HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1944_0913Harvest Show September 23rd The Livonia Township Harvest *THE LIVONIAN* Show will be held at the Rosedale Gardens Club House on Saturday, September `lard beginning at Entered at the Plymoulth, Michigan, Postaffice as Seoond Claw Mail Matter. p. m. Mrs. A. T. M. Petersen ; 4 ss s Phone Plymouth 16 Vol. 5— No. 30 Wednesday, September 13, 1944 the chairman of the Harvest Show. There will be exhibits of flow- ers, vegetables, canning, 4-H ex- hibits, artistic arrangements of TO jVCHiP TEACHERS flowers, entertainment and the final counting of the votes for the ]�/� Victory Garden Queen. MEET ,FOR INSTRUCTIONS Mr. R. A. Snodgrass is the chair- man for the Victory Garden The teachers of Livonia Town-*- — — Queen. You must live in Livonia ship consolidated schools met for 7 Township and be between the their first session Tuesday, Sep- Millionth Benefit apes of 15 and 20 to qualify. tember fifth. Further information may be ob- There was a meeting of the tained by calling 'Mr. Snodgrass principals at 8:30.? as L. gonia 2098. Anyone wishing to vote for the Q All the teachers were called to - Victory Garden Queen in your Superintendent, at 9:00. JohAe dis neighborhood may deposit the cussed the advantages of the re- mone for the votes which are g Y organization in the schools for one cent each with any of the the coming year. ley 03388 : RMrs. LaVerne Long- d Livonia 3105; Miss Helen Graves, Supervisor , W. F. Perry, 15604 Oporto, Livon- was introduced and she in turn U is 2890; L. A. Humpert, 9260 Card- introduced a summary of her well, Livonia 2001; Mrs. Harry plans Hanson, 11400 Ingram, Livonia Mr. Hillbert, Sanitarian from : 2.307; 'Mrs. George Louden, 11604 the Wayne County Health Depart - Boston Post Road, Livonia 3169; ment discussed sanitation in the y Mrs. E. J. Burt, 27460 Joy Road, school program. Evergreen 3931; Lawrence Larsen, The real work of the Institute / x� 15615 Westmore, Livonia 2:842; was started when the newly ap- „ Dallas Hay, 30425 West Seven pointed 'Steering Committee, con - Mile Road, Farmington 11$3; or R. sisting of Louise Waterman, chair - A. Snodgrass, 32810,Myrna, Livon- man; Lillian Anderson, secretary;' is 2098. !Chairmen for the Harvest Margaret Laine, Catherine Thur - Show are Dr. Marie Timpona, Dr. man, Lucille Reeves, Bernice Rob - Hilda Whitright, Mr. Earl J. Burt, erts and Edna Brake met and Mr. John Martin, Mrs. Harry Dan-, formulated, plans for the Institute iels, Mrs. G. A. Bakewell, Mr. procedure. Mrs. Mary Rex Thompson, widow Dallas Hay. Mrs. Donald W. Don- The entire teaching staff was of Cleveland war worker, receives nelley, Mrs. Chester Tuck, Mrs. divided into various instructional the one -millionth benefit under the E. L, Burt, Mr. 'George Simpson, curricula, and policy committees federal system of survivors' incur. Mr. R. A. Snodgrass.Judge, Mrs which consisted of the following: since for herself and children. W. J. Yeager. 1. Reading !Committee which is The Harvest Show is open to divided into three groups: all residents of Livonia Township reports and discussions will fol - and we would like to have all the a. Primary grades, K-1-2-3. Mrs, low. vegetables and flowers and can- Ryder, Miss Cooper, .Mrs. Ir. the afternoon" !Mr. Roland ning that we can have for this Reeves, !Miss Cooper, Mrs. Faunce, assistant Director of Sec - show. Let's see what we have Miss Simpson, Mrs. Roberts. raised %nd canned in Livonia b. Intermediate grades, 4-5-6 ondary School Studies in Michi- Township in 1944 and what can be Mrs. Helwig, !Mrs. Wheeler, an will speak. saved" for 1945. Lee, Mrs. Young. Thursday morning the teachers * c. Junior High, 7 and 8. Miss will have the pleasure of hearing / Breningstall, Miss Adeline Dr. Edgar Johnston, Assistant Di- Wonaan s Club To Lee. Mrs. Young. rector of the Secondary Schools 2, Penmanship Committee: Mrs. in Michigan and also Professor of EducSmith, Mrs. Gates, Mr, Bin- Michigan. at the University of Meet t Pen Mar- gel. Michigan. Friday morning Miss Marjorie 3. Social Studies Committee: Losure, nurse with the Wayne The first meeting of the newly 'Miss Edgar, Mrs. Johnson, County Department of Health will organized Woman's Club will be Mrs. iMinehardt. talk to the teachers on health. held on September 20th at the 4. Mathematics Committee: Mr. Supt. Johnson wil outline plans Pen Mar Cafe on Plymouth rd.- Kramer, Mrs. 