HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING MINUTES 1972-06-27 5025
On Tuesday, June 27, 1972 the City Planning Commission of the City of Livonia
held its 267th Special Meeting and a Public Hearing at the Livonia City Hall,
33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan.
Mr. Frank Hand, Vice-Chairman, called the Public Hearing to order at 8:15 p.m.
with approximately 200 interested persons in the audience.
Members present: Charles Pinto H. Dow Tunis
Joseph Falk Joseph Talbot
Suzanne Taylor Francis Hand
Herman Kluver
Members Absent: David Merrion - Vacation
Daniel Andrew - Illness
Messrs. J. Nagy, City Planner, H. G. Shane, Planner IV; Ralph Bakewell, Planner
IV; and Robert M. Feinberg, Assistant City Attorney were also present.
Mr. Kluver announced the first item on the agenda, Petition 72-6-1-32 by the
City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone property
located on the north side of Vassar Avenue, east of Middlebelt
' Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 1, from PO to PO-II or
Mr. William Ray, 19173 Parkworth, was present and stated that the Commission
certainly did not want a mess here but it looked like they would be putting
a mess in there if it allowed commercial in place of office uses.
Mr. Hand stated the Commission was trying to amend it so the new office structure
of eight stories would conform with the ordinance change.
Mr. Ray stated that the Commission had approved an office building and now they
want to come in here and change it to commercial.
Mr. Hand stated the proposed change is classified as high-rise and the decision
would be either a commercial office or strictly an office classification.
Mr. Ray stated he still did not understand.
Mr. Hand stated the Commission wanted this zoning so that the new building would
conform to the new zoning ordinance classification.
Mr. Ray asked then that they cannot put commercial into this office building.
Mr. Hand stated depending on what the Commission votes on.
Mr. Shane stated that after April of this year the P.O. regulations were amended.
Mr. Shane went on to say that prior to April it would allow up to twenty stories
filme in height. It was decided this was too much. Therefore, the ordinance was
Mr. Nagy explained further to the audience with regard to the suffix and prefix
codes on the ordinance.
There was no one else present wishing to be heard and Mr. Hand declared the
public hearing closed on this item.
On a motion duly made by Mrs. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-166-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held
on June 27, 1972 on Petition 72-6-1-32 as submitted by the
City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone property
located on the north side of Vassar Avenue, east of Middlebelt
Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 1, from PO to PO-II or
C-4-II, the City Planning Commission does hereby determine to
withdraw this petition.
Mr. Hand, Vice-Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Pinto and unanimously
adopted, it was
IL #6-167-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 23.01(a) of Ordinance #543,
the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Livonia, the City Planning
Commission does hereby establish and order that a public hearing
be held in the Livonia City Hall to determine whether or not to
amend Section 26.04 of Ordinance #543, the P.O. District Regulations,
so as to expand the permitted uses in the professional office high
rise district.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a hearing be held and notice be given
as provided in Section 23.05 of Ordinance #543, as amended, the
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Livonia and that there shall
be a report submitted and recommendation thereon to the City
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-5-1-24 by F.
Thorthwaite for Cooperative Services, Inc. , requesting to rezone
property located on the west side of Inkster Road, north of Joy
Road in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 36, from RUF to R-9.
Mr. Thorthwaite, Manager of Cooperative Services, was present and explained
a little about the Cooperative Services. It is a non-profit consumer cooperative.
Each person in the building has one vote. The program is partially financed
by the Federal Government. One person .occupying a unit has to be at least 62
years of age. The annual income of a couple must be between $4,650 and $6,000.
The address of an existing Cooperative Service is 2550 Biddle Avenue, Wyandotte.
IL It will be a profit to the community taxwise. Taxes are paid just like any
other building. There would be no children. This is very helpful to the
community. The people that live in these complexes usually do not have cars
so they will be doing their shopping locally and this in itself will be help-
ful to local business. Mr. Thornthwaite presented the Commission photographs
of the Wyandotte building for their perusal.
Mr. Nagy stated a letter from the Wilson Acres Homeowners Association was in
file which indicated that it was the association's feeling that a high-rise
would be more compatible in another area since this is a R-1 classification.
The residents of the Wilson Acres were polled and the results were 203 against
rezoning and six for rezoning.
Mr. Hand asked when the Cooperative Service was formed.
Mr. Thornthwaite stated in 1942. They were in the milk business and then went
into the eyeglass services. He stated that they provide a service and if there
is any money left they refund it to the City.
Mr. Thornthwaite went on to say they have two buildings in Wyandotte, one each
in Trenton, Royal Oak, and Highland Park. Rents are $66.00 dollars to $93.00
per month which includes utilities. They have a hobby room 37 x 37 feet and
a meeting room 37 x 80 feet.
