HomeMy WebLinkAboutSYNOPSIS - 2016-07-11 th SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,804 REGULAR MEETING LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – JULY 11, 2016 ______________________________________________________________________ Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President McIntyre. Present: Jim Jolly, Cathy White, Scott Bahr, Brian Meakin, Brandon Kritzman, Maureen Miller Brosnan, and Kathleen McIntyre. Absent: None. rd #255-16 Resolution by Meakin and Kritzman, approving the minutes of the 1,803 MAD FAT Regular Meeting of the Council held on June 20, 2016. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution: AYES: Jolly, White, Bahr, Meakin, Kritzman, and Brosnan. NAYS: None. PRESENT: McIntyre. Bahr spoke about “Life Remodeled”, an organization that the City, Livonia Public Schools and the Chamber has paired with to volunteer to clean up the area surrounding Denby High School. The program, “Livonia stands with Detroit”, has designated Wednesday, rd August 3 as the day to join with the other volunteers to remove blight in that neighborhood. Busing will be provided and interested parties can register at www.liferemodeled.com/Livonia. Brosnan presented Joe Taylor with a commendation for his thirty-eight years of service to the City, sitting on various boards and commissions as well as City Council, and spoke at length on the impact he made in her life by his mentoring. Meakin also thanked him for his dedication to Livonia as well as the guidance he provided over the years. President McIntyre wished Clerk Nash a happy birthday. She then thanked the Spree Committee for another successful event as well as the Public Safety Department for their hard work during Spree Week. She then announced there are three X-items on tonight’s agenda, as well as new data on Items 15, 16, 18 and 19. Chief Caid thanked everyone for the support his department has been receiving in light of recent incidents that have happened around the country. AUDIENCE COMMUNICATION: th SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,804REGULAR MEETING 2 LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – JULY 11, 2016 Dennis Shields, 19263 Fitzgerald Street, addressed Council about the flooding problem he has experienced on his street for the past 23 years. City Engineer Todd Zilincik responded to his comments indicating that David Lear from his office has been working with Mr. Shields and that they are hoping to have the issue resolved by late September, early October. The following items were received and filed: Communication from the Planning Commission dated May 19, 2016, re: submitting the 2016-2021 Capital Improvements Program. Outline that was handed out at the Economic Development, Community Outreach and Strategic Planning Committee meeting of June 8, 2016, re: detailing the CGI Showcase Video Program. Handout received from CU Solutions at the Committee of the Whole Meeting of June 13, 2016, re: showing existing signage on the Seven Mile Crossing building located at 38695 Seven Mile Road, as well as an alternate proposal of new sign. Handout received from the Livonia Chamber of Commerce at the Committee of the Whole meeting of June 13, 2016, re: promoting the business luncheon and panel discussion on “Connecting Cultures to Business” to be held on Thursday, September 8, 2016 from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m, Handout received at the June 13, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting from the Livonia Economic Development Department, re: the Top 18 Employers in Livonia. Report and recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, dated June 6, 2016, submitted pursuant to Council Resolution #126-16, re: the property located at 9400 Stonehouse Avenue (Parcel #124-99-003-000). Communication from Dominic Soave, Sr., Proprietor, Primo’s Pizzeria, dated June 20, 2016, re: appeal of denial by Planning Commission relating to waiver use request to utilize an SDD liquor license located at 30935 Five Mile Road (Kroger). Communication from Dan West, President/CEO, Livonia Chamber of Commerce, dated June 20, 2016, re: Petition 2015-06-02-08. Email communication from Rachel Hurst, Consumers Affairs Manager, The Kroger Company of Michigan, received July 8, 2016, re: Petition 2015-06-02-08, Email communication from Chris Hibner, BD Technologies LLC/Super Natural Spirits and Brewing LLC dated June 21, 2016, re: delinquent water bill balance for property located at 36685 Plymouth Road. th SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,804REGULAR MEETING 3 LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – JULY 11, 2016 Communication from the Department of Finance, dated June 20, 2016, re: delinquent water bill balance for the property located at 36685 Plymouth Road. Communication from Ernie Pacsai, B3 Technologies, LLC to Rakeshkumar R. Patel, Days Inn/Sunrise Apartments, dated June 7, 2016, re: waiver use request for Supernatural Spirts & Brewery, located at 36685 Plymouth Road. (Petition 2016-04-02-08) Acknowledgment and Agreement to Pay Outstanding Amounts, dated July 6, 2016, re: waiver use request for Supernatural Spirts & Brewery, located at 36685 Plymouth Road. (Petition 2016-04-02-08) New Exterior Elevations plan, marked Sheet A-2, prepared by Technical Group, Inc. on June 22, 2016, in connection with the remodel of the Burger King restaurant located at 34835 Plymouth Road. (Petition 2016-05-08-05) New Exterior Elevations plan, marked Sheet A-2, prepared by Technical Group, Inc. on June 21, 2016, in connection with the remodel of the Burger King restaurant located at 28203 Plymouth Road. (Petition 2016-05-08-06) The following resolutions were offered by White and Jolly: MAD #256-16 Approving the request of Jean H. Davies, granting permission to close Marie FAT between Knolson Street and Minton Avenue, on Saturday, August 6, 2016, from 4:00 p.m. Police to 10:00 p.m. for the purpose of conducting a block party, with a rain date scheduled for Saturday, August 13, 2016, subject to the approval of the Police Department. MAD #257-16 Approving the request of Caren Shatter, granting permission to close FAT Sussex Street, between Fitzgerald and Sherwood, on Saturday, September 10, 2016, Police from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., for the purpose of conducting a block party, with a rain date scheduled for Sunday, September 11, 2016, subject to the approval of the Police Department. th MAD #258-16 Accepting the bid of Integrity Building Group (IBG), 350 Madison, 4 Floor, FAT Detroit, MI 48226, in connection with Phase 1 demolition and relocation of the historic Greenmd Perrinville Schoolhouse from its existing site at 33344 Ann Arbor Trail in Westland to the Greenmead Historical Village at 37995 Eight Mile Road, for an amount not to exceed $181,000.00; FURTHER, authorizing an appropriation in the amount of $181,000.00 from the Historic Commission Trust Fund Account for this purpose. MAD #259-16 Approving and amending the City’s contract with Neumann Smith for an FAT additional amount of $10,000 for engineering costs in connection with the demolition and Greenmd relocation of the historic Perrinville Schoolhouse to Greenmead Historical Village. th SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,804REGULAR MEETING 4 LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – JULY 11, 2016 #260-16 Accepting the bid of Ductz of S.E. Michigan, 36955 Amrhein Rd., Livonia, MAD FAT MI 48150, for duct cleaning at the Livonia Community Recreation Center, in the amount P&R of $27,850.00 from funds already budgeted for this purpose. #261-16 Authorizing a two-year extension of the contract with Michigan Joint MAD FAT Sealing, Inc., 28830 West Eight Mile Road, Suite 103, Farmington Hills, MI 48336, for Eng completing all work required in connection with the 2016 Joint and Crack Sealing Program (Contract 16-D) by extending their Contract 14-D unit prices for Contract 16-D, for the estimated total cost of $125,000.00; FURTHER, authorizing an expenditure in the amounts of $30,000.00 (Major Roads Account) and $95,000.00 (Local Roads Account) from funds budgeted for this purpose, subject to final payments based upon the actual units completed and the City Engineer is hereby authorized to approve minor adjustments in the work as it becomes necessary. (CR 163-15 and CR 283-14) #262-16 Referring the matter of whether or not to approve the 2016-2021 Capital MAD FAT Improvements Program to the Capital Improvement, Natural Resources and Waste Management Committee for its report and recommendation. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolutions: AYES: Jolly, White, Bahr, Meakin, Kritzman, Brosnan and McIntyre. NAYS: None. MAD #263-16 Resolution by Kritzman and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, authorizing the FAT Mayor and City Clerk to execute a three-year agreement with CGI Communications, Inc., for the Community Showcase Video Program to produce a series of topical promotional videos highlighting amenities of Livonia at no cost to the City. (CR 97-16) #264-16 Resolution by Kritzman and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, referring the MAD FAT subject matter of creating a “Livonia Tomorrow” area to the Administration to prepare an RFP outline for discussion and consideration. (CR 35-12) #265-16 Resolution by Kritzman and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, referring the MAD FAT subject matter of creating a “Livonia Tomorrow” area to the Committee of the Whole and the Administration to nominate names of individuals to comprise a Stakeholder Committee. (CR 35-12) #266-16 Resolution by Kritzman and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, referring the MAD FAT subject of enforcing the site plan conditions to the Department of Law to explore a fine structure to apply to non-compliant site plans and properties for report and recommendation. (CR 217-16) #267-16 Resolution by Kritzman and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, referring the MAD subject of enforcing the site plan conditions to the Administration to request an FAT Insp educational meeting or presentation by the Inspection Department and Administration regarding compliance, zoning, and blight. (CR 217-16) th SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,804REGULAR MEETING 5 LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – JULY 11, 2016 #268-16 Resolution by Kritzman and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, determining to MAD FAT take no further action regarding the matter of a proposed “vision process”. (CR 545-05) MAD #269-16 Resolution by Kritzman and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, determining to FAT take no further action regarding the matter of LivoniaSpirit.org. (CR 65-11) MAD #270-16 Resolution by Kritzman and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, determining to FAT take no further action with regard to the subject matter of a Plymouth Road Development Authority (PRDA) Art Show on Plymouth Road. (CR 158-12) MAD #271-16 Resolution by Brosnan and Jolly, approving Petition 2016-03-SN-01, FAT submitted by CU Solutions Group, requesting an additional wall sign for the four-story Eng office building (Seven Mile Crossing), located at 38695 Seven Mile Road, subject to Insp conditions. (CR 208-16) Plan A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution: AYES: Jolly, White, Meakin and Brosnan. NAYS: Bahr, Kritzman and McIntyre. #272-16 Resolution by Brosnan and White, unanimously adopted, designating Jim MAD FAT Jolly as the City’s delegate to the St. Mary Mercy Hospital Healthy Living Community and CivSvc does hereby designate Scott Bahr as the City’s alternate on a continuing basis, or until further order of this Council by Council Resolution. (CR 195-16) Brosnan gave FIRST READING to the following Ordinance AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 050 OF TITLE 13, CHAPTER 08 (WATER SERVICE RATES AND REVENUES) OF THE LIVONIA CODE OF ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED. Brosnan invoked the EMERGENCY CLAUSE and gave SECOND READING to the foregoing Ordinance and a roll call vote was taken: AYES: Jolly, White, Bahr, Meakin, Kritzman, Brosnan and McIntyre. NAYS: None. White gave FIRST READING to the following Ordinance AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 080 OF TITLE 8, CHAPTER 40 (NOXIOUS WEEDS AND REFUSE) OF THE LIVONIA CODE OF ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED. White gave SECOND READING to the following Ordinance AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF THE LIVONIA CODE OF ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED. th SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,804REGULAR MEETING 6 LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – JULY 11, 2016 A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing ordinance: AYES: Jolly, White, Bahr, Meakin, Kritzman, Brosnan and McIntyre. NAYS: None. #273-16 Resolution by Bahr and Jolly, approving Petition 2016-04-SN-02 submitted MAD FAT by Huron Sign Company, on behalf of T-Mobile, for a replacement wall sign for the retail Eng unit located at 29245 Six Mile Road, subject to conditions. (CR 439-05) Insp Plan A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution: AYES: Jolly, White, Bahr and McIntyre. NAYS: Meakin, Kritzman and Brosnan. #274-16 Resolution by White and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, approving Petition MAD 2016-04-SN-03 submitted by Huron Sign Company, on behalf of Mid 7 Plaza, for a FAT Eng replacement ground sign for the commercial center located at 19043-19045 Middlebelt Insp Road and 29475-29493 Seven Mile Road, subject to conditions. Plan President McIntyre passed the gavel to Vice-President Kritzman at 8:39 p.m. to speak on the following item. MAD #275-16 Resolution by Meakin and Jolly, denying the appeal of the Planning FAT Commission denial at their Regular Meeting held June 30, 2015, denying Petition 2015- Eng 06-02-08, submitted by The Kroger Company requesting waiver use approval to utilize Insp an SDD liquor license in connection with a retail facility located at 30935 Five Mile Road. Plan President McIntyre resumed the gavel at 8:46 p.m. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution: AYES: Jolly, White, Bahr, Meakin, Kritzman and Brosnan. NAYS: McIntyre. MAD #276-16 Resolution by Brosnan and Meakin, unanimously adopted, approving FAT Petition 2016-04-02-08 submitted by B3 Technologies, L.L.C., to utilize a Micro Brewer Eng License and a Small Distiller License in connection with a full service restaurant Insp (Supernatural Spirits & Brewery) located at 36685 Plymouth Road, subject to conditions. Plan #277-16 Resolution by Brosnan and Bahr, unanimously adopted, approving Petition MAD FAT 2016-03-03-01 submitted by Grand River Charter Development, Ltd., to determine Eng whether or not to vacate an existing storm water utility easement at 28153 Eight Mile Assessr Road, subject to conditions. MAD #278-16 Resolution by White and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, approving Petition FAT 2016-05-08-05 submitted by Technical Group, Inc., on behalf of Burger King Corporation, Eng in connection with a proposal to remodel the exterior of the existing restaurant located at Insp 34835 Plymouth Road, subject to conditions. Plan th SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE 1,804REGULAR MEETING 7 LIVONIA CITY COUNCIL – JULY 11, 2016 #279-16 Resolution by Meakin and Brosnan, unanimously adopted, approving MAD FAT Petition 2016-05-08-06 submitted by Technical Group, Inc., on behalf of Burger King Eng Corporation, in connection with a proposal to remodel the exterior of the existing Insp restaurant located at 28203 Plymouth Road, subject to conditions. Plan #280-16 Resolution by Meakin and Jolly, unanimously adopted, approving the MAD FAT request of Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), to waive the City’s noise Eng ordinance, in conjunction with the MDOT resurfacing project for Plymouth Road (Old M- Insp 14) from Farmington Road to Inkster Road, to allow the contractor to work during the night Police time hours on Monday through Thursday evenings during the paving phase of the project, which is planned for 2017. MAD #281-16 Resolution by Meakin and Kritzman, unanimously adopted, suspending the FAT rules for procedure as outlined in CR 574-82 to permit consideration of items that do not appear on the agenda. MAD #282-16 Resolution by Bahr and White, unanimously adopted, approving the request FAT of Amber Alexander, 18562 Norwich, granting permission to close Norwich between OrdEnf 18512 - 18562, on Saturday, July 30, 2016, from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for the purpose Police of conducting a block party, subject to the approval of the Police Department. #283-16 Resolution by Meakin and Kritzman, approving the request of Kathy Wasil, MAD FAT amending Council Resolution 247-16 be amended to change the hours in connection with OrdEnf the approval to waive Section 8.32.070 (Noise Control) of the Livonia Code of Police Ordinances, as amended, for the purpose of conducting a graduation luau party at her home located at 10580 Laurel on Saturday, July 16, 2016 to 3:00 p.m. and ending at 12:00 a.m. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution: AYES: Jolly, Bahr, Meakin and Kritzman. NAYS: White, Brosnan and McIntyre. #284-16 Resolution by Meakin and White, unanimously adopted, approving a Cable MAD FAT Franchise Agreement with Comcast to provide a 5% franchise fee, together with the 1% ComRes PEG fee which supports City Channel 8, for a period of ten (10) years. AUDIENCE COMMUNICATION: None. rd By Jolly and Bahr, unanimously adopted, adjourning this 1,804Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Livonia at 9:42 p.m. on July 11, 2016. SUSAN M. NASH CITY CLERK *The foregoing is a summary of the Council’s proceedings in synopsis form as authorized by CR 1158-68 The full text of the official minutes of this meeting is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is available to the public upon request.