On Tuesday, January 25, 1972, the City Planning Commission of the City of Livonia,
held its 264th Special Meeting and Public Hearing at the Livonia City Hall, 33001
Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan.
Mr. Daniel R. Andrew, called the Public Hearing and the Special Meeting to order
at approximately 8:05 p.m. with approximately 25 interested persons in the audience.
Members present: Daniel R. Andrew H. Dow Tunis Joseph Talbot
*Joseph J. Falk David F. Merrion Herman Kluver
Suzanne Taylor Francis M. Hand Charles Pinto
Messrs. John J. Nagy, Planning Director; Ralph H. Bakewell, Planner IV; H. G.
Shane, Planner IV; Allen S. Nowak; Planner I; Robert M. Feinberg, Assistant
City Attorney were also present.
Mr. Kluver announced the first item on the agenda, Petition 71-11-1-70 by the
City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone certain properties
located within Section 25 through 30 so as to make the zoning compatible
with the existing and/or proposed land use within the industrial belt.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Hand, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously adopted
it was
#1-17-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing being held on
January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by the
City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone certain
properties located within Sections 25 through 30 so as to make
the zoning compatible with the existing and/or proposed land
use within the industrial belt, the City Planning Commission
does hereby determine to take action on each of the nineteen
separate areas of land involved under Petition 71-11-1-70 by
separate resolutions .
A roll call vote on the above resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Taylor, Tunis, Merrion, Hand, Talbot, Kluver, Pinto, Andrew
NAYS: None
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. George A. Haggarty, 19959 Vernier Road, Harper Woods; President of Oxford
Building Company was present. He advised the Commission that they own this piece
of property and it is presently leased to the DRC. The lease runs to 1998 and
included among the provisions of the lease is a provision allowing them to withdraw
a piece of property 400 x 500 ft. (400' along Middlebelt and 500' along Schoolcraft)
at the southeast corner of the intersection. We are in a position to accept a
9 383
minimum of 240 feet on Middlebelt and 460 feet on Schoolcraft. He further stated
that he was here tonight to express the objections of the Oxford Building Company
to the proposed zoning and that he was not in a position to give the Commission
a definite development plan at this time. However, any rezoning would hinder
their efforts to develop this particular corner. He further stated that they
would look to the City for guidance in developing this corner. He further
stated that he did not anticipate that he could come back in a week of so with
a plan and they would desire a delay of six months.
Mr. Andrew asked Mr. Haggarty if he was opposed to the zoning.
Mr. Haggarty verified he was.
Mr. Tunis asked Mr. Haggarty how many parking places would the lessee lose
in view of the right-of-way that has been taken for expressway.
Mr. Haggerty stated 700 parking places would be lost.
Mr. Tunis asked Mr. Haggarty if he could tell the Commission what it was they
proposed for that corner.
Mr. Haggarty stated that he could not tell what they would be doing in the
next couple of months.
Mr. Bakewell read a letter from the Wayne County Road Commission dated January 10,
011 1972 regarding the need for full right-of--way dedication along Middlebelt Road.
There was no one else present wishing to be heard on Item #1 and the Chairman
declared the public hearing closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Pinto, seconded by Mr. Hand and adopted it was
#1-18-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone
certain properties located within Sections 25 through 30 so
as to make the zoning compatible with the existing and/or
proposed land use within the industrial belt, the City Planning
Commission does hereby determine to withdraw from consideration
for rezoning under Petition 71-11-1-70 that portion of property
legally described as follows and deems that no further action
by the City is necessary:
The North 402' of the West 360' of the Northwest
1/4 of Section 25, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City of Livonia,
Wayne County, Michigan; subject to the interests of
the public in the Schoolcraft Road (I-96 Freeway)
and Middlebelt Road rights-of-way as defined by the
City of Livonia Master Thoroughfare Plan.
f6.11) AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City Council
on the balance of lands covered by this petition under separate
resolutions according to and corresponding with the item numbers
as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
9 384
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
16; was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof
of Service. •
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Merrion, Pinto, Talbot, Taylor, Hand, Kluver, Andrew
NAYS: Tunis
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Andrew advised Mr. Haggarty that when his company was ready to develop this
area to please contact Mr. Nagy and he would help in their planning.
*Mr. Joseph Falk entered the meeting at approximately 8:30 p.m.
ITEM ##2
Mr. Fred Steinhardt, 2966 Penobscot Building, Attorney representing American Oil
Company and Mr. and Mrs Borwich, who are owners of the property were present.
