On Tuesday, June 5, 2018, the City Planning Commission of the City of Livonia
held its 1,124th Public Hearings and Regular Meeting in the Livonia City Hall, 33000
Civic Center Drive, Livonia, Michigan.
Mr. Ian Wilshaw, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members present: Sam Caramagno Glen Long Kevin Priddy
Ian Wilshaw
Members absent: Betsy McCue, Carol Smiley, Peter Ventura
Mr. Mark Taormina, Planning Director, and Ms. Margie Watson, Program
Supervisor, were also present.
Chairman Wilshaw informed the audience that if a petition on tonight's agenda
involves a rezoning request, this Commission makes a recommendation to the City
Council who, in turn, will hold its own public hearing and make the final
determination as to whether a petition is approved or denied. The Planning
Commission holds the only public hearing on a request for preliminary plat and/or
vacating petition. The Commission's recommendation is forwarded to the City
Council for the final determination as to whether a plat is accepted or rejected. If a
petition requesting a waiver of use or site plan approval is denied tonight, the
petitioner has ten days in which to appeal the decision, in writing, to the City
Council. Resolutions adopted by the City Planning Commission become effective
seven (7) days after the date of adoption. The Planning Commission and the
professional staff have reviewed each of these petitions upon their filing. The staff
has furnished the Commission with both approving and denying resolutions, which
the Commission may, or may not, use depending on the outcome of the
proceedings tonight.
Mr. Caramagno, Secretary, announced the first item on the agenda, Petition 2018-
05-02-11 submitted by CESO, Inc. requesting waiver use
approval pursuant to Sections 11.03(a) and 11.03(c)(4) of the
City of Livonia Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended, in
connection with a proposal to renovate the existing Speedway
gas station, including demolition of the existing building,
construction of a new gas station and the operation of a limited
service restaurant (Speedy Café) at 37416 Seven Mile Road,
located on the northwest corner of Seven Mile and Newburgh
Roads in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 6.
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Mr. Taormina: This petition involves the complete reconstruction of the
Speedway gas station located at the northwest corner of Seven
Mile and Newburgh Roads. The property is zoned C-2, General
Business. The surrounding land uses and zoning include
immediately to the north, Fountainview Plaza, which is a multi-
tenant retail center zoned C-2 and C-1. East on the opposite side
of Newburgh Road are a variety of commercial businesses zoned
C-1 and C-2. To the west across Bethany is a dental office as well
as residential homes under the RUF zoning, and south across
Seven Mile is a credit union and medical center zoned
Professional Office and Office Services. The parcel measures
200 feet along Seven Mile Road by 193 feet on Newburgh Road,
but to facilitate the expansion, Speedway is purchasing from the
owners of Fountainview Plaza the westerly 50 feet of property
that is located between the gas station and Bethany Street. The
additional property increases the frontage of the Speedway
station on Seven Mile to 250 feet. The existing gas station
building is about 2,400 square feet in size. There are six gas
pumps. The proposed new Speedway will measure 4,608 square
feet and will be located in the same general location as the
existing building, which is set back about 19 feet from the north
property line. The floor layout shows the retail display area,
cashier counter, walk-in coolers, restrooms and Speedy Café.
The seating area for the cafe is located in the front portion of the
station. The plan shows 17 interior seats. There will be an outdoor
patio located on the east side of the building measuring about 22
feet by 22 feet and would accommodate two tables with a total of
eight seats. The patio would be protected by both decorative
fencing as well as bollards. Looking at the elevation of the
building, there would be brick on all four sides. The building would
contain a peaked roof and asphalt shingles. The overall height of
the building would be 23'6". The new fueling center would have
seven pump islands, each with two pumps for a total of 14 and
the capacity to serve 28 vehicles. So this would be an expansion
of the fueling facility. The canopy measures 28 feet by 169 feet in
length and extends lengthwise, parallel to Seven Mile Road. The
Zoning Ordinance limits the overall height of the canopy to 18 feet
and the proposed canopy would exceed this. The plan shows the
height at 20 feet. In 1995, the previous owner of this property,
Marathon Oil Company, was granted a variance for excess
canopy height. The basis for the variance was the grade
difference on the property. Because the current non-conforming
canopy is being demolished and replaced with a new canopy, a
variance will be required. The lower half of the support columns
of the pump island canopy would be clad with the same brick
used in the construction of the building. Going back to the site
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plan, the parking requirement is based both on the amount of
retail display area as well as the number of seats in the café.
Overall, the site is required to have 32 parking spaces. The plan
shows 37 for an excess of five spaces. There will be a cross-
access and parking agreement between Fountainview Plaza and
Speedway. The plan shows a curb opening in the northwest
corner of the site that will provide access to the back of the
shopping center property allowing for easier access to and from
both commercial properties. Also shown on the site plan is a new
trash enclosure which is located in the southwest corner of the
site. The access gates would face south towards Seven Mile.
Directly behind the trash enclosure, accessible from a sidewalk
extending along the west side of the building, is a semi-enclosed
outdoor sales area which will consist of the ice machines and
propane exchange cages. Currently, there are three driveways
providing access to the site - one on Newburgh Road and then
two on Seven Mile. As part of the redevelopment, the easterly
drive on Seven Mile will be removed and the remaining
approaches would be shifted and reconfigured to improve access
from each road including limiting the turn movements on
Newburgh to right-in and right out only. The landscape plan
provides for landscaping along the frontage of Seven Mile Road
adjacent to the proposed sign right at the intersection, some
additional landscaping at the back of the center and then on the
westerly side adjacent to Bethany. Stormwater would be handled
underground for this development. We do not have information at
this time relative to site lighting, so it's uncertain whether or not
there will be new light poles added as part of the redevelopment.
Of course, the canopy will be under-lit and the City requires that
all lights be flush-mounted. Lastly, in terms of signage, gas
stations are allowed one ground sign not to exceed 40 square
feet in area, 12 feet in height and a minimum setback of 5 feet
from the right-of-way. The plan is showing a ground sign that
would be 32 square feet, 5'9" in height located near the
intersection of Seven Mile and Newburgh Roads. So that ground
mounted sign is fully conforming to the ordinance. The ordinance
also allows wall signs either in the form of building-mounted signs
or signs affixed to the canopy fascia. The total combined area is
limited to 100 square feet. The sign plan shows two wall signs on
the building, one is 17 square feet and the other is 34 square feet,
and then four signs on the canopy, one facing Newburgh at 47
square feet, one facing Seven Mile at 50 square feet, one facing
Bethany at 47 square feet, and one on the north elevation also
50 square feet. Altogether, when you add the wall signage up, it
totals 245 square feet so it exceeds the maximum limit by 145
square feet and will therefore require a variance from the Zoning
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Board of Appeals. With that, Mr. Chairman, I can read out the
departmental correspondence.
