HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1945_0822News of Interest In the Township Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thacker and family have returned from -a two weeks' vacation in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jahn and family left Sunday for a vacation at a cottage at Sudbury, Canada. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Arnell Hoyt and family have returned from a three weeks' vacation at their cabin near Kalkaska, Michigan.. *THE.-L1V0N'1AN* Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan, PoAoftice as Second Class Mail Matter. Phone Plymouth 16 Vol. 6, No. 27 Wednesday, August 22, 1945 Ricketts Home Community Locker Plant * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. Grayson of Myron Road, Coventry Gardens,Burns Again Scout News Soon To Open are spending two weeks at Kal- Fire, that was supposed to have For information regarding amazoo. been started by a defective oil scouting or tubbing call your Livonia residents will soon be * * * able to enjoy the benefits of a stove, partially destroyed .the neighborhood commissioner. LV -2 Miss Gay Ann Welland left Sun- home and contents of Jake Ric- camping at Perrin landing near refrigerated; food locker plant. day for Cincinnati, Ohio. to visit 1ketts who resides at the corner Traverse City week of Aug. 5-12. Under the direction of William with her aunt and uncle for two of Plymouth and Farmington Rds. LV -2 is Pierson community troop. Shekell and Joseph Stadnik of weeks. at 7:00 p.m. August 13th. Mr. Those attending were: Barnum the Rosedale Market one of the s Ricketts, who tried to enter the Scoutmaster; Jack Sherman, as- largest and most modern locker Miss Joyce Carson, daughter of burning building to recover valu- sistant scoutmaster; Jack Stone, plants in Michigan is now nearing Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson of ables was quite severely burned assistant leader; Jack Stone Jr., completion next door to their pre - Merriman Road, is spending a around the face, neck and shoul- Roger Graham, Don Costello, Wal- sent market on Plymouth Toad. month at the Weller cottage in ders. He was treated later at the ter Biarnesen, Gerry Siclover, Some 500 lockers will be avail - Northern Michigan with Miss Isa- office of Dr. Brooker. Dick Kremkow, Gene Rutenbar, able within the next few weeks bel Weller. * * * -- — - — -- Fulkerson, Albert Spicer, Dwayne to locker patrons and an addition - On August 5 he officiated at a Schaufler, Howard Middlewood al 3-00 will be added after the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schumacher ceremony for S/1 C Russell Wool- Jr. Only second class or higher completion of the first unit. and son, John, spent a week ya- ley of Royal Oak and Josephine can attend this camp. So great has been the demand cationing Pt Mio. Miss Betty Cullen of Detroit. On August 15 Seventeen boys from CL -1 are for lockers that many orders for Schumacher and Lois , Schu- he performed the marriage cere- attending camp at Highland, Aug. them are already on file and the macher are at the Campfire Camp mony of Harvey A. Wvnn and 12-19. Scoutmaster Campbell and proprietors of.the plant are urg- at Rose City for two weeks. Mildren E. Werpert of Detroit. assistant scoutmaster, Anderson, ing people to place their reserva- * * * * * * are accompanying the troop. The tions now so that everyone in the Mr. -and Mrs. Leslie McKinney Miss Losure, public health nurse following fathers are assisting: township may enjoy the benefits have just received word that their with Wayne County health depart- Messrs. Woodcox, Schultz, Davis, of .a locker. son, Charles, who is stationed at ment will be at the Rosedale Gar- Stever, Reahm. This is the troop Camp Smoky •Hill, Kansas, was dens school on Friday morning, that was disappointed earlier in promoted to a First Lieutenant August 24, at 9 o'clock, with the the summer because of a lack of Announce Nine on August 8. Woods lamp to check on children transportation and we are happy * * * who may be suspected of having that the boys could finally go on Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Valrance ringworm of the scalp or who have their trip. The camp is designated New Teachers left Sunday for a two week iia- already had this infection. This as Dodge park No. 10. The boys cation at Kincarden, Ont, Their is being done before school opens will pass a number of tests for Harry Johnson, superintendent son .George arrived home last week as a check on the incidents of this advancement while there. of Livonia schools, this week an - from Albion Summer School at infection in Livonia Township. E-1 camped at Silver Lake Aug. nounced the names of nine new Bayview. Parents are invited to bring their 5-12 under scoutmaster Heinzman. teachers who have been given * * * children at this time. JG -1 camped at the State Park contracts Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Zobel, daugh- • * * near the Irish Hills with their teach this year: ter Elaine, and Evelyn Kurtz have Honoring bride -elect Amelia "scoutmaster. This is one of the Ruby Nelson, who has aBache- enjoyed two weeks at Cedarville, Zielasko, who will marry James most beautiful campsites for a for of Science degree from the Mich., which they spent just fish- Murphy of Pinkney in Our Lady wee'k's camping in this -area . It has University of Wisconsin and who ing and swimming. Joyce Zobel of Good Counsel Church on Aug- excellent swimming and natural has done graduate work at the spent one weekend with her par- ust 25, a number, -of showers have surroundings. University of Michigan, ents at the Lake. been given -this month. Lucille Edwin Thatcher is ready to re- Mrs. Laura McKay, who has a * * * Zielasko led the group with a ceive any and all information or B.S. from Michigan State Teach Several Livonian families cele- china, shower on July 30. A kit- news about any scout troop. Phone ers College in Ypsilanti. brated Victory Day with family then shower was given for Ama- Livonia 2677. He is the commun- . Mrs. Margaret Joyce, also with get-togethers. Mr. and Mrs. H. lia on August 8 by Mrs. Densel ity activities man. a B.S. from M.S.T.C. in Ypsilanti. T. Valrance had as dinner guests Kisabeth. The next day, Adust Plans are being laid for the Hazel Helgamo, with an A.B. that day, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. 9, Elizabeth and Kay Lehman of community camp at Burtons from Michigan State College and Wheaton of Elyria, O., Mr. and Detroit gave a dinner -at Verniers Woods near Farmington road and graduate credit from U of M. Miss Mrs. Gustave Zobel entertained in New Baltimore and showered Five Mile. The. rally committee Helgamo who is an ardent ama- Mrs. Alvin Cusick and daughter, the bride -elect with handkerchiefs. under Axil Rutila, the campfire teur photographer will do extra - Margaret of Royal Oak, Mrs. Han- This evening Mrs. Jack Marsh of committee under Charles Thomas, curricular work with the Boy nah Holzman and Mr. and Mrs. Plymouth is honoring her with and the judging committee under Scouts. Robert Zobel. a personal shower. Gus Davis met at the Clarenceville Henry Herman, who has a B.S. * * * * * * high school Friday evening at 8. from New York City College and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dalmes, who Mrs. A. T. Petersen, chairman of All scout leaders will meet at Bur- who has done graduate work at have purchased a home in Livon- the Harvest Show this week a tons Woods Sept. 9 at 2:30 p.m. the U. of M. is Center, moved into it last Mon- pounced the names of some of the to pick their sites. Mrs. Esther Carpenter, who has day. Mr. Dalmes is the new prin- judges for the show. These peo- In District 7 ten troops out of taken work at the University of cipal of local schools, coming from nle, who have won statewide and fourteen have attended long term Michigan and Merrill Palmer Willow Run where he held the in some cases nationwide recog- camps this summer. This is very school in Detroit. same post. He is a Bachelor of nition as judges are Horticultural encouraging. We hope to have 100 Betty Soueek, who has a Bache - Arts graduate of the University Society members Mrs. Willian nercent next season, and would for of Arts from the University of of Michigan and is now studying Yeager and Mrs. E. V. Knoblock like to have any special activities Colorado. for his Masters degree. who will judge flower exhibits; during their week's camp report- Ruth Cogger, who is a Bachelor * * * County Apent I. E. Besemer and ed to Edw. Thatcher. Livonia 2677. of Arts .graduate of M.S.C., and C. Henry Bock and his children, Earl Bailey, expert vegetable * Elizabeth Olivier, who has an Bernie Lou, Charles and John, left judges and as judges of •canned M.A. from the University of this weekend for a vacation at foods there will be Mrs. Emma Mr. and Mrs. Ned,F. Lingemann Michigan and a Bachelor's from Crystal Lake. Enroute they visit- ?)uBord and Ruth Code. The entertained a group from Detroit M.S.C. ed the children's maternal grand- Fhow, to be held September 8 in at a picnic dinner Aug. 12. The These instructors will help to mother, Mrs. C. A. Sawkins of the Rosedale Gardens Civic