American Oil Company is lessee. Mr. Steinhardt advised the Commission that they
have filed a petition to have this rezoned to C-2 in order that they might obtain
a waiver use to operate a gas station.
He stated that they would like to have this item tabled so that it will coincide
with their petition. He went on to say that a service station has been operated
on this corner for many years. American Oil has been operating the gas station
for 10 to 12 years. The Farmer Jack and others in that center will continue to
operate, it will not go to P.S. , therefore, a gas station would be more compatible
with this center as it is now than if it were P.S. There is no residential
property in the immediate area and they, therefore, feel there would be no
detrimental effects to operating this gas station at this center.
Mr. Andrew stated for clarification purposes that Mr. and Mrs.. Borwich were the
owners and that American Oil was the lessee.
Mr. Steinhardt stated yes, this was the case. They have submitted a petition
for rezoning to C-2 and then they will ask for a waiver use.
Mr. Tunis asked whether this would be located on the service drive or oriented
to overpass.
Mr. Steinhardt stated the service drive.
Mr. Tunis asked Mr. Bakewell for clarification.
Mr. Bakewell stated it abutts the intersection and is oriented to both.
There was no one else wishing to be heard on this item and the Chairman declared
the public hearing closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Hand, seconded by Mr. Falk and unanimously adopted it
##1-19-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been
held on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as
submitted by the City Planning Commission on its own
motion to rezone certain properties located within
Sections 25 through 30 so as to make the zoning compatible
with the existing and/or proposed land use within the
industrial belt, the City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 71-11-1-70
be approved under this resolution only to the extent that
portion of property legally described as follows be rezoned
from C-2, M-1 and M-2 to P.S. :
The North 420' of the East 492.98' of the Northeast
1/4 of Section 25, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City of Livonia,
Wayne County, Michigan; subject to the interests of the
public in the Schoolcraft Road (I-96 Freeway) and Inkster
Road rights-of-way as defined by the City of Livonia
Master Thoroughfare Plan.
for the following reasons :
(1) The proposed zoning classification will provide for
uses that will be more appropriate to the surrounding
uses of the area.
(2) The proposed zoning classification will provide for
uses and development consistent with the capabilities
of the site.
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separate resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of
Mr. Andrew, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
ITEM ##3
Mrs. Jenewick, 12010 Cavell was present and stated that she was under the
impression that when this land was purchased it was already zoned a; a. park site.
It was explained to her by Mr. Andrew that this was owned by the City and the
map was going to designate such by the P.L. zoning classification.
There was no one else wishing to be heard on this item and the Chairman declared
the public hearing closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Pinto, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously adopted
it was,
#1-20-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as
submitted by the City Planning Commission on its own
motion to rezone certain properties located within
Section 25 through 30 so as to make the zoning compatible
with the existing and/or proposed land use within the
industrial belt, the City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 71-11-1-70
-be approved under this resolution only to the extent that
the portion of property legally described as follows be
rezoned from R-1 to PL:
Lots 428 through 457, also the East 1/2 of adjacent
Marimoor Avenue (now Deering Avenue) , also the west
1/2 of adjacent vacated alley, also, Elizabeth Avenue
(now Capitol Ave.) from the center of Marimoor AVenue
(now Deering Avenue) to the center of above referred
vacated alley extended, also the South 1/2 of Glendale
Avenue (now Grantland Avenue) from the center of Mari-
moor Avenue (now Deering Avenue) to the center of above
referred vacated alley extended, Schanhite's Marquette
Manor Subdivision, of part of the East 1/2 of Southeast
1/4 of Section 25, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City of Livonia,
Wayne County, Michigan.
for the following reasons:
(1) This will allow for the zoning classification to reflect
the land use.
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separate resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
Irbp; Mrs. Margaret Jenewick, 12010 Cavell, was present and state she had no objection
to the rezoning.
There was no one else in the audience wishing to be heard on this item and the
Chairman declared the public hearing closed.
