On Tuesday, January 26, 2010, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Livonia held its 990' Public Hearings and Regular Meeting in the Livonia City
Hall, 33000 Civic Center Drive, Livonia, Michigan.
Mr. Ian Wilshaw, Acting Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members present: Deborah McDermott Lynda Scheel Ashley Varloogian
Carol A. Smiley Joe Taylor Ian Wilshaw
Members absent: R. Lee Morrow
Messrs. Mark Taormina, Planning Director; Scott Miller, Planner III; and Ms.
Margie Watson, Program Supervisor; were also present.
Acting Chairman Wilshaw informed the audience that if a petition on tonighfs
agenda involves a rezoning request, this Commission makes a recommendation
to the City Council who, in turn, will hold its own public hearing and make the
final determination as to whether a petition is approved or denied. The Planning
Commission holds the only public hearing on a request for preliminary plat and/or
vacating petition. The Commission's recommendation is forwarded to the City
Council for the final determination as to whether a plat is accepted or rejected. If
a petition requesting a waiver of use or site plan approval is denied tonight, the
petitioner has ten days in which to appeal the decision, in writing, to the City
Council. Resolutions adopted by the City Planning Commission become
effective seven (7) days after the date of adoption. The Planning Commission
and the professional staff have reviewed each of these petitions upon their fling.
The staff has furnished the Commission with both approving and denying
resolutions, which the Commission may, or may not, use depending on the
outcome of the proceedings tonight.
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the first item on the agenda, Pefition 2009-11-
01-02 submitted by McLaren Performance Technologies
requesting to rezone a porton of the properly at 32233 Eight
Mile Road, located on the south side of Eight Mile Road
between Parker Avenue and Hubbard Road in the Northeast %
of Section 3, from R-3 to P.
January 26, 2010
Mr. Taormina provided background on the item and presented a map showing
the property under petition plus the existing zoning of the surrounding area.
Mr. Wilshaw: Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Miller: There is one item of correspondence from the Engineering
Division, dated January 8, 2010, which reads as follows: "In
accordance with your request, the Engineering Division has
reviewed the above referenced petition. The legal description
has discrepancies. According to our records the legal
description is: 03A62 63 W 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4
12 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 SEC 3 TIS R9E, EXCN
60 FT THEREOF 4.54 ACRES. The provided legal description
for Parcel A is missing a NW 1/4. There is also a problem
between the provided descriptions of Parcel A and Parcel B.
The first call should match and they dont. N 89dl7'23"E 164.89
FEET is not the same as N 89dl7'23"E 164.98 FEET.
Furthermore, the city of Livonia is TIS R9E, not TIN R9E.
There is also a misspelling of comer, and the nomenclature
used should be consistent with regards to upper and lower case
and the use of dashes to minimize confusion. The address
according to our records is 32233 West Eight Mile Rd." The
letter is signed by Kevin G. Roney, P.E., Assistant City
Engineer. That is the extent of the correspondence.
Mr. Wilshaw: Are there any questions for the staff? Seeing none, will the
petitioner please come forward? Please stale your name and
address for the record.
Ronald Cieslak, Merntt McPherson Cieslak, P.C., 103 North Center Street,
Northville, Michigan 48167. I'm the architect working with
McLaren Performance Technology. I'm here tonight just to give
a little additional information on this site development and
what's proposed. As the plan shows, we are proposing to add
initially about 36 cars to the site in that northern most 65 feel of
the 150 feel. The reason for that is, with the leasing of the
Cushman Building there is more staff coming on site. It's
allowing McLaren to reshuffle some operations on site, taking
some of what's going on in Building #2 right now and moving it
to what's known as the Cushman Building. Overall, it has
increased the parking requirements. The reason we are
requesting 115 feet is the Cushman Building, as you well may
know, has an office space on the north end of it that, in the
foreseeable future, McLaren is anticipating using that for
additional engineering and development space, but primarily
office space, which will increase the parking requirements at
which time they would anticipate developing the rest of the
January 26, 2010
parking in the area we're requesting to be rezoned. As was
stated, our plan is to initially, as a part of this project when the
smaller parking goes in, put a screen wall in on the three sides
of the proposed rezoned area per the zoning requirements. The
Cushman Building right now has a formed concrete wall behind
it. We would anticipate using a similar material, all in
accordance with City of Livonia requirements for that screen
wall. From a lighting standpoint, right now I know this is starting
to gel into some planning issues, but I thought I would just make
note of it. Right now, because the parking is so close to the
building, we foresee just using building lighting that has a sharp
cutoff on it to provide just minimal security lighting on the back
for staff. When the additional parking is expanded, we'd have to
look at what additional lighting would be required, but we would
work with the Planning Department to make sure that was,
again, a sharp cutoff and would not intrude on neighbors'
properties. That's just some general information. Mr. Gary
Cronn of McLaren is here, and I thought he might give you a
little more insight as to what's going on at the site from an
operational standpoint and how that affects any additional
Gary Cronn, McLaren Performance Technologies, Inc., 32233 West Eight Mile
Road, Livonia, Michigan 48152. I'm responsible for facilities
among other things. As Ron was saying, the additional space,
why we need it, is because of the anticipation of further growth.
I hope we bring something that's good news in the fact that
we're very fortunate to be experiencing some new innovative
technology being brought into McLaren, that being solar engines
and also wind power. These are some of the new projects that
are requiring us to increase our staffing, especially our
engineering staffing. What is not shown on the building that I
want to address is the fact that there is another building that we
are currently leasing, which is farther west, which houses
engineering and build, which we're going to put into Building #2.
By moving these folks over, that's another reason we need the
parking space in order to accommodate these existing people.
We've been adding people in all areas, but more or less in
engineering. I believe our count is pretty close to about 140
people. With all this new investment that we put into Building #2,
some new dyno equipment, multiples of millions of dollars. Our
business is changing, and I think that's important to understand.
I'm relatively new to McLaren, but I understand in the past there
has been a lot of engine testing. If you look and see the
building, you'll see the stacks. Last quarterly, we didn't burn
any gasoline because the nature of our product, our business,
has changed where we're now involved with drive train
transmission type parts, which go on dynomonilors and are not
January 26, 2010
producing any noise emissions like you would have with the
engines. In addition, with the solar engines, which I have a
copy that I'm more than willing to show people what it looks like,
there's no noise and no emissions. These types of new
products greatly enhance the type of business we're doing but
also reduces our noise level. I think being part of a good
neighbor, and that's what we wish to be, is to continue to grow
in this area and bring this type of new technology in, not only to
Livonia but to the Stale of Michigan. I'm pretty excited that this
type of new business is allowing us to request the rezoning that
will allow us to bring in more people and add more people.
When they're here, they're spending money in Livonia and
shopping here, and it always helps improve the lax base loo. I
think it's a good thing, and I hope we have approval on it.
Mr. W lshaw: Are there any questions from the Commission at this lime?
Ms. Vartoogian:
Is my understanding that the parking is exclusively for
Mr. Cronin:
Ms. Vartoogian:
Okay. So no unloading, loading, and that kind of thing going on
back there?
Mr. Cronin:
No, actually, that was one reason why we acquired the
Cushman. The Cushman is going to be primarily a warehousing
facility. We looked at renovating it but the cost is extremely high
to renovate. So our initial thought is to use it more for
warehousing, where Building #2, I'd say the first northern half of
R, has been an inventory and storage area. We're going to
move that into Cushman and the engineering resources. We're
hoping with the new business with the windmill project will bring
in more people for that project and we'll house engineering staff
in there. These, along with the people that are in Building #4
down the road a little bit to the west, they need to have a place
to park. So this will be all for employee parking. In fact, we're
arranging our drive so that we can accommodate all transport in
and out of product to be in and out Eight Mile on our campus.
One of the benefits, I think, by us leasing this building, is that on
the Cushman, I should say is that there was traffic, semis and
for forth moving up and down the adjacent road. Our intention
is not to use that. In fact, we're looking at adding a ramp to the
back so our trucks, instead of circling clockwise, will go counter
clockwise on the same property so there will be no need to have
any ingress or egress in that area. I think that's another benefit
that we're improving the type of traffic flow in that area too.
January 26, 2010
Ms. Vartoogian:
Okay. And what limes of day would you expect to see
employees parking in that lot?
Mr. Cronin:
Primarily during the normal office hours, anywhere from 7:30
a.m., 8:00 a.m. start time to roughly 5:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Some
linger over later. We do run two shifts but that's generally a very
small number of people, and people are going to what to park
close to the building if they can. So that's what I anticipate.
Ms. Vartoogian:
Okay. Thank you.
Mr. Wlshaw:
The number of jobs that you're bringing to this site that are
currently at other locations, how many is that going to be?
Mr. Cronin:
Building #4, 1 believe that's what you're referring to, I don't know
the exact count but I'm thinking there's approximately, between
engineering and technicians, which are building these
transmission parts, approximately 20 people, I think, 1510 20 at
the most. Some of these people are already working in Building
#2 right now. In fact, we're moving people over right now into
Building #2.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay, thank you. Al this point if there are no other questions
from the Commission, we will go to members of the audience.
Thank you, Mr. Cronn, you can have a seal and we'll call you
back up in just a minute. Is there anybody in the audience that
wishes to speak for or against this petition? You're welcome to
come up to either podium. You can line up, and we ask again
that you give your name and address as you begin your
Jim Prieskorn,
20445 Hubbard, Livonia, Michigan 48152. On the left hand side
where you have the dark shaded area, that's my garage and my
house. Not to be insulting, but here we are again. This has
been an ongoing problem since I've moved in there in '88. Back
in '88 eady 90's, McLaren Engine wanted to turn that whole
area into a parking lot, and where the gale from 60 feet of my lot
line to the east and on the other side was another 60 feet to the
west, they asked to make that all just into parking lot for storage
of trucks. The Planning Commission and the Council turned it
down. We wanted a berth; we wanted trees; we didn't want
parking lots. They said, no, it's not going to happen. We've
been here numerous times. We've had problems when
Cushman was in there with the semi -trucks. That's one reason
why I moved. The last time we were here before they started to
do construction on the east building, they said that they're just
outgrowing their area. We want the technology. We want the
business, but move to an industrial park. That's what the
January 26, 2010
residents wanted. Why they insist on being here, and they're
outgrowing this area, I have no idea. I've had people look over
the wall into my property. There's been people parking behind
my garage with boats and trailers. We had a problem when
they first started doing whatever they're doing in there with the
noise that lasted almost two months. The neighbor across the
street from me, Melissa, had to call the ordinance officer, and he
look decibel readings. He said they couldn't believe the noise
that was over there, and that's across the street from me. My
bedroom is on the other side of my house and it keeps me up all
night. These people were well aware of the noise that was
going on, but it look an ordinance officer to go, hey, shut this
down now, gel it fixed. They did fix it. We still hear a noise, but
it's a lot less than what it was. There are still trucks that go in
there. They've had equipment, like their pickup trucks, their
trailers, parked in there. At that time when the ordinance officer
came in, there was a flatbed trailer and a flatbed truck on the
other end, at the east side. That was moved finally when the
ordinance officer said something. The ordinance officer found
out they were running the cart back from All Stale Refrigeration
where they're renting that #4 building. Il was supposed to be on
the sidewalk. They were told not to do that. They kept doing it
until the ordinance officer said something. They removed the
gale. It's been a convenience for them to park whenever they
want in there. That gate has never been put back in there. In
my recollection, back in the late 80's and early 90's, that was
supposed to be gated off so they wouldn't do that. Since
they've petitioned to have this added on, they started putting
snow on the parking lot in that field. Nobody has parked back
there. They're still not parking there now, and I don't understand
why they had to insist on letting people park back there or put
people back there or lel their employees park their equipment
back there when they weren't allowed to in the first place. So
my statement is, they're doing sluff behind the City's back even
though they're not supposed to. They've been pretty good
neighbors. Some of the McLaren people that I've talked to and
when I've asked them to cul the grass, they cul the grass. No
problem. But the way I see it, they're building a big montage
here. They cant gel rid of that property unless this is turned all
into parking, and they're encroaching on our rights, little by little
by little. And that's the thing. When I voted for Council people
and the administration here in Livonia, you people are suppose
to protect my peace and quiet, my rights. And if you allow this
to happen, you're violating my rights and my peace and quiet.
So I'm asking you here tonight, turn this down again please.
We don't need it. If they want to expand, go to an industrial
park where they belong. I know we're in a crisis with the
economic situation, new technology is out there, but a lot of this
January 26, 2010
technology, as a mechanic technician myself with an associate's
degree, this has been on the board since back in '77 when I
graduated, and now we come to it. But they need to go to an
industrial complex. It's just loo crowded here for what they want
to do and bring in more people. So please don't allow this to
happen. Thank you.
Robert Austin, 20306 Hubbard, Livonia, Michigan. I'm seven houses south of the
300 fool of their campus. I've lived at that house for 24 years
and I've been to every one of these Planning Commission and
zoning commission meetings that McLaren has had for their
expansions for their parking, etc. The last one, if I recall, they
said they were outgrowing their properly and they pretty much
threatened the City of Livonia that we're going to find someplace
else to run our business. And what's happened, they got
Building #2 and Building #3 and they remodeled all that area.
I'm totally against parking as I've always been. I really don't
have a lot of trust in McLaren Engines. All those zoning
meetings and Planning Commission meetings that I've been to,
I hear the same thing that they're going to cutback on the noise;
they're not going to be running any midnight shifts or late shifts.
And I'll tell you, until it got loo cold to sit out in the background,
the noise is still there up until 11:00 p.m., 12:00 a.m. at night.
My wife works afternoons, comes home at midnight, and we
can't sit out in the backyard at night because, not all the time,
but too often we hear the dynomonitor testing or whatever it is
that they do there. I don't think they're being good corporate
neighbors. A lot of the people in the neighborhood have been
there from a long time and for you guys to approve parking is
just one step. I can see if it's approved, coming back here next
year because they want to expand even more parking, and this
65 feel that's shaded in gray right now for parking, out of 115
feel. If this is approved, the other 50 feel or 60 feel or whatever
it is, is eventually going to become more parking. Then they're
going to be back here again asking for more parking because
they've got the Cushman Building and they need more people. I
just would like to see a slop put to all of this, and I would beg
you guys to just turn this down again, like you have in the past.
