Meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: John Pastor, Brian Meakin,
Maureen Miller Brosnan and James McCann. Absent: Terry Godfroid-Marecki, Joe
Laura and Laura Toy.
Elected and appointed officials present: Mayor Jack Kirksey; Cathryn White,
Chief Assistant City Attorney; Todd Zilincik, City Engineer; Mark Taormina, City Planner;
Paul St. Henry, Superintendent of Public Service (Operations); and Jim Inglis, Housing
President McCann announced there is new data on Item #8.
Council President McCann announced a Public Hearing for the following items to be
held on Monday, March 8, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of Livonia City Hall,
33000 Civic Center Drive, Livonia, Michigan:
Petition 2009-11-01-02 submitted by McLaren Performance Technologies
requesting to rezone a portion of the property located on the south side of
Eight Mile Road, between Parker Avenue and Hubbard Road (32233 Eight
Mile Road), in the Northeast '/4 of Section 3 from R-3 to P (One Family
Residential — 80' x 120' Lots to Parking).
Petition 2009-11-01-03 submitted by Kucyk, Soave and Fernandes,
P.L.L.C. requesting to rezone property located on the west side of Henry
Ruff Road, between Schoolcraft Road and Lyndon Avenue (14401 Henry
Ruff), in the Southwest '/4 of Section 23 from RUF to R-3 (Rural Urban
Farm - '/2 Acre Lots to One Family Residential — 80' x 120' Lots).
Eileen McDonald, Chairperson of the Livonia Chapter of the Optimist International Club,
said the club is looking to recruit new members. Their next meeting is Tuesday,
February 23, 20107 7:30 a.m. at the Senate Coney Island located at 34359 Plymouth
Road, Livonia. Their club meets every 2nd and 4t" Tuesday of the month. They would
like to invite members of the community to attend. They are still working on getting a
website. Any inquiries can be sent to their e-mail address livoniaoptimistclub(a)-live.com.
People can also visit the club's Michigan Chapter website at www.michiganoptimist.org
and their national website at www.optimist.org .
Diane Washington a teacher at ITT Tech said she teaches classes on State and Local
Government. She brought her class here tonight to observe and learn how local
government works.
re: submitted by Liping Meldrum in accordance with Chapter 5.49 of the Livonia
Code of Ordinances, as amended.
Liping Meldrum and Ron Meldrum, 23291 Crystal, Clinton Township were
present to answer any questions.
Meakin offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
Clerk, re: submitted by Ke Zhang Tang in accordance with Chapter 5.49 of the
Livonia Code of Ordinances, as amended.
Ke Zhang Tang and his sister from Macomb Township were present to answer
any questions.
Meakin offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
re: submitted by Catina Jariett in accordance with Chapter 5.49 of the Livonia
Code of Ordinances, as amended.
Catina Jariett, 21513 St. Francis, Farmington Hills was present to answer any
Brosnan offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
ETHICS: Office of the Mayor, re: for a three-year term, which shall expire on
March 1, 2013.
Mayor Kirksey said this is a reappointment of one of the original board members.
He said all of the individuals serving on the board are the original members that
were appointed some years ago. They have done a fine job and he commends
the members of the board. He is recommending to Council the reappointment of
James R. McCann to the Livonia Board of Ethics.
Pastor offered the approving resolution on the Regular Agenda.
OF ETHICS: Office of the Mayor, re: for a three-year term, which shall expire on
March 1, 2013.
Mayor Kirksey said Richard McDowell has served as Chairperson of the Board of
Ethics and prior to taking that position he was President of Schoolcraft College.
Mr. McDowell comes well prepared with good experience and credentials. The
Mayor is recommending to Council the reappointment of Richard W. McDowell to
the Livonia Board of Ethics.
Christopher Martin, 12275 Inkster, asked Council President McCann to spend a
few minutes and explain the duties and responsibilities of the members of the
Board of Ethics. He inquired exactly what does the Board of Ethics look into, as
far as ethics.