9 387
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Pinto and unanimously adopted
it was
#1-21-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing hating been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone certain
properties located within Sections 25 through 30 so as to make
the zoning compatible with the existing and/or proposed land use
within the industrial belt, the City Planning Commission does
hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 71-11-1-70
be approved under this resolution only to the extent that the
portion of property legally described as follows be rezoned
from M-1 to P.S. :
Lots 1 through 14, also the North 1/2 of adjacent
Plymouth Road, also the South 1/2 of adjacent vacated
alley, also the East 1/2 of Marimoor Avenue (now
Deering Avenue) from the center of Plymouth Road to
the center of above referred vacated alley, also the
west 1/2 of Carlmoor Avenue (now Cardwell Avenue) from
the center of Plymouth Road to the center of above
referred vacated alley, Schanhite's Marquette Manor
Subdivision, of part of the East 1/2 of the Southeast
1/4 of Section 25, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City of Livonia,
Wayne County, Michigan, subject to the right of the
Public in the Plymouth and Deering Avenue rights-of-way
• as defined by the City of Livonia Master Thoroughfare
im; Plan.
for the following reasons:
(1) The proposed zoning classification will more appropriately
reflect the existing uses within the district.
(2) The proposed zoning classification will allow for the uses
that will be compatible to the surrounding uses within the
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City Council
on the balance of lands covered by this petition under separate
resolutions according to and corresponding with the item numbers
as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing was
published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof
of Service.
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Bakewell announced that there was a letter on file from Mr. Ronald Hadley
from Clearwater, Florida which stated that he was in favor of the rezoning
of this section.
There was no one in the audience wishing to be heard on this item and the
Chairman declared the public hearing closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously
adopted it was
#1-22-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone
certain properties located within Sections 25 through 30 so
as to make the zoning compatible with the existing and/or
proposed land use within the industrial belt, the City Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 71-11-1-70 be approved under this resolution only to
the extent that the portion of property legally described
as follows be rezoned from C-2 to M-1:
The North 450' of that part of the Southwest 1/4
of Section 25, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City of Livonia,
Wayne County, Michigan, described as beginning at
the Southwest corner of Section 25 and proceeding
thence due North along the West Section line, 1320.59' ;
thence N. 89° 32' 25" E. 661.54' ; thence S. 0° 05' 30"
E. 1323.20' ; thence S. 89° 46' W. along the south
Section line, 663.65' to the point of beginning; subject
to the rights of the public in the Middlebelt Road
right-of-way as defined by the City of Livonia Master
Thoroughfare Plan.
for the following reason:
(1) It is a logical extension of the existing zoning within
the area.
(2) It will provide for uses compatible to the surrounding
uses of the area.
(3) It is consistent with the land use recommendations for
the establishment of an industrial belt between Plymouth
Road and Schoolcraft.
(4) This will remove excess C-2 zoning within the industrial
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City Council
on the balance of lands covered by this petition under separate
resolutions according to and corresponding with the item numbers
as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
ITEM 466
Mr. Charles Falrath, 14327 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, was present and stated
he was representing Galiardi and Son. The son owns property bordering on
Schoolcraft and father owns pizzeria. They wish to expand the business back
into the area in question. He further stated that it was his client's wish
that the property remain zoned as it is now so that they may be allowed to
expand their facitlities.
Mr. Tunis asked when the property to the south was purchased.
Mr. Gagliardi answered, two years ago.
Mr. Tunis stated that Mr. Gagliardi was aware that they were in the industrial
te belt of Livonia.
Mr. Gagliardi stated that he was aware of this.
Mr. Barth, Attorney,was present representing Mrs. Steven Louis. She owns
property not being considered tonight but is known as 40A and 41A immediately
to the east of this property that is being changed or considered to be changed.
Her lot depth is 130 ft. across and 94' deep.
Mr. Andrew asked Mr. Barth if he was objecting to the rezoning immediately east
of the pizzeria.
Mr. Pinto pointed out to Mr. Barth that possibly Mrs. Louis was compensated by
the State Highway Department when they took the northerly portion of that property.
Mr. Barth stated that the anticipated zoning would affect his client's property.
There was no one else present wishing to be heard and Mr. Andrew declared the
public hearing on this item was closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Hand unanimously adopted it
#1-23-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone
certain properties located within Sections 25 through 30 so
as to make the zoning compatible with the existing and/or
proposed land use within the industrial belt, the City Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 71-11-1-70 be approved under this resolution only
9 39 0
to the extent that the portion of property legally
described as follows be rezoned from C-1 to M-i:
The North 360' of the West 360' of the Northwest
1/4 of Section 26, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City of Livonia,
Wayne County, Michigan, except that part of the North-
west 1/4 of said Section 26, described as beginning
at the N. W. 1/4 corner of said Section 26 and pro-
ceeding thence S. 89° 21' E. along the North line
of said Section 26, 265.50' ; thence S. 0° 29 ' 56" W.
