The 45th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia, Michigan was called to order at 3:10 p.m., Thursday, December 5, 1996 in the
4th Floor Conference Room of City Hall.
Members Present: Mayor Jack E. Kirksey
Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. Mike Polsinelli
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Scott Grace
Mr. Dennis Kujawa
Mrs. Toni Mette
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mr. Adelard Raby
Mr. Marvin Walkon
Mr. Jerry Wordhouse
Members Absent: Mr. Donald Gelinas
Others Present: Mrs. Jean Garvey, Secretary
Mr. John Nagy, Planning Director
Mr. Michael McGee, City Council
Mr. Richard Niedieck, Livonia Economic Development Office
Mr. Michael Fisher, Law Department
Mr. John lacoangeli, Beckett& Raeder
Mr. Don Okon, Detroit Edison
Mr. Bob Lakatos, Detroit Edison
1. Roll was called.
2. Adoption of November 21, 1996 Minutes: On a motion duly made, seconded
and unanimously approved, it was
#96-60 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the 44th Regular Meeting held by the
Plymouth Road Development Authority on November 21, 1996 are approved.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
3. Comments from Chairman: The Chairman commented on the following:
Mike Fisher would be attending the meeting to talk about the proposal to purchase
the old Livonia Tire property.
Representatives from Detroit Edison were present to talk to the board about the
street lighting along Plymouth Road.
All the members received a notice of the Mayor's Christmas Party to be held on
December 20th from 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.
4. Representatives from Detroit Edison: Don Ocon, Outdoor Lighting Project
Manager for Detroit Edison, and Bob Lakatos, Street Lighting Consultant for Detroit
Edison, were in attendance to discuss the streetlighting project with the PRDA and costs
involved. Mr. Ocon passed out printed information to the board members along with a
Preliminary Estimate of the cost of installing new lighting for one mile from Newburgh
Road to Farmington Road. Mr. Ocon then went over these items with the board and there
was a general discussion. These figures were for average footcandles of 1.0. If the board
members were interested in seeing samples of this type of lighting they could visit Wick
Road in Romulus, although their footcandles were 1.5. Another example would be Allen
Road in Brownstone Township and downtown Belleville. The contribution requirement
for this one mile would be $275,000, which would be a one-time charge. Mr. Lakatos will
return at a later meeting with the figures for removing the existing poles. When
questioned about the time it would take to get the lighting installed, the gentlemen
answered they would need a lead time of six to eight weeks, and then construction for one
mile would take approximately two weeks. The Chairman requested a complete
breakdown of cost from Inkster to Middlebelt by their next meeting, which would be
December 19. The Edison representatives said they would return for that meeting.
5. Beckett & Raeder:
When questioned about his ideas on the streetlighting subject, Mr. Iacoangeli felt
the members were a little ahead of themselves. He stated they wouldn't want the lighting
design to set the design for the streetscape. Mr. Iacoangeli further recommended they
select a traditional fixture rather than the acorn fixture, which he felt would fit better along
Plymouth Road. Mr. Iacoangeli is to do a preliminary design with lighting being one of
the elements of the design, which will include type of light fixtures and light source, and
then ask Detroit Edison to give them a quote. They will also request quotes from other
manufacturers, and then Mr. Iacoangeli will give the board a complete breakdown. Mr.
Iacoangeli is to meet with Detroit Edison regarding some of these items. Mr. Iacoangeli
should have a streetscape for the area between Middlebelt and Inkster ready by February
and then talk to Detroit Edison and hopefully they could have the project done next year.
Mr. Iacoangeli requested a topographical and architectural survey. He would like the
board to authorize Beckett& Raeder to prepare an RFP to send to six survey companies.
He felt he could have them back for the PRDA meeting of December 19. He stated the
cost should be between $20,000 and $30,000.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Walkon, seconded by Mr. Anderson and unanimously
approved, it was
#96-61 RESOLVED that, the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
authorize Beckett &Raeder to prepare an RFP for the purpose of hiring a survey
company to do a topographical and architectural survey and bring it back to the
board for action.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Raby, seconded by Mr. Peterson and unanimously
approved, it was
#96-62 RESOLVED that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
authorize Beckett &Raeder to proceed with the conceptual design from Inkster
Road to Middlebelt Road.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
6. Showing of tape of"Point of View with Mayor Kirksey" re: PRDA (Part 2):
Because of the length of the meeting it was determined to hold off on the viewing
of this tape until the next meeting of the PRDA.
7. Reports from Committees:
George Burns Theater Committee: Mr. Niedieck reported that he had sent out
the Request for Proposals on the George Burns Theater.
Vacant Buildings Committee: In connection with the old Livonia Tire property,
Mike Fisher reported that he had received a signed copy of the Offer to Purchase Real
Estate with a couple of changes. The members had no problem with these minor changes.
As far as the Environmental Assessment, Mr. Fisher reported he had contacted
ENKON and the GZA. He had received a response from GZA that it would cost
$2500.00, but at this point he had not heard from ENKON.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Raby, seconded by Mr. Walkon and unanimously
approved, it was
#96-63 RESOLVED that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
authorize Michael Fisher to proceed with having a Phase I Environmental Study
done on the Livonia Tire Company property, not to exceed the cost of$2500.00.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Public Relations Committee: The Public Relations Committee had nothing to
report. Mr. Grace felt the board should come up with a name to refer to the corridor, and
possibly this job should go to the Public Relations Committee. He thought maybe they
could get something in the press asking for ideas and could possibly ask some of the
merchants along Plymouth Road for their ideas.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Grace, seconded by Mr. Anderson and unanimously
approved, it was
#96-64 RESOLVED that, the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
authorize the Public Relations Committee to come up with some ideas for a
name for the PRDA district.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
8. Update on current Plymouth Road projects - John Nagy: Mr. Nagy had
nothing new to report at this time.
9. Polling of Board Members:
Mr. Peterson felt in the spring maybe they could appoint a committee to start
promoting Plymouth Road Days or Weeks to maybe focus on certain types of businesses
along the corridor.
Mr. Anderson asked about the use of the possible grant they could get through the
state and wondered if it was appropriate. This would be the ISTEA money available for
roads beautification. Mr. Iacoangeli replied that the applications come out after the first
of the year.
Mr. Grace asked once the new lightpoles would be installed along Plymouth Road,
who will be responsible for the charge for the electricity, the PRDA or the City? The
Mayor answered the City would be paying those charges.
Mr. Raby stated the Nominating Committee had come up with a form asking
which members were interested in the office of Chairman or Vice Chairman. This form
had been mailed to them along with the last agenda. He asked the members that were
interested in these offices to mail the forms back to Mrs. Garvey by the meeting of
December 19, 1996, so the committee could then have a slate for the January meeting.
10. Public Comment: No public comment.
11. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the
45th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority of Livonia on
December 5, 1996 was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held on
December 19, 1996 at 3:00 p.m. in the 4th Floor Conference Room of City Hall.
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Jean Garvey, Secret