Mr. Wilshaw: Yes, please.
Mr. Taormina: There are six items of correspondence. The first item is from the
Engineering Division, dated May 17, 2018, which reads as
follows: "In accordance with your request, the Engineering
Division has reviewed the above referenced petition. We have no
objections to the waiver use at this time. The existing parcel is
assigned the address of 37416 Seven Mile Road. The submitted
legal description appears to be correct and should be used in
association with this petition. However, the lot split and
combination reflected in the submitted description has not been
completed at this time. It would be advisable to require the
completion of the lot split before final approval of the waiver use,
since the legal description may change if the split and
combination is not approved as submitted. It should be noted that
the existing parcel is currently serviced by public water main,
sanitary sewer and storm sewer. The submitted drawings indicate
that storm water detention will be provided, but do not provide
calculations. We will review the calculations and utility
connections during the permitting stages. The owner will also
need to submit Engineering Drawings to the Wayne County
Department of Public Services for any work within the Seven Mile
Road right-of-way, as well as for any connections to the storm
sewer under their jurisdiction." The letter is signed by David W.
Lear, P.E., Assistant City Engineer. The second letter is from the
Livonia Fire & Rescue Division, dated May 24, 2018, which reads
as follows: "This office has reviewed the site plan submitted in
connection with a proposal to renovate the existing Speedway
gas station, including the demolition of the existing building,
construction of a new gas station and the operation of a limited
service restaurant on property located at the above referenced
address. We have no objections to this proposal." The letter is
signed by Keith Bo, Fire Marshal. The third letter is from the
Division of Police, dated May 16, 2018, which reads as follows: I
have reviewed the plans in connection with the petition. I have no
objections to the proposal." The letter is signed by Brian Leigh,
Sergeant, Traffic Bureau. The fourth letter is from the Treasurer's
Department, dated May 15, 2018, which reads as follows: "In
accordance with your request, the Treasurer's Office has
reviewed the address connected with the above noted petition. At
this time, there are no outstanding amounts receivable for taxes.
Therefore, I have no objections to the proposal." The letter is
signed by Lynda Scheel, Treasurer. The fifth letter is from the
Finance Department, dated May 17, 2018, which reads as
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follows: "I have reviewed the addresses connected with the
above noted petition. As there are no outstanding amounts
receivable, general or water and sewer, I have no objections to
the proposal." The letter is signed by Coline Coleman, Chief
Accountant. The six letter is from the Assessment Department,
dated May 18, 2018, which reads as follows: "The petition
submitted by CESO, Inc. describes a parcel that is not legally in
existence. The petition includes property owned by the shopping
center. A request to split off part of the shopping center and
combine it with the gas station was held up in 2015. We are
waiting for additional information. The Planning Department was
waiting for information on the new location of the shopping
center's dumpster and if this would negatively affect the required
number of parking spaces, and the Engineering Department has
asked for revised legal descriptions. The owner/taxpayer on
record is EMRO Marketing Co. If this property has been purchase
by CESO, they will need to provide proof of ownership. The
Assessor's Office recommends the property split/combination be
approved before proceeding." The letter is signed by Mary
Ciolino. That is the extent of the correspondence.
Mr. Wilshaw: Are there any questions of the Planning Director? I don't hear
any. Our petitioner is here. We will need your name and address
for the record please.
Mandy Gauss, CESO, Inc., 13060 Old US 27, Dewitt, Michigan 48820. Thanks for
having us here tonight. Appreciate your time. I know you did a
pretty good presentation, so I won't bore you with too much extra.
There are a few things I would like to point out. Regarding the site
lighting, we will provide with the full engineering plans site
lighting. Everything will be demolished. All the underground tanks
will be coming out. All the underground piping. It will be
completely removed and everything will be put in brand new. So
all our site lighting will be updated. Everything will be LED lights,
recessed lighting under the canopy. We'll provide a lighting plan
that meets codes with the actual permitting submittals. Also, just
to kind of point out for this site, one thing you'll notice, I know
existing it's a stacked canopy and there's no parking in front of
the building. So we definitely feel, I know it can be a nightmare
out there with parking and for access. Currently there's only 14
parking spaces, so going to the 37 is going to make a big
difference on the site. The additional five spaces are required due
to the cross-access parking we have with the purchased parcel.
Speedway has already purchased the parcel. That is why it says
it's owned by ENRO Marketing. They are in the process. There
was a few items outstanding when we submitted lot split
documents back in 2015. One was the easement document
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which we did provide recently. One of the items I know
mentioned was that the shopping center had to finish their
improvements before this lot split could be finalized. So we will
be submitting that application with the easement support
documentation. We are in coordination with the shopping center
to the north to get them to finish their improvements so that can
all be wrapped up and taken care prior to anything moving
forward on the site. This is a drive-in configuration too. That's
one thing that's different. I know we're only going from six
dispensers to seven. However, with the six dispensers and the
stacked configuration, it's harder to get to and access the
dispensers with the drive-in. It does have better movement on site
and it's easier to access and get people in and out because you
don't have to wait for another car to move to get to the next
dispenser to fuel. This is Speedway's preferred canopies and it
definitely will help improve the movement and flow and any
congestion that you're seeing at the existing site today. But I'm
here to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to ask
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you for that detailed presentation. I always appreciate that.
This is a complete tear out of your existing facility?
Ms. Gauss: Correct.
Mr. Wilshaw: Do we have any questions for our petitioner?
Mr. Long: On the exterior right elevation, you can see the two picnic tables.
Are those portable or year-round?
Ms. Gauss: Those are there year-round. They are bolted down so they cannot
be moved. They are out there year-round, and the umbrellas are
more like a metal. They are solid. They are not going to be
impacted by wind. They won't break down. They are a solid
Mr. Long: Okay. That's my biggest concern looking at this if they are out
there in the weather, how are they going to look still look nice after
one year, two years, and what's your maintenance or
replacement plans on those.
Ms. Gauss: Yes. They do maintain them. They'll paint them as needed to
keep them looking nice. I mean Speedway is very big on
appearance for their store and that's the reason they redo a lot of
their older stores. Again, this was a Total station previously. So it
is important for them to bring it up to their standards which they
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prefer to keep everything looking nice and clean and it keeps
everything functioning better in general.