Thank you.
Mr. Wilshaw: Is there anybody else in the audience that would like to speak
on this item? Seeing none, we'll give the petitioner a chance to
come back up and give additional comments if they'd like.
Mr. Cronn: I do appreciate the concerns. I've only been with McLaren since
September so I don't know the back history, but I can tell you I
know how important jobs are. Being laid off from the automotive
industry before I received an opportunity to work at McLaren, I
January 26, 2010
can understand as homeowners where your concerns are. I do
know though being out of work for six months or a year, is real
rough and we're given an opportunity for jobs, real jobs here,
which helps everybody here. It helps the school by the tax
base. It helps your businesses. We hope to be good corporate
neighbors. I can say that at lead while I'm working there, I can
give you my card so if you do have a problem, I'd be more than
happy to address it personally, one-on-one with you. I don't
know what it was like in the summertime because I wasn't there,
but I know those engines can be pretty loud. We do see a
decline in that business, primarily because its not there
anymore, and we don't foresee it coming back very much. The
bulk of our business is going to be with the dynomonilors and
things of that type, which I'd be more than happy also to give
you a tour and show you what we do have. Maybe it's been a
while since you've been there to demonstrate that and see what
kind of noise level and see what we're doing to try to dampen
things. All I can say is, that by us getting the Cushman, it going
to reduce some of the aggravation you had in the past. Without
us doing that, it would be an empty building. Without us being
there, it would be empty real estate that wouldn't bring any lax
revenue or jobs. No one wants that and that's not our intent
either. We do see great opportunities. I can't tell you what our
future is going to be. I know that was a concern because just
listening at the many, many attempts and different variations.
The reason we ask for this much space was so we won't have
to come back to this and ask for additional parking. We
anticipate that what we show in gray should be enough, but we
never know. If we're fortunate enough to have more business,
then we would need to have that space for people. As far as
driving back and forth on that Iittie golf cart, going back and forth
between the buildings, this eliminates that whole nonsense too,
which is why we're trying to consolidate on this campus and do
things right. We ask that you give that some consideration. I do
appreciate your concerns. I'd be more than happy to talk to you
one-on-one if there is something we can do or something that
comes out that you're not expecting, that we can try to help out
and find a solution.
Mr. Wlshaw: Mr. Cronn, I think some of the Commissioners may have some
additional questions.
Ms. Smiley: Could you tell me what you plan on parking back there? Just
employees' cars?
Mr. Cronin: Yes. Actually, with the Cushman, we've moved the trailers
inside the Cushman building. We have a 46 foot long trailer and
the open feather light car trailer. Those have all been moved
January 26, 2010
inside the Cushman building because we have the storage, and
that's what we're using it for, storage. It also keeps the property
safe, but that would be for employee parking or a potential
visitor if they ever had to stray back there.
Ms. Smiley:
Okay. That was one question. And the noise level. You spoke
about it going down. They're saying that it's still up.
Mr. Cronin :
Well, I can't judge what time frame they were. I can just say
that, as far as engine running, we didn't burn any gasoline. I
have to report to the DEQ every quarter, and we didn't bum any
gasoline. So there isn't that type of noise, but there may be
other noises that I'm not aware of. I'm not sure what it would be
but when I'm walking the parking lot, I don't hear anything, but
then again, I might not be attuned to the noise the neighbors
may be listening to.
Ms. Smiley:
Okay. Thank you.
Ms. McDermott:
I just wanted to know, how long has McLaren been at this
Mr. Cronin :
I don't know the answer to that.
Mr. Taormina:
Forty one years. They celebrated their 40th anniversary at this
location this past summer.
Ms. McDermott:
Okay, so the business has been there for 41 years.
Mr. Taormina:
Not quite, but close.
Ms. McDermott:
Okay. Thank you.
Mr. Taylor:
Through the Chair to Mark Taormina. Mark, maybe I'm a little
confused, but the Planning Commission and the Council, were
those petitions withdrawn or were they turned down?
Mr. Taormina:
If you're referring to the petition that was filed in 1997, that was
actually never acted upon and I believe it was eventually
withdrawn. So there was never a denial on that. With respect
to the 2007 petition, again, that case was withdrawn by the
petitioner. So those are two cases where there was never any
final action or determination by the Council.
Mr. Taylor:
That's what I remembered. I know that McLaren was kind
enough, I would say, to see that what they wanted to do at that
time was not a good thing for the neighborhood. I know a
couple of years ago, McLaren was talking about moving out
January 26, 2010
because they were growing. And that's the good news for
Livonia, when a company is growing in Livonia. They're adding
more employees. The lax base is better. And now, all they want
to do is accommodate their employees with parking. They don't
want to move the facility back in there closer to the
neighborhood. All they would like to do is extend the parking,
and like you said, its not going to be lighted. It's been there for
40 years. I can understand the neighbors not wanting them to
go further back into that properly. I was on the Zoning Board for
many years. There's a 300 fool line that we have and the only
other thing that we gave was parking, another 50 or 100 feel for
parking. And the Zoning Board used to do that and now its
changed over to where the Council and the Planning
Commission have to hear it. I just think that in moving this
equipment, I know we talked about it a couple years ago.
Moving the equipment is a very, very expensive thing. The
equipment that they have, the lest motors, is very, very fragile
and they need to have it steady in the place that its at. So it's
working out well for them there. Its good news to me that they
want to slay in Livonia, and like I say, they're not getting into
your property or getting into their properly, actually is what it is.
Mark, is this wall now going to cordon off the property where
they can't gel to the back part of the properly if they wanted to
park somebody's boat there or something like that? How do
they gel to it to mow it?
Mr. Taormina: It has to be a continuous unpierced wall where it abuts the
residential district. Any openings in that wall would have to be
approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. That will be a
continuous wall that will tie into the existing wall here in the
southeast corner of the Cushman property. That wall would
extend south for 115 feel along the west boundary, and I believe
along the rear lot line of Mr. Prieskorn's property. Then it would
continue east across the property here and then it would turn
back north where it would lie into the existing wall that is just
south of Building #3. I'd also like to point out that the standards
of the P, Parking District, the area that is shaded here, which
would be developed with the parking lot, require that it be used
for passenger vehicles only and no storage can take place as
well. It would be limited to that use only for passenger vehicles.
Mr. Taylor: As far as the noise goes, we have a Noise Ordinance and I'm
sure that the neighbors know about it. Any time that there is a
problem with that, that's what the Inspection Department is for.
And this is not the only neighborhood where there is a noise
problem. Wherever we have residential going up to ML,
Manufacturing, you're always going to get a noise problem. All
you have to do is call the Inspection Department, and they are
January 26, 2010
out there immediately with their decibel readers. I think they
can take care of it quite well. The other thing I was going to ask,
Mark, how will they get back there to take care of the properly?
Could they could put a small enough opening to gel a mower
Mr. Taormina: There is going to have to be some exception made for just that
reason, for maintenance purposes. That will either be handled
through the Inspection Department or any openings may have
to go to the Zoning Board of Appeals, but that will be a
determination by our Inspection Department.
Mr. Taylor: But it sounds like they've been laking care of the property and
mowing it whenever they're asked. You shouldn't have to ask,
either. It should be done regularly like every residence does,
gets back there and mows their property. Thank you.
Mr. Wilshaw: Is there anybody else that has any comments? With that, thank
you, Mr. Cronn.
Mr. Cronn: Thank you very much.
Mr. Wilshaw: I will close the public hearing at this time and ask for a motion.
On a motion by Taylor, seconded by Vartoogian, and unanimously adopted, 0
#01-01-2010 RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held by the City Planning Commission on January 26, 2010, on
Petition 2009-11-01-02 submitted by McLaren Performance
Technologies requesting to rezone a portion of the property at
32233 Eight Mile Road, located on the south side of Eight Mile
Road between Parker Avenue and Hubbard Road in the
Northeast % of Section 3, from R-3 to P, the Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 2009-11-01-02 be approved for the following reasons:
1. That the proposed change of zoning is compatible to and in
harmony with the surrounding uses and zoning districts in
the area;
2. That the proposed change of zoning will provide for a
transition or buffer zone between residential uses and
more intensive industrial uses in the area;
3. That the proposed change of zoning will provide an
opportunity for the development and utilization of the
vacant southerly portion of the subject property, and,
January 26, 2010
4. That the proposed change of zoning represents a
reasonable and logical zoning plan for the subject property
which adheres to the principles of sound land use planning.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 23.05 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended.
Mr. Wilshaw, Acting Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution.
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2009-
11-01-03 submitted by Kucyk, Soave and Fernandes, P.L.L.C.
requesting to rezone the property at 14401 Henry Ruff, located
on the west side of Henry Ruff Road between Schoolcraft Road
and Lyndon Avenue in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 23, from
RUF to R-3.
Mr. Taormina provided background on the item and presented a map showing
the properly under petition plus the existing zoning of the surrounding area.
Mr. Wilshaw: Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Miller: There are two items of correspondence. The first letter is from
the Engineering Division, dated January 5, 2010, which reads
as follows: 9n accordance with your request, the Engineering
Division has reviewed the above referenced rezoning petition.
The legal description is satisfactory. The address according to
our records is 14401 Henry Ruff." The letter is signed by Kevin
G. Roney, P.E., Assistant City Engineer. The next letter, dated
January 19, 2010, is from residents who live at 18795
Bainbridge, Livonia, Michigan, and reads as follows: 7t is our
request, as homeowners of 14401 Henry Ruff, that our lot be
granted a rezoning approval from its current RUF to R,3 zoning.
We are strongly in favor of this rezoning. We are pleased to
move back to Livonia from Drummond Island. We thank you for
your consideration and look forward to a favorable outcome."
The letter is signed by Wayne and Billie Roberts. That is the
extent of the correspondence.
January 26, 2010
Mr. Wilshaw:
Are there any questions for the staff? With that, we will then go
to the petitioner. Mr. Soave, name and address please.
Enrico E. Soave, Esq., Kucyk, Soave & Fernandes, P.L.L.C., 37771 Seven Mile
Road, Suite C, Livonia, Michigan 48152. Good evening,
everyone. I'm here on behalf of the named petitioner. Just a
few additional comments to expound upon what Mr. Taormina
has already cited. There is a house being built on this property.
The house is approximately 30 days, roughly a month, from a
Certificate of Occupancy being granted. As Mr. Miller cited, the
actual homeowner, the Roberts, are very excited to move back
into Livonia from up north, and especially they are excited to
move back into the area. They like the setting and they actually
like the neighbors in the neighborhood. The house was actually
designed and situated to conform to R-3 zoning in all respects
and is compatible and in harmony with the existing
neighborhood. This property has had a long history, which Mark
Taormina has cited, with the previous properly owners, current
property owners and the subsequent homeowners to follow. By
rezoning this properly, it will serve to actually resolve all the
previous issues and any other issues going forward on the
property. For example, in the event this rezoning should not be
approved, the RIF, when the homeowners move in and actually
want to put a deck onto their properly, it will be deficient
because of the rear yard setbacks. So once again, they're
going to be back in front of the ZBA asking for a variance to
allow them to put a deck on the back of their property. That's
about all I have for right now, and I'd like to entertain any
comments the Commission may have.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Are there any questions from the Commission? Hearing none,
is there anybody in the audience that would like to speak for or
against this item. Good evening. May we have your name and
address please?
Janice Kind,
14380 Hillcrest, Livonia, Michigan 48154. 1 am Lot 9. 1 am
requesting this Planning board to use good sense on this
decision because I believe if this sets a precedence on this
being rezoned to R-3, that they'll try and do that on the rest of
the street. There is no sewer on that side of Henry Ruff, so
anybody that wants to tie into the sewer has to tie in and gel
easements through our lots. If you look al this lot, I don't know if
anybody from the Planning board has even gone down that
street and looked at the house? Has anybody?
Mr. Wilshaw: Yes
January 26, 2010
Ms. Kind:
Okay. You'll notice that there's two chain link fences right up in
the front of this property. How good is that planning? There s a
garage in the front yard of their next door neighbor. How good
is that planning? I think that if you rezone it to R-3, its going to
set a precedent and you're going to have a hodgepodge looking
neighborhood. It devalues my property, my neighborhood and
the neighborhood across the street from Henry Ruff. No other
place in the city, I believe, allows chain link fence in your front
yard and have a garage to look at. So I would hope that you'd
make a decision consistent with good planning for the whole
Mr. Wilshaw:
Thank you, Ms. Kind. She is Lot 9.
Ms. Smiley:
Which one is Lot 9?
Mr. W Ishaw:
Mark, is that the one that's either north or south of the proposed
Mr. Taormina:
That would be south. It would be this lot. I believe she's
referring to the fact that people who live along Henry Ruff are
entitled to a fence that would extend beyond the front of the
petitioner's house.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Mr. Taylor:
I went down the street, and you're right. It's kind of a strange
situation because the persons who would like to have their lot
extended would have a fence back at the back, and that goes in
and out as you go all the way down the street. This is a
particular house that's already built, and it may be a little
uncomfortable to have that fence like we're talking about there,
but the key to this property is that it's R-3 and it matches the
property across the street. Many years ago when Livonia was
developing, the Council in their wisdom fell that you could
develop one half of a street, and that was a mistake obviously.
We're trying to rectify it now. So they only paved one half of the
street. The street was supposed to go through all the way to the
expressway. It wasn't an expressway at that time, but all the
way to SchoolcraR Road. Now that we have this situation, we
have to do our best to be able to accommodate what's going on.
With that home being where it is now and it has the approval of
the Zoning Board, it's halfway up or more. Anytime they wanted
to come back and do some development on that property, as
was staled by the petitioner, they would have to go back to the
Zoning Board of Appeals in order to put something in the
backyard, an extra shed or something like that, because it's
RUF property and you're not allowed to do that. Livonia, in
January 26, 2010
many areas off of Seven Mile, has a large track of land called
RUF properly that 60 foot developed lots are on d, and 70 foot
developed lots. Every time those people want to do something
to their yard, they have to go back to the Zoning Board of
Appeals to allow them to do that or not do that. This is kind of
what I might call a no brainer. The house is up. I'm sure there
is going to be more people that will sell the backs of their
property off and will be developed, even though there's a fence
there now. Later on when persons get older and they feel they
can get more income off of their properly, they sell the back half
of the lot off. And that's what actually should happen along this
street to make it uniform. The people on the east side of the
street, I know for many years have taken advantage of using the
backs of those lots to park their boat on, to park their car in. I've
seen it happen many, many times. So what we're doing here
tonight I don't think is going to harm anything of the
neighborhood, and it's probably the right thing to do. Thank
Mr. Wilshaw:
Does anybody else have any questions? Okay. Did the
petitioner have anything to stale?
