HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1942_0107Saturday 1s Last Opportunity To Register Rosedale -Elm Voters Will Have Special Election Wednesday Saturday is the last day pros- pective voters of 'the Elm -Rose- dale Gardens school district may register for the special election slated for Wednesday, January 14, according to an announcement posted by the board of education in this week's Livonian. Res- idents may register from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at either of the Rose- dale Gardens or Elm schools. Superintendent Garritt Kramer is taking registrations at Rose- dale and Principal Kenneth Wil- cox is in charge at Elm. The special election has been called by the board upon a peti- tion asking for an adequate means of transporting children to and from school. The question to be voted upon is: "Shall the board of education in Livonia school district No. 6, Livonia township, be authorized to provide adequate facilities for the transportation within such district for pupils to and from their homes.." Residents of the district signed the petition and submitted it to the board at their December meeting. Immediate action on the matter has been spurred on because of inclement weather conditions and also because of .the fact that some children in the district have to walk to and from school as far as two and one-half miles. "It is surprising how few res- idents of the district have regis- tered," William J. Trepagnier, President of the board of educa- tion, declared following the first registration period Saturday. "We are giving everyone ample op- portunity to register by having two days for it, he added, "and I can assure .you that there will be no additional registration per- iod before the special election. No one will be permitted to vote unless he is properly registered. Those who registered for the an - (Continued on page 5) Varipapa Bowls Here! ANDY VARIPAPA Trick Shot .Ace 1n Livonia Jan. 17 Some great bowlers have vis- ited this part of the country, but perhaps the greatest of all, Andy Varipapa, is scheduled to make a return performance at the Li- vonia Recreation Saturday after- noon and evening, January 17. He will put on a show unpar- alleled in the ten -pin sport in addition to a period of free in- struction in the afternoon. Vari- papa not only is a remarkable average bowler but he is to bowling what Charley Peterson is to billiards, Joe Kirkwood to golf. He is a trick shot bowler and follows his matches with fancy shot exhibitions. No bowler can claim the rec- ord of this Italian over a period of years and Varipapa, a Brook- lyn, N. Y., resident has been bowling for more than a quarter of a century. He is 42 .years old and still going strong. This Varipapa possesses such skill and showmanship that he has been snapped up by motion picture producers and already (Continued on page 5) LIVONIA TOWNSHIP'S ONLY iFFICIAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Entered at the an Plymouth, g , Michi G�1GAN""'p� �`\.�,,;,y/F�� Subscription price, $1.00 per year. Post Office as second class mail matter. 5 cents per single copy. JOHN GAFFIELD, Editor and Manager �sspClA��pt' STERLING EATON, Publisher Phone Plymouth 16 Business Office, Plymouth Mail Building, Plymouth, Michigan. Vol. 2—No. 0 Wednesday, January 7, 1942 Plymouth, Michigan i 5 Fire Apparatus Red Ca-m-pa-ign Gets First Run Starts Her Organize Local Branch for Twp. As willingly as they pledged themselves to service, the Livonia Red Cross asks you to con- tribute to its annual mem- bership drive and war relief campaign which starts today (Wednes- day). - Sometime between to- day and next Saturday, January 17, a volunteer worker of the Red Cross will call at your home to solicit your membership in the new branch which was organized in Livonia last Saturday after- noon. Since there is a population of nearly 9,000 in Livonia and, approximately 2,500 families, the goal has been set at $3,000. In the words of Supervisor Jesse Zieg- ler: "Three thousand dollars is the minimum. If Livonia residents contribute as wholeheartedly to this campaign as they have for other such worthy undertakings, we will go way over the top and $3,000 will be just a starter. "We'll show Wayne county that Livonia township is really on the man and that we are doing as much and even more _ for our boys in service than are other communities our size." Saturday afternoon represen- tatives of each of five Red Cross units in Livonia township were called to the township hall for the organization meeting of a Livonia branch' Mrs. Gertrude Beitier, director of branch cam- paigns, of Detroit, appeared be- fore the group and explained the war relief campaign which is be- ing carried on all over the coun- ty at the present time. She also assisted in the organization of the central branch for Livonia. She said that the Wayne county campaign quota is $2,000,- 000, one million of which has al- (Connnued on Page 3) Plan to Sponsor Red Cross Benefits In cooperation with the Red Cress drive which starts today and ends next Saturday, Jan- uary 17, faculty members, school organization heads, and others connected with Livonia township schools will meet at the township hall Thursday evening, 8 o'clock. to discuss the sponsoring of benefit part- ies. Proceeds will be turned over to the Red Cross, According to Harry S. Wolfe, drive chairman, an affemnt is being made to have benefit parties at each school the lat- fer part of next week. Further announcement re- garding the parties and schools in which they are to be held will be made in next week's Livonian and also through the schools. Toda-q 1 heads Drive HARRY S. o^IOLFE Taxpayers to Discuss Topics of Importance Topics of utmost importance will be subjects of discussion next Wednesday evening, Jan- uary 14, when the Livonia Tax- payers' association wi_l meet at the township hall at 8 n.m. Members will discuss civilian defense, and the Red Cross, both of which are projects of he Proup and aiso the oossibilities of obtaining a central postoffice for the township will be brought before the association. Any Caucasian taxpayer in the. township is eligible for membership and all are invited to attend the meeting Wednes- -ay. 0 Coventry rU" eats Tap- V V 12 Members of the Coveniry Ga -,-- dens Improvement association will elect their board of di-ectors for 1942 at their first meeting of the new year next Monday eve- ning, January 12. The b ..rd of directors then, acting