Meeting was called to order at 8:44 p.m. by President Brosnan. Present: John
Pastor, Brian Meakin, Laura Toy, Lynda Scheel, Susan Nash, Brandon Kritzman, and
Maureen Miller Brosnan. Absent: None.
Elected and appointed officials present: Todd Zilincik, City Engineer; Mark
Taormina, Director of Planning & Economic Development; Don Knapp, City Attorney;
Judy Priebe, Director of Legislative Affairs; Susan Hoff, City Clerk; and Mayor Jack
Ki rksey.
President Brosnan announced there is new data on Item #2.
Kritzman wished a Happy Birthday to his wife, her birthday was this past Sunday, and
his daughter Anna who will be 12 years old on August 22nd
President Brosnan wished her son Rory a Happy 18th Birthday.
Christopher Martin, 12275 Inkster, spoke about an incident involving vandalism at his
business that resulted in the windshield of his car being damaged. He also complained
about the workers at the produce plant at the end of Grantland.
APPEALS: Robert S. Bowling, re: effective July 29, 2015.
President Brosnan acknowledged the receipt of Mr. Robert Bowling's letter of
resignation from his appointment to the Zoning Board of Appeals citing his desire
to serve but regretfully has to resign due to time constraints with work and family
Nash offered the resolution to receive and file this for the Consent Agenda.
Development Inc., re: for the newly constructed home at 20195 Mayfield Drive.
Claude Poynter, 18913 Aspen, Livonia, presented his request to Council. He
stated he is building a new home at 20195 Mayfield and is requesting a waiver of
the sidewalk requirement. He noted that the neighboring properties adjacent to
his on Mayfield do not have sidewalks.
Todd Zilincik, City Engineer, said they have no problem with granting his request.
President Brosnan noted there is new data on this Item to be received and filed.
Pastor offered the approving resolution for the Consent Agenda.
3. AWARD OF BID: Department of Management Information Systems, re: for the
purchase of security camera infrastructure for the City complex.
Police Chief Curtis Caid presented the request to Council. He said after an
incident in a City parking lot, it was determined that the City needed to pursue
Security Cameras to protect visitors to the City Complex. A group was
established with representatives from the Police Department, Library, Mayor's
Office, Information Systems and Community Resources to develop specifications
for the system. It was quickly determined that it was important that this system be
able to work with the existing Police Departments system so that they could use
the video also if needed. Recently the Police Department moved to the Avigilon
System for their security camera system and have been very satisfied. By going
with the same manufacturer, there is no additional training or software needed at
the Police Department to be able to access the cameras and recordings.
Dan Putman, Director of Management Information Systems, said the group
identified forty eight (48) locations located on the Campus and in City Hall,
Library and the Senior Center that needed coverage from the cameras. A series
of floorplans and maps that show proposed coverage areas have been provided.
They have identified one (1) additional location that was not included in their
original request that would provide coverage for City Inspection vehicles in the
West parking lot. The system will provide viewing stations at Community
Resources, Library, Mayor's, Treasurer's, Information Systems and the Police.
The group determined that they needed to be able to store and use at least 30
days of video with the system. They also determined that they needed to have
the capacity available for 40% growth in the system for additional cameras. It
was also determined that the existing cameras in the Treasurer's Office should
be converted to the new solution and the existing cameras at Nehasil Park
should be moved to the City system from the Police Department system. In June
2015 the Finance Department posted the RFP to the MITN website. On June
22nd a mandatory pre-bid meeting was held to review the specifications and
conduct a walk through with the interested vendors. They had nine (9) vendors in
attendance at that meeting.
On July 14th, the City Clerk and Finance Departments opened the sealed bids.
They only received one (1) bid from A.S.C. Security Systems, a Livonia based
firm. The Mayor's Office, Police Department and Information Systems have
reviewed the RFP response and is recommending proceeding with the
$119,442.94 plus the performance bond of $3,600.00. They are also
recommending adding the additional camera for the West parking lot at a quoted
price of$1,999.42, bringing the total cost for this project to $125,042.36. Avigilon,
the manufacturer of the system they are recommending, is a highly rated system
that is used locally by Delta Gear, St. Mary's Hospital and Livonia Police
Department with all of these systems having been installed by A.S.0 Security
Systems. Avigilon has 26 vendors who are trained and authorized to sell and
install the system in Michigan. An Avigilon Corporate Fact Sheet has been
provided. The system will utilize our existing Dell Network Infrastructure to
transmit the videos. The new server infrastructure will be installed into our
existing computer room. It is the recommendation of the Information Systems
Department that Council proceeds as follows: Authorize an additional
appropriation and expenditure from the unexpended fund balance of the Capital
Projects Fund (401) in the amount of $125,042.36. Approve the purchase of the
Security Camera System in the amount of $139,976.00 from A.S.C. Security
Systems, 12137 Merriman Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150.
