HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING MINUTES 2001-07-1018634
On Tuesday, July 10, 2001, the City Phmving Commission of the City of Livonia held its 8271e
Regular Meeting in the Livonia City Hall, 33000 Civic Center Drive, Livonia, Michigan
Mr. James C. McCarm, Chairman, called the meeting to order A 7:30 p.m.
Members present: James C. McCann Robert Alanskas H G. Shave
Dan Piemecchi Elaine Koms W111iam Lapme
Members absent: Now
Messrs. Mark Taomtina, Planning Director, At Nowak, Plainer IV, Scott Miller, Planner III and
Bill Poppenger, Planner I were also present There were approximately 35 to 40 people in
Ch maran McCarm informed the audience that if a petition on toughYs agenda involves a
rezoning request this Commission makes arecorumendation to the City Council who, in Nm,
will hold its own public hearing, and will make the final determination as to whether a petition
is approved or denied. The Planning Commission holds the only public hearing on a request for
preliminary plat and/or vacating petition. The ComanissimYs recommendation is forwarded to
the City Comord for the final determination as to whether a plat is accepted or rejected If a
petition requesting a waiver of use or site plan is denied taught the petitioner has ten days in
which to appeal the decision, in writing, to the City Council. Resolution adopted by the City
Planning Commission become effective seven (7) days atter the date of adoption. the Planning
Commission mission and the professional staff have reviewed each of these petitions upon their filing
The staff has furnished the Commission with both approving and denying resolutions, which the
Commission may, or may not use depending on the outcome of the proceedings taught We
will begin with the MisceOoncous Site Plans for or agenda
ITEM#1 PETITION 2001-06-08-19 Angelo D'Orazio
Mr. Piemecchi, Secretary, announced the for item on the agenda is Petition 2001-06-08-19 by
Angelo D'Omzzio requesting approval of all plans required by Section 18.58 of
the Zoning Ordinance in connection with a proposal to coustnud an addition to
the office building located at 15530 Faroungfon Road in the S.W. 1/4 of Section
Mr. Miller: This site is located on the east side of Farmington between Five Mile and
Rayburn. The petitioner is requesting approval to construct an addition to the
existing office building located on the subject site. This building was most
recently utilized as a real estate office. As it stands now, the existing building is
1,645 sq. ft in size. The petitioner is proposing to construct a "L" shaped
addition that would wrap around the north and east elevations. The proposed
addition would be 2,013 sq. It. in area The completed structure would measure
62 It. by 59 It. and have an enlarged footprint of 3,658 sq. It. To accommodate
the addition, the lay" of the existing parking lot would be redesigned
Required parking is 15 spaces. Parking provided is 17 spaces. A new
enclosed trash dumpster area would be located at the northeast corner of the
proposed parking lot The petitioner has explained that this location was chosen
because A would be adjacent to the existing enclosure of Poe office building to
the north A note on the plan indicates that the three walls of the enclosure
would be constructed out of block identical to that proposed for the building.
The Landscape Plan shows that the parking lot would be screened from
Farmington Road by a lY3o 2 It. high landscape hemi. Thus greenbelt strip
would be 8 It. wide and planted with a combination of trees and shrubs. With
the exception of sone trees and shrubs planted up near the building, the
majority of the proposed landscaping firs this office budding world consist of
lawn area. Required landscaping is not less than 15% of the total site. Proposed
landscaping is 20% of the site. The existing budding is constructed out of
painted brick on three elevations, with the east in rear elevation made up of
painted block The submitted Building Elevation Plans show that the new
addition world be constructed out of both brick and block the west elevation
(facing Farmington) would be constructed out of brick Anote on the plan
explains that the painted brick on this elevation would be removed and replaced
with new4-inch face brick The north elevation would also be constructed out
ofbrick The east elevation of the addition, which would become the new rem
elevation of the structure, world be constructed entirely out of painted block.
The only renovation to the south elevation would be having its brick repainted
tri atchthecolorofthenewbrick. Anewstandingseammetalmirwardroof
would replace the existing roof
Mr. McCain: Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Taomuna: Theneawflre itprasofcorespordemce. The first itera is from the FEoinrena
Division, dated June 27, 2001, which reads as kr isax "Pursuant to your
request, the Engineering Division has reviewed the above referenced petition.
We are concerned with the storm water discharge which a not shown on the
plans that will be created by the proposed project. Since the proposed budding
is located in an area where the Citypurchased storm sewer capacity in 1967,
Wayne County will make the final determination ofoutfall sue andor detention
We trust that this will provide you with the information requested." The lett is
signed by David Dear, RE, Civil Engineer. The second letRr is town the
Livonia Fire & Rescue, dated hoe 29, 2001, which reads as follows: "This
office has reviewed the site plan submitted in cormection with a request to
construct an addition to the office budding on property located at the above
referenced address. We have no objections to tha proposal with the following
stipulation: Access around the buildings shaft be provided for emergency
vehicles with turning radius up to forth jive feet wall b wall and a maximum
vertical clearance of 13-12feet." The letter is signed by James E. Cowan.
Fire Marshal. The third letter is from the Inspection Deparhrert, dated July 3,
2001, which reads as follows: 'Pursuant to your request ofJune 20, 2001, the
above referencedpention has been reviewed The following is noted (1) The
parking area has been reviewed as though allnew pavement will be installed
Double striping will be required and the accessible space site most be 16 feet
wide (8 foot wide space with an S foot wide aisle). (2) All landscaping (sod)
areas should be irrigated and all Lawn should be sod not seed (3)
Clarification should be made to the Commission's satisfaction as to exactly
what material the dumpster enclosure walls will be constructed porn (4)
Other accessibility issues within the building will be handled by this
Department at plan review. (5) The existing older protective wall's (south
12) cap needs repair. This Department has no further objections to this
petition." The letter is signed by Alex Bishop, Assistant Director of Inspection.
That is the extent of the conespandence.
Mr. McCain: Is the petitioner hem this evemW.
Angelo D'Oraao, 33213 Vargo Road, Livonia
Mr.McCaan DoyonwarRkrt Ul ahtflebitabo IIyourproposal?
Mr. DOraao: I bought this budding and paid a lot of money for it and I figured I could put an
addition on it and remodel the whole building because it doesnY look very good.
