HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING MINUTES 1951-01-31 127
The 8th regular meeting and adjourned public hearing of
the Planning Commission of the City of Livonia was held on January
31, 1951, et 8: 00 p.m. , at 33110 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan.
The following members were present at the meeting:
Geo. N. Bentley Edwin Conway
Helen Byers Dallas Hay
Walter Russell Hobert MacIntyre
Harold Bower
Absent: Clarence Jahn
Carson Johnson
Also present were Mr. I. Waring, Planning Consultant and
Mr. William Brashear, City Attorney.
After calling the meeting to order, Chairman Bentley an-
nounced that the first matter of business was the consideration of
Petitions #18, 21, and 23, which had been tabled et the last meet-
ing for lack of information. Helen Byers, Secretary, read Petition
#18 - Howard A. Taylor.
Mr. Taylor, being present , stated that his property was a
desirable niece for business . He •h.as had- calls on the property for
a Drive-in, doctor and a. store. Mr. Bentley asked if there are any
hazards, in case of a business, such as parking, etc . , on account
of narrowness . As Mr. Taylor thought there were no such problems,
Mr. Bentley asked for opinions of others present . Lr. Bentley was
still of the opinion that this section on the cut-off on Newburg
opposite a tavern was too narrow. Mr. Conway desired to know the
depth of the lots in question. Mr. Taylor explained that they ere
112' on the avenue and over 24' on Horton.
There being no further remarks, Mr. Bentley said the Com-
mission would give the matter further consideration at the conclu-
sion of the public hearing.
Miss Byers then read Petition #21, but as the petitioners
were not present and the Petition hed been tabled at the last meet-
ing for this reason, Mr. Bentley was of the opinion that as they did
not follow through on their Petition, they were not interested and
there was no reason for further consideration.
Next Miss Byers read Petition #23 - Margaret Rye. This
piece of ground containing nine and one-half acres, the Commission
did not understand exactly why this change was desired. Miss Rye
asked if the Petition did not read only 500' . Miss Byers read that
I: section and stated that it did read 540' frontage, 500' deep.
Mr. Peter Christenson of the Plymouth Nurseries, 38901 Ann
Arbor Road, who also resides there and whose sales are conducted 300'
back from the road stated that he believed that the residents end
property owners in the questioned area were all against a restau-
rant there. He conducts a nursery business, which must necessarily
be on farm land, but if something like this crept in he wondered
what would happen to the investments of the people, owning residents
there. He also said that the rules protect them now, and should
continue to do so.
Next, Mr. ChilsoY, of 38607 Ann Arbor Road stated that he
was of the same opinion. This change would depreciate the value of
property and would create a traffic hazard. He also said that he
was sure that Mr. Vaughn Smith would withdraw his promise. his
lease expires in one year, but Mr. Smith expects to continue thereon.
it was explained that Ir. Cerr, who signed a statement
along with two others, that they had no objection to this being a
business property, did not own property there. More discussion
followed. Mr. Michael Vorgitch, 36845 Ann Arbor Road, which is not
within the prescribed 300' , stated that he had nut up a S25, 000. 00
home and he also objected very strongly. Mr. bentley asked how close
Mr. Vorgitch was to the property under discussion. Mr. Vorgitch
replied that he owned the 4th house from the property. He also men-
tioned that his next-door neighbor would submit a letter to the ef-
fect that they ere not in agreement with enterprize being put in.
Mr. Bower inquired of Miss Rye how long see had owned
this property and she replied that she did not own the property at
the present time, but is negotiating for it .
Mr. Hey made a motion that the petition be denied, seconded
by Mr. Conway, which was unamimously carried.
At this point, Mr. Win. J. Strasser, answered a question
by Margaret Hye es to U.S. 12 being changed from a State Highway,
saying that there had been no discussion of this and it would re-
main a. U. S. highway under State jurisdiction.
At Mr. Bentley' s re:uest, Miss Byers presented the plat,
Grandon Woods Subdivision. Ir. Bentley asked Mr. Herald F. Hamill,
Engineer, his opinion. Mr. Hamill gave an explanation of the plat,
regarding position of the streets, etc. The lot widths were to be
55' and the roads improved. The Council had approved up to a cer-
tain point . sir. Hamill explained that the petition is premature.
Next, Mr. Bentley read Petition #26, regarding Cathedral
Street, es follows:
We the undersigned do hereby petition end request
the Council of the City of Livonia. to close the
street now known as Cathedral and to deed said
land, which would be 30' north from our estab-
lished property lines, to the owners of the pro-
perty adjoining' this street .
This petition Was signed by ten out of the thirteen pro-
perty owners . Among those present to discuss this were Sydney
Baggott, Sam Nowlin, Wm. Kyte, Ernest E. Cornetet , Greta Nilsson,
Bior Nilsson and Fred .britt, who had signed the above petition. The
main objections of this group was the fact that their houses face
east and west, the street runs north and south, and the new streets
run east and west and the houses will face north end south. The
backs of those houses will be facing the side yards of the petition-
ers. The ash and refuse cans, etc . , would be in their side yards,
as a half street . If the land in question was given to them, they
I: could put up a. fence to keep the refuse from their land. It was
understood, according to the subdivisors that they were going to
take a like amount of land, 30' , from the land being subdivided, but
this was not done. They would much prefer that the houses would
face toward their own homes, or be turned the other wry. If it is
done in any other way, it would be necessary to close Cathedral Street
otherwise it would only be an alley and would not only ruin the ap-
pearance of their property, cause poor sanitation, but would depre-
ciate their property.
