You mentioned a door
Mr Taormina. Are you talking about the height af what?
Mr Morrow� The waoden fence
Mr Taormma �h, the railing is a bit concealed on this rendering, but you'll
natice the large posts supporting the canapy and beneath that
around the perimeter of the outdoor patio where we typically see
wrought iron metal fencing To maintain the overall theme of thas
type of restaurant, they're going to replace that using wood
Mr Morrow� What is the height of it?
Mr Taormina It's probably 36 to 48 inches, I'm guessing
Mr Morrow� Okay I just wanted to get that on the record Anything else? Is
the petitioner here this evening? We will need your name and
address for the record please
Jeff Brands, Creekwaod Arch�tecture, 5Q4 Marquette Street, Durand, Michigan
Victor Ansara, Mator City Peaks, � L C , 23925 Ind�strial Drive, Farmington Nills,
MI 48335 I'm one of the owners of the restaurant.
Mr Morrow� Thank you You've heard the presentation Is there anything
you'd like to add to it?
C)ctaber 2Q, 2015
Mr Brands Going over the reviews that we've received, we have no
objections to any of thase We're here to try and answer any
questions that you have
Mr Ansara I would �ust iike to mention !n regard to the signage, those
letters that were removed from the plan at the Plannmg
Comm�ss�an's request, are kind of tag line letters Currently,
Fridays has some letters over their front entranceway I think it
says "in here it's always Friday" or samething along those lines
So I �ust wanted to say for the recard that we may come back to
you and ask you for same reduced size for those tag (ine letters
We are a franchise, and those are typically requ�red by our
franchise So we may come back and ask for something on that.
Currently, what we are looking for is the approval as you see it,
but I �ust wanted to state that.
Mr Morrow� Well, you certainly will have every right to come back and
submit another sign plan or an additional sign plan
Mr Ansara Thank you And m regards to a lat of the �tems that were
mentioned, obviously we are not in control of the restaurant right
now It is still being operated by the prev�ous owners Certamly,
any of the maintenance type items that are listed on the letters,
we would take care of that regardless before we open a new
restaurant in that location
Mr Morrow� f appreciate that. Thank you Mark, are some of fihose are
included in the resolution?
Mr Taormina No, but we can include that by reference
Mr Morraw� 4kay If that's it gentlemen, I'm going to see if there are any
Mr Taylor� Mr Ansara, does this come from the southwest more or less,
because the Twin Peaks look like they're mountains with snow
on top (s that where they come from?
Mr Ansara Well, it's a mountain lodge themed sports restaurant and bar
Mr Taylar• Mountain lodge theme
Mr Ansar� Yes Obviously, you don't have any interior pictures or anything
along thase lines, but an the inside of #he restaurant, there's a
!ot of taxidermy and pictures that are kind of suited to that. A lot
of rough wood and all of our tables are thick wood and the walls
4et�f�er 2Ct, 2095
are made of a rough woad material !t's to make it look and feel
like a mountain lodge
Mr Tayfor� (s it like a sports restaurant?
Mr Ansara A sports restaurant and bar so there will be a lot of TVs in the
iraterior To give you a I�ttle b�t more �nformation about the
cancept, we've got a patented beer system that serves beer out
of the tap at 29 degrees We're really the only ones that have
that. We do have one location open in our area already That's
out in Madison Hefghts on Fourteen MHe and I-75 That was a
ground-up building Most of the Twin Peaks around the country,
and there's abaut 7� of them around the country based out of
Texas, but most of the Twin Peaks around the country are
conversions similar to this And there's actuai(y been a couple
Fridays buildings that have been canverted to Twin Peaks in
other lacations — not by us but by other franchisees or by the
Mr Taylor� So �t is a franchise?
Mr Ansara. It is a franchise, yes, sir
Mr Taylar� Okay Thank yau
Ms Mclntyre Do you employ any male servers in your restaurants?