'Collin, Mrs. for home visits in the afternoon. All women in that township in- Funk. The teachers will spend the re- terested in becoming a member 5. Teachers' Handbook Com- mainder of !Friday and all day of the new club are invited to at- mittee: Mrs. McBride, Mrs. Monday, September 11, making tend the meeting. Reservations Bowen, Mr,. Rossman. Mrs: home, visits in their respective can be made by phoning Mrs. Donald Howell at Rosedale Gar - Searle. communities, familiarizing the dens.6. Home Reports Committee: parents with the new school sys- Mrs. Bingel, Mrs. Leaven- tem. * worth, .Mrs. Gollinger.: Tuesday there will be reports ClubO ens Season 7. Physical Education Commit- given on home visits. In the af- p tee: Mr. Bingel, Mrs. Agnes ternoon plans will be made for With Informal Dance Lee, Miss Weller. A" book registration. 8. 'Music Committee: Miss Is- Wednesday and Thursday, Sept - Opening this season, an inform- ham, Miss Laine, 'Miss Alles- ember 13 and 14 will be "A" book al dance, sponsored by the Rose- , house. registration in all Livonia schools dale Gardens Civic Association. 9, Art: Mrs. Becker, .Mrs" Wev-- from 9:00 a. in. to 8:00 p. m. will be held Saturday, September er, Mrs. 'Bowser, Miss Thur- Friday the teachers will spend 16th, in the Community Club man. in their respective rooms prepar- House. The committee in charge 1CCotemocratic Lia- ing for the opening of the schools include Mr. and ,Mrs. George Ham- . nceps of D on Monday, September 18th. ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pitts, ing in the classroom com- and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Meier. mittee: Mrs Swanson, Mrs. The teachers welcome this op - They hope to see all their old Gerdes, Miss Robb. portunity to attend this Institute. It enables them to prepare a friends present and welcome the On Wednesday, September 6 course of study and plan their new. these committees will give their work for the year. Thieves Busy In Rosedale Gardens Thieves with a misplaced sense of humor broke into three places in the Rosedale Garden business section Thursday night. They entered the Wilsnn dairy bar .by cutting a hole through the win- dow of the rear door. and .pro- ceeded to prepare and eat a lunch of two bowls of soup, sandwiches and cottage cheese, topping it off with a dessert of ice cream. Then by rearranging the letters in the menu on the wall they spelled out the message, "The soup was very good. Ha, ha, ha ha Clem." Lunch, however, was the only loot obtained in this robbery, for they failed to find any money. They also entered the Hi -.Speed gas station by the same means, where they stole ration stamps and an unknown amount of sil- ver. From the gas station they were able to enter the adjoin- ing barber shop where they took an electric razor, clippers, and one dollar in currency. Wayne county police who are working on the case say that they have obtained a very good set of fingerprints, and that they have definite suspicions of who the guilty persons may be. Club To Stage Garden Show The Rosedale Gardens branch of the Women's National Farm and Garden Association, will have a vegetable show and home can- ned exhibit for their next meet- ing, Tuesday, September 19th, at 2:00 P. in., in the Community Club House. Each member is urgently requested to come and bring an exhibit. Prizes will be awarded by the judging of the members them- selves. Contests and music will complete the afternoon's enjoy- ment. The usual tea will follow the meeting. First Fall Meet The Stark Cub Pack S-1 held their first fall meeting Sept. 8th at the Stark school. New cubs who joined the group at this time included Max Allgood and Robert Irwin. Awards were presented to the following cubs: The Wolf award to Eric Nyman, Ronald Case, Frank Schwein, and David Tar - bet; the Bear award to Kenneth Halbert, Eric Nyman and Rich- ard Crawford; and the Lion award to Jack Fetterly. Jess Bennett, the Cub -master introduced the new assistant cubmaster, Frank Schwein. Mrs. A. Kreger assisted by some girls gave a 4-H demon- stration of gardening. Three dens participated in several amusing gardening skits. Im TM THZ I,jgpN�LN Wednesday, September 13, 1944 VON BURG'S BEDFORD'S ... Oldest Established JEWELERS 11009 Grand River Avenue Unholsterina f k i ON rjum sure Made to La k Like New FIM 11471L11RATM Phone Redford $100 fteadit O"tom SIMM Fenkell Cornim Westbrook From the gaping bow doors of an LST, German prisoners of war stream ashore at a British port. When they used to sing "We Sail Against England," they never dreamed that the landing on the shores was going to be like this -- as prisoners of war. * Buy War Bonds *1 NANKIN MILLS INN is still the best place to meet your friends and enjoy an evening of hospitality. iq 33750 Ann Arbor Trail Phone Livonia 8897 EXCEL -1 MIXED DRINKS — GOOD BEER The beat of everything and It costs no more Paint Now ..... We carry a complete Laine of Inside and Outside Paints... 