Mr. Long: With this renovation, the current location will shut down for how
Ms. Gauss: Typically, for a full rebuild, it takes about five months. Four to five
months depending on the time of year and the weather,
unforeseens, but maximum five months typically.
Mr. Caramagno: My question is related to the driveway on the west side that
adjoins the shopping center to the north. That will be an open
curb cut driveway. Do you expect traffic to travel through there to
exit the property?
Ms. Gauss: You could anticipate some. I'm sure if they're trying to go to the
other shopping center as well instead of having to go onto the
roads. So you can anticipate a little bit of cross traffic. We don't
really do the traffic study that way just because we try to be as
conservative as possible and show all the traffic utilizing the
drives and the roadway, but personally I would anticipate some
cross traffic. How much I don't know.
Mr. Caramagno: Is the neighboring property aware that may happen? Are they
okay with that?
Ms. Gauss: Yes. There is cross-access easements in place. That was part of
the lot split requirement with the letter back in 2015 was that the
easements needed to be put in place. So there is a document
now in place that's already been recorded for cross-access for
the two parcels. So that has all been taken care of.
Mr. Caramagno: Thank you.
Mr. Priddy: You said you're adding pumps. Is that for additional types of fuel?
Ms. Gauss: I'm not sure exactly what the existing station has. Sorry, I should
have been prepared for that. But this station here does have three
plus one on the two ends and on this end there's one. So this one
will be diesel. The two outsides will be diesel. And then the
second one over is going to be the flex fuel, the 85.
Mr. Priddy: So we're adding something then from the existing.
Ms. Gauss: I'm not sure if the existing station has diesel. They might. I'm not
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Mr. Priddy: I was just wondering if that was the reason for the seventh pump.
Ms. Gauss: There is demand for additional to not have backup at the
MR. Priddy: I have a question on the wall that's shielding the ice machines
and the propane and so forth. On the drawing, it shows exterior
access to the propane. Is that correct?
Ms. Gauss: Yeah. Propane has to be exterior storage obviously. So what the
access would be, the whole front side of this screen wall, it's like
a "U." So the whole front side is actually open. From the sidewalk
you'd be able to walk onto the sidewalk and access the ice and
the propane, but it will be screened from the sides and the rear—
just between the building where the sidewalk is will be an open
Mr. Priddy: So you would be able to see it facing it directly or behind it?
Ms. Gauss: If you're standing at the store and then turn towards it, it will be
Mr. Priddy: But it's shielded from the road.
Ms. Gauss: Yes. Shielded from the road. The building will shield it from the
Newburgh side and then from Bethany is where the screen wall
itself is located.
Mr. Priddy: So a big change from where you have everything today?
Ms. Gauss: Yes. It will be very not visible.
Mr. Priddy: Thank you.
Mr. Taormina: Mandy, so this front elevation view, which shows the ice
machines and the propane cages on the front of the building, that
is for a different prototype, right? So there won't be anything
placed in front of the store related to outside sales. That will all
occur within that semi-screened area on the west side of the
Ms. Gauss: That is correct. Yes. The one that was provided was the
prototypical for the building. Unfortunately, it wasn't removed. So
on the actual documents that are submitted for permitting, those
will not be shown along the front of the building
Mr. Taormina: Okay. Thank you.
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Mr. Wilshaw: Also, I believe it was mentioned at our study meeting that you'll
have a free air pump which will be on the south side of the
property near the Seven Mile Road entrance?
Ms. Gauss: Correct. The free air pump will be right here in the middle of that
front curb line so that's it far enough away so if somebody with a
trailer pulls in, there's enough room to maneuver and park to fill
trailers and tires and then be able to exit safely.
Mr. Wilshaw: Do you have vacuums for people who vacuum out their cars?
Ms. Gauss: They do not have vacuums on this site, no.
Mr. Wilshaw: Do we have any other questions?
Mr. Caramagno: When I look at your drawing here of the canopy, it looks as though
it doesn't come to the west quite as far and it's not in front of what
would be the dumpster enclosure. Yet when I look at the front
elevation drawing, it looks like it does come over past the
dumpster enclosure. What is it? Is it one way or the other?
Ms. Gauss: It might just be the angle because it does shows on the site plan
. . . let's see where the canopy line comes in here.
Mr. Taormina: It straddles it about half way.
Ms. Gauss: It straddles it about half way.
Mr. Caramagno: So the drawing is more accurate than the picture?
Ms. Gauss: Yes. Correct. The site plan is the most accurate. As you can see,
the second dispenser, the building kind of would straddle this and
this, so the whole canopy should shift half a dispenser if you're
looking at the site plan. So this edge of building would fall like
right in this section of the canopy.
Mr. Caramagno: The reason I ask, obviously a front load dumpster there and
anything going overhead with that canopy there could potentially
be a problem.
Ms. Gauss: Yes, and we do look at that so where the truck is entering and
dumping, we did circulation and everything works fine in that
location and we'll have no conflict.
Mr. Caramagno: Good. Thank you.
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Mr. Wilshaw: Are there any other questions? I think we're all set here. Is there
anybody in the audience that wishes to speak for or against this
item? Sir, you're welcome to come forward. Please provide your
name and address.
Eric Zylinski, Apple Crest Dental, 37500 W. Seven Mile, Livonia, Michigan 48152.
I own the property due west, Apple Crest properties, a multi-
tenant building. My concerns are with drainage. Currently, we
have some issues where we're located. The property just west of
us, a raised drive was put in and kind of acts like a dam and
changed the historical drainage. Now water from the
neighborhood to the north of me now hits this drive and comes to
me. We've been precariously close to getting flooded out. So, my
concern is with the greenbelt that would be between the new
development and Bethany. I know they talked about issues or that
they do plan to have water detention underground. My issues or
concerns are with the greenbelt. I want to know is there going to
be a ditch there? Will there be a sanitary sewer there to catch it?
Also, with snow removal, snow melt. This looks like the perfect
place to push it as far as this site plan is concerned. I would like
to know what the plan s are for that aspect of the development. If
it would be possible to have some sort of sanitary drain towards
the northwest part of their property and towards the southwest
part of their property, I think that would probably be helpful.
Currently, there is a test well on that greenbelt between the gas
station and Bethany. I would like to know is that test well going to
remain in place? Another issue would be, currently, the eastern
portion, almost more than half of Bethany, is not owned by the
City. I wanted to know how this development is affected by that
in the purchase of this property, was half of the street purchased
here as well. How is the ownership being handled with that? So,
my primary concerns are with water and how it's going to be
managed there.
