HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING MINUTES 1965-05-25 r •
On Tuesday, May 25, 1965, the City Planning Commission of the City of Li
held the 204th Special Meeting at the Livonia City Hail, 33001 Five Miler �.c-
Livonia, Michigan: "Mr. Bob R. Whitehead, Chairman pro tem, called the 2q'.
Special Meeting to order at approximately 8:20 pn. with 25 interested person-
in the sudience.
Members present: Raymond W. Tent Bob R. Whitehead John J. Ward
James Cameron Harry Henry Wri ;..
Members absent: Charles W. Walker Donald C. Pollock Donald Heustea
V �
Mr. John J. Ward presided as Secretary pro tem
Messrs. Don Hull, Planning Director; Harry C. Tatigian, Firet 'Assistant City
Attorney; and Victor D. Beale, Executive Secretary to the Mayor, were per-
Mr. Ward announced the first item on the agenda is Petition`Z-685 by the Cy
Planning Commission requesting the rezoning of property locatcd"o _
the southeast corner of Six-Mile Road and Hubbard Road in the Nnrt.
east 1/4 of Section 15, from RUFB to RU. Public Hearing 3/16/6;
Study Meetings 3/30/65 and 4/13/65. Regul9r Meeting 4/20/65.
Mr. Jacob Menuck was present.
V �
Mr.Whitehead ateted that there have been`5open meetings-on this item-at thicr.
time there was-over ane hour of discussion; therefore only those who have
additional information to add will be heard at this time.
V v V
Mr. Bud Grace,-31480 Myrna, stated that it is the size-of theprop'6sed lots
residents�"are objecting to. Mr. Hull steted that the only item t?c date is��bh
rezoning of the property and that the proposed plat previously shown was to
commission and residents idea of what subdivider may subdivide area into i
platted as RU.
Dr. James D. Zeiranek, 32589 Greenland Ct., reminded commission that the
original petiti6n submitted by petitioner was for RLA and that it was the
recommendation of the Planning Commission at a Study Meeting that petitions °
file for RU zoning.
Mrs. James Burkett, 31643 Six-Mile Road, stated resicents object to the rezonf.':_
of the property.V Wish area to remain RUF.
Mr. C. A. Richeson, 31511 Vargo, was present.
Mr.-William Hitter, %522 Grove, questioned action on Grove Drive. He wesv
informed that this wuld be fully discussed at the time if and when a propo s '
plat is presented at a Public Healing,!,
V .. v1[:
Mr. I. E. Hutchins, 17275 Merriman Road, objected to proposed zoning.
v y v
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Wrightman and seconded by Mr. Ward, it was
#5-105-65 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on
March 16, 1965, on Petition'Z-68as submitted by the City
Planning Comthission on its own motion for a change of zord.ng on
the Southeast morner of Six Mile anu Hubbard Roads in the North-
east 1/4 of Section 150-from RUFB to RU, the City Planning Commission
does hereby recommend to the bity Council that Petition Z-685 be
denied for the following reasons:
(1) The land involved is surrounded on all sides by property
Which is presently dbned RUF and which has been developed
on parbels in excess of 172 acres, and'
(2) To allow the proposed rezoning would constitute "spot
zonit.g"Vand would be improper as such, and y y
(3) The Livm ia-Board of Education has expressedyits 8pposition
to the' proposed change for the reason thatyto allow the
same would increase the burden on the school system and its
facilities, and
(4) To allow this change would act as a precedent in fu'...ire
requests for similar rezoning by developers who own
in the area,yand
(5) The proposed rezoning would have a detrimental effect on the
surrounng neighborhood and result in a decrease in
valuation, and
(6) The character of the district in question is particularly
suitableyfor'development within the present zoning 10);
classi'ication, and
(7) The proposed change wouln tend to increase density and the
incidental overcrowding of land with all the problems
attendant thereto, i.e., traffic, sewage, edu'ation,
recreation and public sewers, and
(8) The fact that the neveloper would i.rtrease his' profits in
the event the prop8sed ::hange is allowed is not a valid
consideration of zoning, and
(9) Peoile living in the area, as wellyas" interested civic
associati?ns have indicated their opposition to this
rezoning 8n the basis that the same would have an adverse
effectyupon their property, and y y
(10) The proposed rezoning would tend to be a detriment to the
public health, safety, and welfare, and
y y y
`URTHER RESOLVED, notice of the above hearing was published in the
official newspaper, Liv?nian Observer and City Post, under date of
February 24,-1965 and notice of which hearing was sent to the
Detroit Edison Company, The Chesapeake Ohio-Railway Company, Michigan
Bell Telephone Company, The Consumers Power Company, and City Depart-
ments as listed in the Proof of Service.