308. 79 ' ; thence due west 262.79' thence due North
311.80' to the point of beginning; Subject to the
rights of the Public in the Schoolcraft Road (I-96
Freeway) and the Merriman Road rights-ofay as
defined by the City of Livonia Master Thoroughfare
for the following reasons:
(1) It is a logical extension of the existing zoning
within the area.
(2) It will provide for uses compatible to the surrounding
uses of the area.
(3) It is consistent with the land use recommendations for
the establishment of an industrial belt between Plymouth
Road and Schoolcraft.
(4) This will remove excess C-1 zoning within the industrial
(5) This will make the zoning district lines coincide with
property lines.
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separte resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia
Observer, under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of
such hearing was sent to the Detroit Edison Company,
Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone
Company, Consumers Power Company and City Departments as
listed in the Proof of Service.
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
9 391
There was no one present wishing to be heard on this item and Mr. Andrew, Chairman
declared the public hearing closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Merrion and unanimously adopted
it was
#1-24-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as sub-
mitted by the City Planning Commission on its own motion
to rezone certain properties located within Sections 25
through 30 so as to make the zoning compatible with the
existing and/or proposed land use within the industrial
belt, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend
to the City Council that Petition 71-11-1-70 be approved
under this resolution only to the extent that the portion
of property legally described as follows be rezoned from
C-2 to M-1:
The North 277' of the West 503.47' of the East
1280' of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 26, T. 1
S. , R. 9 E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan,
except the S. 75' of the W. 373.47' thereof; subject
to the rights of the public in the Schoolcraft Road
(I-96 Freeway) right-of-way as defined by the City
of Livonia Master Thoroughfare Plan.
for the following reasons:
(1) This will remove excess and unusable C-2 zoning.
(2) The zoning district lines will more logically
follow property lines and road center lines.
(3) The proposed zoning classification is a more
logical extension of the existing zoning pattern
established for the area.
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separate resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof
of Service.
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
There was no one present wishing to be heard and Mr. Andrew, Chairman .declared
the public hearing closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Hand, seconded by Mr. Tunis, and unanimously adopted
it was
#1-25-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone
certain properties located within Sections 25 through 30
so as to make the zoning compatible with the existing and/or
proposed land use within the industrial belt, the City
Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council
that Petition 71-11-1-70 be approved under this resolution
only to the extent that the portion of property legally
described as follows be rezoned from C-2 to M-1:
That part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 26, T.
1 S. , R, 9 E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan,
described as beginning at a point on the West line of
said Section 26, distant N. 0° 45' 20" E, 646.49'
from the Southwest 1/4 corner of said Section 26 and
proceeding thence N. 0° 45' 20' E. along said West
line 297' ; thence S. 89° 14' 40" E. 1314.90' ; thence
S. 0° 45' 59" W. 132.0' ; thence S. 1° 00' 39" W. 165' ;
thence N. 89° 14' 40" W. 1314.87' to the point of
beginning; subject to the rights of the public in the
Merriman Road right-of-way as defined by the City of
Livonia Master Thoroughfare Plan.
for the following reasons:
(1) It is a logical extension of the existing zoning
within the area.
(2) It will provide for uses compatible to the surrounding
uses of the area.
(3) It is consistent with the land use recommendations
for the establishment of an industrial belt between
Plymouth Road and Schoolcraft.
(4) This will remove excess C-2 zoning within the industrial
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded, to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separate resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
110 was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof
of Service.
Mr.. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
There was no one present in the audience wishing to be heard on this item
and Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the public hearing closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Hand, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously adopted
it was
#1-26-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted
by the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone
certain properties located within Sections 25 through 30 so
as to make the zoning compatible with the existing and/or
proposed land use within the industrial belt, the City
Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council
that Petition 71-11-1-70 be approved under this resolution
only to the extent that the portion of property legally
described as follows be rezoned from C-2 to M-1:
The Eagt 100' of the West 560' of the North 502 '
of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 27, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , C
City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, except the
S. 100' of the E. 50' thereof; subject to the rights of
the public in the Schoolcraft Road (I-96 Freeway)
right-of-way as defined by the City of Livonia Master
Thoroughfare Plan.
for the following reasons:
(1) It is a logical extension of the existing zoning within
the area.
(2) It will provide for uses compatible to the surrounding
uses of the area.
(3) It is consistent with the land use recommendations for the
establishment of an industrial belt between Plymouth Road
and Schoolcraft.
(4) This will remove excess C-2 zoning within the industrial
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separte resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia
Observer, under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of
IL; such hearing was sent to the Detroit Edison Company
Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone
Company, Consumers Power Company and City /Departments
as listed in the Proof of Service.
