HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING MINUTES 1959-03-03 2405 MINUTES OF THE 104th SPECIAL MLii.TING AND A PUBLIC HEARING OF TH _ CIZY PLANNING COM- MIS`ION OF THS, CITY OF LIVONIA On March 3, 1959 the City Planning Commission of the City of Livonia held the 104th Special Meeting a Public Hearing at the Livonia City Hall, 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan. Mr. Robert L. Angevine, Chairman, call(-d the Special Meeting to order at approximately 8 :10 p.m. Members present : Robert L. Angevine, s''illiam R. Robinson, H.Paul Harsha, Dennis Anderson, Robert L. Greene, Leonard K. Kane, Robert M. Peacock Members Absent : Charles W. ' alker, Wilfred 7. Okerstrom Mr. David Mc Cullough, City Planner and Mr . Rod Kropf, Assistant City Attorney, were present along with approximately 125 interest- ed persons. Mr. Mc Cullough announced the first item on the agenda of the 104th Special Meeting w as Petition Z-357 by Donald Gaeke on behalf of George Klein and Jack shenkman who are asking for a change of zoning on property located on the North side of Seven Mile Road approximatelt 360 ft . West of P'Tiddlebelt in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 2 from RUFB to C-2 and R1A. Public Hearing January 20, 1959; special meeting February 3, 1959 and regula r meeting Feb- ruary 17, 1959, item tabled until regular meeting. Mr . McCullough stated a letter had been received from the Sunset Hills Association approving the proposed shopping center. Mr. Angevine stated that this petition had been tabled until the next regular meeting scheduled for March 17, 1959 and that it would have to be removed from the table and brought up a t this time if a ction is to be taken. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Kane, supported by Mr. Harsha, it was #3-58-59 RTSOLVLD that, the City Planning Commission does here- by determine that Petition -357 be removed from the table and brought up at this time. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: AYES: Kane, Harsha, Anderson, Greene and Angevine NAYS: Peacock and Robinson The Chairman declared the motion is carried and Petition 7-357 will be discussed now. Mr. George Klein stated that Mr. Donald Gaeke was not able to be 2406 present for tonight 's meeting but that he would oe willing to ans- wer any questions that are brought up. Mr. Greene stated his question concerned the list of possible ten- ants for the proposed shopping center, whether anything definite had been decided as to what tenants would be in the center. He further asked if J.L. Hudson Company had definitely made known their intent in a letter or just verbally and secondly if they want a store located this close to J.L. Hudson in Northland. Mr. Klein stated that Hudson's had verbally stated their intent for a branch store in this locality due to Northland being over eight miles away. Mr. Greene asked if there were any definite commit- ments from other businesses . Mr. Klein answered that there had been several definite requests for space in the proposed shopping center. A few of them were Crowley & Milner of Detroit, Kresge 's, Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, ',am's Cut Rate, Lipson's Super Market, Kroger's , American Savings & Loan, The Livonian Bank, Cunningham's, Yardstick, 7olkower 's, A & S Beck Shoe Store, Ned's Auto Supply, Sears & Roebuck, Franklin Simon, Formerly Kline 's and Kinney 's Shoe Store. Mr. Greene asked on what basis would Mr. Klein determine which business would be selected. Mr. Klein answered what is best for the community and for the developers . Mr. Angevine asked Mr. Robinson to take a poll of the commission- ers to determine whether or not to have the audience speak. AYES: Peacock, Kane, Harsha, Anderson, Greene, Robinson, and Angevine. NAYS: None Mr. H. T. Rork, 19520 Flamingo, representing those present from the Hillcrest Civic Association, stated he wished to read a r eport which they had compiled, stating their reasons for asking that this petition be denied. Mr. Rork submitted a list of store presently in the vicinity. These were accepted for the records. Mr. Louis Schmidt, Superintendent of the Clarenceville School District submitted a letter to the commissioners urging School Board approval of said petition. Mr. William Barnett, 29800 Transcrest, representing Sunset Hills Association, Botsford Park and Spring Valley, submitted a letter approving petition. Mr. Greene stated that the question had been raised as to what assurance there is , if this area is rezoned to Commercial, that the shopping center will be built. Mr. Klein stated that a survey, which had been submitted to the Planning Commission, showed that it would be very feasible to have a shopping center in this local- ity, and that they had every intention to build it. The question 2407 was raised why the leases are not signed before the rezoning is completed. Mr. Klein stated that the tenant would not sign leases until the zoning is official. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Greene that in view of the overall benefit to the City of Livonia, and supported by Mr. Kane, it was #3-59-59 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on Tuesday, January 20, 1959 on Petition '7,-357 as submitted by Donald Gaeke on behalf of George Klein and Jack Shenkman for a change of zoning in the South- east 1/4 of Section 2 from RUFB to RIA and C-2, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition "-357 be granted, as amended, and FURTHER RESOLVED, notice of the above hearin.,, was pub- lished in the officia 1 newspaper, The Livonian, under date of January 1, 1959 and notice of which hearing was sent to The Detz.oit Edison Co. , Chesapeake & Ohio Rail- way Co., Michigan Bell Telephone Co. , The Consumers Power Co. , City Departments and petitioners as listed in the Proof of Service. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: I AYES: Kane , Harsha, Anderson, Greene a nd Angevine NAYS: Peacock and Robinson The Chairman declared that the foregoing resolution is adopted. Mr. McCullough announced that the next item on the agenda was Petition Z-336 by James N. Canham for Leo Stein asking for a change of zoning on Southeast corner of Seven Mile Road and Sunset Blvd., in the Northwest 1/4 of Se ction 11 from RUFB to PS. Approved by City Planning at Public Hearing , December 23, 1958. Council referring petition back to City Planning Commission for further study. At a special meeting held on February 10, 1959 the City Planning Commission had reaffirmed said petition for approval. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Peacock, supported by Mr. Robinson, it was #3-60-59 RESOLV_!"D that , pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on Petition r-336 on December 23, 1958, as submit- ted by James N. Canham for Leo Stein asking for a change of zoning classification on property located in the North- west 1/4 of Section 11 from RUF3 to PS, and pursuant to the City Council's Resolution J86-59, dated February 12, 1959 to reconsider their action on said petition, the City Planning Commission does hereby reaffirm their original recommendation dated January 12,1959 to the City Council, that Petition ?..336 be granted, and 2408 FURTHER RESOLVED, notice of the a bove hearing was pub- lished in the official newspaper, The Livonian, under date of December 4, 1958 and notices of which hearing was sent to The Detroit Edison Co. , Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. , Michigan Bell Telephone Co. , The Consumers Power Co. , City Departments and petitioner as listed in the Proof of Service. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: AYES: Peacock, Kane, Harsha, Anderson, Greened Robinson and Ange vine NAYS: None The Chairman declared that the foregoing resolution is adopted. Mr. Mc Cullough announced that the next item on the agenda w as Petition 1---350 by Harold G. Ford, Jr. , and Bertram EQ Rynearson, Jr., asking for a change of zoning on the Southeast corner of Seven Mile Road and Hillcrest Avenue in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11 be changed from RUF to PS. Denied by City Planning Commission at the Public Hearing January 20, 1959; City Council referring petition back to City Planning for reconsideration. Mr. Angevine asked Mr. Robinson to poll the Commission to determine whether or not they wish the audience to speaks AYES : Harsha, Anderson, Greene and Angevine NAYS: Peacock, Kane and Robinson Mr. Angevine declared that the results of the poll indicate that the audience is allowed to speak. Mr. H. T. Rork, 19520 Flamingo, representing Hillcrest Gardens Subdivision, submitted a list of medical centers in the immediate vicinity and a chart designating the property owners who object and those who are in favor of the petition. He Stated they strongly object to petition. Mr. Peacock asked if there w ere adequate sanitary sewer facilities in that area. It was determined that there was . Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Harsha, it was #3-61-59 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on Petition 7-350 on January 20, 1959 as submitted by Harold G. Ford, Jr. , and Bertram I,. Rynearson, Jr., for a change of zoning classification on property located in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11 from RUFB to PS, the City Planning Commission does hereby reaffirm their action of February 10, 1959 in Resolution #2-43-59 and #2-44-59, and recommend to the CittyCouncil, pursuant to their Resolution #86-59 that the City Planning Commission reconsider said petition, that Petition 7-350 be granted, and 4 : FURTHER R1Z0DVED, notice of the above hearing was pub- lished in the official newspaper, The Livonian, under date of December 30, 1958 and notice of which hearing was sent to The Detroit Edison Co. , Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co., Michigan Bell Telephone Co. , The Consumers Power Co., City Departments and petitioners as listed in the Proof of Service. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: AYES: Kane, Harsha, Greene, Robinson and Angevine NAYS: Peacock, and Anderson The Chairman declared that the foregoing resolution is adopted. The Chairman declared that a recess be called at this time, 9:10p.m. Mr. Angevine call ed the meeting to order at approximately 9:25 p.m. with all those present now who were present at the time re- cess was called. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Peacock, supported by Mr. Kane, and unanimously adopted the first part of the 104th Special Meet- ing was adjourned at 9:26 p.m. in order to hold a public hearing on the following item. i; Mr. Angevine called the Public Hearing to order at 9:27 p.m. Mr. Mc Cullough announced the first item on the agenda was Petition M..145 be Rev. Lyle M. Adams, Pastor of the Trinity Baptist Church requesting permission to hold religious services during the month of Agust, 1959 in a tent suitable to such meetings on property located on the East side of Middlebelt Road, approximately 330 ft . South of Jamison and the Five Elm Subdivision in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 24. Rev. Adams, was present representing petition, and stated he lived in the building located on said property. Mr. Peacock asked how many meeting would there be during the summer. Rev. Adams stated they would be held during the last two or three weeks in August, They would end around 9;30 or 10;00 p.m. Mr. Peacock asked if there was ample parking facilities. Rev. Adams stated there was approximately 5i acres for parking. Mr . Anderson asked wha t was the seating capacity in the tent. Rev. Adams stated approximately 250 to 300 persons. Mr . Greene asked if there would be safety precautions. Rev. Adams stated they would meet all requirements of state and city law. There was no one in the audience who w fished to speak either in favor or opposed to petition. Mr. Robinson questioned whether or not this should first be refer- red to the Police and Fire Department for their recommendation. 2410 Rev. Adams stated they had talked to the Police Department and that they had referred them to the Planning Commission. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Peacock, s upported by i1r. Anderson, it was #3-62..59 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held Tuesday, March 3, 1959, the City Planning Commission does hereby grant Petition id-145 by Rev. Lyle id 1. Adams, Pastor of The Trinity Baptist Church, requesting per- mission to hold religious services during the month of August, _1959 in a tent suitable to such meetings on property located in the northwest 1/4 of Section 24, subject, however, to receiving written approval from the Police and Fire Departments, and FURTHER RESOLV D. notice of the above hearing was sent to property owners within 500 feet, petitioner and City Departments as listed in the Proof of oervice . A roll callvote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: AYES: Peacock, Kane, Harsha, Anderson, Greene, Robinson and Angevine NAYS: None The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution adopted. Upon a motion duly made by Hr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Kane and unanimously adopted, it was #3-63-59 RESOLV D that, the City Planning Commission does hereby adjourn the Public Hearing at approximately 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday March 3, 1959. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the follow- ing: AYES: Peacock, Kane, Harsha, Anderson, Greene, Robinson, and A ngevine NAYS: None The Chairman called the second portion of the 104th Special Meeting to order with all those present now who were present at the a d- journment of the Public Hearing. Mr. Mc Cullough announced the next item on the agenda was Petition -351 by Canham Fr Mc Donald for Lawrence Development Company, who is asking for a zoning cha nge on property located on the North- east corner of Elmira and Middlebelt on the Northwest 1/4 of Sec- tion 36 from RIB to C-2. Public Hearing February 17, 1959, item taken under advisement. Study Meeting February 24, 1959. Mr. Canham was present. 2411 Mr. Peacock asked Mr. Canham what had been decided between the petitioner ani+ the property owner next to the property in petition as to protecting their residence. Hr. Canham stated that the petitioner had met with the property owner but that he did not know the outcome. He stated further that the petitioner was agree- able to offer whatever protection is necessary to protect the residence from the commercial over and above what the ordinance requires . Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Peacock and unanimously adopted, it was #3-64-59 RLSOLVLD that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on February 17, 1959 on Petition 7-351 as submitted by Canham & Mc Donald for Lawrence Development Company for a change of zoning in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36 from R1B to C-2, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition ?,-351 be granted, subject, however, that there will be no curb cuts a llowed on Elmira, and FURTHER RESOLVED, notice of the above hearing was publish• ed in the official newspaper, The Livonian, under date of i; January 26, 1959 and notice of which hearing was sent to The Detroit 'Edison Co., Chesapeake & Ohio Rail/ ay Co. , Michigan Bell Telephone Co. , The Consumers Power Company, City Departments, and petitioners as listed in the Proof of Service . The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution adopted. Upon a motion duly made by Mir. Robinson, supported by Mr . Anderson it was #3-65-59 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on Tuesday, February 17, 1959 on Petition Z-358 by Leonard R. Farber in behalf of G. & D. Rohde and M. & M. Priemer for a change of zoning in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 20 from AG.J to R1A, the City Planning Com- mission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition Z-358 be gra nted, and FURTHER RESOLD, notice of the above hearing w as pub- lished in the official newspaper, The Livonian, under date of January 26, 1959 and notice of which hearing was sent to The Detroit . dison Co. , Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. , lichigan 3ell Telephone Co. , The Consumers Power Co. , City Departments and petitioner as listed in the Proof of Service . A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: AYES: Peacock, Kane, Harsha, Anderson, Robinson and Angevine NAYS: None NOT VOTING: Greene 2412 The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution adopted. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Peacock, it was #3-66-59 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on T uesday, February 17, 1959 on Petition Z-359 by Leonard R. Farber in behalf of G. & D. Rohde and M. & M. Priemer for a change of zoning in the North- east 1/4 of Section 20 from AGB to R-3, the City Plan- ning Commission does hereby grant the request from pet- itioner, dated February 27, 1959, that Petition 74-359 be withdrawn, a nd FURTHER RESOLVED, notice of the above hearing was publish- ed in the official newspaper, The Livonian, under date of January 26, 1959 and notice of which hearing was sent to The Detroit Edison Co. , Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co., Michigan Bell Telephone Co. , The Consumers Power Co. , City Departments a nd petitioners a s listed in the Proof of Service. A roll ca 11 vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: AYES : Peacock, Kane, Harsha, Anderson, Robinson and Angevine NAYS : None NOT VOTING: Greene The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution is granted. Mr. Mc Cullough announced the next item on the agenda was Petition 7-360 by R. J. Silberstein for J. & V. Reding who is asking for a zoning chane on property located on the East side of Newburgh Road approximately 2000 ft. South of Six Mile Road running easterly to Levan Road in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 17 from AGB to R1A for the western 30 acres and AGB to R-3 for the eastern 10 acres. Public hearing February 17, 1959, under advisement ; study meet- ing, February 24, 1959• Mr. Peacock felt that the request for R-3 for the eastern 10 acres should be readvertised to request for R1A rather than fin amend- ment made at this time to the original petition. Mr. Harsha asked Mr. Kropf if the Planning Commission can take action on a portion of a petition. Mr. Kropf stated this can be done. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Harsha, supported by Mr. Greene, it was #3- -59 RESOLV D that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on Tuesday, February 17, 1959 on Petition Z-360 by R. J. Silberstein for J. & V. Reding for a change 2413 of zoning in the Northwest1/4. of Section 17 from AGB to R1A for the western 3 0 acres and fron AGB to R-3 for the eastern 10 acres , the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the westerly 30 acres requesting a change from AGB to R1A be granted and further that the remaining portion 6f the petition requesting a change from AGB to R-3 be held for further discussion, and FURTH7R RrSOLVED, notice of the above hearing was pub- lished in the official newspaper, The Livonian, under date of January 26, 1959 and notice of which hearing was sent to The Detroit Edison Co. , Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co . , Michigan Bell Telephone Co., The Consumers Power Co. , City Departments and petitioners a s listed in the Proof of Service. Mr. Robinson asked if the Commission was going to forget the 8o ft . lots in this area. It was ascertained that the Commission had felt that the 80 ft . lots would be north of Six. Mile Road and not South. Mr. Robinson urged a "No" vote on the foregoing resolution in favor of taking it under further advisement for further study in relation to whether these lots should be 70 ft. or 80 ft. frontage. Mr. Greene stated he wished to withdraw his support to Mr. Harshats motion because of the litagation on the 70 ft. lots. Mr. Kane stated he would support Mr. Harsha 's motion. #3-67-59 RESOLVEDthat, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on