HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1944_0510Ruth Chaundy Married Saturday In the presence of 120 friends and relatives, Ruth: Agnes Chaun- dy, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs: THE LIVONIAN George Chaundy, became the bride of Robert ,Kenneth Garrett,, son •of. Mrs. George Wollgast of Entered at the Plymoulth, Michigan, Postoffice as Seo)nd Class Mail Matter. Coventry Gardens and William: Phone Plymouth 16 Vol. 5, No. 12 Wednesday, May 10, 1944 Garrett of Plymouth, at a double: ring ceremony at St. Paul's Evan gelical Lutheran church, Livonia, at which Rev. Theodore Sauer of- ficiated at 7 -o'clock Saturday eve Rosedale Gardens Woman's ping, April 29. The church was decorated with Club Installs Officers palms .and vases of pink snap- dragons, white carnations and yel On Thursday evening, May 4,1�1----- low, daffodils, more than 1.00 members of the and R. Overmans, assisted -by Mrs. The bride, who was given in: Rosedale Gardens Woman's club R. Summerlee. marriage by her father, wore a, gathered in the Presbyterian There were table prizes for each gown of white rayon chiffon with', church basement for their annual table and much fun had by all. a flower design made with a fitted: installation dinner, which was v bodice and long sleeves. The skirt planned and supervised by Mrs. was full and formed a long train T; Lyndon. While the ladies were Mrs. G. C. Cook at the back. She wore a finger- being seated Mrs. E. Blanen- tip veil and carried a bouquet of kHeads PTA white roses and daisies with a hagen played some lovely selec detachable orchid. tions on the piano. The maid of honor, Dorothy ' The tables were beautifully laid Fade of Detroit, wore a gown of and the gay little paper umbrella pink rayon chiffon with a flo�_favors carried out the colors of �red design and -carried a bou- the forsythia, iris ,and daffodils g ret of yellow roses and daffodils.. which were used in the center- Ihe bridesmaid, Irene Maul, wore: piece. These and the corsages a gown ,of blue rayon chiffon with: ; worn by the ladies at the speaker's a flowered design and carried a [.table were made and arranged by couquet of .pink snapdragons and - :i Mrs. K. Gibson, Mrs. F. Flatt and ,arnations, and bridesmaid. Lu- '1VIrs. G. Miller. Dille Lanstra wore a gown oft The re-elected -chairman, Mrs. 3-1uamarine rayon chiffon :with a: Ernest Bentley, presided over the lowered design and carried a bou- speaker's table with the past presi- xuet of pink snapdragons and dents on her right and the pres- -�,rnations. ent and newly elected officers on Mrs. Chaundy •chose for her her left. The past presidents in- iaughter's wedding a dress- of cluded Mrs. L. Hedden, Mrs. J. )rchid crepe and wore a corsage . Calhoun, Mrs: M. Laitur, Mrs. R i£ yellow daffodils and daisies. Baker and Mrs. William Peristy. Mrs. Wollgast was dressed in The newly elected officers under 7avy blue crepe .and wore a cor the leadership of Mrs. Bentley, ;age of :pink carnations. who are Mrs. H. Heric, Mrs. Wil - Flight Lieut. William Garrett,- iiam Judson, Mrs. H. Brani!on and )rother of thegroom, was the :best Mrs. W. Peilott, were installed into nan. Gerald Jarski -of Plymouth :office by Mrs. Lyndon and told ind Arleigh Hamm of Farming- of their duties. ion were the ushers: An interesting history of the A reception at the Livonia town club's growth and progress was call ion Five Mile road followed ,given by Mrs. Peristy and gifts :he ceremony. A buffet luncheon were presented by the club to aras served to 150 guests.,- Mrs. Bentley and Mrs. Lyndon in The bride's table had as a cen- appreciation of their splendid ,erpiece a seven -tier wedding work throughout the year. Mrs. sake in the shape of !a wedding Bentley had a little surprise gift )ell and topped with a miniature for each -one on the board of dl - )ride and groom. A seven -piece rectors to express her thanks for )rchestra furnished music for the th