Meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: John Pastor, Brian Meakin,
Terry Godfroid-Marecki, Joe Laura, Laura Toy, Maureen Miller Brosnan and James
McCann. Absent: None.
Elected and appointed officials present: Mayor Jack Kirksey; Don Knapp, City
Attorney; Kevin Roney, Assistant City Engineer; Mark Taormina, City Planner; Shadd
Whitehead, Fire Chief; Kevin Maillard, Director of Public Works; and Maureen
Cosgrove, Assistant City Clerk.
President McCann announced new data on Items #11 and #13.
Toy read a proclamation celebrating National Wear Red on February 5, 2010 and
proclaiming February 2010 to be American Heart Month in Livonia. Heart disease is the
number one killer of American women in the United States. The proclamation urges all
citizens to recognize the critical importance of tools and skills such as calling 9-1-1 and
being trained in CPR that will increase survival rates from cardiac arrest. By
incorporating these tools into aggressive programs, thousands of lives can be saved
each year. She said she was approached by a resident, Sally Heil, last year and was
asked by her to have a proclamation from the Mayor and Council proclaiming National
Wear Red Day and American Heart Month. She presented the proclamation to Sally
Sally Heil, 28940 Morlock, said this is a great way to start off February because it is
American Heart Month. She said she is a two-time heart attack survivor and lives with
heart disease every day. She is a spokesperson for the American Heart Association and
volunteers for them. She said she volunteers to help educate and motivate people about
healthy heart care. She thanked the Council and the Mayor and said she was honored.
President McCann said there was another special guest in the audience. He is a local
Bentley graduate who has done well and is a community volunteer, community action
person and a person who is a community business leader. President McCann said
Mayor Kirksey would introduce him.
Mayor Kirksey said it was his pleasure and honor to announce the next person to
speak. He said President McCann has well summarized some of the main attributes
that this leading citizen has. He said John has been a long-time resident of the
community and has always been here for the community. He said John has a special
request for the community to help him but also at the same time help the community.
Here is John Rogin.
John Rogin, said what a way to start off the New Year for himself. He said "hello
Livonia." He said he will tell you that from the Council support he has received and the
Mayor's support he has received on his quest to save his business and in a way save
American livelihood. He said, as people probably know, the past six (6) months he has
spent laying down shoe leather in the halls of Congress. President McCann interrupted
for a moment to make sure the audience knew exactly who John is, he said this is John
Rogin, of Rogin Buick on Plymouth Road here in Livonia. He has been there for many
years and so many residents have purchased vehicles from him but President McCann
wanted be sure everyone knew who John is. John Rogin thanked President McCann
and said to continue, he walked the halls of Congress with great support from
Congressman Thaddeus McCotter. He has spent many an hour on the phone with
Congressmen and Senators as well as sitting in their offices meeting with them. He said
they truly know who Livonia is and what Livonia is and what we want Livonia to be. He
said he was fortunate enough to not only educate himself, but also his employees and
again have the support of the Council. He said he has met with the majority of Council,
if not all of them, and discussed the situation here in Livonia wherein General Motors
would like to vacate Livonia. Not only with its plant closures but also its dealership
closures and if they have their own way they won't have a dealership up and down
Plymouth Road all the way to downtown Plymouth. He said that type of change is not
good for this City; it's not good for the City coughers as far as City real estate tax. Their
share of whatever you end up with, the sales tax, tens of thousands and hundreds of
thousands of dollars that the dealers, paid by the dealers including himself, in tax
revenue to help support the City. Needless to say, they have passed out petitions that
have been gratefully and appreciatively signed not only by his employees but their
families that reside in Livonia and spend their dollars here. He said they need to move
to the next level and with the Council's blessing and understanding. They have created
a website, www.savelivonianow.com and its up and running now. Not one business
should be interrupted in Livonia from not only surviving but thriving in this City. Livonia is
the 8t" largest city in Michigan. He said it is a privilege to live, work, and play in Livonia.
