HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1944_0105Township Briefs Mrs. Ned F. Lingemann held an "at home" Thursday, Decem- ber 30. Christmas decoration: were in evidence. Among those present were Mrs. Emmet Parker, Mrs. Lewis Austin, Mrs. Peter Herrmann, Mrs. Robt. Carson, Mrs. Paul Reeker, Mrs. Loren Linger.:iann and Mrs. Geo. H. Hartu-g. ,Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Verran and son Dale of Myrna roadspent Christmas day at the home of Mr. Verran's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Verran at Monroe, Michigan. 4 M i Bob Schaible is spending his Christmas vacation with his Dad on Lake Share Drive in Mount Clemens, Michigan. : s � Mrs. Fern Bloink and Mrs. Aletha Phipps visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. De - Potty in Chelsea, Michigan, . on Wednesday afternoon. s s Monday afternoon, Mrs. Virgil LaMarre, Berwick avenue, Rose- dale Gardens, gave a lovely tea in honor of Mrs. Lawrence La- Marre of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Mrs. Anna LaMarre of Bay City, Michigan. Two of the guests, Mrs. E. J. Barrett and -Mrs. F. H. Fischer, .presided at the table which was appointed .with carnations and burning tap- ers. The other :guests were Mrs. John Donovan, of the Dearborn Ford Foundation, Mrs. Q. C. Mc- Clellan, Mrs. W. E. Barth; Mrs. H. J. Olson, Mrs. T. Lyndon, Mrs. Ross DePencier, Mrs. Moren Her- rick and Mrs. F. M. Merrion. s • . Mr. and Mrs. Ned F. Linge- mann entertained their combined .families on Christmas eve. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lingemann, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Hartung, Miss Dorothy Jane Hartung, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Lingemann, Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Ralph of Flint, Michigan and Mrs. D. A. Allyn of Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Mrs. Mazie Songo of 15225 Cranston is ill at the home of her niece, Mrs. Leona LeBar on Shadyside avenue. s a s Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hollowood and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Livingston on Orchard avenue, Dearborn, Michigan on Christmas day. s s s Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schaible of Mount Clemens spent Christmas day at the home of Mrs. C. Schai- ble on Westmore road. . s s Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Evans of yrna road had as their Christ - as guests their daughter, Mrs -thur Backen and granddaugh- r, Marie, of Toronto, Canada. * s s M *THE LIVONIAN Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan, Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. Phone Plymouth 16 VoL 4, No. 45 Wednesday, January 5, 1944 A Necessary Change (By STERLING EATON The war has done a lot of things. Shortages and curtailment: have caused a lot of grief. In fact, many business firms have beer. forced to close their doors. The Livonian, like all others, too; has had these many problem: to meet .and so far nothing has stopped the .presses from bringing you your paper each Wednesday. New publications, those young in years and small in size, have had more trials than some of their larger brothers. Both members of the Livonian staff are now in the armed forces and only the publisher and faithful residents remain to surmount the ever increasing problems. We are introducing to you this week a new Livonian shorn of the white. space between its columns, and the columns shortened some two inches to a new size which we think will be easier handled and far easier to produce, as well as save paper. The idea is not original with us, as many eastern papers already have adopted this new standard style, and we.think it expedient to follow suit. Nearly 50 newspapers in Michigan .have discontinued publication for the duration, _unable to meet the problems placed on their shoul- ders, but, if you will accept us as we are today we will still continue to bring you the news of your neighbors and friends. When paper is again plentiful and there is lots of help, we'll resume our former size and take up where we left off before the war. To Talk About Get Sales Japs At Meeting Tax ,Advisor On Wednesday evening, Janu- ary 12, the members of the Wo- men's Auxiliary of the Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian church will have their regular monthly meet- ing. This meeting will be open to all who care to attend, and members are. especially, invited to bring their husbands, as the guest speaker of the evening will speak on a subject of interest to the men as well as women. Our guest speaker will be Rev. Shigeo Tanabe of Detroit who will speak on "Japanese Ameri- cans." Because of the timeliness of the subject, it is hoped that many will attend. The meeting will start at 8 p. m. and after a very short business meeting, Rev. Tanabe will speak. Following the talk, refresh- ments will be served with Mrs. M. Heric, Mrs. F. Merrion, Mrs. T. J. Lyndon, Mrs. W. Edwards and Mrs. R. DePencier as hos- r. and Mrs. Harry Schu- tenses. zer had as their dinner guests o qday evening, Mr, and Mrs. The Livonia branch of the -ge Rigstad, Mr. and Mrs. American Re d Cross held their Snittler, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- election for three officers to fill Richter, Mr, and Mrs. Vin- vacancies at a meeting Wednes- Frank, Mr. and Mrs. George I day evening in the Livonia Town lonev, Mr. and Mrs. William ,.Hall. William " Fenske was !n, Mrs. Esther Haar, Mrs. 1 elected chairman, Mrs. -Chester orie Goslin, Mrs. Ethel How- 1 Tuck, assistant chairman; Mrs. and Mrs. George Ringstad, Claudia Burns', secretary,' and of Detroit. Bernard McGrath, treasurer. For the convenience of the .large number of business men and others who are required to pay a sales tax to the state every month, the Michigan Department of Revenue has assigned Joseph Evans of 15743 Chapel avenue, Redford, to this district. Mr. Evans states that he will be very glad to consult with any ,one needing information on their sales tax reports. He can be reached by phoning Redford 4743 or writing him at the Chapel ave- nue address, Detroit (23) Michi- gan. 0 Fire Department Has Busy Week F The Livonia Fire Department responded to five fire calls be- tween'the hours of 1;00 a. m. De- cember 17 to 8:010 P. in. Decem- ber 19. One call got the men out of bed: at midnight to respond to a call that a car was on fire at Middiebeit andSchoolcraft, but upon arrival of the department 'no car of any kind could be lo- cated. + . s An odd type of fire, which could have easily .ended with the serious burning of two children ill in bed, was caused by a blanket being carelessly thrown over an electric ironer which had been left plugged in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Meier, 35154 Five Mile road on Decem- ber 17. The department was re- sponding to another call when this call came in .but fortunately two of the firemen who had not made the first run were located and took a fire extinguisher from the Livonia bowling alleys and made the run in a private car. The children were removed from the house and the fire extin- guishea with no damage except to the ironer. The township is to be congratulated on having two such men on the department who are willing to leave their place of business and respond to calls such as the above and handle the situation in such an excellent manner. It is seldom that the fire de- partment is called to the home of one of the firemen. However, such was the case when the de- partment was called to extin- guish a fire at the home of Orval Derr, 31222 Schoolcraft road. The fire was caused by a defective chimney and damage was esti- mated to be in the neighborhood of $75.00. � r � Tragedy marred the serenity of the Christmas season when the department was called to bring the resusitator to the Bristan home on Ingram avenue, Rose- dale Gardens. However, before aid could be administered, Mr. Mrs. Clara Smith was pleas- Bristan had succumed. Death, it antly surprised on 'her birthday, was believed, was due to a com- December 30. First her son, Cpl. plication of asthma and influenza. Elmer Smith, arrived unexpected- o ly and then her family Larry Smith, Mrs. Dorothy Silinski and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larson son, Eunice Smith, Mr, and Mrs. and their son, Donald, and Earl. Smith and family, Mr, and daughter Eleane of Garden City, Mrs. Norman Westphal and fam- Miss Gladys MacConnell of Dear- ily, and a little later 1bTr. and born, and Mrs. Arthur Griffiths Mrs. Homer Wixson and son Jack, of the Gerdens were guests on of Livonia and Mrs. Brockway of Christmas evening. Donald Lar - Lola Valley and Mr, and