co -o eration and assistance The annual meeting and instai- I:Rion of officers of the Rosedale FTA was held, on Wednesday eve- ning, May 3, at 8 o'clock at the school. As it was men's night, ;V illiam Culbertson presided. An- nual reports were read by all committee chairmen summarizing the work done throughout the past year. C. R. Carlson led the group in singing, with Mrs. F. Vande- venter at the piano. The speaker of the evening was Richardson L. Rice, associate di- rector of .the Methodist Children's Village on West Six Mile road.) His topic was "A Chip Off the Old Block," and the talk was thoroughly enjoyed by all pres- ent. Following Mr. Rice's talk, Rev.' John Forsyth installed the of- ficers for the new year: Mrs. G. C. Cook, .president; Mrs. R. O. Craig, first vice president; Miss Edith Robb, second vice president; Mrs. Otto Hansen, third vice presi- dent; Mrs. B. Nathanson, record- ing secretary; Mrs. L. Hedden, corresponding secretary, and Wil- liam F. McQueen, treasurer. It was also decided that the presi- dent and first vice :president would be sent .to the PTA state conven- tion in .Grand Rapids as delegates of the Rosedale school. v Girl Scouts Hold Banquet at Rosedale Girl Scout troop No. 4 planned and put on a banquet for their fathers in the Rosedale Gardens community house under the direc- tion of Mrs. William Peristy, One patrol made the invitations, an- other decorated the tables, while another patrol did the cooking, assisted by Mrs. William. Kay and Mrs. Robert Burns. The patrol to wait on the tables were in uni- forms, and -one girl from each group washed dishes. William Kay, with James Mar- shall at the piano, led the group in singing before the dinner. After the dinner, the court of awards was held. Twenty-five girls received second class badges, and 45 others proficiency badges. Mrs. William Peristy was given a beautiful corsage by the .girls. In the .program which the girls put on, Marilyn Brooker and Joan Kay, as did Jacqueline Cline .and Anne Randall, sang. Jane Tim- mins gave a recitation and the Carnation patrol sang an original song written by Mrs. Jacobs. At the close of the evening a most impressive ceremony was given, with fathers and daughters joining hands for the goodnight circle and taps. Pictures Feature Auxiliary Meet The May meeting of the wom- an's auxiliary •of the Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian church will be on Wednesday evening, May 17, at 8 p.m. at the church. Mrs. G. Muth, program chair- man, announces that this will be an evening of grand entertain- ment, as we are :to have the e p pleasure of hearing the glee club lancing that followed. The young,given her during the past term. of the Plymouth high school, and ;ouple will make their home in All enjoyed the delicious din- Select Members of also T. Elliot Barron of the Auto - Detroit. ner, which was in charge of Mrs._ New School Board mature Club of Michigan -Will show v ,pictures of the •Great Smoky A o Furnish IE. Kracht and her committee. The mountains, Kentucky stock farms waitresses, under the supervision Livonia school electors selected and many other interesting parts Cookies for Boys Mrs. Myron J. Anderson, can- een chairman, received from the Iletroit chapter county branch de- -'lrtment a request made by the ,amp and hospital recreation rps for cookies for boys at ?ercy Jones hospital and Self- •id.ge field. The project is to de- iver 20 dozen cookies a month 'rom Livonia. Mrs. Clyde Carey, Dresident of the Livonia Moms lub, was contacted and with three lays' notice had our first month's xuota on its way. If you wish to donate to this project, •contact •a Mom in your aeighborhood now. of !Mrs. H. Holcomb, wore gay a board of education for the ,of that section of the country. Mr. crepe paper aprons which carried newly consolidated school district Barron will also show pictures out the colors used ion the tables. at an .election held here last Sat- of the tulip festival in Holland, Door prizes were won by Mes- urday. Earl L.. Bedell was elected) Mich., which should be of inter - dames Folsom, Pitts, Ropers, Per- to the one-year term on the board est to all of us. kins, Peristy, Tamm and James. and Fred C. Weinert and Jack Mrs. J. C. VanCovering will lead After dinner those that cared Gage were elected to the two- the devotional, and the hostesses to adjourned to the club house to year terms. George Bentley and enjoy card ,games and a social G. A. Bakewell were elected for will be Mrs. R. W. Mason, .Mxs. time. the three-year terms. C. A. Holth, Mrs. H. Fox and Mrs. The club 'house was also beau- The board will meet on Mon- Charles Townsend. tifully decorated with large, real day, ;May 15, for organizational The members of the auxiliary looking paper flowers, ,garlands d 't —ted that and sprinkling cans. These were made and designed by the Satur- day night dance committee, in- cluding the W. Barths, H. Olsons purposes an a as exp wash to extend an invitation to officers will be elected at that all residents of the, community time. v to attend .this event, as it will I be both interesting and enter - Buy War Bonds * taining. ' Page Two The Livonia Center Cubs held their monthly den .pack meeting on Friday, April 28, at the Li- vonia Center school. The Cooper district has three new dens and they will have their pack meet- ings with the Livonia dens begin- ning with the May meeting. A large crowd attended the ,pack meeting and two skits were put on by the dens. Tommy Phipps and Jerry Jahn joined the Cubs. ?Jen No. 1 and den No. 2 are tied for the Cub attendance banner for the most parents present at the den meetings. A committee meeting was held on Thursday evening and the three new dens were organized in the Cooper dis- trict. The dens will take part in the next pack meeting, which will be held at the Livonia Center cchool on May 26. There are 17 new Cubs in the three dens. The den mothers are as follows: Den No. 3, Mrs. William Cook; No. 4, Mrs. Earl Burt; No. 5, Mrs. Ev- elyn Bates. The den meetings each week are held in the Cooper district. The month of May is "den fix it" month. The boys will make things for their dens. This is also aeroplane adventures month. THE LIVONIAN i Mothteer-71 Understand if you don't call her on Long Distance this Sunday Mothers are understanding and patriotic. They know that under the steadily increasing burden of war -created calls, Long Distance tele- phone equipment is seriouslv overloaded. Of course, they'd like to talk with you on Mother's Day, but they'd rather be sure the lines are kept clear for ;vital war messages. This year, send you, love in a letter. And if you'd like to give your mother a present, she'd truly appreciate; a United States War Bond—a gift of fightilg dollars to back our boys and girls overseas. ri e Please °r9eatLo 9 st my really this IbJpf al Ince cal/s "s Day. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Wednesday, May 10, 1944 Get better results with better feeds LARRO HEADQUARTERS Poultry Remedies SAXTON Farm Supply Store 587 W. Ann Arbor Trail Phone 174 Authorized Sales Headquar- ters for Stamps and Bonds FARMINGTON 3111 THEATRE Wed., Thurs., May 10, 11 * Vt * FREEDISHES TO THE LADIES1 * yt it "Brigham Young" — with Tyrone Power Linda Darnell —and— "Calaboose" Jimmy Rogers Noah Beery, Jr. Fri., Sat., May 12, 13 Pat O'Brien Ruth Warrick —in— "The Iron Major" —and— Tyrone Power, Myrna Loy George Brent —in— "The Rains Came" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday May 14, 15, 16 Betty Grable, Robert Young --4r— "Sweet Rosie O'Grady" —and— Jimmy Lyndon Joan Mortimer —in— "Henry Aldrich Boy Scout" Wednesday, May .3, 1944 THE LIVONIAN Page 'Free Township Briefs Thomas Lyndon of Rosedale Gardens has been commissioned a lieutenant, junior grade, in the navy. He will report for duty June 26 at Princeton university, The Livonia center PTA