HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Commission 2015-09-10MINUTES OF THE 7131s REGULAR MEE LIVONIA TRAFFIC COMMISSION The 713`" Regular meeting of the Livonia Traffic Commission was held in the third -floor conference room at City Hall on Thursday, September 10, 2015; it was called to order by Jim Policelh at 7:31 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners: Jim Policelli, Jim Keller, Gordon Draper, Tom Ambers, John Raters, and Kevin Priddy; City of Livonia Engineer Tadd Zilincik; and City of Livonia Police Sergeant Joseph Boitos VISITORS ATTENDING: Harty Piotrowski, RobertBullington, Barb Bauman and Ann Bonds from Livonia Hills Estates, section 6, regarding traffic concerns. Agenda Item 1: The minutes of the August 13, 2015, meeting was reviewed. Commissioner Draper noted two minor wording corrections. The word `tabled" was changed to "postponed" in Agenda Items 4 and 5. Thereafter, Commissioner Draper offered an approval to submit the minutes as corrected and with support from Commissioner Ambers, it was approved by majority vote that: 15194 RESOLVED, that the commission minutes from August 13, 2015, meeting are approved as corrected. Agenda item 2: Residents representing the Livonia Hills Estates, section 6, came to further discuss their concerns with traffic in their subdivision. This matter was deferred to the City attorney's office and again it was noted that any `No U Tom" sign that was placed would be difficult to enforce. Todd met with the City attorney's office to discuss this and also the residents' wishes to have a "No Tum on Red" sign installed by MDOT along the off ramp going northbound on I-275 to Eight Mile. Sgt. Boitos shared some photos of signage in the neighborhood across Eight Mile in Farmington Hills that the Neighborhood Association has placed there; however, this neighborhood is entirely private and, therefore, can erect custom signs as needed. Sgt. Boitos also feels Hickory Lane is too narrow to make a U Tum, however, this will not stop the oceurrences. Sgt. Boitos also recited aloud that the Michigan State Police define a U Tum as "R 28.1434 Rule 434. Limitations on turning around; violation as civil infraction. (1) The driver of any vehicle shall not hen the vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction on my street in a business district and shall not, on my other street, so tum a vehicle unless the movement can be made in safety and without interfering with other traffic. (2) A person who violates this rule is responsible for a civil infraction. Under the UTC the requirement of whether or not there must be a sign posted prohibiting U -Tums is debatable. Some say yes and some say no. The final determination will be up to the individual court." Therefore, Sgt Boitos is recommending that the commission vote to remove the existing "No Outlet" sign and replace it with a "No U Turn" sign. Commissioner Priddy suggested a "No Left Turn" sign be installed with Wayne County's approval; however, this could hinder the residents from entering their own subdivision. Therefore, after discussion, a motion to remove the "No Outlet" sign was made by Commissioner Priddy and with support from Commissioner Draper, the motion passed with a 5 to 1 vote. Thereafter, Commissioner Keller made a motion to replace the removed "No Outlet" sign with a "No U Tum' sign and with support by Commissioner Ambers, the motion passed with a 4 to 2 vote. 15195 RESOLVED, to remove the "No Outlet" signs at the enhances to Livonia Hills Estates, section 6. 15196 RESOLVED, to install a "No U Turn" sign (R-3-4) where "No Outlet" signs were removed. Further discussion revealed the residents' disappointment with the volume of traffic in the 275 corridor and the 8 Mile and Haggerty intersection during rush hems. They asked if the timing of the lights in the area can be looked into, but this would require MDOT and Wayne County to conduct those studies. Agenda Item 3: The traffic study that was requested for the Burton Hollow Swim Club, section 16, was reported. The petitioner was not present. Sgt Boitos shared the data with us and reported that of all the vehicles traveling on the roadway, none were speeding. Originally, the petitioners were concerned with parking problems and speeding vehicles among other requests. A motion to take no further action was made by Commissioner Draper and with support from Commissioner Priddy, the motion was unanimously approved. Agenda item 4: Sgt. Bones reported on the Schoolcraft Road "No Tum on Red" study and noted that with 5 years of crash data, no crashes can be linked directly to the lack of"No Tum on Red" signs. Vision obstructions are present at many of the intersections, but those seem to have adequate signage at the present time. Levan road has the signage with an additional timestamp because of the proximity to Madonna University and its satellite buildings. There was also some discussion because of the increased volume around the Middle Belt corridor to remove the timestamps and leave it as a 24-hour "No Tum on Red" intersection; however, no vote was taken at this time. The commission thanked Sgt. Boitos for his efforts with the report. Thereafter, Commissioner Draper made a motion to take no further action at this time and with support by Commissioner Priddy, the motion passed unanimously. Chairman's comments An email request was received after the agenda for this month's meeting had been published and distributed, but prior to the meeting taking place. Section 15- Request for speed limit signage along Roycroft Street. The petitioner was not present but had sent an email requesting speed limit signage along Roycroft Street between Farmington and Hubbard stating that there is no speed limit signage placed and oftentimes traffic leaving or going to the nearby credit union will go too fast down Roycroft They are also concerned about foot traffic in the area. Sgt. Boitos will check for a TCO regarding speed limit signage. Chairperson Policelli noted that the signage issue from Allen Street, section 20, has been resolved. Additionally, a thank you note was seat to the commission from the Homeowners' Association for helping to resolve the matter. Wayne County has removed the "No Turn on Red" sign on northbound Farmington to eastbound 7 Mile Road. Roundtable Discussion Todd provided the commission with a handout discussing an issue along Sears Drive, section 26. His concerns were that since Sears Drive has been newly reconstructed and the commission's consideration of adding additional "No Parking" signs toward the end of the street turnaround. A TCO is already in place for these signs (TCO 03-09). Todd also felt that striping should be added along what is a low profile curb that forms the edge of the road and the beginning of a driveway. Todd feels that someone may not notice where the exchange lies and may inadvertently park in the roadway. Winter weather could exacerbate this issue. The commission had no objection to either of these requests. State of the City tickets can be reserved with Cheryl or Kim in the mayor's office for anyone wishing to attend on Wednesday, September 16. The meeting was adjourned A 8:51 p.m. NEXT MEETING. October S, 2015, at City Hall Respectfully submitted, Jim Keller Recording Secretary