HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING MINUTES 1952-06-04 217
The twenty-second regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was held
I[: on Wednesday, June 4, 1952 at the City Court House, Livonia, Michigan.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bentley at approximately 8 PM.
Members present: George Bentley Harold Bower Helen Byers
Edwin Conway Dallas Hay Clarence Jahn
Robert MacIntyre
Members absent: Waiter Russell
Mr. Wm Brashear, City Attorney, and Mr. Malcolm Waring, Planning Consultant,
were also present.
Upon a motion duly made by Dallas Hay, seconded by Robert MacIntyre and
unanimously carried, it was
RESOLVED, to accept the minutes of the twenty-fourth special
meeting as received.
The Chair called upon Mr. Orr, representing the owners of the Greenette
Subdivision, who submitted a revised print of the subdivision which was
similar to the previous plan. There was a general discussion with Mr.
Orr regarding the plan and it was pointed out that the business lots on
Middlebelt Road were being planned in a zone that is residential. Fol-
lowing the discussion, Mr. Orr said that the plat would be revised to
conform with the zoning of the area. Mr. Orr said also he would recommend
to his clients that they make the additional footage available to have a
300 foot depth for lots facing Middlebelt.
Walter Russell arrived at approximately 8:15 PM.
Mr. Don Murray, Manager of the Lowrie Lumber Company, was present regard-
ing a petition to rezone that company's property from M-1 to M-2. (Peti-
tion +56, Lowrie Lumber Company.)
Mr. Harry Pratt was called upon by Chairman Bentley, regarding petition
$57. Mr. Pratt said that he was present to explain that the UAW Local
x/35 of the Transmission Plant on Plymouth Road desires to purchase a
church building located on Grantland across from the Wayne County Yard.
The church people wish to find a new location for the church and the
union wishes to make use of the building for a hall, or meeting place.
In order to do this, a zoning change is necessary, hence the petition
+57, requesting a zoning change to a C-1 classification. The property
consists of 5 lots, 20 feet of one lot and 30 feet of another. The
Union Local intends to make use of the building that now exists. Mr.
Pratt had with him Mr. Wm Goodwin, President, of the Local #735, who
said that they also desire to have office space in the building. Mr.
Pratt also had with him Mr. Roy McConnel, representing the church, and
he stated that the church is desirous of disposing of the property be-
cause of the Wayne County Yard. The union has a deposit on the building.
Mr. Pratt then talked about Petition $54, Joseph Klein, Jr. of Lone Pines
Tavern. He said that the original petition probably should have been
worded like this second. petition. Mr. Klein does not have adequate
facilities for dining purposes and is desirous of adding a wing to be used
as a dining room only. He wants to have suitable parking area established,
and if the parking area is abandoned, it is to be rezoned to residential
use. Further, that the building onto the Inn be limited in this petition
so that no other part of the premises be rezoned.
Mr. Klein was present and he said that he wants to have a room suitable for
banquets and dinner meetings. After being asked if there would be dancing
allowed in the added wing, Mr. Klein said that there would be none.
Miss Byers asked Mr. Klein if the stable portion of Lone Pines represented
a large portion of his income. He said no, but if it came to doing away
with the stable, which is leased to others to operate, then it would be
okay but at the same time, his investment amounts to approximately $10,000
in the stable portion.
Mr. Brashear asked Mr. Pratt to submit a legal description of the property
involved in the rezoning.
Mr. O'Connor was present as an observer at the meeting, and he said that he
knew of a person, or persons, who noticed that the zoning map has no scale
of mile posted. He was advised that smaller copies were available at the
City Clerk's office, and these were drawn to scale and it is shown thereon.
Mr. O'Connor suggested that where a business corner exists, it would be
well to have multiple dwellings join with the business and then single
residences. When Miss Byers asked him if he had any suggestions as to
specific locations, he said that most people would prefer a multiple dwel-
ling instead of a business next to them.
Miss Byers read Mr. Waring's recommendation on the proposed plat of a sub-
division east of, and adjo1ning Harrison between Joy Road and W. Chicago.
All lots are wide enough but lack the area of 6,600 square feet. A few
curves would make the road more attractive and make better residential
area. Some drains should be relocated, etc. Mr. Bentley said that the
plat should be returned to Mr. Roth with Mr. Waring's recommendation.
Also the business lots were 290 feet deep instead of the required 300
feet. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the proposal and it was
decided that the plan could be greatly improved.
Upon a motion duly made by Dallas Hay, seconded by Clarence Jahn, and
unanimously carried, it was
RESOLVED, that Mr. Roth be notified to appear before the
Planning Commission at the next regular meeting.