Mr Ansara We employ male support staff in the restaurant, but not servers
Ms Mclntyre No servers
Mr Ansara The servers are all female servers, yes We don't call them
servers though
Ms Mc(ntyre Your target, realiy you're attracting a male clientele
Mr Ansara We're attracting a male clienteie obviously with the sports
theme, although we do have a fairly large female cEientele in our
existing restaurant now too, but yes, certainly with the sports
theme, with the Ns, with the 24 tap handles, 29 degree beer, it
certainfy is a little bit more male oriented and the menu kind of
reflects that as well 1Ne call it male comfort food But it's all
fresh food made from scratch It's very, very high quality As you
may or may nat know, my fam�ly has been �n the restaurant
business in Livonia for I think it's been over 50 years Big Boy
We currently still have the Red Robin that's on Six Mile Road
October 20, 2015
We're exated to bring this concept into Livonia and we think it
will do very well
Ms Smiley Do you intend to have the wild life, that moose or whatever that
is out there?
Mr Ansara That actually is a bronze looking statute of an elk. It is part of
our required decor for the exterior of the building from our
franchisor It's in every Twin Peaks in the country I actually
have a better picture of it if you'd like to see it in our other
Ms Smiley Not really How about the fire pit. Do you serve food at the fire
Mr Ansara We'll serve drinks for sure I'm not really sure whether we will
serve food, but typically we do, and mostly appetizers and
things of that nature
Ms Smiley� Okay Thank you
Mr Bahr� What is it about this location that attracted you for this
Mr Ansara To be honest with you, we were looking at this location as our
first location, and then the deal kind of fell through with the
existing owners and we moved out to the Madison Heights spot.
We just believe this is a great location We really do serve office
workers Hotels, as you mentioned earlier, the hotels are a great
source of business for us Between the hotels and the offices
and of course the retail in the area, I mean it really is the perfect
spot for this type of concept.
Ms Mclntyre I think you heard, Mr Ansara, the concern about the sidewalk
Now that Mr Taormina has brought that up, I too am concerned
about the access to the front door from the back parking lot. Do
you think you'd be able to incorporate at least whatever the
narrowest walkway is that meets our requirement?
Mr Ansara I'm certainly not an architect or a designer I'm not sure how
much space we have there We did want to make sure we had a
large enough landscape band around the patio The one thing I
will mention though, and I heard the concerns, is that there's not
that much parking over on that side of the building I would tell
you that most of the people that are going to park over on that
side of the building are going to walk the shortest distance they
have to the front door l don't think they're going to walk up onto
October 20, 2015
the sidewalk and walk across the front anyway My experience
in the other restaurants we have, it's shortest distance to the
front door is the way people are going As I said, there isn't a
huge amount of parking over there anyway I'm �ust not sure we
have the space to be able to keep the landscape that we have,
which we feel is very important, and we agree with the Planning
Commission on that, and also put up a sidewalk that would be
to code
Ms Mclntyre Could you scroll again, Mark, to show the back? How many
parking spots are back there? Those are all parking, right, that
are indicated? Where will the employees park?
Mr Ansara In all likelihood, we would have the employees parking across
the back of the lot. Most of those spots that you see would be
used by employees in the restaurant.
Ms Mclntyre Thank you
Ms Smiley The Fire Marshall in his letter said the patio space will require
an exit gate Are you aware of that?
Mr Ansara Yes That's not a problem at all We would do that.
Ms Smiley And then around the fire pit, are there just chairs? Is there any
kind of fencing around that?
Mr Ansara There is a stone wall that will encircle the exterior portion of that.
So there will be a fire pit. There's a wood trellis that goes over
the top of it, along the edge actually, not directly over the top of
the pit Along the edges there is a wood structure as you can
see here And then underneath that wood structure that circular
fence that you see would actually be a stone wall That stone
would match the stone treatment that we're going to do on the
front entranceway as well as the lower portion of the building on
the east side
Ms Smiley And then that animal is on the other side of your fire pit?