It's an aspiring community. He said he has always felt that way. He said its citizens feel
that way and the surrounding communities feel that way and their citizens. He said what
better way for him to say "save Livonia now" than by adopting
www.savelivonianow.com. All those who support the American way of life, the free
enterprise system, can go to this website and stand up for John Rogin Buick in Livonia.
He said for them to understand that he will stand up for them in times of need, whether
it be for the Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Little League, the High Schools, Soccer Leagues,
Pom-Pon Team, the churches or the Symphony. He said he has been there for them
and cannot remember when he said no. He said he will remain there for them as long
as he can be a good corporate citizen. He asked the audience to go to the website and
support John Rogin Buick in Livonia and other dealerships across the country that are in
the same dilemma. He said it's not a serious dilemma that he is in but that it's more of a
challenge and a chance for American's to stand up and say "you're good and you're
good to your community and you try to be a good participant in all the greatness of this
good city of Livonia" by going to www.savelivonianow.com and giving them your vote of
confidence. He thanked the Mayor and Council for the positive impact they have had on
John Rogin Buick's quest.
President McCann thanked John Rogin for championing the cause on behalf of Livonia.
Toy announced her sister's Dutch Shepherd dog from Holland had seven (7) puppies.
She said dogs of this breed are used by police departments and government agencies
to sniff out bombs and drugs; she hoped that these puppies would be good stewards of
the United States and help out our local police departments.
Mayor Kirksey said Tennyson Chevrolet and Livonia Chrysler are two (2) other auto
dealers in Livonia along with John Rogin Buick that will be entering into arbitration in
March 2010. He said one of the criteria that is measured when considering reinstating
those dealerships which are either out of business or destined to go out of business is
the support from communities, what place they have in their communities and what
difference they have made in their communities. The Mayor said he also wants the City
to do whatever it can to support all the dealerships. He noted that Bill Brown Ford is
also supporting these dealerships. He said even though they are competitors they
realize the community is stronger by their collective presence.
Office of the Mayor, re: for a three-year term, which shall expire on February 16,
Mayor Kirksey said there are three (3) members on the Board of Review and said
he recommends William D. Tancill to fill the vacant position.
Toy offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
CODE OF ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED: Abesita Garcia, American Cancer
Society, Relay for Life of Livonia Event Chair 2010 re: to allow the playing of
music and announcements via speakers, as well as the erection and use of tents
on public land (Bentley Field) during their overnight outdoor gathering to raise
funds for the fight against cancer which will take place from 10:00 a.m. Saturday,
June 5, 2010 until 10:00 a.m. Sunday, June 6, 2010.
Holly Serrano, American Cancer Society representative, spoke about the Relay
for Life of Livonia Event. She introduced Abesita Garcia, Relay for Life of Livonia
Event Chair 2010. They encouraged community participation in the event. Ms.
Serrano said anyone wanting to participate could contact her at (248) 663-3452
or through the American Cancer Society website. Godfroid-Marecki encouraged
them to contact the residents adjacent to Bentley Field and notify them of the
event prior to the event.
Laura offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
CODE OF ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED: Dana M. D. Sosnowski, Production
Coordinator, Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure (Michigan), re: to allow the
playing of music and announcements via speakers, as well as the erection and
use of tents on public land (Rotary Park) during their Breast Cancer 3-Day
Event/Walk which will take place in Livonia from August 13 through August 15,
Dana Sosnowski, 18963 Milburn, Production Coordinator, Susan G. Komen 3-
Day for the Cure (Michigan), was present. She encouraged community
participation in the event. Ms. Sosnowski said anyone wanting to participate
could call 1- (800) 663-3452 or register through the website at www.the3day.org .
Pastor offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
Esq., re: in connection with an outdoor tent event scheduled for Wednesday,
March 17, 2010 at Doc's Sports Retreat, LLC, located at 19265 Victor Parkway.