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
ITEM #11 & 12
Mr. Louis George, 6621 Allen Road, Allen Park, owner and Attorney for property
in question, was present and stated that he had no objection to part of the
petition to extend the C-2 zoning but they did nbject to the portion on
Plymouth Road being considered for M-1. He stated that their second phase
would be a shopping center mall and in addition to that provide facilities
for a dining room and sit down restaurant so they would want the entire section
they own to go C-2.
Mr. Andrew asked Mr. George when he would embark on these two projects.
Mr. George stated that plan have only been started, and that they should
be here within two weeks.
Mr. Pinto asked Mr. George whether they planned a shopping mall.
Mr. George stated it would be with an enclosed mall or an office complex.
Mr. Pinto asked when they anticipated construction would start.
Mr. George stated the theater should/in by Thanksgiving and they are presently
talking to prospective clients about renting the rest of the property. He
stated that they should have this phase in action by the spring of 1973.
Mr. Merrion asked whether there would be parking adjacent to the parking existing
there now OT would he put some commercial in the front of the property and
break up the vast parking.
Mr. George stated that they had not gotten to that part yet.
Mr. Pinto asked whether they would attempt to develop the entire complex and to
rent it to all these people or is it their intention to sell.
Mr. George stated that it was their intention to have control and develop it
as one integral part of a total development.
Mr. Pinto stated that if it -were developed by one person it would probably be
more aesthetically pleasing.
Mr. Tunis stated that many proposals come in front of the Planning Commission in
infant stages and, therefore„ the City would like to see stage #1 and stage #2
together to be later implemented individually.
Mr. Andrew requested Mr. George to leave his telephone number (386-0630) in order
that he may be called and arrangements made for a mutual study meeting date.
9 395
There was no one else wishing to be heard and Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared
the public hearing on this item closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Merrion and unanimously
adopted it was
4#1-27-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City planning Commission on its own motion to rezone
certain properties located within Sections 25 through 30
so as to make the zoning compatible with the existing and/or
proposed land use within the industrial belt, the City
Planning Commission does hereby determine to table consideration
of the rezoning of that portion of property legally described
as follows:
from M-1 to C-2: The North 320' of that part of the
Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. ,
City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, described
as beginning at a point on the West Section line
distant N. 0° 00' 39" E. 60' from the Southwest
corner of said Section 27 and proceeding thence
N. 0° 00' 39" E along said line, 821.12' ; thence
S. 89° 13' 14" E. 1195.70' ; thence S. 0° 02' 31"
W. 821.11' ; thence N. 89° 13' 14" W along the
North line of Plymouth Road 1195.25' to the point
of beginning, except the East 560' thereof; subject
to the rights of the public in the Farmington Road
460 right-of-way as defined by the City of Livonia
Master Thoroughfare Plan.
from C-2 to M-1; The East 560' of the S. 561.11' of
that part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, T. 1 S. ,
R. 9 E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, described
as beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section
27 and proceeding thence N. 0° 00' 39" E. along the
west Section line 881.12' ; thence S. 89° 13' 14" E,
1195.70' ; thence S. 0° 02' 31" W. 881.11' ; thence N.
89° 13' 14" W. along the South section line 1195.22'
to the point of beginning, except the North 221.11'
of the part lying 690' East of the West line of said
Section 27; subject to the rights of the public in the
Plymouth Road right-of-way as defined by the City of
Livonia Master Thoroughfare Plan.
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City Council
on the balance of lands covered by this petition under separate
resolutions according to and corresponding with the item numbers
as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
1EW FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing was
published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof
of Service.
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
ITEM ##18
Mr. O'Hara, 39393 Plymouth Road, Livonia, was present and stated he is presently
operating a catering business on property which is zoned C-2 and located to the
south. His question was if it is zoned to M-1, what is going to be developed?
(He was referring to Hydromation Company) .
Mr. Andrew stated that he believed the property owner would probably sell the
Plymouth Road frontage but the development would be manufacturing.
Mr. O'Hara stated that they were attempting to sell their piece of land at the
present time.
Mr. Andrew stated that he thought that with the rezoning it might entice other
people to buy the land, because of the uniform zoning classification.
Mr. O'Hara stated that he felt that Hydromation might just expand all the way
to Plymouth and he felt that M-1 zoning was not desirable to this area.