Mrs. I son is a student at Concordia Charles Bryant and daughter' Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Kitty of Northville. Mrs. Smith Miss Eleane Larson is a trained received many beautiful presents nurse, and is joining the Red and a delicious luncheon was Cross on January 3. A lunch was served, and everyone reported' served late in the evening and a having had a wonderful time. I grand time was enjoyed by all. Page Two THE LI` With the Livonia Churches GAYLORD ROAD BAPTIST chapel, one mile west of Grand River on Seven Mile road, one, half block north on Gaylord road. Sunday school, 10:00 a.m.; wor- ship service, 11:15 a.m.; B.Y.P.U., 6:30 p.m.; evening service, 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible study, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Fri- day, Junior Bible school (ages 5- 16) 4:00-5:30. Come and worship where Christian cordiality wel- comes you. "A stranger but once." Pastor: Ray Hein, phone Univer- sity 2-2419. PALACE INN Beer - Liquor - Wine Dancing Sat. & Sun. ED PALISZEWSKI, Prop. (Formerly Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriman Road Authorized Sales Headquar- ters for Stamps and Bonds FARM INGTON X11 THEATRE _C Wed., Thurs., January 5-6 DISHES TO THE FREE LADIES! "Captain Fury" with Victor McLaglen and "Hoosier Holiday" with all star cast Fri., Saturday, January 7-8 "Henry Aldrich Swings It" and "Frontier Madmen" with Robert Paige and Diana Barrymore s Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, January 9-10-11 "Action in the North Atlantic" with Humphrey Bogart and "My Kingdom for a Cook" BUY WAR BONDS ST. MICHAEL"S CATkiOLIC church, Father Contway, pastor, Rosedale Gardens. Masses at 6 a.m., 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and 12 noon. NEST POINT BI ,LE CHURCH Evangeline Farnum, pastor. B. Sandercock, visiting pastor. Sun - lay school, 10:00-.11:00 a.m., norning worship, 11.00 a.m., ;union church, 3:00-5:00 avening worship, 7:45; Tuesday ,ottage meeting, Horace Gra- velle's Merriman Court. Friday afternoon, 2:00-3:30, Missionar3 eeting at church, 3:30 to 4:3G ndustrial Arts for children. Fr-'- Jay r- Jay evening, 8:00, prayer meet - ng, After prayer meeting, choir )ractice. HOPE CHAPEL, CHURCH Of THE UNITED BRETHREN. Six Mile, near Middle Belt. Morning worship, 10:00, Sunday school 11:0.0. Evening worship 8:00 p. in. Young People's Christian En - rONIAN deavor 6:30 p. m. Sunday. Mid- week service, Thursday evening at 8:00 P. in. Everybody welcome. .HRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY —Farmington high school audi orium, Sunday, 11:00 a.m., Sun- dv school, same hour. Wednes- lay evening services.at 33336 Grand River Avenue a 8:00 p.m. WEST POINT CHURCH OF CHRIST, 33200 Seven Mile road, )rne block east of Farmington -oad. Bible school Sunday 10:00 a.m.; preaching and communion Sunday 11:00 a.m.; preaching Sunday evening 7:45. Everybody Is welcome. ST. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL— Corner Farmington and Five Mile roads. Theodore Sauer, pastor. .Sunday morning service, 10:30 o'clock. Sunday school, 9:45 o'clock. You are cordially invited ,o attend. LIVONIA COMMUNITY Church. Rev. Albert Luibrand, pastor. Worship services, 10 a. m.: Sun- day School, 11 a. in.; missionary meetings, second and fourth Wednesday, January 5, 1944 Tuesday afternoons. Bible study and prayer meeting Tuesday evenings at 8 p. m. Choir prac- tice Friday evenings at 8 P. in. This is an undenominational church and everyone in the com- munity is invited to attend. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL— Maple and S. Harvey street. Sun- day morning services: Church school at 9:45 a. m.; morning prayer with services at 11:.i3O a. m. Rev. Frneis Tetu, rector. Firing orders . . . writton on paper . . . give the command to gun crews to fire. All 'battles start on paper. Armies begin on paper. Every man is registered, inducted, and moved about in the services with pieces of paper. Every tank, gun, ship and plane is built from plans drawn on paper. Every item of equipment is labeled, requisitioned, wrapped and recorded on and with paper. Every order, from the declara- tion of war to the order to "cease firing" is on paper. a------------------------------� I i i 1 He's away at camp and he wants to telephone home - How about giving him a break ? . There will be a better chance for him if you will limit your own I night-time Long Distance calls to I those that are really urgent. This is especially important between i I 7 and 10 o'clock each niaht. _ _.