I looked down the road and thought I would match all the new brick
Mr. McCain: Are you going to be using this office yourself!
Mr. D'Ornao: I Blink I am going to be using itfor myself.
Mr. McCain: Are there arty questions from the Commissioners?
Mr. LaPine: One of our concerns was about the existing driveway. We wanted it shifted and
moved. Would you agree to that?
Mr. D'Ornao: I was trying to save some money by moving the driveway to the center and that
I could pick up a couple more parking spaces. I will move the driveway to the
Mr. Lalime: Tbankyou.
Mr. Shane: We were reviewing the landscape plan with the staff earlier, it was noted that in
the easement between the road and the sidewalk, you proposed to use flowering
crabs and I think it would be better if you would amend that and go to a street
tree such as a maple or plum That type of tree, because of the sight distance
you would be dealing with, would be better to have a street tree in that location
Mr. D'Ornao: I have to revise the landscape plan because of the driveway so there would be
more landscaping around the budding.
Mr. Sbane: I assume you will be using street trees in another location so you may wantto
take that into consideration
Mr. D'Orazio: O%. Thank you
Mr. McCain: Since this is a site plan, members of the audience may speak in support or
opposition to these items. Is there anybody in the audience that would like to
speak for or against this petition? Seeing no one, a motion is in order.
On a motion by Mr. LaPme, seconded by Mr. Alanskas and unanimously approved it was
#7-101-2001 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to
the GTy Council that petition 2001-06-08-19 by Angelo DOrnzio requesting
approNal of all plans required by Section 18.58 of the Zoning Ordinance in
correction wiPo a proposal to construct an addition to the office budding
located at 15530 Farmington Road in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 15 be approved
subject to the following conditions:
1. That the Site Plan marked Sheet 1 dated June 5, 2001 prepared by Micbwl L.
Priest & Associates, is hereby approved and shall be adhered to, emelt fir
the fact that the existing driveway shall be removed and a new driveway shall
be installed so that it lines up wilh the aisleway of the new parking lot;
2. That the Landscape Plan marked Sheet 2 dated June 5, 2001 prepared by
Michael L. Priest & Associates, is hereby approved and shall be adhered to,
except for the fact that in place of Poe existing driveway, that is to be
removed, additional landscaping sba0 be msblled;
3. That all disturbed lawn areas shall be sodded in hen ofbydroseedivg
4. That underground spruAders are to be provided for all landscaped and sodded
areas and all planted materials shah be installed to Poe satisfaction of the
Inspection Departrnent and 8rereaf a permanently maintained in a healthy
5. That the existing large tree located on the north property line shall be
retained and incorporated into Poe landscaping of the site;
6. That the Exterior Building Elevation Plan marked Sheet A-2 dated 6/14/01,
as revised, prepared by GAV Architectural Design, is hereby approved and
shall be adhered to;
7. That the Exterior Building Elevation Plan marked Sheet A-3 dated 6/18/01,
as revised, prepared by GAV Architectural Design, is hereby approved and
shall be adhered to;
8. That the brick used in the construction shall be frill face 4 -inch brick, no
9. That the three walls of the hash dumpster area shall be constructed out of the
same brick used in the construction of the building or in the event a poured
wall is substiNRd, the wall's design, texture and color shall match that of the
budding and the enclosure gates shall be mammmed and when not in use,
closed at all times;
10. That no signs, either freestanding or wall mounted, are approved with this
11. That the specific plans referenced in this approving resolution shall be
submitted to the Inspection Department at the time the building permit are
applied for.
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted.
It will go on to City Council with an approving resolution. This concludes the
Miscellaneous Site Plan portion of our agenda We will now proceed with the
Pending Item section of ore agenda These items have been discussed at leriA
in prior meetings therefore, there will only be limited discussion tonight.
Audience participation will require mountains consent from the Cormrussion.
ITEM #2 PETITION 2001-03-02-05 Haggerty Road Investments
Mr. Piencecchi, Secretary, announced the ne#item an the agenda is Petition 2001-03-02-05 by
Haggerty Road Investments requesting waiver use approval to remodel and
expand an existing budding in cormection with a proposal to operate a full
service restaxicat on property located on the east side of Haggerty Road
between Seven Mile Road and Eight Mile Road in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 6.
On a motion by Mr. Piercecchi, seconded by Mrs. Koons and unanimously approved it was
#7-102-01 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend that
Petition 2001-03-02-05 by Haggerty Road Imestimots requesting waiver use
approval to remodel and expand an existing budding in connection with a
proposal to operate a full service restaurant on property located on the east side
of Haggerty Road between Seven Mile Road and Eight Mile Road in the S.W.
1/4 of Section 6 be removed from the table.
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
Mr. McCann: Sir, can you 0 us anydiing new since ore last meeting?
Arthur Carmichael, Haggerty Road Investments, 7830 Bamsbury, W. Bloomfield, MI 48321.
When I was here the last time, we thought we had a prospective purchaser
but we haven't had a signed offer. That has changed We have a new
owner, that is going to sand confusing in a mum a, and a signed offer to
purchase with some contingencies and PO introduce them to you in a
mimufa The new purchaser likes the dry"t That was the first set of
elevations that I showed you. That is what they would prefer going with.
The third fact that has come up is the fact that we have an emu in ore
calculations in parking. We are going to have to go to ZBA for approval.
We thought it was drawn with a 21 foot drive path. We thought we had a
foot extra It tons am it is a 22 foot drive path, which means we are a foot
shy, that means that the m elve parking stalls that in a mw in the ®delle
would, with ZBA appmNul, be reduced w 9"10". Each one would lose two
inches of the drive paths. IfZBA approved it, it would go to 21'6' as
opposed to 22 feet I dont know which they would approve or disapprove
so we would have to go to ZBA or lose two parking stalls. So that is new.
What is really confusing, the Bone Yard Restaurants, the three that you
know of are owned by a family. The fellow I was with here before, is a
member of that family. He is not going to be the purchaser. It is going to be
a different family member who would also use the Bone Yard name but he
operates slightly differently. It is like the third generation now is starting to
purchase and develop restaurants. What you see in the Bone Yard
Restaurants now is the second generation of ownerships and co- ownerships.
If you want to meet him and talk to him about how he operates as opposed
to how the other fellow operates, I would be happy to introduce you
Gordon Djor4evski, 28078 Hickory Drive, Famrington Hills, Michigan
Mr. McCain:
Want to hll us about your proposed operation for this location?