Next,waz Marvin's Robin Hood Subdivision #2. Mr. Waring's recommendation
was: these lots meet the requirement for size. He recommended a 25 foot
building line on the circle which would allow for better placement of
buildings. He also recommended a half easement for utilities on the south
boundary of plot to conform with the subdivision regulations.
Miss Byers read a letter from John Daugherty, Builder, dated .April 21,
regarding the Robin Hood Subdivision #2.
Miss Byers suggested that the Planning Commission make the easement a
requirement in its approval and a suggestion of the 25 foot building
Upon a motion duly made by Dallas Hay, seconded by Robert MacIntyre and
unanimously carried, it was
RESOLVED, to table Marvin's Robin Hood Subdivision #2 until
the next special meeting and in the meantime see the Al
plan. Also to invite Mr. Daugherty to appear before the
Planning Commission.
There was a short discussion regarding the possibility of securing a set
of books to enable the Planning Commission to better carry on meetings.
Upon a motion duly made by Clarence Jahn, seconded by Dallas Hay and
unanimously carried, it was
RESOLVED, that the secretary secure a plot plan book from the
Bureau of Taxation and extra sheets for Waring and Johnson.
Miss Byers read a letter from the American Society of Planning Officials
dated May 28, 1952, (the Society represents a clearing house for planning
information.) The letter requested a copy of the zoning ordinance revised
in 1945.
Next, Miss Byers read a letter from the Planning Commission addressed to
the City Clerk regarding the book containing copies of the official
minutes of the Planning Commission for public use at the City Hall.
Miss Byers reported to the members that she had received a phone call from
Mr. Carl Mehrer, 13943 Robson, VE 76863, regarding O'Connor and Porter
Subdivision NE 1/4 of Section 11 on Doris between 7 Mile and Curtis, re-
questing a zoning change from AG1B to AGlA. The property owners in that
subdivision will hold a meeting on June 19, 1952 and submit a petition to
the Planning Commission.
Miss Byers read a copy of a letter dated May 13, 1952 addressed to W. S.
Maybee, Att R. J. Eoff, from the City Clerk advising that the Council
adopted the following resolution: Mr. Hayden is authorized to prepare
an assessor's plat of heretofore known as Bell Creek Farms Subdivision,
and procedure to follow at no cost to the City.
Miss Byers advised the Commission regarding the need for a filing cabinet
for use by the Planning Commission secretary, and upon a motion duly
made by Robert MacIntyre, seconded by Harold Bower and unanimously carried,
it was
RESOLVED, that the secretary obtain a filing cabinet for
use by the Secretary of the Planning Commission; the money
to be appropriated by the City Council.
The secretary presented a bill from the Pen-Mar Cafe covering luncheons
for the members of the Planning Commission who made a survey of non-con-
forming uses of property in Livonia (Bower, Byers, Bentley, Jahn and
Upon a motion duly made by Robert Maclntyre, seconded and carried, it was
RESOLVED, that the bill from the Pen-Mar in the amount of
$10.50 be referred to the City Council for payment.
The next public hearing will be on July 2, 1952 and the next special
meeting will be on June 18th, and the next regular meeting on the last
Wednesday in June.
Mr. Russell left the meeting at approximately 9:45 PM.
The Petitions that will be heard at the public hearing were briefly re-
viewed (#53, Rosevear; #55, Frischkorn; #58, Mayo).
Upon a motion duly made by Clarence Jahn, seconded by Edwin Conway and
unanimously carried, it was
RESOLVED, that the above-mentioned petitions be given to the
City Attorney to prepare for the public hearing to be held
on July 2, to be published on June 13th.
Mr. Jahn began the discussion regarding the trip made that day by some
members of the Planning Commission to observe zoning uses in Livonia.
He stated at the outset that the group found that a lot of mistakes had
been made and after making the trip, decided that a good location for
multiple dwellings would be on Schoolcraft between Middlebelt and Inkster.
He then went on with a detailed description of the places and locations
Miss Byers and Mr. Bower followed Mr. Jahn with further revelations of
the trip. The committee rendered several changes which were incorporated
on the new proposed zoning map.
Mr. Brashear advised the group that Mr. Hamill had found it advisable
to have a portion of the city photographed and the extra prints of same
could be obtained at $10. per print.
E Upon a motion duly made by Robert Maclntyre, seconded by Clarence Jahn
and unanimously carried, it was
RESOLVED, to adjourn this meeting at approximately 10:45 PM.
Thereupon the Chair declared the meeting adjaurned.
GCI�,O.f,e/ ,
Helen E. Byers, Secr ary
George . Bentley, Chairm: i