The 239th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the
City of Livonia, Michigan, was called to order at 3:00 p.m., Thursday, May 15,
2014, in the 4th floor conference room of City Hall.
Members Present: Jack Kirksey, Mayor
Ruth Ann Brown
Jeremy Curtis
Omar Faris
John Hiltz
Betsy McCue, Chair
Greg Meyer, Vice Chair
Lowell Peterson
Absent: None
Others Present: Mark Taormina, Economic Development & Planning Director
Michael Slater, Finance Director
Doug Moore, DPW, Parks & Forestry Supervisor
Robert Auth, Resident
Margie Watson, Secretary
1. Roll was called. A quorum was present.
2. Adoption of the Minutes.
On a motion made by Hiltz, seconded by Faris, and unanimously adopted, it
#2014-01 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority
does hereby approve the Minutes of the 238th Regular Meeting
held on October 17, 2013.
Ms. McCue, Chairperson, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
3. Introduction of New Board Member. On May 7, 2014, the City Council
confirmed the appointment of Jeremy Curtis to the Livonia PRDA as a
Resident Member at Large for a four year term expiring May 16, 2018. Mr.
Curtis was introduced and welcomed to the Board.
4. Financial Reports. The Financial Statements of the Authority's Special
Revenue Fund for the months ending October 31 through December 31,
2013, and January 31 through March 31, 2014, were presented by Michael
Slater, Finance Director. The March 31, 2013, Balance Sheet reflects Total
Assets in the amount of $468,931.55, Total Liabilities in the amount of
May 15, 2014 .
$17,882.40, and a Total Fund Balance in the amount of $451,049.15. Mr.
Slater advised that future disbursements will only include costs for
maintenance of the irrigation system, energy for the controllers from DTE
Energy, and street light repairs.
On a motion made by Hiltz, seconded by Curtis, and unanimously adopted,
it was
#2014-02 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority
does hereby accept and approve the Financial Statements of
the Authority's Special Revenue Fund for the months ending
October 31, November 30 and December 31, 2013, and
January 31, February 28 and March 31, 2014.
Ms. McCue, Chairperson, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
The 2013 Annual Report of the PRDA was received and placed on file for
the information of the Authority. This is an annual reporting requirement of
Public Act 197.
In response to a request for an update on the SAD and the PRDA tax
millage, Mr. Slater provided a "PRDA Budget Worksheet Report - 2014"
which reflects revenue and costs for the past five years. The SAD no longer
exists because it was, in essence, replaced with the 2 mil tax levy for
maintaining the irrigation system
4. Election of Officers. Lowell Peterson, on behalf of the Nominating
Committee, contacted all members and advised that Greg Meyer agreed to
accept the nomination for Chair and Omar Faris agreed to accept the
nomination of Vice Chair. The floor was open for additional nominations.
None were received.
On a motion made by Kirksey, seconded by Hiltz, and unanimously
adopted, it was
#2014-03 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority
does hereby elect Greg Meyer as the Chairman and Omar Faris
as Vice Chairman of the Authority for the term January 1
through December 31, 2014.
Ms. McCue, Chairperson, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted. Ms. McCue handed the gavel over to the new Chair,
Greg Meyer. Mr. Meyer stepped down for the next item, and handed the
gavel to Vice Chair Omar Faris.
May 15, 2014
5. New Business
a) Proposal by Consumer Energy - Petition 2014-04-08-06. Mr.
Taormina presented a proposal by Consumers Energy to demolish an
existing building and structures and construct a new customer service
center for Consumers Energy at 11801 Farmington Road. The
proposal is to construct a new one-story service center that would total
about 63,000 square feet in gross floor area. The new building would
contain two major components: 33,600 feet of office space and a shop
area of 30,000 square feet. Two storm water retention ponds would be
constructed. In terms of landscaping, a variety of plants and shrubs
would be planted throughout the property, and to be consistent with the
frontage along Farmington Road and connecting to the PRDA district,
they would extend the irrigation along the area closest to Farmington
Road and plant street trees in that area.
On a motion made by Hiltz, seconded by Kirskey, and adopted, it was
#2014-04 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development
Authority does hereby support the proposed plans as
presented by Consumers Energy to demolish existing
buildings and structures and construct a new customer
service center at 11801 Farmington Road, located on the
west side of Farmington Road between Plymouth Road
and the CSX railroad right-of-way in the Southeast 1/4 of
Section 28, subject to compliance with all City codes and
ordinances and the Plymouth Road Development
streetscape goals and objectives, as such may be
modified by the action of the Planning Commission and/or
City Council.
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Hiltz, Kirksey, Brown, Curtis, Peterson, McCue
NAYS: None
Mr. Faris, Acting Chairperson, declared the motion carried and the
foregoing resolution adopted. Mr. Meyer returned to the table.
b) Proposal by Bill Brown Ford. Ruth Ann Brown, General Manager for
Bill Brown Ford, presented a proposal for exterior building renovations
to the car dealership located at 32222 Plymouth Road including
relocating the service center, changing the service entrance and
awning, and adding 8,000 square feet of service area. At the direction
of the Chair, this item was received and placed on file for the
information of the Authority.
May 15, 2014
c) MDOT Meeting. An informational meeting hosted by the Michigan
Department of Transportation will take place on May 15 from 4:00 to
7:00 p.m. on the fifth floor of City Hall to discuss the possible
reconstruction of Old M-14. The proposed project includes the addition
of right turn lanes on Newburgh Road, the replacement of the Old M-
14 bridge over the Middle Rouge River and the Hines Drive bridge and
construction of a new sidewalk.
d) Maintenance Items. Irrigation System - Doug Moore from the City's
Department of Public Works reported that the irrigation system along
Plymouth Road has been energized for the season and approximately
400 sprinkler heads need to be replaced because of frozen valves. It
is estimated that the repair cost will be $17,000. The contract with the
current supplier, Tech Seven, will expire in November and the City may
go out for bids at that time. Discussion took place regarding the curb
and brick paver damage at the northwest corner of Farmington and
Plymouth Roads that was the result of Wayne County's road plowing
this winter. Mr. Hiltz suggested that this item be sent to the DPW and
Engineering Department to review the damage and recommend that
they contact the County for a resolution. Mayor Kirksey said he would
make the call to the County.
Tree Trimming - Mr. Moore advised that the trees along the corridor
have not been trimmed in 13 years, other than the growth that affected
power lines, in which case the utility companies would have done the
trimming. The City will contact DTE for such trimming, and individual
businesses can contact the DPW-Forestry department to request
trimming. Mr. Moore suggested that other trimming should not be
scheduled until 1-96 is reopened because of the additional traffic on
Plymouth Road at this time.
Street Lights - Ms. McCue stated that the street light poles are in need
of maintenance as bases are missing and paint is peeling from the
poles. Mr. Moore stated that an order has been placed for two new
posts at a cost of $9,000 each and the City will continue to provide
maintenance. Negotiations are taking place with DTE to facilitate the
taking over of the maintenance of the light poles. It would also be
DTE's intention to retrofit the current lights with LED. DTE had done a
full inventory of the poles. It is estimated that it will cost $450,000 to
turn the maintenance over to DTE. The City's maintenance costs will
go down but the monthly usage bills are expected to increase. A
special meeting of the PRDA may be required to authorize DTE's
maintenance takeover.
May 15, 2014
Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
(se adopted, the 239th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road
Development Authority on May 15, 2014, was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The
next meeting will take place on June 19, 2014.
Margie Watson, Secretary