0 RavThorpe GENERAL HARDWARE Garden Seeds and Tools 28302 Joy Road Fire Department Has 71 Calls Fire losses in the U. S. during July were estimated to be $32,- 706,000.00, the highest for any July since 1932. July losses were 31 % higher than for July 1943. [n the month of July just past ;here were 18 fires in the U. S. vith an estimated fire loss of over )ne quarter million dollars each. Last year almost 10,000 persons .ost their lives in fires. The na- tion suffered a property damage oss of over $1,000,000:00 a day. Somewhere in the U. S. a dwelling 'ire occurs every minute and a calf. More than once an hour ;ome person is burned to death. Residents of Livonia Township ;oath of Six Mile Road between �'ckles Road and Inkster Road ;hould know by now that your 'ire department is located at Mer- •iman and Plymouth Roads and s -ready at all times, day or night, ;o respond to any fire by calling ,ivonia 2555. When calling, be calm and give the correct location and be sure and call the depart- ment FIRST, not after you have tried all other means and found them to no avail. A minute sav- ed may mean a home or life save and that is wha:, fire prevention is trying to educate the public to. Your department has respond- ed to 71 calls at the time this ar- ticle goes to press and very little loss has resulted from these fires. The residents of the township are to be congratulated. Keep up the good work. Among the sources of those in- numerable calamities which from age to age have overwhelmed mankind, may be reckoned as one of the principal, the abuse of words.—George Horne SHOE REPAIRING Expert Work Frank's Shoe Repcdr 11151 stark Rd., % Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. You Get the Best in Liquors Here An ideal place to meet your friends! SANDWICHES You cue always welcome at DANN'S TAVERN 3WI Plymouth Road Phone Livonia 9275 '!City of Ply is Enjoy Ideal Home Life! is z winFE y ac o CITY # k' 4� wi tL i HALL Low Tax Area Shopping Center Schools, Paries The New, Ideal, Clean Suburban City -Becoming Nationally -Known for Beauti- ful Parkways and Far -Sighted Planning. Lifetime Homes $300 Down READY TO MOVE INI Large living room, file features, recreation room, full affic, 50 -foot lots. An ideal Ioca- fion, convenient +o all West Side industries. OFFICE and MODEL OPEN OR PHONE MR. LOON FROM 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. } AT PLYMOUTH 1230 Look for t:5e B'e'low and Black. Signs DAWSON BUILDING CO. Wednesday, September 13, 1944 THE LIVONI" Township Briefs Mr. and .Mrs. Alex Thacker en- ,ertained Rev. Albert Luibrand for dinner 'Sunday. and =Mrs. Emmet Parker, Mr. and Mrs Lewis Austin, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Herrmann, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rieker, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Greggory, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Lingeman. R Mr. and Mrs. Ned F. Lingemannl Fire. caused by cleaning clothes .tertained a group of neighbors' «,ith gasoline, was responsible f _ r potluck supper, Labor Day. for approximately $100.00 dam Those present were Miss D. J.' age to the home of Arthur Erwin, Hartung, Mr. Donald La Roy, Mr. 10997 Stark road on August 29th.' 7 iJ Mrs. Erwin was slightly burned. : s s Mary Stover, of Detroit, who recently moved from the Gar- dens, was the week end guest of Sally Ann Holcomb. Friends of Mrs. Kenneth Gib- son will 'be glad to .hear that she has recovered from her recent illness. x � � The Rosedale Garden's women's They are wondering what will happen when they return. Will there be jobs and opportunities to get ahead? Michigan, under Republican leadership, already has the answer to that question, The present Republican administration has created the office of Veterans' Affairs to help and advise veterans. Large appropriations have already been made to aid veterans in emergencies and for an adult education program. Michigan's rehabilitation arrange- ments are unequalled by any other state in the union. At a recent state convention, the American Legion men who know what is being accomplished have gone on record as follows; "Be it resolved that the American Legion in Convention assembled at Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 11, 1944, go on record as commending the Governor and members of the 1944 Michigan State Legislature for their sincere interest in the returning veterans and the comprehensive program pre- sented which includes the creation of the Office of Veterans' Affairs to provide veterans with information, advice, direction and assistance through coordination of programs and services in the fields of education, health, vocational guidance and placement, together with mental care and economic security; to also establish community counseling centers for referral to all Service. Agencies." HELP YOUR SOLDIER TO VOTE Michigan's Republican administration led the nation in legis- lation enabling servicemen to vote the regular state and national ballots. On request your Township, Village, City