Mr. Djor4evski:
It is pretty much, operation wise, in the way the restaurants are run but it will
be slightly different It wdl be the same merry the same setup, look and feel
wise but it will be a little bit different I am going to give more of a new
look than what we traditionally have because we are more or less family
dining and I want to move into a casual dining type atmosphere. But the way
A is run, family operated, it is pretty much going to be the same.
Mr. McCann:
There were some questions presented at the last meeting regarding the
limited seating and parking capacity. Do you still do a lot of carry-aII
Mr. Djor4evski:
Mr. McCann:
Then what is you normal seating capacity A you restaurants?
Mr. Djor4evski:
ILe one I amusually at is abort 120 seats. It works wellfor us because our
turnover is really quick We get people in and ort in about 15 to 20 mantes,
30 minutes tops. So the parking shouldnR be too much of a problem
Mr. McCann:
Wold you be handicapped with 88 seats?
Mr. Djordjevski:
No. Actually it would probably wok out better because my wife and
would be running it I would handle the back and she would handle the front
Itis more or less a one person operation so the smaller it is the boa it will
be to operate, I feel.
Mr. McCann:
Are Poere any questions from the Commissiwers?
Mr. LaPive:
Sr, are you purchasing the property?
Mr. Djonbevski:
Mr. LaPine:
Then you are going to do the renovations?
Mr. Djor4evski:
Mr. LaPine:
Have you had any conversations with owners of the parking lot or the theater
where they have all the puking where you could maybe lease some parking
from ban?
Mr. Djor4evski:
No I havent.
Mr. Sbane:
To the petitioner, has therebeen arty change with regard to trymgto obtain
an alternative ingress/egress point from the site to an adjacent property?
Mr. Ca n ichael:
I think whatym are asking is the AMC theater parking behind us whether
we have any negotiations with them at all, nue whatsoever. They turned us
down in the past They wont even tally to us. We tried.
Mr. LaPine:
Mr. Carmichael, I had some conversations with Mr. Jorma today. It is my
understanding now ihatthe whole parcel is a condominium Each individual
owner of the restaurants owns their own parcel and come together with a
condominium Even if you did have a conversation with Mr. Jona, he said
that you would have to get approval from all the members of the condo for
them to approve you using then exit or using then parking. That is what he
informed me today.
Mr. Camrichael:
The information I had is essentially what you are telling me brt I was under
the impression that they had a disproportionate amount of voting. It wasnt
that each individual owner had an equal vote but that the AMC theater,
whatever they said kind of goes but they respect the decisions of the other
people so they are the people that ultimately have the say. So we approached
the AMC people.
Mr. LaPine:
I approached them and asked if there is any way they can work out a deal
where you could at least use one of their driveways. One of the cont®tions
here is that there should be two driveways, me in and one out of the
restru ant and apparently he is saying he is out of the loop and it would be up
to the individual owners of the restaurants, or the condo association to decide
ifthey want to do A and basically, what I thinly he alluded to was the fact they
were in a restru ant bolding that they werent really after any competition. I
understand that at one time you and loin were negotiating. He wanted to by
the property from you and apparently you couldnt work out a deal.
Mr. Camochael:
We actually proposed to move into the northwest corner and surrrevder our
property whim and get inky the northwest corner but that was rejected by
them I wanted to get into the northwest corner to get near that drive near the
northwest comer because I thought it was safer but they rejected that Tbat
was Jorma.
Mr. LaPine:
I was out there today, I was behind the building and I went un, your parking
lot The fence that goes all the way around, that would be removed?
Mr. Camuchael:
Thatwouldbemwedattheend. Ican'tsay. Iassumeitisgoivgtobe
removed at the end radmer than the begirming of cov.Mrtiom
Mr. LaPine:
But evendually it would be removed?
Mr. CamuchaeL
Mr. LaPine:
Mr. Alanskas:
I have a few questions for the new owner! What hours would be your greatest
business and traffic, in the afternoon or evenmgl
Mr. Djonbevski:
Probably dinner would probably be the biggest part of our business but
looking at the area, lurch would probably do well.
Mr. Alanskas:
Are you saying after 6:00 pm?
Mr. Djor4evski:
Probably after 6:00 p.m
Mr. Alanskas:
The reason why I ask is because I was A J. Alexanders at 5:00 p.m and there
was parking there for everybody. When we left at 7:00 pm, it was a diffe nt
story. Cars were parked everywhere. I really have a concern aboutyour
restaurant and whether you are going to have enough parking wbere you can
take care ofvour business. If you go down to 88 seats, it would help a lot, or
even less than that You said that it wodd be no problem going to 88 or
Mr. Djor4evski:
Where we are right now, I am rot really sure but I think we are around 95
seats. If we went down a little bit lower, it wouldn't make that much
Mr. Alanskas:
If you go 94 or 95 seats, then you don't have enough parking.
Mr. Djor4evski:
That is what I said, we could go lower.
Mr. Alanskas:
With88sea1s you would technically have enough parking. Idon'tthinkyou
will have but technically you would. Thank you
Mr. McCain:
In your operation, say about a 90 seat operation, how many cooks would you
have during your busiest time?
Mr. Djordjevski:
Probably two cooks and myself.
Mr. McCain: Two cooks plus yourself, a prep person?
Mr. Djonbevski: No, that would be done m the early morning tame. They would be gone.
Mr. McCann: Dishwashers?
Mr. Djor4evski: Probably one.
Mr. McCann: Would you have a hostess?
Mr. Djordjevski: Probably one.
Mr.McConn: Howmanywaitstaff!
Mr. Djordjevski: Probably three or four, depending on the time of day.
Mr. McCain: How many bartenders?
Mr. Djonbevski: One
Mr.McCann: Wmddyomwifebethereaswell?
Mr. Djonbevski: Depending on whether I was there. If was there, she would be there.
Mr. McCain: So yonwould have 10 maybe l l people.
Mr. Djordjevski: More toward 9, probably 10 being the most, but probably around 9 people.
Mr. McCann: Thank you. Isthere onydring else you would hike to tell the Planning
Mr. Djor4evs1d: I think I am OK. unless you want anything else from me.