Mr. Kluver asked where they took applications.
IL Mr. Thornthwaite stated from Senior Citizens Clubs. They cannot be restrictive
but most of the people are people that live locally, a short distance from their
Mr. Kluver asked what percent were local residents.
Mr. Thornthwaite stated 75%.
Mr. Falk asked how many people they proposed putting into this building.
Mr. Thornthwaite stated it would be 9 stories and 201 apartments which would be
a duplicate of the photograph the Commission had seen earlier in the evening.
Mr. Falk asked why they had selected this area for a high rise.
Mr. Thornthwaite stated the church whichowns the land contacted him to see if
Cooperative Services would be interested in the parcel.
Mr. Talbot stated that the building and parking lot would take up 4 acres. What
did they propose to do with the balance of eight acres.
Mr. Thornthwaite stated it would be maintained to keep the density correct.
Mr. Talbot verified that nothing else would go up.
Mr. Thornthwaite stated that was right. He went on to say that the Church
had the property and they had met with the Church people and they offered it.
They talked with the Church people and then had talked to the local people about
1 month ago. He stated that they did not "sneak" into town. As soon as the
Church asked us to take this land, they contacted the civic association and
talked to them. They do not have anything but an option for the land and if
it is not approved then they will tear up the papers and they will go some-place
Mrs. Taylor asked whether all the buildings were 9 stories and higher.
Mr. Thornthwaite stated no; the first building was 11 stories, 161 units.
Mrs. Taylor asked whether they had ever considered cluster housing.
Mr. Thornthwaite stated that it would be more expensive for a two story than
a high rise.
Mr. Falk asked whether the City derived taxes right now from this property
and if more taxes would be derived with an R-9.
Mr. Nagy stated he could not answer this without running a study.
Mr. Talbot asked for the locations in Wyandotte.
Mr. Thornthwaite stated 2455 Biddle and 2651 Biddle, phone numbers 282-9282 and
Mr. Dubois, 8949 Brentwood, Livonia, Wilson Homeowners Civic Association,
President, was present and stated 220 people were against rezoning and six were
for the rezoning. The Redford side was polled and ten people were against it.
Mr. Swain, 19134 Weyher, Livonia, suggested the complex be constructed on one
Mr. Hand stated it would be less expensive to go high rise.
A resident of 9390 Cardwell, Livonia, was present and stated he was opposed
to a nine story building in this area. He felt there were people there with
vested interest and he was opposed for this reason.
Mr. Binder, 9207 Inkster Road, was present and stated he was proud to live
on Inkster Road and he kept his property up. He does not want a nine story
building there.
The Vice-President of the Livonia League of Women Voters, 17722 Golfview, was
present and stated she was representing the League and they were in favor
of the rezoning and urged the Commission to approve this project.
Mr. Tent, 18051 Deering, Livonia, was present and wanted to know how many
people were from outside of Livonia, favoring this petition.
Mr. Hand stated this information would not serve any useful purpose.
Mr. Tent stated he felt there was too great a density in use and urged that
the Commission take negative action.
Mr. Tent went on to say that the moratorium was in effect and would it affect
this project.
Mr. Hand stated that the zoning can be changed but building cannot be built
until law has been passed on.
Mr. Pinto stated R-9 is not affected.
Mr. Hand asked for further explanation.
Mr. Feinberg stated there is a technicality here because the Federal Government
is involved.
Mrs. Hensley, 11531 Cavell, Livonia Association of Retired Persons, was present
and stated she felt the City needed more senior citizen buildings. We are
setting precedence up for them. They will one day be senior citizens. We
need these low-income rentals for senior citizens.
Mrs. Repell, 11499 Cavell, Livonia was present and stated that when the high
school fell through they felt this was good use for our land. The Mayor has
also indicated that we should do something for our senior citizens.
A resident of 30389 Minton, Livonia, was present and stated she was in favor
of rezoning. She has a father that could live here and would be close to her
and also felt he would be a good neighbor.
Mr. Gurney, 9183 Inkster Road, was present and stated he did not like the idea of
a building shutting sun out from his house. He is against the rezoning.
Mr. Sokal, 8908 Cardwell, stated that he wondered whether the majority ruled.
One hour had been spent and every indication is that the people are against
the rezoning.
Mr. Hand interrupted at this time and advised Mr. Sokal that this was a public
hearing and every person here will be heard if they so wish.
Mr. Guy Reamer, 9042 Harrison stated he does not know about soil borings but he
does know that Mr. Thornthwaite has been taking applications and its $111.00
for membership. Why can this man ask for rezoning when he does not even own
the property.
Mr. Hand explained procedure of privilege of people buying on option to purchase
having recourse to asking for rezoning.
Mr. Nagy explained to Mr. Reamer the R-9 ordinance at this time.