Mr. Soave:
Nothingfurther. Thank you for your time.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Ma'am, would you like to say something? Please come forward
to the podium.
Cynthia Swinlek, 14390 Henry Ruff, Livonia, Michigan 48154. 1 live directly
across the street from the home that's been built. First of all, I
have to address the comment that you made saying that we
park our boats and our trailers and stuff. Never has anyone on
our street parked boats or trailers there. It's the homeowners on
Hillcrest, and that is their property. They have a right to do that.
Never in my 20 years living in that house has anyone ever
parked a boat or a trailer, from our side of the street, on there
for more than maybe 10 seconds. Actually, we can park over
there. We were told we could park over there if we'd like to
because that's the same easement as if we had a full street,
which we do not have.
Mr. Taylor:
Its called right-of-way, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.
Ms. Swinlek:
Its the right-of-way and no one has ever parked a vehicle there
for more than maybe a couple hours, and never a boat or a
trailer. It's been a car if there's a party or something or a
graduation or a birthday party, we've parked on that side of the
street. Living across the street from this house, I won't have
that option any more to do that if I have anybody come over.
January 26, 2010
And I won't be able to park in the street because it's not wide
enough to park. They'll be driving up on these people's lawn if
they want to go over and go around the car. I don't know why
they're coming now for this. Why was this not done before?
Normally, when they petition to build a house on this side of the
street, we were notified. We were never notified that they
wanted to build over there this time. The street, he didn't live up
to what he was supposed to do, now he's trying to renege on
that. The Iasi time we were at the Zoning Board, they said in
order to build, you have to widen the street to make it uniform
with the other streets in the neighborhood. Well, they didn't do
that. But we gel to listen to the noise, and all the dust. My
house was full and my car. I must have washed my car a dozen
times while they built the house, and I know that's not what
we're here for, but it's been aggravating. Eleven o'clock at night
they were pounding and building all summer long. My neighbor
on the corner and us, we had to call. We had to call in a
complaint because they wouldn't slop building, and then we
were told, oh, they're allowed to build unfit 1100 p.m. You
know, I know you don't live there. You don't know the history.
Twenty years, and like this other guy, we've been back and forth
and back and forth, and all we gel is a dance because its
Soave, and he's got connections with the city. And Soaves, you
know, they've got five different family members that are builders
or lawyers, and we gel tired of hearing that and then we go
downstairs and we want to meet with somebody. We see them
waltz in and somebody will say, oh, are you here about the
house on Henry Ruff? Oh, Henry Ruff, that house, oh, piece of
cake. No problem. It's a slap in the face to us because we
don't have the power that he has. We want a little respect and
we don't gel that.
Mr. W lshaw: Ms. Swinlek, what we're considering tonight is just the rezoning
of the properly.
Ms. Swinlek: I know, l know that.
Mr. Wilshaw: As you know, the house is already there unfortunately.
Ms. Swintek: Unfortunately, it is. That's right. And I have to live with it and I
have to look at the house between the two fences and say that
the whole street should just sell. Well, the people on the other
side of Hillcrest, they don't want to sell their houses, and they
don't want it rezoned and they don't want it changed. There is
no sewer. They had to come across the street to my house and
tear up my yard to gel at the different things. They had to tear
between my friend's house to gel the plumbing on that side of
the street, the sewage. Now, every house that they build, is that
January 26, 2010
what they're going to do, make variances between the houses
and come across the street and do whatever they have to do?
We weren't even told that this house was going up until we saw
it go in. I just feel that the whole thing has been a sham to us
and I don't know. There's people on our street that aren't here
that are very disappointed, and the City lets it happen, and
that's what really gets me. The City isn't behind the citizens
anymore. The City is behind the builders, the money, the
people with the money and lax dollars for the city, and I
understand they need tax dollars. Everybody needs something,
but it's just ... they should have done some of this before, but
because he's Soave, he thinks he can waltz in and do it
whenever he wants and it's going to pass. That's all I have to
Mr. Wlshaw:
Thank you, Ms. Swintek. I appreciate your comments. Is there
anybody else that has any comments?
Ms. Vartoogian:
I just want clarification from the Staff. This rezoning isn't going
make any visual changes to the properly, is d? It's not going to
require that the house lake down the fence or that they move
their garage. It's going to appear the way it does now and
nothing is going to change essentially. Is that correct?
Mr. Taormina:
Are they required to make changes to the property in order to
conform to the R-3 District regulations should this property be
Ms. Vartoogian:
Just like the ones across the street.
Mr. Taormina:
For example, the addition of a deck wouldn't have to go back
through any kind of variance procedure, as long as it conformed
to the R-3 District regulations. But, no, it certainly wouldn't
require any changes that I'm aware of on any of the adjoining
Ms. Vartoogian:
Okay. Thank you. That's all.
Ms. Smiley:
On the Future Land Use, is this R-3 or RUF?
Mr. Taormina:
Low density residential, so that would conform to the Future
Land Use.
Ms. Smiley:
Thankyou, Mr. Chair. Thank you, Mark.
Ms. Kind:
I'd like to make sure that you're saying that I dont have to lake
my fence down. Is that what you stated? If this is zoned R-3,
January 26, 2010
my fence goes right along their front property, and I don't
believe I should have to take my fence down to conform to R-3.
Mr. Taormina:
I'm not aware that it would, ma'am. Again, I don't think that
there is any requirement for that. She would have to check with
the Inspection Department, but I would think they would have
informed her at this point if that was a requirement. But since
R's her fence, no.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Yes, it's an existing fence that you put up, so I don't see that
you would have to all of a sudden remove that because of this.
Mr. Taormina:
There may be certain portions of that fence that are non-
conforming currently. I don't know. She should check with the
Inspection Department what changes, if any, she can make to
that fence to prevent having to conform to the ordinance. So I
don't know the circumstances with the fence and whether or not
R conforms even to the RUF District regulations.
Ms. Kind:
It is. It conforms to the RUF.
Mr. Taormina:
If that's the case, then she should be fine.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Ms. Kind:
Then I will not have to take it down if it's zoned R-3?
Mr. Wlshaw:
Ms. Kind, what I would recommend that you do is, based on
what you've heard tonight and based on whatever happens at
this meeting tonight, give the Inspection Department a
telephone call because we're only going to make a
recommendation to the City Council anyways. So you're going
to have another opportunity at the City Council to comment on
this item, and by then, you'll also have a chance to have spoken
with the Inspection Department and verify that your fence is
going to be okay. If its not or its going to be affected by this in
some way, that's something that you may want to address with
the City Council when this item comes up.
Ms. Kind:
Will that person have to take the garage down, too, so it's not a
garage in the front yard?
Mr. Wilshaw:
Mr. Taormina:
Absolutely not.
Ms. Kind:
Also, I hope before you make your decision, has anybody talked
to the Engineering Department? If everybody decides to sell
January 26, 2010
like Mr. Taylor suggests they should, if that sewer on Hillcrest
can support that more densely populated R-3 zoning, that many
houses tying into the Hillcrest sewer that was built in the '40's or
early '50's.
Mr. Wilshaw: When we gel these petitions and we only have one petition
addressing the rezoning of this one parcel before us today,
those all go before the Engineering Department and all the other
departments in the city. They have an opportunity to comment if
they have any concerns on this petition. They have not
commented that they have any concerns with this petition or this
Ms. Kind: Yes, but Mr. Taylor is justifying his opinion by saying that
everybody should sell their property and should conform to the
R-3. So I hope that's taken into consideration. Thank you.
Mr. Wilshaw: You're welcome.
Phyllis Paterson, 14100 Henry Ruff, Livonia, Michigan 48154. I've been there for
47 years. We bought a brand new home for the simple reason
that Henry Ruff was a beautiful street at that time. All of our
neighbors will agree, and there are several here tonight that the
homes on that street are coveted homes. Usually, if one is for
sale, it doesn't slay for sale very long. I'd like you to come and
visit my house at 14100 Henry Ruff, Mr. Taylor, because it's not
an ugly street. Cindy Swinlek has commented that we don't
have boats and trailers and all kinds of garbage parked on the
street on the lots across from us. It's a wonderful street, and I
think Cindy Swinlek mentioned that the reason this couple is
buying their home on Henry Ruff is they saw it and they thought
it was such a beautiful street that they had to have their home
built there. I think all of the neighbors on Henry Ruff would like,
of course, to see the street stay as nice as it is. It's wide open
spaces, which we dont have too many of in Livonia any more. I
would ask that when I went to the Zoning Department first, when
one of my neighbors brought the notice to me that this zoning
was coming up, they sent me to the Planning Department
because they couldn't answer my questions as to why, after the
fact, are we getting a notice on a zoning change? Isn't that
usually something that has to be done before a house is built?
No one down in the Zoning department wanted to comment on
that, nor did they want to comment on that up in the Planning
Department. They said to come to this meeting and perhaps
some answers would be made. Well, I still dont know why the
Soave Builders got the permission to build before getting the
zoning change. Can anyone answer that question for me?
January 26, 2010
Mr. Taylor:
I think Mark can answer it very easily. They went to the Zoning
Board of Appeals. There's a notification that goes out when the
Zoning Board of Appeals has a meeting, when the Planning
Commission has a meeting under certain circumstances,
zoning, a change one way or the other on the properly. I'm sure
that when the Zoning Board of Appeals allowed them to build
that house on a RUF piece of properly, there was a notice that
went out within 500 feet.
Ms. Paterson:
No, there wasn't.
Mr. Taylor:
Well, it depends on whether you gel within that range. There's
a circle that they go by, and I cant tell you whether you got one
or you didn't get one.
Mr. W Ishaw:
Please, let's not yell from the audience. I'd appreciate it. Thank
Ms. Paterson:
I understood that not many people got the notice this time. One
was brought to me because I live down at the south end of
Henry Ruff, down near the dead end. Most of the questions that
have been asked is, how did this happen without any of us on
the street, most of us on the street, not even hearing about it?
Mr. Wilshaw:
Ms. Paterson, it's not overly common, but there are times when
houses are built on nonconforming lots, which is what
essentially happened here. What this zoning request is trying to
do is put that into a conforming lot. Now that the house is
already built, what's done is done. They're trying to have the
zoning be appropriate for the use that's on that property.
Hopefully, the people were properly notified for this zoning
petition. I think notices went out on this on a timely basis.
Mr. Taormina:
Three hundred feel is the requirement.
Mr. Wlshaw:
Okay. Unfortunately, you're beyond the 300 feel, I imagine,
which is why you didn't gel the notice on this.
Ms. Paterson:
That's correct. Yes.
Mr. W Ishaw:
Its good that your neighbors shared that with you. I appreciate
Ms. Paterson:
The only comment that I did gel from one of the gentlemen in
the Zoning office when I visited there about a week ago, I asked
how does this happen, and what's really behind it all? And he
said, it sets a precedent and that makes it very easy to get the
zoning changes for anyone else along that Hillcrest corridor that
January 26, 2010
might decide to sell their back properly. So I think it's very
advantageous to the builders in this community when those
things happen, and I don't think it's to the citizen's advantage.
That's all of my comments.
Mr. Wilshaw:
I appreciate that. Thank you very much.
Mr. Taylor:
Through the Chair, just to try to clear up a few things. I didn't
realize that neighborhood was 47 years old, but I knew it was
old. It's well kept, because like I say, I went down the street a
week ago, and it's a very well kept street. I apologize for the
fad that other years, because I've been involved so many years
in politics, I've gone down that street and there have been, I'm
sorry, a boat or a trailer or something, and maybe it was the
people that owned the properly. I don't know. All I remember is
seeing it there. Like I stated before, it's unfortunate that the
Council prior to this Council and many Councils, 47 years ago,
they decided to put half a street in. Its there now. This
particular lot has been split off and everybody has the chance or
the opportunity that owns a piece a property, if its large enough,
to split the back of the piece of property off or split half of it off.
They have that opportunity. They go to the Zoning Board of
Appeals, Planning Commission, the Council, to try and do that
type of thing, to split off property. But everybody has that
opportunity. I'm just saying that it's possible that soon or some
day, that street may be all split off, but you always have the
opportunity to come, as you have tonight, and say whether you
think its right or if it's wrong, and then its up to the City Council
to determine whether it is right or wrong. Thankyou.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Thank you, Mr. Taylor. I'm going to close the public hearing at
this time. A motion would be in order.
On a motion by Taylor, seconded by Scheel, and unanimously adopted, it was
RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held by the City Planning Commission on January 26, 2010, on
Petition 2009-11-01-03 submitted by Kucyk, Soave and
Fernandes, P.LLC. requesting to rezone the property at 14401
Henry Ruff, located on the west side of Henry Ruff Road
between SchoolcraR Road and Lyndon Avenue in the
Southwest 1/4 of Section 23, from RUF to R-3, the Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 2009-11-01-03 be approved for the following reasons:
1. That the proposed change of zoning is compatible to and in
harmony with the surrounding zoning and land uses in the
January 26, 2010
2. That the proposed change of zoning is consistent with the
developing character of the area;
3. That the property involved in this request would be in full
compliance with R-3 District regulations;
4. That the proposed change of zoning would cause the
zoning of the properly to more accurately correspond to the
use and size of the properly; and,
5. That the proposed change of zoning would moot the
existing zoning variances granted to this properly and
render ordinary additions or construction of outbuildings a
matter of right, whereas under the current zoning, any such
changes would be prohibited and require variances from
the Zoning Board of Appeals.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 23.05 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended.
Mr. Wilshaw: Is there any discussion?
Ms. Scheel: Mr. Taormina, is it possible that we could have our department
check to make sure that if anything that we've approved and are
recommending is going to affect any of the surrounding
neighbors that we can let the surrounding neighbors know that?
Mr. Taormina: Absolutely.
Ms. Scheel: Thankyou.
Mr. Wilshaw, Acting Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution.