Club- guests were: Mr. and Mrs. James take care of the 19 per cent in - Alma. Mrs. Bock, who has been house, will .be publicized by the Weiss, Mrs. Albert Weiss and crease in the school district's visiting WAC First Lt. Penelope distribution of 200-0 programs daughter, Barbara, Mrs. C. G. school age population. The census Sawkins in Washington, D. C. is Nvhich the committee is having Rowlette and daughter, Marian, figures which were released this expected home this week. printed far enough in advance Mrs. Agda Gitre and son, Jack; week revealed an increase in the * * * that every prospective exhibitor Mrs. Ray Provost and daughter, number of school age children Justice Leo. O. Nye of 17110 may have one. An added feature Mary Louise, Capt. Davey, Anth- (5-19 years as of May 31, 1945) in Farmington Road, reported this of the show will be an exhibit ony Japes, and Mrs. George H. the township to be 494. This year's week having married two couples from Michigan State College of Hartung and daughter, Dorothy census totals 3147 as compared at his home in the past two weeks. Agriculture and Applied Science. Jane. (Continued on Page 2) Pape T" T= Lire _ Wednesday, August 22, 1945 • 1have changed their mi d abo + I L 41 Sign for mzi. now., Township Pupils Students from the townships in the Plymouth School District out- side the City of Plymouth, who plan on attending Plymouth High School are urged by Principal Randall R. Penhale to come in to the school before the opening; day, Sept. 5, to register. Penhale met with pupils of the Livonia Schools last week and signed up nearly 100. However, those who were unable to meet him should get in without fail before the opening day. They can come in any day, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. He also asks that any students i already signed up who definitely n s u the courses they wish to take see him before opening day. It will be h next to impossible to andle the registrations and changes after Announce Nine (Continued from Page 1) with 2653 last .year. Changes in the janitorial staff: of the district's schools were alsc revealed this week Harold Stoke; who has been the janitor at the Li- vonia Township School, will serve this year at Rosedale Gardens tc replace Al Rhode. Mr. Rhode who has been the custodian there Supervisor in charge of Build- ings and Grounds for the entire has been advanced to the post of township. Anthony Kreeger, whc has been umpiring in the Southern Food A Problem Don't let it worry you—shop with ease in our big, modern super -market We make it our business to have the things you want 1( i�i I �" �. 1 31507 Plymouth Road MILT"S QUAtl-FV MAKKIEF Next to The Rexall Drug Store In Rosedale Gardens Ther®s a friendly feeling in this store that makes shopping fun. Make this your food headquarters, that's whoa your neighbor is do- ing. Service With We Carry Only A Smile Quality Foods — YOU CAN GET IT HERE — eague this summer, wi 1 return to Stark school and will drive one of the school busses this fall. ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- TIO1V SERVICE Kelvinator, Leonard, Frigid- aire, Universal, Copeland License and bonded Livonia 2605 Kaercher Feed Store Feeds—Seeds—Fertilizers 29444 Joy Road at Middlebelt PATRONIZE FOUR OWN Lumber —and— Building Suppy Headquarters Coad - Lumber Building Materials Leadbetter COAL & LUMBER COMPANY 12434 Middlebelt Road 1/2 Mile N. of Plymouth Rd. Phone Redford 0338 MEN'S WEAR MHM Made SUITS $30.00 - $32.50 - $35.00 Nationally Known Tailored Suits made to Your Measure Topcoats and Overcoats ARROW SHIRTS INTERWOVEN SOCKS Knox - Portis Hats Jackets - Sportswear Slacks - Dress Pants Undergarments Full Line of WORK CLOTHES Davis & Leaf "Where Your Money's Well Spent" 811 Penniman Avenue PLYMOUTH OPEN FOR BUSINESS Nankin Mills linn 33594 Ann Arbor Trail —Visit Our Beautiful Bar— Private Parties Given Special Attention Private Rooms Available Wednesday, August 22, 1945 � r t Uniform office hours to the pub- li tic for all local war price and ra- tioning boards in the thirteen -,i -ounty Detroit OPA district, in- j -luding Plymouth became effec- tive Monday, August 13, according to an announcement made recent- ly by chairman William Wood of the Plymouth board. "Hours for the public will be THE LIVONIAN Page fir" from 10:00 until 3:00 Monday through Friday, and from 9:30 until 11:30 on Saturday," he said. The public is urged to do all business with their local boards from now on by mail. Board per- sonnel will put in the same hours as the district office personnel and will work 44 hours a week. In order to facilitate the workload and to cut down the public's wait- ing time, the new system has been worked out with mail service as the primary note. There will be less wait and less inconvenience for the public in the future, ac- cording to the announcement. 