Mr. Reamer stated he was against a high-rise but wished that the cooperative
would put up a three story in this development.
Mr. Hazel, 8924 Cardwell, stated he was against a 9 story building. The Wilson
Acres is not against senior citizens. He felt this building should be in Civic
Center Area.
There was no one else present wishing to be heard and the public heating was closed.
On a_motion duly_made by Mr. Kluver, secondedby Mr. Tunis and adopted, it was
#0-168-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held
on June 27, 1972 on Petition 72-5-1-24 as submitted by F.
------Thornthwaite for Cooperative Services, Inc. , requesting to
rezone property located on the west side of Inkster Road,
north of Joy Road in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 36, from
RUF to R-9, the City Planning Commission does hereby determine
to table this petition to such a time that an in-depth land
use study can be accomplished.
A: ro31 call vote resulted in the following:
- _ AYES: Pinto, Talbot, Taylor, Tunis, Kluver, Hand
NAYS: Falk
- ABSENT. Merrion, Andrew
Mr. Rand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-5-1-27 by
Henry M. Rose requesting to rezone property located on the
northwest corner of Seven Mile Road and Weyher in the South-
west 1/4 of Section 1, from RUF to C-1.
Mr. William Barrish, Attorney for Mr. Rose, advised the Commission that his
client was purchasing property from Mr. and Mrs. George Muntchak, and the
parcel is 60 ft. wide and 145 ft. deep. It would encompass 1500 square feet
for a flower shop. The area is predominantly commercial. The closest flower
shop is one mile away. The location is vacant right now and it is in very
bad shape.
Mr. Hand stated this "leapfrogs" several lots and it does not constitute a
good situation. The lot in question is also very small. They will need an
outlet on Weyher and this would introduce traffic on a residential street.
Mr. Barrish stated that a flower shop does not generate too much traffic. A
lot of the business is delivering.
Mrs. Taylor asked what the Livonia Mall Study called for in this area.
;Nagy stated residential use.
Mrs. Taylor asked whether there was any correspondence in file regarding this
Mr. Nagy stated there was.a letter from the Engineering Department stating there
was no storm drainage in this area. Drainage would have to be improved.
;Mr. Kluver asked where egress and ingress would be.
Mr. -Rose stated that could be off of Seven Mile or Weyher Avenue.
A resident that lives behind this parcel at 19135 Weyher stated he was in favor
of a flower shop. He felt this parcel of land was a garbage hole right now.
Mr. Pinto asked where they proposed to build the back wall.
Mr. Barrish stated 50 to 60 feet from rear of the property line.
Mr. Pinto asked how far back from the front line.
Mr. Barrish stated 35 feet.
Mr. Pinto stated that if they were going to build 35 ft. to the rear of the
front line where will parking be.
Mr. Barrish stated parking would be in the rear and side of building.
Mr. Pinto asked whether they can meet parking requirements.
Mr. Nagy stated they must be 75 feet back from right-of-way.
Mr. Barrish stated they must have misunderstood the point of countoff of feet.
Mr. Roy, 19136 Parkville, stated he was in favor of the rezoning.
Mr. Rose stated they would do anything with the building that the Commission
There was no one else present wishing to be heard and the public hearing was
On a motion duly made by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Pinto and adopted, it was
#6-169-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held
on June 27, 1972 on Petition 72-5-1-27 as submitted by Henry
M. Rose requesting to rezone property located on the north-
west corner of Seven Mile Road and Weyher in the Southwest
1/4 of Section 1, from RUF to C-1, the City Planning Commission
does hereby determine to table this petition.
A roll call vote resulted in the following:
AYES: Falk, Pinto, Talbot, Taylor
NAYS: Tunis, Hand, Kluver
ABSENT: Merrion, Andrew
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-5-1-28 by
Donald C. Deremo, Attorney for George Khamis, requesting to
rezone property located on the northwest corner of Seven Mile
Road and Fitzgerald in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5, from
RUF to C-2.
Mr. Nagy stated there was correspondence in file from the Engineering Department
stating the sanitary sewer was not adequate.
I! Mr. Deremo stated he had understood there was a sewer across the street.
Mr. Deremo stated that plans are for a drugstore and two or three other retail
stores. He felt this was an ideal location for this type of service.
Mr. Falk stated there was some commercial on Seven Mile.
It was verified there was on the northeast corner of Seven Mile Road, a
7-11 drug store operation.
to: Mrs. Taylor stated that the petitioner has some deficiency in the number of
parking spaces as well as size of the spaces themselves. The driveway comes
very close to the intersection, just twenty feet and that's very hazardous to
that corner.
Mr. Hand asked Mr. Deremo whether his client had an option agreement.
Mr. Khamis stated he just felt this was an ideal location.