Enrico Soave, Esq., 37771 Seven Mile, Suite C, was present. Mr. Soave said the
event would include a live band and was here requesting permission from
Council for a waiver to the Noise Ordinance on behalf of Doc's Sports Retreat,
LLC. He said the event would be much like the tent event they had last
Thanksgiving Eve with the addition of a live band.
Meakin offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
DARREN ZEBARL Division of Police, re: for the business located at 19610
Middlebelt, Livonia, MI 48154.
Rocky Zebari was present on behalf of Darren Zebari, his son. President
McCann asked Rocky about Najib Zebari relationship to the Petitioner. Rocky
replied Najib is Rocky's brother and is Darren's uncle. President McCann asked
Rocky if he was on the license. Rocky replied no but indicated that he is the
property owner. President McCann asked him who would be managing the
business. Rocky replied that he and his son would both be managing the
business. President McCann asked him if his brother was managing the business
prior to this. Rocky replied yes and indicated he was helping his brother too.
President McCann asked Rocky if his brother would no longer be involved with
the business. Rocky replied no he would not.
Toy asked Rocky how long he has had the business. He replied since 1974. He
said it was previously located on 8 Mile Road and said they moved to the
Middlebelt location in 2000.
Brosnan asked Rocky why they were transferring the license. He responded
because his brother is getting out of the business completely and his son wants
to acquire the business.
Laura offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
#3, INC.: Division of Police, re: for the business located at 33503 W. Five Mile,
Livonia, MI 48154.
Robert Albus, 30837 Centennial, Novi, was present. He said it is a family run
business and his father is retiring and transferring everything over to him.
Meakin said this is an outstanding family owned business that he frequently
patronizes and said they do a great job.
Meakin offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
MONITORS/DEFIBRILLATORS: Fire & Rescue, re: from Zoll Medical
Corporation, the sole supplier, from funds budgeted for this purpose.
Fire Chief, Shadd Whitehead was present to request approval to purchase two
(2) replacement cardiac monitors/defibrillators from budgeted funds. He
recommends Zoll Medical Corporation.
Toy offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
Meakin said he wanted to point out Zoll was the sole supplier of this equipment.
President McCann asked Chief Whitehead if Zoll was in fact the sole supplier. He
responded by saying that there are other companies that sell them. He said they
chose Zoll because they have been using them in the field for the past 12 years
and have never had an equipment failure and said that they provide outstanding
customer service and tech support. He said they felt this was the best product
because it will interface with their new EPCR which is Electronic Patient Care
Records. It will also upload the data directly into their EPCR for them via
Bluetooth. Therefore, it will be a seamless transition for them when transferring
information to the hospitals in the future.
Godfroid-Marecki asked Chief Whitehead if he would be replaced more cardiac
monitors/defibrillators in the future. He replied yes and said due to the budget
constraints they are trying to transition that over a period of 2 or 3 years.
Public Service Division, re: for the City's 2010 Tree and Stump Removal
Program at their 2009 pricing. (CR 401-09)
Kevin Maillard, Director of Public Works, was present to request approval to
extend the bid for the 2010 Tree and Stump Removal Program with Paterson
Tree Service, 5400 Washington Road, Carsonville, MI 48419 at their pricing bid
in September 2009. He indicated their performance has been outstanding.
Brosnan offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
Service Division, re: for use by the Building Maintenance Section for the period
December 1, 2009 through November 30, 2010 from budgeted funds.
Kevin Maillard, Director of Public Works, was present to request approval to
extend the bid for custodial supplies. He said in July 2008 contracts were
awarded to the low bidders, Allied-Eagle Supply, 1801 Howard, Detroit, MI
48216; HP Products Corporation, 8652 Haggerty, Suite 200, Belleville, MI 48111;
and Parnin Janitor Supply, 15356 Middlebelt, Livonia, MI 48154, to supply the
Public Service Division, Building Maintenance Section, custodial supplies. He
said some of the prices have gone up but overall it is still approximately $25,800
less than what the City paid in 2008 for these supplies. They are recommending
that the City extend their contracts one (1) year.
