HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Commission 2018-01-11
The 741Regular meeting of the Livonia Traffic Commission was held in the third-floor
conference room at City Hall on Thursday, January 11, 2018; it was called to order by Chairperson
Jim Policelli at 7:30p.m.
PRESENT: Commissioners: Jim Policelli, Gordon Draper, John Katers, Joel Turbiak, Rebekah
Farabaugh, and Jim Keller;Livonia Police Sergeant Brian Leigh;and City of Livonia Engineer
Todd Zilinicik.
Guests: Jim Giordano, David Dulude, and Russ Flynn
Agenda Item 1:The minutes of the December 14, 2017,meeting were reviewed.
Commissioner Turbiak suggested a correction to the minutesas written.It was recommended that
the tree should be removed obstructing the view of the “Stop” sign on the northwest right-of-way.
A motion to approve the minutes as corrected was made by Commissioner Turbiak. With support
from Commissioner Katers, it was approved by unanimous vote that:
18-254 RESOLVED,the minutes of the December 14,2017, meeting were approved
as corrected.
Agenda Item 2:Kingsburn & Heatherlea Street curve, section 8
ResidentsJim Giordano, David Dulude, & Russ Flynn attendedthe meeting regarding an ongoing
issue with thecurve on eastbound Kingsburn,turning towardsouthboundHeatherlea.Primarily
during the wintermonths, the icy and/orsnow-covered road causes vehiclesthatare traveling too
fast for the road conditionsto lose controlandresultsinproperty damage. Mr. Dulude lives at a
residence that has sustained property damage and indicates that many drivers leave the roadway,
end up on the grass and frequently leave the scene.
Sgt. Leigh notesthat “reported” incidents have been low. He also indicatedthat the incidents that
haveoccurredwere due to either distracted driving or driving too fast for the road conditions.
After the Commissioners discussed the signage options, Commissioner Katers madea motion to
place aW1-1R warning sign along withaW 13-1P supplemental sign,indicating amaximum
speed limitof 10 mph. The signsshould be placed between the homes located at 37107 Kingsburn
Driveand 37139 Kingsburn Drive. In addition,reflective yellow tape should be placed along the
pole ofthe sign.With support from Commissioner Keller,it was approved by unanimous vote
18-255 RESOLVED,AW 1-1R warning sign along witha13-1P supplemental sign
be placedadvising aspeedlimitof 10 mph.The signsshouldbe placed between the
homeslocated at 37107Kingsburn Driveand 37139 Kingsburn Drive, and should
include yellow reflective tape on the sign pole.
Agenda Item 3:Stop Signage in Windridge Village, section 4
Previously,Commissioner Turbiak brought forth 12intersections within the Windridge Village
Subdivision that had some questionable control devices. The streets reviewed at this meeting are
Carlwestbound at Norwich, Northlandeastboundat Norwich,and Gablewestboundat Norwich.
Sgt. Leigh, as well as the other commissioners,visited thestreets prior to the meeting taking place
andfelt the stop signs were not the best fit for the current traffic patterns and they shouldbe
Therefore,a motion was made to remove the three“Stop”signs at the intersections of Carl at
Norwich, Northland at Norwich,and Gableat Norwich, and replacethemwiththree “Yield”
signs.This motion was made by Commissioner Draper and Supported by Commissioner Turbiak.
All commissioners supported themotion.
As stated in previous Minutes, theTraffic Control Order (TCO)will formally voted onwhen all
intersection studies have beencompleted.
The next locations to be reviewed for the February8, 2018,Traffic Commission meeting are
Norwich at Fonville and Bretton at Fairfax / Bretton (tri-intersection).
Roundtable Discussion
Chairperson Policelli noted that Leslie Rohraff is the new liaison for the Traffic Commission in
the Mayor’s office.
A Motion to adjourn the meeting was madeby Commissioner Katers and supported by
Commissioner Turbiak at 8:34 p.m.
NEXT MEETING:Thursday, February 8,2018.at City Hall
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Keller
Recording Secretary.