or County Clerk will furnish you an application for an absent voter's ballot. Send applications to relatives and friends in the Armed Service. Urge them to vote Republican. ' Ve 1211M club plans to hold a card party in the Club House, Thursday, September 28th. Prizes are be- ing donated by Plymouth and Rosedale Garden merchants. Edith St. Clair of London, On- tario is spending two weeks with her cousin, Jo Ann Delahunte. � s t ;uy U. r.,ertnsc Londs and Stamps, the I.G.U. of the Red, 9lrhite and Blue! THOMAS E. DEWEY JOHN W. BRICKER for President for Vice -President p"a 1101a THE LIVONLkN Wednesday, September 13, 1944 BUYMORE WAR BONDS NE-FAINGTON*Sj�I - � Farmington, Mich. mr Notice of Registration To the Qualified Electors of the Township of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan That any qualified elector of the Township of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, or any person who will be quaiified elector of said 'Township on the day of the General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 7= 1944, may make application for reg- istration to the Township Clerk at his office at 32398 Five Mile Road any day, except Sundays and Holidays, between 9:00 o'clock A. M. and 5 o'clock P. M. up to and including Wednes- day. October 18. 1944. Special Reistration Notice For th econvenience of the electors of this area, I WILL BE AT the following places on the following dates: The Livonia Township Hall, 33110 Five Mile Road, Friday, September 15, 1944, The Dutch Mill, 28175 Five Mile Road, Saturday, September 16, 1944 At Voting Booth, Plymouth Rd., 1 block west of Merriman Rd. Tuesday, September 19, 1944 Allen's Grocery Store Eight Mile Road, Wednesday, September 20, 1944 Ray Thorpe Hardware, 28302 Joy Road, Thursday, September 21, 1944. McKinney and Schaffer Hardware, 34215 Plymouth Road at Stark Road, Friday, September 22, 1944 `Doting Booth, On Seven Mile Road, corner of Angling Road, 1/.1 mile west of Inkster Road, Wednesday, September 27, 1944. H. & F. Hardware Store, 27454 Plymouth Rd., West of Inkster Rd„ Thursday, September 28, 1944 Lavandowski Grocery Store In Newburg, Friday, September 29, 1944. Harry S. Wolfe Real Estate Office 33235 Seven Mile Road, I block East of Farmington Road, Saturday, September 30, 1944. Electors who are not registered in this township under the per- manent registration system must register in person. If, since registering there has been a change of address, such electors who have changed their address must transfer their to the proper address on the registration records. HARRY Se WOLFE, Livonia Township Clerk Tednesday, 'September 13, 1344 T= LIVONIAN Prp ]lire Township News Mrs. Lottie Shannon of Five Iile Road entertained at a break- ist on Friday, September 8th at D:30 a. m. Her guests were Mrs. Iinnie Kutchins, Mrs. Esther wanson, Mrs. Aletha Phipps and Irs. Lucille JHecker. }.. The Livonia Township branch f the 'Mom's met at the home .of Irs. Clara Smith on Brookfield venue Wednesday, September . Thirteen mothers attended ie meeting. Mrs. Taylor and Irs Clara 'Smith were chosen s delegates to attend the con- ention to be held at Dearborn in October 17, and 18th. Plans GUST'S MARKET t • . Eve" Custanwr Hare is a Satisfied Customer . • • Groceries and Meats • e e =�4�4 Joy Road Just West d WAdIIebsh were made for an evening card party to be held at the Livonia Town Hall on September 30th. There will !be table prizes and door prizes and a luncheon will be served. All kinds of cards will be played. Wednesday. Septem- ber 20th is an all day meeting with a potluck at noon to be 'held at the Town Hall. This is sew- ing day and all the ladies that can .possible make it are urged to come out and help with the slip- pers and robes that are so urgent- ly needed by our boys. If you have any woolen material send it to the Town Hall or call Livonia 3137 and it will be picked up by a Mom near you. George Valrance and Dick Groth were co -hosts at a barbe- cue supper given at the former's home 'Saturday evening, honor- ing Ralph McDowell who is mov- ing to Sacremento,California, also celebrating the birthdays of Ralph Bacheldor and Jackie Dalton of Plymouth. Covers were laid for twenty-five guests. s s • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Williams of Hubbard road are the proud parents of a baby boy born Aug- ust 29th. L. BLARE JH9VZL= Omoshe Past office Northville, Mich. The Best Place to Buy Closed Wednesday Afternoons During the Summer Still the Best Place to Trade RED AND WHITE LIDGARD BROS. R O S E D A L EQUALITY GROCERY SCE Fred VanLandinham, Prop. [ I ) Choice Guoceries and Meats Large Vegetable Department e FROZEN FOODS Shop where all Rosedale residents make their headquarters -- We are here to serve. SHERE'S SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THE PICTURES WE MARE. People Find a Clearer Likeness In Our Photos — Let Us Show Youl SAN -REMO STUDIO 17190 Lasher Road„ Redford Phone Medford 7798 Want A Better Car? 20740 Fenkell You'll Find Detroit's Finest Phone Red. 0900 Selection On Our Lot Our Service Department Is The Most Efficient In The Northwest Section. SILL BROWN See Us When You Ward a Better Car or When Your Car Needs Repairing LIVONIA'S OLDEST REAL ESTATE FIRM[ HARRY S. WOLFE REAL ESTATE - FARMS - MUM= Phone L#oonla M 33388 Flue Mlle Road—Just East d rannhooks Aoed List your property with us for praeW eale FEEDS-- FERTILIZERS FARM SUPPLIES - SPRAY MATERIALS - GRAINS BUILDING SUPPLIES All Kinds ofCoal The Eckles Coal & Supply Company H=9 liff 882 Holbrook Rage Six THE LIVONLAN Wednesday, September 13, 1944 YOU'VE TRIED THS RESTS Now USE THE BEST... CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Daaaer Phone 9 841 West Ann Amor TT*il PbM310utb. M Ch PLUMBING AND BEATING Parts and F1xtoEt+es Repairs and Service L L IZGGIW U"7 renkail Ave, Cor. Patton SEdtord 2197 Get better results with better feeds LARRO HEADQUARTERS Poultry Remedies S-A XTON Farm Supply Store 687 W. Ann Arbor Trail Phone 174 For Livonians the DICKERSON HARDWARE 33405 Grand River Phone 4 Farmington Is still the favorite You will find us al- ways ready to serve and if you can buy it today we'll have it to sell. T-Ownship Briefs Jeanne 'luck of Coventry Gar- dens was the first prize winner in the Junior exhibit in canning at the Belle Isle ;Harvest Show for Wayne county. Inez Daniels won first ,prize for her gardening exhibit aria ,Mrs. Chester Tuck first prize for her dahlia. Those who attended the harvest show from Livonia were Mrs. Harry Daniels and daughters, Inez and Barbara; Mrs. Chester Tuck and daughter, Jeanne, Mr, and Mrs. Donald W. Donnelley and child- ren, 'Donald and Jane; Mrs. A. T. M. 'Peterson, Mr. Chas. Middre- ton and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Burt. Livonia Center girls are win- ning prizes these days too, at the Harvest Show and achievement day at Wayne Park Recreation Center for the 4=H people on Tuesday. August 29th, prizes were awarded to the following: first prize for muffins went to Bar- bara Daniels, Betty Ann Wixson, Margaret Hoyt, Marilyn 'Schu- macher. First prize for !biscuits to Patsey Larsen. Third prize for muffins, 'Dorothy Kolak. First prize for gardening, Barbara and Inez Daniels, second prize went to Jeanne Tuck, June and Marilyn Schumacher, Third prize to Dc_ -o - thy Kolak and Patsy Larsen. First prize for canning went to Jeanne Tuck, second prize, Damara and Inez Daniels and June Venus, third prize went to Ann Howell. Mrs. Harry Daniels, 'Mrs. William Meier and Mrs. Max A. Schmuch- er deserve a great deal of credit for the work they have put in on these projects this summer. Mrs. Thada Trapp and daugh- ter left Monday for Bossier City, La., where Capt. Trapp is station- ed, they have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. DeVries of PALACE INN Beer - Ltquor - Wine VD PALISYiFWW, Prop. (Formerly bVank'a Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Marrimen Road Insulation slid Storm Windows Will Ott Yons HoathMp Costa to s Mnhum We will g]edly give you an estimate on the costs of in- auktinB or on the costs of instellir Ls s e ezc�eedingy low and finance is aivai'labbe. Plymouth Lumber & Coal Company - Ma.]I"BtatINM. Trucks Phone 109, P.Iynwath, Mich. Eyes Right! FOR ACCURACY IN WAR INDUS' One error can cost lives and planes ... that are depending on your accurate eyesight for safety! Don't take chances, let our Regis- tered Optometrist examine and prescribe the proper glasses for your improved, safe, sure vision. Dr. John A. Roas—Dr. L. E. Rohner noC,MRs OF OPTOME'T'RY 809 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Mich Phone 433 Our office hours are every evening from 7 to 9 o'clock and from 1 to 5 o'clock Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays Dependable Car Service QUALITY PRODUCTS - FRIENDLINESS That's why there is no better place to trade in Livonia CAL ROBERTS GULF PRODUCTS Phone Livonia 9202 Corner Merriman & Plymouth Roads BERRY'S SHACK HICKE11 — 94115 Plymouth Road — MMen you want a delicious cooling meal, where the chefs really know how to prepare chicken, we recommend our dinners. Famous Chicken Dinners Salads - Lunches - Breakfasts For pre-war menus—where quality foods are prepared and sold at reasonable prices —eat regularly. at Berry's. Wednesday, (September 13, 1944 THE LIVON146N Page Seven For Refrigeration Service Call Livonia 2941 camilot BEAUTY CLINIC Phone 2234` ;_ivonia - MARY CAMIL® T ANN STEFHAN Work Thai's Different and Distinctive 9035 Middiebelt between Chicago & Joy Authorized Sales Headquar- ters for Stamps and Bonds