The 101" Special Meeting of the Civil Service Commission was held on Wednesday,
November 30, 2011. The meeting was called to order at 4:33 p.m.
Members Present: Charlotte S. Mahoney, Chairperson
Harry C. Tatigian, Commissioner
Ronald E. Campau, Commissioner
Also Present: Robert F. Biga, Human Resources Director
Derrick L. Washington, Personnel Analyst II
Gretchen Guisbert, Secretary III
The Chairperson stepped down to second the following motion:
Upon a motion by Mr. Tatigian, seconded by Ms. Mahoney and adopted, it was
11-120 RESOLVED, That having reviewed the request for approval of the
contract between the City of Livonia and AFSCME Union Local 1917, the Civil
Service Commission does hereby approve the contract between the City of Livonia
and AFSCME Union Local 1917 for the period December 1, 2010 through
November 30, 2013, to be submitted to City Council for their review and approval.
AYES: Tatigian and Mahoney NAYS: Campau
The Commission Received and Filed the Letter of November 15, 2011, from Gregory T.
Schultz, Attorney, Schultz and Young, P.C., summarizing the City of Livonia Police Officer
Association Act 312 Arbitration award.
Upon a motion by Mr. Campau, seconded by Mr. Tatigian and unanimously adopted, it was
RESOLVED, That the special meeting be adjourned at 4:48 p.m.
Gretchen Guisbert, Secretary III
Charlotte S. Mahoney, Chairperson
Harry C. Tatigian, Commissioner
Ronald E. Campau, Commissioner