will hold its regular monthly meeting, at the school on Monday, May 15, at 8 p.m. This is installation of officers. The school picnic will be discussed and the room that has had the best attendance for ;the year will receive its gift PALACE INN Beer - Liquor - Wine Dancing Sat. & Sun. ED PALISZEWSKI, Prop. (Formerly Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriman Road "The Friendliest Atmosphere in Northwest Detroit" OLD TIMER TAVERN Lahser Road at Grand River REDFORD LIQUOR - BEER - WINE Modern & Old -Time Dancing Fri., Sat., Sun. Nights MUSIC BY WESTERN ACES JIMMY THRAPP, Prop. Phone REdford 9702 WEAR DIAMONDS FOR PERSONAL ATTRACTIVENESS 0 Own Them as a Safe Investment Deane nerrick Jeweler 839 Penniman Ave. Plymouth money. Remember, Miss Bridge's room, the fifth and sixth grades, are ahead so far. Will you be there to help them win? Also the members that didn't earn their dollar at the last meeting will tell how they earned it at this meet- * I Pierson PTA held its regular meeting at the Pierson school on Seven Mile road near Farmington on Thursday, April 27, at 8 p.m. Mr. Smith of Plymouth put on a minstrel show. The next meeting will be held on May 25. This is to be installation of officers. Mrs. Shannon, wrepresentative of a brush company, gave a demon- stration at the home of Mrs. Alma McLellan for the benefit of the Pierson PTA. Mr. and Mrs, Pott l Case lefi Tuesday evening for New York city. For Refrigeration Service Call Livonia 2941 Lubrication - Tire Repair - Accessories SERVICE WENDT'S GULF SERVICE 34399 Plymouth Rd., at Stark THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... "Glad you dropped in, Judge. 1 was just trying to explain to Mary what you told us down at lodge last night ... about all the grain used to distill war -alcohol not really being used up. She didn't realize it, either." "It's true, Mary. Wherever the govern- ment has permitted distillers to purchase the equipment necessary to reprocess the used grain, at least 50% of the feed value (25% by weight) of the whole grain is being recovered and returned to farms like yours in the form of premium -quality live- stock feed. Only the starch is removed during distilling... the part recovered is a highly -prized concentrate containing valu- able proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The distilling industry really has taken a leading part in the development of new cattle and poultry feed products from reprocessed grain ... products rich in vitamins Bi and $2 ... so essential to satisfactory growth and production. And the recovery of grain will apply also to the making of whiskey when Production is resumed." Page Four THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, May 10, 1944 You'll find GOOD "OLD FASHIONED" HOSPITALITY at the OLD ELM - TAVERN - BEER AND LIQUOR GOOD FOOD Fish and Chips 33725 Plymouth Road Entertainment Saturday and Sunday Nights Steaks - Chops Fried Chicken (Country Style) Meet yc ar zriends and have your fun at the popular OLD ELM TAVERN * Buy War Bonds * Township Briefs The Coventry Gardens Improve- meht association met at the Li- vonia town hall on Wednesday evening. A ;great many things of interest to the people of this sub- division were discussed. After the business meeting, cards were played and refreshments served. The next meeting of this associa- tion will be held at the town hall on June 7 at 8:1.5 p.m. The Livonia Center Book club met at the home of Mrs. Gus Zobel on Farmington road Thurs- day, April 27. Mrs. Fred Verran reviewed the book, "O Distant Star," by Francis Doner. The next book club will meet :at the home of Mrs. Ray Owens on Eight Mile road, and Mrs. Fred McQueston will give the book review. Mrs. Anna Kade of Detroit is spending several weeks visiting her d a ug h t e r, Mrs. George Chaundy. Mrs. E. J. Terrill has returned to her home in Stambaugh, Mich., after visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. W. Donnelley