Mr. Conway incuired if this petition was granted, would
they be willing to put up a fence and the petitioners answered that
they would. They stated that at a Council Meeting, Mr. Wolfe said
he would give them the 30' of land, if they would save 6' for an
easement .
Mr. Albitus, 9108 Melbourne, stated his objections to the
Petition, saying that in 1937 when the plat was laid out, 30' were
ceeded for Cathedral Street, with the understanding that property
owners would also ceed 30' . He bought five lots with the expecta-
tion of it being e corner property. He stetted that now, the other
land owners do not want to conceed the 30' . This will depreciate
his property .
Mr. Albitus then asked in drawing up a petition, the legal
aspect it must hold, if the signatures must be authorized by an at-
torney or what the procedure would be. Ir. Brssheer, City Attorney,
replied that they were not too technical about petitions, that any
piece of paper bearing names and addresses, the context and why,
would be considered sufficient . Ir. Albitus differed, stating that
Miss Rye filed her petition under an attorney. Mr. Brashear said
that a formal petition is proper end must be recognized by law, but
if it was necessary to get a lawyer every time anyone wanted to go
before a public body, it would be too difficult .
Ir. Britt stated he would prefer a street, but if he had
to choose between leaving a half street, which would be used for en
alley, he would want it closed.
It was then brought out, after questioning, that of the
20 signers of the petition, 10 of the property owners did not live
on Cathedral Street, but also, that no one actually lived on
Cathedral. Mr. Nowlin stated that Cathedral Street doesn' t go
through and is a street only on the plat . If another 30' isn' t
added to Cathedral, it can' t be a street . It was also stated that
this petition is not premature, as work with bulldozers, etc . , has
already begun. Mr. Albitus agreed on this point . Upon Mr. Bentley' s
question as to the original subdivisor, Suttle was named. A pro-
I: mise about fixing the street was never kept and the property owners
Practically built the street to get out .
Upon Mr. Hay' s motion to table this petition until the
Commission could personally investigate, seconded by Mr. Conway,
this resolution was unanimously passed. The petitioners ere to be
notified when any further matters pertaining to this arise.
?r. Wm. L. Marvin of the State Engineering Dept . , after
introduction to the Commission, offered plans for parking control
1: along Plymouth Road. Police Chief Harmon and Mr. Herald F. Hamill,
were invited to join in the discussion of the three plans submitted.
Mr. Marvin said that these plans were merely a start toward parking
control, as he explained the various types .
A general discussion regarding cost, what savings could
be effected, length of time before the plans would go into effect ,
etc . , followed. Mr. Brashear remarked that it was against the State
Law to angle perk on a State highway and Mr. Conway asked if this
was true, why the State did not take care of the cost, which accord-
ing to the boulevard plan would be approximately 434, 000.00. Mr.
Marvin explained that the State wo old contribute 25%, the City was
to carry the remaining 75c. The suggested State plan is that this
be financed, also that the City should bear 25L of the 75% and the
property owners bear the remaining 50%.
Ir. Marvin also stated that if the City yrs not yet ready
for such a costly project, the State would pay half the cost to out
up signs against angle parking, or the State would put in a cable sys-
Chief Hermon has re='uested speed limitation end traffic
signals from the State at various points . Mr. Marvin explained that
all of the traffic signals requested would Probably not be granted,
due to the fact that according to accident and safety statistics ,
it was found that it was less dangerous not to have them then to
install them, due to the amount of traffic crossing the side streets .
One light will be installed at Inkster Road and possibly one at
Farmington Road.
Luring a discussion regarding parking meters, Mr. Marvin
said that they added to good control and brought in good revenue.
Costs of this were also discussed, on the basis of 412 .00 to 414. 00
Per meter, bat no definite figure on the total cost could be arrived
at .
ir . Brashear recommended that the signs against angle
parking be installed, as a start in training the people in good park-
ing habits . "No Double Paring" signs could also be installed and
other problems could be taken care of as ti:ey arise. As a resolu-
tion is required for State purposes, e motion recommending this plan
was drawn up by Mr. Bra shear, to be Presented to the City Council,
as follows :
Resolved: That as a result of a study by the
City Planning Commission and due consideration
of the State Law prohibiting angle parking es
I: well as the likelihood of accidents resulting
therefrom, the City Planning Commission does
hereby recommend to the Council that applica-
tion be made to the State Highway Department
for the installation of appropriate signs pro-
hibiting- angle parking end that the Council
advise the State HiF-hw` y Department that the
City will take proper measures to enforce the
prohibition of angle parking and will bear
1/2 of the expense of the signs, the other 1/`
to be born by the State Highway Department ,
tht this step be taken as the initial step in
solving the parking problem in Rosedale Gardens
on Plymouth Road and further that the Council
prohibit angle parking throughout the entire
Mr. Conway formally presented this motion, seconded by Mr.
