HomeMy WebLinkAboutLHC 2015-10-20 � � � LIV4NIA HOUSING COMMISSIC�N � JAMES M.INGLiS n� � � ,� JACK E.K]RKSEY � DIREGTOR �C�. � � � MAYOR � MEMBERS � � PATRICK V McNAMARA TdWERS JaHN BRYAN r� 19304 PURL(NGBROt}K RC7AD GARL CtEAL � LlVONl�1,M!48152-1902 [JALE MOSEC; ���� (248)477-7086 BETTI BLACK (248)477-5494 TDp RUSS SM17H (24$}477-0172 FAX C7CtOber� 1 , 2015 .l3T�TIC.E' GF REG'LIL.�1R M.E°E'T.Z�I��' To Scaard c�f Commis�ir�ners, Li�ronia Hru�ing �ommission From Jame� I�I Inglis, Executive Director Please be aclvi�eci �hat the next re�ular meeting af the Livana.a Housing �Qmmi�sion i� �cheduled for � . �Opm, Tue,�a'ay, Dctober 2Q, 20Z5 �.t the Livonia Hotising Ctarcimission� t��cltTa.rrrara Tc��vers #� con�erence r�om located at �.9300 Purlingbraok, Livonia, 48�.52 , Enclo�ed plea�e find �he agenda fc�r �the t��tober Regular Housing Cc�r�mi�si�n meeting , � Please call if you ha�e �ny question� regarding �he agenda or meeting d�te/location T�iank �au �in rel�, �"�..,.. � � Ja �� M Ingl ' , Directc�r Li�rnia Hausinq �ornm�.ss�.on cc M�y��ror Jack Kirk�e� y/�.li�y Cl erk �ivic �enter Library Noble Library San�iburg Libz�,ry �bs�rver-E�centric New�p�p�r� Silver �illa�e I��v�burc�h Vill�ge I NScNamara Tawer� ; �ommunit�y Resou�ces-C�ble � Housing GhQice �oucher Prc�gram � Cc�mmuni�G�r I�evelopm�n� Block �rant Program �� �� �� �~ �-������ I � ,�-,� � f`' �11.. �a.� �'����� I ,� �����' `� "���,,��=���� ,�.,. �, I ` `` I �OPPORT�UN�TY I Recycled Paper I � � �r � � L T�T�NI� HC�U�ZNG C�MNII SS I�N �GEI�DA�. TUESI7A.Y. �CTC?BER 2 Q , 2 015 . � � 0 0 pm M�h�AN1ARA Tt�WERS �C7MNiUIti1ITY R�c�M � � �a11 to �7rder 2 � Ra I.1 �a 1 l - 3 � �pproval af Agenda � � Pu�l.ic �omment Per�i�d 5 � �ppra�al Qf R�gul�r M�etine� Minu��� of September �7 . �0�.5 � ) Financial Statemen�s fc�r �he Period Year Ending August 31 , 2015 and �ccup�nc� �nd R�nt C�lle�tion R�pc�rt� �c�r P�riQd Ending �eptember 30 , 2(�15 '7 � E�ecutive Director� Report 8 � �,evi�w and I�isc�assion of Hc�using �haice �Joucher Leasing, Housing Assistance Pa�men�� and �ciminis�rative Fee� for the 2t1�.5 Fiscal Year and �ctober �0�5 � 9 ) R.eview and �pprc�v�l of Community I�evelopment Block Grant Scat�ered Site Home� Mark�t l�ents Effective l�ovemb�r 1. , 201.5 �#�9-15 � 1.07 Revi�w �nd Appra�al o� Lt�w R�nt Public Hc�using Fl�.t R�nts Pur�uan� to HUT� Rec�ul�tians Eff�:cti�re Navember 1 , 20�5 (#50-15 � 11 � Re�ie� and �ppra�al c�f Livc�nia Hou�ing ��mmis�ion �nc�w Remr�val Contra�ts for 2015-2017 �ea�ans (#5�-15J 12 ) Review and Approval of Revisa.ons to Public Hou�ing and H�u�ing �hoice Vaucher Admis�ir�n �.pplication� and ��licie� to I�eflect HUL� I�efinition of Homele�s and Future �o11.�ction +�f T�ata (#�2-15 � 13� Re�ie�a �nd T�iscus�ie�n Qf t�ayn� Gaun�� �u�i�G �f HC�I+rIE Par�ner�hip Grant Adjo�rnment In �.ccor+�ance �rith Ti�le 1.1 of t�ie American� with l�is�bilitie� A�t as it pert�ins �to access �o Public Iwleetings, the Executi�,re L�irectc�r �f the Livoni.a H�uszng Gommissic�n, upon �dequ�te nc�tice, will make reasr�nable �.ccommodatians for per�ons wi�h special � need� P1e�.�e ��11 1ame� i+��, Tnglis, Executi�re L�a.rect�r �t � �4� � 477-?08� e�t 5 shcauld you require a�si�tance