Mr. McCain: Is tbere anyone in the audience wishing to speak. As I stated earlier, it would
take a unommous decisive by the Plar ing Commission. Seeing no one, a
motion is in order.
On a motion by Mrs. Koons, seconded by IaPme and approved it was
RESOLVED that pursuant to a public hearing having been by the City
Planning Commission on May 8, 2001, on Petition 2001-03-02-05 by Haggerty
Road Investments requesting waiver use approval to remodel and expand an
existing building in connection with a proposal 4 operate a full service
restaurant on property located on the east side of Haggerty Road between Seven
Mile Road and Eight Mile Road m the S.W. 1/4 of Section 6, the Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 2001-03-
02-05 be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the site plan marked Sheet C-1 prepared by JCK & Associates, Inc., with
a revision date of March 26, 2001, is hereby approved and shall be adhered to;
2. That the 56 parking spaces shown on the site plan will allow fm a mnxnnum
of 92 customer seats, based upon two (2) seats per customer puking space and
10 employee spaces;
3. That the landscape plan marked Sheet L l prepared by JCK & Associates,
Inc., dazed March 25, 2001, is hereby approved and shall be adhered kr;
4. That additional plant materials shall be provided within the landscape islands
located in the northeasterly, southeasterly and southwesterly comers of the
site, subject to the approval of the Planning Department
5. That the landscaping shown on the above referenced landscape plan shall be
installed to the satisfaction of the Inspection Department and thereafter
permanently maintained in a healthy condition;
6. That all disturbed lawn areas shall be sodded in liar ofbydroseeding;
7. That the dumpstar enclosure shall be constructed of bill face 4 inch brick to
match the building in conformance with the detail provided on the landscape
plan with walls as least six (6) feet in height and gags, constructed of wood,
which shall be maintained and when not in use, closed A all times;
8. That the exterior elevations plan marked Job No. 2500 by Finnicum Brownlie
Architects, as received by the Planning Commission on March 27, 2001,
showing the use ofdryvit on the upper wall sections of both the existing
building and the proposed additions, is hereby approved and shall be adhered
to, except that Irick to match the Irick on the proposed addition shall be
installed on all for sides of the existng building to at least the height from
the ground to the sills of the windows in the proposed addition;
9. Than the brick used in the construction of the building shall be fiill face4
inch brick an exceptions;
10. That all light fixtrres shall be shielded and all light standards shall not
exceed 20 feet in height
11. That all off-street parking spaces provided in connection with the restaurant
shall be double striped;
12. That this approval shall be subject to the granting of variances by the Zoning
Board of Appeals for an addition to a nonconforming building and because
the site lacks one of the two required driveways to a public street
13. That the comments relative to the barrier free and accessibility codes in
connection wRh the change of use group and the lack of the required
separate employee restroom committed in a letter dated April 23, 2001, from
the Inspection Department shall be resolved to that department's satisfaction.
14. That all signage shall come back before the Plarming Commission and City
Council for their review and approval;
15. That the plans referenced in this approving resolution shall be submitted to
the Inspection Department at the time the building permit are applied for;
16. Thin the teastrility of installing alum Right Only' sign at the
entrance/exit be looked by the Traffic Department
For the following reasons:
1. That the proposed use is in compliance with all of the general waiver use
standards and requirements as set forth in Sections 19.06 of the Zoning
Ordinance 4543;
2. That the proposed use is compatible to and in baamrry with the surrounding
uses in the area;
3. That the subject site has the capacity to accommodate the proposed use.
Mr. McCann: Is there discussion?
Mr. Sbane: I have been concerned all along, and I remain concerned, about the fact that
there is only one ingress/egress to this site. Not only is it a violation of the
Zoning Ordinance but I think it could potentially have dangerous results,
pmticularly during heavy traffic horns. The fact that it only has ane entrance
and exit on to Haggerty Road, I think it is something I wouldn't want to foster.
If they could get an alternate exit to the surrounding site, then I would feel much
better about it Since they haven't been able to do that, I will be voting no on
this resolution.
Mr. Puvecchi: Mr. Chaimmn, it is no secret that this proposed restaurant is not ideally located
and as such can never, never, never meet our ordinance requirements of
setbacks, ingress, egress etc. Although this is cause for concern, I find this
concern pale in relation to the item of the site's safety atmosphere. Recall, this
business will be the only frill service facility with, in all probability, an alcohol
license within the center without a safe passage to and from its premises. It has
no direct access to a light This status forces its patrons to leave or enter from
Haggerty Road which is now overburdened with traffic serving as a through
street and now accommodating many new, as well as, established businesses
adjacent to it along Haggerty Road Not having direct access is a direct
prescription to the dangerous adverse conditions. Further, it unworried cars
enter the site from Haggerty under the impression it is a bona fide entrance,
chaos will rein supreme when Huey attempt to exit via Hue single driveway.
Actually the layout of the parking lot shown on Sheet LI is very congested in
itself and prone to cause accidents. If this site is to service a heavily patronized
business, such as a restzurmrt, passage to and from it should be from the internal
confines of the center. As you know, this may be difficult to achieve, if not
impossible. Therefore, lees make a reality check. The site would better serve
our community and less hazardous if it was limited to a business that would
require light traffic volumes and one which would not be highly competitive
with operating hours. Mr. Chairman, this site as presented, lacks sufficient
capacity and the intensity of the proposed use is too great, with dangerous
implications to culminate this proposal as is. As for meeting the waiver
standards, in 19.06, it failed. Let me read the first sentence of 19.06(b). "The
location and size ofthe proposed use or uses, the nature and bWmily of the
principal use and all accessory uses, the site Layout and its relation to streets
giving access to i4 shall be such that traffic to and from the use and uses, and
the assembly ofpersons in connection therewith, will not be hazardous or
inconvenient to the neighborhood nor unduly conflict with the normal trajrc
ofthe neighborhood" Mr. Charman, ttthis plan is O.K'd and if it fails,
maybe we will be a McDonald's. Then we've really got a problem I would like
to close with, because it is a restaurant, alcohol will in all likelihood be
requested and apparently restaurants coal function without alcohol. It is going
to make the siluatinn even worse. You cannot make a left tion any placenn
Haggerty Road. It is very dangerous and anybody that tries it, there is going to
be real trouble and I am afand someone is going to get hurt nn this thing Iam
not armti-restaurnnU. I doral care if they put 40 restaumrts inside the confines of
that center but this is too dangerous and I cannot accept it
Mr. Alanskas: We have nothing against time Yard or arty restamant but if we could somehow
get two driveways, ingress and egress, I might be able to go along with it but
with the one driveway, firs[ of all, you have the theater there and you have a lot
ofyoming people going to the movies and if you look at the stats you know that
they can tend to be kind of careless and with this one driveway, believe me, we
could have a lot of problems so, therefore, I will be voting "No" on this, also.