Hay and unamimously adopted. Mr. Bentley then expressed the Com-
mission' s appreciation to Mr . Marvin.
Petition #25, the Petition of Anna B. Slaoinskes, was then
read by %r. Bentley, but as Mr. brasher r stated this this had been
taken up before end had been denied, the question as to how many
times a petition could come up was discussed. Mr. Breshear reouested
that this petition be tabled until he could investigate further. Mr.
Bower made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Attor-
ney to see if there was any way of disposing of it . Mr. MacIntyre
seconded this and it was unamimously carried.
The Commission then went ba=ck to consideration of Petition
#18. After a discussion about the safety hazards, etc . , connected
with it, Ir. MacIntyre made a motion that the petition be denied,
which he teen withdrew in favor of more discussion. Mr. Hey made
a motion that this Petition be granted, seconded by Mr. Bower and
carried unamimously.
Mr. Bentley then read Petition #?'1 - Arthur H. Fulton and
Violet V. Fulton - submitted for rezoning from R-U-F-E to C-1, the
following property:
Fronting on Joy Road and extending full width
between Hix Road and Houghton St . to a depth
of 140' .
: iss Dyers read Mr. Waring' s statement which did not re-
commend this change. After discussion, motion was made by ,=r. Bower
to grant the petition, seconded by Mr. Hay and unamimously carried.
Mr. Waring then introduced Ir. Wm. J. Stresser, Right Away
Engineer of the County Road Commission, who presented a Thorough
Fare Master plan. He stated that the plan of the City of Livonia ,
which was also shown, fit in very well with the plans of the City
of Detroit, the County and the State clans. Ihe Livonia plan was
reviewed with Mr . Norton of the County Road Office and the Livonia
basic plan is in conformity with their thinking . Considerable dis-
cussion followed regarding road widths, the reasons for various
widths on certain roads and the advantages end disadvantages of
. such plans. Mr. Strasser presented subjects for consideration and
Mr. Waring also made some recommendations for consideration before
final action . The following points are to be under consideration
in en effort to conform with the thinking of the Wayne County Road
1. Farmington Road
2 . Eckles and Haggerty Roads
3. Eckles Road between Joy Road and Ann Arbor
4 . Flared approach et all railroad crossings
with 120' sides . This pertains to Middle-
belt, Merriman, Farmington, Wayne, Newburg
end Eckles Roads .
5. Jogging in roads at intersections, such ass
Oakdale end Myrna et Farmington.
Mr. Strasser mentioned the City' s plans for circulation
of traffic and the closing of various County drains were excellent.
Appreciation was expressed to Mr. Strasser for his fine presentation
and attendance at the meeting.
Upon motion by Mr. Bower that the suggested changes be
mode in order that Mr. Waring might get ahead with the work on the
plans which will be subject to further approval.
At this point, Mr. Bentley told of attending the meeting
of the Northwest Regional Planning Commission of Wayne County. This
Commission would like to hold a meeting in Livonia, but due to cer-
tain difficulties, the meeting will not be held here until March,
instead of February. As the Commission would like another representa-
tive from the Livonia Planning Commission at their meetings, held on
the third Tuesday of the month et 8 : 00 p.m. , Miss Byers offered to
attend end upon a unamimously carried motion, Mr. Clarence Jaen
WFS also included..
As Mr. Bentley announced that the Regional Planning Com-
mission would like each City or territory belonging to the group to
contribute $10. 00 to support them, Mr. Bower made a motion that this
be done, if approved by the Council. sir. uaclntyre seconded the mo-
tion and it was unamimously carried.
A bill for $37.95 for advertising in "The Livonian" was.
presented. A motion to present this bill to the Council for appro-
val was made by Mr. Hay, seconded by Mr. Bower and unamimously
After a discussion of the bill presented by Mr. Waring of
$357. 37, a motion was made by Mr. Bower, seconded by Mr. Meclntyre
and unamimously carried, that this bill also be turned over to the
City Council for it ' s approval.
(Balance of minutes taken by Miss Byers at 11: 10 p.m. )
Mr. Bentley read letters from the Petersine Incubator Co. ,
Gettysburg , Chio, dated January 18, 1951, and from the Stendiford
Co. , dated January 23, 1951, regarding land under consideration for
the proposed civic center. There followed a general discussion re-
garding the preliminary plan of Livonia Farms Subdivision, this be-
ing all of the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 36, 1 . 1. 5. ,
or 9E. Upon motion duly made by sir. Maclntyr•e, seconded by Mr. Hay
and carried unamimously, it was resolved to recommend. to the City
Council that preliminary plan of Livonia Farms be approved . 5/6/01P
09/0/0 4.71
s Jr,
On a motion by Mr. MG.cIntyre, seconded by Ir. Bower, the
meeting was adjourned at 1 : 05 : .: . , until February 14.
Helen E. Byers, orcretery
Geo. N. Bentley, Ciair+ an
- I: