Minutes of Meeting Held on Wednesday, June 1, 2016
A Public Hearing of the Council of the City of Livonia was held at the City Hall
Auditorium on Wednesday, June 1, 2016.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kathleen McIntyre, President
Brandon M. Kritzman, Vice President
Brian Meakin
Jim Jolly
MEMBERS ABSENT: Maureen Miller Brosnan
Scott Bahr
Cathy White
OTHERS PRESENT: Donald Knapp, City Attorney
Todd Zilincik, City Engineer
Patricia C. Burklow, Public Hearing Recorder
This is a public hearing relative to the proposed ASSESSMENT ROLL for the
INCLUDE TWO (2) OUTLOTS, located west of Newburgh Road and north of Joy Road
in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31. This has been duly filed in the Office of the City
Clerk and is now open for public examination and inspection.
The clerk has mailed notices to those persons owning land in the proposed revised
Special Assessment District and all other requirements of the Livonia Code of
Ordinances have been fulfilled. The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
with President Kathleen McIntyre presiding. The Public Hearing is now open for
comments. Please state clearly your name and address before making your comments.
McIntyre: Tonight--well first of all we should take the roll. Jolly, Mr. Meakin, Vice-
President Kritzman, and not with us tonight are Mr. Bahr, Ms. Brosnan,
and Mrs. White. Tonight’s public hearing is to cover a proposed Special
Assessment street lighting project. This comes to us from the Engineering
Department for Churchill Manor Site Condominiums located west of
Newburgh Road and north of Joy Road in the southeast ¼ of Section 31.
This is Council Resolution 149-09, Council Resolution 58-09 and Council
Resolution 484-08. And this would be the establishment of an
Assessment Roll.
Zilincik: Madam President.
McIntyre: Yes.
Zilincik: Would you like me to give the back ground on this?
McIntyre: If you could, please. And I should--I’m sorry, just to--if anybody doesn’t
know we have our City Attorney here tonight, Miss Burklow, from the
Court--from the 16 District Court--from the Clerk’s office, okay, excellent.
And we have Mr. Zilincik, our City Engineer.
Zilincik: Thank you Madame President. Just a brief background on this project.
As you now there is an extension called Richfield Estates that was added
on to Churchill Manor. There was actually two out lots that were at 92--or
excuse me--9824 and 9825 and there was a discrepancy as far as should
be included in Richfield Estate’s Special Assessment District with the
lights or possibly with Churchill Manor as they benefit most likely from the
entrance off of Newburgh Road, down Eagle Drive, to Richfield in which
they would benefit from the existing street lights. I believe there were six
there. They are currently 31 lots on Eagle and some on Richfield that
currently have a Special Assessment District for the lighting. They
currently pay I believe it was $83.05 on a yearly basis. We are asking and
requesting the two out lots be included as part of that which now increase
the lots from 31 to 33 and it will reduce the cost for everyone to a total of
approximately $78.02 or $78.00 a year if this was approved. If there are
any further questions I will be happy to answer those but that’s basically
the background story for this project. Thank you.
McIntyre: Thank you. Would anyone else like to speak on this item? Okay.
Thomas: We just came in as new residents and got these notices so we weren’t
sure what it was covering but I think that was a good description. So--
McIntyre: Yes, would you please state your name and address?
Thomas: Charles Thomas, 37494 Eagle Drive.
Kritzman: Is that one of the--excuse me--Madam Chair?
McIntyre: Yes, Mr. Kritzman.
Kritzman: Sir, are you in one of the two houses that are in the middle there or are
you elsewhere on Eagle?
Thomas: I’m in one of the houses leading up to the location that they are talking
about. So we had the six lighting poles that he was referring to in front of
our property.
Zilincik: Vice-Chair, he is with the existing Churchill Manor S.A.D., I just wanted to
clarify that.
Kritzman: Sir, do you understand what’s happening here? In essence, we had that
original Special Assessment District it was set in place when the initial
construction took place. And then in subsequent years there were two
additional lots that were built. At that time no additional lighting was
added and those two weren’t added to the original district. Then when the
rest of the piece around the corner there got built they did a Special
Assessment District for that area and these two lots were not included in
either one. So the determination was well let’s add it to the original one
since they would most likely be benefitting from that. And in essence it is
lowering your annual cost.
Thomas: Right. Okay.
Kritzman: Any objections?
Thomas: No. Thanks.
Jolly: I move to accept the proposed roll that adds the two lots to the original
Special Assessment District.
McIntyre: Okay.
Zilincik: Madam President, I also forgot to mention that the remaining--I just want
to clarify one last time these are high pressure--high pressure sodium
lights so they will not be LED lights. They can--at a future point in time
we can consider LED lights but the two in Richfield Estates will be LED
lights, these will stay consistent with the high pressure sodium at this time.
McIntyre: Thank you, Mr. Zilincik.
Zilincik: I just wanted to make sure that was clarified.
McIntyre: Okay, so we have an approving resolution from Mr. Jolly. All right, I need
to let everyone know the next regular meeting date for tonight’s item is
Monday, June 20 and if the petitioner wants to attend they or a
representative--but that’s the Engineering Department--so Mr. Zilincik we
will look forward to seeing you on the 20.
Zilincik: We probably won’t be here.
McIntyre: Thank you. We are adjourned.
As there were no further questions or comments, the Public Hearing was declared
closed at 7:06 p.m.