Mr. LaPine: Mr. Chairman, I have to say I agree with some of the things my fellow
Commissioners have said but no matter what goes in there, we are going to have
a problem with traffic along Haggerty Road ILewisnoquestioninmymiud
I doral rare if the gentleman, Mr. Carnuchael, stays there with his own
operation, grant you it is not as many as a restaurant is going to generate but the
fact still remains, we are going to have that situation there. Ijust doral believe
that we are looking at every tine a car goes out of there that there is going to be
an accident I take that to across the street to Cookefs. Cooker's has one
entrance going into their parking lot It is part of the parking lot of the office
brddings therebut it isjust one exitthere. ILey go in and they "the same
exit It isn't unique that we doral have situations where we have one driveway.
You are tallying about Haggerty Road and I agree with you It is a very highly
traveled road but so is Seven Mile Road and I haven't noticed any increases in
accidents along there. I would like to see the situation where we would have
two exits too and I would like to see something worked out so that they could
use some of the partying within the confines of the combined parking for all the
remarrmts and theater but I think it is a legitimate request and that is why I
support it
Aroll call was taken wRh the following result:
AYES: IaPine, Koons, McCain
NAYS: Alamkas, Piercecchi, Shane
Mr. McCain: The motion fails due to a lack of a majority. Is there an alteramve motion?
On a motion by Mr. Shane, seconded by Mr. Alanskas and approved it was
#7-103-01 RESOLVED that, purman to a Public Hearing held by the City Planning
Commission nn May 8, 2001, on Petition 2001-03-02-05 by Haggerty Road
Investments requesting wanner use approval to remodel and expand an existing
building in connection with a proposal to operate a full service restaurant on
property located on the east side of Haggerty Road between Seven Mile Road
and Eight Mile Road in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 6, the Planning Commission
does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 2001-03-02-05 be
denied for the following reasons:
1. That the petitioner has Mod to affirmatively show that the proposed use is
in compliance with all of the special and general waiver use standards and
requirements as set forth in Sections 11.03 and 19.06 of the Zoning
Ordinance #543;
2. That this general area is currently well served with restaurant type uses as is
being proposed and the petitioner has failed to demonstrate a need for an
additional restru ad;
3. That the proposed use is not compatible with the goal of fostering a high
quahty emertairumm district in the area;
4. That the proposed use is not aesthetically compatible with improvements
already commutfi d in the emarmarmevt district;
5. That the proposed use will add to the traffic congestion currently being
experienced and increased congestion expected in the future along Haggerty
6. That the proposed site layout and its relation to the street giving access to it,
particularly with respect to vehicular ruining movements in relation to
routes of traffic flow and location and access of off-street parking, will be
hazardous for the subject property and for the neighboring area in general;
7. That the petitioner has failed to comply with all of the concerns deemed
necessary for the safety and welfare of the City and its residents.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above hearing was given in
accordance with the provisions of Section 23.05 of Zoning Ordinance 4543, as
A roll call was talon wiPo the following result
AYES: Alauskas, Piemerchi, Shane, MCCarn
NAYS: LaPine, Koons
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
The petition has been denied You have Rn days m which m file a written
appeal of the decision to the City Conrail
ITEM #3 PETITION 2001-04-02-07 Robert Okerstrom
Mr. Piereecchi, Secretary, announced, the next item on the agenda is Petition 2001-04-02-07 by
Robert Okerstrom requesting waiver use approval to utilize a portion of
property at 13520 Merriman Road for the outdoor storage of boats, travel
hailers and recreational vehicles to be located on property on the east side of
Merriman Road between SchoolcraR and Plymouth Roads in the N.W. 1/4 of
On a motim by Mr. Piercecchi, seconded by Mr. Shane and unanimously approved it was
#7-10401 RESOLVED that, the City Planting Commission does hereby recommend that
Petition 2001-04-02-07 by Robert Okerstrom requesting waiver use approval to
utilize a portion of property at 13520 Merriman Road for the outdoor storage of
boats, travel trailers and recreational vehicles to be located on property on the
east side ofMerrmart Road between Schookrafi and Plymouth Roads in the
N.W. 1/4 of Section 26 be removed from the table.
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
Mr. McCann: Is there any new correspondence?
Mr. Taormina: There is no new correspondence but the City has received a new site plan,
which all of you should have copies of and I will let the petitioner describe the
new information on the play
Mr. McCann: Mr. Okerstrom, do you want to explain the new information on Poe plan?
Robert Okersta m, 13520 Men m m Livonia, MI 48150. I believe it is self-explanatory.
Mr. McCann: Its a little bit better layout
Mr. Okerstrom: Just drew it a little nicer.
Mr. McCann: Are there any questions from the Commissioners?
Mr. Shane: According to the original information, you were planning on parking 140
vehicles on the site.
Mr. Okerstrom: It would fit 140 vehicles, yes.
Mr. Shane: According to the staff, that number would probably be more like 132 vehicles. I
guess there was a mistake on the calculation but anyway you plan is for 130 to
140 vehicles, comct?
Mr. Okerstrom: Something in that area I doubt ifitwould be filled.
Mr. Shane: Do you have aproblem with paving that lot within two years?
Mr. Okerstrua I think the expense would werwbehn the profit
Mr. Shane: I ask that question because I agree with you
Mr. Okersitom: I do believe tbat we may develop the rest of the properties from that fence that
you see there back to Industrial Road but I am not sure what will happen
Mr. Slone The point I was going to make is that the gravel that you have down there now,
howthick is that?
Mr. Okersturn Itis sixteen inches.
Mr. Shane: Do you have positive dmmage?
Mr. Oken4om: Yes. We've got five storm sewers in there.
Mr. McCain: Are there my more questions? Is there anything else you would like to inform
the Board about?
Mr. Okeurom: No.