Cathryn White, Chief Assistant City Attorney, responded saying basically anytime
anybody has a concern about somebody having a conflict of interest or some
kind of ethical consideration that they would like to bring to an independent
board, they would bring it to the Ethics Board. She said there is an Ordinance in
Livonia that gives the details of the duties of the members of the Board of Ethics
and that can be viewed on the City's website.
President McCann pointed out that this is not an enforcing body; they make
recommendations. He said they do not have authority over employees or elected
officials. It is an advisory board and the nice thing about this board is that they
are all community volunteers and activists.
Mayor Kirksey said elected officials and people working for the City that are in
decision making roles are asked to declare any conflicts of interests that they
have on an annual basis. These forms are reviewed by the Board of Ethics.
Barbara Scherr is the ongoing legal advisor for the City's Law Department. Those
are reviewed and if there are any potential conflicts of interest the person with the
potential conflict has an opportunity to have an interview with the Board of Ethics
to determine if there is a problem. This is the process and then there are other
things that come up on occasion and the Board of Ethics reviews them.
Pastor offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM: Livonia Housing Commission, re. so that
a second public hearing can be held on this matter, after which time a final
program and budget will be forwarded to Council for formal adoption.
Jim Inglis, Housing Director said Council has been provided a copy of the
proposed budget for the 2010-2011 Community Development Block Grant
Program. He said the City has yet to receive from U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development our actual allocation amount but Congress has
approved the Community Development Budget for the next fiscal year. He said
he is anticipating an increase of approximately 7% in federal funds. The
allocation the City is anticipating receiving from the federal government for the
activities outlined in the budget and program is $400,000. He said they also
anticipate receiving program income from the return of loans that have been
issued through the Housing Rehabilitation Program to homeowners in our
community. The budget before Council is in the amount of $525,000. They have
a process by which they conduct a public hearing, then come to the City Council
and obtain a formal approval, go out and conduct a second public hearing for
citizen comment and then come back to the City Council for final review by this
body. He said they did conduct a public hearing on February 4, 2010 and there
were no adverse comments. They are seeking a formal approval from Council
after which they will proceed with holding a second public hearing.
Brosnan said in looking at last year's budget there was nothing allocated for
Neighborhood Revitalization and Initiative, yet this year there is $50,000. She
asked Mr. Inglis if there was a specific program he was envisioning. He replied
yes. He said in the last fiscal year the Capital Improvements Committee asked
the Housing Department to consider taking a look at Section1 in our community.
Specifically looking at some of the vacant and abandoned buildings in the Grand
River and 8 Mile area, and all along the Inkster and 7 Mile and Middlebelt
corridor and take a look at what the City can possibly do to improve the
commercial businesses in that area and also look at the residential structures as
well so we can give them some special attention. This was an item that was kept
in the budget and this year they'd like to fund that activity so they can possibly do
a consulting study or survey to actually come back to the Council with some
concrete ideas of some the activities they can undertake up in Section 1.
Brosnan inquired about the difference in amount budgeted for acquiring tax
reverted property which has $40,000 budgeted for this year as opposed to the
$76,000 budgeted last year. Mr. Inglis responded saying the reason was due to
their Neighborhood Stabilization Program which is federally funded and they are
using that grant to acquire a lot of the FHA Fannie Mae foreclosed properties so
they have another financial resource right now and thought they would give a
little bit of a budget relief to the Community Development Program. Brosnan
asked Mr. Inglis if those were the two biggest changes this year with regard to
this year's budget compared to last year's budget for Community Development.
He said yes, but in addition to them, in Section 5 under public services they are
increasing their public services to non-profit corporations from $71,000 to
$78,000 which provides service to programs such as First Step and Utility Shut-
off Assistance. He said there is also another one they added, there is $10,000
allocated under Economic Development Initiative which is for the Fast Forward
Main Street Project. He said that's an initiative that is gaining strength and getting
attraction. This is program in which small businesses within the community, up to
30 of them, will be identified and given coaching assistance to help make them
more financially viable in the future.
Meakin offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
7. AWARD OF BID: Water and Sewer Board, re: for water service parts and
fittings for the City's 2010 calendar year requirements.
Paul St. Henry, Superintendent for Public Services said they took the bid before
the Water and Sewer Board. He said this is for water service parts and fitting
used when attaching water lines to water mains.