---------------------------� MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY INVEST IN VICTORY — WITH WAR BONDS * Wednesday, January 5, 1944 THE LIVONIAN Page Three i TOWNSHIP BRIEFS I L. BLAKE JEWELER Opposite Post Office Northville, Mich. The Best Place to Buy A GOOD PLACE TO BUY YOUR GROCERIES AND MEATS Lidgard Bros, Formerly McKinney & Schaffer (amilot BEAUTY CLINIC Phone \ Livonia 2234 Even though you are busy you can still look your best by having us do your Beauty Work Mary Camilot Ann Stephan Operators 9035 Middlebelt Road Between Chicago and Joy The Coventry Gardens Im provement Association will holt their annual election of officer; at the Livonia Town Hall of Monday, January 10 at 8 p. m There will be a general busines meeting, revision of the by-laws discussion on social activity fm the coming year. Come out tc the meeting with the idea of hay. ing a good time and telling the folks what you want for the nex, year. The out -going officers are Clarence Jahn, president; Wil. liam Meier, vice president; Ed- ward Hamilton, treasurer, ant: Harold Emmett, secretary. Whc will the new ones be? One way to find out is to come to the meeting Monday, January 20 at E p. m. Refreshments will be served, Margaret Hoyt of Shadyside avenue is confined to her home with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Bluhm of Auburndale had a pleasant sur- prise when their nephew, Sgt. Earl E. King of Washington, D. C., came to spend the Christmas holidays with them. Sgt. King was a medical missionary in China for a number of years. He is now serving as a pharmacist mate in the U. S. Coast Guard. Save with Safety . at your REXALL DRUG STORE CECIL H. HABERMEHL 32,101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Corner of Blackburn %PECUL ENDING JAN. 8TH CHILDREN'S 39c Clothes , THE LIGHT IN THE FRUIT CELLAR Someone, perhaps Mrs. Jones, went down to get a jar of victory garden tomatoes last evening and forgot to turn off the light. It wasn't discovered until next morning— washday, luckily—when Mrs. Jones started working in the basement. Ordinarily a small light left burning all night wouldn't be too important. But today ANY waste of electricity is serious be- cause it wastes coal—as well as transpor- tation, manpower, and other critical re- sources. That is why the Government re- quests you to conserve electric power— voluntarily—in home and story Pnd office. Even though electricity is not rationed and there is no shortage in this area, con- serve whenever you can, as much as you can. The Detroit Edison Company. �P Published in cooperation °`�� with the WAR PRODUCTI_Q,N BOARD Page Four Dr. T. McL. Paterson DENTIST 32007 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Wednesdays and Fridays For Appointment Telephone Livonia 2360 EL OIL "We Aim to Please" Phone Your Order to 191 Northville Night Calls Phone 68 C. R. ELY & SONS Upholstering 01 ✓. a 3 Old Furniture Made to Look Like New FREE ESTIMATES Phone Redford 3100 Gailbeault Upholstering 21261 Fenkell Corner Westbrook THE LIVONIAN TOWNSHIP BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. T. R. DeVries spent Christmas in Owosso at the home of their son, Dr. Jack De - Vries. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. DeVries were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MacKenzie of Lansing on Sunday. E. J. Burt of Joy road is con- fined to Harper Hospital where he will undergo surgery on his hand. Mr. Burt is the president of the Taxpayers Association of Livonia Township. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Jackson of Five Mile road had as their Christmas dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. William Brewer, Mrs. Sarah Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lil- ley of Detroit. As their evening guests they had Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Roth, Pvt. Joseph Roth and Thomas Roth of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. William Opper of Livonia. Mr. and Mrs. William Opper and Mr. and Mrs. Carson Jack- son attended a New Year's eve party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Lilley in Detroit, Michigan. W 7A Taxpayers Association will hold their regular meeting at the Livonia Town Hall on Wednes- day evening, January 12 at 8:30 o'clock. A course in parliamen- tary law will be conducted prior to the taxpayers meeting. All those interested please be at the hall at 8 sharp. Every taxpayer in the Township of Livonia should' be interested in this association and are welcomed to come and join. Come to the meeting and see what it is all about and try to make this a record year for the club. Refreshments will be served. NANKIN MILLS INN is still the best place to meet your friends and enjoy an evening of hospitality. 33750 Ann Arbor Trail Phone Livonia 9297 EXCELLENT MIXED DRINKS — GOOD BEER The best of everything and it costs no more YES RIGHT! FOR ACCURACY IN WAR INDUSTRY . One error can cost lives and planes ... that are depending on your accurate eyesight for safety! Don't take chances, let our Registered Optometrist examine and prescribe the proper glasses for your improved, safe, sure vision. Dr. John A. Ross—Dr. L. E. Rehner DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY 809 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Mich. Phone 433 Hours: 11 a. in. till 9 P. in. Wednesday, January 5, 1944 For a perfect likeness and a permanent record depend on a beautiful SAN REMO PORTRAIT SAN REMO STUDIO 17190 Lasher Road, Redford Phone Redford 7798 NE ED A NEW CAR? GETCALL Hundreds of good used cars MAKES on our used car lot FROM US We operate Northwest Detroit's most modern and effi- cient all -car service -repair department. You can always get the car you want here BILL BROWN 20740 Fenkell Phone Red. 0900 LIVONIA'S OLDEST REAL ESTATE FIRM HARRY S. W LE REAL ESTATE - FARMS - INSURANCE Phone Livonia 2668 32398 Five Mile Road—Just East of Farmington Road List your property with us for prompt sale 'are gained with poultry if good feeds are fed for greater results try our grains and mash. Seeds - Feeds - Fertilizers COAL FOR EVERY HEATING PLANT Phone 107 .882 Holbrook Plymouth Wednesday, January 5, 1941 THE LIVONIAN Page Five SHOE REPAIRING Expert Work Frank's Shoe Repair 11151 Stark Rd., �/2 Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. PLUMBING AND HEATING Parts and Fixtures Repairs and Service C. J. LEGGERT 20547 Fenkell Ave., Cor. Patton REdford 2167 JOHN M. CAMPBELL PLUMBING and HEATING Boilers, Furnaces, Water Pumps, Gutter Pipe and Roofing. Equipped service car to your door. Phone Livonia 2073 9525 Wayne Road Plymouth, Michigan "The Friendliest Atmosphere in Northwest Detroit" OLD TIMER TAVERN Lahser Road at Grand River REDFORD LIQUOR - BEER - WINE Modern & Old -Time Dancing Fri., Sat., Sun. Nights MUSIC BY WESTERN ACES JIMMY THRAPP, Prop. Phone REdrford 9702 Insulation and Storm Windows Will `Cut Your Heating Costs to a Minimum We will gladly give you an estimate on the costs of in- sulating or on the costs of installing storm sash. The costs are exceedingly low and finance is available. Plymouth Lumber & Coal Company 308 S. Main St. at P. M. Tracks Phone 102, Plymouth, Mich. TOWNSHIP BRIEFS Wayne County Council of th Parent Teacher Association wi meet on Tuesday, January 11 , the Belleville High School Aud Corium. " The business meetin will be at 6 P. in.; dinner at 6:3 P . m. and "the evening meetin; will be at 8 p, in. Movies �oa birds, flowers and animals will b, shown by Jack VanCoevering o The Detroit Free Press. Thes will be natural color motion pie tures showing a number of thf water falls in Michigan, the home life of the Canada Goose, the courtship dance of the prairie chicken, fishing on the Au Sable river, how to use a fly rod. A deer hunt at Tahquamenon and the Tahquamenon Falls in No- vember. Many more interesting Pictures will be shown, but you will have .to attend the meeting to really enjoy the northern part of Michigan in these color pic- tures. Cpl. Elmer Smith arrived Thursday ` evening from Las Vegas, New Mexico, to spend ten days with his mother, Mrs. Clara Smith on Brookfield avenue. Mrs. Allie Johnson of Farm- ington road had all of her sons and daughters and grandchildren at her home for Christmas din- ner. There were twenty in all. There will be a tin can pick up in Livonia Township on Satur- day, January 15. Have your cans properly prepared and do not put out any scrap. This is just a tin can pick up. All cans must be on the main highways early on Sat- urday morning. In the next edi- tion of this paper we will give you the exact locations for the pick up stops. Livonia Center PTA will meet on Monday, January 17 at the Li- vonia Center School on Farming- ton road. The meeting will be called to order at 8 sharp, so try to be there on time. 