of Coventry Gar- dens for seven weeks. The Wo -un -ca group of Camp- fire Girls had a cook -out at the home of Betty Schumacher on Surrey road Wednesday after- noon. S/lcThomas E. Venus has re- turned to New York after spend- ing a 10 -day leave with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy A. Venus. Pvt, Robert Kurtz returned to Camp McCain, Mississippi, after spending a week's furlough visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kurtz of Surrey road, Coventry i Gardens. SPECIAL Ending May 11 SKIRTS For a perfect likeness and a permanent record depend on a beautiful SAN REMO PORTRAIT SAN REMO STUDIO 17190 Lasher Road, Redford Phone Redford 7798 EED A NEW CAR? GET ALL Hundreds of good used cars MAKES on our used car lot FROM US We operate Northwest Detroit's most modern and effi- cient all -car service -repair department. You can always get the car you want here PILL BROWN 20740 Fenkell Phone Red. 0900 LIVONIA'S OLDEST REAL ESTATE FIRM HARRY So WOLFE REAL ESTATE - FARMS - INSURANCE Phone Livonia 2668 32398 Five Mile Road—Just East of Farmington Road List your property with us for prompt sale �PEST RESULTS are gained with poultry if good feeds are fed — for greater results try our grains and mash. Seeds - Feeds - Fertilizers COAL FOR EVERY HEATING PLANT Phone 107 ECKLES COAL & SUPPLY CO. 882 Holbrook Plymouth Wednesday, May 10, 1944 THE LIVONIAN Page Five Garden Club Gives Spring Flower Show Rosedale Gardens members of the Woman's National Farm and Garden association are looking forward to their meeting on Tues- day, May 16, at which time they will feature a spring flower show. Exhibits may be made only by members of the club, although. SHOE REPAIRING Expert Work Frank's Shoe Repair 11151 stark Rd., y2 Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. guests will be welcome to attend. There will .be a musical program given during the show. Mrs. E. N. Wooster, the club president, will attend the annual meeting of the Michigan division at the hotel Statler, Detroit, on Wednesday, May 10, and on May 11 a number of officers and com- mittee chairmen will attend the luncheon and meeting. Unless the steak is very large, the last to be served must pre- tend that he likes fat. gristle and bene. A small group of WAVE'S is studying Japanese at the navy Japanese language school, Boul- der, Colo. Reliable Car Service Means More Today YOU CAN DEPE11D ON THE WORK WE DO ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE USE ONLY HIGHEST QUALITY GASOLINE AND LUBRICANTS FOR THE DURATION CAL ROBERTS Super Gulf Service Phone Livonia 9202 Corner Merriman, Plymouth Roads — 34115 Plymouth Road — Good Food Special breakfast menu for defense workers—get more Featuringenergy Of with a Fried Fried hearty breakfast � Chicken Reasonable Prices Southern Style o CHICKEN - STEAK - CHOP - DINNERS New modern counter service Complete Food Department MOD%I ERN and OLD TIME �j DANCING Every Saturday Night WINTER'S FALL 7 Mile and Farmington Road Advertise IT in The Livonian NANKIN MILLS INN is still the best place to meet your friends and enjoy an evening of hospitality. 33750 Ann Arbor Trail Phone Livonia 9297 EXCELLENT MIXED DRINKS — GOOD BEER The best of everything and it costs no more You Get the Best in Liquors Here An ideal place to meet your friends! SANDWICHES You are always welcome at DANN'S ' TAVERN 34401 Plymouth Road Phone Livonia 9275 Nixon's Market PHONE LIVONIA 2531 ROSEDALE GARDENS GROCERIES - MEATS FROZEN FOODS WE DELIVER WHERE QUALITY COUNTS James A. Nixon, Proprietor Page Six THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, May 3, 1944 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Timmins of Melrose entertained their pi- nochle club on Saturday, April 29. ,Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McWethy were hosts Saturday at a 7:30 buffet supper. Ten Rosedale friends enjoyed the evening. Tom , and Constance Craig