in accord- ance with the association's by- laws, will choose the body's an- nual officers. The panel of offi- cers now retiring includes Clar- ence Jahn, acting chairman of the resident committee, Mrs. Robert Zobel, Stanley Allen, i•Iyr:ni Anderson and O. A. Evans. Names Committee for Red Cross Drive In Rosedale Gardens Mrs. Ralph Baker, committee member of the Red Cross War Relief campaign for Livonia township has named the follow- ing individuals as members of a committee to assist her with sol- icitations in Rosedale Gardens: C. L. Bowdlear, J. B. Folsom, Mrs. R. W. Mason and Mrs. Staf- ford Francis. The committee plans to meet at Mrs. Baker's home Wednes- day evening at 9 o'clock to com- plete details pertaining to the drive. Help National Defens:.,i lVear a button indicative of .your .nem- bership in. the Red Cross., Commission Created to Administer Fire Control First call for Rosedale Gar- dens' new fire department unit sounded December 29 at 6:30 atm., with truck and volunteer fire fighters being called to a home at 13650 Merriman road. An overheated kitchen stove- pipe ignited the supporting ceil- 9ing structure, and filled the up- per stories of the house with smoke. Fire Chief Calvin Roberts and Driver -Forrest Bunker met dozen or more volunteer :Firemen at the scene of the blaze and were able to control it with hand extinguishers, saving the home, which recently had been remod- eled, from the violence of the Power hose. Administration of the depart- ment is in the hands of the new fire commission appointed by the Livonia township board at its' last meeting on December 26. The commission, headed by Chairman R. R. Kleinert, includes A. C. Burton, R. G. Ganstrom, Charles McKinney, Township Clerk Harry Wolfe and Township Supervisor Jesse Ziegler. The first and most important ;ob the commission has to do, Commis- sioner Kleinert emphasized, is to get one vital piece of information to all the people in the Rosedale Gardens area: Know the exact location of the fire hydrant nearest yet,,. and give !hat information to the fire department when you call it. That one fact may mean the sav- ina of your home." The •department is designed to serve the special assessment •dis- (Continued on page 6) Rosedale Civic e.5'an q J an. Speed Control Zone, i rainee Gifts Planned - The Rosedale Gardens Civic association's first meeting for 19- 42 will take place Friday, Jan- uary 9. The main business to be covered is the reading of the various committees' annual re- ports and the setting up of spe- cific activities pertinent to civic administration and development. Reports given will detail the work of the building restriction, entertainment, fire, house, mem- bership, public relations, and traffic committees during the Past year. The association has gained the approval of the Michigan High- way Commission for the estab- lishment of a traffic control zone over that part of Plymouth road lying within Rosedale Gardens boundaries. The specific area to be thus protected has been plot- ted with the cooperation of Her- bert S. O'Brien, metropolitan (continued on page 3) Subscribe to The Livonian Today! Know what's happening in your locality. Subscribe to The Livonian, the official newspaper of Livonia town- ship. Simply inclose a dollar with your name and address and mail it to "The Livonian, Plymouth, Michigan." News and advertising copy must be in by Friday of each week preceding the Wednesday pub- lication day. Classified ads are o n 1 y 25 cents. Telephone Plymouth 16. PaLre 2 Rosedale Gardens. Community Church Announces Change couple Engaged In Services Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor of Announcement es o schedule Rosedale. Gardens announced the change for services of the as engagement of their daughter; made Community church was Helen Jane, to Private Donald E. made this week. Spicer, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Following is the new time for Spicer of Rosedale Gardens, at a Sunday services: Church, 10:00 dinner given in their home Fri- a.m.; Sunday school, 11 a.m. to day evening, December 26. 12:00 Noon. iThe services are in charge of In keeping with the bride- groom -elect's attachment to the the Rev. Albert Luibrand of Detroit. Rev. Luibrand cordially Quartermaster's division tem- invites the public to attend. porarily assigned to Fort Robin- o son, Arkansas, the military motif �, was used in the table decorations Name Winners and arrangements. Red, white and blue flowers formed the cen- terpiece from which similarly ®f Yule Conten colored streamers carried place cards, which were tiny envelopes marked "Military Secret" and containing the words "Jane and Don," thus announcing the news of their engagement to t h e guests. Preceding the dinner the sister and brother-in-law of the bride- groom -elect, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Overman, entertained the guests with cards and dancing at their home on Berwick avenue, Rose- dale Gardens. Private Spicer enjoyed a seven- day furlough with his parents -over the holidays. 0 Coventry Party Awards $25 Bond More than 175 people came to the Coventry Gardens Improve- ment association's feather party at the Livonia Center school Fri- day evening, December 19. Win- ner of the major award of the evening was Mrs. Edward Ham- ilton of Coventry Gardens, who was given a filled defense stamp album equivalent to a $25 de- fense bond. The bonds them- selves, which must be register- ed in the owner's name wizen purchased, cannot be transferred and are thus insured against 'loss. Winner at the door was Harry Wolfe, Livonia's township clerk, who carried off a 15 -pound tur- key. Among those receiving the oUer awards were Mrs. Milton Blankenhagen, Miss Barbara Ev- ans, Miss. Gillis, Walter Grayson. Tom Haw, Louis Isebell, Call* K'11-7, gore, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. C. McCaffery, Mrs. Albert Nelson " Jr: Alfred T. Pollock, Mrs. F. C. Verran and Miss Beverly Wol- -past. THE LIVONIAN .. 