HomeMy WebLinkAboutLHC 2015-11-02 . � �s L.itlQN[A�it3USING CaMMiS�iON JAM�S M.WGLIS .,,�.j � JACK E.KIRKSEY DIRECTOR 3- �� ' � MAYOR � f `.''1 MEMBERS ���"'" PATR#CK V McNAMARA TOWERS JOHN BRYAN �+ 1930p PURLINGBROflK ROAD CARI.dEAL �-` � LIVONIA, MI 48152-1902 �A�����R i�`�'�� t248��77-7086 BE1T1 SlAGK (24$}477-5494 TDD RUSS SMITH (24$)477-4172 FAX I�ovember 2 , 2 0�.5 .l�TD7'I�''..�' �.F' RE'�`LIL.�1.1.' IIE'..�TI�G' To Bc�ard of �c�mmis�ianers, Li�c�nza Housi.ng �ornmission From J�me� l�, Inglis, E�ecu�i�e Lir€;c�or Please be advz�ed tha� the ne�t regular meetinc�. of the Livonia HoLrsing �ammi�sion i� �cheduled for � , OOpm, Thur,sc7'ay, 11Tc�vember 19, 2t�15 at the Livania Hausing Commi��ions 1�Ic.lE�arnara Tra�er,s #2 con�erence raam located at 1�300 Purling�rc�ok, Livania, �81�2 , Enclo�ed please find the agenda for the Nc��aemb�r Regular Housing Commi�sion meeting � Please call if yau have any questions regarding �he �.genda r�r meeting dateflacation Thank �rou Sin erel�, �� � � J� � �1 Ing i�, Z�irector I Li c�nia Hc�using Commission � � C cc Ma�rc�r _Jack Kirk�e� � �Ci_ty-�lerk , Civic Cent�r Librar� Nob1e Library Sandburg La.brary C�bser�er-Eccentric �Tew�paper � Sil�er �Tilla�e ' � Ne�burgh Vill�ge � McNamara TQwer� � �ommu�it�r Re�Durces-Cable � Hou�.ing �haic� �aucher Progr�m Gomrnuni�y L���relc�pment B1o�k. Grant Pr�gram � S� «� �c� �"' ������� � � t i�, �_; .�.� �}f�- � � vt'��"�� 1t,,1i1.1 tj� .✓,3 ��.r��u �Y:S f k� t�,����i`t`� � �� a� f EQUAL HOU5ING ( - OPPQRTUl�lITY I Recyaled Paper I ,. � � L I t�C�NIA. Hc�US I NG CC�MM I S S I f�l�T AGENI7A THURSDAY, ND�EMBER 19 , 2015 , 6 ; OOpm MCNAl�1ARA Tc�WERS �:CINFRENCE R�t�NI 1 ) Call to �rder 2 � Roll Call 3 ) Approval of Agenda 4 ) Public Comment 1'eriod 57 Approval af R�gular Meeting I�Iinutes of Dctober 20 , 20�5 6) Financial Sta�eirtent� for the Period Year Ending �eptember 30 , 2015 and t�ccupancy and Rent Collection Reports for Period Ending Dctober 31 , 201.5 '� � Executive l�irectors Report 8J Review and I��iscussion of Housing Choice Voucher Leasing, � Housing Assistance Payments and Administrative Fees for the 2015 Fiscal Year and I�Tovember 2015 � � Review and Appraval of 2016 Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher t�perating �udgets Excltiding Final ��erating Subsidy Calculation (#54-15 } 10 ) Re�iew and Approval of �alary and Wage Adjustments for Housing Commission Empla�rees Effective December 1 , 2015 (#55-15 ) 11 � Re�iew and Approval af Rental l�djustments for Silver �illage and Nev�burgh Village Efifective June 1 , 2016 (#56-15� 12� Review and Discussion af Wa�rne Caunt�r Audi� of H�NIE Partnership Grant 13 ) Review and �p�roval of Sales Agreement to Sell Community Development Black Grant Home Located at 1�411 Arcola (#5'�-15) 14 � Re�riew and Discussion of Fina1. 2015 Capital Improvement Projects Adjournment � �n accordance with Title 11 of the Americans with Disabilities Act as it pertains to access to Fublic Meetings, �he Executive Director ot the Livonia Hotzsing Commission, upon adequate notice, will malze reasonable accommodations for persons with special needs Please call Jame� �I, Inglis, Executive Director at ( 248 � 4'�7-708� ext 5 should yau require assistance