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2009-
12-02-18 submitted by Walgreen Company requesting waiver
use approval to utilize an SDM license (sale of packaged beer
and wine) in connection with a retail facility at 17001 Newburgh
Road, located on the west side of Newburgh Road between
Mallory Drive and Six Mile Road in the Northeast 1/4 of Section
January 26, 2010
Mr. Taormina
provided background on the item and presented a map showing
the properly under
petition plus the existing zoning of the surrounding area.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Miller:
There are two items of correspondence. The first item is from
the Division of Police, dated January 7, 2010, which reads as
follows: 'We have reviewed the plans in connection with
Walgreens-SDM License located at 17001 Newburgh
(southwest corner of Newburgh and Six Mile Roads). We have
no objection or recommendation to the plans as submitted as
long as they comply with all State Laws and City Ordinances."
The letter is signed by Donald E. Borieo, Sergeant, Special
Services Bureau. The second letter is from the Inspection
Department, dated January 12, 2010, which reads as follows:
"Pursuant to your request of December 17, 2009, the above -
referenced petition has been reviewed. The following is noted.
The existing drugstore is located within 500 feet of an existing
SDM licensed establishment. A waiver by Council would be
required. This Department has no further objections to this
petition." The letter is signed by Jerome Hanna, Assistant
Director of Inspection. Thal is the extent of the correspondence.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Are there any questions from the Commission? With that, we
will then go to the petitioner. Sir, please give your name and
Marcus Ray Jones, Esq., Warner Norcross & Judd, L.L.P., Fifth Third Building,
111 Lyon Street N.W., Suite 900, Grand Rapids, Michigan
49503. 1 am representing Walgreens. I was before you guys for
four other properties, which you approved three and one was
too close to a school. Again, we're coming back for the sale of
a limited amount of space of beer and wine, less than one
percent of our floor space for a limited amount of beer and wine,
small packages, 6 packs, 12 packs, 18 packs, nothing bigger
than that. It's not really a major deviation from the use already
at the store. It's really in response to customer requests for
beer and wine at our stores, and Walgreens has decided that, in
response to our customers' requests, we were going to try to
offer a limited amount of beer and wine to satisfy those
requests. We're just asking that you grant this approval
understanding that we would need a waiver from the City
Council for the proximity to the other SDM, Rile Aid, I believe.
Mr. Wilshaw: Yes.
January 26, 2010
Mr. Jones: If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them now.
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you, Mr. Jones. Does anybody have any questions?
Hearing nothing, is there anybody in the audience that would
like to speak for or against this petition? Seeing no one, I will
close the public hearing, and a motion would be in order.
On a motion by Scheel, seconded by Taylor, and adopted, it was
#01-03-2010 RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held by the City Planning Commission on January 26, 2010, on
Petition 2009-12-02-18 submitted by Walgreen Company
requesting waiver use approval to utilize an SDM license (sale
of packaged beer and wine) in connection with a retail facility at
17001 Newburgh Road, located on the west side of Newburgh
Road between Mallory Drive and Six Mile Road in the Northeast
1/4 of Section 18, which properly is zoned G7, the Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 2009-12-02-18 be approved subject to the following
That the use of an SDM license at this location shall be
permitted only under the circumstances that the Zoning
Ordinance standard set forth in Section 10.03(8)(1)
requiring that there be at least a 500 foot separation
between SDM licensed establishments is waived by the
City Council.
Subject to the preceding condition, this petition is approved for
the following reasons:
1. That the proposal would not be in conflict with the special
waiver use standards and requirements as set forth in
Section 11.03 of the Zoning Ordinance #543, provided that
the separation requirement of Sections 11.03(8)(1) is
waived by the City Council;
2. That the subject site has the capacity to accommodate the
proposed use; and
3. That the use of an SDM license will complement the
existing use of the subject property and will provide an
additional service to customers.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.05 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended.
January 26, 2010
A roll call vole on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
Scheel, Taylor, McDermott, Vartoogian, Smiley
Mr. Wilshaw, Acting Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an approving
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2009-
12-02-19 submitted by Walgreen Company requesting waiver
use approval to utilize an SDM license (sale of packaged beer
and wine) in connection with a retail facility at 29200 Six Mile
Road, located on the northeast corner of Six Mile Road and
Middlebell Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 12.
NOTE: Item #4 has been removed from the agenda at the
request of the petitioner.
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2009-
12-02-20 submitted by Las Palapas, L.L.C. requesting waiver
use approval to operate a full service restaurant at 33302
Plymouth Road within the Fountain Park Plaza shopping center,
located on the north side of Plymouth Road between
Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue in the Southwest 1/4 of
Section 27.
Mr. Taormina provided background on the item and presented a map showing
the properly under petition plus the existing zoning of the surrounding area.
Mr. Wilshaw: Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Miller: There are five items of correspondence. The first item is from
the Engineering Division, dated January 12, 2010, which reads
as follows: "In accordance with your request, the Engineering
Division has reviewed the above referenced petition. The legal
description submitted is incomect. The start of the legal
January 26, 2010
description should be changed to read as follows: Part of the
Southwest''/. of Section 27, T. 1S., R.9E., City of Livonia, Wayne
County, Michigan described as beginning, N 00971'12" E, 60.01
feet, thence S 8913'14" E, 60.01 feet, to a point on the north
right-of-way line of Plymouth Rd thence S 890 13'14" E, along
said right-of-way line of Plymouth Rd, 311.89 feet to the POINT
OF BEGINNING. In addition, there is a typographical error that
should read. thence S 7211'33" E, 14.64 feet. The address
according to our records is 33302 Plymouth Road, not 33308
Plymouth Road. If an address change is requested, we require
an address request on the property owner's letterhead to start
proceedings." The letter is signed by Kevin G. Roney, P.E.,
Assistant City Engineer. The second letter is from the Livonia
Fire & Rescue Division, dated January 14, 2010, which reads as
follows: "This office has reviewed the site plan submitted in
connection with a request to operate a full service restaurant in
the existing building on property located at the above referenced
address. We have no objections to this proposal." The letter is
signed by Donald F. Donnelley, Fire Marshal. The third letter is
from the Division of Police, dated January 4, 2010, which reads
as follows: "We have reviewed the plans in connection with Las
Palapas Restaurant located at 33308 Plymouth. We have no
objections or recommendations to the plans as submitted." The
letter is signed by David W. Sludl, Sergeant, Traffic Bureau.
The fourth letter is from the Inspection Department, dated
January 12, 2010, which reads as follows: "Pursuant to your
request of December 23, 2009, the above -referenced petition
has been reviewed. The following is noted. (1) The petitioner
shows a proposed 10 seats at the bar where only 6 are
calculated under occupant load. This would change the
proposed occupant load to 120. (2) This petition is a change of
use and would require that the building meet all cunent
Michigan Building Codes including the Michigan Barrier Free
Code. This will be addressed further at the time of our plan
review if this project moves forward. (3) This proposed use
requires that the building shall be supplied with an automatic
sprinkler system per the cunent Michigan Building Code. This
will be addressed further at the time of our plan review if this
project moves forward. (4) A barrier free van accessible parking
space is required and shall be properly sized, signed and
striped. (5) Dumpster wall located on north side of the building
is in need of repair. This Department has no further objections
to this petition." The letter is signed by Jerome Hanna,
Assistant Director of Inspection. The fifth letter is from the
Plymouth Road Development Authority, dated January 22,
2010, which reads as follows: At the 2140 Regular Meeting of
the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of Livonia
January 26, 2010
held on January 21, 2010, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted. #2010-02 RESOLVED, that the
Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby support the
proposed plans as presented by Las Palapas, L.L.C. to operate
a full service restaurant with a Class C liquor license at 33308
Plymouth Road within the Fountain Park Plaza shopping center,
located on the north side of Plymouth Road between
Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue in the Southwest 1/4 of
Section 27, subject to compliance with all City codes and
ordinances, as such may be modified by the action of the
Planning Commission and/or City Council." The letter is signed
by John J. Nagy, Executive Director. That is the extent of the
Mr. Wlshaw: Are there any questions for the Planning Department? Seeing
none, we can go to the petitioner. Please come forward. As we
start at the beginning of this, there are two separate petitions.
There is the waiver use for the restaurant and also the Class C
Liquor License. We're going to have two separate votes on
those two items, but for the sake of discussion, we will talk
about them together as a package. Sir, if you'd like to give your
name and address.
Agustin Ochoa, Las Palapas, L.L.C., 14172 Arlene Lane, Belleville, Michigan
48111. I'm representing Las Palapas, which if you want to know
what it means, it means little tiki hut. A lot of people asked what
d meant. Basically, what we want to be is a full service Mexican
restaurant. We want to serve really good, fresh Mexican food.
We want to give the people in Livonia a new option to come out
and eat. I think the City of Livonia is a great city. That's why we
want to be in the city. It's the center of everywhere. We want to
make sure the residents no longer have to drive 30 minutes to
go to Detroit to get good Mexican food. We want them to come
to us. All right? I know that we have a bar area. We dont want
a bar. I never wanted to own a bar. Our business hours on the
weekends are from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., and then from
11:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. on the weekdays, and 9:00 p.m. on
Sundays. Obviously those aren't bar hours. I know we have
bars close to us. That's great. We actually have a little Mexican
bar within a quarter of mile away from us. We're not here to put
them out of business. I think what they're doing is great. We're
something completely different. We're a family restaurant. Yes,
we do want to serve drinks. You're in politics. It's not a
stressful job, right? You know what I mean?
Mr. Wilshaw: Fortunately, we're not elected politicians
January 26, 2010
Mr. Ochoa: I'm sorry. Anyways, I'm sure you guys want to have a drink
after work. I want you to come to me, have a drink, but at the
same time you're silting at the bar having a drink, I want that
table right behind you with the two and three year olds to feel
comfortable. I want you guys to come out with your families and
celebrate Cinco de Mayo or grandma's birthday. You know
what I mean. I know we don't have that option, at lead not if
you want Mexican food, not here in the city of Livonia. I think I
can provide that. That's why we're requesting that you guys
approve our Mexican restaurant.
Mr. W Ishaw: Okay. And your Iasi name is Ochoa?
Mr. Ochoa: Yes.
Mr. Wlshaw: Okay. Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. Are there any
Mr. Taylor: How long have you been in business in Ypsilanti?
Mr. Ochoa: The restaurant in Ypsilanti is managed by my brother who would
be coming along also over here and managing that restaurant.
People over at Planning, they asked if there were any other
similar restaurant in the area because they wondered what we
were going to be like. I told them you're more than welcome to
go there. I don't know if any of you guys had a chance to go
there or not. You're suppose to ask for my brother so we can
hook you up on the bill. I don't think anybody did.
Ms. Smiley: We cant do that
Mr. Ochoa: But basically, when you guys walked in there, I'm sure you guys
know what it is, well I'm in Mexico. I know its snowing outside,
but in here its really nice. It's tropical. I'm on vacation. I'm
here to have a good meal and a good drink in a good family
atmosphere. If you guys went there, I'm sure that you noticed
that. That's exactly what we want to provide. Our menu is very
similar to theirs, a few things a little bit better because they're
my grandma's recipes and I just think they're better. I know
they're better. Like I said, that's what we want to provide.
Whatever you see in there, is just a little bit better with us, better
service I believe.
Mr. Taylor: Most Mexican restaurants really serve Margaritas, Mexican
beer, those are the kind of drinks that most people normally
have when they go for Mexican food. So that's pretty much
what you would be serving, more or less?
January 26, 2010
Mr. Ochoa: That is correct. I believe we're going to have three beers on
draft, and that is Dos Equix, a very popular Mexican beer, Miller
Light and I believe Budweiser. We're not a bar, like I said. Our
thing is, I want you to come to us to get some good food and
have a Margarita with it. I don't intent to have some drunks
leaving my place at 2:00 a.m. in the morning. I have a family to
gel to. We close at 11:00 p.m. on the weekends. We do some
cleaning and we go home.
So your brother is in the business but you're not in the
No, I'm not.
You're going into the business.
Yes, sir.
You're going to have him come over and help you out?
Yes, he will be managing the whole restaurant for me. He's
been doing it over there successfully for five years. They were
voted number one Mexican restaurant in the whole Washlenaw
Is he going to close that restaurant or keep it open?
No, he's just the manager over there. He would just be coming
over here to work for me.
That was my question, dyou were going to close La Fuentes?
Okay. Thank you.
Anybody else?
Can we confine your hours of operation?
Yes, it would be from 11:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Monday
through Thursday, until 11:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and
9:00 p.m. on Sunday.
January 26, 2010
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you, Mr. Ochoa. We'll gel comments from the audience
next. If there is anybody in the audience that wishes to speak
for or against this item, please come forward. You can come to
either podium and give us your name and address. Mr. Martin
is first.
Christopher Martin, 12275 Inkster Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. I was at the
Plymouth Road Development Authority Iasi Thursday when they
had that meeting and the pefifioner was there. I saw the plan.
No one has mentioned it, but currently that's a vacant building
on the north side of Plymouth Road. The restaurant business is
a very difficult one especially in this economy, but I'd rather
have someone in there than a vacant building. So the guy
should be congratulated that he's spending his time and money
to try to make a difference in the city. As far as him convincing
City Council to change their watering hole to his establishment,
that would be difficult, I think. I'd like to see six voles on this.
You would be sending a message also that you're in favor of
people coming in, investing their money, and helping the city.
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you, Mr. Martin.
Raymond Grix, 11716 Farmington Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. I'm a resident
of the Fountain Park condominium complex. Point one to the
petitioner's suggestion that you have to drive to Detroit to get
Mexican food, there is currently and has recently opened on
Plymouth Road, Zorrilos Mexi' Cantina, which is about half a
mile east of this location, a family friendly restaurant and sports
bar. So you've already got your bar. Secondly, the Fountain
Park plaza, the existing businesses, there is already a full
service restaurant, the former Honey Tree, now Red Olive;
Jimmy John's Sandwich Shop, and the Biggby Coffee. None of
those are open after 9:00 p.m. in the evening by the way. The
proximity of the location of the residential complex, I feel, is a
reason to deny the liquor license. The access road at the rear
of the building between the building and the residential complex
is at most 30 to 50 feet wide. There is no buffer for noise,
traffic. That access road is already used by business, banks
and all of the other businesses there. We have enough traffic
up and down there now. I feel that puffing in this restaurant, I
don't see it as being necessary with what's already there. I
don't see it as being conducive to properly values for us
residents of the condominium complex if you've got a bar and
restaurantthat close to residential property. Thankyou.
