The 197th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the
City of Livonia, Michigan, was called to order at 3:00 p.m., Thursday, January 17,
2008, in the 4th floor conference room of City Hall.
Members Present: John Hiltz, Chairman
Wayne Glass, Vice Chairman
Jack Kirksey, Mayor
Stan Anderson
Toni Mette
Greg Meyer
Lowell Peterson
Dan West
Members Absent: Scott Grace (excused)
Dennis Kujawa (excused)
Others Present: John J. Nagy, Executive Director
Carey Baker, Beckett & Raeder
Steve Levesque, Commercial Mowing Services
(100 Robert Auth, Resident
Marge Watson, Secretary
1. Roll was called. A quorum was present.
2. Adoption of the 196t" Regular Meeting Minutes.
On a motion made by Peterson, supported by Glass, and unanimously
adopted, it was
#2008-01 RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the 196th Regular Meeting held
on December 13, 2007, by the Plymouth Road Development
Authority are hereby approved.
Mr. Hiltz, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
3. Comments from the Chairman: (1) Mr. Hiltz thanked the Board for the
opportunity to serve as the Chairman and thanked Toni Mette for her past
leadership and for her offer to assist him in taking over the Chair's duties.
(2) Mr. Hiltz distributed a sample agenda outline for the Board's
consideration for the purpose of adding more structure to the meetings. He
(re would like to see items such as "old business", "new business" and "public
comment" listed separately.
January 17, 2008
Mast Arm Traffic Signal - Carey Baker of Beckett & Raeder stated that the
Cr* drawings are done for the signals at Stark Road and Wayne Road. He
distributed a summary of quotes for seven soil borings, which are required
to design the concrete footings for the mast arms. The results of the soil
borings will be provided to MDOT for their review. Underground utilities will
need to be identified. The Board discussed the large dollar differences in
the three bids and requested that Mr. Baker find out why the three bidding
firms provided such large cost discrepancies.
On a motion made by Meyer, seconded by Kirksey, and unanimously
adopted, it was
#2008-02 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority
does hereby accept the proposal submitted by Testing
Engineers & Consulting, 1343 Rochester Road, P.O. Box 249,
Troy, Michigan 48099, as received by the Authority on January
17, 2008, to provide four soil borings at the Plymouth Road and
Stark Road intersection and three soil borings at the Plymouth
Road and Wayne Road intersection, at a depth of 25 feet,
subject to the Michigan Department of Transportation
Standards, for the purpose of establishing footing specifications
for mast arms, at a cost of$4,681.00.
(iv Mr. Hiltz, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
Ann Arbor Road/Plymouth Road Redevelopment Project
Mr. Nagy stated that the Construction Committee met with MDOT
representatives on January 10, 2008, to discuss the redevelopment of the
intersection at Ann Arbor Road and Plymouth Road. Mr. Baker provided a
written synopsis of the meeting dated January 10, 2008. MDOT does not
plan on improving this intersection, but they have scheduled a repavement
project for 2009 or later on Plymouth Road between Newburgh Road and
Farmington Road. Ann Arbor Road is a State road, and Plymouth Road is
under Wayne County's jurisdiction west from the intersection of Plymouth
Road and Ann Arbor Road. MDOT cautioned the PRDA with regard to
redeveloping this intersection, and they do not favor a round-about at this
location because of the possible infringement onto Hines Park. A meeting
with Wayne County needs to be scheduled to discuss these same items.
The bridge at this location is under the jurisdiction of MDOT and they state
that it is structurally sound. The Board will wait for MDOT's report before
proceeding with plans to enhance the bridge. Mr. Baker continued with
discussions centering around the need to have a thorough traffic analysis of
this area and the need to use only prequalified consultants to perform this
work. A minimum of three consultant quotes are needed. For economy of
(re scale, the proposed traffic analysis should cover the Levan Road
intersection, as mast arm traffic signals and a plaza are also planned for
that intersection.
January 17, 2008
4. Committee Assignments and Revisions. Committee assignments were
reviewed and some revisions were made. Mr. Hiltz would like to see more
items sent to committees for review and recommendations brought back to
the Board. At Mr. Hiltz' request, Mr. Nagy provided an overview of the
responsibilities of each committee. (a) The Executive Committee consists
of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the past Chairman. The committee
reviews policy matters, guidelines and the budget. The Banner Committee
consists of the Executive Committee members and reviews banner related
issues. It was decided to eliminate the Banner Committee and to leave the
responsibility for banner issues with the Executive Committee. (b) The
Construction Committee is responsible for the implementation of the
streetscape, issues pertaining to consultants, contract review and disputes
that may arise. (c) The Development Assistance Committee is responsible
for reviewing and making recommendations regarding requests for financial
assistance from business owners for demolition, expansion and
rehabilitation of buildings and any related issues that may arise. This
committee has been idle in recent years due to budget constraints, but the
Mayor would like to see it become viable again as financing becomes
available. There was discussion about adding this as a line item to the
budget in the future. Mr. Peterson suggested that Mr. Slater attend the next
meeting to give a budget overview to the Board, and also suggested
working with Jeff Bryant, Economic Development Director. (d) The Public
(1, Relations Committee is responsible for the web site, newsletter and special
promotional programs
5. Committee Reports:
Public Relations Committee: Promotional events such as a parade and
sidewalk sale at Wonderland Village were discussed. It was suggested that
the Committee meet with the Mayor and Schostak Brothers to determine
whether Schostak Brothers and their tenants are willing to support the
sidewalk sales event and to identify possible obstacles such as parking
availability, police and fire services, compliance with city ordinances and
other related issues. Mr. Anderson stated the need for a contact person to
make sure the web site is updated. Toni Mette offered to take care of this.
Construction Committee:
Woodland Lanes - Mr. Hiltz distributed the drawings for the Woodland
Lanes streetscape improvements, dated November 9, 2007. Woodland
Lanes have agreed to implement the improvements at their cost. If an
easement is provided to the Board, Commercial Mowing Services will, at our
costs, extend irrigation to the easement and maintain it.
January 17, 2008
Wonderland Lanes Stormwater Drainage Issue. Mr. Meyer presented a
firov summary of the Construction Committee meeting that took place on January
11, 2008, with Kevin Roney, City Engineer, and Bill Yee, Engineering
Division, regarding a damaged parking drain on property owned by
Wonderland Lanes at 28455 Plymouth Road. It was determined that further
investigation into the current infrastructure at that location and other
available options for connecting the catch basin would be explored. The
item will remain in committee until further information is available from the
City Engineer.
6. Director Report. (a) The Christmas banners have been replaced with
permanent banners. (b) A letter dated January 7, 2008, was sent to AT&T
regarding the ongoing problem of sod damage by their vehicles driving and
parking on lawn at Sesquicentennial Park at Inkster Road. A response has
not been received to date. (c) A letter dated November 12, 2007, from the
Livonia Goodfellows acknowledging the PRDA's annual Christmas donation
was received and filed.
7. Polling of Members:
Toni Mette: Ms. Mette welcomed Mayor Kirksey back to the Board. The
clock is operating in the tower at Wonderland Village and the internal roads
have been completed, which has improved traffic flow. There are trees
hanging over the road near Noble Library and the Ford Plant that will need
to be trimmed in the Spring.
Mayor Kirksey: The Mayor stated that he was pleased to be back and that
he will do whatever he can to assist the Board.
John Hiltz: Mr. Hiltz requested that any changes that need to be made to
the Committee chairs be brought back to the Board.
Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted,
the 197th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority on
January 17, 2008, was adjourned at 4:45.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held on
Thursday, February 21, 2008.
a � , Secretary