Tuesday, February 17, 1959 on Petition "-360 by R. J. Silberstein for J. & V. Reding for a change of zoning in the Northwest i/4 of Section 17 from AGB to R1A for the western 30 acres and from AGB to R-3 for the eastern 10 acres, the City Planning Commission does here- by recommend to the City Council, that the westerly 30 acres requesting a change from AGB to R1A be granted and, further, that the remaining portion of the petition, re- questing a change from AGB to R-3 be held for further discussion, and FURTH FR R:S0LV:LD, notice of the above hearing was publish- ed in the official newspaper, The Livonian, under date of January 26, 1959 and notice of which hearing was sent to The Detroit Edison Co. , Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. , Michigan Bell Telephone Co. , The Consumers Power Co. , City Departments and petitioners as listed in the Proof of Service. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: AYES : Kane, Harsha, Anderson and Angevine NAYS: Peacock, Green and Robinson 2414 The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution adopted. Mr. Mc Cullough announced the next item on the agenda was Petition Z-362 by Harry Lightstone who is asking for a zoning change on property located on the North side of Joy Road on the Northwest corner of Hix and Joy in the Southwest 1/L4. of Section 31 from AGB and RUFB to R1B and C-2, the East 300 and the South 300 ft. being the Northwest corner of Hix Road and Joy Road to the C-2 classifi- cation and the remainder of the aforementioned property to R1B. Public Hearing February 17, 1959, item taken under advisement ; Study Meeting, February 2L., 1959. It had been determined at a study meeting that the Commission prefers a change from RUFB & AGB to R1A and C-1 rather than from RUFB & AGB to R1B and C-2. Mr. Peacock stated he would like to have this item held for further discussion until the Commission has been given a legal opinion on whether or not they are allowed to amend petitions after they have been advertised. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Kane, it was #3-68-59 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby allow Mr. Harry Wright, representing petitioner, to verb- ally request that Petition 7,-362 be amended to request a change from AGB and RUFB to R1A and C-1, rather than from AGB and RUFB and R1B and C-2, subject to a written confirmation of request. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: AYES: Kane, Harsha, Greene, Robinson, and Angevine NAYS: Peacock and Anderson The Chairman declared the motion is carried and Petition Z-362 is amended. Upon a Motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Kane, it was #3-69-59 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on Tuesday, February 17, 1959 on Petition -362 by HarryLighstone for a change of zoning in the South- west 1of Section 31 from AGB and RUFB to R1A and C-1, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 7,-362 be granted, as amended by Resolution #3-68-59, and FURTHER RESOLVED, notice of the above hearing was publish- ed in the official newspaper, The Livonian, under date of January 26, 1959 and notice of which hearing was sent to The Detroit Edison Co., Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. , Michigan Bell Telephone Co. , The Consumers Power Co. , City Departments and petitioner a s listed in the Proof of Service. 2415 A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: AYES: Kane, Harsha, Anderson, Green, Robinson and Angevine NAYS: Peacock The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution is adopted. Mr. Mc Cullough announced the next item on the agenda was a motion by the City Planning Commission to hold a Public Hearing to deter- mine whether or not to change the building classification from RUFB and R1B to RUFA and R1A in the South half of Section 13 and that part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 13, lying South of Bell Creek. It was decided a fter a brief discussion that this item be taken under further advisement. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Kane, it was . 3-70->9 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission of the City of Livonia having given due consideration to the designated proposed location of Lyndon Avenue between Farmington and Hubbard Roads in the City of Livonia which is located inthe 1",est 1/2 of Section 22 of said City, and it appearing that the designated proposed location of such thoroughfare as presently shown on said Master Thoroughfare Plan should be changed to relocate the proposed location of such thoroughfare in futherance of the health, safety and gen- eral welfare of the community, and that said relocation of Lyndon Avenue between Hubbard and Farmington Roads in the West 1/2 of Section 22, City of Livonia should designate the cente r line thereof to read as follows: Beginning at the west 1/4 corner of Section 22, T. 1 S., R. 9E. , Thence along the east and west 1/4 line of Section 22, S. 89° 481 55" E. , 80.0' to a point of curve; Thence 306.15' along the arc of