Pastor offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
COUNTY TO HYDRO DESIGNS, INC.: Water and Sewer Board, re: for existing
Cross Connection Control Program to protect the public drinking water supply
from contamination.
President McCann said a new letter from Todd Zilincik, City Engineer was
received on this item and he would receive and file the letter if there were no
Todd Zilincik, City Engineer said this is an effort to save the City some money.
He gave a little history on the subject stating back in 1980 the City of Livonia
along with 20 other communities signed a contract with the Wayne County Health
Department to provide inspections for cross contamination to provide a safe
drinking supply for the City of Livonia. They took their recommendation to the
Water and Sewer Board on February 1, 2010. He said Wayne County failed to
provide a cost proposal to the City and they have elected to proceed forward with
Hydro Designs, Inc. and are seeking Council approval based on the
recommendation of the Water and Sewer Board. The expended funds have been
budgeted in the water and sewer account.
Brosnan asked Zilincik about the providers available that provide this service.
Zilincik responded by indicating he had representatives from Hydro Designs here
in the audience to answer any technical questions. He said in addition to Hydro
Designs there is another company called Backflow Solutions that is based out of
Illinois. In doing some reference checks on Backflow Solutions they had three (3)
references here in Michigan. Those references were the City of Lansing which is
about the same size as Livonia, the City of Mt. Clemens which is about 17,000
residents and encompasses about 4.2 square miles and also the City of St. Clair
which is about 5,000 residents and encompasses about 3.4 square miles.
Backflow Solutions is a young firm, doing business for about 10 years and their
presence in Michigan is not well known; most of their work is based out of Illinois.
Hydro Designs has done work for several local municipalities specifically Canton,
Northville Township, Garden City and Plymouth. They have been around for 17
years and have a well presence in Michigan. He is recommending the City utilize
Hydro Designs for this program.
Brosnan offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
9. AWARD OF BID: Public Service Division, re: for emergency power and
generator transfer switches.
Paul St. Henry, Superintendent of Public Services said they went out for bid for
the emergency power and generator transfer switches. He said these are the
components that determine what will be powered inside different buildings when
the power is hooked up to a generator. They went with an outside consultant to
do the designing and actually bid it. They are also included in their
recommendation as far as the observation of the actual work if it is indeed
approved. They received six (6) bids and after they broke them down into three
(3) different categories it was determined that one (1) company was the low
bidder for both the Recreation Center and the Fleet Maintenance Facility and
another company was the low bidder for the Water and Sewer Building. Two (2)
of these, the Water and Sewer Building and the Fleet Maintenance Facility,
would be coming out of the Water and Sewer Fund. They were taken to the
Water and Sewer Board at their last meeting and they concurred with their
recommendations. The third one at the Recreation Center would be coming out
of Recreation Funds and all those funds have been budgeted.
Pastor asked St. Henry why it was necessary for them to observe the work when
the City has in-house staff. He said they were not comfortable with the level of
knowledge with their in-house staff with regard to this work nor do they feel they
would have the adequate time to observe the actual work. They feel it is a pretty
good bargain for the price.
Brosnan said to follow-up to Pastor's concern, this is the area she had trouble
with, not with the bidders but with the oversight of the work. She asked St. Henry
what qualifies JFR, as an architectural firm, to then oversee the project itself. St.
Henry responded by indicating Mr. Renault who is part of JFR Architectural Firm,
designed the project himself. He said Mr. Renault will go out to the different
sources he has and they will provide him with the design specifications. Once
that is established, then he comes in and observes the actual operation. If there
are any questions and our staff can answer, they answer. If there are questions
and he has to get professional help on, he would do that. They have utilized him
in a couple of other projects and are fairly comfortable with his ability at being
able to make sure the paperwork is processed before we make payments.
Brosnan offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
Service Division, re: as requested by the Michigan Department of Transportation
(MDOT) as verification that a governmental body will fulfill permit requirements
for work performed on State highways.