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you, Mr. Zylinski. I appreciate that. We'll try to get some
answers for you. Mr. Taormina, there is a question about the
right-of-way of Bethany as part of this property. I do recall when
we looked at parcels in this area before, it is sort of a unique
situation where the lot lines seem to actually extend out onto the
roadway. Is that still the case?
Mr. Taormina: I believe that is being handled through the split and combination
process - the dedication of the easterly half of the right-of-way to
the City. Relative to drainage, we have the engineer here. I'm
sure she can address the issue. But yes, that portion of the right-
of-way is being dedicated.
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Mr. Wilshaw: Okay. Thankyou. I figured I would start with the more city-
Y 9 Y
oriented aspect of it since you could answer that, while our
petitioner could discuss the other drainage issues.
Ms. Gauss: We are looking at that 25 foot that is currently not dedicated right-
of-way. That is actually in Marathon Petroleum's name. It's not
Speedway. There are two different owners. So Speedway is in
the process of getting Marathon to sign that over to them in order
to dedicate it. So it is under a process. It just takes a little bit of
time, but it is going to happen. It was split really weird. The whole
25 feet is still owned by Marathon Petroleum. It's not part of these
two parcels but it was never dedicated. So it will be dedicated by
the end of this process. That's what we're working towards so that
will get resolved.
Mr. Wilshaw: Excellent. Thank you.
Ms. Gauss: And as far as the drainage is concerned, we are addressing any
issues of drainage. We are putting in an underground storage
system. This entire area right here is underground storage, and it
is sized accordingly to the proper standards to meet for the site.
The grading plan that we did prepare, you can kind of see, the
site is showing - this whole greenbelt I know was the concern.
Wayne County is very picky. You have to detain everything on
site. So we are grading this down to this corner and there is a
catch basin in that location in order to catch the drainage before
it leaves the site and take that back into the system. So we are
going to be improving the current situation.
Mr. Wilshaw: Are you aware of the test well that exists?
Ms. Gauss: I am not, personally, but Speedway does have their own
environmental group that does monitor all their own test wells.
They will be on-site during construction monitoring all the soils.
Anything that needs to be removed, they take care of at that time.
They're very, very, conscious of environmental. So they have
their own in-house environmental crew that is there constantly
during the construction, during excavation, the pits, the tanks,
everything. They're very on top of that and make sure everything
is remediated at the time of construction. The test well may or
may not be removed. It depends on the State and the testing
requirements and why it was placed. Again, that's Speedway
environmental. I could get more clarification on that if needed.
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Mr. Wilshaw: And speaking of environmental concerns, you're also completely
replacing the tanks that are on this site, too, to upgraded better
safety tanks.
Ms. Gauss: Yes. They will be the double wall, fiberglass tanks, fully
monitored. So in between the cells, they have a sensor. Anytime
water gets in from either the tank out or from the ground in, it
immediately sends notifications not only to the store but to the
headquarters. It's red flagged and it's immediately addressed.
They're much better nowadays with technology and able to
prevent a lot of contamination compared to in the past.
Mr. Wilshaw: Excellent. And as far as snow removal goes, obviously you don't
necessarily have a plan for every element of maintenance on the
site, but what is your thought in terms of where snow would
generally be placed on this site?
Ms. Gauss: Typically, they will remove it to the green areas and sometimes
in the parking where you're not seeing a lot of parking off to the
sides. They'll use some of that just for storage if needed. If there
is a lot, they can haul it off if it's one of those seasons where
there's a large amount and it's impacting the operations of the
store. I do see typically you're going to see it more along Bethany
as you discussed, but again, the stormwater as it melts, it will
drain to that storm structure, go into the system and then
discharge to Seven Mile Road, I believe is where our connection
point it.
Mr. Wilshaw: Your requirement by Wayne County to maintain all your
stormwater on site and discharge it at certain rates also includes
snow melt as well. Correct?
Ms. Gauss: Yes. You design for a certain year storm so that would have
everything incorporated that you design for and detain for.
Mr. Wilshaw: Okay. Thank you. I appreciate you answering those questions
for us. Is there anything else you want to mention?
Ms. Gauss: Not that I can think of.
Mr. Wilshaw: With that, I will close the public hearing and ask for a motion.
On a motion by Priddy, seconded by Long, and unanimously adopted, it was
#06-35-2018 RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
by the City Planning Commission on June 5, 2018, on Petition
2018-05-02-11 submitted by CESO, Inc. requesting waiver use
June 5, 2018
approval pursuant to Sections 11.03(a) and 11.03(c)(4) of the
City of Livonia Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended, in
connection with a proposal to renovate the existing Speedway
gas station, including demolition of the existing building,
construction of a new gas station and the operation of a limited
service restaurant (Speedy Café) at 37416 Seven Mile Road,
located on the northwest corner of Seven Mile and Newburgh
Roads in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 6, which property is zoned
C-2, the Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the
City Council that Petition 2018-05-02-11 be approved subject to
the following conditions:
1. That the maximum customer seating count for the restaurant
shall not exceed a total of twenty-five (25) seats, including
seventeen (17) interior seats and eight (8) outdoor patio
2. That the plan marked Drawing Number 2201-Z1, dated May
1, 2018, prepared by CESO, Inc., is hereby approved and
shall be adhered to;
3. That the landscape plan marked Drawing Number 2201-LP,
dated May 1, 2018, prepared by CESO, Inc., is hereby
approved and shall be adhered to;
4. That all disturbed lawn areas shall be sodded in lieu of
5. That underground sprinklers are to be provided for all
landscaped and sodded areas, and all planted materials
shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Inspection
Department and thereafter permanently maintained in a
healthy condition;
6. That the exterior elevation plans marked Drawing Numbers
A-4.1 and A-4.2 prepared by CESO, Inc., as received by the
Planning Commission on May 11, 2018, are hereby
approved and shall be adhered to;
7. That the three walls of the trash dumpster area shall be
constructed out of the same brick used in the construction
of the building or in the event a poured wall is substituted,
the wall's design, texture and color shall match that of the
building. The enclosure gates shall be of solid panel steel
construction or durable, long-lasting solid panel fiberglass.