'Each mem- ber is urged to bring a new member to this meeting. Re- member that the room who has the most parents present receives a gift at the close of the year. Each mother counts one and each father counts two, so try to be there and help out your child's room. Refreshments will be served. The Bluebirds will meeT at the home of Mrs. Fred Verran on Monday, January 10 after school. rhe Bluebirds are a group of ;iris of the ages 8 and 9. Are .here any girls in Livonia Center vho are of that age and would ike to join the Bluebirds? If so, alease contact Mrs. Fred Verran ind then when you are 10 years >f age you are eligible for the =amp Fire group. To get waste paper into the hands of paper mills as rapidly' as possible, tie or bundle all ma- terial: Newspapers should be folded flat and tied in bundles about 12 inches high; magazines should be bundled about 18 inches high. Corrugated and cardboard boxes and cartons should be flat- tened out and tied in bundles 12 inches high. Wastebasket paper should be packed down into a bag for easy handling. e DIGNIFIED - SINCERE - COURTEOUS t SERVICE SCHRADER FUNERAL HOME f FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance on Call Phone 781W Plymouth, Mich. 280 S. Main ouRSERVICE 'DURATION Reliable Car Service Means More Today YOU CAN DEPEND ON THE WORK WE DO ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE USE ONLY HIGHEST QUALITY GASOLINE AND LUBRICANTS FOR THE DURATION CAL ROBERTS Super Gulf Service Phone Livonia 9202 Corner Merriman, Plymouth Roads — 34115 Plymouth Road — Good Food Special breakfast menu for defense workers—get more Home with a Home hearty breakfast Cooked Reasonable Prices CHICKEN - STEAK - CHOP - DINNERS New modern counter service Complete Food Department F.n.o'a R;X THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, January 5, 1944 SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Seale and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 744 Wing St. Plymouth YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW USE THE BEST... CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. YOU CAN STILL FIND BETTER MERCHANDISE HERE You'll Find We Still Appreciate Your Business 3: Fred L. Cook Co General Merchandise Phone 10 Farmington, Mich. A GOOD HARDWARE IS A GOOD FRIEND When in need of those necessary small items to keep the home in perfect shape go to the a 33405 Grand River Phone 4 FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP BRIEFS St. Joseph's Circle of the St. Ylichael's parish held their "-hristmas party and regular neeting at the home of Mrs. Jo- aeph Spitza at 13526 Merriman -oad, on Tuesday evening, De- 2ember 28. After a short busi- aess meeting Christmas gifts were exchanged by playing mu- 3ical chairs. A gift was given out and was passed on to each person and whoever held the gift when the music stopped '.sept the gift and dropped out of the game. Bunco was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Bernard McGrath, Mrs. Appleberry, Mrs. Leo LeBlanc and Mrs. Siterlett. Luncheon was served and every- one reported having had a very nice time. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Edward Harrison at 15545 IvIerri- man road on Tuesday evening, January 31. # # Lee Valley Improvement As- sociation will hold their January meeting at the Livonia Town Hall on Five Mile road on Fri- day evening, January 7 at 8 p. in. Installation of officers will take place and new committees will be appointed. The sleigh or hay ride will be discussed and plans will be made according to the weather. Mrs. Geo. Hines and Emmett Parker will have charge of the refreshments. # # A Mobile Blood Bank will be at the Stark School on Friday, Jan- uary 7 from 3;30 p. m. to 8 P.m. This is your opportunity to give that life saving blood for our armed forces. Housewives are encouraged to come before 4 p. m. so that the men can be taken care of on the way home from work or in the evening hours. Any- one wishing transportation may call Livonia 2012 