There was no one else wishing to be heard and Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the
public hearing on this item closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Hand and unanimously adopted
it was,
4#1-28-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City-Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone
certain properties located within Sections 25 through 30 so
as to make the zoning compatible with the existing and/or
proposed land use within the industrial belt, the City
Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council
that Petition 71-11-1-70 be approved under this resolution
only to the extent that the ptjrtion of property legally des-
cribed as follows be rezoned from C-1 to M-1:
That part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 30, T. 1 S. ,
R. 9 E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan,
described as beginning at a point on the West line of
Wayne County Bureau of Taxation parcel 30Glbl, lb2a,
2b1, 2b2a distant N. 88° 16' 25" E. , 260' along the
East and West 1/4 Section line and S. 1° 49' 50" W.
783.26' from the West 1/4 corner of said Section 30,
and proceeding thence S. 76° 31' 13" E. , 90.46' ;
thence S. 1° 49' 50" W, 160' to the center of Plymouth
Road; thence N. 76° 31' 13" W. , 90.46' along the center
line of Plymouth Road; thence N. 1° 49' 50'-' E. 160' to
the point of beginning, subject to the rights of the
public in the Plymouth Road right-of-way as defined by
the City of Livonia Master Thoroughfare Plan.
ILI for the following reasons:
(1) The proposed zoning classification will more
appropriately reflect the existing land use.
(2) The proposed zoning changes will more logically
coincide with property lines.
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separate resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Andrew, Chairman announced a brief recess at approximately 10:00 p.m.
Mr. Andrew called the meeting to order at approximately 10:15 p.m. There
was no one in the audience. All members of the Commission were present.
ITEM #10 and 10A
There was no one wishing to be heard on this item and Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared
the public hearing on Item #10 and l0A closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Pinto, seconded by Mr. Falk and unanimously adopted
it was
#1-29-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by the
City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone certain
properties located within Section 25 through 30 so as to make
the zoning compatible with the existing and/or proposed land
use within the industrial belt, the City Planning Commission
does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition
71-11-1-70 be approved under this resolution only to the
extent that the portion of property legally described as
follows be rezoned from C-1 to M-2:
That part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 27, T. 1 S. ,
R. 9 E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan,
described as beginning at the Northeast corner of
said Section 27 and proceeding thence S. 0° 07' 30"
E. along the East line of said Section 27, 376.14' ;
thence N. 89° 22' 10" W, 425.0' ; thence N. 0° 07' 30"
W, 377.09' to the North line of said Section 27; thence
• 9398
S. 89° 14' 28" E. along said North line 425.02' to the
point of beginning, except the East 235' thereof; sub-
ject to the rights of the public in the Schoolcraft
Road (I-96 Freeway) right-of-way as defined by the City
of Livonia Master Thoroughfare Plan.
and that the property legally described as follows be rezoned
from C-1 to C-2:
The North 278' of the East 235' of the Northeast 1/4
of Section 27, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City of Livonia,
Wayne County, Michigan; subject to the rights of the
public in the Schoolcraft Road (I-96 Freeway) and
Merriman Road rights-of-way as defined by the City
of Livonia Master Thoroughfare Plan.
for the following reasons:
(1) It is a logical extension of the existing zoning
within the area.
(2) It will provide for uses compatible to the surrounding
uses of the area.
ILO (3) It is consistent with the land use recommendation
for the establishment of an industrial belt between
Plymouth Road and Schoolcraft.
(4) This will provide for the zoning district lines
to more logically follow property lines.
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separate resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, MIchigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
ITEM #13
Mr. Bakewell announced there was a letter from Standard Oil Company requesting
that Lots 19 thru 28 be excluded from rezoning.
There was no one present wishing to be heard on this item and Mr. Andrew, Chairman
declared the public hearing on Item #13 closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Hand and unanimously adopted
it was
##1-30-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone
certain properties located within Sections 25 through 30
so as to make the zoning compatible with the existing and/or
proposed land use within the industrial belt, the City Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 71-11-1-70 be approved as amended to include only
that portion of the area covered by the petition being legally
described as follows for rezoning from the C-2 to the M-1
Lots 29 through 37, and the vacated alley adjacent
thereto; Lots 58 through 65 and the vacated alley
adjacent thereto; Lots 66 and 67 and the West 1/2 of
the vacated alley adjacent thereto, Grayton Highway
Subdivision, as recorded in Liber 53, Page 88, Wayne
County Records, said subdivision being a part of the
N. E. 1/4 of Section 28 and the S. E. 1/4 of Section 21,
T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan,
excepting therefrom the interests of the public in the
Schoolcraft Road (I-96 Freeway) right-of-way.
for the following reasons:
(1) It is a logical extension of the existing
zoning within the area.
