HomeMy WebLinkAboutSYNOPSIS - 2016-05-04 TH SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,800 REGULAR MEETING LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – MAY 4, 2016 ______________________________________________________________________ Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President McIntyre. Present: Cathy White, Scott Bahr, Brian Meakin, Brandon Kritzman, Maureen Miller Brosnan, Jim Jolly and Kathleen McIntyre. #174-16 Resolution by Brosnan and Jolly, unanimously adopted, approving the minutes MAD th FAT of the 1,799 Regular Meeting of the Council on April 18, 2016. Councilmember White provided information regarding the Pet Oxygen Mask. Councilmember Bahr wished his daughter Kelsey “Happy Birthday”. Councilmember Kriztman wish his daughter Elizabeth “Happy Birthday”. Council President McIntyre provided information regarding St. Aidan’s Blue Mass honoring Firemen and Police Officers on May 22, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. She, also, informed everyone that Councilmember Meakin and herself attended an active shooter training. There will be a Memorial Day Ceremony at Five Mile and Farmington on Saturday, May 28, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. AUDIENCE COMMUNICATION: Chief Caid reminded everyone about the upcoming Second Annual Police Memorial being held on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. at Nehasil Park. He thanked the citizens of Livonia for making the park a reality with their generous contributions and support. Christopher Martin, 11037 Hubbard, Livonia, 48150, stated he is scheduled to be in court on th Tuesday, May 10, 2016, re: his former business at 12275 Inkster Road, and asked for help from attorneys or business owners or residents of Livonia to aid in the financial costs associated with his case. The following items were received and filed: Communication from the Department of Finance dated April 6, 2016, re: forwarding the Quarterly Investment Report for the City of Livonia as of February 29, 2016. Email communication from Jennifer Trussell, Administrative Assistant, The Senior Alliance, regarding their programs. Communication from Steven Johnson, dated April 17, 2016, with respect to the request from Fred E. Sackllah, Festival Chair Person, The Basilica of St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox th Church, to waive the City’s Noise Ordinance and erect signs for their 8 Annual Michigan Fun Fest. TH SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,800 REGULAR MEETING 2 LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – MAY 4, 2016 Communication from the Department of Law, dated April 18, 2016, with respect to the request from Fred E. Sackllah, Festival Chair Person, The Basilica of St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox th Church, to waive the City’s Noise Ordinance and erect signs for their 8 Annual Michigan Fun Fest. The following resolutions were offered by White and Jolly: #175-16 Approving the request of Cindy Walker, Vice President Human Resources, MAD Valassis, Inc., to barricade Victor Parkway, between Seven and Eight Mile and Pembroke off FAT OrdEnf of Newburgh in connection with a 5k Charity Run on Saturday, October 8, 2016 from 7 a.m. Police to 10:30 a.m. #176-16 Approving the request of Fred E. Sackllah, Festival Chair Person, The Basilica MAD FAT of St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church to waive Section 8.32.070 (Noise Control) of the th OrdEnf Livonia Code of Ordinances, as amended, in connection with their 8 Annual Michigan Fun Police Fest to be held from Thursday, June 9, 2016 through Sunday, June 12, 2016, at Bryant Park, 18000 Merriman Road. MAD #177-16 Approving the request of Mike Adams, to waive the sidewalk requirement of FAT Eng the newly constructed home at 19833 Merriman Court. MAD #178-16 Referring to the City Planning Commission for its report and recommendation, FAT Petition 2016-03-03-01 submitted by Stephen M. Conley, Manager, Grand River Charter Insp Development, LLC, a request to vacate and replace a storm water utility easement, which Plan runs through the middle of the property located at 28153 Eight Mile Road for the purpose of Eng allowing the approved development to proceed. MAD #179-16 Referring to the Administration for its report and recommendation, Petition FAT 2016-03-03-01 submitted by Stephen M. Conley, Manager, Grand River Charter Insp Development, LLC, a request to vacate and replace a storm water utility easement, which Plan runs through the middle of the property located at 28153 Eight Mile Road for the purpose of Eng allowing the approved development to proceed. MAD #180-16 Approving the appointment of Sam Caramagno to the Planning Commission, FAT to fill the unexpired term of Lee Morrow, which will expire on June 9, 2017. CivSvc Plan #181-16 Approving the 2016-2021 Consolidated Plan: 2016-2017 Community MAD FAT Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Annual Plan and Budget. Hsg #182-16 Approving the Hold Harmless Contracts for the 2016-2017 Community MAD FAT Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) between the City of Livonia and First Step; Fair Hsg Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit; Stonebrook Counseling Associates, PLLC; Cruz Clinic; Hegira Programs, Inc.: Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency and St. John Health System/Eastwood Clinic. #183-16 Accepting the bid of Advanced Pool Services, Inc., P.O. Box 223, Milford, MAD Michigan 48381, for performing all work required to remarcite and open the Botsford Pool at FAT a cost of $72,000.00 and to marcite repair and open Sheldon Pool at a cost of $17,870.00 for P&R a total not to exceed $89,870.00. TH SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,800 REGULAR MEETING 3 LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – MAY 4, 2016 #184-16 Authorizing the purchase of a server and software upgrade for Offendertrak MAD FAT (Jail Management System) for the Police Department from Motorola Solutions, Inc., Police Enterprise and Mobility Solutions, 7237 Church Ranch Blvd., Suite #406, Westminster, CO 80021, in the total amount of $34,224.00. #185-16 Authorizing the purchase of one (1) Marked Police Vehicle from Bill MAD FAT Snethkamp, 6131 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48911, utilizing the State of Police Michigan and the Counties of Oakland and Macomb Consortium bid pricing to be used by the Uniform Division, from insurance carrier reimbursement. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolutions: AYES: White, Bahr, Meakin, Kritzman, Brosnan, Jolly and McIntyre NAYS: None #186-16 Resolution by Kritzman and Meakin, unanimously adopted, approving Petition MAD FAT 2015-12-02-26 submitted by Livonia Corp. Tower, L.L.C., to develop a Planned General Insp Development, including renovations to the site and building to accommodate offices and other Plan commercial services on the first floor of the building and a total of 112 apartment units on Eng floors 2 thru 8, located on the north side of Vassar Avenue, between Middlebelt Road and Parkville Avenue (29200 Vassar Avenue), in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 1 with conditions. MAD #187-16 Resolution by Kritzman and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, Petition 2015-12- FAT 02-26 submitted by Livonia Corp. Tower, L.L.C., waiving the requirement that not more than Insp 20% of the total floor area of the building be used for residential apartments to allow for Plan approximately eighty-five (85%) of the total floor area of the building to be used for such Eng purposes, as set forth in Section 26.05(a) of Zoning Ordinance No. 543, as amended. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolutions: AYES: White, Bahr, Meakin, Kritzman, Brosnan, Jolly and McIntyre NAYS: None White gave FIRST READING to the following Ordinance: AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE USE OF PORTIONS OF STREET, ALLEY AND PUBLIC GROUND. #188-16 Resolution by Meakin and Jolly, unanimously adopted, approving the renewal MAD FAT of the towing contract with Livonia Towing, Inc., 12955 Levan Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150 Police for Police towing and storage services for a period of three (3) years, with a clause to extend the contract for an additional two (2) years subject to a satisfactory performance. #189-16 Resolution by Brosnan and Jolly, unanimously adopted, referring to the Law MAD Department the preparation of the ordinance amendment to Section 10.21.240 of the Livonia FAT Police Code of Ordinances (Traffic Violations) of the Livonia Code of Ordinances to allow for an increase of towing and storage fees. TH SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,800 REGULAR MEETING 4 LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – MAY 4, 2016 #190-16 Resolution by Brosnan and Bahr, unanimously adopted, approving the request MAD FAT of Charlotte Mahoney, Livonia Symphony Orchestra, amending and revising Council OrdEnf Resolution 03-16, to reflect the correct organization name, Livonia Symphony Society, Inc. Police #191-16 Resolution by Jolly and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, accepting the Grant of MAD FAT Easement executed by Meyers Atlantic, LLC, in connection with the sidewalk constructed at Eng 13301 Middlebelt Road related to Applebee’s Restaurant for a variable width public utility easement in the Northeast ¼ of Section 26. #192-16 Resolution by Brosnan and Kritzman, unanimously adopted, suspending the MAD rules for procedure as outlined in CR 574-82 to permit consideration of items that do not FAT appear on the agenda. #193-16 Resolution by White and Kritzman, directing that a closed Committee of the MAD Whole Meeting be held for the purpose of discussing litigation matters and attorney/client FAT privileged communications in connection with pending litigation, City of Livonia v Discount Pool & Spa, Inc., and Home-Owners Insurance Company v Discount Pool & Spa, Inc., et al. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolutions: AYES: White, Bahr, Meakin, Kritzman, Brosnan, Jolly and McIntyre NAYS: None AUDIENCE COMMUNICATION: None. Councilmember Brosnan wished all the Mothers “Happy Mother’s Day”. th By Brosnan and Bahr, unanimously adopted, adjourning this 1,800Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Livonia at 7:34 p.m. on May 4, 2016. SUSAN M. NASH CITY CLERK *The foregoing is a summary of the Council’s proceedings in synopsis form as authorized by CR 1158-68. The full text of the official minutes of this meeting is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is available to the public upon request.