between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday. WEAR DIAMONDS FOR PERSONAL ATTRACTIVENESS M* Own Them as a Safe Investment Deane Herrick Jeweler 839 Penniman Ave. Plymouth Taxpayers T 0 0 avonla Townshl]r 1943 Township, county and school taxes were payable Tuesday, De- cember 14, 1943 and may be paid without penalty until Tuesday, February 29th, 1944 Taxes may be. paid at the township hall, 33110 Five Mile road near inter section of Farmington road each week day between the hours of 9 a. in. and 5 p. in., except Saturday. Tax payments may also be mailed by check or money order directly to the treasurer at the township hall, 33110 Five Mile road. R. F.D. No. 3, j Plymouth, Michigan Arthur Trapp Township Treas. Wednesday, January 5, 1944 THE L: FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS_ FOR SALE—Rockwool, 35 lb. bag only 79c—Insulate now and save fuel. Farmington Lum- ber & Coal Co. FOR SALE—Storm Sash, 18 sizes in stock. No more when the present stock is gone. Farm- ington Lumber & Coal Co. FOR SALE—Comet Soot de- stroyer. Saves fuel --cleans furnace and chimney. Farming- ton Lumber & Coal Co. FOR SALE—Calcium Chloride— Be prepared for icy roads and walks. Farmington Lumber & Coal Co. FOR SALE—Maple sofa, opens to comfortable double bed, large compartment for bedding. Like new. Phone Livonia 2498 after 5 p. in. FOR, SALE—Balsam Wool Insu- lating Blanket, only 51/5c per square foot. The foolproof in- sulation. Farmington Lumber & Coal Co. OR SALE—We smoke our own nam, bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry, Taylor's Super Market, 29150 Joy road, one block east of Middle Belt road 9-tf-c FOR SALE—Plumbing and heat- ing supplies, boilers, furnaces, water pumps, gutter pipe and roofing. We help you with pri- orities. John M. Campbell, plumbing and heating, 9,525 Wayne road. Phone Livonia 2073. Equipped service cars to your door. 26-tfc True wisdom is to know what is best worth knowing, and to do what is best worth doing.—Hum- phrey. The Michigan Bell Telephone Company Has openings for women as SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS Nc experience necessary. Training done on the job. Pleasant surroundings. Permanent employment. Persons engaged in other war work cannot be ac- cepted. Apply at your local Michigan Bell Telephone Office 8,EFRIGERATIu.N S E R V I C E, p h o n e Plymouth 160. Kim - brough Electric Shop, 868 West Ann Arbor Trail. tf-c WE BUY OR SELL POULTRY, live and dressed. Berry's Poul- try Market, 34115 Plymouth Road. Phone Livonia 3876. IF YOU need a graduate nurse for an hour or more call Maude Smith, R.N., daily from 7 a. in. to 7 P. in. Phone Livonia 2461 or Livonia 9268. 4t -c CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Chester J. Bristah wish to thank their neighbors 'and friends for the many kindnesses shown them during their recent bereavement. Paper parachutes, which save nylon and silk, are used by the -irmy to drop cargo, radio and weather instruments, flares to reveal enemy installations and _lash lights. Waste paper from homes is used to make these chutes. The, aim of education should be to convert the mind into a liv- ing fountain, and not a reservoir. That which is filled by merely Pumping in, will be emptied by pumping out.—John M. Mason. To know. the laws of God in nature and revelation, and then to fashion the affections and will into harmony with those laws— this is education. :VONIAN Page Seven ROSEDALE GARDENS PRESBY- bands of Auxiliary members are TERIAN—John B. Forsyth, min- invited to be guests. ister. The Communion Service o will be Sunday morning at eleven o'clock with reception of new From soup to firearms, war members at that time. A con- goods are on the march in paper ference of instruction for those containers. The demand for con- oining the church will be held tainers has risen to a point where 1 hursday evening January 6, at more than 69,00,0 tons are being eight o'clock in the church base- produced weekly, but more is re- ment. Rev. Shigeo Tanabe, min- quired. Lack of waste paper is ister in charge of religious work cutting production. among relocated Japanese -Amer- o icans .of the Detroit area, will soeak at the meeting of the Wo- However learned or eloquent, men's Auxiliary Wednesday eve- man knows nothing truly that he ning, January 12,. when all hus- has