a curve deflecting to the left, said curve having a radius of 1543.0' , a central angle of 11° 22' 05", and whose chord bears N. 84 30' o3" E. , 305.64' to a point of reverse curve; Thence 450.31' along the arc of a curve deflecting to the right, said curve having a radius of 2288.221 , a central angle of 110 16 ' 32", and whose chord bears N. 84° 27 ' 16" E. , 449.59 ' to a point of tangency; Thence S. 89° 54' 28" E. , 250.0' to a point of curve; Thence 313.74' along the arc of a curve deflecting to the right, said curve having a radius of 1729.05 ' , a cen- tral angle of 10° 23 ' 47" and whose cord bears S. 840 42' 35" E., 313.30' to a point of reverse curve; Thence 531.78' along the arc of a curve deflecting to the left, said curve having a radius of 2957.00' , a central angle of 10° 18 ' 14", and w hose chord bears S. 2416 84° 39' 48" E. , 531.06' to a point of tangency, said point being the w esterly line of Brookfield Avenue (60' wide) extended northerly to the east and west 1/4 line of Section 22; Thence along the east and west 1/4 of Section 22, S. 89° 48 ' 55" E. , 716.64' to the center post of Section 22 and the point of ending, the City Planning Commission on its own motion does here- by testablish and order a public hearing to be held in the City Hall of the City of Livonia to determine whether or not Part I of the Master Plan of the City of Livonia, that is, the Master Thoroughfare Plan, should be amended so as to relocate Lyndon Avenue in Section 22 from its present location as shown on the Master Thorough- fare Plan to a new location, the legal description of which is hereinabove set forth, for the reason that said relocation would be in the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of the community and more appropriately carry out the p4rpose of intent of the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan, and IT I . FURTHER RESOD /SD, that notice of the time and place of said public hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Livonia and that a notice by registered mail be sent to each public utility or railroad company owning or operating any public utility or railroad within the City of Livonia in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.2998 of Michigan Statutes Annotated and in accordance with the provisions of Act 285 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1931, as amended. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following: AYES: Peacock, Kane, Ha rsha, Anderson, Greene, Robinson and Angevine NAYS: None The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution is adopted and a public hearing will be held. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Kane, and unanimously a dopted, it was #3-71-59 R-c-SOLVLD that, the City Planning Commission of the City of Livonia having given due consideration to the designated purposed width of Lyndon in Section 20 and 21 as it presently appears on the taster Thoroughfare Plan, and it appearing that the present w idth of Lyndon in said section is excessive and unnecessary for the health, safety and general welfare of the community, and that said width would not carry out the intent and purpose of the Master Plan, the City Planning Commission on its own motion 2417 does hereby establish and order a public hearing to be held in the City Hall of the City of Livonia, to deter- mine whether or not Part I of the Master Plan of the City of Livonia, that is, the Master Thoroughfare Plan, should be amended a s follows : (1) so as to reduce the proposed width of Lyndon Avenue in Section 20 of the City of Livonia from 86 feet to 60 feet, (2) so as to reduce the proposed width of Lyndon Avenue in Section 21 of the City of Livonia from 86 feet to 6o feet, FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the time and place of ' said public hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Livonia and that a notice by registered mail be sent to each public utility or railroad company owning or operating a ny public utility or railroad within the City of Livonia in accord- ance w ith the provisions of Section 5.2998 of Michigan Statutes Annotated and in accordance with the provisions of Act 285 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1931, as amended. The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution is adopted and a public hearing will be held. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Kane and unanimously adopted, it was #3-72-59 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission of the City of Livonia having given due consideration to the desig- nated location of Purlingbrook in Section 11 as appearing on the Master Thoroughfare Plan of the City of Livonia, and it appearing that the designated proposed location of such thoroughfare as presently shown on said Master Thoroughfare Plan is unnecess ary for the health, safety and general welfare of the community, and that the further existence of said road upon the Master Thoroughfare Plan would serve no useful purpose, the City Planning Commission on its own motion does hereby establish and order a public hearing to be held in the City Hall of the City of Livonia, to determine whether or not Part I of the Master Plan of the City of Livonia, that is, the Master Thorough- fare Plan, should be amended so as to delete Purlingbrook in the South half of Section 11 from the Master Thorough- fare Plan for the reason that said road is unneccessary and would se rite no useful purpose if further d esignated as a future road on the City 's Master Thoroughfare Plan, and IT IS FTTRTHEE RESOLVED , that notice of the time and place of said public hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Livonia and that a notice by registered mail be sent to each public utility or railroad company owning or operating any public 2418 ' i utility or railroad within the City of Livonia in accord- ance with the provisions of Section 5.2998 of Michigan Statutes annotated a nd in accordance w ith the pro- visions of Act 285 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1931, as amended. The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution adopted and a public hearing will be held. Mr. Mc Cullough announced the next item on the a genda was a re- quest e- quest dated February 23, 1959 from Warner & Varner to change the name of Schulgren Subdivision #4 to New-Joy Subdivision, located in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 32. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Peacock and unanimously adopted, it was #3-73-59 RESOLVED that, pursuant to request dated February 23, 1959 from W a rner & Warner, Engineers to change the name of the Schulgren Subdivision #4 to New-Joy Subdivi- sion in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 32, the City Plan- ning Commission does hereby gra nt said request. Mr. Mc Cullough announced that the next item on the agenda was a •re vis ed plat of the Glenbrook Colony Subdivision located in the South 1/2 of Section 5. Mr. T. erantz, petitioner, was present and stated that at the time the preliminary approval had been gran- ted the School Board had not decided where the school site would be in that part of Section 5. They had determined the school site during the past few weeks and this plat before the Commission at this time is the revised plat after the school site was elimin- ated. Mr. Harsha suggested that the name of the jog on the continuation of Maureen be renamed to correspond with street in closer proxi- mity tha n Maureen. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, supported by Mr. Kane and unanimously a dopted, it was #3-74-59 RESOLVED that, pursuant to the Livonia School Board pur- °hasing part of land in the original plat of the Glehbrook Colony Subdivis ion in the South 1/2 of Section 5, the City Planning Commission does hereby approve the revised plat, dated March 3, 1959 of said plat, subject, however, to the street na mes being changed. The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution is adopted. L Mr. Angevine announced that a letter had been received from Mayor Brashear in relation to t Industrial Committee meeting on Mon- day, March 9, 1959 a nd that a memeber of the Planning Commission be present at said meeting. It was decided that Mr . Charles Valker would be asked to attend the meeting. f . 2419 Mr. Mc Cullough stated that Mr. Dembs of the proposed Hillcrest Avenue Subdivision, Northwest 1/4 of Section 11, presently under advisement, w as present with a revised plat . After a brief discussion, the Commission suggested to Mr. Dembs that one lot of the subdivision be eliminated in order to increase the width of the other lots. It was thought that at pre2ent the lots were too small to have unattached garage . Mr. Angevine announced that the Public Hearing scheduled for [:March 17, 1959 at the City Hall, 33001 Five idle Road would have to be held at s ome other place because the Board of Review would be meeting until 9:30 on March 17, 1959. It was decided that the Planning Commission meeting would be held at Bently High School on Tuesday, March 17, 1959 and that the City Planner would ma ke arrangements with the Board of Education and also notify the official newspaper of the change in order that it can be advertised to notify any interested persons of the public hearing. Mr. Kropf stated that several inquiries had been made from persons requesting permission for a home occupation in a RUF and AUB zoning district. At present they are not allowed to have a home occupaticn in these two zoning districts. Mr. Kropf felt that a public hearing should be held to determine whether or not to amend the ordinance to all ow home occupations in RUF and AGB districts. After a brief discussion it was decided that this matter be dis- I: cussed further at a study meeting. Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Kane, supported by Mr. Anderson, and unanimously adopted, this 104th Special Meeting was duly adjourned at 10:35 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3, 1959. ATTESTED: William R. Robinson, Secretary . L. Angev e, Chairman i