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you, sir
January 26, 2010
Melissa Gratz, 11754 Farmington Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. That is in the
Fountain Park condominiums. My driveway is directly behind
where this building stands and where the proposed restaurant
would be going in. I do have a couple concerns regarding this.
One being that only a portion of the building that's currently
there is going to be occupied, which leaves more space for yet
another business to come in there. So yes, there may be ample
parking now, but I don't know if you're laking into consideration
that ample parking, yes, there was ample parking when that
building was occupied by one business, that being a pet store,
with just constant traffic of people just coming to buy their pet
food and leave. My driveway backs up to that access street
right behind the building. There isn't enough parking in that
front lot and that's why we get cars parking to patronize the strip
mall on the side street. So with there being another full service
restaurant going into that location, we are going to be increasing
the number of people that are going to be there at any given
time. So my fear is not only will there be not enough parking in
the front, but that it will begin to overflow right to my driveway in
the back. Secondly, with a liquor license, I'm fearful of that. I
don't want to live next to a bar. I know they say it wont be a
bar, but if you're serving alcoholic beverages, you are a bar, and
I live right behind there. There's already enough activity back
there that goes on after hours. That's why, as a complex, we
had flood lights installed at the rear of our buildings so that we
could watch kind of what goes on back there. So to have an
establishment that close to my home serving alcohol does not
make me excited to see what more will go on back there. We
already have parking for Slingers, people that park and drink
back there right now. It's nothing against that bar, but they're
not on our property at lead. Thirdly, I lost what I was going to
say. I do ask you to consider that. I know that per the formula,
there's ample parking, but even going there during noon on a
busy work day, I park in my driveway to go to Jimmy John's
because there's not parking in the front, and that building is
vacant right now. I am concerned about people parking behind
there. I am concerned about a liquor license. I know that there
are some things that would need to be approved with that right
now, so I would say even more so, putting the liquor license
aside that we do have parking problems over there and being a
resident living behind there and having very, very respectful and
not saying that you wouldn't be respectful by any means, but we
are a community and I just urge you to think about that. Thank
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you, ma'am, and as you know, since we do have two
separate petitions here, there's a possibility that the restaurant
may be approved without the liquor license, or they might both
January 26, 2010
be approved or they both may be denied. So there's a lot of
options available to us tonight.
Ms. Gratz: Right, and I do understand and that's why I said, I would set the
liquor licensing aside because even more so, even if they were
coming in not asking to have their liquor license, I still would be
at this meeting because, I remember what I was going to say.
The businesses, as Mr. Grix pointed out, do close by 9:00 p.m.
at most 10:00 p.m. back there. So we would be extending the
closing time of a business by another hour and by the time you
clean up and employees leave, we are looking at closer to
midnight. So that was something else to lake into
Mr. Wlshaw: I appreciate it. Thank you. Would anybody else like to speak
for or against this petition? Good evening.
Nauseda Clinton, 11704 Farmington Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. 1 as well
live in the Fountain Park condos, so my front door would be kind
of kitty corner to the back of the new establishment. I'm very
concerned about the parking as well. I can't see where there'd
be enough parking. My front door, that little street right there,
my front door is just right there, and there's so much traffic,
semi -trucks parking. It's just very busy. Its already very noisy
from Slingers. I do feel like a liquor license, it would be basically
living behind a bar. I dont want to live behind a bar. Its already
gotten, gosh, I moved in 2005. None of that was there when I
moved in. I've lived in Livonia my entire life. I grew up in
Livonia. I love Livonia, so when I got married I convinced my
husband to slay in Livonia. It's just a very busy, busy area
already. People are parking on my comer. People, like Melissa
said, from Slingers, it's overlapping everywhere. People are just
parking everywhere and I do feel like that would be more or less
of a bar. I'm not excited about the liquor license, and I as well
would probably still have come even if there wasn't a liquor
license involved because, again, they're only using part of that.
That's really all I have to say.
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you. Good evening.
Stacey Riffle, 11712 Farmington Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. Good evening.
I too live in the Fountain Park condominiums right behind this
establishment. I don't have anything new to add from what my
neighbors have already staled, but I do support them because I
think parking is the biggest issue. I did want to come say this
because if this were to go in, there would be two full service
restaurants there both with the same peak hours. Again, that
overflow would come over to our condominium complex. So
January 26, 2010
that's one. The other thing is, as was mentioned, the delivery
trucks because they're restaurants, a lot of the delivery trucks
come before opening hours. So those trucks block the access
road that's already a narrow road as Mr. Grix had mentioned.
So getting through there in the morning to go to work, that's
cause for concern. In addition, if they were to gel the liquor
license, as he mentioned with Slingers right there, I'm actually a
little surprised that the police would approve of this. Because of
that other bar, we've actually called the police to our residence
on a couple of occasions because of overflow from that bar with
noise and drinking behind, parking. That's my fear that this
would be the same typical situation that we see with Slingers.
So I'm asking that this not be approved to go in there.
Mr. Wilshaw: Okay. Thank you very much
Autumn Dubies, 11754 Farmington Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. Also, I'm in
agreement with what my neighbors said about the parking. I'm
very concerned about that. Also, the owners of the Red Olive,
which on the weekends slay open until 10:00 p.m., they have
come over and they are community members of ours. They
make sure that when their employees park behind the
restaurant, which backs up to my driveway, they're not allowed
to loiter, which they do not. They leave exactly when their shift
is over. We don't have any problems with any suspicious
activity going on back there, and I fear for adding more people,
adding more employees would cause a little bit of more loitering
back there and not really being compliant with everything.
Mr. Wilshaw: Okay. Thank you
Jad Sayah, 11764 Farmington Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. 1 also live in the
Fountain Park condominiums, but I also own and operate the
Red Olive restaurant, formerly known as the Honey Tree. My
concern is, we stood here about three years ago to get approval
to operate there. I think we were the third establishment to
open in that plaza. One of the biggest concerns to get approval
was the parking. Luckily, you guys did approve it and we said
we'd be a full service restaurant. We've been in business 30
years, being that would be a good complement to Livonia. So
we opened and, unfortunately, the petfood place and Slucchi's
ice cream could not make it due to economy reasons. Up until
while they were operating, a big concern, I mean, if it's anybody
who knows, I'm working there seven days a week. One of the
biggest concerns for my customers was parking. In fact, I live
right behind the restaurant and I have my employees parking in
my driveway to free up the spaces for the customers. One of
the things I was told by our landlord, that the parking behind the
January 26, 2010
restaurant is strictly for the plaza. And then after we went there,
we had some residents come and say nope. That was
supposed to be shared. I thought maybe that's not correct up
until I became a resident there and I did read the bylaws. The
parking is supposed to be shared between both. That's one of
my biggest concerns. Once I heard the rumor about the
restaurant going in there, I set up a meeting with the Property
Manager. I said to him, that's one of my concerns as far as the
parking has been a problem before, and now that the two places
are out of business, it seemed to settle down a little. Its not as
bad. If this place does open and parking is a problem, what are
your options to help out? I mean, you know, us being tenants
there for over three years, and we also own four other
restaurants on their properties, one in Commerce, Rochester
and Clawson. I told him, we've been tenants for you for quite a
few years. Wouldn't you try to accommodate whoever's been
here for a while to try and help him out? I did not get a
response to any of that. Parking did become a problem. There
was no solution to it. Another concern was, to put a full service
restaurant there, which we already are there, as far as
business -wise. You drive up and down Plymouth Road, within a
quarter mile, I've done it. You can count over 30 restaurants,
Mexican, Polish, coney islands, fast food. I mean, in the plaza
only, we have four places that serve food. I would be very
happy, as being a young guy myself, starting a new business.
I'd be very happy if someone is successful, but I like to think
about the long run. In the family, we've been in business for 30
years, and there's things you got to think about before you go in
there and you put your whole life savings. That's what I did. It
was a big gamble to open there and luckily everything has been
well. Another concern, as far as the trash, it's a trash
compactor. Up until a certain point, it slops pushing the trash.
We've had many limes where the people will not come on time
to empty the trash. Some of the other places put their trash out.
Many limes, I've told my employees to put the trash in my
pickup truck and I have to drive it to a different restaurant
because I would not want to leave my trash overnight. We have
the woods there. I don't know if there are rats or not, but with
trash being outside, the bag being vulnerable, anything can
come there. My biggest concern would be the parking. If it
does become a problem, I would like to know what the solution
would be. Another concern as far as the liquor license, I did not
realize how bad it was until I moved there and I am a resident
there. As far as from Slingers, I myself have called a few times
to the Livonia Police and a lot of them do come in and eat there,
and I've asked them, a lot of my night shift gids are between the
ages 16 to 20. They're young girls. Would you please keep an
eye on them? We do have to look out for their protection. Many
January 26, 2010
time I've walked out my back door, I've seen people from the
bar there, sitting there, drinking, throwing cans everywhere,
which I have to dean up myself and my staff. In fact, not even a
month ago, I forgot something at the restaurant. I was walking
from my residence to the restaurant and I found a drunk
teenager that was sleeping next to Jimmy John's. I had to call
the police and its probably on file. And for the concerns of the
residents, I personally installed security surveillance cameras on
the back of the building to keep it safe for everyone. I just ask
you to do the right thing, think about the long run. I understand
R would be nice to bring an extra business, but again, just do
what's right.
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. Is there anybody else that would
like to speak for or against this petition?
David Lord, A. F. Jonna Development, 4036 Telegraph Road, Suite 201,
Bloomfield, Michigan 48302. We own the shopping center,
Fountain Park Plaza. I did meet with the owners. I'm in a very
difficult position in that we have a valued relationship with one of
our tenants who just spoke to you. Not only, as he mentioned,
he's a tenant of ours at this center, they are at a total of four
other properties of ours. So again, we value that relationship.
I'm in a difficult position in that I disagree with the opinion
relative to parking. The Planning Department is acutely aware
of parking. They have a parking ordinance. They've assessed
the situation, and I really defer to their professional opinion in
lhatthere is adequate parking to service the center. I'm sorryto
hear that the residents have problems with Slingers, and I wish
for the sake of the community that the police could maybe be
more attentive to those concerns of the residents. But again, I
have a prospective tenant who is very excited about the
opportunity to open up a Mexican restaurant with a beer and
wine license. Likewise, as spoken by the prospective tenant, I
don't feel that its going to be a bar atmosphere at all. It's going
to be a Mexican restaurant that's going to bring people out to
enjoy an authentic Mexican meal, and at the same time have
the opportunity with the liquor license to have a beer, to have a
Margarita or what have you. I'd be happy to answer any
questions that you might have. Again, I look for your support,
and I'm very excited to have our prospective tenant willing to
come into the community and invest a significant amount of
money to be here. Thank you.
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you, Mr. Lord. Does anyone have any questions for him?
Mr. Taylor: Do you have a full time manager at that complex?
January 26, 2010
Mr. Lord:
Yes, we do.
Mr. Taylor:
Does he pretty well look at the back as far as clean up and
those types of things? That's one of the problems I know the
neighbors have had in the past.
Mr. Lord:
We try to be very attentive to all of our properties and keep a
clean environment and maintain our properties as well as we
can. With that said, is there going to be a periodic call? I don't
care what community you're in, what center you're at, you know,
you can't control someone throwing something out their car
windows be it patrons of any one of the businesses at the center
or not. But we do send a maintenance staff on fool to patrol.
We found that sweeping the parking lots was not an effective
way to keep a clean environment. So we send people actually
on fool. The sweepers, we found that the guys just ride their
machines around and won't gel off the seal to pick up a
newspaper if its in the bushes. That's why we physically send a
maintenance staff to pick up by hand.
Mr. Taylor:
I haven't been there in the back of those buildings for a while.
Do we have lighting back there?
Mr. Lord:
There is ...
Mr. Wilshaw:
If you want to come forward, you can address that issue. It
sounds like there's some lighting at the back of the building.
Ms. Gratz:
There is low lighting. There used to be lighting with Walgreens.
The lighting for the Dollar Tree is on, I believe, a timer. It goes
out at night. Understandably, so it doesn't shine into the
residents' windows, but the lighting on the back of the strip mall
is very low. Again, that's why we as a condo complex installed
the flood lighting to aim at the retail on our buildings.
Mr. Taylor:
So is it well lit back there is what I'm getting al?
Ms. Gratz:
The two comers where the flood lights are that actually,
depending on where they're pointing, then its lit, but if those
lights were not there, the light is very dim. Is there adequate
lighting? I don't know what adequate lighting would be.
Mr. Taylor:
Well, our police department says the biggest thing to deter
those types of things where people are drinking back there, if it's
dark, they're going to hide back there. If there's a lot of light
back there, they're probably not going to do it.
Mr. Wilshaw: Yes, I think there is a "left turn only" sign out of the bank
Mr. Taormina: Correct. That's what it was.
January 26, 2010
Ms. Gratz:
I would say that the lighting is only as adequate as Jimmy
John's has been broken into twice and Borics once. So I would
say it's not deterring much.
Mr. Taylor:
Sir, do you think you could put more lights back there for us,
more lighting?
Mr. Lord:
I don't know specifically if we add lights, if we increase the
voltage. It's certainly something I'm willing to entertain. I'd like
to strategize with Planning as far as their recommendation. If
you personally have some idea as to what, I'd be happy to
entertain it.
Mr. Taylor:
Well, Planning knows what type of lighting goes back there. It
focuses down on the street. It doesn't shine into the condos
back there. So that would be the type of lighting that we would
need. My next question would be to Mark, through the Chair.
The parking back there, is there no parking signs or temporary
parking signs? What type of signs are there, if there's any?
Mr. Taormina:
I'm not sure that there are any signs posted relative to the
parking along the rear of the retail building. The parking all
together for the residential and the commercial portions of
Fountain Park were figured collectively. It was originally
planned to have shared access and parking between the
various businesses. So available parking at the rear of the
commercial could be available for residents and could also be
used for patrons of the stores and employees. However, if
something else was worked out ultimately in the Master Deed
and between the owners, I'm not aware of that. That must have
been drafted separately. But I'm not sure that it's posted in any
way. It may be that the commercial businesses respect the fact
that the parking is reserved for the residents.