not learned from experience. —Wieland. Lubrication - Tire Repair - Accessories SERVICE WEND 'S GULF SERVICE 34399 Plymouth Rd., at Stark Ambulance Sewice �i FUNERAL HOME 23720 N. Farmington Road, Farmington, Mich. Phone 470 BEEN WANTED! Who are interested in steady post war jobs in cold drawn steel mill. Experience Not Necessary You will be trained for your after war position. At present we are engaged in 100% defense work. ONLY MEN ELIGIBLE UNDER W.M.P.C. PLAN NEED APPLY Pilgrim Products Corporation PHONES 1130 and 1131 Page Eight THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, January 5, 1944 i TOWNSHIP BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Max Schumacher and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schu- macher attended the wedding of Miss Shirley Boldt and Ensign Deo Forest Reynolds at the Cen- tral Methodist church on Wood- ward avenue in Detroit on Sun- day, December 26. * * s Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eldred of Auburndale spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.II Johnson in Detroit. Patricia Isbell was the house guest of Virginia Wilson in De- troit during the Christmas week. Mrs. Marvin Cross gave a bridge luncheon in honor of her Aunt Jane of Grand Rapids on Tuesday, December 28. Attend- ing were. Mrs. Bruce Eldred, Mrs. G. L. Lsbeli, Mrs. Richard Cox, Mrs. Earl Harrington of Livonia, Mrs. Edna .Crimkow of Seven Mile road and Mrs. Ben- nett of Detroit. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Earl Harring- ton, Aunt Jane and Mrs . B. Eldred. ner at their home on Auburndale on Wednesday, December 29. At- tending were Virgil Schultz of Bray City, Michigan; Webster Mc- Donald, of Lansing State College; Raymond Kurtz, of Coventry Gardens; Virginia Wilson, of De- troit, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McDonald and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Br-tz and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ratliff and fam- ily of Detroit. Miss Virginia Wilson of De- troit is the house guest of Miss Patricia Isbell for New Years holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cox of Five Mile road were the dinner guests on Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Roy of LaSalle boulevard, Huntington Woods. Mrs. Earl Harrington of Puri- tan avenue entertained at a bridge luncheon on Thursday. Attending were Mrs. Bruce El- dred, Mrs. G. L. Isbell and Mrs. Richard Cox. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. R. Cox and Mrs. G. L. Isbell. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Isbell en- tertained at a seven o'clock din- Don't destroy used brown pa- per, brown boxes, bags, heavy wrapping paper and waste paper. Save, salvage, sell or donate. 0 Housewives who use brown paper bags for garbage may de- prive some soldier of K -rations because some ,paper mill which is largely dependent on waste paper cannot produce the paper cartons required for lack of waste paper. r BUY WAR BONDS VON BURG"S Redford's Oldest JEWELERS 22009 Grand River Avenue RAY THORPE'S HARDWARE Headquarters for all hard- ware and home maintenance merchandise. TRY HERE FIRST 28302 Joy Road Between Inkster and Middlebelt Phone 3120 MUBRICATION OBILGAS - OIL - L IRE REPAIR Open 6:45 to 6:45 Week Days—Closed Sundays BOB CLARK'S TILREE-ACRE SERVICE Eight Mile and Middle Belt Roads "STOP AT THE SIGN OF THE FLYING RED HORSE" "MELTING `SNOW BALL" off. W -bat you Owe. 4a siaziojj�leanwhep }he vtaz aseaYninq Youe$e ao - sjou mote ih banlcizsq e. e anOz� Abe f us "#E FkRMINGTON STIE BA�-LK Farmington, Mich. COAL 1 %, and building lumber and coal supplies from,= Livonia's • dependable dealer—' r If you have to wear glasses why not make Leadbetter sure that you look well in them. It's a simple matter to come down to De Roy's and have a new pair of glasses fitted that will be !o COAL&nLUMBER becoming and so much a part of your per - NY COMPACOMPANY sonal appearance that you'll hardly be aware that you are wearing them. 12434 Middlebelt Road 1/2 Mile N. of Plymouth Rd. Phone Redford 0338 OPTICAL STUDIOS IN CHARGE OF: Dr. H. T York, Oculist, Physician—Dr. E. A. Burger, Optometrist mei7y ®! Let us help you secure ma- 1 serials for building, repair- 21648 GRAND RIVER • 22085 MICHIGAN ing and remodeling. AN ttr DFORD w W. DLOMBO N COMPARE OUR LOW _PRIGES