Mr. McCann Is there anybody in the audience who wishes to speak for or against this
petition? Seeing no one, a motion is in order.
On a motion by Mr. Shane, seconded by Mr. Pierwcchi and uromm ou dy approved it was
#07-108-01 RESOVLED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held by the City
Planning Commission on May 8,200 1, on Petition 2001-04-02-07 by Robert
Okerstroar requesting waiver use approval to utilize a portion of property at
13520 Merriman Road for the outdoor storage of boats, travel tinders and
recreational vehicles to be located on property on the east side ofMemman
Road between Schooluaft and Plymouth Roads in the N.W. 114 of Section 26,
the Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
2001-04-02-07 be approved subject to the following conditions:
That the site plan submitted by Robert Okerstrom Construction
Company, Inc., as received by the Planning Commission on June 20,
2001, is hereby approved and shall be adhered to.
That the storage of recreational vehicles/equipmmt units shall be
confined to the area identified for this purpose on the above referenced
site plam, which is limber defined as the east 600 feet of the west 1,288
feet of the subject property;
That the recreational vehicle/equipment storage area shall be hard
surfaced with concrete or a plant -mixed biummu us anterial of a type
approved by the Engineering Division within two (2) years of the date of
approval of this petition by the City Council;
That the recreational vehicle/equipmem umts shall be parked along the
north and along the south boundaries of the storage area with the center
area left open for a tum around, as described on the site plan, allowing for
a total capacity of approximately 132 recreational equipment units;
That the entire area utilized for recreational vehicle/equipment storage
shall be enclosed by a from of a type approved by the hapection
Department which shall be at least six (6) feet in height with only such
openings as may be necessary for ingress and egress;
That the use of barbed wire on the fence enclosing the subject property
shall be prohibited and all existing ba#d wre shall be removed;
That the disabled,junked, wrecked and/or unlicensed vehicles and scup
material noted in the revised letter dated April 27, 2001 from the
Inspection Department shall be removed from the subject property; and
Ilan the vehicles and equipment stored or parked within the designated
outdoor storage area shall be limited to Recreational Equipment as
defined in Section 2.10(20) of the Zoning Ordinance.
For the following reasons:
That the proposed use complies with all of the special and general waiver
use standards and requirements as set forth in Section 16.11 and 19.06 of
the Zoning Ordinance 4543;
That the subject site has the capacity to accommodate the proposed use;
That the proposed use is compatible to and in harmony with the
surrwmding uses in the area
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above bearing was given m
accordance with the provisions of Section 23.05 of Zoning Ordinance #543, as
Mr. McCaw: Is diere any discussion?
Mrs. Koons: I also feel the same as Mr. Shane about the gravel. He feels it is sufficient I
would go a bit further and say that it is preferred. We hear a lot about water
mnoff and problems with drainage. I think this is a place where there isn't
considerable in and ad in an hour-bphour basis during the day and that this may
serve your purpose as well as serving a better environmental purpose.
Mr. LaPme: I have no objection kr Number 3 but that is part of the ordinance. Who has kr
waive that? Does that go kr Zoning Board of Appeals for him kr not have kr put
Poet in. in two yeas?
Mr. Tmnnina: That is correct The Planning Commission and City Council can waive that
requirement for a period of two years. As I understand it, he would then be
requned to emend the waiver from the Zoning Board
Mr. Alanskas: In looking at your revised site plan, I have no problem with what you want to do
but that revised site plan was very, very difficult to understand what you were
trying kr say on the paper with all of the crows pointing this way and that way.
I would hope, possibly, if this goes forward to the Council, that you could revise
dig site plan so that the City Council could read it I am sure you part in a lot of
hens trying kr figure what you ward to do brt it is just not sufficierd.
Mr. Okershom: Ididn1drawitlad1willlook urra it CanIaskyouaquestion?
Mr. McCaw: One question.
Mr. Okershom: What is the zoning on industrial property aboutfenciW.
Mr. McCaw: We are not going kr go inky that Actually we have already closed the meeting
section. You can check with the staffkrmomov on that
Mr. McCain, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
ITEM #4 PETITION 2001-05-02-10 Value World
Mr. Piercecchi, Secretary, armounced the next item on the agenda is Petition 2001-05-02-10 by
Value World, Inc. requesting waiver use approval kr operate a second hand
store on property located on the south side of Five Mile Road between
Middlebelt Road and Beatrice Avenue m the N.E. 1/4 of Section 23.
On a motion by Mr. Pien ecchi, seconded by Mrs. Koons and unanimously approved it was
#7-106-01 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend that
Petition 2001-05-02-10 by Value World, Inc. requesting waiver use approval to
operate a second hand store on property located w the south side of Five Mile
Road between Middlebelt Road and Beatrice Avenue in the NE. 1/4 of Section
23 be removed from the table.
Mr. McCaw, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted
Mr. Alauskas: In regards In this petitioq I know on a pending item you need an unanimous
approval and I, myself, cannot see that I know there are a lot of people here
and I know that we have 186 signatures in opposition to this petition, so we
pretty much knowhow theyfel. Sol wouldnot hkewhave audience
participation tonight I don't think it is necessary.
Mr. McCaw: We've had several meetings on this. We've had a Planning Commission
meeting and two study meetings and this is actually our fourth meeting on this
particular subject Mr. Taormina, do you have some correspondence?
Mr. Taormina: We have received a number of items of correspondence. I believe we provided
each of the Commissioners with copies of the letters that have been received
The majority of which the persons are indicating thein objection to the petition
by Value World. In addition to that, as Mr. Alanskas indicated, a petition was
submitted with 186 sigwtures. Again, that petition indicates thein objection to
the petition. Finally, we do have an item of correspondence dated July 9, 2001,
and ibis is from a representative of the owner of the renter, ANK B mime ises,
Inc. and each of you should also have a copy of that letter.
Mr. McCaw: Yes. We have that as well as the residents. For the audience, the signatures on
the petition as well as all of the letters will be made official part of the file In be
transferred on to the Livonia City Council. We aregonigto sbrtwith the
petitioner this evening. Please state any new information that you have for us.