The trash dumpster area shall be maintained and when not
in use closed at all times;
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8. That all rooftop mechanical equipment shall be concealed
from public view on all sides by screening that shall be of a
compatible character, material and color to other exterior
materials on the building;
9. That the gas pump island canopy shall not exceed twenty-
one feet (21') in height, and its support columns shall be
covered with the same brick used in the construction of the
10. That this approval is subject to the petitioner being granted
a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals for excess
canopy height subject to any conditions related thereto;
11. That the leading edge of the pump island canopy shall not
be any closer than ten feet (10') from any property line;
12. That any illumination of the pump island canopy shall be
restricted to the undercarriage, and all light fixtures shall be
recessed and made flush with the established ceiling;
provided, however, that this section shall not apply to those
specified signs which are expressly allowed by the district
regulations of the Zoning Ordinance;
13. That this site shall meet either the City of Livonia or the
Wayne County Storm Water Management Ordinance,
whichever applies, and shall secure any required permits,
including storm water management permits, wetlands
permits and soil erosion and sedimentation control permits,
from Wayne County, the City of Livonia, and/or the State of
Michigan Department of Natural Resources and
Environment (DNRE);
14. That all light fixtures shall not exceed twenty feet (20') in
height and shall be aimed and shielded so as to minimize
stray light trespassing across property lines and glaring into
adjacent roadway;
15. Except as shown on the approved site plan, no outside
storage, placement or display of merchandise shall be
permitted at any time on this site;
16. That free air shall be provided at all times this station is open
for business. The free air shall be dispensed at the point of
service without having to enter the station or perform any
extra action in order to obtain the air without charge;
June 5, 2018
28614 1
17. That no vehicle vacuum equipment shall be permitted on the
18. That only conforming signage is approved with this petition,
and any additional signage shall be separately submitted for
review and approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals;
19. That no part of the pump island canopy fascia, except for
the embossed logos, shall be illuminated;
20. That no LED lightband or exposed neon shall be permitted
on this site including, but not limited to, the pump island
canopy, building or around the windows;
21. That unless approved by the proper local authority, any type
of exterior advertising, such as promotional flags, streamers
or sponsor vehicles designed to attract the attention of
passing motorists, shall be prohibited;
22. That the specific plans referenced in this approving
resolution shall be submitted to the Inspection Department
at the time the building permits are applied for; and,
23. Pursuant to Section 19.10 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Livonia, this approval is valid for a
period of ONE YEAR ONLY from the date of approval by
City Council, and unless a building permit is obtained, this
approval shall be null and void at the expiration of said
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.05 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended.
Mr. Wilshaw: Is there any discussion?
Mr. Priddy: Is the outside ice placement consistent?
Mr. Taormina: No, we're going to have to amend both of those conditions, #17
and #18, to allow for the outdoor sales. We will take care of that.
Mr. Priddy: And #15 as well.
Mr. Taormina: Yes.
Mr. Long: I will support with the amendments to Items #15, #17 and #18.
June 5, 2018
Mr. Wilshaw, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
adopted. It will go on to City Council with an approving resolution.
ZBA Board Members
Mr. Caramagno, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2018-
05-06-02 submitted by the City Planning Commission, pursuant
to Council Resolution #165-18, and Section 23.01(a) of the
Livonia Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to determine whether or
not to amend Sections 21.01, 21.02 and 21.03 of Article XXI of
the Livonia Zoning Ordinance No. 543, as amended, in order to
provide for the appointment of alternate Zoning Board of Appeals
board members.
Mr. Taormina: This language amendment was initiated by City Council to allow
for the appointment of two alternate members to the Zoning
Board of Appeals. The Zoning Board of Appeals currently has
seven members. Each alternate member appointed would be
called upon to serve in the same capacity as a regular member
in his or her absence or due to a conflict of interest. The authority
of municipalities to appoint alternate members to the Zoning
Board of Appeals is provided under the Michigan Zoning and
Enabling Act and is commonly done throughout the State. Again,
this is a recommendation that comes from City Council via the
City Law Department which staffs the Zoning Board of Appeals.
I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Mr. Wilshaw: Are there any questions of the Planning Director?
Mr. Long: Mark, given our representation tonight of only four out of seven
Planning Commissioners, is two enough? Do they need three
Mr. Taormina: The State Law limits it to two.
Mr. Long: So if that happened, then they would just have six and they would
have their meeting.
Mr. Taormina: Exactly.
Mr. Long: Thank you.
Mr. Wilshaw: Are there any other questions for Mr. Taormina? Seeing none, is
there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak for or against
June 5, 2018
this item? Seeing no one coming forward, I will close the public
hearing and ask for a motion.
On a motion by Long, seconded by Caramagno, and unanimously adopted, it was
#06-36-2018 RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
by the City Planning Commission on June 5, 2018, on Petition
2018-05-06-02 submitted by the City Planning Commission,
pursuant to Council Resolution #165-18, and Section 23.01(a) of
the Livonia Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to determine
whether or not to amend Sections 21.01, 21.02 and 21.03 of
Article XXI of the Livonia Zoning Ordinance No. 543, as
amended, in order to provide for the appointment of alternate
Zoning Board of Appeals board members, the Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 2018-05-06-02 be approved for the following reasons:
1. That the proposed language amendment remedies the
scheduling conflicts to seat all seven members of the Zoning
Board of Appeals at their hearings by allowing an alternate
member to serve in the absence of a regular member; and
2. That the proposed language amendment is in the best
interests of the City and its residents.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 23.05 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended.
Mr. Wilshaw, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
adopted. It will go on to City Council with an approving resolution.
Mr. Caramagno, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2018-
05-08-04 submitted by Ayar Construction requesting approval of
all plans required by Section 18.58 of the City of Livonia Zoning
Ordinance#543, as amended, regarding a proposal to modify the
exterior appearance of the existing party store (Levan Wine
Shop) at 36217 Plymouth Road, located on the southeast corner
of Plymouth and Levan Roads in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 32.
Mr. Taormina: This is a request to modify the exterior of an existing retail store
that is located on the southeast corner of Plymouth and Levan
Road. The name of the store is the Levan Wine Shop. The
property measures roughly 170 feet of frontage along Plymouth
June 5, 2018
Road by 210 feet on Levan Road. The zoning of the property is
C-2, General Business. The site presently contains a 5,000
square foot building. The current exterior of the building mostly
consists of wood siding. The siding would be completely removed
and replaced with a combination of brick, stone and E.I.F.S.