Mr. Taylor:
The east driveway coming in, is there any break through to the
bank parking lot?
Mr. Taormina:
I think there is a cross connect between the two. That was an
issue that was raised at the time that the Fifth Third Bank was
being planned and developed and that was that they would post
that driveway to prevent drive-through traffic from cutting
through to Farmington Road. I believe there are signs posted
along that access drive. I know there was at one time.
Mr. Wilshaw: Yes, I think there is a "left turn only" sign out of the bank
Mr. Taormina: Correct. That's what it was.
January 26, 2010
Mr. Taylor:
Ms. Gratz:
I wanted to address one more thing. I am asking for you to not
misunderstand. We enjoy your retail location being at that
place. As a complex, we don't necessarily have an issue with
your retail location. We are loyal patrons to most if not all of
those retail locations. But I do bring up the parking one more
time because being in such close proximity and getting to know
almost all of the employees that do work in that strip mall, I do
know that the Red Olive employees park partially either in Jad's
driveway or in the front to not take up all of the back spaces for
residents. The Biggby Coffee employees park in the Dollar
Tree, and so therefore if Red Olive is parking where they can,
and Biggby is parking at the Dollar Tree, what parking does that
leave? If they're already opening up the parking lot for their
customers ... with all of the employees parking off the retail
campus, where will Las Palapas employees park off campus?
Mr. Wilshaw:
I understand.
Ms. Gratz:
TCF Bank, my driveway.
Mr. Wlshaw:
All right. Thank you.
Mr. Taylor:
Mark, maybe you could explain again how we calculate our
parking as far as how the stores go and the sealing and all
those types of things.
Mr. Taormina:
We have two standards, both of which are based on the floor
area of the stores. For those retail centers that do not have
many restaurants, we allow them to use a ratio of one space for
every 150 square feet of useable floor area. For those centers
that anticipate lasing more than 15 percent of the space to
restaurants and other places of assembly, we allow them to
provide the parking at a ratio of 1:125. That way parking, at
lead on paper, is not an issue. They can have any percentage
of those retail areas occupied by restaurants. From a practical
standpoint, there are those centers where they lease out a
significant portion of space to restaurants or maybe even one
very successful restaurant. Again, this is just a rule of thumb
that we utilize. I've been to that center many times. I've never
seen the lot completely full to the point where you have go
elsewhere to find parking. That's not to say that its never
happened. While it complies with the ordinance, it's also the
responsibility of the landlord to make sure that his tenants and
those patrons of his tenants are not inconvenienced by a lack of
parking. So they have to lake a look at it very closely as well,
January 26, 2010
but they would not need a variance for parking. As I indicated, it
meets our requirement.
Mr. Taylor:
Then the question comes up, if they develop this piece of
property and a restaurant happens to be approved, what about
next door? What would happen next door?
Mr. Taormina:
Next door in that space, that can be occupied by any kind of
retail, any general retail business could go in there. If it was
proposed to be a restaurant, then they would have to come
back before this body for approval.
Mr. Taylor:
Mr. Taormina:
This waiver use would only apply to the 3,000 square feet of
retail Building B. It would not apply
to the entire building; only to
the westerly two-thirds of that building.
Mr. Taylor:
Whoever went in next to the east would have to come back if it
were a restaurant or unless it met the requirements of the
ordinance or what was going in.
Mr. Taormina:
Mr. Wlshaw:
Thank you, Mr. Taylor.
Ms. Scheel:
Mr. Taormina, I have a question. The residents that have
spoken have referred to a bar a couple limes. Is this the bar
that's across Farmington Road?
Mr. Taormina:
Yes. This is the former Windjammers, and then after that it was
P.Y. Stix.
Ms. Scheel:
Okay. So it's the one across from Farmington Road?
Mr. Taormina:
Cheryl Doelker,
Jimmy John's. I live in Livonia at 19369 Fairlane Court. A lot of
banter has gone around about parking, and I don't mean to beat
a dead horse, but the reality of the situation there is we can talk
about ordinances as so many square feet. I did a count of the
parking spaces. There are approximately 100 spaces, that
includes the shared parking behind the facility. I have 12
employees at lunch time. How many do you have?
Mr. Sayah:
January 26, 2010
Ms. Doelker:
Twenty three employees at lunchtime. I don't know what the
rest of the people in the Plaza have. There's a substantial lack
of parking there in terms of, maybe we don't see it completely
full. There's good reason for that because as we've identified,
we've got our employees dispersed parking different places.
Moving forward, what happens next? How many employees are
being projected for the proposed restaurant? There's at least
two vacant spaces in there now, a third one would be the
portion of the building left yet to be developed. Where do we
go, and in the event that parking does become a problem if this
resolution moves forward, what's the answer for us then?
That's a scary piece because if parking is bad, I can tell you, I
have another establishment in Livonia where parking is
atrocious. All businesses suffer then. So its a win, or it's a lose
for everybody. So I urge you to consider parking big time
regardless of what the ordinance says.
Mr. Taylor:
Petitioners come to the Planning Commission or the Council
and say, well, how many employees do you have? Well, we
only have four employees. Now we have 12 employees. We
have 35 employees. It sure changes. Its very strange. Thank
Ms. Doelker:
Mine didn't change.
Ms. Smiley:
Where is your other Jimmy John's at?
Ms. Doelker:
I have two more in Livonia. Six and Newburgh and one at Eight
and Farmington.
Ms. Smiley:
Okay. And the parking isn't adequate at either of those?
Ms. Doelker:
Six and Newburgh is fine. Eight and Farmington is awful,
dangerously awful.
Mr. Wlshaw:
Thank you, Ms. Doelker. Sir, you've had a chance to speak
already. If you want to give the gentleman behind an
opportunity to speak.
Bryan Riffle, 11712
Farmington Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. 1 just wanted to
address parking again. There's inadequate parking enough that
the city officials have been parking in the fire lane and going into
the Biggby Coffee. I just wanted you to know that because
that's obviously an issue if they cant do it. If there's a house
fire and this fire lane is blocked? What's going to happen then?
Mr. Wilshaw:
Do you think they're doing it out of convenience because it's
right next to the building or the entrance as opposed to ...
January 26, 2010
Mr. Riffle: Its a spot and they can get there
Mr. Wlshaw:
Part of the concern, loo, especially of fire officials is that they
don't want to gel trapped in a space where they can't get their
vehicle out if they need to run out for an emergency.
Mr. Riffle:
Those are very narrow streets, is my big concern.
Mr. Wilshaw:
I understand.
Mr. Riffle:
And then safely again. Nobody slops al the slop signs. There's
more traffic. There you go. They're just loo fast.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay. Anything else, Mr. Riffle?
Mr. Riffle :
No, sir. Thank you.
Mr. Sayah:
I do understand the Planning Commission. Depending on the
square footage, how many spaces the place is allowed. We
have a location on Five Mile and Beck Road. The landlord is
Soave, and when we first went in and they said, depending on
the size that you have, how many seals you have, this is how
much parking you're allowed. On paper, it looks fine. But when
you think about it, if I have a table of five people that work
together, or if they don't work together they're meeting there,
does that mean all five people are coming in one car? There
could be five cars. It doesn't mean if you have one table of five
people, they're going to take one spot. You're looking at five
spots. If it looks good on paper, I understand. We were up here
three years ago fighting the same thing. On paper, it looks good
but being there seven days a week, you're in the concerns of
the customers. Your opinion changes. Like Jimmy John's said,
if one business suffers from parking, they all suffer and then we
all sit there and point the finger at each other. Your customer is
parking in front of my place, mine is parking in front of yours.
Tell them to slay there. We start putting up signs. I just don't
want to end up with that problem.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Its a unique situation that parking is a problem anywhere in
Livonia, because normally our parking ordinance is so
demanding that most developers come to us saying that we're
requiring too much parking. Apparently, that's not the case in
this situation. Your development is doing very well. Sir, do you
want to make one more comment?
Mr. Grix:
Again, coming back to the parking issue. Mr. Riffle just
mentioned the fad city employees park in the fire lane next to
January 26, 2010
the Biggby. Patrons of the location park there to go in and out
and they will park on both sides of that access road that comes
in off of Plymouth. I come home 5:00, 6:00 in the evening and
it's not unusual coming in off Plymouth Road, my driveway
practically abuts that egress road off of Plymouth Road. It's not
uncommon to have cars parked on that access road that are
patronizing the coffee shop and being parked on both sides.
Sunday morning, Saturday morning. They are constantly
parking on both sides. Again, I'm in support of the fad that
we've already got one full service restaurant. Again, I don't see
a need for a second one. And as everybody has said, the
parking situation has got to be taken into account in looking at
the proposed use.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Thank you, sir. I think we all hear that loud and clear that
parking is the main concern.
Ms. Varloogian:
I have a question for the pefitioner. I was wondering if you had
considered moving to other locations in the city.
Mr. Ochoa:
You know what? That's actually why I came up here to speak.
There were three things that I was looking for when I wanted to
open a restaurant in Livonia. I want it to be on a busy street,
which Plymouth Road is. I wanted the building to have
adequate parking, and I wanted it to have good curb appeal for
the type of restaurant that I want to open. I literally sal in that
parking lot, parked my car, and sat there from 11:00 a.m. to
about almost 2:00 p.m. sometimes listening to the radio looking
at the parking lot just trying to figure out where most of the
parking was concentrating and if it was really packed for lunch.
I don't want to open a business somewhere where my
customers aren't going to be able to park or they're going to
have to walk half a mile or they're going to have to park at the
bank or the Dollar Tree. Now, before I even picked up my
phone and called A.F. Jonna to inquire about the building, I did
that many days. I went there and I sal there and I just watched
everything. I came back for dinner. And there's something very
important that I think everybody should know. Yeah, we're
mainly a lunch and dinner restaurant. I think the Red Olive is a
great restaurant. I know they're more of a breakfast and lunch.
I've sat there for dinner and I've seen the parking lot. If any of
you guys have ever driven by there, you will see that there's
definitely plenty of parking there, there definitely is. If you guys
go there any time, you'll find a parking spot. I'll guarantee you
that. You will not have a problem doing it. That's all I have to
January 26, 2010
Mr. W lshaw:
That you Mr. Ochoa. You may want to slay up here for just a
minute in case there's some additional questions.
Ms. Scheel:
I have a couple questions. Mr. Taormina, I wanted to find out if
we were to go ahead and give this an approving resolution,
would it be possible to have whoever the correct persons are in
our department, along with the landlord, do a parking study so
that the Council can have that information before this comes
before Council if it gels approved to go there?
Mr. Taormina:
We could do spot check parking counts during the peak hours of
operation, and report that to the Council as additional data if
that's what you're suggesting. Yes, we could do that.
Ms. Scheel:
Okay. And then, an additional question I have is, a resident
asked about deliveries, when deliveries would take place, what
Mr. Ochoa:
I can't give you a specific time. It all depends on our suppliers.
We're mainly going to be dealing with Sysco. I don't tell them
when to come deliver my goods. They give me a dale once I'm
almost close to opening. They give me a dale and they will
determine that. That's not something I have any control of.
Ms. Scheel:
Okay. Thank you.
Ms. McDermott:
I have a question and I'm not exactly sure. I think its working in
conjunction with the landlord. It appears that there may already
be a problem with the trash compactor being full and the pickup
is not adequate. Could we get an extra pickup scheduled there
since you're adding another restaurant and there may be
obviously more trash?
Mr. Lord:
I would like to double check as far as the specific unit that's
there. When we have a compactor, what it does is that it
measures the capacity. It's supposed to send an automatic
signal to dispatch to come pickup. So now, if that switch is not
triggering, if there's some mechanical defect, that would be in
my mind the only reason why there would be a particular
problem. I'd be happy to send someone out on a service call to
make sure its working effectively and there isn't any malfunction
of that system. But do you follow me? When it gets to, I can't
speak verbatim as to 90 percent, 95 percent, 85 percent, but it
sends a signal as far as capacity is concerned, and it allows
them ample time to get out there and dispose of the trash.
Mr. Taylor: I don't mean the retail. I mean the persons who work at the
retail establishment, have them park over there if this gentleman
could make an arrangement to pay for so much parking. That
way, it would eliminate some employees parking in the
gentleman that owns the Red Olive in his yard or in his driveway
if they had some place where they could park in the area. I
mean, employees can walk a little ways. They do it at shopping
centers, have them park way in the back.
Mr. Taormina: There would be adequate space for a certain number of
additional cars to park at the bank. Whether or not the bank
January 26, 2010
Ms. McDermott:
Do you have experience with this company as to how quickly
they respond even though the signal is sent? They do show up
fairy quickly?
Mr. Lord:
Oh yes, absolutely. Again, if there's a malfunction, and I can't
speak from a historical perspective, if there has been, to my
knowledge for the past 3 - 4 years now, I haven't heard of any
problems. So, again, I don't know of any problems.
Ms. McDermott:
Okay. I would request, as one Commissioner here, that you
check with the tenants that are already there because if we
have one gentleman already saying that he's loading the trash
in his vehicle, there obviously must be some type of a problem.
Mr. Lord:
I would expect in a New York minute a call to be fired off to our
office advising our properly manager that there is a problem and
if we don't send someone out on a service call immediately,
shame on us. We value our tenants. I don't want a disgruntled
tenant who says, hey, look, this landlord is not responsive; the
property is not maintained; I'm dissatisfied with the shopping
center; and when my lease is up I'm out of here. On the
contrary, we want our tenants to have a good environment, a
safe environment, a longstanding relationship for years and
years. So he will renew that lease when it expires and slay
there and be a thriving business for the Livonia community.
Ms. McDermott:
Thank you. Ifs good to hear.
Mr. Taylor:
Just one more time to the property owner or manager. Is it
possible, and Mark you might be able to answer this, is there
more parking that needed at the bank because it's not usual to
have employees park in another area.
Mr. Taormina:
While there are surplus spaces available al the bank, it's really a
question of convenience. I don't think that those spaces are
conveniently located for use by the retail.