Toy offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
TRANSIT COMMITTEE: Public Service Division, re: the subject of a Water
Distribution System Master Plan, the subject of proposed installation of street
lights along the south side of Eight Mile Road between Farmington and Gill
Roads, and the subject of the Quality-Based Selection (QBS) process for
discussion purposes. (Ref.: CR 464-09, CR 124-06 and CR 125-06)
President McCann said there appears to be a resolution in the Committee
already to discuss streamline stabilization along Bell Creek and that item was not
listed on our Agenda this evening. New information was received, a letter dated
January 22, 2010 from Kevin Maillard, Director of Public Works.
Brosnan asked through the Chair to Knapp that each of the items have separate
resolutions so they would not be obligated to take them all up at the same time.
Knapp responded he would be happy to do it that way.
Brosnan offered the approving resolutions on the Consent Agenda.
11. WAIVER PETITION: Planning Commission, re: Petition 2009-12-02-20
submitted by Las Palapas, L.L.C., requesting approval to operate a full service
restaurant on property located on the north side of Plymouth Road, between
Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue (33308 Plymouth Road), in the
Southwest '/4 of Section 27.
President McCann indicated that new information was received on this item.
Council received a phone call from Brian Rifle, received on February 1, 2010. He
lives in the Fountain Park condominiums adjacent to the property. He was
requesting speed bumps in the area to slow people down.
President McCann said new information was received on February 1, 2010 from
A. F. Jonah Corporation, signed by David Lord, providing information regarding
the trash dumpster.
Mark Taormina, City Planner, said this was a request to utilize a Class C liquor
license in connection with a full service restaurant on property located on the
north side of Plymouth Road, between Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue
(33308 Plymouth Road). He said the property is a mixed use development which
was originally approved in 1999 and developed in various stages. He said the
petitioner wishes to occupy the westerly two thirds of the Retail Building "A"
which is now a vacant store that was previously occupied by Pet Food & More.
There would be approximately 2,000 square feet at the easterly end which could
be used by a future tenant. He said floor plans have been submitted which show
a total of 94 seats. There would not be any exterior alterations to the building with
the exception of maybe a wall sign. They would be allowed a wall sign of 42 '/2
square feet. The compactor is located directly behind this building. The issues
with the compactor are being addressed. Also, there is a dividing wall which has
some areas of deterioration and the landlord has agreed to repair the wall
regardless of the outcome of these proceedings. In terms of parking at Fountain
Park, they calculated one (1) space for every 125 square feet of usable store
area. Periodic spot checks of the parking at the location have been done. He said
the busiest time is during the week at lunch time. The average was 68 vehicles
parked during the four (4) days they checked which was between Wednesday,
January 27, 2010 and Monday, February 1, 2010. There are 104 parking spaces
available. The range was from 54 vehicles to 76 vehicles parked during the
lunchtime hours. Dinnertime appears to be less of a concern; parking is
substantially less during that time of day. Meakin asked Taormina if there were
any other non-conformities to this property. Taormina said he couldn't think of
any and said he didn't think anything required Zoning Board of Appeals approval
that he recalled. Meakin asked Taormina if they would have to go through a full
inspection by Wayne County before they would open. Taormina replied yes.