Along the lower part of the building, there is a band of stone that's
about 4.5 feet above grade. This includes the areas that are
below the storefront windows. This is a stone veneer and then
above the stone on portions of the north and west sides of the
building facing Plymouth and Levan Roads, there would be a thin-
brick material that would extend all the way to the top of a new
crown molding that would replace the parapet along the top of the
building. This is the proposed north elevation and just below it is
the west elevation. So these are the sides of the building that face
both Plymouth and Levan Roads. You'll notice the stone along
the bottom portion of the building, the brick veneer above that,
and then in the northwest corner of the building, which includes
the main entrance, there is E.I.F.S. above. This is the darker color
on the drawing. That would be the dryvit material. Although I don't
think it's representative of the colors that they're selecting, this is
what extends above the entranceway and the glazing up to the
crown molding, and there will be new canopies added to the
building. This is the side facing the shopping center and what
currently is just a flat side containing this wood would now be
broken up a little bit. There would be a new façade, parapet
added to the upper part of the building. You can see some offsets
and some varying heights where that crown molding is located
here and then a combination of brick as well as E.I.F.S. Then
lastly, along the back of the building, the side facing the
residential district where there is an alleyway and a screen wall
that separates the commercial property from the adjoining
residential property, there is existing concrete block that I'm
assuming will be painted as part of the reconstruction project. At
the study meeting, there was some discussion regarding several
site deficiencies including the poor condition of the parking lot as
well as the light poles, curb blocks, landscaping and lack of a
dumpster enclosure. It was suggested that these items be
addressed as conditions of approval. And then lastly, relative to
signage, we don't have any details on signage, but this site would
be allowed two wall signs based on its dual frontage. The one
facing Plymouth Road could be up to 80 square feet and then the
second sign facing Levan Road would measure half the allowable
area of the main sign, which in this case would be 40 square feet.
There is currently a nonconforming pylon sign that is on the site,
but again, we don't have any details relative to replacement
signage, if that's what they're intending to do. So with that, Mr.
Chairman, I'd be happy to read out the correspondence.
June 5, 2018
Mr. Wilshaw: Yes, please.
Mr. Taormina: There are six items of correspondence. The first item is from the
Engineering Division, dated May 10, 2018, which reads as
follows: "In accordance with your request, the Engineering
Division has reviewed the above referenced petition. We have no
objections to the proposed project at this time. The existing parcel
is assigned the address of #36217 Plymouth Road. The
submitted legal description appears to be correct and should be
used in conjunction with this petition. The existing building is
currently serviced by public water main, sanitary sewer and storm
sewer. Should renovations to the building require alterations to
the existing services, drawings will need to be submitted to this
department to determine if permits will be required. Also, should
the owner need to complete work within the Plymouth Road right-
of-way, permits from the Michigan Department of Transportation
(MDOT) will be required."The letter is signed by David Lear, P.E.,
Assistant City Engineer. The second letter is from the Livonia Fire
& Rescue Division, dated May 16, 2018, which reads as follows:
"I have reviewed the site plan submitted in connection with a
request to This office has reviewed the site plan submitted in
connection with a request to modify the exterior appearance of
the existing party store on property located at the above
referenced address. We have no objections to this proposal."
The letter is signed by Keith Bo, Fire Marshal. The third letter is
from the Division of Police, dated May 16, 2018, which reads as
follows: "I have reviewed the plans in connection with the petition.
I have no objections to the proposal." The letter is signed by Brian
Leigh, Sergeant, Traffic Bureau. The fourth letter is from the
Inspection Department, dated May 15, 2018, which reads as
follows: "Pursuant to your request, the above-referenced petition
has been reviewed. This Department has no objections to this
petition." The letter is signed by Jerome Hanna, Director of
Inspection. That is the extent of the correspondence. The fifth
letter is from the Treasurer's Department, dated May 15, 2018,
which reads as follows: "In accordance with your request, the
Treasurer's Office has reviewed the address connected with the
above noted petition. At this time, there are no outstanding
amounts receivable for taxes. Therefore, I have no objections to
the proposal." The letter is signed by Lynda Scheel, Treasurer.
The sixth letter is from the Finance Department, dated May 11,
2018, which reads as follows: "I have reviewed the addresses
connected with the above noted petition. As there are no
outstanding amounts receivable, general or water and sewer, I
have no objections to the proposal."The letter is signed by Coline
Coleman, Chief Accountant. Thank you.
June 5, 2018
Mr. Wilshaw: Do we have any questions of our Planning Department?
Mr. Priddy: Mr. Taormina, did the Planning Department get any samples or
color scheme of anything?
Mr. Taormina: We do not have a rendering. The architect is here this evening or
the construction manager, and maybe he can provide additional
information. I think that was requested at the study meeting.
Mr. Priddy: All right. Thank you.
Mr. Wilshaw: Is the petitioner here this evening? We will need your name and
address for the record please. Is there anything else that you'd
like to add to the presentation that you've heard so far?
Jonathan Ayar, Ayar Construction, 31000 Northwestern, Suite L100, Farmington
Hills, Michigan 48334. When we were mentioning about the
coloring, we're still essentially in the design phase. We haven't
picked out colors. All we know is these are the actual materials
that we want to go with. We know we're going with the family of
the sandstones and browns. Like you guys mentioned during our
presentation about the parking lot, we talked about that. It's going
to be part of phase two, which hopefully will be part of a 2019
project. With that, we'll include a landscaping plan. Currently,
we're going to actually make repairs to whatever hazards we
have in the parking lot and replace the parking blocks and also
the light poles in this phase of construction. So we'll try to address
most of the issues.
Mr. Wilshaw: Excellent. I appreciate that background. Is there any questions
for our petitioner?
Mr. Priddy: Good evening. I know at the study meeting we were requesting
samples or anything like that and I just heard you say you're still
in the planning stages of that so you haven't even . . .
Mr. Ayar: We know of the materials that we want to use, but we haven't
picked any kind of like coloring or any kind of actual . . . I don't
want to say design, but actual coloring of what exact colors we
want to go with the scheme yet. We don't know if we're going to
go lighter on the bottom or darker on the top, but it's going to be
a brick veneer and a veneer stone as well.
Mr. Priddy: Okay. Thank you.
June 5, 2018
Mr. Caramagno: When you were talking about the parking lot and lighting poles,
did you say that this is going to be part of this project or another
project down the road?
Mr. Ayar: The repairs to the parking lot for now, anything that is an actual
hazard will be repaired this phase and also lighting will be this
phase. The next phase, which is hopefully the 2019 project which
was under consideration at this point, we know the parking lot is
in pretty bad shape so we want to replace it next year with also a
landscape plan.