1. "The Friendliest Atmosphere in Northwest Detroit" Lahser Road at Grand River REDFORD OLD TIMER TAVERN LIQUOR - BE2R - WINE Modern and Old -Time Dancing Fri., Sat., Sun. Nights MUSIC BY WESTERN ACES Jimmy Thrapp, Prop. Phone Redford 9702 Members of the National Farm and Garden association and Civic association have announced the winners of the recent outdoor Christmas decoration contest held among residents of Rose- dale Gardens. Successful con- testants were given defense sav- ings stamps, and other awards were sponsored by the Sheldon Land company and the Detroit Edison company. Winners in the contest were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Burton, first prize; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boutweller, second; Mr. and Mrs. Irving- Benson, third; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cooper, fourth, and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Delahunte, fifth. Honorable mention awards were given to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Littlefield, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Page, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Weigand, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Weinert; Mr, and Mrs. Lowell Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. William Morris, -Mr. and Mrs. D. Pol- hemus, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Nel- son and Mr. and Mrs. " Floyd Anges. The community of Rosedale Gardens was well decorated this year, according; to the committee in charge of the project. The committee members included Mrs. Robert Bruce, chairman; Mrs. Roger Cooper, Mrs. Ralph Baker and Mrs. Harry C. Barter. o_ Parents Meet Ne i`Tubsday Tuesday evening, January 13, there will be a meeting of all parents whose children attend the Rosedale Gardens cooperative nursery school and others who are interested, at the Rosedale school, starting at 8:00 o'clock. Miss Helen Ann Burns, psy- chologist for the Wayne county clinic for child study, has been secured as speaker. Her subject is announced as being, "Parental Attitudes." Miss Burns works in conjunction with the county juvenile court. Help National Defense! Wear a button indicative of your mem- bership in the Red Cross. Mrs. Charles L. Cook will en- tertain the members of her sew- ing group at dessert, Friday af- ternoon. The guests will include Mrs. Elmer G. Ross, Mrs. Wesley Chapman, Mrs. Hancock, from the Gardens, Mrs. I. Richards, of Rosedale Park and Mrs. Ray Berryman of Detroit. RESOLVE - - - to cut fuel costs to a min- imum and conserve for national defense! You can do this ... Just order a ton of our econom- ical coal today. It`ll save you $$$! Phone Plymouth 107 Eckles Coal &Supply Co. 882 Holbrook Ave. Plymouth, Mich. Some Wise Words By "Ed the Nut" A false word about any friend or neighbor is a human arrow that pierces the heart. An evil thought of one, unsaid, Leaves at rest both living and dead. A bitter word spoken of an- other is sweet music to the ears of a gossiper. There are some folks who always borrow, As to limit there is no end; They live upon what they borrow And never, never lend. s Friends, here is where I stick out my neck—and probably get it broke. I say that women are the creators of trouble. If .you don't believe me, search the life of Eve, or was it a snake ... the same thing. Pardon me, women. THE NEW YEAR A new year has arrived! Let us discard that old leaf; turn over a new one; forget all old faults, malice and greed, and .above all, selfishness. Let our new leaf be for the protection of our families, our fellowmen and our freedom and our country. Let us give our all in wealth and brawn. Let us 'give and sacrifice willingly and without regret to assist Uncle Sam to break the shackles that bind the helpless nations of the right to live in peace, the right to serve their God, their country and their family. A person who is always but - Wednesday, January 7, 1942 ting in on a conversation and wants to do all the talking and disregards other's conversation is ignorant, disgusting and is not worth listening to by others. The meanest person on earth for whom there is no punishment severe enough, is he who steals checks .and Christmas packages from our mail boxes. These peo- ple are a disgrace to humanity while at the same time they cre- ate disappointment, sorrow, want, sadness and grief. There are only two paths in life. One is contentment and hap- piness; the other is faith and sor- row. Christ took the latter. Which path do ,you prefer? t f i If .you are an American, And are staunch and true, This glorious country needs your help And it's really up to .you To lend a hand to Uncle Sam, That we in freedom live, And for the Red Cross and our Defense Just give and give and give. Help National Defense! Wsar a button indicative of .your ,mem- bership in the Red Cross. FUEL OIL "We Aim to Please" Phone Your Order to 191 Northville Night Calls Phone 68 C. R. ELY & SONS J CDY BAR �4� BEER- LIQUOR - WINE Music by "Frenchy and Her Pals" FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY Cor. Joy and Middle Belt Rds. RALPH OPLAND, Owner FOR THE BEST IN USED CAR BUYS — SEE US! A n & Lockavk YOUR NORTHVILLE DEALER EXPERT SERVICE, LUBRICATION AND WASH WORK TO THE TAXPAYERS OF LIVONIA TOWNSHIP: 1941 township, county and school taxes will be payable Monday, December 1, 1941, and until March 1, 1942. Taxes may be paid at the Town- ship hall, 33110 Five Mile road, near intersection of Farmington road, each week -day, between the hours of 9 a. me and 5 P. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. until 12 Noon. (Signed) ARTHUR TRAPP Twp. Treasurer Wednesday, January 7, 1942 THE LIVONIAN Page 3 Rosedale Croup Red Cross Club to Make Harry C. Burton, directors. The Fetes New Year (Continued from page 1) dans for 1��� � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Livonia branch of Red Cross was ready been obtained from De- named with Mrs. Eunice Rhodes filled, and unless a nomination as chairman. Mrs. Fred Bamsey troit. The entire amount was ap- was elected vice-chairman and by-laws allow, nomination had More than 30 Rosedale Gardens portioned throughout the county Holding their first business Start the New ; couples gathered at the Civic as- among various branches of the meeting of the new year, mcm- for each office, and spirited vot- sociation clubhouse last Wednes- Red Cross. This year, she said, bers of the Rosedale Gardens year Right! day evening to celebrate the the organization is combining Woman's club will meet at the coming of the new .year. The the membership drive and war Civic association clubhouse to - committee in charge, composed relief campaigns because of the morrow (Thursday) afternoon. of Mr. and Mrs. Q. C. McClellan, immediate need for funds. Plans are to be made for the Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Burton "Our slogan is 'YES' because first few months of 1942, and it Bu Finest and Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Morris, that is the universal answer is for that reason all members Y had. prepared a ballroom decor- made when we call at homes for are urged to be present. ated with varicolored balloons, contributions," she declared. The following Thursday eve- Quality.1 and the guests were greeted with Harry S. Wolfe, township clerk, ning at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Louise , individual favors and with the was elected chairman of the Cummings, of the J. L. Hudson lil music of Charles Schaffer's or - icommitteed id campaign anmme- company, of Detroit, will address *HARDWARE chestra. Luncheon was servedthe iately his group started to plan group and have as her sub - I about 1 a.m., and dancing con- tinued until 3:00. the campaign. It will be their ject, "Beauty Care and Make- up." *VARNISHES o duty to organize the campaign in various localities. Committee ---b *PAINTS Rosedale Civic chairmen are Jesse Ziegler, sup- plies; Arthur Trapp, treasurer, For truth and duty it is ever (Continued from page 1) and John B. Gaffield, publicity. the fitting time; who waits until Also acting on the committee circumstances completely favor highway engineer for Detroit, are Victor DeWulf, R. G. Rewey, his undertaking, will never ac- Dere and highway markers and warn- Lon Hill, Mrs. Helen Hartenstein, complish anything.—Luther. ings will be posted shortly Mrs. Ralph Baker and Mrs. Paul o There Is a throughout the speed control E. Allen, representatives of var- zone. ious communities in the town- Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hedden Differences A committee has been ap- ship. held open house, Saturday eve- pointed'to see that Rosedale Gar- Fred C. Fischer, Wayne coun= ning. Visiting them for the hol- dens boys in the various train- ty superintendent of schools, idays are her mother, Mrs. Ruth ing camps are remembered with shipments i f t s. spoke briefly before the group. He said, "Just to give to the Red Kelley, and brother, Franklin DIGK D RION periodic of g Kelley of Tarrytown, New York. V Heading the committee is Mar- Cross is not enough. In this earn - vin G. Watterworth, and the unit already has sent fountain pens to the boys whose names they have been able to secure. To be sure that none are forgotten, Mr. Watterworth h a s requested, please contact him for the addi- tion of any possibly omitted name. The association's new roster of officers will take their places, having been chosen at the last meeting in December. Those to paign give what .you ordinarily had planned then multiply the amount by enough to make a giv- ing sacrifice. That's what I did and now I more fully realize that I am contributing to a cause which millions of others have al- so sacrificed to help make it the vital organization that it is to- day." The county school head also said that while we ourselves can- not actually become a part of the h HAHDWAHE 33405 Gil. River Ave. Phone 4 @ @ Farmington, Mich. $ $ $ be inaugurated are Von D. Pol- fighting forces we may ave sons hemus, president; Mrs. Irving E. or brothers who are. So when we R. Benson, vice-president; Louis give we are helping them and in- .� A. Steele, secretary; Thomas J. directly we are a part of the Lyndon, treasurer; and Dudley combatant forces of the United W. Apps, Harry C. Barter and States army and navy. Harry C. Burton, directors. The A steering committee for the nominating committee formerly organization of the temporary had chosen only one candidate Livonia branch of Red Cross was for each of the positions to be named with Mrs. Eunice Rhodes filled, and unless a nomination as chairman. Mrs. Fred Bamsey were made from the floor, as the was elected vice-chairman and by-laws allow, nomination had Mrs. Don Ryder, secretary. Mrs. been tantamount to final elec- Alice Hill was named treasurer. tion. This last election of officers This committee will' 'act as ex - however saw several candidates ecutive heads of the Livonia for each office, and spirited vot- branch until it is proved that ing took place, the post of treas- Livonia residents want a branch urer not being filled until the of the Red Cross here and 'at inure uanuL. such a time a permanent charter o will be granted. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Cook The five local units of Red enjoyed dinner, Christmas day Cross in Livonia now are respon- in the home of their uncle and sible •to the township branch as aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. are any new units formed in Tyler, in Toledo, Ohio. this area. The local branch is the o central supply depot for units in Mrs. J. B. Bond of Chicago, was Livonia. Later this month a cen- the guest of Mrs. Milton Stover tral workroom will be designated Monday and Tuesday. On Tues- where various activities of the day afternoon, Mrs. Stover was group may be carried out. hostess at a tea for several old o friends of Mrs. Bond. 0— Livonia Center Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brand entertained her brother and wife, and. Mrs. Donald Clark and eWsMr. family of Saginaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wells of Toledo, Ohio, and Mrs. Grace Clark, of Saginaw, mother of Mrs. Brand, over the - -. week -end. The birthday of the latter was celebrated. PALACE ,INN Beer - Liquor - Wine Dancing ED PALISZEWSKI, Prop. (Formerly Frank's Inn) 21022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriman Rd. Mrs. Clarence Wassell entered the Detroit Osteopathic hospital, Highland Park, Thursday, for an operation. Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Opper of Five Mile road, a son, William Michael, on Monday morning, December 29, at Mt. Carmel hospital. .;■ Mr. and Mrs. George Shely spent New Year's Day at the home of Mrs. Shely's mother in Detroit. Mrs. Shely's brother, Allen, of Camp Aberdeen, Mary- land, was home on leave of a few days. DIGNIFIED - SINCERE - COURTEOUS SERVICE Schrader Funeral Home I Funeral Directors Ambulance on Call Phone ` 781 W 'Plymouth,, Mich 280 S Mai' Page 4 THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, January 7, 1942 WEST POINT BIBLE CHURCH cottage meeting, Horace Gra- Evangeline Farnum, pastor. II. velle's Merriman Court. Friday Sandercock, visiting pastor. Sun- afternoon. 