HomeMy WebLinkAbout1186th CSC MEETING1186th REGULAR MEETING OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The 1186th Regular Meeting of the Civil Service Commission was held on Thursday, March 20, 2003. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. Members Present Also Present. Kenneth E. Hitchcock, Jr., Senior Police Officer Timothy Larion, Senior Police Officer Ronald E. Campau, Chairperson Charlotte S. Mahoney Harry C. Tatigian Derrick L. Washington, Personnel Analyst II David G. Beecher, Personnel Analyst II Aurora Vigil, Personnel Analyst I Mary E. Rutan, Human Resources Director Gretchen Guisbert, Secretary III Upon a motion by Mr. Tatigian, seconded by Ms. Mahoney and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That the minutes of the 1185th Regular Meeting held Thursday, February 20, 2003, be approved as submitted. Upon a motion by Mr. Tatigian, seconded by Ms. Mahoney and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That the minutes of the 82nd Special Meeting held Thursday, March 6, 2003, be approved as submitted. The Commission received and fled the Status of Temporary Employees Report for February 2003. The Commission received and fled the Non -Resident Report as of March 2003. Upon a motion by Mr. Tatigian, seconded by Ms. Mahoney and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That having reviewed the letter of January 8, 2003, from Jeanette Geiger, Computer Administrator II, as approved for submission by Peter Kunst, Police Chief, requesting to carry over excess vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Ms. Geiger's request to carry over two (2) days or sixteen (16) excess vacation hours into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. RESOLVED, That having reviewed the Departmental Correspondence of February 26, 2003, from John Gibbs, Senior Police Officer, as approved for submission by Peter Kunst, Police Chief, requesting to carry over excess Page 2 1180th Regular Meeting March 20, 2003 vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Officer Gibbs' request to carry over two (2) days or sixteen (16) excess vacation hours into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. RESOLVED, That having reviewed the Departmental Correspondence of February 20, 2003, from Charles Lister, Senior Police Sergeant, as approved for submission by Peter Kunst, Police Chief, requesting to carry over excess vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Sergeant Lister's request to carry over five (5) days or forty (40) excess vacation hours into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. Upon a motion by Ms. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Tatigian and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That having reviewed the letter of February 20, 2003, from Linda Gosselin, Assistant City Assessor, as approved for submission by Sherron L. Schultz, City Assessor, requesting to carry over excess vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Ms. Gosselin's request to carry over four and one-half (4.5) excess vacation hours into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. RESOLVED, That having reviewed the letter of February 28, 2003, from Denise Marvel, Account Clerk II, as approved for submission by Michael T. Slater, Director of Finance, requesting to carry over excess vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Ms. Marvel's request to carry over six (6) days and five point seven five (5.75) excess vacation hours into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. RESOLVED, That having reviewed the letter of February 24, 2003, from Anthony Pyrkosz, Water Meter Repairer I, as approved for submission by Robert J. Beckley, Director of Public Works, requesting to carry over excess vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Mr. Pyrkosz's request to carry over two (2) days and one (1) excess vacation hour into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. Page 3 1186th Regular Meeting ManM 20, 2003 RESOLVED, That having reviewed the letter of February 19, 2003, from Lyle Trudell, Administrative Assistant, as approved for submission by Ronald R. Reinke, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, requesting to carry over excess vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Mr. Trudell's request to carry over one (1) day or eight (8) excess vacation hours into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. Upon a motion by Ms. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Tatigian and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That having reviewed the letter of January 20, 2003, from James Montgomery, Fire Lieutenant, as approved for submission by Alan W. Brandemihl, Jr., Fire Chief, requesting to carry over excess vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Lieutenant Montgomery's request to carry over one (1) (24-hour) day and eight (8) excess vacation hours into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. RESOLVED, That having reviewed the letter of January 14, 2003, from Jon Unruh, Assistant Driver, as approved for submission by Alan W. Brandemihl, Jr., Fire Chief, requesting to carry over excess vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Mr. Unruh's request to carry over three (3) days or seventy-two (72) excess vacation hours into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. Upon a motion by Mr. Tatigian, seconded by Ms. Mahoney and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That having reviewed the letter of December 11, 2002, from Alexander Kwasniuk, Engineering Assistant I, as approved for submission by Robert J. Schron, City Engineer, requesting to carry over excess vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Mr. Kwasniuk's request to carry over five (5) days or forty (40) excess vacation hours into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. Upon a motion by Ms. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Tatigian and unanimously adopted, it was Page 4 1136th Regular Meeting ManM 20, 2003 RESOLVED, That having reviewed the letter of December 4, 2002, from Matthew T. Ream, Firefighter/Paramedic, as approved for submission by Alan W. Brandemihl, Jr., Fire Chief, requesting to carry over excess vacation hours, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve Mr. Ream's request to carry over one (1) day or twenty-four (24) excess vacation hours into 2003 with the understanding that these hours will be used in 2003; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no future request will be considered to carry over excess vacation into 2004. Discussion commenced regarding Livonia Police Officers Association (LPDA) Grievance 03- 49, dated January 28, 2003, from Kenneth Hitchcock, Senior Police Officer, regarding denial of dental reimbursement. Senior Police Officer Timothy Larion spoke on behalf of the union. Officer Larion explained that Officer Hitchcock had submitted a dental reimbursement in November 2002 in the amount of $743.00. The reimbursement was processed for $658.00, which was $85.00 less than was requested. Officer Larion continued that he had been present on the union executive board during the contract negotiations. The union believed, as it had been explained to them, that the contract had a "rolling' 5 -year dental reimbursement period. Therefore, their members thought that at any point during the life of the contract, they could borrow five (5) years into the future. Derrick Washington, Personnel Analyst II, explained that the dental benefit was provided for in the agreement between the City of Livonia and the LPDA in Article 27, "Hospitalization — Medical Coverage' 27.12: B. Dental, which states "Effective 12/1/00 any unused portion of an employee's annual reimbursement allowance shall accumulate for utilization for a period of five (5) years." The Civil Service Department dental reimbursement procedure has been to allow LPDA employees to utilize any portion of this total $2950 maximum accrual once the supplemental agreement was ratified and approved. He further stated that on August 23, 2002, he had submitted an explanation of the dental benefit to George Roumell, Riley, Roumell and Connolly, to explain the Civil Service Department's administration of this contract application which limited the reimbursement to a "fixed" five (5) year period not to exceed $2,950 from December 1, 2000 to December 1, 2005. Mr. Campau reviewed the reimbursement granted Officer Hitchcock and confirmed he expended all $2,950 as of November 5, 2002. Officer Hitchcock responded that it had been explained to them as an interpretation of the contract, that on December 1, 2001, a new five (5) year "rolling" period began; and he could go to the next year. Mr. Campau inquired if an employee's dental benefits were granted beyond the terms of the contract. Mary E. Rulan, Human Resources Director, explained that when a contract has expired, the past practice had been that the employee could borrow no more than one (1) year forward, under the terms of the old contract. Commissioner Tatigian explained that the contract language didn't specify that this benefit goes from December 1, 2000 to December 1, 2005. Furthermore, he questioned that if this Page 5 11 Birth Regular Meeting ManM 20, 2003 was the intent why did the contract expire November 30, 2006 with one (1) year remaining. Commissioner Mahoney countered that Article 27.12 Dental (D) (3) of the agreement states "At no point may an employee borrow beyond the five (5) years." Mr. Tatigian commented that this is the first time the 5 -year language has been in place. There was no past practice, he stated, when dealing with the 5 -year language. He reiterated, however, that when a contract period had expired, past practice had been to grant one year forward under the terms and conditions of the old