are attending a late afternoon art class on Mondays at the children's house, 1£irby at Woodward. Weston Nathanson is now six years old. He celebrated his birth- Mxs. V. D. Steele of Lansing is day on May 2 with a party for tha house guest of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Steele of Ingram. Mrs. I-Tgrry Burton accompanied Mr. Burton on a three-day busi- ness tripoto Chicago. :Mrs, M. A. Talsma of Grand Rapids, Mich., is spending a week with her -daughter, Mrs. Tom Lyn- don, and family. Mrs. Gorden and children of Ingram are spending some weeks in 'Canton, Ohio, visiting, Mrs. Gorden' family. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. LaMarre from Green Bay, Wis., accompa- nied by Mrs. R: J. LaMarre from Bay City, Mich., spent Thursday through Sunday at the Virgil La- Marre home. The LaMarre family and guests diner at the Dearborn and guests dined at the Dearborn Susanne Polhemus celebrated her fifth birthday by having a par- ty for 12 of her friends. The birth- day cake, spring flowers and fa- vors, highlighted by moving pic- tures of Mickey Mouse and a trip to the zoo, made the afternoon a delightful one for the children. The guests were ,Susan Randall, .Jackie Fischer, Connie Forsyth, Patty Laughna, Rosemary Rice, Roger Wiegands, Tommy Lyndon, 10 of his kindergarten friends.) Mary Mier, Donald Seiger, Marsha Games were played and prizes Wiegands, Linnea Benson and given, after which cake, ice cream "Joan Polhemus. and chocolate milk were served. Mrs. H. F. Fortner of Arden was The table was pink and blue with hostess to her -bridge club on Wed - a bouquet of pink roses in the nesday last. center.. The cake was white with Mrs. Parrington of Blackburn blue decorations and candies. The left Friday, May 5, for a ten-day favors were blue windmills. Wes- visit with her mother, Mrs. W. H. ton received many lovely gifts. Sheppard of Toronto, Ontario. Those who helped celebrate were Mary Mier, Helen Goodbold, Anne The new officers of the Rose - Newman, Tyler Cook, Ian Holmes, David Kinner, Arthur McKillop. Nancy Carlson was unable to at- tend because of illness. Dr. J. McL. Paterson DENTIST 32007 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Wednesdays and Fridays For Appointment Telephone Livonia 2360 When in need of tho" necessary small items to keep the home in perfect shape go to the HARDWARE 33405 Grand River Phone 4 FARMINGTON UAW BEAUTY ... ;: y z CLINIC Phone Livonia 2234 Even though you are busy you can still look your best by having us do your Beauty Work Mary Camilot Ann Stephan Operators 9035 Middlebelt Road Between Chicago and Joy MOBILGAS - OIL - TBRICATION IRE REPAIR Open 6:45 to 6:45 Week Days- Closed Sundays BOB CLARKS THREE -ACRE SERVICE Eight Mile and Middle Belt Roads "STOP AT THE SIGN OF THE FLYING RED HORSE" dale Gardens co-operative nursery school for the coming year are Mrs. Richardson Rice, president; Mrs. Dexter Davis, vice president; Mrs. John Forsyth, secretary, and Mrs. Harold ` 'egands, treasurer. Jimmy Fry's birthday party was on Tuesday, May 2. Green and pink were the colors used on the table, in the favors and again on the cake, which had five candles. The boys who helped celebrate Jimmy's birthday were Tommy Walters, Ian Holmes, Gordon Gun- nis, Johnny Collins and Philip Matz. Mrs. E. Doyie entertained eight members of the Little Flower Study club on Thursday. Mrs. Lengo, on Arden, is a new mem- ber of the group. ' Mr. .and Mrs. R. W. Fl•orrins, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Olson and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barth were the committee for the Rosedale Gar- dens Civic association May dance, held last Saturday night in the community house. Mrs. W. Edwards and children are in Chicago visiting Mrs. Ed- l ward's mother. Keen 'em rulling' Wt enear dollars': Buv U S Savmvs Bond: end Stamp -----------------------• RE®® SHOP General Repair ; ■ Used Mowers Bought and