2:00-3:30, Missionary day school, 10:00-11:00 a.m.; meetin M -1 -or h• 11 00 g at church 3.30 to 4.30 ROSEDALE GARDENS PRES- WEST POINT CHURCH OF junior church, 3:00-5:00 p.m.; industrial Arts for children. Fri•- byt.erian church. John B. For- CHRIST, 33200 Seven Mile road, evening worship, 7:45; Tuesday day evening, 8:00, prayer meet- syth, minister. Sunday, January one block east of Farmington evening, 8:00, personal evangel- ing. After prayer meeting, choir 11, 9:45 a.m., church school; 11 road. Bible school Sunday 10:00 ism; Wednesday evening, 8:00,. practice. h' th day evening services are held at in. Sunday school, 9:15 o'clock. Universalist church on Warner a.m., morning worn ip wi com- munion service and reception of a.m., preaching and communion Sunday 11:00 a.m.; preaching members; 6 P. in., Christian Sunday_ evening 7:45. Everybody Youth League for ,young people is welcome. of high school age. o ° CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY ST. PAUL'S EV. .LUTHERAN —Farmington high school audi- church. Corner Farmington and torium, Sunday, 11:00 a.m., Sun - Five Mile roads. Theodore Sauer, ady school, same hour. Wednes- pastor. Sunday service, 10:30 a. day evening services are held at in. Sunday school, 9:15 o'clock. Universalist church on Warner You are invited to attend. avenue at 8:00 p.m. 0— GAYLORD ROAD BAPTIST GAYLORD ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL church chapel, one mile west of Grand —Harvey and Maple streets. Holy ziver on Seven Mile road, one- communion and sermon, 10 a.m. half block on Gaylord road. Church school closed until Sept - Sunday school, 10:30 a.m.; wor- ember. Confirmation instructions ship service, 11:45 a. in.; B.Y.P.U., each Sunday at the close of the 6:30 p. in.; evening services, 7:30 morning service. p.m. Prayer meeting Friday, 7:30 p.m. Come and worship in a beautiful little country church. _ ELM BAPTIST CHURCH, R. A. "A stranger but once." Pastor: Ragle, pastor, phone Evergreen Ray Hein, 12661 Hamburg, De- 5606R. Bible school 10 a.m., troit, phone Pingree 9389. morning worship 11:10 a.m., eve- ning service 7:30 p.m. Everyone °— HOPE CHAPEL, CHURCH OF is welcome. -� the United Brethren. in Christ, Revs. Z. N. Sheridan and Mrs. ST. MICHAEL'S CATHOLIC Sheridan, pastors, 27431 Long church. Father Contway; pastor, avenue, residence. Sunday serv- Rosedale Gardens. Masses, 8 a.m. ices, 9:45 a.m., unified service, and 11 a.m. Sunday. Catechism worship and church school; 7:45 instruction follows 8:00 o'clock p.m., evening service; Tuesday, mass. 7 p.m., Boy Scouts; Thursday, o 4:30 p.m., Girl Scouts; 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rolen and choir rehearsal; 8 p.m. midweek family visited his brother and payer service. Saturday, 7:30 family in Ohio over the week - p.m. Christian Endeavor. end. A special election --of the qualified regis- tered voters of Livonia School District No. 6, as provided by law, to authorize the Board of Education to establish within the District adequate transportation for chil- dren to and from school will be held as follows: REGISTRATION, Dates of Registration, January 3 and 10 at Rosedale and -Elm Schools from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. ELECTION Date of EIection, January 14, 1942 at Precinct Voting Booth, corner. Plymouth and Merriman roads. from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. This Notice is given by the order of the Board of School District No._ 6, Township of Livonia, County of Wayne, and State of Michigan. Dated this 15th day of December, A.D. 1941. RALPH S. RANDALL Secretary December 31 and January '7 MAYBE WE CAN'T SELL YOU NEW TIRES ... BUT . . . we can 'GIVE you the best of service on the old ones ... AND everything else! Mob�i "Keep 'Em Rolling" Roy's Mobil Service Cor. Joy and Inkster Rds. ROY MELOSH, Prop, Formerly Joy & Inkster Service GRADUATION PHOTOS... Commencement time will soon be here. Now is the time _to have photographs taken ... Large selection San Remo Studios 17190 Lahser Rd. Redford Phone Redford 7798 Business and Professional Directory AAA Sales AUTOMOBILE QD CLUB OF MICHIGAN Local Phone Plymouth: 180 INSURE YOUR CAR As an AAA member . . get better, safer broader protection . . . and save money 176,0000 Michigan Neighbors Invite You Address: MAYFLOWER HOTEL PLYMOUTH Auto Bumping SQUARE DEAL BODYSHOP 49 J. W. Selle and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 744 Wing St., Plymouth Beauty Shops MODERN HAIRSTYLING CAMILOT'S BEAUTY SALON. MARY CAMILOT, Operator ANN STEPHAN, Operator 9035 Middle Belt Road, Between W. -Chicago and Joy Roads Phone Livonia 3606 COMPLETE . BEAUTY SERVICE Eleanor's Beauty Shoppe CLOSED MONDAYS Corner Plymouth - Stark Rds. Phone Livonia 3187 Dentists DR. RUSSELL E. CURTIS DR. KENNETH GIBSON DENTISTS Phone Livonia 3811 for appointment Mon., Tues., Wed. and Fri. 9:30 a. in. to 8 p. in. Thurs., Sat., 9:30 a.m, to 4 p.m 32007 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Electric Appliances Plymouth Housekeeping Shop Westinghouse Appliances CHAS. GUSTIN, Prop. 628 S. Main St. Phone 9175 Plymouth, Mich. Electric and Gas Stoves— Radios, Refrigerators—Wash- ers, Oil Heaters, Ironers. Fisch Electrical Appliance Shop with Fisch and save money 26370 Grand River Ave. Phone Evergreen 4350 Radio Service RADIO SERVICE Phone Plymouth 780 Harold B. Daggett 831 Penniman Ave. (Next to First Natl. Bank) Plymouth, Mich. Real Estate At 27600. W. Seven Mile Rd. Call or Talk Over REAL ESTATE with William A. Sherwood Broker .(Community. Hall) We'll Help You Buy or Sell WE'RE ON A 24-HOUR SHIFT to give you the kind of food you like. - BERT'S PLACE 333?z N. Main St. Plymouth Veterinarians Dr. Ted Cavell Veterinarian arias 710 Ann Arbor Rd. Phone Plymouth 720 LIVONIAN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS! Wednesday, January 7, 1942 THE LIVONIAN Page S Injuries May Saturday Is Last SERVICE e' } Provea Falai (Continued from page 1) nual election are now qualified 04 Lubrication - Tire Repair but those who did not vote then Mrs. Walter Graves nor register last week will have Washing - Accessories Hurt in Auto Wreck to register Saturday iftheywant ccast a onlid.ballot at the spe- cial election." c WEND_ S_ GULF SERVICE Mrs. Walter E. Graves, known Mr. Trepagnier said the board to many in Livonia township be- had been having some difficulty ..34399 Plymouth Rd., at Stark cause of her associations with in explaining to some the fact her husband as food manager of that although they were regis- Dann's Tavern, Plymouth road, tered with the township to take is in a critical condition in Uni- part in township election, they vers_ty hospital, Ann Arbor, as a were not necessarily qualified to ,....... '"A`'""`'�"•`•��'„„n" result of serious injuries suffer- vote on a schooluestion. T, o q ed in an automobile accident early last Sunday morning.. separateregistrations. must have been for $at` 1 ALL THE BEST Mrs. Graves, driving west on made, one school exec- tions and another for the town- y: Ann Arbor road between Mill�:.,..... Main ship in our district, he remarked.;;;.