Mr. Hand stated he was spotting a commercial development amongst residential.
Mr. Deremo wanted to know why you needed commercial all around. There is nothing
wrong with commercial among residential.
Mr. Falk stated there was a subdivision right across the street and it is still
expanding. Putting a drug store here would be the beginning of the end.
Mr. Talbot asked whether there was sufficient parking space.
Mr. Nagy stated there were sufficient parking spaces but the lengths and
widths were deficient.
Mr. Schwartz, 19175 Fitzgerald,was strictly against this petition. He also
submitted to the Commission at this time a petition signed by the residents
of Fitzgerald street opposing this petition.
There was no one else present wishing to be heard and the public hearing was
declared closed on this item.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Kluver and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-170-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on June 27, 1972 on Petition 72-5-1-28 as submitted by Donald
C. Deremo for George Khamis, requesting to rezone property
located on the northwest corner of Seven Mile and Fitzgerald
in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5, from RUF to C-2, the City
Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council
that Petition 72-5-1-28 be denied for the following reasons:
(1) The proposed zoning change will provide for uses that
will be incompatible to and not in harmony with the nearby
permitted uses of the residential neighborhood.
(2) The proposed zoning change will not provide for the
orderly growth and development of the surrounding area.
(3) The proposed zoning change can be referred to as spot
zoning as the site is of limited size and not contiguous
to existing commercial development but is surrounded on
all sides by residentially zoned land. It will provide
for uses unrelated to and incompatible with the surrounding
uses of the neighborhood.
(4) The proposed development plan provides for two ingress
and egress points from Seven Mile, one being twenty feet
away from the established intersection of Fitzgerald
Avenue on Seven Mile Road which would conflict with the
turning movements of traffic either entering Fitzgerald
Avenue or traveling along Seven Mile Road.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above public hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer
under date of June 7, 1972 and a notice of such hearing was
sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway
Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers Power
Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of Service.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-5-1-29 by the
City Planning Commission, pursuant to Council REsolution #446-72,
requesting to rezone property located south of Ann Arbor Road
on the east side of Knolson in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,
from C-1 to R-1.
There was no one present wishing to be heard and the public hearing was declared
On a motion duly made by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Pinto and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-171-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held on
June 27, 1972 on Petition 72-5-1-29 as submitted by the City
Planning Commission, pursuant to Council Resolution #446-72,
requesting to rezone property located south of Ann Arbor Road
on the east side of Knolson in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,
from C-1 to R-1, the City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 72-5-1-29 be approved
for the following reasons:
(1) The proposed zoning change will provide for a use
compatible to the surrounding uses of the area.
(2) The proposed zoning change will allow for the property
owner to upgrade his development by providing for the
appropriate location of his dwelling on the property.
(3) The proposed zoning change will remove the non-conforming
zoning status of this home presently located within a
commercial zoning district.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above public hearing was
published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer,
under date of June 7, 1972 and a notice of such hearing was
sent to the Detroit, Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway
Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers Power
Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of Service.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
IL Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-5-1-30 by the
City Planning Commission, pursuant to Council Resolution #432-72,
requesting to rezone property located on the west side of Inkster
Road between Five Mile Road and Lyndon Avenue in the Northeast
1/4 of Section 24, from RUF and R-1 to R-3.
Mr. Charles (handler, President of Buckingham Village Civic Association,
was present and stated that portion is presently zoned RUF and won`t
remain there long. They want to see something compatible with their
neighborhood. He asked that the Commission give favorable consideration
to this petition. He went on to say that they have a lot of traffic
because of the racetrack and construction going on Schoolcraft.
There was no one else present wishing to be heard and the public hearing
was closed on this item.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Falk, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously adopted,
it was
#6-172-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held
on June 27, 1972 on Petition 72-5-1-30 as submitted by the
City Planning Commission pursuant to Council Resolution #432-72
requesting to rezone property located on the west side of
Inkster Road between Five Mile Road and Lyndon Avenue in the
Northeast 1/4 of Section 24, from RUF and R-1 to R-3, the
City Planning Commission does hereby determine to table this
t item pending receipt of the land use study to be furnished
by the property owner by a date no later than August 31, 1972.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-5-2-9 by
Glen Eden Lutheran Church requesting to be granted a waiver
use approval to erect a mausoleum on property located on
the south side of Eight Mile Road between Gill and Newburgh
Roads, in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 5.
Mr. Carl Thompson and Alvin Meyer, members of a land use committee were
• present and stated that a cemetery was located here for 45 years and they
want to keep in tune with others who have mausoleums. Therefore, their
board voted that they would build a mausoleum if they got Commission approval.
Mrs. Taylor wanted to know what they would do with west wall.
Mr. Meyer stated it would be a sprayed concrete wall until such time as the
mausoleum is expanded.