Mr Ansara Correct. Yes
Ms Smiley Okay Thank you
Mr Wilshaw� Yes, a couple questions Are you going to have any live
entertainment in the restaurant or on the patio?
Mr Ansara No
October 20, 2015
Mr Wilshaw� Okay, no intention of that. Is music going to be played on the
Mr Ansara There is music playing on the patio, yes, through our speaker
system with piped in music
Mr Wilshaw� Okay Would you also possibly be playing the audio of one of
the sports games?
Mr Ansara Correct. So the Michigan/Michigan State game like we had over
the weekend Typically what we do is we play a number of
different games throughout the restaurant, but if there's one kind
of marquee game that is playing, we'll play that through the
Mr Wilshaw� Okay Is the patio area heated?
Mr Ansara Yes We have a radiate heating system that will run on the
underside of that patio which will heat it. We'll also probably do
some temporary pull down enclosure type things to block the
wind so the heaters can actually work.
Mr Wilshaw� So you are realistically looking for that patio to be a three
season operation?
Mr Ansara Yes, it would be a three season operation That's the hope
Mr Wilshaw� Obviously, there's a significant amount of seating out there, so it
would impact your business greatly if you can't use
Mr Ansara Correct. And I would mention, too, as Mr Taormina mentioned,
we did decrease the amount of seating in the interior of the
restaurant to accommodate some additional space that we felt
we needed in the back of the restaurant as well as what we feel
is a little bit better layout of seating on the interior By doing that,
we did lose some seats on the inside
Mr Wilshaw� Okay I do have a question about your signage I have been by
other locations and other states of this operation Typically, the
signs are exposed neon or something quite intensely bright at
night Obviously, we require that these be enclosed signs
They're not visible neon, but is it�ust a standard illuminated sign
or is it very intensely lit?
Mr Ansara I don't think it's any more bright than any other sign you may
see around It's not any more bright than our Red Robin sign on
October 20, 2015
Six Mile Road or any of the other signs you may see from the
other businesses around
Mr Wilshaw� Okay So when I see this sign at night, I expect it to basically
look like every other restaurant sign
Mr Ansara Yes
Mr Wilshaw� All right. Then also �ust out of curiosity, assuming that the
approvals go through, what would be your timeline for
occupying this building, the reconstruction and then also the
Mr Ansara What we're hoping for, and a lot of this has to do with Mr Brand
here and getting the plans completed, but we're in the process
of going through the approvals that we need to go through with
certainly the Planning Commission, the Council, liquor license,
and so on and so forth All of those are underway We hope to
be in front of the Council as soon as possible after this By that
point in time, we hope the plans will be completed which can be
submitted to the Building Department for permitting and so forth
We're hoping to be able to begin construction in December
Mr Wilshaw� Okay And are you going to close Fridays completely during
reconstruction and then reopen?
Mr Ansara Right As I said, we're not involved with the Fridays at all So
basically what our agreement says is once we complete all of
our approvals, we then close on our deal with Fridays They'll
close the restaurant down, and then we'll begin our construction
immediately after that, hopefully immediately after that. We're
hoping to be open by early spring
Mr Wilshaw� Okay Thank you I appreciate that.
Mr Taylor� I had heard that you got some parking from the Target store
Did you lease any parking from them at all?
Mr Ansara Actually, Mr Taylor, it's already there There is an easement
agreement currently in place for this entire development which
allows for shared parking
Mr Taylor� Oh, Okay That's good because the parking worried me a little
bit, especially on the south side of the building
October 20, 2015
Mr Ansara Quite honestly, to get back to one of the questions we had
before, was one of the reasons we liked this site so much is that
there �s an abundance of parking
Mr Taylor� Mr Chairman, as Mr Ansara said, they've been in Livonia for a
long time with Red Robin and the Big Boy It's no longer Big Boy
but the Red Robins, all of them And they've always been a very
good restauranteur I think we'll be very safe with them coming
in with this new concept of a restaurant.