(2) It will provide for uses compatible to the
surrounding uses of the area.
(3) The proposed zoning classification will more
appropriately reflect the existing land use.
(4) This will remove excess C-2 zoning within the industrial
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separate resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
111; Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
ITEM #14
There was no one present wishing to be heard and Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared
the public hearing on Item #14 closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Hand, seconded by Mr. Falk and unanimously adopted
it was
#1-31-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone
certain properties located within Sections 25 through 30
so as to make the zoning compatible with the existing and/or
proposed land use within the industrial belt, the City Planning
Commission does hereby determine to withdraw from consideration
for rezoning under Petition 71-11-1-70 that portion of property
legally described as follows and deems that no further action
by the City is necessary:
Lots 77 through 79, Grayton Highway Subdivision also
the East 30' of adjacent Surrey Avenue and the West
10' of adjacent vacated alley; subject to the rights
of the public in the Surrey Avenue right-of-way.
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
IL; under separate resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof
of Service.
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
ITEMS #15 and #16
There was no one present wishing to be heard and Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared
the public hearing on Items #15 and #16 closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Hand, seconded by Mr. Kluver and unanimously adopted
it was
#1-32-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone certain
properties located within Sections 25 through 30 so as to make
the zoning compatible with the existing and/or proposed land use
within the industrial belt, the City Planning Commission does
hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 71-11-1-70
be approved under this resolution only to the extent that the
portion of property legally described as follows be rezoned
from RTU to C-1:
The South 83.26' of the East 100' of that part of the
Southwest 1/4 of Section 30, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City
of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, described as beginning
at the West 1/4 corner of said Section 30 and proceeding
thence N. 88° 16' 25" E. along the East and West 1/4
Section line, 260.0' ; thence S. 1° 49' 50" E. 226.26' ;
thence S. 88° 10' 10" W. , 260.0' ; thence N. 1° 49' 50"
W. , 226.73' to the point of beginning.
and that the property legally described as follows be rezoned
from C-1 to M-1:
The East 100' of the West 360' of the North 143' of the
Southwest 1/4 of Section 30, T. 1 S. , R 9 E. , City of
Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan; subject to the rights
of the public in the Amrhein Road right-of-way as defined
by the City of Livonia Master Thoroughfare Plan.
for the following reasons:
(1) The proposed zoning classification will more
appropriately reflect the existing land use.
ILI (2) The proposed zoning changes will more logically
coincide with property lines.
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separate resolutions according to and corresponding
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
ITEMS #17 & #19
There was no one presant wishing to be heard on this item and Mr.. Andrew declared
the public hearing on Items #17 & 19 closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Hand and unanimously adopted
it was,
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above Public Hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
IL; under date of January 5, 1972 and a notice of such hearing
was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof
of Service.
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver, Secretary announced the next item on the agenda, motion by the City
Planning Commission to rezone Lots 1, 2a, 2b, 3, 4 and 5 of School-
craft Acres Subdivision located on the southeast corner of Farmington
and Schoolcraft Roads in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 27 from
C-2 to M-1.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Hand, seconded by Mr. Falk and unanimously adopted
it was
#1-34-72 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission, pursuant to
Section 23.01 of Ordinance ##543, the Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Livonia, as amended, does hereby establish
and order that a public hearing be held to determine
whether or not to rezone lots 1, 2a, 2b, 3, 4 and 5 of
Schoolcraft Acres Subdivision located on the southeast
corner of Farmington and Schoolcraft Roads in the North-
west 1/4 of Section 27, from C-2 to M-1.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a hearing be held and notice be
given as provided in Section 23.05 of Ordinance #543,
the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Livonia, as amended,
and that there shall be a report submitted and recommendation
thereon to the City Council.
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, motion by the City Punning
Commission to rezone Tax Parcels X and Y, Z and lots 504 thru
510, 512a, 513 thru 529 and 533 thru 536 of Supervisor's Plat
#9 located west of Newburgh, north of Plymouth Road in the
Southeast 1/4 of Section 30, from RUF to M-1.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Hand and unanimously adopted
it was
#1-35-72 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission, pursuant to
Section 23.01 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Livonia, as amended, does hereby establish
and order that a public hearing be held to determine
whether or not to rezone Tax Parcels X and Y, Z and Lots
Li 504 through 510, 512a, 512 through 529 and 533 through
536 of Supervisor's Livonia Plat #9 located west of
Newburgh, north of Plymouth Road in the Southeast 1/4
of Section 30, from RUF to M-l.