M . Tent stated that with all due respect to Mr: Menuck, felt he is a builder
of high quality homes and an asset-to the City of Livonia and would like him to
develop area in 1/2 acre sites. Hoped that the action taken by this commission
would not discourage him to reconsider and come back with plat in 1/2 acre sites.
Mr. Wrightman stated he too felt that'Mr. Menuck is an asset is a builder of
homes in Livonia and would like him to submit plat with 1/2 acre sites.
A roll call vote on Resolution #5-105-65 REsulted in the following:
AYES: Tent,"Wrightman, Ward, and Whitehead
NAYS: Cameron
v ., v v vv V
Mr. Whitehead declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution is
is adopted.
V V .,
Mr. Ward announced theynext item on the agenda is Petition Z-881 by v v
William A. Wood, Sr., requesting the rezoning of property located on
Lathers Avenue approximately 130 feet south of Seven Mile Rnad in
the Northeast 1/4 of Section 12 from RUF to P:y Public Hearing 3/2/65.
Study Meetings 5/11/65 and 5/25/65. Mr. Wood was present.
Mr. Hull suggested commission take denial actf6n'on petition and that at the
Study Meeting commission could evaluate his proposal for parking and consider
Whether or not a temporary parking permit should be issued to Mr. Wood for a
one year period.
Mr. Cameron'questioned type of finish intended on the parking lot. Mr. Wood
stated it would be slag.
Up?n a motion duly made by Mr. Wrightman, seconded by Mr. Tent and unanimously
adopted, it was
110 - V
#5-106-65 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on
March 2, 198 , to Petition Z-681 ae submitted by
Wi]]iem A. Wood, Sr.,,_for`'a change of zoning ?.;n Lathers Avenue
approximately 130 feet south of Seven Mile Road in the Northeast
1/4 of Section 12 from RUF to P, the City Planning Commission does
hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition Z-681 be denied
for the following reasons: v
(1) This rez?ning constitutes nun-residential encroachment
into a completely residential neighborhood, and
(2) Parking in this area, if justified, can be handled by
issuance of a yearly parking permit if necessary, and
(3) It is questionable whether there is sufficient need
for this additional parking to justify this rezoning
at this time, and
`URTHER RESQLVED, notice of the above hearing was published in the
official newspaper, Liv?;nian observer and City Post, under date of
February 10,-196 and notice of which hear g was sent to the
Detroit Edison Company, ThevChesapekke'S& Ohio Railwy Company,
Michigan Bell Telephone Company, The Consumers Power Company,
Dity Departne nts and petitioner as listed in the Proof of
I: Service.
Mr. Whitehead declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
is adopted.
V y V V V
Mr. Ward announced the next item on the yagenday is the proposed Madonna Estates
Subdivision,, Flo. 2, bounded onthenorth by the south lineof
Parcel 2OK2, on the east by Woodside Avenue, and ori the south by the
north line of Outlot A of Madonna Estates Subdivision and on the
west by Levan Road in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 20. Public
Hearing 5/18/65.
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Cameron and seconded by Mr. Wrightman, it was
V �
#5-10'7-65 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing saving been held on
May.18, 1965, the City Planning Comthission does hereby give` its
approval to the preliminary-plat of Madonna EstatesSubdimision
No. being a part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 20 for the
following reasons:
(1) Said plat is-inconformity with the Subdivision Rules
and Regulations, and y y
(2) It is consistent with the zoning, and
(3) It is consistent with the adjacent development, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, notice of the above hearing was sent to the
abutting property owners, proprietor; City-Departments as
listed-in the proof of Serviceandcopies of the plat together
with notice having been sent to theBuilding Department,
Superintendent of schools, Fire Depar• snt, Police Department,
Parks and Recreation Department, and members of the Plat
V V V y
Mr: Tent quessioneA whetherdeveloper is willing to consolidate his driveways
along Levan Road so as to limit the points of vehicular access to Levan Road
inasmuch as it is not possible to construct a service drive at this point and'
still have-lots o'' adequate depth: Mr. Hull stated he will try to work this out
with developer; however, the approval at this time is in order.
V V V y V V V V V
A roll call vote on the foregoing res,lution resifted in the following:
AYES: Weightman, Tent, Cameron, Ward, and Whitehead
NAYS: None
y y V y V V
Mr: Whitehead declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution is
V V y V y
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Tent, seconded by Mr. Wrightman and unanimously
adopted, it was y
#5-108-65 RESOLVED-that, the City Planning Commission does hereby approve
minutes of meetings April 6, 1965 and April 20, 1965. y
y V
Mr: Whitehead declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution is
y V V
V V V V y y
Upon a motion duly made by M . Cameron, seconded by M . Tent and unanimotsly
adopted, the City Planning Commission does hereby adjourn the 204th Special
Meeting held on Tuesday, May 25, 1965 at approximately 8:40 p.m.
Jo J. War4 Secretary pro tem
g' V
Bob R. Whitehead, President pro tem