Toy offered the approving resolution for the Consent Agenda.
4. REQUEST TO PURCHASE: Civil Service Department, re: NEOGOV Human
Resource System, to provide increased efficiencies and a thorough process
redesign tailored to the City's hiring of new employees, from budgeted funds.
Denise Maier, Director of Human Resources, presented the request to Council.
The City of Livonia's current application and hiring process has been in place for
many years. Over time, they have made small improvements including making
the Employment Application a writeable form and making it available on the City
Website. However, once the application has been completed the only option is to
print and deliver a hard copy to the Civil Service Department by mail, e-mail, or in
person. Another improvement that has been made is the ability to post and send
out electronic notifications of job postings. This has certainly saved valuable time
in the process. While these changes have enhanced the hiring process, the
remaining steps are very labor and time intensive. Currently, it is not unusual for
it to take five months or more to hire a new employee. In addition to the time it
takes to hire a new employee, the current process includes multiple mailings for
every open position. On an annual basis, they spend approximately $10,000
creating and mailing letters to applicants at different stages of the hiring process.
The NEOGOV Human Resource System is designed to provide increased
efficiencies and a thorough process redesign tailored to the City's hiring needs. If
approved, they believe this system would reduce the amount of time it takes to
hire a new employee by an estimated four (4) to eight (8) weeks. In addition, it
would reduce the number of hard copy mailings as applications can be submitted
online and applicant correspondence can be e-mailed. The System is a "cloud
based" software subscription that is accessed through the Internet. The process
starts with the creation of the job posting, which is then automatically posted on
the City website and also on GovernmentJobs.com. The employment application
can be completed and submitted online versus the paper application (although
paper applications will be still be available for those not having Internet access).
The System is capable of performing continuous recruitment on the web. When
the posting closes, the System determines which candidates met the minimum
requirements, eliminates those candidates that did not meet the minimum, and
develops a list to start processing. This step is currently done by a member of the
Civil Service Department and requires a review of every application submitted,
sometimes hundreds of applications. The System communicates with each
candidate through every step of the process, via e-mail, thus eliminating the need
for creating hard copy letters, envelopes, and the cost of postage. This keeps the
candidate up to date on the process through real time communication. In
addition, all appointments for testing and interviews can be scheduled through
the System versus our current process of sending letters or calling several times
before actually reaching the candidate. Finally, once the selected candidate
accepts the position, the other candidates are notified through e-mail which
provides a more timely notification. Another valuable feature of NEOGOV is the
On-Boarding component which is an online tool that assists new employees
complete all necessary paperwork and provides important information to the
employee regarding policies, employee benefits, etc. This component helps to
acclimate the employee in a shorter amount of time. The last component of the
System is New Hire Integration. This feature allows a transfer of pertinent data
from NEOGOV to the City's New World Payroll System, which eliminates the
need for re-entering the data and provides payroll with necessary information
regarding the employee's pay and benefits. NEOGOV software was specifically
designed for Government entities, which is why it provides the flexibility to meet
the needs of civil service based organizations. Listed below are some of the
government units in Michigan that use NEOGOV:
Dearborn, City of(MI)
Detroit, City of(MI)
Detroit Water and Sewage Department (MI)
Eaton, County of (MI)
Grand Rapids, City of(MI)
Grand Traverse, County of(MI)
Kalamazoo, City of(MI)
Kent, County of(MI)
Macomb, County of (MI)
Michigan, State of (MI)
Muskegon, County of (MI)
Oakland, County of(MI)
The NEOGOV System cost is $32,538 for fiscal year 2015-2016, with an annual
recurring license cost of $21,538 beginning 2016-2017. NEOGOV has informed
them that the annual license cost is fixed and will not increase as long as they
are under contract. In fact, they have not increased the annual cost for any client
in 16 years.
The Civil Service and Information Systems Departments recommend and
requests that Council proceed as follows-
ollows:1. Approve the purchase of the NEOGOV System in the amount of $32,538
from GovernmentJobs.com, Inc., 222 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 2000, EI
Segundo, CA 90277.
2. Authorize an additional appropriation and expenditure from the
unexpended fund balance of the Capital Projects Fund (401) in the
amount of$32,538.
3. Authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign the necessary contracts.
4. Approve the recurring annual license cost of$21,538.
Kritzman offered the approving resolution for the Consent Agenda.
Department, re: to establish a new classification of Superintendent of Public
Service (Non-Grandfathered-reduced pay scale), as part of a reorganization of
the management structure within the Public Service Division.
