The 19th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City
of Livonia, Michigan was called to order at 4:10 p.m. , Thursday, June 15, 1995 in
the 4th Floor Conference Room of City Hall.
Members Present: Mayor Robert D. Bennett
Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. Mike Polsinelli
Mr. Scott Grace
Mrs. Toni Mette
Mr. Conrad Carson
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Dale Summers
Mr. Joe Laura
Members Absent: Mr. Marvin Walkon (unexcused)
Mr. Adelard Raby
Others Present: Mr. John Nagy, Director
Mrs. Jean Garvey, Secretary
Mr. Michael McGee, City Council
Mr. Richard Niedieck, Livonia Economic Development Office
(ww 1. Roll was called.
2. Adoption of Minutes: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
approved, it was
#95-21 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the 18th Regular Meeting held by the
Plymouth Road Development Authority on May 18, 1995 are approved.
3. Comments from Chairman:
(1) Chairman Pike informed the board that he had met with Mayor Bennett;
Michael Slater, Finance Director; Bob Bishop, City Treasurer; Michael McGee, City
Council; and John Nagy to discuss the financing aspect of the PRDA. He stated
they are in the process of working on that and will report back to the board at
either the July or August meeting.
(2) Chairman Pike reported that he had received a phone call from Lou
LaRiche commending the PRDA for the work they are doing.
(3) Correspondence from Applied Process, Inc. dated May 29, 1995 was
received and placed on file for the information of the Plymouth Road Development
Authority. The subject of the correspondence will be referred to the Traffic
Department by the Planning Department. Mr. Niedieck will also talk to Mr.
Keough, President of Applied Process, Inc.
tme 4. Review of Canton/Ford Road experience: The board generally felt there were
some similarities between Ford Road in Canton and Plymouth Road, but the PRDA was
dealing basically with different problems, Plymouth Road being an older district
than Canton. There was a general discussion on this subject. Mr. Nagy suggested
possibly bringing in a consultant early on in connection with the whole plan.
Since the board wanted to be able to tell the consultant what they wanted done
rather than having the consultant tell them what they should do, a sub-committee
was formed to sit down with Mr. Nagy to put a package together setting forth
their ideas for Plymouth Road. This sub-committee will consist of Toni Mette,
Scott Grace and Mike Polsinelli . This sub-committee will report back to the
board in July.
5. Progress report Plymouth & Laurel property: Mr. Nagy referred to a letter
written by Mayor Bennett, addressed to the City Council advising the Council what
his office is recommending on behalf of the Authority. He is requesting the
Council authorize services of an environmental assessment firm to do a soil and
ground water analysis; authorize an independent real estate appraiser to
determine fair market value of the property; and authorize the City to place the
property up for sale. The Mayor has requested the Planning Commission initiate a
zoning change from C-1 to C-2.
6. Amendment to Bylaws: Chairman Pike stated after the meeting held on PRDA
financing, it was determined the PRDA needed to appoint the Financing Director as
Treasurer of the PRDA as opposed to having the Treasurer of the City of Livonia
act as the Treasurer of the PRDA. On a motion duly made by Mr. Summers, seconded
by Mr. Polsinelli and unanimously approved, it was
#95-22 RESOLVED that, the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
request the Livonia City Council amend the PRDA Bylaws, Article III,
Officers, Section 4 to replace the words, "the City Treasurer" with
"the Finance Director" in the last sentence of the section.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
7. Do counties have the choice to opt out of DDA participation? Chairman Pike
reported that he had been contacted by Wayne County. They indicated they could
possibly opt out and felt they might not want to be involved. Records were
checked and all taxing authorities had been notified of the hearings.
Correspondence from Cathryn White, City Attorney, dated June 15, 1995 stating in
her opinion the City complied with statutory requirements in effect at the time
with respect to giving notice to other taxing entities, was received and placed
on file for the information of the Plymouth Road Development Authority.
8. Update on current Plymouth Road projects - John Nagy: Mr. Nagy informed the
board that Stoyan's Restaurant on the south side of Plymouth Road east of Levan
was recently before the Planning Commission for renovation and expansion of their
restaurant. The restaurant will be renamed to "Kickers"'.
9. Polling of Board Members:
tire (1) Scott Grace raised the question of whether the City could go on private
property and cut shrubs, etc. , as the Livonia Tire property has an overgrowth of
shrubs in front. Mr. Nagy responded the Inspection Department could check it out
from a property maintenance point of view. The Mayor responded the property
owners have been cited several times about cleaning up their property without any
(2) Con Carson reported that Ford Motor Company had removed the barbed wire
from their fencing at the Ford Transmission Plant and they are doing repairs in
certain areas now. He felt now the City could contact the other plants along
Plymouth Road and ask them to remove their barbed wire. The second matter Mr.
Carson brought up was the reference in the letter from Applied Process, Inc. that
Ford Motor employees were cutting through their parking lot. Mr. Carson said
this was true and he concurs with their request for a left turn signal on both
Amrhein and Newburgh. On a motion duly made by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr.
Anderson and unanimously approved, it was
#95-23 RESOLVED that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
determine to refer the question of the possibility of having a traffic
signal with left turn lights at Amrheim and Newburgh Roads to the
Traffic Commission.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
(3) Mrs. Mette asked when the City was going to plant some flowers in the
park at Inkster and Plymouth Roads to spruce it up. She also reiterated her
request for a "Welcome to Livonia" sign to be placed at this park.
(ie (4) Mr. Summers asked whether it would help the PRDA to set something up at
the Spree to publicize their group. It was felt the Spree was more of a carnival
and the majority of attendants were children so there wouldn't be any great
advantage of doing anything at the Spree. He also asked about adding a police
officer to Plymouth Road, if that was something that could be implemented before
the end of the year. The Mayor answered by saying the City has increased the
police presence but before assigning one full-time police officer, they would
have to plan for that in next year's budget.
(5) Mr. Anderson brought up the subject of signs in addition to the ones
identifying the City limits. He mentioned some unique signs done by the City of
Grand Rapids. He had some samples he showed the board. He said he would like
the PRDA to consider this. He second question was, will the PRDA follow up on
the barbed wire with a letter to Inland Division of General Motors. Mr. Nagy
said he would follow up with letters to Inland Division of General Motors and the
National Parts Division of Ford Motor Company. Mr. Anderson asked what the
policy was when sidewalks are torn up. The sidewalks in front of Crazy Benzy's
were torn up and replaced with asphalt rather than concrete. The Engineering
Department will be contacted regarding this.
(6) Mr. McGee felt it would be a good idea to send a letter to Ford
Transmission thanking them for removing the barbed wire from their fencing. He
also was contacted by Applied Process. He was asked what is the PRDA doing for
their company, and he felt the attempt to get a traffic signal at their corner
was a possible answer.
11. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the
19th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority of Livonia
on June 15, 1995 was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held July 20,
1995 in the 4th Floor Conference Room of City Hall at 4:00 p.m.
Je-' Garvey, Secreta;