Paul St. Henry, Superintendent of Public Services said this is an annual
housekeeping item. It's a permit that they have to file with the State of Michigan
in order to do any work, whether it is an emergency or a final restoration on State
trunk lines which the City would have, primarily Plymouth Road.
Brosnan offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
LOCATED ON GLENDALE STREET: Public Service Division, re: requested by
Florence Cement Company for the purpose of producing concrete for MDOT,
Contract No. 82457-106884, for the reconstruction of Schoolcraft Road from over
1-96 to Scone Court for approximately four (4) months with conditions.
Paul St. Henry, Superintendent of Public Service said Florence has come to
them before, they came last year. Since they had another project with the City of
Livonia they approached them this year about establishing a batch plant over on
the Glendale property and it affords us to be able to assist with a project that is
within the City, as well as earn a little bit of money for the rental of the Glendale
property. He said they haven't had any issues with clean and recalled a time
when they actually donated materials to the City.
Brosnan asked St. Henry about the dust containment for the location. He
responded saying it would primarily be contained utilizing a water source.
Anthony Seratti, Florence Cement Company, 34046 Northwick, Farmington Hills,
said any dust they create will be watered down.
Pastor offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
Engineering Division, re: for the 2010 Lane Line Marking Program — Contract 10-
H at the unit prices from 2009. (CR 126-09)
Todd Zilincik, City Engineer, said this was a request to extending to 2009 unit
prices by R.S. Contracting for 2010 to provide bright lane line markings and turn
legends. He said over the last couple of years they spent approximately
$100,000 in proving our network through the lane line markings and legends.
This is a formal request to hold our unit prices. He said there are basically two (2)
vendors in town, R.S. Contracting and P.K. Contracting. P.K. Contracting is a big
contractor and normally doesn't bid on this type of work but you see them a lot in
the communities and on the highways. They are asking for Council approval to
award a contract in the amount of $105,000 to help keep up the major streets
throughout the City utilizing budgeted funds.
Meakin asked Zilincik if the City went out to bid in 2009. He replied yes, but only
one (1) person picked it up two (2) days before the bid was due and filled it out.
He said there are smaller venues out there but the two (2) big companies are
R.S. Contracting and P.K. Contracting.
Meakin offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
Engineering Division, re: which includes a target area in Section 34, as well as a
number of scattered locations throughout the City. (CR 784-82)
Todd Zilincik, City Engineer said this is a formality for their 2010 Sidewalk Repair
Program. They are seeking Council approval to allow them to notify residents
that work will be done in their area. The target area is Section 34 in the state
streets which are north of Joy between Farmington and Merriman and south of
West Chicago. In addition, there a numerous scattered locations throughout the
City that people have called in previously. They'll start in Section 1 and work their
way down to Section 36.
Brosnan asked Zilincik how this compares to what has been done in the past, in
terms of the size of the program. He said last year they did approximately
$605,000 worth of sidewalk repairs. Typically, once the contractor is in the area
doing the work some of the residents request additional work. They are usually
always in alignment with their estimated cost.
Pastor asked if when the City goes out for bid are they going to try to get the
same prices for the residents if the residents so choose to do the extra work.
Zilincik responded by saying they could go with unit prices from last year or they
could go out for bids. They anticipate about the same amount of work as last
year. They are still gathering some of the final information before they make a
determination. He said typically they'll hold their prices but each driveway is
different, so it all depends.
President McCann said when they were doing work on his street they walked up
and down. He said approximately 7 out of 20 houses got new driveways and
other people got extra work done, like porches. They just quoted each one. He
said they discussed this last year and recalls there were some issues form the
Law Department regarding trying to contract for the residents.
Meakin pointed out that the City is not paying for this extra work and that it's the
responsibility of the residents. The City may possibly be able help them with
pricing but the City is not paying for any additional concrete repairs.
Pastor offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
COMPUTATIONS: Engineering Division, re: for streets, or portions thereof,
newly opened during 2009.
Todd Zilincik, City Engineer said this is a result of their road network. They're
looking to add approximately 1,000 lineal feet of road for Hunter's Park Court at
the end of the year 2009. Basically, as a formality they are required by the State
of Michigan by April 6t" to go ahead and add this portion to the road network in
order to gain funding from Act 51 funds. They are asking for a Council
Resolution, prepared by the Law Department to go ahead and add this portion
and then submit it to the State of Michigan to add it to the road network.