Mr. Taylor: I don't mean the retail. I mean the persons who work at the
retail establishment, have them park over there if this gentleman
could make an arrangement to pay for so much parking. That
way, it would eliminate some employees parking in the
gentleman that owns the Red Olive in his yard or in his driveway
if they had some place where they could park in the area. I
mean, employees can walk a little ways. They do it at shopping
centers, have them park way in the back.
Mr. Taormina: There would be adequate space for a certain number of
additional cars to park at the bank. Whether or not the bank
January 26, 2010
would be willing to entertain that kind of an arrangement, I don't
know. They could approach them on that.
Mr. Taylor: What Ms. Scheel is saying, if we gave an approving resolution
and they could come up with some other parking arrangement
possibly, before it went to the Council, then maybe they could
resolve it.
Mr. Taormina: Iundersland
Mr. Wilshaw:
Thank you, Mr. Taylor. Anybody else? I do have one question
for Mr. Ochoa if you don't mind. One of the things the residents
talked about was the concern of your hours, you being open a
little bit later than the other tenants in that space. We're talking
about essentially an hour where you stay open until 11:00 p.m.
on Friday and Saturday. Would you be willing to consider
closing at 10:00 p.m. instead of 11:00 p.m. on those days?
Mr. Ochoa:
You know, that's not something that I can promise you right
now. The type of restaurant that we want, its really no different
from a Chili's environment, an Applebee's environment. The
only difference is, we're not a big corporation. We're a family
owned business. Other than that, it's about the same
atmosphere. Like I said once before, I know they have a
problem with Slingers. I believe that's probably an issue that
they might need to take up with Slingers and bring it up to
whoever's in charge of that over here at the City Hall. Like I
said once again, I sat in the parking lot, many, many times. I
feel that there is more than enough parking. Like I said, I don't
want to sit here and try to bring my money into the City, make
such a big investment, take such a high risk if my customers
don't have a parking spot.
Mr. Wlshaw:
We're not talking about parking. We're talking about hours. I'm
not concerned about the parking between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00
p.m. It's more so just the operation of your business and the
disruption that it may have to the neighbors who are right behind
you sleeping or whatever they may be doing. Is that one hour
important to you?
Mr. Ochoa:
You know what? If it came down to I need to close at 10:00
p.m. along with everybody else to be able to be in the City of
Livonia, that's something that I will consider. We generally don't
get that many people for that extra hour. Most of the time what
happens from 10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., is if you have no tables,
everybody starts cleaning everything, getting everything
organized, so that by 11:00 p.m., not only is the restaurant
January 26, 2010
closed, but your kitchen is closed too and you're out the door
and going home.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Right. Okay. The other question I had is, this is really the next
petition, but we're kind of dealing with them at the same time.
The liquor license. You're talking about a limited amount of
liquor sales, limited to a handful of beers and Margaritas to
complement your meals. How crifical is that to the operation of
your business?
Mr. Ochoa:
If I do not have an approval on the liquor license, I do not want
to own a Mexican restaurant in Livonia. I have many friends
that have tried to open a Mexican restaurant of that size without
a liquor license and it's just impossible. You have loo much
overhead to just cover it up with food. You have to have that
liquor to help you out. Like I said, I'm not going to sit there and
push people to gel drunk. That's not what I want. I just want
you to enjoy a good Margarita and beer with your meal. That's
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay. I just wanted to know how important that was to you.
Thank you. I appreciate that. Does anyone else have any
questions? I will close the public hearing at this time. A motion
would be in order for the waiver use.
On a motion by Scheel, seconded by Taylor, and unanimously adopted, it was
RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held by the City Planning Commission on January 26, 2010, on
Petition 2009-12-02-20 submitted by Las Palapas, L.L.C.
requesting waiver use approval to operate a full service
restaurant at 33302 Plymouth Road within the Fountain Park
Plaza shopping center, located on the north side of Plymouth
Road between Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue in the
Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, which properly is zoned G2, the
Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City
Council that Petition 2009-12-02-20 be approved subject to the
following conditions:
1. That the maximum number of customer seats shall not
exceed 94 seats;
2. That the petitioner shall correct to the Inspection
Department's satisfaction the stipulations contained in the
correspondence dated January 12, 2010;
3. That the outdoor storage of refuse shall be limited to the
screened compactor area as shown on the approved site
January 26, 2010
plan for this commercial development and there shall be no
additional outdoor refuse storage areas anywhere else on
the site in connection with this use;
4. That only conforming signage is approved with this petition,
and any additional signage shall be separately submitted
for review and approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals;
5. That no LED lightband or exposed neon shall be permitted
on the site including, but not limited to, the building or
around the windows,
6. That the business shall close at 10:00 p.m.;
7. That over the next couple of weeks, the Planning
Department shall conduct periodic parking counts during
lunch and dinner peak hours of business, and report its
findings to the City Council; and
8. That the petitioner and owner shall check the trash
compactor to make sure it is working properly, and that the
frequency of pickups be increased as needed in order to
handle the additional trash generated by the restaurant.
Subject to the preceding conditions, this petition is approved for
the following reasons:
1. That the proposed use complies with all of the special and
general waiver use standards and requirements as set
forth in Sections 11.03 and 19.06 of the Zoning Ordinance
2. That the subject site has the capacity to accommodate the
proposed use; and,
3. That the proposed use is compatible to and in harmony
with the surrounding uses in the area.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.05 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended.
Ms. Scheel: I'd also like to add the stipulation that we had stated regarding
parking to have spot checks done and have a report sent to
Council, and also what Ms. McDermott mentioned, regarding
having the outdoor refuse checked. Thank you.
January 26, 2010
Mr. Taylor: If the maker of the motion wouldn't mind, I would like to add to it
that the hours of operation be no later than 10:00 p.m.
Mr. Wilshaw: Okay. So we have three additions to the motion. One is to
have the Planning Department check parking, to check the
refuse situation with the dumpster and compactor and then also
limit the hours until 10:00 p.m. at night. Is there anything else?
Is there any comments on this motion?
Mr. Wilshaw, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution. They will then conduct their meeting. So
certainly the residents who are here and obviously the petitioner
should go to that meeting and address their concerns.
On a motion by Taylor, seconded by Vartoogian, and unanimously approved, it
#01-05-2010 RESOLVED, that the City Planning Commission does hereby
determine to waive the provisions of Section 10 of Article VI of
the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, regarding the
effective dale of a resolution after the seven-day period from the
date of adoption by the Planning Commission, in connection
with Petition 2009-12-02-20 submitted by Las Palapas, L.L.C.
requesting waiver use approval to operate a full service
restaurant at 33302 Plymouth Road within the Fountain Park
Plaza shopping center, located on the north side of Plymouth
Road between Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue in the
Southwest 1/4 of Section 27.
Mr. Wilshaw, Acting Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
ITEM #6 PETMON 2009-12-02-22 LAS PALAPAS
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2009-
12-02-22 submitted by Las Palapas, L.L.C. requesting waiver
use approval to utilize a Class C liquor license (sale of beer,
wine, and spirits for consumption on the premises) in connection
with a full service restaurant at 33302 Plymouth Road within the
Fountain Park Plaza shopping center, located on the north side
of Plymouth Road between Farmington Road and Mayfield
Avenue in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27.
Mr. Wilshaw: Is there any correspondence?
January 26, 2010
Mr. Miller: There are four items of correspondence. The first item is from
the Division of Police, dated January 7, 2010, which reads as
follows: "We have reviewed the plans in connection with Las
Palapas Restaurant Class C license request, located at 33308
Plymouth Road (northeast comer of Plymouth and Farmington
Roads). We have no objection or recommendations to the
plans as submitted as long as they comply with all State laws,
City ordinances, and stipulations and conditions set by the
Traffic Bureau of the Police Department" The letter is signed
by Donald E. Borieo, Sergeant, Special Services Bureau. The
second letter is also from the Division of Police, dated January
4, 2010, which reads as follows: "We have reviewed the plans
in connection with Las Palapas Restaurant located at 33308
Plymouth. We have no objections or recommendations to the
plans as submitted." The letter is signed by David W. Studt,
Sergeant, Traffic Bureau. The third letter is from the Inspection
Department, dated February 3, 2010, which reads as follows:
"Pursuant to your request of January 12, 2010, the above -
referenced petition has been reviewed. The following is noted.
(1) This proposed restaurant is located within 1,000 feet of
another establishment with a Class C license. The 1,000 foot
required may be waived by Council. (2) This license shall be
subject to all final inspection approval of the Building
Department being obtained. This Department has no further
objections to this petition." The letter is signed by Jerome
Hanna, Assistant Director of Inspection. The fourth letter is from
the Plymouth Road Development Author% dated January 22,
2010, which reads as follows: "At the 214 Regular Meeting of
the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of Livonia
held on January 21, 2010, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted. #2010-02 RESOLVED, that the
Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby support the
proposed plans as presented by Las Palapas, L.L.C. to operate
a full service restaurant with a Class C liquor license at 33308
Plymouth Road within the Fountain Park Plaza shopping center,
located on the north side of Plymouth Road between
Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue in the Southwest 1/4 of
Section 27, subject to compliance with all City codes and
ordinances, as such may be modified by the action of the
Planning Commission and/or City Council." The letter is signed
by John J. Nagy, Executive Director. That is the extent of the
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you. We already had discussion on this item, but is there
anything else that the Planning Staff would like to add on this?
January 26, 2010
Mr. Taormina: You may want to consider as a condition of any approving
resolution that the Council consider limiting this waiver use to
this petitioner only through an agreement. They've done that on
a number of cases. The approval of the waiver use for the
restaurant, for example, limits the hours of operation. Tying this
to that particular proprietor, I think provides additional safely in
the future in the event that he leaves. The waiver use would not
be permissible unless under separate agreement with the City
Council for that location. The waiver use would essentially be
abandoned at that point.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay. That makes sense. Just so the audience understands
what we're talking about, it's not unusual for a waiver use of
liquor licenses, if an approving resolution is offered, to ask that
they be limited to that particular proprietor so that in the event
Mr. Ochoa's restaurant was not successful, that the place would
not slay with a Class C liquor license. Someone else could not
come in and just open up and start serving alcohol. Mr. Ochoa,
do you have anything else you'd like to add regarding the liquor
Agustin Ochoa,
Las Palapas, L.L.C., 14172 Arlene Lane, Belleville, Michigan
48111. Not regarding the liquor license. I would like to ask for a
seven day waiver though.
Mr. Wilshaw:
For just the liquor license?
Mr. Ochoa:
For both, the restaurant and the liquor license.
Mr. Wilshaw:
We will address that in just a moment.
Ms. Vartoogian:
Could you repeat what he just asked?
Mr. Wilshaw:
He asked to waive the seven days so he can go to Council
Ms. Vartoogian:
Mr. Wilshaw:
Is there anything else anybody would like to add in regard to the
liquor license? Please come forward. You already had a
chance to speak to the issue, so please keep your comments
reasonably brief.
Nauseda Clinton,
11704 Farmington Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. Again, I do
live right there. When we bought our home, it was worth much
more that what it is now already. Smolkng is going to be
banned on the inside in the Stale of Michigan in May. I don't
think I want a bunch of people hanging around smoking
January 26, 2010
cigarettes. I mean, I live there. I have a dog. I have to take my
dog outside to use the bathroom. There are just trucks after
trucks coming through there. It used to be quiet. I am just really
opposed to this liquor license a lot. I can't see how it's going to
be good for Livonia at all. With the reference to Slingers, again,
that's not in my background. It is across the street but I've had
people urinating in my bushes from that bar. People passed
out. I live here. I pay taxes. I live here. I pay a very high
mortgage where Ilive. My husband and I are both business
people. That's why we chose to live in a condo. We work. I
don't want to come home from work at the end of the day and
then have all this, the liquor, smoking outside, loud. I can't see
how that's good. And again, parking, I can't see where that's
going to happen. It's a lot of traffic. It's a lot of noise. My front
window, my front door, I walk outside and there I am right in the
middle of it. I think the Red Olive, its a family owned restaurant.
We do have dinner there so it's not just the lunch thing. We
walk over there so I'm not taking spots. I'm sure you're familiar
with the area. And I know Walmarl doesn't have anything to do
with it, but oh my gosh. We just got like bombarded with so
many things and it's so busy now and Plymouth Road, I mean
it's just, I just really, really hope you can just turn down the
liquor license completely. Again, that's my neighborhood. I live
here. And I understand business. I understand we need to
have business, but we have a restaurant, a full service
restaurant, breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have a coffee shop.
We have Jimmy John's. I think we're good.
Bryan Riffle, 11712 Farmington Road Livonia, Michigan 48150. I'm not
concerned about Slingers across the street or anything like that.
I'm concerned about my backyard and my family and Las
Palapas. I wish you luck. Dont get me wrong, but not in my
Mr. Wilshaw: Seeing no other comments, I'll close the public hearing at this
time. And a motion would be in order.
Ms. Scheel: Mr. Taormina, if we do a seven day waiver, will that give enough
time for a parking lot check to be done?
Mr. Taormina: The voting meeting, should it progress to the 8th, would give us
a little over a week to look at that. The Study session would be
Monday, and then the voting meeting would be the following
Wednesday, which would be the 8'.
Ms. Scheel: Okay. Thank you very much.
January 26, 2010
Mr. Taylor: Then they have to wail until the Minutes are approved too,
Mr. Taormina: For the action of the Council to be final, yes.
Mr. Wilshaw: All we can do is speed up the process to the Council.
Mr. Taylor: If this were a regular bar going in, that would be one question. I
relate back to Harrison and Five Mile. There's a little Mexican
restaurant there. It's got about a six seal bar, if I remember
correctly, if you want to call that a bar. But it's a different type of
people that go into those kinds of places. It's not what we call a
bar bar, so to speak, and that's the reason why I don't see this
as being quite as hazardous as they might think in the
neighborhood. I understand the neighbors concern. They
certainly have the right to have a concern, but I'm going to ask
for an approving resolution.