��a� �LO�L� ���E and streets, Plymouth, ap- We no longer settle ques'�ions ' parently fell asleep at the wheel by taking a verbal vote, as in of her automobile, according to the dated caucus method," he de- CHECKING police. The car careened across the road, crashed through the clared. "Now our elections are conducted exactly the ACCOUNTS guard rail, hit a cement abut- saris 2 as are those of the township." ment and rolled into a .creek be- low the road bank, just east of Everyone who registers is ... }—and. you Main street U.S.-12. Plymouth Officer Ira Hauk in a given a registration card and this must be presented to an election official the " e � ' have ones foo! patrol car discovered the broken at time of voting. That way there can be can ave guard rail and upon investiga- no illegal voting, he said. tion found the wrecked car and Voters next Wednesday will :.: In the the injured woman at the bot- tom of the embankment. It is be- cast their ballot at the towr.shin lieved she had been in the car, voting booth, corner of Merri - man and Plymouth roads. 'I'!Ze exposed to the cold, for about four hours before Polls will be open from 8 a.m. un - ,e_)k the wreckage til 8 p.m. was discovered. The oar was de- ° `'< `'". . molished and Mrs. .Graves re- ceived critical injuries and ' cuts Trick you pay only as you to her head, legs and back and is in a weakened. condition from:?:. Shot Ace z>` use. You can draw as exposure and loss of blood. (Continued from page 1) many checks as you -° has made four bowling pictures. __: like for as little or as Presbytery Round - He possesses a powerful in -and- out hook. He does things ``kms'`::: much as like. Table Meets Monday g with a bowling ball that seem impos- `*;....., you sible. He throws a boomerang A The charge is Just a An All -Presbytery round table shot in which so much spin is will have the timely theme, "Our put on the ball that it zooms <*>_' nickel —and your Church and This War," when the down the alley a way and then `.A<'r w<: check looks just like Presbytery of Detroit meets Mon- reverses itself and comes back. `•">.»:<:`.:>':> day evening, at the Fort Street He places the ball at, the foul line 1 'any other check. Presbyterian church in Detroit. and kicks it into a wide curve Leaders of the Presbytery who to make either the 7 or 10 -pin The CheekMaster Plan will take part are Dr. Benjamin spare. He cleans the splits of ev- 1 J. Bush, of Westminster church. ery formation, excepting the 7- is so simple that even Dr. Herbert Beecher Hudnut, of 10, which can't be negotiated. under - Woodward avenue church, Dr. These and other trick shots >. a, child can Leslie L. Bechtel, of Calvary such as one. he calls the "tunnel" stand it—and you can church and Rev. Kenneth G. he performs gracefully and eas- >? Neigh, of Allen Park church. ily and makes them look `os- p ����� ""'• 'N .also bank by mail if The round table is open to all laymen the itively simple. _ Wish. of churches and will He has rolled nearly twice as you open at 8:30 p.m. A 6:30 dinner many; perfect games as any 1 will be served by the church. bowler living. He has 49 to his C A t_T_ ['1R WRTTF Plumbing and Heating Parts and Fixtures Repairs and Service C. J. LEGGERT 20547 Fenkell Ave., cor, Patton REdford 2167 COMBINATION BOORS Cement - Drain Tile Lumber - Paint Modernization Loans • STORM SASH COAL We Have CANNELL COAL for Fireplaces Yard Full,. All Sizes, Best Grade We Finance Materials to Rough in Your Home f LEADBETTER Coal & Lumber Co. 12434 Middle Belt Rd. 1/2 Mile N. Plymouth Road Phone REdford 0338 Evelyn Kurtz of Livonia Cen- ter spent the Christmas holidays with her grandparents in Spring- field, Illinois.. Miss Louise Pinkerton, of Stark road, just returned fro -,n the western part of the c, u_z,ry where she has been since last June. T4E F ♦ ST♦IE BA��K Farmington, MEMBER, FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 11 1. ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $5,000 YOUR RED CROSS WEEDS YOU JOINAW1 HELP AMERICA REMAIN FREE! Dr. JOHN A. ROSS Dr. L. L REHNER DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY 339 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Mich. Phone 433 Hours: 11 A. M. till 9 P. M. M Fuge 6. - THE LIVONIAN - Wednesday, January 7, 1942 Andy Varipapa, who is to ap- pear at the Livonia Recreation both afternoon and evening, Sat- urday, January 17, makes the following suggestions to help you improve your bowling score: No. 1—Equipment Fundamentals of all sports are very important, and bowling is no exception. My first lesson will concern itself with the equipment used in bowling. There are two requisites, shoes and ball. In the first place, the bowler should select a ball that is suit- able to his hand. The thumb hole must fit the thumb so that the ball can be swung freely ang released just as freely. If the thumb hole is too large, then the ball will drop out of the hand too soon, or before the delivery should be made. If the thumb hole is too small, then the ball will stick to the thumb too. long, and will cause what is called a "dead" ball when it hits the pins. This ball also has a tendency to slide, not roll, as a bowling ball should. The other requisite is a pair of proper bowling shoes. A person cannot bowl correctly without a firm footing which insures the bowler smoothness in action. A good pair of bowling shoes with specially constructed soles and heels will be an aid to this end. What's more, they do not leave any mark upon the approach to the alleys. No. 2—Delivery This lesson concerns itself with the rolling of the ball. Care must be exercised in rolling the ball, because there is only one way of doing it, and it should be done correctly. The proper way is to have the thumb facing the left, and when the ball is released the thumb comes out of the hole first fol- lowed by the finger or fingers. This causes the ball to roll in a forward motion towards the left. If done properly the ball, . de- livered with proper momentum, will 'hook and roll into the pins. The trouble