Mr. Caramagno: Okay. So I'm getting this straight, this year you'll replace the light
poles along with the building configuration or the remodel. You'll
patch the lot and stripe it as well?
Mr. Ayar: Yes.
Mr. Caramagno: According to the double striping that is required here?
Mr. Ayar: Yes.
Mr. Caramagno: Okay. Let me ask you a couple other questions then. All the
debris that is on the ground by the dumpster, all that rock, dirt,
gravel, what is that? How long has that been there and when is
that going away?
Mr. Ayar: I'm the general contractor. I don't know about that, the actual
property itself. I don't own the property.
Mr. Caramagno: Does somebody know where that came from? It's like a dumping
ground back there. There's a yard or two of rubble, gravel, dirt on
the ground. How long has that been there?When is it going to go
Jeffrey Yono, 36217 Plymouth, Livonia, Michigan 48150. Good evening,
everybody. We've been renovating this store. That's going to get
taken care of very soon, which I believe already was taken care
of a few days ago, if I'm not mistaken.
Mr. Caramagno: It could have been. It's been four, five, six days since I've been
by there. That is possible. There's a bunch of racks and things
behind the building. Has all that been cleaned up?
Mr. Yono: If not, it will be. We're making a lot of changes inside. That's why
everything was there.
June 5, 2018
Mr. Caramagno: Yeah, if it hasn't been, it needs to be. It's really unsightly. The
other question I have for you is something that I noticed when I
was by there the other day. We talked about it tonight with the
Speedway gas station. You've got ice storage. You've got
propane storage and paper magazines that are chained to a sign
in the parking lot - Auto Trader magazines that appear to be on
your property.
Mr. Yono: Those we're not responsible for. I don't know who put some there,
but the ice machine and propane, we can move them along the
side of the building on Levan Road, that way they're not visible
on Plymouth Road.
Mr. Caramagno: To me, that would be more slightly when you do this to move
those machines off to the side so they're not on the main drag
and as far as the paper machines go . . .
Mr. Yono: I'll have them remove them.
Mr. Caramagno: Because if somebody dropped off paper machines at my house
or building, I know where they'd go, quickly.
Mr. Yono: Sure.
Mr. Caramagno: The other question I've got is, you know we talk about signage.
You've got a couple building signs. You've got a pylon sign there
that I don't know if it makes sense. And then the windows are just
plastered with Miller Lite, Budweiser, Bud Lite, Coors Lite,
Mr. Yono: All of that is going to get redone. The store has been this way for
Mr. Caramagno: How does it get like that in the first place? How does it get that
Mr. Yono: Because the kitchen is there, they cover it. But eventually, once
we give the store a new look, I'm going to get a professional
company to come in and paint all the windows and make it look
very nice to the way the building is going to look. For myself, I'm
going to want to change that as well. I want to give the whole
corner a new image.
Mr. Caramagno: And that's why I'm asking because it seems like you're going to
invest some money here, and there's no reason to invest good
money and have the windows plastered up with signage and look
like not nice.
June 5, 2018
Mr. Yono: Yeah. We're going to change that as well. I agree.
Mr. Caramagno: Okay. Is there any plan for a dumpster enclosure? Tell me about
Mr. Yono: There's nothing on the plans. Right now, there is not one there.
We can push a dumpster in more behind the building or we can
leave that for phase two for 2019.
Mr. Caramagno: I think a phase two for a dumpster enclosure is probably
reasonable with the parking lot at that point, and if you're going
to tear the parking lot up and then redo that, it's probably a good
time to determine where that dumpster needs to be and put it
away properly.
Mr. Yono: Yes.
Mr. Caramagno: That all the questions and comments I've got.
Mr. Wilshaw: Are there any questions from the Commissioners?
Mr. Long: I'm not sure it's for the petitioner. I'm not familiar with this body
approving anything without seeing color. I am supportive of the
petitioner's desire to do things here. I'm not comfortable just
giving a blank check to the possibility of anything. So is it
appropriate to put in some condition where the Planning
Department can approve that or is this something where as a
body we want to see it?
Mr. Wilshaw: There is no requirement that we approve the colors of materials,
but typically, we do like to see that and we do like to make those
recommendations to City Council. So we can let it go to City
Council without that information and they can address it. We
could have that has a callback item perhaps if we wanted to see
that again. It's really up to the discretion of the Commission as to
how they want to proceed. Mark, do you have any thought on
Mr. Taormina: I think you could provide some guidance in the resolution
consistent with the statements of the petitioner that the neutral
earth tones colors be submitted to the Council for verification as
part of its review of this plan. I think that would be appropriate in
this case if that's something the petitioner can provide soon since
this will be scheduled to go in front of City Council probably in two
weeks, but we would hold it from going to Council until such time
that the information is provided.
June 5, 2018
Mr. Wilshaw: It would give the petitioner a few weeks to hammer that out.
Mr. Taormina: Yes, I would say a rendering of the building. If they change it a
shade or two, I mean that's something that we usually deal with
at the time permits are issued. Oftentimes we see site changes
but as long as it's generally consistent with the renderings that
are submitted at the time. I know that's been an issue we
discussed recently on other projects.
Mr. Wilshaw: Does that sound acceptable, Mr. Long?
Mr. Long: Yes, it does. Thank you.
Mr. Wilshaw: Are there any other questions for our petitioner? Hearing none, is
there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak for or against
the granting of this petition? Seeing no one coming forward, a
motion would be in order.
On a motion by Caramagno, seconded by Priddy, and unanimously adopted, it
#06-37-2018 RESOLVED, that the City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 2018-05-08-04
submitted by Ayar Construction requesting approval of all plans
required by Section 18.58 of the City of Livonia Zoning Ordinance
#543, as amended, regarding a proposal to modify the exterior
appearance of the existing party store (Levan Wine Shop) at
36217 Plymouth Road, located on the southeast corner of
Plymouth and Levan Roads in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 32, be
approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the exterior modifications as depicted on the exterior
elevations plan identified as Sheet A-1 dated May 1, 2018,
as revised, prepared by CJP Engineering & Design, LLC, is
hereby approved and shall be adhered to, except that color
renderings showing earth tone colors for the materials shall
be submitted to City Council prior to the Study Meeting;
2. That all rooftop mechanical equipment shall be concealed
from public view on all sides by screening that shall be of a
compatible character, material and color to other exterior
materials on the building;
3. That the parking lot shall be repaired and restriped as
necessary to the satisfaction of the Inspection Department.