James Harrington, 24101 Novi Road, Novi, Michigan. I am the corporate attorney. I would
defer arty comment I have until the conclusion of whatever is presented I
would indicate by way of an update that a public meeting was scheduled and
neighbors and the like were given the opportunity to participate. I was not
present Mr. George Schaffer, a corporate representative from Cleveland, Ohio,
came in and if the chain is interested, I would have Mr. Schaffer not give you
the presentation he made that evening but simply a short report In you in terms
of attendance and the interest that was expressed at that meeting, if you are
interested to heat!
George Schaffer: Basically what happened at the meeting, we had approximately eight people
that showed up. Mr. Piercecchi was there. Ibis was done through a dnectmail.
We had requested a list from the Planning Commission of people who should be
notified. In addition, with the letter, which went out an the 21a of June, there
also were notices published. That was the best we could do. We did not have
everyone's address but we did post it here and we did, ofcomse, mail it to the
people that we were directed to mail to.
Mr. McCann: Those werethe people that attended the original hearing, Ibelieve.
Mr. Schaffer c That is correct
Mr. McCain: Are there any questions from the Commissioners?
Mr. LaPtne: I would like to ask Mr. Kormneier a questim.
Matt Kommeier, AN& P. O. Box 3013, Farmington Hills, Nit 48333.
Mr. Lupine: On our fust meeting we had, and I not reading from the cranks, you stated that,
"I went to all the stores for Value World when we began to revisit this and I
changed my mind", which means you looked at the stores and you were happy
with them
Mr. Konnneier: I did not look at all of the stores. I did not go to Arm Arbor and I did not go to
the one on Schaffer and Seven Mile.
Mr. Lupine: And you said, "We think it will be a good tenarR for the renter. The other
tenants feel the same way." I went out there and I surveyed everytenant in
that center except the drugstore, the hardware store, the restaurant and the pi=a
place, which was closed. Not one of those reasons in there knew that Value
World was moving into that center. Ym told us that they knew all about it
Mr. Kornrneier I gave notice. Sometimes the people that work there and the owners may be
differentparties. I did talk w the people at CVS, Nvmch there are several
people there. The proprietor at the Outback was recently replaced. Did you
speak with the owner of the Hallmark?
Mr. LaPine: Yes, I did The owner was not there. I spoke to the manager and I conveyed to
him what I was there for and what were thein concerns. He was supposed to call
me back He never called me back.
Mr. Koanmeier Joyce Naimy is the owner.
Mr. LaPine: I talked to the owners of the bridal saloon. I talked to the owner of the
electronics store. As amatler of fact, most of the people that I talked to didn't
know that CVS was moving not of there.
Mr. Kormneier The drugstore has not given us notice that they are leaving I would be
to tell that to the owners when I don't have notice of that All
know is what you know which is that they got site plan approval for 29500
Five Mile Road. They currently have four years left on then lease.
Mr. LaPne: The only concern I have is that I left here believing that most of the people in
that center werein favor ofthemmovng im Let me say, it was a split
decision. I would say that 50% of the people were for it and 50% of the people
were against it Some people thought anything in there would help trade
coming into the curter and other people didn'tthink that was good They
would rather wait for a most classier type tenant
Mr. Kormneier: The one temad I didn't speak to was thejewelry storeowner.
Mr. Lapin: He was opposed to it
Mr. Kommeier: In some cases, I spoke to the owner: but they are not necessarily the people
that work here. There are some people that! handle through the leasing that I
spoke m that may not have beer at the store so there may have beer some
differences of opinion within the operation.
Mr. Lapin: Like I say, it was a 50/50 split Thank you
Mr. McCann: Mr. Kor®eier, you stated m your letter that you would like additional time to
consider the value of Value World to the center and to reducing the size of the
space. Ib you want to expand on that before you leave the podium?
Mr. Kornmeier We had some dismssion and there has beer some thought about Value World
taking the entire 30,000 sq. ft and at the previous meeting the question was
asked if there was a possibility that they would not take all of that space. I tend
In agree that might be a good compromise and we would certainly make that
offer to Value World, of them taking a portion of the space and nmy
correspondence to you, I suggested about two-thirds (2/3) of it I do have some
other naterested tenants, or on particular infested temout for the end cap
which would pert the visibility on Five Mile Road to somebody else. Also, if
people are concemed about the traffic in the center, we would just reduce the
amount of square footage occupied by Value World. I also thought
consideration, or the additional time to consider, I was referring to the
informational meeting. Apparently a lot of the residents were not notified and
therefore didn't come. Whether or not it would change their mind, it certainly
would be beneficial for them to learn a little bit more about Value World. I
attended the meeting and there was virtually no one there. There were two
people there because they liked Value World and they thought it would be a
good addition to the center. So the time factor was to inform those people on
this petition that had not had a chance to hear the Value World story.
Mr. McCann: Are there any more questions from the Commissioners? Is there anything else
from the petitioner!
Mr. Schaffer: I don't befieve so at this time. Basically, I am concerned about vkA is the
process from here?
Mr. McCann: It would depend on whether or not the petition is approved car denied. If it is
approved, d will automatically go to City Council. If it is demed, you will
have ten days in which to appeal the decision in writing to the City Council and
ifit is tabled, it will be heard again at a later date.
Mr. Schaffer: At which time we would state what we believe we could do as far as our facility
comingintothisarea. Wouldthatbethefi efor wmakeouformal
Mr. McCain: It was made at the public hearing.
Mr. Schaffer: O.K.
Mr. McCann: You will have an opporhunity, it if goes on to City Council or ifit is appealed to
the City Council, to present your plan to the Council as well as at that time, the
audience would again have the opportunity to present thein views m the City
Council. So, A will all be heard again before the City Council.
Mr. Schaffer: Ibank you verymuch
Mr. McCann: That concludes that portion. Ibere has already been an objection to audience
participation tonight I, as Chairman, cannot open it up for discussion.
However, I do see a lot of people that came out tonight I assume it is the same
group that provided the letters and the petition against the use oftbis. What I
will allow everybody to do is whoever in the audience wants to raise the¢ hand
to give us a general indication if you are against it please raise your hand
Those in favor of it raise you hand O.K. (The werwbehnmg majority of
handsmisedwereageinstthepetition.) Ibatgivesusanideaofwhereyou
stand A motion is in order.