Sold s j Complete Line of s COMMERCIAL FERTILIERS s Repair and Replacements I Keys Made to Order s s Saws Sharpened by Machine s Scissors. Knives. Ftc. Lawn Mowers a Specialty around by the Ideal Machine: ALL WORD GUARA- TFED , 29201 Plymouth Road East of Middle Belt Road PLYMOUTH. MICHIGAN is Phone Livonia 2341 ;Red Vaughn Red Tarbet : ------------------------ PLUMBING AND HEATING Parts and Fixtures Repairs and Service L I TET 20547 Fenkell Avo., Cor. Patton REdford 2167 YOU'VE TRIED THE REST; NOW USE THE BEST... CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 1 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. Save with Safety at your REXALL DRUG STORE CECIL H. HABERMEHL 32101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Corner of Blackburn Insulation and Storm Windows Will Cut Your Heating Coasts to a Mluimum We will gladly give you an estimate on the costs o2 in- sulating or on the costa of installing storm sash The costs are exceedingly low and finance is available. Plymouth Lumber & Coal Company 308 S. Mein St. at P. M. Tracks Phone 102, Plymouth, Mich. EYES RIGHT! FOR ACCURACY IN. WAR INDUSTRY One error can cost lives and planes ... that are depending on your accurate eyesight for safety! Don't take chances, let our Registered Optometrist examint and prescribe the proper glasses for your improved, sale, sure vision. Dr. John A. Ross�Dr. L. E. Rehner DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY 809 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Mich. Phone 433 Hours -7 to 9 Every Evening Except Saturday When It's 2 p. m, to 9 p. m. Wednesday, -May 10, 1944 THE LIVONIAN Page seven Blood Bank Here Thursday, May 18 There will be a Red Cross blood bank Thursday, May 18, from 3 to 7:30 .p.m. at the Wilcox school on Middlebelt road near Six Mile road. If you need transportation, call the Livonia Red Cross office, Livonia 2012. We hope to have 283 .people at the blood bank, as we want to be prepared for the invasion. Six pints of blood, donated in the U. S., saved two Kentuckians' in Ireland. This was a headline over a picture of two happy boys that had -the Red Cross at their side. American blood in Ireland saved. them. Casualties in the line of duty in North 'Ireland, two Hal- loran general hospital patients, both from Kentucky, discuss the merits of Red Cross blood ,plasma., credited with saving their lives. They are Corp. Charles E. Mat- tingly, 18, son of a Hardinsburg architect, who was given the first.1 of five transfusions in an ambu- lance, and Pvt. John D. Walker, 23, whose father is a florist in Louisville. Mattingly was with an armored force unit, Walker with the quartermaster corps. Your blood can save a life in this same manner and we are in need of donors. Will you do your part? Will you be at the Wilcox school on Thursday, May 18, be- tween 3 and 7:30 p.m. to do your part? SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selle and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 744 Wing St. Plymouth ON THE JOB — — THOSE LITTLE ''HiANT ADS Only 25 Cents Phone Plymouth 16 e r= s FOR SALE FOR SALE -7 -piece dining room suite. Phone Livonia 2560. lc FOR SALE—Pocahontas slack $6.00 per ton at the yard. Farm- ington Lumber & Coal Co. FOR SALE --Plywood. No prior- ity needed. Sheets 48x48 and 36x60. Farmington Lumber & Coal Co. FOR SALE—Storni Sash. 29 sizes in stock. 5% discount during February. Farmington Lumber, & Coal Co. — CERTIFIED seed potatoes (north- ern grown). Cobblers, Chippe- was, Katandin, ;Russet Rurals and Sebagoes. L. Clemens, 10000 Levan Rd. Tel. 88343. 5p OR SALE—We smaKe our owr ham. bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry.Taylors Super Market, 29150Joy road, one block east of Middle Belt road. 9-tf-r FOR SALE — Bird's-eye maple dressing table, bevel plate mir- ror, .perfect condition. $10. Livo- nia 2044. MISCELLANEOUS .cEFRIGERATIuN S E R V I C E, p h o i. a Plymouth 160. Kim - brough Electric Shop. 868 West Ann Arbor Trail. tf-c WANTED WANTED Power lawn mower. Cash for reasonably late model in good condition. Phone Livonia 2405. 