The 33rd Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia, Michigan was called to order at 4:05 p.m., Thursday, April 4, 1996 in the 4th
Floor Conference Room of City Hall.
Members Present: Mayor Jack E. Kirksey
Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. Mike Polsinelli
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Jerry Wordhouse
Mr. Adelard Raby
Mrs. Toni Mette
Members Absent: Mr. Con Carson(unexcused absence)
Mr. Marvin Walkon (unexcused absence)
Mr. Scott Grace (unexcused absence)
Others Present: Mrs. Jean Garvey, Secretary
Mr. Richard Niedieck, Livonia Economic Development Office
Mr. Mike Slater, Finance Director
Mr. John Iacoangeli, Beckett&Raeder, Inc.
Mr. David Gehm, Lutheran Homes of Michigan
1. Roll was called.
2. Adoption of Minutes: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
approved, it was
#96-13 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the 32nd Regular Meeting held by the
Plymouth Road Development Authority on March 21, 1996 are approved.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
3. Comments from Chairman:
The Chairman stated at their last meeting it was brought up about a group that was
interested in purchasing the closed Livonia Nursing Home for use as a senior citizen
center. Mr. Pike then introduced David Gehm of the Lutheran Homes of Michigan who
was in attendance to discuss the purchase of this property for their use and how possibly
the PRDA could be of assistance to them.
4. David Gehm -Presentation on Lutheran Homes of Michigan:
Mr. Gehm presented plans of the nursing home they would like to develop on this
property. They presently have nursing homes in Frankenmuth and Monroe. They have
many problems with using existing homes so they would like to demolish the present
building and have a fresh start. They would also like to acquire the vacant property next
door. They would propose about 108 total residents with one area for Alzheimer patients.
Mr. Gehm stated they are working on purchasing the property now and if everything falls
in place, could close by August or September. They would like to see the building
demolished immediately. It would take between 18-24 months to get the home up and
running so they would be looking at opening in late 1998 or early 1999.
When asked his opinion Mr. Iacoangeli, consultant for the PRDA, felt it would be
a nice use for the property but did have a concern with penetration into the residential
neighborhood as they wanted their entrance into the facility off Camden Road rather
Plymouth Road. He did state he was familiar with the one in Monroe and it was the
number one in the community and kept up very well.
When asked how the PRDA could help, Mr. Gehm stated the demolition of the
present buildings on the site would run approximately $100,000 as there is asbestos
involved. He asked if it was possible to receive some financial assistance from the PRDA
in connection with the demolition of the buildings. He also asked if possibly, when the
time comes, they could make a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals and
(If Planning Commission for their approval.
Mr. Wordhouse asked whether they had considered deeding the portion fronting
on Plymouth Road to the City for park purposes as maybe a tradeoff for them helping with
the demolition costs.
Mr. Gehm was told the PRDA would stay in touch with him and they would get
back to him on the question of demolition of the current buildings on the property.
5. Budget Report- Mike Slater:
Mr. Slater went over the PRDA budget as of 2/29/96 with the board members.
The total fund balance as of this date is $821,420. He stated the PRDA has repaid the
City the moneys owing it.
6. Beckett and Raeder, Inc.:
Mr. Iacoangeli stated they will come back at the April 18 meeting with a street
design starting at the Middlebelt intersection heading easterly about 500 feet. They are
also working on a design redoing the Ann Arbor Road/Plymouth Road intersection. Their
firm has also been talking to Detroit Edison regarding underground utility options and will
(he have those answers for the meeting to be held April 18. Mr. Wordhouse asked about the
meeting that was planned for the people affected by the Plymouth Road Development
Authority. Mr. Iacoangeli answered the meeting with the public would probably occur
late in May, and at that time they can say this is what is going to happen rather what do
you want to happen. He felt it would be best to give them ideas and then ask for input
how they would like to add to that.
7. Reports from Committees:
Rick Niedieck, reporting on behalf of the George Burns Theater Committee, stated
there was nothing new to report. Chairman Pike did state he had called the number listed
in the Entertainment Real Estate Report and had received a video from them. He was
going to pass the video around to the members. He also wondered if the budget would
allow the PRDA to send someone out to Las Vegas in June to attend the Entertainment
Real Estate Forum, which he felt could possibly be a big help to the PRDA.
Reporting on behalf of the Public Relations Committee, Chairman Pike commented
that Stan Anderson had a very nice article about the PRDA printed in their civic
association newspaper.
8. Polling of Board Members:
Mr. Raby felt if it didn't violate any rules of the PRDA they should authorize one
person to attend the forum to be held in Las Vegas to see if it could help them in
tr, connection with the George Burns Theater.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Raby, seconded by Mr. Anderson and unanimously
approved, it was
#96-14 RESOLVED that, if it does not violate any of the rules, the Plymouth Road
Development Authority does hereby authorize that one person be appointed to
attend the Entertainment Real Estate Forum to be held in Las Vegas from June 4
to June 6, 1996.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Chairman Pike reminded the Mayor that there are two vacancies on the board that
need to be filled.
Mr. Peterson felt the Lutheran Nursing Home that was discussed earlier in the
meeting would enhance the property values of the homes around it.
Mayor Kirksey was more concerned about setting a precedent with the nursing
home. He said developers are very quick to tell you when you have made an exception.
(heMr. Anderson brought up the matter that was discussed a couple of meetings ago
of acknowledging businesses that had improved their property by sending them a letter
cofrom the PRDA. Mr. Pike responded that he has a sample letter and will bring it to the
next meeting. Mr. Anderson's second comment was about them not having any more
articles in the Observer about what the PRDA has been doing. He felt the public should
be informed that they had hired Beckett& Raeder and they were making progress. It was
suggested that Matt Jachman from the Observer be invited to their April 18th meeting.
Mayor Kirksey wished to remind everyone of the Mayor's Ball to be held April 26
at Laurel Manor at 6:00 p.m. The Mayor also said he would get information on the
Volunteer Breakfast to everyone on the PRDA. The Mayor further reported that the two
gentlemen that had appeared in front of the PRDA about their project to construct and
operate a used car sales facility called "New Car Alternatives" on Plymouth Road between
Laurel Avenue and Wayne Road had appeared before Council and the Council seemed
very receptive to their project.
Mr. Polsinelli reported that the Skill Center does not have any more plaques available.
Mrs. Mette noted that Kicker's is doing well.
9. Public Comment: No public comment.
10. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the
33rd Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority of Livonia on
April 4, 1996 was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Je arvey, Secretary