The 162nd Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia, Michigan was called to order at 3:03 p.m., Thursday, November 18, 2004 in the
4th floor conference room of City Hall.
Members Present: Jack Engebretson, Mayor
Scott Grace, Chairman
John Walsh, Vice Chairman
Stan Anderson
Wes Graff
Toni Mette
Greg Meyer
Jerry Wordhouse
Members Absent: Dennis Kujawa(excused)
Lowell Peterson(excused)
Marvin Walkon(excused)
Others Present: John J.Nagy, PRDA Director
Benjamin Baker, Beckett& Raeder
Steve Levesque, Commercial Mowing Services
Ralph Williams, Citizen
Ronald Wesley, Kramont Realty Trust(Media Play, Odd Lots)
Dr. Robert Auth, Citizen
Marge Roney, Secretary
1. Roll was called. A quorum was present
2. Adoption of the 161st Regular Meeting Minutes.
Mr. Anderson requested that the minutes be amended to reflect that the Spring
newsletter will be distributed to all residents and businesses in the Plymouth Road
corridor within the 48150 zip code (page 3, Committee Reports, Public Relations
On a motion made by Wordhouse, supported by Mette, and unanimously adopted, it
#2004-30 RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the 161st Regular Meeting, held on
October 21, 2004, by the Plymouth Road Development Authority are
hereby approved, as amended.
taw Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
3. Comments from the Chairman: Mr. Grace, Chairman, acknowledged receipt of
2005 Meeting Schedule for the Plymouth Road Development Authority.
4. Finance Report: (1) The Financial Statements of the Authority's Special Revenue
Fund for the month ending October 31, 2004, were presented by Michael Slater,
Finance Director. The Balance Sheet reflects total assets in the amount of
$983,146.64, total liabilities in the amount of$937,861.86 and a total fund balance
of$45,284.78. (2) In response to a request from Wes Graff, Mr. Slater stated that
he would provide a final copy of the budget that was approved by the PRDA.
On a motion made by Wordhouse, seconded by Walsh, and unanimously adopted, it
#2004-31 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does
hereby accept and approve the Financial Statements of the Authority's
Special Revenue Fund for the month ending October 31, 2004.
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
5. Beckett & Raeder: (1) Benjamin Baker, representative from Beckett & Raeder,
stated that he has sent a letter to Riteway Fence, dated November 16, 2004,
requesting that the proper fencing material be returned to the PRDA. The fence in
question was deleted from Phase 5B. Riteway had already purchased the fence and
agreed to store it until they installed it as part of Phase 6. Riteway then demanded a
$1,500 fee for storage of the fencing and $1,000 to ship the fence when they were
informed that their services were no longer needed. Upon inspection at delivery,
the fence was found damaged and missing key parts needed to construct fence
panels. Mr. Baker requested and received concurrence from the Board to postpone
the fence installation services of LDS until the Spring in order to rectify the fence
situation over the winter. (2) With respect to the peeling paint on street light pole
bases, Mr. Baker stated that the bases are still within the current warranty period.
Mr. Nagy stated that a meeting will take place with the supplier on November 22 to
address this issue.
8. Committee Reports:
Construction Committee: (1) Toni Mette inquired about a yellow "67" sign on a
white pole at the southwest side of Merriman. Mr. Nagy suggested that it was a gas
main marker. (2) The new wall sign on the Big Boy Restaurant has been taken off
the building. The Mayor stated that this has resolved the issue of removing the
large street sign, which shall remain. (3) The "for sale" sign on Leone's property is
still in place because the building did not sell as anticipated. (4) That status of the
Wonderland Mall sign was discussed. (5) The reconstruction of the Taco Bell on
Merriman is complete. (6) The plans for the new gas station at Levan Road, as
(6, presented by Byblos General Contracting at the October 21, 2004, meeting, were
approved by the Planning Commission on November 16, and forwarded to the City
Council for their review and final approval.
Public Relations: (1) Mr. Anderson reported that Fisher Creative Services has
moved from Livonia to Northville. (2) The newsletter is ready for printing and is
scheduled for distribution after Thanksgiving. It includes an article about the
upcoming "restaurant extravaganza" promotion with details to be provided in the
Spring newsletter.
Banner Committee: Mr. Nagy reported that the winter banners will be installed
the last week in November. The Christmas banners and parade route banners will
not be put up this year.
Development Assistance: No report.
9. Directors Report: Mr. Nagy proposed that the PRDA support the Goodfellows
organization in place of the yearly PRDA Christmas dinner. It was agreed that a
contribution would be made to support a needy family, and that Mr. Nagy will
contact the Goodfellows to arrange for same.
On a motion made by Wordhouse, supported by Mette, and unanimously adopted, it
#2004-32 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does
hereby authorize a monetary contribution to the Livonia Goodfellows,
(I., Inc. in an amount not to exceed $700.00, to provide household goods
and clothing to a needy Livonia family in lieu of the Annual PRDA
Christmas dinner.
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
10. Polling of Members: Mr. Anderson welcomed Greg Meyer as the newest Board
member. Mr. Grace stated that there are two more Board openings and would
welcome suggestions to fill the vacancies. Dr. Auth inquired if the telephone poles
and wiring near Noble Library and along Plymouth Road will remain. Mr. Nagy
replied in the affirmative.
11. Commercial Mowing Services. Steve Levesque, Commercial Mowing Services,
presented a proposal to add Christmas roping and wreaths at the intersections of
Middlebelt, Merriman and Farmington. Dr. Auth volunteered to donate Christmas
lights for the roping.
On a motion made by Wordhouse, supported by Anderson, and adopted, it was
#2004-33 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does
hereby authorize the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $300.00
to Commercial Mowing Services for the installation of 320 feet of
cedar roping and 16 wreaths to decorate the intersections of
Middlebelt, Merriman and Farmington, which represents 50% of the
cost for such decorations; furthermore, the PRDA does hereby accept
(be the donation in an amount of $300.00 from Commercial Mowing
Services to cover the remaining cost for providing wreaths and roping
and installation of same at the above-referenced locations along
Plymouth Road.
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Wordhouse, Anderson, Engebretson, Walsh, Mette,
Meyer, Grace
NAYES: Graff
ABSENT: Kujawa, Peterson, Walkon
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
On a motion made by Wordhouse, supported by Graff, and unanimously adopted, it
#2004-34 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does
hereby accept the donation of 4,000 Christmas lights by Dr. Auth for
the Christmas wreaths and roping to be installed by Commercial
Mowing Services along designated areas on Plymouth Road.
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the 162nd
Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority on November 18,
2004, was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held on
Thursday, December 9, 2004.
Marge Roney, Secret