On a motion by Mr. Alanskes, seconded by Mrs. Koros and approved it was
#7-107-01 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held by the City
Planning Commission on June 12, 2001, on Petition 2001-05-0b 10 by Value
World, Inc. requesting waiver use approval to operate a second hand store on
property located on the south side of Five Mile Road between Nhddlebelt Road
and Beatrice Avenue in the N.E. 1/4 of Section 23, the Planning Commission
does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 2001-05-02-10 be
denied for the following reasons:
1. That the petitioner bas failed m affirmatively show that the proposed use is in
compliance with all of the general waiver use standards and requnremeots as
set forth in Section 19.06 of the Zoning Ordinance #543;
2. Ibat the petitioner has not adequately established that there is a need for the
proposed use in this area of the City;
3. That the petitioner has not sufficiently demonstrated that the proposed use
would be compatible to and in harmony with surrounding uses an the area;
4. Ibat the nature of the proposed use would not enhance the image and
character of the commercial development in this area
FFRTHER RESOLVED fiat, notice of the above hearing was given in
accordance with the provisions of Section 23.05 of Zoning Ordinance #543, as
Mr. McCann: Is there any discussion?
Mr. Piercecchi: I am going to support the motion. My major concern deals with this operation
and its affects over the long had. Would it be an asset to the center or would it
negatively impact the property values of the surrounding homes as most
adjacent neighbors predict and I personally agree with them When I visited
their flagship, the Westland store, I was temporarily relieved at the possibility
of them locating in Livonia However, visits and photos of sister stores proved
otherwise. Mr. Chairman, this facility would not be an enhancemerd to our
business client
Mr. McCann: Is there arty other discussion Hearing none, I do have one comment I am not
going to vote in favor or the denying resolution as there was a request to meet
with all of parties. I think that could All be accomplished and the possibility
of you doing a smaller type resale shop, which we have allowed in other areas.
Would the secretary please call the roll?
AYES: Almskas, Shane, LaPive, Room, Piercecchi
NAYS: McCann
Mr. McCam, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
Your petition has been denied. You have 10 days in which to appeal the
decision in writing to the Livonia City Council. Thank you.
ITEM#5 PETITION 2001 -03 -GB -02 PulfceOflice Buildings
Mr. Piercecchi, Secretary, am unced the next itan on the agenda is petition 2001 -03 -GB -02
police Office Buildings requesting approval to substihDe a greenbelt for the
protective wall as set forth in Section 18.45 of the Zoning Ordinance for
property located at 32410 Five Mile Road in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 15.
Mr. Miller: This site is located on the northwest comer of Five Mile and Hubbard Roads.
The applicant is requesting approval to substitute a greenbelt in lieu of the
protective wall that is required between an office zoned property and a
residential zmed property. The applicant is requesting that the existing
landscaped greenbelts along the west property line and part of the south
property line be accepted as an appropriate substitutim. The Pulice office
complex is made up of two separate officebuildings. One building faces Five
Mile Road and is located close to the intersection of Five Mile Road and
Hubbard Road The other building sets back on Hubbard Road and is separated
from the fast building by a parkmg lot This office building faces Hubbard
Road The best way w describe the layout oftbis property is to say itis shaped
like a backwards L. It fronts the entire length of Five Mile Road between
Hubbard Road and Fairfield Avenue and extends north up Hubbard Road about
300& The applicant is requesting that the existing greenbelts thatmn along the
back of the property be considered instead of the protective wail. The Site Plan
shows that the existing gmenbe0 that runs along the south property line, parallel
In Five Mile Road, is 15 If wide. This area is planted with a row of mature
evergreen trees. The greenbelt that runs up along the westproperty line is
approximately 25 If wide and is planted with a mixture of evergreens and
deciduous trees. Because the greenbelt along the north property line that is next
to the office building that fronts off Hubbard Road is not at least 10 If in width,
it cannot be considered as an appropriate substitution for a wall. In a lett that
accompanied the Site Plan. the applicant explains that they believe "the existing
greenbelts provide an adequate buffer between the office buddmgs and the
adjacent residences'. The letter also states that"the construction of the
protective wall would probably necessitate the removal ojbees__".
Mr. McCain: Mr. Taormina, is there anything additional?
Mr. Taormina: No, thereis it
Mr. McCain: Is the petitioner here this evening?
Rbebt Hartley, 417 Eureka Road, Wyandotte, Michigan 48192.
Mr. McCann: Is there anything additional you would like to 0 the Planning Commission this
e enng'
Mr. Hartley: No. There is nothing additional. I guess the property is going fo be looked at
Mr. McCann: We have looked at it again, now that spring has come and gone. Is there
anybody on the Commission that has any questions? Hearing none, is there
anybody in the audience wishing to speak m this petition? Seeing no one, a
motion is in order.
On a motion by Mr. Piemecchi, seconded by Mr. Shane and unanimously approved, it was
#7-108-2001 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend
that Petition 2001 -03 -GB -02 Pulite Office Buildings requesting approval to
substitute a greenbelt for the protective wall as set forth in Section 18.45 of the
Zoning Ordinance for property located at 32110 Five Mile Road in the S.W. 1/4
of Section 15, be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the landscaped greenbelts along the west property line and part of the
south property line, as shown an the plan received by the Planning
Commission m March 13, 2001, shall be substituted for the protective wall
required by Section 18.45 of the Zoning Ordinance;
2. That any change of circumstances in the area containing the greenbelts
resulting in a dimimIIim of the greenbelt's effectiveness as a protective
barrier, the owner of the property shall be required to construct the protective
wall pursuant to Section 18A5.
Mr. McCain: Is there any discussion?
Mr. Tam mna: Just a point of clarification I believe it was in the resolution thatyou indicated
that porfions of the west and south property lines. It should be the north
property lines.
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted It
wdl go on to City Conned with an approving resolution.
.ITEM #6 Approval of Minutes 8261h Regular meeting
Mr. Piemecchi, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Approval of the Mumps; of
the 826th Regular Meeting held on May 22, 2001.
On a motion by Mr. Sbane, seconded by Mr. Alanskas and approved, it was
#7-109-2001 RESOLVED that, the Minutes of the 826th Regular Meeting held by the City
Planning Commission on May 22, 2001, are hereby approved
A roll call vote was tal® with the folloHwg result
Piencerebi, Koons, Shane, Alanskas, McCann
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted the 827me Regular Meeting held on
Judy 10, 2001, was adjourned at 8:36 P.M
Dan Piemecchi, Secretary
James C. McCann, Chairman