Mr Morrow� Anyone else? Is there anybody in the audience that wishes to
speak for or against the granting of this petition? Seeing no one
coming forward, I will close the public hearing and ask for a
On a motion by Wilshaw, seconded by Taylor, and adopted, it was
#10-75-2015 RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held by the City Planning Commission on October 20, 2015, on
Petition 2015-09-02-19 submitted by Motor City Peaks, L L C ,
on behalf of Twin Peaks Restaurant, requesting waiver use
approval pursuant to Section 19 06 of the City of Livonia Zoning
Ordinance #543, as amended, to expand the food service and
Class C liquor operations by constructing an outdoor dining
patio and remodel the exterior of the restaurant at 20120
Haggerty Road, located on the east side of Haggerty Road
between Seven Mile and Eight Mile Roads in the Northwest 1/4
of Section 8, which property is zoned C-2, the Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 2015-09-02-19 be approved subject to the following
1 That the site plan marked Sheet No S1 dated September
22, 2015, prepared by Creekwood Architecture, Inc , is
hereby approved and shall be adhered to,
2 That the maximum customer seating count for the
restaurant shall not exceed a total of 332 seats, including
234 interior seats and 98 outdoor patio seats,
3 That the landscape plan marked Sheet No L1 dated
October 15, 2015, as revised, prepared by Creekwood
Architecture, Inc , is hereby approved and shall be adhered
4 That the type, sizes and quantity of the plant materials to
be planted along the outside edge of the patio shall be
October 20, 2015
installed to the satisfaction of the Planning and Inspection
Departments and thereafter permanently maintained in a
healthy condition,
5 That appropriate recordable legal instrumentation, such as
a cross parking agreement, that gives notice and outlines
the terms of how the properties of the Chestnut Hills
development would share parking and access, be supplied
to the City;
6 That the exterior elevation plans marked Sheet No A2 and
A3 both dated August 24, 2015, prepared by Creekwood
Architecture, Inc , are hereby approved and shall be
adhered to, including the colored rendering dated October
15, 2015, as prepared by United Renderworks,
7 That live entertainment on the patio shall be prohibited,
8 That no part of the building shall exceed thirty-five feet
(35') in height;
9 That unless approved by the proper local authority, any
type of exterior advertising, such as promotional flags,
streamers or sponsor vehicles designed to attract the
attention of passing motorists, shall be prohibited,
10 That this approval does not include the sign above the
canopy, only previously approved signage is approved with
this petition, and any additional signage shall be separately
submitted for review and approval by the Zoning Board of
11 That no LED lightband or exposed neon shall be permitted
on the site including, but not limited to, the building or
around the windows,
12 That the issues as outlined in the correspondence dated
October 12, 2015, from the Livonia Fire and Rescue
Division shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the
Inspection Department;
13 That the issues as outlined in the correspondence dated
October 16, 2015, from the Inspection Department shall be
resolved to the satisfaction of the Inspection Department,
October 20, 2015
14 That the specific plans referenced in this approving
resolution shail be submitted to the Inspection Department
at the time the building permits are applied for, and
15 Pursuant to Section 19 10 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Livonia, this approval is valid for a
period of ONE YEAR ONLY from the date of approval by
City Council, and unless a building permit is obtained, this
approval shall be null and void at the expiration of said
Sub�ect to the preceding conditions, this petition is approved for
the following reasons
1 That the proposed use complies with all of the general
waiver use standards and requirements as set forth in
Section 19 06 of the Zoning Ordinance #543, and
2 That the proposed use is compatible to and in harmony
with the surrounding uses in the area
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 05 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended
Mr Morrow� Is there any discussion?
