Meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by President Brosnan. Present: Susan
Nash, Brandon Kritzman, Brian Meakin, John Pastor, Laura Toy, Lynda Scheel, and
Maureen Miller Brosnan. Absent: None.
Elected and appointed officials present: Todd Zilincik, City Engineer; Mark
Taormina, Director of Planning and Economic Development; Don Knapp, City Attorney;
Susan Hoff, City Clerk; and Mayor Jack Kirksey.
Christopher Martin, 12275 Inkster, asked President Brosnan to clarify whether private
conversations amongst Councilmembers is permitted during an Open Meeting; Martin
said he believed it was a violation of the Open Meetings Act. President Brosnan asked
City Attorney, Don Knapp to respond to Mr. Martin's question. Knapp said that all voting
is done publicly, he said if Councilmembers or elected officials make a comment or
converse amongst themselves privately that is not a violation of the Open Meetings Act
and is permitted.
1. BLOCK PARTY: Irene Vaughn, re: for a graduation party to be held on
Saturday, June 13, 2015, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Arthur Street, between
Parkdale and Orangelawn, with a rain date of Sunday, June 14, 2015.
Irene Vaughn, said this is her first time making this type of request. She said it is
for her daughter's graduation party.
Toy offered the approving resolution for the Consent Agenda.
Kritzman asked about the street closing and after Vaughn replied it was
determined there are only 3 other homes affected by this street closing. Vaughn
said they are all good neighbors and get along. She said she had mentioned it to
them and they didn't have any issues.
YEAR 2015: Office of the City Clerk, re: forwarding a communication from the
Secretary of the Board of Education requesting the City to continue to collect
one-half of their district's taxes with the summer tax collection and the remaining
one-half with the winter tax collection, commencing July 1, 2015.
Sue Hoff, City Clerk, said this is an annual request and asks that Council receive
and file this item.
Scheel offered the resolution to receive and file this item for the Consent Agenda.
Office of the City Clerk, re: to enable us to search and view State birth records
and to update, edit, print and generate certified copies of Livonia birth records
currently not available to us.
Sue Hoff, City Clerk, presented the request to Council. She said in November,
the Michigan Department of Community Health informed us of a new system they
are making available to local registrars of birth records. The Michigan Centralized
Birth Certification System (MiCBCS) is a tool now available to the City Clerk's
Office that would enable them to search, view, update, edit, print and generate
certified copies of birth records. Currently the City Clerk's Office has the
capability to generate a certified copy of a birth record for individuals that were
born in the City of Livonia. They use a variety of storage and data retention for
keeping those records. Some are on paper, some they have scanned and are
available digitally, some are records that were on microfiche and now are on
disks. They would continue to use those records as they do now. The new
system with the State would allow them to access and print records that they do
not have because of changes that were made after the birth to the record or
because of the loss of the record during the change from paper to microfiche and
then to disk. They would continue to use their own records for most of their birth
record requests. Under this agreement they would only be charged by the State
for the birth records that they actually print. The cost to the City for a local record
is $4.00 and will be easily paid for by the fee they already charge. The cost for
"State-Only" record is $34.00, but after speaking with the State, Hoff said she
believe it would be a rare occurrence that they would need to print this type of
certificate. If they do, they would charge accordingly. They estimate that they
would only be printing 10-12 birth records a year. The greatest benefit to their
department in using this system would be the look-up/database type features
offered. Hoff respectfully requests that the Council adopt a resolution that
authorizes the City of Livonia to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with
the State of Michigan, Department of Community Health for full access to the
Michigan Centralized Birth Certification System (MiCBCS). Council consideration
in this matter is appreciated. Hoff said she believes that this agreement would
substantially enhance the services they already offer concerning birth records
with a very minimal cost to the City. A copy of the agreement has been provided
to Council for its review.
Toy asked Hoff if they would be able to print birth records for people born in other
cities throughout the State of Michigan; Hoff replied no, only those born in
Livonia. She did say that would give them the ability to look up the record and tell
the person requesting the record with certainty where they may obtain a copy of
their record.
Toy offered the approving resolution for the Consent Agenda.
the Mayor, re: for a three year term, which will expire on February 16, 2018.
Don Knapp, City Attorney, presented the request to Council on the Mayor's
behalf. He said Cathy White has the knowledge and experience to serve in this
capacity. The Mayor is nominating her for this appointment.
Cathy White, 9824 Blackburn, was present she said after working 29 years for
the City she said it is nice to give back to the community she resides in by
serving on the Board of Review.
Vice-President Meakin offered the approving resolution for the Consent Agenda.
5. REVISED SITE PLAN PETITION: Planning Commission, re: Petition 2014-10-
08-14 submitted by Wright's Hardware, in connection with a proposal to construct
a new storage building adjacent to the existing hardware store located on the
north side of Five Mile Road between Middlebelt Road and Harrison Avenue
(29150 Five Mile Road) in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13.
Mark Taormina, Director of Planning and Economic Development, presented a
synopsis of the request to re-acquaint everyone with the project. He said this was
a request for site plan approval to construct a new storage building adjacent to
the existing hardware (Wright's Hardware) located at 29150 Five Mile Road.
Several questions were presented by Council:
• If there were any other accessory buildings this large in retail zoned area?
There is one on Joy Road.
• If this plan met all Planning requirements? Taormina said it does.
• Does it have to have heat/cooling? Taormina stated it's a Building
Department issue.
• Does it have to meet drainage requirements? Joe Dorr said he met with
Engineering and was told it was not necessary.
• An inquiry was made about the parking area being on City property. (The
easement along Cavour.)