Mr. Hand asked what kind of material would be used for the building.
Mr. Meyer stated it would be granite.
There was no one else wishing to be heard and the public hearing was closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Pinto, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-173-72 RESOLVED that pursuant to a public hearing haying been held on
June 27., 1972 as submitted by Glen Eden Lutheran Church requesting
to be granted a waiver use approval to erect a mausoleum on property
located on the south side of Eight Mile Road between Gill and
Newburgh Roads, in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 5, the City Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition
72-5-2-9 be approved for the following reasons:
(1) The proposed use is compatible to and in harmony with
the surrounding uses of the area.
(2) All of the requirements of Zoning Ordinance #543 have
been complied with.
with the following conditions :
(1) That Site Plan #1456-P shall be adhered to.
(2) That Building Plans #01-102 shall be adhered to.
FURTHER THAT, notice of the above public hearing was sent
to property owners within 500 feet, petitioner and City
Departments as listed in the Proof of Service.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-5-2-10 by
St. Mary's Orthodox Church requesting to be granted a waiver
use approval to erect a church on property located on the
east side of Merriman Road between Six and Seven Mile Roads
in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11.
Mr. Leo Snage, President of St. Mary Orthodox Church, was present and
stated that they were interested in maintaining all the grass, shrubs and
trees as they now exist. Their site plans were submitted.
Mr. Hand asked whether site plans were submitted.
Mr. Nagy stated just what he saw before him, the front elevation of the church
Mr, Hand asked whether they had a registered architect doing their plans.
Mr. Snage stated that a parishioner had drawn them up.
Mr. Hand advised Mr. Snage that a detailed site plan with outward dimensions
of the building was necessary. Floor plans of church with seating capacity,
proposed parking predicated on seating, etc. was also necessary.
Mr. Snage at this point stated that they had refrained from a registered
architect up to this point because of expenses involved. They would not
be adverse to retaining one if the waiver request would not be in vain.
Mr. Hand stated he believed, personally, that the Commission basically was
not opposed. A great deal can be done in that area to develop a beautiful
church. He went on totell Mr. Snage that what he had provided in lieu of a
site plan was not what the Commission generally based their decision on.
He went on to say that the Commission would try to work with them but at
this point the Commission did not have anything to make a judgement on.
Li Mr. Snage at this point displayed another drawing of the proposed church.
Mr. Hand asked whether this committee would be opposed to come to a study
meeting and work out plans.
Mr. Snage indicated that they were at the Commission's mercy.
Mr. Nagy suggested that by the July 18th meeting they could use the additional time
to prepare more refined plans fixing the seating capacity of the church, out-
lining future additions, landscaping, etc.
Mr. Hand asked how long before they planned to erect the church.
Mr. Snage stated they wanted to start just as soon as possible.
Mr. John McKenna, owner of property, was present and stated he would like to
consummate this sale just as soon as possible.
Mr. Hand consulted with Mr. Nagy as to probable date this could come before
the Commission.
Mr. Hand advised Mr. McKenna that the Commission would approve or deny this
petition at the July 18, 1972 meeting.
Mr. McKenna stated he felt this was a reasonable time.
Mr. Hand suggested to Mr. Snage that he get his plans in order and present
to: them at the study meeting of July 11, 1972.
Mr. Schoenback, 18015 Merriman, stated that some branches have a hall in
connection with the church which is rented out. He asked whether this would
be the case with this church.
Mr. Snage stated there would be a church only with Sunday School, choir, etc.
Mr. Masters, 18234 Merriman, resident north of property, stated he had talked
with the priest about the maintenance of a greenbelt between the church property
and his; and the priest had assured him of this greenbelt and with this
assurance, Mr. Masters stated he had no objection to the petition.
Mr. Schane, 3141 Curtis, stated he had no objection to the church. He commented
on the old home being retained in its original state as it is one of the
oldest homes in Livonia.
A resident of 3144 Curtis stated his concern was the maintenance of the
now existing beautiful landscaping.
There was no one else wishing to be heard and the Vice-Chairman declared
the public hearing closed.
, On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Kluver and unanimously
1r adopted, it was
#6-174-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held
on Jule 27, 1972 on Petition 72-5-2-10 as submitted by St.
Mary's Orthodox Church requesting to be granted a waiver use
permit to erect a church on property located on the east side
Southwest R1ad between
tiSoin x 1and thee veCniy iPle anRonindg in the
does hereby determine to table this petition to the
July 18, 1972 meeting.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-4-7-3 by the
City Planning Commission on its own motion to amend Part V
of the Master Plan of the City of Livonia, the Master School
and Park Plan so as to delete property located approximately
300 feet north of Greenwood Farms Subdivision in the East
1/2 of Section 18.
There was no one present wishing to be heard and the public hearing was closed.