with most bowlers who bowl often in leagues is that they do not take enough time to study the game. Watch your motions in delivering the ball., develop a nice easy style of bowling .and a nice rolling ball and you will find it will pay you dividends in the form of many strikes and spares. No. 3—Stance Having picked out a ball that will best suit the bowler. the High Bowling Scores Posted Top scores for individual and team play during the half season ending December 31 have been posted by Clarence Hoffman, co- owner of the Livonia Recreation. Highest mark for any single game was reached by Arnold Wehner with 278, and Warren Hoffman's 719 stands best among the in- dividual three -game totals. In team play Coon Bros.' 1032 stands as high single, while Ross Drugs' 2959 remains first for the three - game scores. The Recreation's team play schedule indicates continued close competition coming un. Sundry has been assigned to the Macca- bees, and Monday's bracket in- cludes the Livonia Business Men's and St. Michael's teams. They are followed on Tuesday by the Livonia township and the Li- vonia House leagues, and tonight by both divisions of the Rose- dale Gardens Civic lea;, ue. Thurs- day pairs the Plymouth Gar- dens and Farmington leagues, Friday the Livonia Ladies and Dearborn Good Neighbors. beginner's next problem con- cerns the stance. With the ball in hand, sup- ported by both hands to equalize its weight before delivery, the bowler should stand about 14 feet back of the foul line. With the left foot poised near the middle of the approach, the player should concentrate a few moments until he is ready. When ?re is set, he raises the ball a few inches above the waistline, at the same time taking a step with the right foot, allowing the ball to swing until four steps have been completed. The ball is released with a slide. This increases the momen- tum and is much better than if fewer steps are taken. However, if the individual prefers five, that is all right too. Personally, I like four steps. The more steps taken in the delivery, the better the rhythm, and rhythm plays a very im- portant part towards perfection. But this cannot be acquired in a few days. It comes after practice. Concentration is highly nec- essary. Experiment in open play rather than in competition. After you have learned these funda- mentals thoroughly, then put there to practice. (Continued next week) Fire Apparatus (Continued from page 1) trict including section 34 and parts of sections 26, 27 and 35, as well as the territory bounded by Six Mile, Inkster, Joy, and Wayne roads. This area is serv- iced by the Livonia exchange of the Michigan Bell Telephone company, and the fire depart- ment's number will be prom- inently posted on the front cover of the telephone company's new Livonia directory: Livonia 6- 1111. The township's territory is within call also of the Plymouth, Farmington and Redford fire departments, and in case of em- ergency any citizen within the township or any one of the four fire departments may call for help from the others. Some $1,800 will be collected throughout the coming year in special assessments to insure fire control in that area covered by the department's jurisdiction. All money for its maintenance must come from regular tax funds, and a system was consid- ered and unanimously approved under which necessary prospec- tive expenditures will be passed first by the fire commission, for- warded to the township board, and upon the approval of the latter -turned over to the town- ship treasurer, who will make the actual expenditure. Working control of the depart- ment's activity, however, is en- tirely the responsibility of the commission. They must keep up a running inventory of the de- partment's equipment, make an account for the necessary re- placements, appoint the depart- ment's chief and volunteer per- sonnel, authorize and establish their wage scale, make recom- mendation to the township for increase or decrease in necessary taxes, and keep the community aware of the public responsibility incumbent in effective fire con- trol. The commission already has taken active steps toward more efficient administration. A fire station is being built by Chief Roberts as an addition to his service station, where equip- ment can be housed and kept ready for immediate use. A siren has been installed on the building to warn the commun- ity and to call out the volunteers in case of fire. The commission will meet here WHEN YOU'RE SHOPPING ... Drive in—Free. Convenient Parking WANSON UPER ERVICE Lubrication Service Repair (Rear of Mayflower Hotel) Motorists' Auto and Home Supply Headquarters :Phone Plvmouth, 49.0 Elres#fl .5#oxe ; after on the third Monday of ev- ery month. An immediate plan Livonia Ladies' for instruction of fire fighting is League being worked out with the Mich- igan State Board of Control in Lansing. Team Standings —o-- W L Pct. Pierson to Have N Scout Troop There will be a meeting of all adults interested in the forma- tion of a Boy Scout troop for boys in Pierson district Friday evening, January 9, 8 o'clock the P.T.A. hall, rear of Pierson school. G. Earl Silver, field executive for the Detroit area council, will appear before the group to ex- plain organization procedure and also show a motion picture, "Trails to Citizenship." Residents of the area Have been interested in the organiza- tion of a troop for this locality for some time and all are urgent- ly requested to attend the meet- ing Friday. McKinney, Schaffer .41 15 .732 Jack Toland .......36 20 .643 Rheiner Electric ...28 28 .500 McKinney Hoffman .27 29 .482 Lester 'Shore ......26 30 .4-64 Dobbin Greenhouse .25 31 .446 Pen -Mar Cafe .....23 33 .411 Ralph Ellsworth ...18 38 .321 High scores for the .year: R. Lyke 205; L. Hoffman 204; R. Schaffer 194; A. Nelson 19.1; G. Rheiner 191; M. Heintz 190; M. Henrion 186; T. Petschulat 186. High three -game total .team, McKinney & Schaffer 2260; Rheiner Electric 2243. High single game team, Rhein- er Electric 829; McKinney and Schaffer 800. High three -game total, Ind., R. Lyke ,538; L. offman 53'5. Help National Defense! Wear a button indicative of .your mem- bership in the Red Cross. Royal Recreation Northville, Mich. 120 W. Main St. Open Bowling Every Evening Except Tuesday 15c per Line Afternoons Until 6 p. m. (Except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) 20c All Other Times Every Alley A Rail Alley MOBIL GAS = = OIL LUBRICATION - TIRE REPAIR ANTI -FREEZE - - HEATER AND RADIATOR HOSE CANDY DELUXE HOT DOGS - TOBACCO BOB CLARK'S TI-EIREE-ACRE SERVICE Eight Mile and Middle Belt Roads "STOP AT THE SIGN OF THE FLYING RED HORSE" Plymouth Recreation 455 South Main Street Plymouth, Mich. 8 NEW ALLEYS Open Bowling at all times 20c PER LINE Phone Plymouth 9187 for Reservation POCKET BILLIARDS and SNOOKER Phone Livonia 9'861. YOUR GOOD TIME AFTER DARK BEGINS HERE! We're having open house all winter for the fun-lovinng young crowd. Because you want to be entertained, danced and wined in the grand manner, at a price far from purse -pinching, drive right in! Beer - Liquor - Wine Between Wayne and Farmington Roads Nankin Mills Inn y�A��* WILL BE A BETTERYEARO0 YEA FOR YOUR CAR if you have it serviced regularly here .. . at this time car upkeep means so much more than it ever has before. KEEP YOUR SCAR LIKE h1EW! Just phone us and we'll call for and deliver your car. Let us do the worrying! (AL ROBERSUPER GULF SERVICE Corner Merriman, Plymouth Rdw. Rosedale Gar aens Phone Livonia 9881 fbr Service j Wednesday, January 7, 1942 THE LIVONIAN Page and the Far East 1 n in RED CRO.,)) DONATED BY HARRY■ OLFE 16 Years Continuous Service in General Real Estate and Insurance in Livonia Township 3 Offices in This Area Page 8 THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, January 7, 1942 Want /ids © Only 25c Phone Plymouth 96 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Coal. We have a good supply of all sizes of coal and coke. Stock up now. Farmington Lumber and Coal company, phone Farmington 20. It -c FOR SALE—A set of stationary laundry tubs on stand. 9958 Wayne road, phone Livonia 3041. It -c FOR SALE—Lumber on easy payment plan. Call for free estimate and information. Farmington Lumber and Coal Co., phone 20 Farmington. Re WANTED WANTED—Woman for house- work. Call Livonia 6-2046 after 5:30 o'clock any evening. ltp WANTED—Persons desiring to build new home. Your lot need not be free and clear; 24 months to pay. Call Farming- ton 20 for details. Farmington Lumber and Coal Co. It -c MISCELLANEOUS 1R,EFRIGERATION S E R V I C E, p h o n e Plymouth 160. Kim- brough Electric Shop, 868 West Ann Arbor Trail. ltc ROY M. VAN ATTA NEW AND USED CARS Dodge - Plymouth - Packard Phone Northville. 355 279 Park Place, Northville, Mich. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Redford Refrigeration Sales and Service. Licensed and bonded by the city of Detroit. Redford 1365. 17107 Lahser road, near Six Mile. 36tf USED REFRIGERATORS, $25; washers, $9.95; ice boxes, $2.00; e l e c tr i s ranges, $9.95; gas stoves, $9.95. Kimbrough Elec- tric Shop, 868 West Ann Arbor Trail. Plymouth. ltc 0 It is the hardest thing in the world to be a good thinker with- out being a good self -examiner. —Shaftesbury. Peed The Best...' I"T - PAYS! Highest Quality in Feeds BUY ZINN'S Michigan State Feeds For Sale by Farmington Road POULTRY FARM 14404 Farmington Rd. Phone Livonia 4611 Cash For Your Car WE WANT USED CARS IMMEDIATELY FOR RE -SALE! BUYERS WAITING! Bring in Your Car Today for an Estimate Plymouth Park Motor Sales Authorized Oldsmobile Dealer 275 S. Main St. Plymouth Phone. Plymouth 1499 GARBAGE SERVICE—Residen- tial rubbish pickup including ashes and two garbage collec- tions weekly $1.00 per month. One collection garbage each week, 75 cents per month. Square Deal Garbage Co., Jos- eph Skaggs, Prop., 9295 Canton Center road, Plymouth. Phone 86842. 44tfc Help National Defense: Wear a button indicative of ,your mem- bership in the Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rollins and daughter, Mary Sue, of Ann Ar- bor, were the, week -end guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G. Ross and attended the dancing party, Saturday eve- ning given by friends in the community house. 1942 IS YOUNG YET ... MaccabeeMeei rs son was born an and Mrs. Jiboud, of Merriman road, in Harper hospital recently. The ThiSWeek-End baby lived only a week. Mrs. e7 Jiboud has returned home and improving rapidly. Livonia Maccabees will have their first meeting of 1942 next. week -end. The adult chapter is scheduled for Friday evening, 8:30 o'clock, at the Maccabee hall, corner of U.S.-12 and Newburg, road, and the junior chanter will have its meeting at the hall Sat- urday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The juniors will have an op- portunity to inspect the ofticial uniform as arrangements have been made to have one on dis- play. Purchasing the uniforms will also be -discussed. It is reported that because of defense priorities, the construc- tion of a Maccabee hall as for- merly planned, will be delayed indefinitely. A large sum of money has been pledged for the hall and those who had already turned theirs in may have it re- turned or else the association will hold the funds until suca construction can be made. So resolve to make it your most successful year . . . Impress your friends by bringing them here now and throughout the New Yea Your Jovial Host - Jimmy Mason ODANN'S TAVE BEER - LIQUOR - WINE 33401 Plymouth Road Phone Livonia 9041 LANSING Skafes Sharpened Latest Factory Method Hollow Ground 25c per pair FRANK'S SHOE REPAIR 11151 Stark Rd., 1/2 Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. FOR SALE USED CARS 1941 Chevrolet master town sedan. R a d i o, heater, defrosters. Will take your car in trade. 1939 deluxe Dodge coupe. Radio and heat- er. White sidewalls, OK mechanically, nice fin- ish. Priced reasonably. 1935 Fords and Model A's, for sale cheap. Plymouth and Middle Belt Roads Next to Sunoco Service We operate an Automotive Repair Service Garage Part of a $28,000,000 Program MT. CL£MENS DEARBORN BATTLE CREEK ADDITION DETROIT-PINGREE ADDITION FLINT ADDITION DETROIT-TWINSROO EAST LANSING DETROIT -ATLANTIC PETOSKEY DETROIT -UNIVERSITY ADDITION STANDISH DETROIT -NIAGARA ADDITION ROYAL OAK ADDITION Growing service demands due to Michigan's activities in the National Emergency have required increased telephone central office capacity, more equipment and more employees. Above are shown some of the new buildings and additions, started or completed during 1941, to help meet that demand. They are part of this company's $28,000,000 plant expansion program of the past year. That entire program is helping us to face the increasingly difficult problem of providing service when and where wanted. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY STRIKE A BLOW FOR YOUR COUNTRY - BUY DI1FEN3610140VAND STAMPS NOW1 12