Mr Wilshaw� I'm going to add a couple other conditions One would be that
the items referenced in the Fire Department's letter to the
Planning Commission be conformed to as well, and also all the
items in the Inspection Department's report, please
Mr Taormina On Item #9 relative signage, I notice we had worded it such that
it was only conforming signage I don't know if you want to
modify that to read "any previously approved signage" and any
additional signage would have to go back to the Zoning Board of
Appeals Also, I'd like to clarify with reference to Item #6, on the
exterior elevation plans that it would exclude the additional signs
as mentioned going above canopy Lastly, if the maker of the
motion intended with his questions earlier to prohibit
entertainment on the patio
Mr Wilshaw� I am fine with all those additions and changes
Mr Morrow� Mr Taylor?
Mr Taylor� No problem
October 20, 2015
Mr Morrow� Any further discussion?
Ms Mclntyre I'm always happy to see businesses come to Livonia and good
businesses I understand that this is a desirable site and that
your market studies indicate that this is going to be a very
successful concept and restaurant here I would hope that you
would look for opportunities in the city to bring in some
additional high caliber businesses, restaurants like this with so
many attractive elements of good food and a nice outdoor patio,
that are more suitable and attractive to families and couples I'm
happy to see you expanding your business in Livonia and hope
that you will continue to be engaged in the community because
a lot of great things go on here So thank you
Mr Ansara We agree
Mr Morrow� Any other questions or comments? Seeing none, could we have
the roll call please?
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following
AYES Wilshaw, Taylor, Mclntyre, Smiley, Morrow
Mr Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution
Mr Taylor� Mr Chairman, they seem like they might be pretty anxious to
get going by December I wonder if we could give them a seven
day waiver to get this to Council quicker?
Mr Morrow� If you make the motion, we'll see how the Commission feels
about it.
On a motion by Taylor, seconded by Wilshaw, and adopted, it was
#10-76-2015 RESOLVED, that the City Planning Commission does hereby
determine to waive the provisions of Section 10 of Article VI of the
Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, regarding the effective
date of a resolution after the seven-day period from the date of
adoption by the Planning Commission, in connection with Petition
2015-09-02-19 submitted by Motor City Peaks, L L C , on behalf
of Twin Peaks Restaurant, requesting waiver use approval
pursuant to Section 19 06 of the City of Livonia Zoning
October 20, 2015
Ordinance #543, as amended, to expand the food service and
Class C liquor operations by constructing an outdoor dining
patio and remodel the exterior of the restaurant at 20120
Haggerty Road, located on the east side of Haggerty Road
between Seven Mile and Eight Mile Roads in the Northwest 1/4
of Section 8
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following
AYES Taylor, Wilshaw, Mclntyre, Smiley, Morrow
Mr Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution We have waived the seven days so it's
official as of tonight. You'll have to work out the schedule with
the Council office and let them know you've gotten the waiver
Mr Ansara Thank you very much
Mr Morrow� Thank you very much for coming tonight. Welcome to your new
site if it goes through
Ms Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2015-
09-SN-06 submitted by Cozy Corner Cafe requesting approval
of an additional wall sign for the restaurant at 36083 Plymouth
Road, located within the L.A. Plaza shopping center on the
south side of Plymouth Road between Yale Avenue and Levan
Road in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 32
Mr Taormina This is a request for a new sign for a new business at the L.A.
Plaza shopping center on Plymouth Road The business is
called Cozy Corner Cafe, which will be occupying the northeast
unit within the plaza in a space that is �ust under 2,500 square
feet. This is before you because of history of sign requests
involving this property and this particular unit. There was a 1986
master tenant wall sign plan that was later modified in 1992 As
part of that modification, the City limited the signage on this
particular unit to one sign only I'm not quite sure why because
as you can see from the pictures, you'll hopefully understand
the need for a second wall sign on this site This is a request for
October 20, 2015
a 40 square feet sign on the west side of the unit. What they
have currently is a 24 square foot sign facing Plymouth Road
You can see how the building wraps around and faces the
parking interior to the site From that side, you really don't know
what the business is It's my belief that identification of the unit
interior to the site is necessary, and that's why they're proposing
this 40 square foot sign Thank you
Mr Morrow� Did we get any correspondence on that?