FARMINGTON THEATRE -Wednesday, Thursday, September 13, 14 �h 'x HE FREEDISHESLADIES! L "A Star Is Born" with — Janet Gaynor, Fredric March --and— "Charles Chan in the Secret Service" Friday, Saturday, September 15, 16 "The Cowboy Canteen" with Charles Starrett, Jane Frazee —and— Michael O'Shea and Ann Shirley - 4n�— "Man From Frisco" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, September 17, 18, 19 "Home In Indiana" with Lon McCallister, Walter Brennan - 4uld-- Olivia DeHavilland, Sonny Tufts -4n-- "Government Girl" Captured Weapons Chinese soldiers who captured Tapa, one of the Jap strong points near Lungling on the Burma road, look over a mass of weapons and supplies abandoned by the Japs as they fled to the hills before the ad- vancing Chinese in Salween river campaign. Chinese soldiers have put these arms to geed use. Township Briefs On Tuesday, September 5th a card party given by the ',State Mom's Club at Kern's Dept. Store in Detroit was attended by Mrs. Homer Wixson, !Mrs. Ida Thomas, Mrs. Clara Smith, Mrs. Pat Carey, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Sutton and Mrs. Byrd of Livonia Township, R 4 F Mrs. T. R. DeVries returned Sunday September 3 from Owos- so, Michigan where she spent the week visiting with relatives. A bazaar will be held at the Livonia Community church on Farmington road near Five Mile road on Friday, September 15th at 2 p. m. Mrs. Myrtle DeVries, Mrs. Ralph Case and Harry Dan- iels will be the hostesses. There will be aprons, potholders, fancy work, infants and childrens clo- thing, white elephant table, and a silver tea. Proceeds of the ba- zaar will be used for the benefit of the church. Carol Ann Case celebrated her fifth birthday on Saturday Sep- tember 2, by having Nancy Ma- gee, Sue. Jimmie and Wendell Da- vis, Ilene LaByatt, and Tony Ko- ladziejczak in for the afternoon to play games and enjoy her birthday cake. The key to every man is his thought. Sturdy and defying though he look, he has a helm which he obeys, which is the idea after which all his facts are classified. —Emerson The deepest truths are best read between the lines, and, the most part, refuse to be written. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. —Psalm 107:20 Timely items concerning your electric service, suggestions about cooking, lighting and appliances, and many other things of interest and value will appear from time to time in "Edison Lines." Make "Edison Lines" a reading habit! `\ N o. TROUBLE -CALLS ... A lady who was giving a party plugged in five electric waffle irons at one time and blew a fuse. She went to the corner drug store to telephone the Edison company. By the time she had walked home, an Edison man was waiting at her front door. The woman was amazed. How did we do it? Well, it just happened that the Edison man was in a store nearby, phoning in for his next call. So the response to her emergency plea was a little more prompt than usual. We can't give such service all the - time, but we would like to! FOR SUMMER MEALS ... Try this practical recipe with fresh vegetables from your Victory Garden: Scalloped Vegetables with Cheese White Sauce 3 tbsp. butter 1/2 tsp. salt 3 tbsp. flour 1/s tsp. pepper 2 cups milk 1 cup carrots, sliced 1 cup potatoes, diced small '1 cup onions, diced 1 cup peas 1 cup cheese, cut fine Make white sauce. Place in two layers in buttered cas- serole, with cheese between layers and on top. Top with buttered crumbs. Temperature, 350 F. Time, one hour. A2 BETTER HEALTH ... An ultra -violet -ray lamp that kills bacteria merely by shining on them—plus an abundant supply of hot water at 160 degrees tem- perature ... these two safeguards to health will some- day be found in every home and restaurant serving food. Dishes will be kept clean and sanitary with little trouble. Foods will be protected against spoilage with the aid of a germ -killing lamp in the refrigerator. More than ever, electricity promises to be general "handyman" in the world of tomorrow. HAVE YOU A QUESTION? ... At many of our Detroil Edison offices we now have a Home Service Con- sultant stationed full time. If you have any ques- tions regarding electric appliances, cooking, lighting, recipes or home canning, you are invited to call upon these consultants. They will be glad to help you. There is no charge for this service. — 47 /W `7Se40d e4"i i G?a. Mail Christmas Packages Now! Despite the speed with which the allied armies in Europe and the Pacific are moving, there is no indica- tion that American men will be home from the battlefront by Christmas. Therefore, all persons with Christmas gifts for men in the army overseas, are again advised that Christmas mail- ing for overseas must be in the posioffice between Sept- ember 15 to October 15. Requests from the soldiers are not necessary