Denise Maier, Director of Human Resources, presented the request to Council.
She said the former Director of Public Works requested the establishment of a
new lower rate for Superintendent of Public Service. This classification would be
unrepresented by any union and should be listed as an Administrative and
Professional classification. The compensation for the new plan and the
grandfathered plan are listed below.
Superintendent of Public Service Superintendent of Public Service
(New Rate) (Old Rate/Grandfathered)
Step 1 $35.86 $74,588.80 Step 1 $38.54 $80,163.20
Step 1'/2 $36.58 $76,086.40 Step 1'/2 $39.28 $81,702.40
Step 2 $37.30 $77,584.00 Step 2 $40.06 $83,324.80
Step 3 $38.80 $80,704.00 Step 3 $41.66 $86,652.80
Step 4 $40.36 $83,948.80 Step 4 $43.21 $89,876.80
Step 5 $41.97 $87,297.60 Step 5 $44.96 $93,516.80
Correspondence from the former Director of Public Works outlined his strategic
plan to decrease the number of Superintendents and Supervisors in DPS over
time with the Personnel Review Committee and the Mayor. These new lower
Superintendent of Public Service rates are part of that approved plan.
This new pay structure for the Superintendent has been approved by the
Personnel Review Committee and the Mayor. It is recommended the Civil
Service Commission approve the new lower rate for the Superintendent of Public
Toy offered the approving resolution for the Consent Agenda.
Pastor asked for some clarification as to which position was being eliminated and
which positions were being restructured. Don Rohraff, Director of Public Works
explained the changes. Essentially they are eliminating an Assistant
Superintendent Position and reducing salaries on the classification of
Superintendent of Public Services for employees hired or promoted to this
Department, re: to establish a new classification of Assistant Director of Public
Works as part of a reorganization of the management structure within the Pubic
Service Division.
Denise Maier, Director of Human Resources, presented the request to Council.
She said the former Director of Public Works requested the Civil Service
Commission establish the classification of Assistant Director of Public Works
within the Administrative and Professional wage schedule. This classification
would be unrepresented by any union and should be listed as an Administrative
and Professional classification. The compensation is listed below.
Assistant Director of Public Works
Step 1 $40.03 $83,262.40
Step 1 '/2 $40.81 $84,927.65
Step2 $41.63 $86,592.90
Step 3 $43.25 $90,056.62
Step 4 $45.00 $93,658.88
Step 5 $46.78 $97,405.23
Correspondence from the former Director of Public Works outlined the strategic
plan to decrease the number of Superintendents and Supervisors over time in
DPS with the Personnel Review Committee (PRC) and the Mayor.
The creation of this classification is part of that plan. Research showed there was
an appointed Assistant Director of Public Works in the 1960's and City Council
wanted to make the position Civil Service. The Mayor during that time disagreed
with the Council's course of action. The current Mayor and the PRC approved the
creation of this position.
It is recommended the Civil Service Commission establish the Administrative and
Professional classification of Assistant Director of Public Works.
Toy asked why an Assistant Director of Public Works position was necessary.
Maier explained the Department has grown and underwent changes and there
are more demands on it. Having only a Director makes it difficult on that Director
and puts the City at risk, should something happen to that Director. Having an
assistant helps provide a back-up plan and to keep structure in the workplace
when the Director is unavailable.
Toy mentioned how she had heard comments in the past about that Department
being top heavy with management. She asked why the position was necessary.
Don Rohraff, Director of Public Works. Explained that due to the restructuring
they are downsizing from 5 top management position to 4 position and eventually
down to 3 positions. He said the duties that were once done by the positions
being eliminated will then become the responsibility of either the Superintendent
and/or the Assistant Director of Public Service. This equates to a cost savings of
$300,000.00 annually.
Nash congratulated Rohraff on his efforts to save the City money by restructuring
the Public Service Department.
Vice-President Meakin offered the approving resolution for the Consent Agenda.
7. SITE PLAN PETITION: Planning Commission, re: Petition 2015-07-08-11,
submitted by Arby's Restaurant Group, in connection with a proposal to remodel
the exterior of the existing restaurant located on the south side of Eight Mile
between Farmington Road and Gill Road (33750 Eight Mile Road) in the
Northeast '/4 of Section 4.