#1-33-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
IL; on January 25, 1972 on Petition 71-11-1-70 as submitted by
the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone
certain properties located within Sections 25 through 30
so as to make the zoning compatible with the existing and/or
proposed land use within the industrial belt, the City Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 71-11-1-70 be approved under this resolution only
to the extent that the portion of property legally described
as follows be rezoned from RUF to C-2:
That part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 30, T. 1 S. , R
9 E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, described
as beginning at a point distant S. 1° 49 ' 50" E. , along
the West Section line, 610.37' and S. 76° 31' 13" E. ,
166.75' from the West 1/4 corner of said Section 30, and
proceeding thence S. 76° 31' 13" E. , 102.81' to the North-
east corner of Wayne County Bureau of Taxation parcel
30Gla; thence S. 1° 49 ' 50" E. , 102.21' along the East
line of said parcel 30Gla; thence N. 76° 31' 13" W. ,
102.81' ; thence N. 1° 49' 50" W 102.21" to the point of
and that the property legally described as follows be rezoned from
C-1 to C-2:
1LV That part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 30, T. 1 S. , R.
9 E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, described
as beginning at a point on the West line of said Section 30
distant S. 1° 49 ' 50" E. from the West 1/4 corner of said
Section 30, 610.37' and proceeding thence S. 76° 31' 13"
E. , 166. 75' ; thence S. 1° 49' 50" E. , 102.21' thence S. 76°
31' 13" E. , 102.81' ; thence S. 1° 49' 50" E. , 160' ; to a
point on the center line of Plymouth Road; thence N. 76°
B1'° 13" W. , along the center line of Plymouth Road, 269.56' ;
thence N. 1° 49' 50" W. along the West Section line, 262.21'
to the point of beginning, subject to the rights of the public
in the Plymouth Road and Eckles Road rights-of-way as defined
by the City of Livonia Master Thoroughfare Plan.
for the following reasons:
(1) The proposed zoning changes will more logically coincide
with property lines.
(2) The proposed zoning classification will more appropriately
reflect the existing land use.
AND THAT, recommendations shall be forwarded to the City
Council on the balance of lands covered by this petition
under separate resolutions according to and corresponding2
with the item numbers as set out in Petition 71-11-1-70.
111YFURTHER RESOLVED, that a hearing be held and notice be given
as provided in Section 23.05 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning
\- Ordinance of the City of Livonia, as amended, and that there
shall be a report submitted and recommendation thereon to the
City Council.
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 70-8-3-7 by
residents and/or taxpayers in the Zimmerman and Porter's
Estates Subdivision requesting the vacating of Perth Avenue
located west of Newburgh Road to Stonehouse in the Southeast
1/4 of Section 19.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Merrion and unanimously
adopted it was
#1-36-72 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby
determine to table Petition 70-8-3-7 as submitted by
residents and/or taxpayers in the Zimmerman and Porter's
Estates Subdivision requesting the vacating of Perth Avenue
located west of Newburgh Road to Stonehouse in the South-
east 1/4 of Section 19 until such time as the proposed
overpass and interchange between Newburgh Road and the I-96
Freeway is completed.
Mr. Andrew, Chairman declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda is a letter dated 12/7/71
from Kenneth J. Morris, President of the Federation of Livonia
Civic Associations, requesting that the Federation be given
notice on any future apartment zoning within the City of Livonia.
The Commission directed the Chairman, Mr. Andrew, to send a letter in response
to the letter dated 12/7/71 from Kenneth J. Morris, President of the Federation
of Livonia Civic Associations.
Mr. Kluver, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is the approval
of the minutes of the meeting held by the City Planning Commission
on December 7, 1971.
The minutes of the meeting held by the City Planning Commission on December 7,
1971 were notapproved because of necessary corrections on pages 9331 and 9332.
Mr. Kluver, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is the approval
of the minutes of the meeting held by the City Planning Commission
on December 14, 1971.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Kluver, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously adopted,
it was
1144 #1-37-72 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the meeting held by the City
Planning Commission on December 14, 1971, are approved.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Kluver, seconded by Mrs. Taylor and unanimously
adopted, the 264th Special Meeting held by the City Planning
Commission on January 25, 1972 was adjourned at approximately
10:55 p.m.
ALIA-, 0-44 1/411,...„44,„..
Herman H. Kluver, Secretary
DanielUter -(-7-
rew, Chairman