June 5, 2018
Parking spaces shall be doubled striped at ten feet (10')
wide by twenty feet (20') in length;
4. That all light fixtures shall be repaired or replaced as
necessary to the satisfaction of the Inspection Department.
All light fixtures shall not exceed twenty feet (20') in height
and shall be aimed and shielded so as to minimize stray light
trespassing across property lines and glaring into adjacent
5. That only conforming wall signage is approved with this
6. That no LED light band or exposed neon shall be permitted
on this site including, but not limited to, the building or
around the windows;
7. That a fully detailed landscape plan and a plan to enclose
the site's trash dumpster shall be submitted for approval to
the Planning Commission within sixty (60) days following
approval of this petition by the City Council;
8. That unless approved by the proper local authority, any type
of exterior advertising, such as promotional flags, streamers
or sponsor vehicles designed to attract the attention of
passing motorists, shall be prohibited;
9. That the ice machine and propane exchange containers be
moved to the west side of the building;
10. That all excess window signage shall be removed;
11. That all debris and magazine racks shall be removed from
the site;
12. That the specific plans referenced in this approving
resolution shall be submitted to the Inspection Department
at the time the building permits are applied for; and
13. Pursuant to Section 19.10 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Livonia, this approval is valid for a
period of ONE YEAR ONLY from the date of approval by
City Council, and unless a building permit is obtained, this
approval shall be null and void at the expiration of said
Mr. Wilshaw: Is there any discussion?
June 5, 2018
Mr. Caramagno: The things that we talked about tonight regarding the debris
around the back of the building, the signage off those windows,
the ice machine, the propane, the magazine racks in the parking
lot chained to the sign, that's all really got to be addressed and
addressed properly by you folks or the owner. You also need to
bring, as we talked about a few minutes ago, some colors in here
for the Council to look at so we understand what this building is
truly going to look like other than just a black and white drawing
Mr. Ayar: We're going to make it look classy. We're going to stick to the
original colors, like a light brown with a dark brown or a light gray
with a modern look. So nothing funky. Nothing that's going to pop
out loud. It's going to be something that's going to be very nice.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Mr. Caramagno: I just hate to see you get turned away by the next step down the
road because you don't have a color chosen, or a couple of colors
to show them. We asked you for it for this meeting, and we didn't
see it. And I understand you might not have made a decision, but
I would suggest that you have a decision made by the time you
get to City Council.
Mr. Ayar: When is City Council?
Mr. Caramagno: Mark will let you know.
Mr. Taormina: We will work with the petitioner on it.
Mr. Wilshaw: Typically, it's going to be at least two to three weeks, but if you
need extra time to get these colors selected before that, they can
always hold that until you have that information.
Mr. Ayar: Okay. Very good. No, we're not going to need more time.
Mr. Wilshaw: They will work with you. I want to make sure that we've
incorporated all of the elements that were discussed. Mr.
Taormina, Mr. Caramagno rattled off a nice list of items here.
Cleaning up the debris, the excess signage on the windows being
removed, the ice machines and propane being relocated. There
was discussion about a dumpster enclosure being incorporated
into an additional phase of construction. I assume you've been
able to capture most of that?
Mr. Taormina: We've got it all.
June 5, 2018
Mr. Wilshaw: Mr. Caramagno, just as a point of order, do we want to provide in
the motion any recommendation that the colors be earth tones or
at least give them some guidance?
Mr. Caramagno: Sure, in conjunction with what they've already spoken of. Earth
tones, yes. Definitely. Grays, browns.
Mr. Ayar: Would samples be okay to bring?
Mr. Caramagno: Absolutely. Yes.
Mr. Wilshaw: Definitely. We just want to make sure we don't end up with a hot
pink building or something.
Mr. Ayar: No worries about that. We're not going to put all this money and
go with hot pink.
Mr. Wilshaw, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
adopted. It will go on to City Council with an approving resolution.
Mr. Caramagno, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2018-
04-02-10 submitted by Feldman Automotive, Inc. requesting
waiver use approval pursuant to Section 11.03(g) of the City of
Livonia Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended, to construct and
operate a used auto dealership with outdoor display of vehicles
(Feldman Pre-Owned Superstore) at 33850 Plymouth Road,
located on the north side of Plymouth Road between Farmington
and Stark Roads in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 28.
Mr. Wilshaw: I will just announce that this item is currently on the table. We did
receive communication from the petitioner asking that the item
remain on the table so that they can make a future meeting. This
item will remain on the table until our next meeting on June 26.
Sir, you have a question? We will ask your name and address for
the record.
William McEvoy, 33900 Wadsworth, Livonia, Michigan. The Feldman Automotive,
that's what I was interested in. I wanted to bring to the attention
of the Planning Commission on the northwest and north end of
that property, there is an open and active drainage ditch that
serves our property presently. It could be a problem with flooding
in the spring if that drainage is disrupted.
June 5, 2018
Mr. Wilshaw: The plans right now, of course, we don't have them in front of us
to talk about it, but we've seen the plans for this item. The
drainage retention pond is going to remain in the northern section
of the property. That will be unaffected. They are going to
continue to maintain that. That should help.
Mr. McEvoy: That open drainage ditch now it goes under Farmington Road.
From there I have no idea where it goes, but I've lived there for
47 years and that open ditch has provided spring drainage when
we have the raining season.
Mr. Wilshaw: Definitely. That pond system will remain. It will discharge
underground into the Wayne County system slowly as it normally
would. If you are interested in getting more information about this
item, because the petitioner wasn't here and asked to have the
item remain tabled, that's why we're not discussing it tonight. We
always honor their request. We will be taking it up again in three
weeks, June 26. So if you're interested, we can always have you
come back that day if you're available and we can talk about it
some more.
Mr. McEvoy: All right. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you for coming.
ITEM #5 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1,123rd Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting
Mr. Caramagno, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Approval of
the Minutes of the 1,123rd Public Hearings and Regular Meeting
held on May 22, 2018.
On a motion by Long, seconded by Priddy, and unanimously adopted, it was
#06-38-2018 RESOLVED, that the Minutes of 1,123rd Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting held by the Planning Commission on May 22,
2018, are hereby approved.
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Long, Priddy, Caramagno, Wilshaw
NAYS: None
ABSENT: McCue, Smiley, Ventura
June 5, 2018
Mr. Wilshaw, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the 1,124th Public
Hearings and Regular Meeting held on June 5, 2018, s adjourned at 8:11 p.m.
Sam aramagno, Secretary
Ian Wilshaw, Chairman