On a motion made by Mr, Kluver, seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously adopted,
it was
#6-175-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of Act 285 of the
Public Acts of Michigan, 1931, as amended, the City Planning
Commission of the City of Livonia having duly held a public
hearing on June 27, 1972 for the purpose of amending Part V
of the Master Plan of the City of Livonia, the Master School
& Park Plan, the same is hereby amended so as to delete
property located approximately 300 feet north of Greenwood
Farms Subdivision in the East 1/2 of Section 18, being legally
' described as follows :
1E; Portion of Parcel 18D2- That part of the E. 1/2
Section 18, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City of Livonia,
Wayne County, Michigan, more particularly described
as beginning at a point on the E & W 1/4 line of
said Section 18, distant N. 89° 54' 20", 1316.10
ft. from the center 1/4 corner of said Section 18
and proceeding thence N. 0° 19' 30" E, 182.52_ft.
thence N. 89° 54' 20" E. 290 ft. ; thence S. 0° 19'
30" W. 540 ft. ; thence S. 89° 54' 20" W. 290 ft.
thence N. 0° 19' 30" E. , 357.48 ft. to the point
of beginning.
for the following reasons :
(1) The Planning Commission has determined that, pursuant
to national park plan standards, an adequate amount of
park lands in excess of the national standards have been
provided in this area.
(2) The park facilities planned for the park site can be
provided for within the park lands already acquired
within the neighborhood area.
(3) The City of Livonia failed to demonstrate a feasible
means of financing the acquisition of the park site.
AND, having given proper notice of such hearing as required
by Act 285 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1931, as amended,
the City Planning Commission does hereby adopt said amendment
' as part of the Master School & Park Plan of the City of Livonia,
which is incorporated herein by reference, the same having
been adopted by resolution of the City Planning Commission,
with all amendments thereto, and further that this amendment
shall be filed with the City Council, City Clerk and the City
Planning Commission; and a certified copy shall also be for-
warded to the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne for
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-5-7-5 by the
City Planning Commission on its own motion to amend Part V
of the Master Plan of the City of Livonia, the Master School
and Park Plan, so as to incorporate property located on the
south side of Seven Mile Road, west. of Newburgh Road in the
Northeast 1/4 of Section 7.
There was no one present wishing to be heard and the Vice-Chairman declared
the public hearing closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Pinto, seconded by Mrs. Taylor and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-176-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of Act 285 of the
Public Acts of Michigan, 1931, as amended, the City Planning
Commission of the City of Livonia having duly held a public hearing
on June 27, 1972 for the purpose of amending Part V of the
Master Plan of the City of Livonia, the Master School. and
Park Plan the same is hereby amended so as to incorporate
property located on the south side of Seven Mile Road, west
of Newburgh Road in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, being
legally described as follows:
The South 350 feet of the East 1,000 feet of the
following described parcel:
Land situated in City of Livonia, Wayne County,
Michigan, beginning at a point in the North-South
1/4 line of Section 7, measured South 0° 03' 00"
West, a distance of 1,346 feet from the North 1/4
corner of Section 7, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , City of
Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, said point of be-
ginning also being the Southwest corner of Melody
• Manor Subdivision, as recorded in Liber 72 on Page
43 of Wayne County Records; thence North 89° 53' 30"
East along the South line of said Melody Manor Sub-
' division a distance of 1169.45 feet; thence South
0° 06' 30" East a distance of 150 feet; thence North
89° 53' 30" East, a distance of 149.65 feet to a
4 point in the East line of West one-half of Northeast
1/4 of said Section 7; thence South 0° 01' 30" West
along the East line of West 1/2 of Northeast 1/4 of
• said Section 7, a distance of 450 feet, thence South
89° 53' 30" West along a line which is 660 feet North
of and parallel to East and West 1/4, a distance of
1319.71 feet to a point in the North/South 1/4 line
4 of said Section 7; thence North 0° 03' 00" East along
the North/South 1/4 of said Section 7 a distance of
600 feet to the point of beginning.
for the following reasons:
(1) The area of this land contains a beautiful forest, the
ecology of which is felt to be rare in this part of
the country and in biological terms is classified to
be a "Climax, Beech-Maple Forest" and it has taken
hundreds of years to develop this forest to its
present state.
(2) This unique forest area should be preserved for
posterity and for the enjoyment of future generations.
(3) The City of Livonia Parks and Recreation Commission
recommends the placement of this parcel on the Master
School and Park Plan and acquisition of same.