• A request was made for additional landscaping and detail of landscaping
design be added.
There was general discussion about the project needing to meet Building
Department requirements at both the new building and the old building. The
Petitioner discussed the need for the concrete block at the base of the building.
Councilmember Kritzman stated that removal of the block may be acceptable if
other items were addressed. The Petitioner was directed to submit revised
drawings detailing the proposed landscaping, the trellis construction, the new
building configuration, the trash/dumpster enclosure and a revised site plan
illustrating each.
The Petitioner has provided new drawings for Council review. Taormina said the
revised drawings may need some tweaking. The new plans illustrate a
greenhouse area which is basically an open area where he would provide
seasonal sales of plant materials and other hardware items. Taormina said Dorr
has provided cut sheets detailing the type of truss system which is identified as a
shade structure. This would be a peaked type of truss system. The Petitioner has
some samples of the type of material he intends to place on top of the metal
framing and provide shade in that area. This is a 12 gauge galvanized type of
material, 3 x 3 square. This is not a heavy duty type of material; however, it is
suitable for a commercial applications. He would have to remove the shade
structure during winter. Other areas of concern were landscaping and the trash
enclosure. The dumpster enclosure would be enclosed on three sides. It would
be roughly 6 feet in height and have gates on the front. Currently it is not
enclosed and does not have any direct access to it other than perhaps driving
over gravel where it is currently locate. The proposed plan shows a concrete pad
where the dumpster would be relocated. It does not show any access to the
concrete pad on the plan and said he is unsure of what type of access the
Petitioner intends to provide (i.e., gravel, asphalt, concrete, etc.) The proposed
Landscape Plan does include more detailed information to show how many
plantings and how big of plantings he intends to add to the site. Taormina said
that they would have to look at the Landscape Plan a little more carefully with the
Petitioner and go over the exact spacing and planting of those materials.
President Brosnan asked Taormina if his Department has had ample time to
review the latest plans. He said the plans do need some refinement which can be
done through the permitting process or as it goes through the construction
Toy asked Taormina and the Petitioner if the shade structure is similar to the
outdoor metal structure at Westborn Market. Taormina said possibly, he was not
certain if it was indeed the same manufacturer. He said it is something close to
Nash asked if was similar to the canopy structure by Joe's Produce that covers
the shopping carts. Taormina said that might also be a good comparison as well.
Joe Dorr, Petitioner, said they met with the Committee last week and agreed
upon some things so that they can get moving on this project and get this
structure built. He said they are willing to add in a great deal of Landscaping
around the two sides; the north and the west sides. He said they are willing to
work with the City on the Landscaping Plan with regard to the placement of the
plantings so that they can get the best coverage. He said they also agreed upon
adding the dumpster and he also agreed to freshen up the gravel so the garbage
truck(s) can get right up to the dumpster. He said they will also be adding some
landscaping around the propane tank area to help shield that area.
Nash asked Dorr if the slab will be made of concrete. Dorr confirmed yes.
Toy asked if the structure will be removed during the winter. Dorr said the
framing portion of the structure is bolted into the concrete slab underneath it. He
said the shade will removed during the winter months. He brought a sample of
the material of the shade and passed it to Council for its review. Toy asked him if
there would be new plantings there to shield to view of materials stored there. He
said it was all concrete there and there would not be any plantings there. He also
added that they do not have excessive amounts of materials stored there. He
said their main business is the sale of merchandise inside the hardware store
and the small engine repair. He said the other items offered are incidental and
not their main focus.
Vice-President Meakin said he would like Mr. Dorr to get with Mr. Taormina and
resolve any issues with the proposed Landscaping Plan prior to the voting
Vice-President Meakin offered the approving resolution for the Regular Agenda.
Kritzman said he appreciates Mr. Dorr's investment in the property and the City.
He said that the plans provided do not accurately reflect what has been
discussed an agreed upon and said this is a significant project and would like the
plans to address the issues brought up (i.e., scale of plans, gravel drive to
dumpster, landscaping, etc.) and feels that more review and discussion is
needed. Also, he feels that it doesn't quite meet the City's level of standards
recently required of other businesses.
Kritzman offered the denying resolution for the Regular Agenda.
Dorr said it is his understanding after tonight's discussion that he needs to
address the following items on his plans prior to the next meeting:
1. Remove grass and show gravel driveway leading to dumpster enclosure
on plan.
2. Types of plantings and location of plantings on Landscape Plan
acceptable to Planning Director.
Toy suggested that Mr. Dorr get together with Mr. Taormina and go over the
Landscaping Plan and when he has things finalized, give Councilmember
Kritzman and call and go over the new plans to make certain everything is
President Brosnan added that she too would like to see a professional site plan
addressing the issues of concern prior to the voting meeting.
Pastor added that if is not possible for Mr. Dorr to get the requested plans to
Council by February 2, 2015 that he asked the Council to move this item to the
following meeting to allow him additional to gather the requested information.
Christopher Martin, 12275 Inkster, said he would like to focus on a word
Councilman Kritzman mentioned earlier, he said consistency. Martin then
displayed a photo of a dumpster located behind a law office on the south side of
Five Mile Road near Hubbard that is not enclosed. He said Council spent a great
deal of time talking about an enclosure for the dumpster behind Mr. Dorr's
hardware store that is also located on Five Mile Road but is on the north side
near Middlebelt. Martin said consistency should be the focus.
As there were no further questions or comments, President Brosnan adjourned the
Study Session at 8:48 p.m. on Wednesday, January 21, 2015.
DATED: January 28, 2015 SUSAN A. HOFF