for mailing of these packages, but the a,.my will not undertake to guarantee delivery of pack- ages mailed after October 15 The packages again are lim- ited to five pounds. with min- imum size the same as it was Iasi vear There is no limit on the mailing of packages inside this country, and there is no limit for the mailing to men in the naval services. * Buy War Bonds * RED98 SHOP General Repair Used Mowers Bought and Sold Complete Line of COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS Repair and Peplacements Keys ?Made to Order Saws, Scissors, Knives, Etc., Sharpened by Machine Lawn Mowers a Specialty Ground by the Ideal ZVlachine ALL WORK GUARANTEED 29201 Plymouth Road East of Middle BeX Road PLYMOUTE, MICHIGAN Phone Livonia 2341 `Red Vaughn Red Tarbet WOLFF'S Poultry Farm Fancy Milkfed BROILERS 40e At O.P.A. CEILING PRICES Our mechanical plucker as- si res rapid dressing, as you wait. However, we apprec- iate phone orders. 30511 8 Mile Rd. Phone Farmington 916 THE LIVONUM Wednesday, September 13, 1944 RACES START Al 89.30 O'CLOCK GENERAL ADMISSION Wednesday, September 13, 1944 THE LIVONL46N Page ;VW ON THE JOB — — THOSE 11TTLE fIN ANT ADS Only 25 Cents Phone Plymouth 16 FOR SALE FOR ,SALE—Latest edition of Encyclopedia Britanica and bookcase, $169. Child's maple desk and chair. $10 Call Livonia 2716. FOR SALE—Complete stock of double hung windows; weather strips. No waiting. Livonia Lum- ber �Co.; 33421 Five Mile at Farm- ington road. It -c FQ' t SALE --We smoxe our own ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh killed, poultry. Taylor s Super Aliarket, 29150 Joy road, one block east of Middle Belt road. 9-tf-c WANTED POULTRY WANTED — We pay the highest prices for poultry. Taylor Super Market, 29150 Joy Rd. Phone Livonia 92071. tf Painting, Decorating Inside and Out Wallpaper Removed For Free Estimates Call Livonia 3149 PATRONIZE YOUR OWN Lumber —and -- Building Suppy Headquarters * * * Coal - Lumber Building Materials Leadbetter COAL & LUMBER COMPANY 13434 Middlebelt Road �4 Mile N. of Plymouth Rd. Phone ReLiford 0338 WANTED—Position behind bar or working on floor in small beer garden. Mrs. �Hexibert Cass - man. 31215 W. Seven Mile Road. Phone Farmington 0409-J. WANTED—All kinds of tractor work—lawns expert orchard work, basements dug, plowing, discing and harrowing guaranteed. Call Farmington 409-J. 3t -pd WANTED. A man with light con- veyance to deliver trees and shrubs Plymouth vicinity. Part time. Specific fee each delivery. Write qualifications to Empire Nursery Products Co., Inc.. New- ark, New York. It -c MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC Ranges, apartment size for those who need them, Kimbroughs, 868 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Plymouth. Township News Hugh Harsha, George Valrance and Dale 'Bentley enjoyed a four day boat trip to Buffalo last week. While there, they were taken to dinner at the Buffalo Yacht Club, and on tour of a large factory, by friends of Mr. Valrance's. They were entertained at the Lake Erie summer home of William O'Con- ner,who is manager of the Peter Cooper Corporation, 'Gowanda, New York. The boys made a side trip to see Niagara Falls be- fore returning home on Friday. The Stark scouters plan to give a dance Friday evening, Septem- ber 22nd, at the Starke school. I he fell through the window at his Tom Wood's orchestra will be 1,home, severely cutting both arms. the music makers. Both old time I Mrs. Lee took him to Dr. Brooker and modern dancing! Every- I who dressed the wounds, and now body welcome and a good time is, Petey ,proudly announces, "I'm promised to all. 1 all adhesive tape and bandages." Little Petey Lee, the four year Language is the armory of the old son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip human mind; and at once con - Lee on Arden street, suffered a tains the trophies of its past and painful accident Thursday, when the weapons of its future con- quests.—Coleridge. Flowers by Wire Table Decoratiorn Evenings: 31001 Six Mile Road R. S. BALL FLORIST 17591 Couzens Highway, at Outer Drive Delivering Daily To Livonia Township University 3-8585 Detroit, Mich. "WOMEN OF LIVONIA TOWNSHIP" You are cordially invited to attend the Livonia Township Woman's Club lunch- eon, at the Pen Mar Cafe, September 20, 1944 at 12 o'clock. For reservations call Mary Wolf Howell, Livonia 2096 Who are interested in steady post-war jobs in cold drawn steel mill. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY You will be trained for your after -war position. At present we are engaged in 100% defense work. ONLY MEN ELIGIBLE UNDER W.M.P.C. PLAN NEED APPLY Pilgrim Drawn Steel Corporation PHONES 1130 and 1131 Plymouth, Michigan Pale Ton THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, September 13, 1944 "The Friendliest Atmosphere in Northwest Detroit" OLD TIMER TAVERN Lahaer Road at Grand River BEDFORD LIQUOR - BEM - WINE Modern, & Old -Time Dancing ft.. Sat., Sum Nights MUSW BY WES7zRN ACES JIMMY THR"P, Prop. Phone REd&wd 8901 TWIN GABLES 33601 Plymouth Rd. 6 ■ HOME OF THE FINEST DRAFT BEER IN LIVONIA e: FISH & CHIPS EVERY FRIDAY Dinners & Sandwiches Under the Management of "Eddie & Eva" (Formerly of Dana's Tavern) WEAR DIAMONDS FOR PERSONAL ATTRACTIVENESS HE Own Them as a Sale Investment Deane Herrick Jeweler 839 Penniman Ave. Plymouth Wiih the Livonia Churches GAYLORD ROAD BAPTIST WEST POINT CHURCH OF chapel, one mile west of Grand CHRIST, 33200 Seven Mile road, River on Seven Mile road, one- one block east of Farmington half block north on Gaylord road. road. Bible school .Sunday 10:00 Sunday school, 10 a. m.; wor- a. m.; preaching and communion' ship service, 11:45 a. m.; B.Y.P.U. 6:30 p. m,; evening service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible Sunday, 11:00 a. m.; preaching study, Wednesday, 7:310 p.m. Fri- Sunday evening 7:45. Everybody day, Junior Bible school (ages 5- is welcome. 16) 4:00-5:30. Come and worship where Christian cordiality wel- L I V O N I A� COMMUNITY comes you. "A stranger 'but once." CHURCH, Farmington Road and Pastor: Ray Hein, phone Univer- Five Mile Road. Rev. Albert J. sity 2-2419. 'Luibrand, pastor. Morning Wor- ST. MICHAEL'S C A T H O L I C ship, 11:30 a.m. Sunday School, classes for all ages, 10:30 a. in. CHURCH—+Father Contway, pas- Choir ,practice, Thursday evening tor; Rosedale Gardens. Masses at at 8 p. in. Prayer meeting and 5:45 a.m., 8 a.m., 110 a.m. and Bible Study "Thursday evening at 12 noon 7 p. m. Friendship Circle first CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY and Third Wednesdays of each month. iEvening Worship and song Farmington high school auditor- service the last Sunday of each ium, Sunday, 1.1:00 a. m., .Sunday month -at 7:30 p. in. Young peo- school, same hour. 'Wednesday ple's meeting at the church last evening services at 33336 Grand Sunday of each month at 7 p. in. River Avenue at 8:00 .p. m. Teachers' meeting the first Mon - day of each month at 7:30 p. m.I WEST POINT BIBLE CHURCH This is an undenominational Evangeline Farnum, pastor. H. church and everyone in the com- Sandercock, visiting ;pastor. Sun- munity is cordially invited to at - day school, 10:00-11:00 a. m., tend. morning worship, 11::00 a. m. junior church, 3:00-5:00 p• m., evening worship, 7:45; Tuesday S T. PAUL ` S EVANGELICAL 111:00. Evening worship 8:00 p. m. LUTHERAN CHURCH, corner of cottage meeting, Horace Gra- Farmington and Five Mile roads. velle's Merriman :Court. Friday Theodore Sauer, pastor. Sunday, afternoon, 2:0D-3:30, Missionary 'September 17th, Mission Festival. meeting at 'church 3:30 to 4:30 Pastor Edwin Frey of 'Detroit will industrial arts for children. Fri- preach in the morning service at day evening, 8:00, pryer meet- 10:30 o'clock. The afternoon Ber- ing. (After prayer meeting, choir vice begins at 2:30 o'clock with practice. Pastor Arthur Wacker of Ann Ar - HOPE CHAPEL, CHURCH OF bor preaching the sermon. Sunday THE UNITED BRETHERN. Six school will 'begin as usual at 9:45 Mile, near Middle Belt. Morning a. m. You are cordially. invited worship, 10:00, Sunday school. to attend both of these services. Young People's Christian Eln- deavor 6:3:0-p. m., Sunday. Mid- ROSEDALE GARDENS PRESBY_ week service, Thursday evening TERIAN CHURCH, Jorn B. For - at 8:00 p. m. Everybody welcome. syth. Minister. Sunday, Sept. 17, Morning Worship, 11 o'clock. The session will have its regular meet- ing following the morning service. Church 'School opens Sunday, September 24th, at 9:45 a. in. The Woman's Auxiliary will have its first fall meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Church basement. Mrs. George Wilson of Detroit will speak on the work of the Presbyterian Society. * Buy War Bonds * SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selle and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 744 Wing St. Plymouth FUEL OIL 'We Aim to PleaW' Phone Your Order to 191 Northville Night Calls Phone 68 C. R. ELY & SONS Save with Safety at your REXALL DRUG STORE CECIL H. HABERMEHL 32101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Corner of Blackburn 00 WE, fl-+ fFW_ /Idw Yaw ftu '$ ® Fyes Fx�am Don't let your child be handicapped in his school work because of poor eyesight. Bring him with you now and have his eyes thoroughly examined in our modern optical department. Should he require glasses, proper styles will be prescribed to improve his vision and help him get the most out of his school work. Come is today. Opfiai 8"os in Charge of OR. M. F. McCUIRK, Optometrist w� r 10 !8848 GRAND RIVER • 22085 MICHIGAN M, 0 Numlow N W. MANOM