AND, having given proper notice of such hearing as required
by Act 285 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1931, as amended,
the City Planning Commission does hereby adopt said amend-
"; i went as part of the Master School and Park Plan of the City
of Livonia, which is incorporated herein by reference, the
same having been adopted by resolution of the City Planning
Commission, with all amendments thereto, and further that
this amendment shall be filed with the City Council, City
Clerk, and the City Planning Commission and a certified
copy shall also be forwarded to the Register of Deeds for
the County of Wayne for recording.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-4-6-9 by the
City Planning Commission, pursuant to Council Resolution #218-72,
to amend Section 9.03 and 10.03 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning
Ordinance, by adding a new sentence to the waiver use section
in the P.S. District and a new paragraph to the waiver use section
in the C-1 District to provide special regulations for fraternal
or religious organizations.
There was no one present wishing to be heard and the Vice-Chairman declared
the public hearing closed.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Kluver and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-177-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held
on June 27, 1972 on Petition 72.4,6-9 as submitted by the
City Planning Commission, pursuant to Council Resolution
#218-72, to amend Section 9.03 and 10.03 of Ordinance #543,
the Zoning Ordinance, by adding a new sentence to the waiver
use section in the P.S. District and a new paragraph to the
waiver use section in the C-1 District to provide special
regulations for fraternal or religious organizations, the
City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City
Council that Petition 72-4-6-9 be approved for the following
(1) This amendment will provide for more adequate control
of the location and development of fraternal and religious
organizations, clubs and lodges.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above public hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer
under date of June 7, 1972 and notice of such hearing was
sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Rail-
way Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers
Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof
of Service.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted,
A short recess was declared.
The meeting was resumed with all members present as were present for the
initial roll call.
Mx. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-5-8-7 by
Charles W. Allen, Jr. requesting approval of all plans required
by Section 18.47 of Ordinance #784 in connection with the
proposed enlargement of the Charles W. Allen Real Estate
building situated on the west side of Farmington Road, north
of Five Mile Road in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Pinto and adopted, it was
RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission, pursuant to Section
18.47 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Livonia, as amended by Ordinance #784, having reviewed all
plans presented in connection with Petition 72-5-8-7 as submitted
by Charles W. Allen, Jr. requesting approval to enlarge the
Charles W. Allen Real Estate building, situated on the west side
of Farmington Road, north of Five Mile Road in the Southeast 1/4
of Section 161 does hereby determine to table this petition.
A roll call vote resulted in the following;
AYES; Pinto, Talbot, Taylor
NAYS: Falk, Tunis, Hand, Kluver
ABSENT; Merrion, Andrew
Mr. Hand declared the motion failed for lack of support.
i '
On a motion duly made by Mr. Falk, seconded by Mr. Kluver and adopted, it was
I!: #6-178-72 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission, pursuant to
Section 18.49 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Livonia, as amended by Ordinance #784, having
reviewed all plans presented in connection with Petition
72-5-8-7 as submitted by Charles W. Allen, Jr. requesting
approval of all plans required by Section 18.47 of Ordinance
#784 in connection with the proposed enlargement of the
Charles W. Allen Real Estate building situated on the west
side of Farmington Road, north of Five Mile Road in the
Southeast 1/4 of Section 16, does hereby recommend to the
City Council that Petition 72-5-8-7 be denied for the
following reasons:
- (1) The proposed development will expand a nonconforming
building in floor area thereby increasing the require-
ments for off-street parking which cannot be met pursuant
to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
(2) The Planning Commission feels that the architecture
of the building can be upgraded without increasing the
floor space of the building at ground level thereby
avoiding the need to increase the off-street parking,
or an alternative architectural solution could be
pursued whereby the ground level is left open and
available for off-street parking purposes.
IL; A roll call vote resulted in the following:
AYES: Falk, Tunis, Hand, Kluver
NAYS: Pinto, Talbot, Taylor
ABSENT: Merrion, Andrew
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and theforegoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 72-4-1-22 by
Joseph St. Cyr for Christ C. Mugianis requesting to rezone
property located on the south side of Plymouth Road between
. Levan and Yale in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 32, from
RUF to C-2.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Falk, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-179-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
on June 6, 1972 on Petition 72-4-1-22 as submitted by Joseph
St. Cyr for Christ C. Muguianis requesting to rezone property
' located on the south side of Plymouth Road between Levan and
Yale in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 32, from RUF to C-2, the
City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City
1E; Council that Petition 72-4-1-22 be approved as amended to the
extent that the north 555' only of Parcel 32K be rezoned to
C-2; that portion being legally described as follows:
The East 4.55 acres of the West 9.10 acres
of the North 18.45 acres of the W. 1/2 of
the N. E. 1/4 of Section 32, T. 1 S. , R. 9
E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan
except the South 220 feet thereof.
for the following reason:
(1) The proposed zoning change is a logical extension of
the existing zoning districts of the area.
(2) The proposed zoning change will provide for uses
compatible to and in harmony with the surrounding
uses of the area.