Mark Taormina, Director of Planning and Economic Development, presented the
request to Council. This freestanding full service restaurant is actually a part of
and located in the northeast corner of the Northridge Commons shopping center
which is on the south side of Eight Mile between Farmington and Gill Roads. The
area is roughly an acre in size with about 240 feet of frontage on Eight Mile
Road. This building basically appears the same as when it was constructed in
1990. It consists mostly of natural brick and includes a red overhang and
awnings that contain the restaurant's wall signs. The proposed reimaging would
be more consistent with Arby's current brand identity which includes mostly
whitish colored walls combined with brown and red features. The brown in this
case includes sections of the upper wall or parapet and the red is mostly in the
form of a ribbon or band that runs midway around the building. In some of the
areas, the existing brick would remain. The elevation shown would be the front or
the north elevation and the brown color in the front is actually the existing brick
that would remain. Looking at the plans, Council will see a symbol Al that shows
where the existing natural brick would be removed and replaced with a white
color brick. So the plan includes pulling off some areas of the brown brick and
replacing it with white in order to get the color scheme they're looking for. The
plan also has symbols A2 and C2, which represent areas of the building that
would be finished with dryvit, which is either white or brown. The brown in this
case is identified as C2, whereas the white is identified in A2. The red prefinished
metal canopy projects about 2.5 feet out from the wall of the restaurant and runs
above the midpoint of the building just above the top of the window line on the
front and the sides of the building. So this is quite a change from the existing
building. They worked quite long and hard with this architect to try and retain as
much of the existing building, the brick, as possible while still having Arby's
achieve their changes. They've agreed, rather than painting the brick, to replace
it with a white color brick. Taormina said he would let the architect describe that
more fully, but this gives Council a sense of what the building would look like.
This building is oriented a little differently than what they're used to.
Vice-President Meakin asked Taormina if they were replacing or repainting the
brick on the building. Taormina explained what sections of the proposed plan
would contain new brick.
Kevin Jacot, Progressive AE, 1811 4 Mile Road, NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
49525. He noted some additional signage they would like. Taormina noted they
would have to obtain a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals for additional
Kritzman asked about the dumpster enclosure. Specifically the materials being
used. Jacot replied that it is block and the gates are wooden. Taormina noted
that he advised Jacot that the materials would have to match the building and the
gates would have to be fiberglass. Taormina said that stipulation will be included
in the resolution.
Toy offered the approving resolution for the Consent Agenda.
8. SITE PLAN PETITION: Planning Commission, re: Petition 2015-07-08-12,
submitted by Arby's Restaurant Group, in connection with a proposal to remodel
the exterior of the existing restaurant located on the east side of Middlebelt Road
between Clarita Avenue and Seven Mile Road (19000 Middlebelt Road) in the
Northwest '/4 of Section 12.
Mark Taormina, Director of Planning and Economic Development, presented the
request to Council This is a remodel involving the Arby's restaurant located on
the east side of Middlebelt Road between Clarita and Seven Mile Roads. The
records show that the last time this restaurant made any exterior modifications
was in 1978. This is a photograph of the building as it currently exists. It consists
mostly of a tan colored fluted block material, which is on the lower part of the
structure, and it's topped with a red mansard-style roof that is made of standing
seam metal. On the front elevation, the mansard above the front entry is actually
cut out and the fa9ade is either a wood or a vinyl panel. The half circle window
above that contains the restaurant's main identification wall sign. The changes
that shown incorporate as many features as possible to make this Arby's
consistent with the restaurant's new image. Sections of the existing masonry
block would be painted either pure white or dark brown or gray. Where the
elevation plans identify the symbols A 1, A2 and C 1, the primary material is
dryvit or E.I.F.S. applied either as a standard texture or as a custom brick
specialty finish and colored either white or dark brown. The dryvit in some areas
would cover the existing block, and along the front of the building, portions of
what is called dryvit outsulation would extend to the grade level. Similar to the
previous design, there is a red colored prefinished metal canopy that runs along
the midpoint of the building just above the window line, and where that canopy
extends beyond the air lock, it would be supported by three prefinished steel
support columns. This Arby's is allowed one wall sign not to exceed 45 square
feet. The elevation plans show three wall signs on the remodeled restaurant. No
dimensions are given for the signs so that will require approval by the Zoning
Board of Appeals.
Kevin Jacot, Progressive AE, 1811 4 Mile Road, NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525.
He said there were some concerns with regard to the landscaping.
Taormina said if Council so desires, he can oversee that stipulation.
Toy offered the approving resolution for the Consent Agenda.
Pastor inquired whether the dumpster enclosure needed to be addressed; it was
noted that the existing dumpster was fine and would not be replaced at this time.
Scheel asked when they planned to begin construction. Merrill Johnson,
representative for Arby's said that would depend upon the permitting process and
approvals but noted that they intentions are to begin as soon as possible before
the cold weather hits.
Kritzman congratulated the petitioner and wished them the best with their project.
As there were no further questions or comments, President Brosnan adjourned the
Study Session at 9:44 p.m. on Monday, August 17, 2015.
DATED: September 4, 2015 SUSAN A. HOFF