4tp WANTED—Home for a smart - looking dog. Kind and friendly. Ideal pal for your girl -or ihay. Your home will save this dog' from the "pound." Phone Livonia 25'11, or see R. G. Casper, 9824 Arden, Rosedale Gardens. ,Uy U. 8 Der,nse Bonds and damps, the I.O.U. of the Red, White and Blu-t Have Your Cold Spot Refrigerator Serviced by Former Sears Service Man Cold Spot Service 15 Years Experience Phone Livonia 2545 All Work Guaranteed Dell's Market MEN WANTED! Who are interested in steady post-war jobs in cold drawn steel mill. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. You will be trained for your after -war position. At present we are engaged in 100% defense work. ONLY MEN ELIGIBLE UNDER W.M.P.C. PLAN NEED APPLY Pilgrim Products Corporation PHONES 1130 and 1131 VON BURG'S REDFORD'S.. . Oldest Established JEWELERS 22009 Grand River Avenue FUEL OIL "We Aim to Please" Phone Your Order to 181 Northville Night Calls Phone 68 C. R. ELY & SONS Upholstering �J•9 o. o mQ 0 oo. � . a. Old Furniture Made to Look Like New FREE ESTIMATES Phone Redford 3100 Guileault Upholstering 21261 Fenkell Corner Westbrook BUV Kindling Wood Now We have a large sup- ply for Stove, Furnace or Fireplace. Leadbetter COAL & LUMBER COMPANY 12434 Middlebelt Road �i Mlle N. of Plymouth Rd. Phone Re -.'I -Ord 0338 .21 Let us help you secure ma- terials for building, repair- ing and remodeling. Page Eight THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, May 10, 1944 P IT'S A r f fa r n� At A'.YQ'C> x for the duration .. . give your eiecrimasher this PREFERRED TREATMENT To help your washer stand up under the big load it faces for the duration, keep in mind these few simple rules: (1) Drain washer and rinse tub thoroughly after each washing. Remove agitator, or suction cups and Anse. (2) Wipe dry with a soft cloth to remove any soap curd or lint that may remain. If your washer has a spinner dryer, this too should be cleaned, rinsed and wiped dry. (3) Don't try to force thick, bulky articles through your wringer—and especially don't run through belt buckles or other hard objects that might cut the rolls. They are rubber, and preciousl (4) Release the pressure on wringer when not In use. This saves the spring and the rubber, and preventf the rolls from becoming flat on one side. (5) Don't overload your washer. Cramming in too big a wash simply puts a strain on the motor, and results in a less satisfactory job. (6) When you finish washing, dry the wringer thoroughly, also dry the connecting cord and wind it up carefully. Leave cover off washer to prevent It from becoming musty. The Doiroit Edison Company To. Whom It May Concern: We, the undersigned, have re- signed as officers, directors and also as members of the Livonia Community Improvement Associa- tion, Inc., such resignation be- coming effective May. 1, 1944. We wish it known that we are not responsible for any of the policies or financial obligations of said association after that date. (Signed) Archibald and Amanda Barkley William and Maxine Bates Richard and Vivian Dunham Carl and Liana Hall William and Hazel Ramsey Roy and Doris Reed William and Helen Smith - Fred Wood --_- - The Store of "Common -Sense" Prices Ah ti848 BRAND RIVER • 22085 MIONt AN N Y FQW M N YOUR EYES MUST BE FIT! To do the job right your eyes must be in perfect shape. Have them examined today and be sure. Optical Studios in Charge of. DR. M. F. McdUIRK Optometrist DR. H. J. YORK Oculist and Pb---ian NEW ACCOUNTS Our banking facilities are being used by more people than ever before, but our welcome to new friends is as cordial as ever. You need the service and pro- tection which this bank has to offer. Come in. Let us work with you for your greater success in the days ahead. 4E_FAARNINGTON STqEK,_BAN Farmington, Mich.