On a motion by Taylor, seconded by Varloogian, and unanimously adopted, it
#01-06-2010 RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held by the City Planning Commission on January 26, 2010, on
Petition 2009-12-02-22 submitted by Las Palapas, L.L.C.
requesting waiver use approval to utilize a Class C liquor
license (sale of beer, wine, and spirits for consumption on the
premises) in connection with a full service restaurant at 33302
Plymouth Road within the Fountain Park Plaza shopping center,
located on the north side of Plymouth Road between
Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue in the Southwest 1/4 of
Section 27, which properly is zoned G2, the Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 2009-12-02-22 be approved subject to the following
1. That the use of an Class C license at this location shall be
permitted only under the circumstances that the Zoning
Ordinance standard set forth in Section 11.03(h)(1)
requiring that there be at least a 1,000 fool separation
between Class C licensed establishments is waived by the
City Council; and
2. That the petitioner shall enter into a conditional agreement
limiting this waiver use to this user only, with the provision
to extend this waiver use to a new user only upon the
approval of the new user by the City Council and the
Michigan Liquor Control Commission.
January 26, 2010
Subject to the preceding conditions, this petition is approved for
the following reasons:
1. That the proposed use complies with all of the general
waiver use standards and requirements as set forth in
Section 19.06 of the Zoning Ordinance #543;
2. That the subject site has the capacity to accommodate the
proposed use;
3. That the proposed use is compatible to and in harmony
with the surrounding uses in the area; and,
4. That the proposed Class C licensed establishment would
be utilized primarily as a restaurant.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.05 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended.
Ms. Smiley: Joe, do you want to tie the use of the waiver use?
Mr. Taylor: Yes, please.
Mr. Wilshaw, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution. We do have a request to waive the seven
days on both motions. Would anybody like to offer that?
On a motion by Taylor, seconded by Vartoogian, and unanimously approved, 0
#01-07-2010 RESOLVED, that the City Planning Commission does hereby
determine to waive the provisions of Section 10 of Article VI of
the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, regarding the
effective dale of a resolution after the seven-day period from the
date of adoption by the Planning Commission, in connection
with Petition 2009-12-02-22 submitted by Las Palapas, L.L.C.
requesting waiver use approval to utilize a Class C liquor
license (sale of beer, wine, and spirits for consumption on the
premises) in connection with a full service restaurant at 33302
Plymouth Road within the Fountain Park Plaza shopping center,
located on the north side of Plymouth Road between
Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue in the Southwest 1/4 of
Section 27.
Mr. Wilshaw, Acting Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
January 26, 2010
ITEM #7 PETITION 2009-12-02-21 LEIDAL & HART
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2009-
12-02-21 submitted by Laical & Hart Mason Contractors
requesting waiver use approval to operate a contractors yard in
a M-1 district at 12100 Globe, located on the east side of Globe
Road between Plymouth Road and Amrhein Road in the
Southwest 1/4 of Section 29.
Mr. Taormina provided background on the item and presented a map showing
the properly under petition plus the existing zoning of the surrounding area.
Mr. Wilshaw: Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Miller: There are four items of correspondence. The first item is from
the Engineering Division, dated January 4, 2010, which reads
as follows: 9n accordance with your request, the Engineering
Division has reviewed the above referenced petition. The legal
description as submitted, even though not worded exactly the
same as our legal description on record, is comect. The
address according to our records is 12100 Globe. As regards
storm water, there is a large diameter public storm sewer, which
runs in a north -south direction at the east end of the property.
Due to the size of this parcel, any land changes which would
result in a change in storm water runoff volume must be
reviewed in advance by the Engineering Division." The letter is
signed by Kevin G. Roney, P.E., Assistant City Engineer. The
second letter is from the Livonia Fire & Rescue Division, dated
January 14, 2010, which reads as follows: "This office has
reviewed the site plan submitted in connection with a request to
operate a contractor's yard in a M-1 district in the existing
building on property located at the above referenced address.
We have no objections to this proposal." The letter is signed by
Donald F. Donnelley, Fire Marshal. The third letter is from the
Division of Police, dated January 4, 2010, which reads as
follows: We have reviewed the plans connection with Leidal &
Hart Mason Contractors, located at 12100 Globe. We have no
objections or recommendations to the plans as submitted." The
letter is signed by David W. Sludl, Sergeant, Traffic Bureau.
The fourth letter is from the Inspection Department, dated
January 12, 2010, which reads as follows: "Pursuant to your
request of January 12, 2010, the above -referenced petition has
been reviewed. The following is noted. (1) All parking spaces
are required to be 10' by 20' and double striped. All barrier free
parking spaces are required to be property sized, signed and
striped. (2) The proposed storage yard and drive shall be
improved with six inches of concrete or plant -mixed asphalt If
January 26, 2010
this requirement is waived we would ask that the Planning
Commission and/or Council consider having the petitioner
provide a plan that can be monitored, to control any dust that
may be generated from any non -paved areas. This Department
has no further objections to this petition." The letter is signed by
Jerome Hanna, Assistant Director of Inspection. That is the
extent of the correspondence.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Are there any questions for the staff? Seeing none, would the
petitioner please come forward?
Brad Laical,
Laical & Hart Mason Contractors, 32225 Schoolcraft, Livonia,
Michigan 48150. Good evening. Laical & Hart has been a
corporate citizen of Livonia for going on 53 years. Our current
location on Schoolcraft for approximately 40 years. We're
looking to move our operation to the Globe Street property. As
such, we're asking for approval for a contractor's yard in order
to support our operations there.
Mr. W lshaw:
Okay. Thank you. Are there any questions for the petitioner?
Ms. Smiley:
Were you the one who provided us with this dust control?
Mr. Laical :
Yes. We're planning on minimizing the dust there through use
of calcium chloride, and we could do that by once or twice a
year applying an application via truck with a pressurized spray
bar on it.
Ms. Smiley:
Okay. But the front would be black lopped and striped?
Mr. Laical :
Exactly. What we would do is, around the drive area there, we
would hit that with calcium chloride because that's where the
majority of the dust would probably be generated from trucks
coming in and out of the yard.
Ms. Smiley:
Okay. And I assume this means it's very effective. That's why
you have this, right, in keeping the dust down?
Mr. Laical :
Yes. That was recommended to us as the most practical
Ms. Smiley:
Mr. Wilshaw:
I know that magnesium chloride is used for that often. I haven't
heard calcium chloride being used for that, but I assume its a
similar use.
January 26, 2010
Mr. Laical:
Yes. Calcium chloride was what the contractor we inquired to,
that's what they recommended.
Mr. Wlshaw:
Okay. Thank you.
Ms. Vartoogian:
Do you know what effect calcium chloride has on the
Mr. Laical :
As far as I know, there would be very minimal effect, probably
none, really.
Ms. Vartoogian:
Probably none, really. That's not loo convincing.
Mr. Leidal:
As far as I know, there would be no effect.
Ms. Vartoogian:
Okay. Thank you.
Mr. Wlshaw:
That's one thing I know. Magnesium chloride is environmentally
friendly as well. It might be a product that you want to look into,
see if there's not that much of a price difference.
Mr. Laical :
We would compare and we are familiar with using MSDS and
evaluating materials, and that is something that we take into
Mr. Wilshaw:
If there are no other questions for the petitioner, we will go to
the audience. Mr. Martin.
Chnstoper Martin,
12275 Inkster Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. Just a brief
comment. Laical & Hart has been pretty nice to me the last
couple summers. When they do a big
job, your foreman out
there, Wally, has let me come over and take
some brick. Rather
than throw it in a dumpster and pay to have it hauled off to some
landfill, I had come over with my trailer and picked through
some of that sluff. They load it up with a hi -Io. I look it back to
my establishment on Inkster Road there. I have enough brick to
eventually put a wall that's required between a G7 and an R-1
piece, but I own the residential property next to my business
also. So all I have to do one day is convince myself to put up
that brick wall. I appreciate them, though, and I know that a
couple years ago they celebrated their 50th anniversary. I wish
you would approve this.
Mr. Wlshaw:
Thank you for your comments.
Mr. Laical :
We have more brick. Come on by.
January 26, 2010
Mr. Martin: Yes, I figured you might be looking to get rid of some in your
move over to Globe Street. Thank you.
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you. If there are no other comments from the audience.
The petkioner, do you have any other things you'd like to add?
Mr. Laical: No, I don't. Thank you very much for your consideration.
Mr. Wilshaw: Okay. Any other questions from the Planning Commission? I'll
go ahead and close the public hearing. A motion would be in
On a motion by Scheel, seconded by Smiley, and unanimously adopted, it was
#01-08-2010 RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held by the City Planning Commission on January26, 2010, on
Petition 2009-12-02-21 submitted by Laical & Hart Mason
Contractors requesting waiver use approval to operate a
contractors yard in a M-1 district at 12100 Globe, located on the
east side of Globe Road between Plymouth Road and Amrhein
Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 29, which property is
zoned M-1, the Planning Commission does hereby recommend
to the City Council that Petition 2009-12-02-21 be approved
subject to the following conditions:
1. That the Site Plan marked Exhibit No. PSP-III prepared by
Cunningham-Limp Company, as submitted to the Planning
Commission on December 16, 2009, is hereby approved
and shall be adhered to;
2. That the visitor and employee parking spaces shown on
the site plan shall be double striped, including the provision
of barrier free parking, and all regular parking spaces shall
be 10 feet by 20 feet in size as required;
3. That the outdoor storage of trailers, cranes, commercial
vehicles, contractors equipment and materials shall be
limited to the designated locations as shown on the above-
referenced Site Plan and shall be maintained in an orderly
4. That there shall be no outdoor storage of disabled or
inoperative equipment and vehicles, scrap material, debris
or other similar items;
5. That the outdoor slacking or stockpiling of materials shall
not exceed eight feel (8') in height above ground level;
January 26, 2010
6. That the contractors yard shall be hard surfaced with
crushed rock or gravel prior to the issuance of the
Certificate of Occupancy by the Inspection Department and
shall be maintained in a dust proof condition, and said
storage area shall be properly graded and drained to
dispose of all surface water in a manner as approved by
the Engineering Division;
7. That all landscaped and sodded areas shall be
permanently maintained in a healthy condition; and,
8. That the plan referenced in this approving resolution shall
be submitted to the Inspection Department at the time of
application for the Certificate of Occupancy.
Subject to the preceding conditions, this petition is approved for
the following reasons:
1. That the proposed use is in compliance with all of the
special and general waiver use standards and
requirements as set forth in sections 16.11 and 19.06 of
the Zoning Ordinance #543;
2. That the subject properly has the capacity to accommodate
the proposed use; and,
3. That the proposed use is compatible to and in harmony
with the surrounding uses in the area.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.05 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended.
Mr. Wilshaw, Acting Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution.
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Patton 2005-
00503-08-05 submitted by EDCO Real Estate Ventures, L.L.C.,
requesting approval of a landscape plan as required by Council
Resolution #385-09 in connection with a proposal to construct
an addition and renovate the exterior of the service station
located at 34901 Ann Arbor Trail, on the southwest comer of
Wayne Road and Ann Arbor Trail in the Southwest''/. of Section
January 26, 2010
Mr. Miller:
On September 9, 2009, the petitioner received site plan
approval to construct an addition and renovate the exterior of
the service station located on the southwest comer of Wayne
Road and Ann Arbor Trail. As part of the approval it was
conditioned: That a fully detailed landscape plan shall be
submitted for approval to the Planning Commission and City
Council within 60 days following approval of this petition by the
City Council. A landscape plan was submitted on November 20,
2009. The plan shows that most of the proposed landscaping
would be established along the gas station's two street
frontages. The only other landscaping would be installed in five
fool wide planter boxes flanking the east side of the building.
With the exception of three Dogwood trees along the site's west
property line, the plant materials proposed for the site would
consist of low -profile type vegetation. Shrubs, ornamental
grasses, dense groundcovers and annual flowers would inhabit
the designated planting areas. Fifteen percent of the site would
be landscaped. This is conforming to the requirement of
Section 19.060) of the Zoning Ordinance that specifies that at
least 15 percent of the total site must be landscaped. That is
the extent of this proposal.
Mr. Wlshaw:
All right. Thank you, Scott. Are there any questions for the
Planning Staffing?
Ms. Vartoogian:
During our study session meeting, we talked about possibly
using some other varieties of plantings. What was decided with
Mr. Miller:
Basically, if this is approved, in the conditions of approval we
specified that street trees will be planted to the satisfaction of
the Planning Department.
Ms. Vartoogian:
Okay. Thank you. That's all I have.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Anybody else? There's nobody in the audience to speak for or
against this item. A motion would be in order.
On a motion by McDermott, seconded by Scheel, and unanimously adopted, it
RESOLVED, that the City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 2005-03-08-05
submitted by EDCO Real Estate Ventures, L.L.C., requesting
approval of a landscape plan as required by Council Resolution
#385-09 in connection with a proposal to construct an addition
and renovate the exterior of the service station located at 34901
January 26, 2010
Ann Arbor Trail, on the southwest comer of Wayne Road and
Ann Arbor Trail in the Southwest % of Section 33, be approved
subject to the following condifions:
1. That the Landscape Plan marked Sheet No. A-01 dated
November 16, 2009, as revised, prepared by Ghassan
Khalaf, is hereby approved and shall be adhered to;
2. That street trees, as specified in Section 18.45 of the
Zoning Ordinance, shall be planted along the subject
property's street frontages subject to approval by the
Planning Department;
3. That all disturbed lawn areas shall be sodded in lieu of
4. That underground sprinklers are to be provided for all
landscaped and sodded areas and all planted materials
shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Inspection
Department and thereafter permanently maintained in a
healthy condition; and,
5. That all other conditions imposed by Council Resolution
#385-09, which granted approval to construct an addition
and renovate the exterior of the service station, shall
remain in effect to the extent that they are not in conflict
with the foregoing conditions.
Mr. Wilshaw, Acting Chairman, declared the mofion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution.
and Regular Meeting
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Approval of the
Minutes of the 989th Public Hearings and Regular Meeting held
on December 15, 2009.
On a motion by Taylor, seconded by Scheel, and unanimously adopted, it was
#01-10-2010 RESOLVED, that the Minutes of 9891 Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting held by the Planning Commission on
December 15, 2009, are hereby approved.
January 26, 2010
A roll call vole on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
Taylor, Scheel, McDermott, Smiley, Wilshaw
Mr. Wilshaw, Acting Chairman, declared the motion is carded and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the 990th Public
Hearings and Regular Meeting held on January 26, 2010, was adjourned at 9:57
Carol A. Smiley, Secretary
Ian Wilshaw, Acting Chairman