contract, while the new contract was being negotiated. He stated the contract doesn't preclude a 'rolling forward" five-year period and since the language isn't crystal clear, it can be interpreted either way. Mr. Washington reiterated that the previous history has been to allow the employee to borrow from the next year whenever the union and the City was in negotiation without an agreement in effect. Officer Larion reiterated the preceding contract language was expanded to five (5) years forward. The Chairperson stepped down to second the motion: Upon a motion by Mr. Tatigian, seconded by Mr. Campau and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That having reviewed the Livonia Police Officers Association (LPDA) Grievance 0349, dated January 28, 2003, from Kenneth Hitchcock, Senior Police Officer, regarding denial of dental reimbursement, and having had discussion with Timothy Larion, Senior Police Officer; Kenneth Hitchcock, Senior Police Officer; Derrick L. Washington, Personnel Analyst II; and Mary E. Rutan, Human Resources Director, the Civil Service Commission does hereby grant the request for dental reimbursement, based on the extraordinary circumstances. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this grievance was approved on the basis of the individual merits of this case and should not be considered precedent setting. Upon a motion by Mr. Tatigian, seconded by Ms. Mahoney and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That having reviewed the Critical Incident Response Policy, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve the Critical Incident Response Policy. Upon a motion by Ms. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Tatigian and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That having reviewed the federal Health Insurance Portability 8 Accountability Act (HIPAA) proposed Privacy Policy, the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve said City of Livonia Privacy Policy. Page 6 11 Birth Regular Meeting ManM 20, 2003 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Civil Service Commission does hereby appoint Aurora Vigil, Personnel Analyst I, as the current HIPAA Privacy Officer. Upon a motion by Ms. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Tatigian and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That having reviewed the expiring eligible list for the month of April 2003 — Library Aide 1 (838 o.c.), Recreation Supervisor (841 o.c.), Police Lieutenant (1136 p.) and Police Sergeant (1137 p.), the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve to extend the eligible list for Library Aide 1 (838 o.c.) for an additional six (6) months. Upon a motion by Mr. Tatigian, seconded by Ms. Mahoney and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That the Civil Service Commission does hereby approve the passing point of 70% based on the statewide norm or the whole raw score of 132, in the written examination for Building Mechanic 1 (1167 p.). Upon a motion by Ms. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Tatigian and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That the Commission does hereby approve the eligible list for Building Mechanic 1 (1167 p.). The Commission received and filed the following items: (a) Council Resolutions from the meeting of February 26, 2003 with minutes to be approved March 12, 2003: CR #65-03 Approving the reappointment of Audrey Greenleaf, 37721 Bristol, Livonia, Michigan 48154, to the Board of Ethics for a three year tens expiring on March 1, 2006. CR #66-03 Approving the reappointment of Jacob Ghannam, 35202 Curtis, Livonia, Michigan 48152, to the Board of Ethics for a three year term expiring on March 1, 2006. CR #68-03 Amending Council Resolution 589-02 regarding changes to titles, job descriptions, qualifications and pay rates for temporary job classification in the Department of Parks and Recreation, as well as approving the recommendation of the Civil Service Department to permit approximately 45 Parks and Recreation part-time employees to be retroactively restored to Step 3 in the temporary classification(s) wage scheduled who were assigned to Step 3 in that classification rate schedule prior to December 1, 2002, with the understanding that this Step 3 rate will not be increased and shall terminate when a new maximum Step 2 rate surpasses this rate of pay. Page ] 1100th Regular Meeting March 20, 2003 CR #82-03 Approving the 2002-2005 Wage Rate Schedule and Fringe Benefits for the Fire Chief, effective December 1, 2002. (b) Affirmative Action Report for February 2003. Upon a motion by Ms. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Tatigian and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED, That the meeting be adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Gretchen Guisbert, Secretary III Ronald E. Campau, Chairperson Charlotte S. Mahoney, Commissioner Harry C. Tatigian, Commissioner