Caesar Ochoa, 14172 Arlene Lane, Belleville, was present representing Las
Palapas. He said they want to open a full service restaurant in Livonia and serve
really good authentic Mexican food. He said they are requesting approval to
utilize a Class C liquor license. He said the restaurant would be open until 11
p.m. and doesn't believe their business would attract any unwanted activities into
the City or any additional crime. He said most restaurants of their capacity and
type of operation stay open until at least 11 p.m. He said if the City prohibited him
from keeping his restaurant open until 11 p.m. that would decrease his chances
of running a successful business. Especially during summer, it stays light outside
until 9:30 p.m. and people want to go out later. Also, some businesses in the
area close at 9 p.m. and if he was to close his restaurant at 10 p.m. and they
wanted to come to his restaurant to eat, he would not be able to provide that
service to them. He said he takes the concerns from the neighbors very
seriously. He said he went to the location every day this week and sat in his
vehicle, drank a cup of coffee and just watched the parking lot. He said he does
not wish to open a business in a location where his customers would not be able
to park. He does not want that. At the same time, he does not want a business
where he would create a problem for the neighbors behind him. He does not
want that either. He said he is not married and does not have children but said he
is a family man in essence. He said Mexican people are very family oriented. He
said he does not want problems. He wants to be an outstanding member of the
City of Livonia. He said we would appreciate very much if the Council would
support him. He would like to have his restaurant open for Cinco de Mayo if
Toy asked the petitioner if he had another restaurant. He said no. He said that
his brother has successfully managed a restaurant in Ypsilanti that is very similar
to the restaurant he wishes to open here. He said the restaurant his brother
manages is the number one Mexican restaurant in Washtenaw County. He said
his brother is going to be coming with him and managing his restaurant. He
thinks with his brother's expertise and all of his family's support they are going to
be a thriving business in the City.
Raymond Grix, 11716 Farmington Road, said he is a resident of Fountain Park
condominiums. He said there was extensive testimony from the residents of
Fountain Park condominiums at the Planning Commission meeting concerning
the fact that there is already a full service restaurant in that shopping complex,
the Red Olive which was formerly the Honey Tree Restaurant. There is a
sufficient number of places to eat. The fact that they want to take an existing
tenant space and divide it into two tenant spaces is a concern. The proximity of
the location to the residents requires a waiver from the Council for the liquor
license. They are concerned about the fact that all the existing businesses are
thriving, and don't want to discourage the petitioner but by the same token they
don't feel there is a need for an additional full service restaurant. He said they
don't feel a restaurant with a liquor license would be a good fit with the existing
businesses. He urged Council to possibly table the item with regard to the
location or at the least put it on the Regular Agenda at the next meeting so that
other residents may have an opportunity to speak on the matter if they so desire.
Toy offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda. Brosnan asked for
it to be placed on the Regular Agenda due to the resident's request to do so.
12. WAIVER PETITION: Planning Commission, re: Petition 2009-12-02-22
submitted by Las Palapas, L.L.C., requesting approval to utilize a Class C liquor
license in connection with a full service restaurant on property located on the
north side of Plymouth Road, between Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue
(33308 Plymouth Road), in the Southwest '/4 of Section 27.
Mark Taormina, City Planner, said he would like to point out that the Class C
liquor license would allow the petitioner to sell beer and wine and other types of
liquor and spirits products for consumption on the premises. It would involve the
proposed acquisition and transfer of an existing Class C license that is currently
in escrow and was formerly used in connection with the Bogart's Billiard Cafe at
30282 Plymouth Road. He said a Class C liquor license at this location will not
comply with the provision of the Ordinance that requires a minimum of 1,000 feet
separation from other Class C licensed establishments as was indicated,
Slingers Bar and Grill is within 1,000 feet — approximately 700 feet to be more
exact, that will require waiving that separation requirement by separate resolution
by the Council. The Planning Commission is recommending approval of the
Class C liquor license with the condition that the petitioner enter into a conditional
agreement limiting the waiver use to this user only.
Meakin offered the approving resolution with hours of operation until 10 p.m.
during the week and until 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, on the Consent
President McCann said it would have to go on the Regular Agenda.
Brosnan asked the petitioner if he would be interested in opening the restaurant
without the liquor license. He replied, no he would not. He said for the type of
restaurant he wishes to open he would have to receive an approval on the Class
C liquor license, he doesn't believe the restaurant would be very successful
without it. Brosnan asked the petitioner how many seats were at the bar. He
responded ten (10). Brosnan asked Taormina how many seats at the bar area
would be allowable according to the posted capacity as was discussed at the
Planning Commission meeting. Taormina said that is something the Inspection
Department would have to work out with the petitioner but he didn't believe it was
limited but said he would check it out and have an answer at the Regular
Laura inquired through the Chair to Taormina as to how many Class C liquor
licenses are in the City of Livonia. Taormina said he didn't know exactly but said
he could find out and have an answer at the Regular Meeting. He said since we
have allowed the inter-county transfers the number of licenses has increased by
at least ten (10). Laura asked Taormina whether or not there was a limit on the
number of licenses issued within the City. Taormina responded saying there is a
limit but that the City could allow the inter-county transfers which the City has
done on a case by case basis and allowed those transfers. He said the City has
exceeded what was originally its cap under the old laws. Laura asked for
confirmation that there was no limit by some external authorities; it's only limited
by what this Council is willing to allow to transfer in. Taormina responded that
was basically correct. Laura said he would appreciate it if Taormina would find
out how many licenses the City has. Taormina said he would do that.
for City-owned property on Glendale Avenue for the construction of a Public
Safety Training Campus.
Don Knapp, City Attorney, said Council may be aware there has been ongoing
discussions over the past several years about the leasing of the property near
the old landfill to Schoolcraft College to allow them to use it for a training facility
for their police and fire training activities. Their proposal currently to provide and
have them build a fire training center as well as a driving course. The
Administration has been in negotiations with Schoolcraft College recently and
there has been a lease that has been the subject of that discussion. About how
much they would be paying in terms of lease amount and the terms of that lease.
They are at a point right now where they are close to finalizing the lease. He had
a recent version of the lease although all the terms of it haven't been agreed
upon at this point. Understanding the nature of the project and its importance to
the City and Schoolcraft College the idea was to bring this to Council with the
idea that they would send to one of their committees for further study with the
idea in mind that ultimately they would be asking for Council to approve a lease
between Schoolcraft College and the City for the use of this property for these
facilities. As the information provided to Council indicates the lease would be for
a term of 50 years, the amount would be for $250,000. Most of that would be
paid for up front and the remaining payments would be over a period of five (5)
years. The City Fire Department and Police Department would have access to
those training facilities and Schoolcraft College would have access to the gun
range and those facilities that the police utilize currently.
Toy said she thinks it is a good creative idea. She said she needed some help
understanding the term of 50 years for the lease. She asked Knapp if a term like
that was common. She said she knows they don't that often. Knapp said this is
an unusual situation. He said this is a piece of property the City doesn't really
have any use for and Schoolcraft College is making a substantial investment.
Besides the $250,000 they would be paying the City, it is going to cost them
around $419,000 they have to put into the site before they can use it.
Pastor said when he was a state representative he worked on trying to help
Schoolcraft College get this location. He said he believes they are getting some
federal dollars through the grants for homeland security. He said it's a win — win
Pastor offered a resolution referring to the Capital Improvement Committee for
their report and recommendation for the Regular Agenda.
Mayor Kirksey said representatives from Schoolcraft College were here. He said
it would probably be best served to devote an entire Committee Meeting to the
matter. The contract has taken many forms, it has addressed multiple issues. A
comfort level has been developed by both parties both Schoolcraft College and
the City. They felt their committees attempt to work out every last item and they
would like to make this appeal for a Committee opportunity and to get on
Committee calendars and during the interim they'll be able to resolve the
remaining differences between them so when the Committee does meet we will
present to them a contract that they feel will be in final form and that it meets the
best purposes of the City and Schoolcraft College. The only thing he would like to
add, in general, is that this will serve a number of jurisdictions. So the City of
Livonia will once again become a destination for public safety. Also, one of the
items is a new fire training tower. The existing one behind station 6 is no longer
safe to use and is not salvageable. There are a number of positive reasons why
this is good for the City. It is extremely good for Schoolcraft College for them
being able to pursue their public safety expertise that they have. They have a
number of courses that are offered. They have a number of public safety people
that are trained. This will add to their offerings that they can give to the public.
Again, if Council has any questions for Schoolcraft College, their representatives
are here to respond.
As there were no further questions or comments, Council President McCann adjourned
the Study Session at 9:17 p.m. on Monday, February 1, 2010.