Brosnan offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
15. REQUEST TO APPROVE LANDSCAPE PLAN: Planning Commission, re: in
connection with Site Plan Petition 2005-03-08-05 submitted by EDCO Real
Estate Ventures, L.L.C., to construct an addition and renovate the exterior of the
service station on property located on the southwest corner of Wayne Road and
Ann Arbor Trail (34901 Ann Arbor Trail), in the Southwest '/4 of Section 33, which
previously received City Council approval on September 9, 2009, pursuant to
Council Resolution 385-09.
Mark Taormina, City Planner said this property is located at the corner of Ann
Arbor Trail and Wayne Road. This is a call back item it involves approval of the
landscape plan. It was approved by the Planning Commission on January 26,
2010 with slight modifications with some additional trees to be planted adjacent
to the rights of way. The owner is here this evening. They are nearing completion
of the new gas station facility. They're scheduled to open, hopefully next week, of
course the landscaping will not be completed by that date and there will be a
requirement by the Inspection Department as a condition of issuing the
temporary Certificate of Occupancy that a bond be posted. The landscaping plan
is complete with those minor exceptions of the trees. He'll be adding landscaping
to the site to bring it up to the minimum fifteen percent (15%). There is also the
requirement for a fully irrigated system to be installed as well as new sod in any
areas that are disturbed.
Tahrik Alcodray, 330 River Lane, Dearborn, MI, 48124 was present. He said
when the weather breaks they will begin the landscaping and will complete it
according to the plan.
Brosnan asked through the Chair to Taormina if the trees would comply with the
recommendations of the Tree City Committee. Taormina responded by stating
he had this discussion with Mr. Alcodray and said he has agreed to three (3)
medium sized deciduous trees to be added. Taormina said they are going to
assess the area come spring. There were some existing trees on the site that
were scheduled to be removed. They're going to take a look at those prior to him
doing the work to see which ones can be saved. Those that can be saved, they'll
work around but if they have to be removed they'll be looking at something a little
more substantial going on the corners of the site, medium size deciduous.
Meakin offered the approving resolution on the Regular Agenda.
16. WAIVER PETITION: Planning Commission, re: Petition 2009-12-02-18
submitted by Walgreen Company requesting approval to utilize an SDM license
(sale of packaged beer and wine) on property located on the west side of
Newburgh Road, between Mallory Drive and Six Mile Road (17001 Newburgh
Road), in the Northeast '/4 of Section 18.
Marcus Jones, 4495 Northberry Ct. S.E., Kentwood, MI, was present on behalf of
Walgreen Company. He said they are requesting an SDM license to sell
packaged beer and wine simply in response to their customers' requests. He said
they are not looking for liquor store status. They would be selling 6-packs and 12-
packs; no single serves and no drive thru sales. It would not change the nature of
their store; they would be just adding a product line.
Taormina said this would require a waiver because there is a requirement for a
separate resolution that would modify the requirement to have this store within
500 feet of another existing SDM license business which is the Rite Aid across
the street.
Meakin offered the approving resolution on the Regular Agenda.
17. WAIVER PETITION: Planning Commission, re: Petition 2009-12-02-21
submitted by Leidal & Hart Mason Contractors requesting approval to operate a
contractors yard in an M-1 district on property located on the east side of Globe
Road, between Plymouth Road and Amrhein Road (12100 Globe), in the
Southwest '/4 of Section 29.
Mark Taormina, City Planner said this property is zoned M-1 and all of the
surrounding properties are similarly zoned. The site is just less than five (5) acres
in area and includes 270 feet of frontage on Globe and has a depth of 700 feet.