(3) The proposed zoning change will provide for the
orderly growth and development of this area.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above public hearing
was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia
Observer, under date of May 17, 1972 and a notice of such
hearing was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake
& Ohio Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company,
Consumers Power Company-ane City Departments as listed in
the Proof of Service.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, letter dated May 30,
1972 from A. W. Miller requesting a one-year extension of
the preliminary plat approval for Currie Court Industrial
Subdivision proposed to be located on the northeast corner
of Newburgh and Amrhein Roads in the Northwest 1/4 of
Section 29.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Pinto, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-180-72 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a request dated May 30, 1972
from A. W. Miller requesting a one year extension of the
preliminary plat approval for Currie Court Industrial
Subdivision proposed to be located on the northeast corner
of Newburgh and Amrhein Roads in the Northwest 1/4 of
Section 29 as given in Planning Commission Resolution
#6-192-71, the City Planning Commission does hereby
determine to grant an extension for a period of one year
from the date of this resolution.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, approval of landscape .
plan submitted in connection with Petition 71-7-8-11 by
Bernard W. Colton, Louis G. Redstone Associates, Inc. re-
questing approval of all plans in connection with proposed
addition to Mid-Seven Shopping Center located on the south-
west corner of Seven Mile and Middlebelt Roads in the North-
east 1/4 of Section 11.
On a motion duly 3aade by Mr. Kluver, seconded by Mrs. Taylor and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-181-72 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby
approve Landscape Plan dated June 14, 1972 submitted in
connnection with Petition 71-7-8-11 by Bernard W. Colton,
Louis G. Redstone Associates, Inc. requesting approval of
all plans in connection with proposed addition to Mid-
Seven Shopping Center located on the southwest corner of
Seven Mile and Middlebelt Roads in the Northeast 1/4
of Section 11 be approved subject to the following conditions:
(1) That all landscape elements as shown on the approved
landscape plan dated June 14, 1972, Louis G. Redstone
Inc. shall be adhered to in every detail.
(2). That all plant materials installed shall be permanently
maintained and kept in a healthy condition.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, approval of Landscape
Plan submitted in connection with Petition 72-3-8-4 by Jack
Brown & Associates Architects, Inc. , requesting site plan
approval for a professional building proposed to be located
on the north side of Schoolcraft Road between Berwick and
IlleMerriman Roads in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 22.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Kluver, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-182-72 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby
approve Landscape Plan dated June 12, 1972 as submitted
by Jack Brown & Associates Architects, Inc. in connection
with Petition 72-3-8-4 requesting site plan approval for
a professional building proposed to be located on the
north side of Schoolcraft Road between Berwick and Merriman
Roads in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, subject to the
following conditions:
(1) That all landscape materials as shown on the approved
plan shall be installed before issuance of a Certificate
of Occupancy.
(2) That all landscape materials shall be permanently
maintained and keptin a healthy condition.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, preliminary plat approval
for Blue Grass Estates Subdivision proposed to be located on the
west side of Newburgh Road between Five Mile Road and Six Mile
Road in the East 1/2 of Section 18.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Kluver and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-18372 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held
on November 9, 1971 the City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that the preliminary plat of
Blue Grass Estates Subdivision proposed to be located on the
west side of Newburgh Road between Five Mile Road and Six
Mile Road in the East 1/2 of Section 18, be approved with
the following condition:
(1) That a drawing of the proposed entrance treatment and
subdivision identification marker be submitted to the
Planning Commission for approval before the final plat
is submitted to the Planning Commission.
for the following reasons:
(1) The proposed preliminary plat complied with the Sub-
division Rules and Regulations of the City of Livonia.
(2) The preliminary plat complied with the zoning district
regulations of the R-3 zoning category for which the
land is zoned.
(3) The proposed preliminary plat is in harmony with and
integrated to the surrounding development of the
FURTHER RESOLVED, notice of the above hearing wassent
to the abutting property owners, proprietor, City Depart-
ments as listed in the Proof of Service and copies of the
plat together with notice have been sent to the Building
Department, Superintendent of Schools, Fire Department,
Police Department and Parks and Recreation Department.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, Proposed 1972-73 Planning
Department Budget.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Pinto and unanimously
adopted, it was
#6-184-72 RESOLVED that, the Proposed 1972-73 Planning Department
Budget be submitted to the Mayor.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. Kluver announced the next item on the agenda, approval of the minutes of
the meeting held by the City Planning Commission on June 6, 1972.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mrs. Taylor and unanimously
adopted, it was
A6-l85,72 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the meeting held by the City
Planning Commission on June 6, 1972 are approved.
Mr. Hand declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted the 267th Special
Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Herman H. Kluver, Secretary
t41. 1\;4
Viancis M. Rand, Vice-Chairman