Mr Taormina There is one item of correspondence from the Inspection
Department, dated October 16, 2015, which reads as follows
"Pursuant to your request, the above-referenced petition has
been reviewed The following is noted A variance from the
Zon�ng Board of Appeals would be required for the additional
wall sign Th�s Department has no further objections to th�s
Pet�t�on " The letter is signed by Jerome Hanna, Assistant
Director of Inspection That is the e�ent of the correspondence
Mr Morrow� Okay Thank you Are there any questions of the Planning
Director? No questions Is the petitioner here this evening? We
will need your name and address for the record please You can
add to what the Planning Director said and we may have a few
questions for you
Harold Greenberg, Cozy Corner Cafe, 38134 Ross, Livonia, Michigan 48154
Going east on Plymouth Road, you cannot see what the
business is Coming from the other way, you can see Nothing
has ever survived in this building We want to make this survive
We want to make this work in Livonia We want to make this
grow, this mall It all goes back to the City
Mr Morrow� You make a good case Any questions of the petitioner?
Ms Smiley No real question, but I would totally agree with you You do
need some signage I did a drive by I'm all for it.
Ms Mclntyre So you're bringing a new restaurant?
Mr Greenberg Yes
Ms Mclntyre What kind of food? What kind of inenu? What will the hours be?
Mr Greenberg Six to three, breakfast and lunch
Ms Mclntyre Great.
October 20, 2015
Mr Greenberg Cafe No coney island Good food
Ms Mclntyre Good We need some more good breakfast places in Livonia
Mr Greenberg From 4 00 p m on, I have a restaurant if anyone wants to have
a party, catering
Ms Mclntyre Okay Very nice Thank you
Ms Smiley� Have you had some experience in the restaurant business?
Mr Greenberg I have in fast food many years For the last 20 years, I've had a
business in Livonia, B&H Medical Home medical equipment. I
closed that because of Medicare
Ms Smiley� Then you're not related to the Cozy Cafe that was in Plymouth,
Mr Greenberg No That's now called Cozy Sushi
Ms Smiley� I know the good restaurant went out. I don't eat sushi, but yes, I
agree with you, totally
Mr Greenberg No relation
Mr Morrow� Anyone else? Sir, what is your anticipated opening date?
Mr Greenberg Right now, we're dealing with the Health Department. The first
or second week in November
Mr Morrow� Is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak for or
against the granting of this petition? Seeing no one coming
forward, I will ask for a motion
Mr Bahr� First, I'd like to say I think you have a much more marketable
name than the restaurant in Plymouth
On a motion by Bahr, seconded by Taylor, and unanimously adopted, it was
#10-77-2015 RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 2015-09-SN-06
submitted by Cozy Corner Cafe requesting approval of an
additional wall sign for the restaurant at 36083 Plymouth Road,
located within the L.A. Plaza shopping center on the south side
of Plymouth Road between Yale Avenue and Levan Road in the
Northeast 1/4 of Section 32, which property �s zoned C-2, be
approved subject to the following conditions
October 20, 2015
1 That the additional wall sign shail be instailed in
accordance with the Sign Plan submitted by Harold
Greenberg, as received by the Planning Commission on
September 23, 2015,
2 That this approval is subject to the petitioner being granted
a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals for excess
signage and any conditions related thereto,
3 That both signs on the building shall not be illuminated
beyond one (1) hour after this business closes,
4 That no LED lightband or exposed neon shall be permitted
on this site including, but not limited to, the building or
around the windows, and
5 That the specific plans referenced in this approving
resolution shall be submitted to the Inspection Department
at the time the sign permits are applied for
Mr Morrow� Is there any discussion?
Mr Taormina Just a quick note The petitioner indicated his desire to open in
November Because he still needs to go before the Zoning
Board of Appeals, I would �ust encourage him to work with the
Inspection Department to get some kind of a grand opening or
identification banner that would be allowed temporarily while he
completes the permitting process and has the sign fabricated
Mr Morrow� Did you want that in the resolution?