The request is to operate a contractor's storage yard. Under the provisions of
pertaining to waiver uses, this section does allow for the approval under the
special requirements for special trade contractors where the equipment and
vehicles and materials can not be wholly contained within a building. The
petitioner would be moving his operation from Schoolcraft Road. They are a long-
time Livonia business here in Livonia. They are planning on staying in Livonia,
they would be moving to this facility; it has a 23,000 square foot building on the
westerly side of the site. They would occupy the majority of that building. They
would like to utilize a significant portion of the rear yard as their contractor's
storage lot that area is about 69,000 total square feet in size. It is fully fenced and
it backs up to an easement on the easterly boundary. There would be gated
access going into and out of the facility. It is gravel; they would like to keep it
gravel. This was an issue that was reviewed by the Planning Commission. A plan
was submitted by the Petitioner indicating they would periodically apply a calcium
chloride solution to the area in order to keep the dust level down. One stipulation
he will mention this evening is there is a special requirement of the Ordinance
that all stockpiled material be kept to a height of 8 feet or less as measured from
the ground surface; that can be waived or modified by Council Resolution.
Planning Commission is recommending approval of this Petition.
Pastor asked the Petitioner if 8 feet was too low for the stockpiling of their
Brad Leidal, representing Leidal and Hart Mason Contractors, 32225 Schoolcraft
replied that they would like to have around 10 to 12 feet.
Meakin wanted to recognize Mr. Leidal, he said they were the mason contractors
that did the new Courthouse. He said they did an outstanding job and he recalled
an anniversary celebration last year for their company. Mr. Leidal responded
saying this May they will be celebrating their 53rd Anniversary as well as their 53rd
Anniversary as a corporate citizen of Livonia.
Pastor offered the approving resolution with 12 feet on the height limitation, on
the Consent Agenda.
Maureen Miller Brosnan, re: to discuss the future use of the former 16th District
Court Building.
Brosnan said after receiving many inquiries from the public she feels that now is
a good time to assign this subject to an appropriate committee for discussion.
She said the Capital Improvement Committee is the one she is going to suggest
this evening. As the date of the grand opening of the new Courthouse nears she
anticipates we'll hear from more residents. She said she as a Councilmember is
not interested in sinking a lot of money in rejuvenating or reinventing the building,
especially due to the current economy. However, she does feel that now is the
time to talk about plans for the future because this economy is not going to stay
the way it is right now and at the moment which we find that we have grant
money to move ahead or the City finds itself in a little bit better financial position
she wants to make sure that the City is ready to take advantage of that. She
hopes the rest of the Councilmembers will agree that this item is worthy of that
kind of discussion and exploration and continued thought. She feels by putting in
a Committee they give themselves an opportunity to engage in that discussion
Meakin wanted to let everyone know that the Courthouse is almost done and that
it will be brought in under budget. He appreciated Brosnan for bringing it up and
said he would bring it out as quickly as possible.
Mayor Kirksey added that there will be mention of some interest in the current
Courthouse building soon to be the old Courthouse in the quarterly newsletter
that will be distributed in March and at that point in time the City will announce a
Town Hall meeting that will be scheduled some time in April. The City will invite
interested citizens and organizations to come into the existing court building so
they can see how it is currently configured. The City is inviting citizens to offer
their suggestions. As far as the funding of any future attention that will be paid to
the building, the City would not be recommending the use of any money from the
General Fund or any other budgeted funds. The City will be investigating
available grants and there is some money left from the actual construction of the
new court building that has been dedicated to closing out the existing court
building which needs a new boiler and some other items, so there is some initial
funding. He said the most challenging aspect will be finding additional funding to
do what potentially will be a quite expensive renovation. The building is not really
configured for anything other than a courthouse. It has very few load bearing
walls and the entire basement once the Magistrate's office is removed is a huge
open space. The Mayor said there is ADA compliance in the building already. He
stressed again, the major challenge will be to find ongoing consistent funding
available. He said there has been some interest in expanding the senior center,
but speaking hypothetically, if that were done the City would then have to staff
the building as well as maintain the building. He said the building does have
much to offer and if the challenges can be met, he feels this could have a great
place in the City's future.
Brosnan offered the approving resolution on the Consent Agenda.
President McCann wished his mother a happy birthday coming up on Monday, February
22, 2010. He wishes her the best and loves her.
As there were no further questions or comments, Council President McCann adjourned
the Study Session at 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 17, 2010.