Mr Taormina No, I �ust wanted to pass that on to the petitioner, and have it as
part of the record that I think this would warrant some type of
temporary signage to get him by The initial opening period of a
restaurant is such a critical time
Mr Morrow� I concur We want it to be successful and remain open for a long
time You've heard the Planning Director So if you have any
questions, you can work with him as far as direction and what to
Mr Greenberg Thank you
Mr Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution
October 20, 2015
Ms Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2014-
09-08-11 submitted by Autumnwood of Livonia, which
previously received approval by the City Council on November
17, 2014 (CR #345-14), requesting a one-year extension of the
plans approved in connection with a proposal to construct
additions to the nursing home at 14900 Middlebelt Road,
located on the east side of Middlebelt Road between Lyndon
Avenue and Five Mile Road in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 24
Mr Taormina I have nothing to add to this other than it is a request to extend
the site plan approval previously granted to Autumnwood of
Livonia This was for some minor exterior alterations to the
property I have a plan here �ust to refresh your memory, and if
you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them Thank
Mr Morrow� Are there any questions of the Planning Director? Is the
petitioner here this evening? We will need your name and
address for the record please
AI Paas, Architect, AWP, 2392 Grant Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108
Mr Morrow� Do you have anything to add?
Mr Paas We've been working on the pro�ect for a year since we received
site plan approval As you may be aware, nursing homes are
highly regulated by the State so there's a number of steps that
we've had to go through with the State, including a Certificate of
Need, the Fire Department, the Fire Marshal's office, and the
Health Engineering Bureau up in Lansing We had previously
received the Certificate of Need and the Fire Department
approval, and this afternoon we got the notice from Health
Engineering that they have approved the plans and will be
issuing a permit shortly So, we're underway but it's been a long
process and we're in the bidding process at the same time So
we hope to start construction soon
Mr Morrow� I appreciate the input. Any questions? Is there anybody in the
audience that wishes to speak for or against the granting of this
petition? Seeing no one coming forward, I will ask for a motion
On a motion by Mclntyre, seconded by Smiley, and unanimously adopted, it was
#10-78-2015 RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 2014-09-08-11
4ctober 20, 20�5
submitted by Autumnwood of Livonia, which previously received
approval by the City Counc�l on November '17, 2014 (Council
Resolution #345-14), requesting a one-year e�ension of the
plans approved in connection with a proposal to construct
additions to the nursing home at 14900 Middlebelt Road,
located on the east side of Middlebelt Road between Lyndon
Rven�e and F�ve Mile Raad in the Narthwest 1/4 of Section 24,
be approved sub�ect to the foliawing conditions
1 That the request for a one-year e�ension of Site Plan
Approval by Autumnwood of Ltvon�a, �n a letter dated
September 15, 2015, is hereby approved, and
2 That all condit�ons imposed by Gouncil Resolut�on #345-14
m connection with Petition 2014-09-08-11, which permitted
the construct�on of additions to the nursing home, shall
remain in effect to the extent that they are not in conflict
with the foregoing condition
Mr Morrow, Chairmar�, declared the motian is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution
ITEM #5 APPROVAL tJF MINUTES 1,077T"Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting
Ms Smiley, Secretary, annaunced the ne�ct item on the agenda, Approval of the
Minutes of the 1,077t� Public Hearmgs and Regular Meeting
held on October 6, 2015
On a motion by Taylor, seconded by Mclntyre, and adopted, it was
#10-79-2015 RESO�VED, that the Minutes of 1,077th Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting held by the Planning Commissian on October
6, 2Q15, are hereby approved
A roll call vote on the foregoing resalution resulted in the follawing
AYES Bahr, Mclntyre, Tayior, Morrow
ABSTAIN Smiley, Wilshaw
Mr Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the forego�ng
resolution adopted
October 20, 2015
On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the 1,078th Public
Hearings and Regular Meeting held on October 20, 2015, was adjourned at 8 05
Carol A. Smiley, cretary
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