34115 Plymouth Road Owned by Carl Haray Southern Style FRIED CHICKEN Once again we are featuring our famous ch cken. Try a treat you'll never forget. We Serve Breakfast — Lunch -- Dinner For pre-war menus ---where quality foods are prepared and sold at reasonable prices --eat regularly at Berry's. BASKETS TomatoPeck & Bushel Baskets Building Materials Red Top Insulation Blankets and Batts Sheeting, Weatherwood, Sheetrock Cement, Plaster, Lime Bricks—Common and Face Cinder and Cement Blocks U. S. Gypsum Roofing of All Types Save Money at C 11clepw Coal h supphs Coo 0 t • }. - ' THERE'S SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THE PICTURES WE MAKE. People Find a Clearer Likeness In Our Photos — Let Us Show You! SAN REMO STUDIO 17190 Lasher oad, Redford Phone Redford 7798 Want A Better Car? You'll Find Detroit's Finest Selection On Our Lot 20740 Fenkell Phone Redo 090E Our Service Department Is The Most Efficient �a Bette YouaSILL BROWNor e Your or w v� � Needle Repehing In The Northwest Section. LIVONIXS OLDEST DEAL ESTATE FIRM HARRY Sr WOLFE REAL ESTATE - FARMS - II AIC Phone Uvonia 2888 MOO Fivw Me Aoad—Jvft &M Cd FwmigOm Fond List your property with us for prompt ode Ps a roar T20 L Wednesday, August 22, 1945 News of L. T. W. C. A pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Dr. Marie Hyland Timpona on August 15th. Yes, the directors and commit- tee chairmen of Livonia Town- ship Woman's Club rejoiced whole heartedly the end of war's brutal- ity, then conversation moved on into the club's business. Plans were made for fall meetings which will resume again September 19, at Hope Chapel. A delightful dessert and coffee were served at the conclusion of the discussion. A SUCCESS St. Michael's. Youth Organiza- tion sponsoned their first play entitled: "His Name Was Aunt Nellie". Never have I seen such spontaneous merriment reflected in the audience. The cast was superb. The play is even better than some that the larger play houses of Detroit has had in a long time. This organization should be sup- ported to the fullest extent. St. Michael's have plenty of reason to be proud of this Catholic Youth Organization. NOTARY Mrs. Donald Howell, 1st Vice President of the Livonia Township Woman's Club, is mighty proud these days of her new certificate. Authorized Notary Public! Well, well, let's not forget to keep her in mind. Save with Safety at your REXALL DRUG STORE CECIL H. HABERMEHL Corner of Blackburn 32101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Miss Josephine Bobak of To- ledo, Ohio and Mr. Henry Hay- wood of Cleveland, Ohio, were the week end guests of Mrs. M. E, Bowen, Equal Rights Chairman for the Livonia Township Wo- man's Club. PALACE INN Beer - Liquor - Wine ED. PALISZEWSKI, Prop. (formerly Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriiman Road Headquarters for Lumber Roofing and all Building Materials Coal for all type heating plants Plymouth Lumber & Coal Company 308 N. Main St., at P. M. Tracks Phone 10$ Plymouth, Mich. Visit Our New Jewelry Store located at 842 Penniman across from The Fust National Bank We carry an extensive line of fine jewelry, crystal and wooden ware in addition to precious stones and jewelry. South Main Street, Plymouth HEADQUARTERS FOR THE FAMILY SHOES Florisheim and Jarman For Men Wilbur B. Coon and Air Step For Women Buster Brown and Poll 'Parrott For Children DA1, "CING IN Seven Nights of the Week DAWS ?11VEflI( 34401 Plymouth Road Serving Dinners 4 to 9 P.M., Daily An Ideal PIace to Spend an Evening BEER - WINE - LIQUOR Music by Sod Schaeffer s Band Amateur Night every Thursday It's Easy To Shop In Our Modern Serve -Self Market With marketing as difficult as it is today you will appreciate the convenience of our modernized store. LIZARD BROS, RED & WHITE STORE Stark at Plymouth Road 0 i Wednesday, August 22, 1945 Joseph Fishman New Commander Joseph Fishman, for years head of the accounting division of the 2hair factory in the Detroit House )f Correction, was recently install- �d as commander of the Judge ?gust American Legion post in the .ity of Detroit. This organization is made up' entirely of World War I veterans who are employed by the city, county and state in Wayne county. :t has a membership of over 600 and is regarded as one of the most fictive American Legion posts in Detroit. Present at the ceremonies when �ommander Fishman was install - ;d were many prominent officials rf both the city and county. Supt. and Mrs. Blake Gillis of the De- soit House of Correction were )resent at the event in Detroit. Commander Fishman has been employed at the Detroit House of correction for 18 .years. Since the >rganization of the American Le- THE LIVONIAN gion he has been one of its active members and interested in all of its patriotic work. Many of the employes of the House of Correction went into Detroit to be present at the in- stallation. Among the speakers who offered congratulations to the new commander were Supt. Gil- lies, Detroit City Councilman Wil- liam Rogell, and City Treasurer Albert Cobo. Over 300 were pres- ent at the affair. To make one kind of bifocal eyeglass lens requires the work of 106 persons using 51 different machines and optical instruments. "You deserve the Orchid" —Special— Introductory Offer $6.00 Permanents $6.00 Machine or Machineless Phone 792 661 Penniman, Plymouth opposite post -office Spotted Targets Through Darkness, Smoke or Fog The Bell System — the largest source of 'Radar for our fighting forces THIS is not surprising for Radar development and production stems from the same roots that produced and con- tinue to nourish this country's telephone system. Radar, the instrument which enabled our land, sea and air foreem to spot enemy targets through darkness, smoke or fog, was one of the outstanding new fighting instruments of the war. Two years >efore Pearl Harbor the Government asked Bell Telephone Lab- oratories to put its wide experience and knowledge of electronics to work to help perfect Radar as a military instrument. From then on, the Laboratories co- operated closely in the Radar program with the National Defense Research Committee, with Army and Navy spe. cialists, and with scientists of Great Britain. The Western Electric Company, man- ufacturing branch of the Bell System, became the Nation's largest supplier of Radar systems. One type it made was universally used by B -29's in the Pacif:e for navigation, target location and high altitude bombing. Another played an important part in aiming the guns on our warships. If you're waiting for a home tele- phone, it helps a little to know that Radar is one of the reasons. For years telephone manufacturing plants were devoted to war needs. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY fags In" PLUMBING AND HEATING Ce J. LEGGERT Pafa and Fixtures Repairs and Service 20547 Fenkell Ave., Cor. Patton REdford 2167 Conkeys Y -O Egg Mash Maines Eggs at Low cwt Production Get it from TOWERS FEED STORE 28850 Plymouth Rd. Phone Livonia 3161 Safety First! Have good brakes on your car Why Take Chances Brake Relining We use only the fin- est materials—Amer- ican Blok, Raybestos and Gray Rock. MOTOR SLUGGISH? Don't blame the gas! Why not have a MOTOR TUNE-UP Skilled mechanics do our work Rabiola Gulf Service 31390 Plymouth Road Phone Livonia 9202 Page Six TEE i.iY Wednesday, August 22, 1945 � f ith the Livonia Churches I LIVONIA COMMUNITY CHURCH. Farmington Road and War Souvenir Five Mile road. Rev. Albert J. Wor- ship11:3 pastor. Morning Woo` ship 11:30 a.m. Sunday School, } Pistols Must Be classes for all ages, 10:30 a.m Choir practice Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Prayer meeting and a ■ Wit} Listed h Police Bible study Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Friendship Circle first and third Wednesday of each War pistols brought home as1 Evening worship and souvenirs must be registered with month. song service the last Sunday of the police. each month at 7:30 pun. Youngtols, That is the btate law. All pis - People's meeting at the ohureh 0 inches meaning firearms 30 inches last Sunday of each month at or le or less in length, must Teachersmeeting the 70 Failure to register them is Mondayregis- of each month at punishable by a fine of $100 or 901 puny This is an undenomina- days in jail, or both. I tional church and everyone= 1 This reminder, for those who the community is cordially invit- knew the law and point of fin- ed to attend. formation for those unversed, was, • • • offered by Chief of Police Lee C7HRUffL" SCWMCE SOOTY Sackett. Farmington high school auditor- Rifles, shotguns and other Ann. Sunday, 11:40 a. m., Sunday firearms more than 30 inches saris hour. Wednesday in length need not be regis. . evening services at 33336 Grand tered. River Avenue at 8:40 P. M, But machine guns or other fire- arms which can be fired more than . • • 16 times without reloading must GAYLORD ROAD B A P T I S 1 be turned in or disposed of. Pos- C 4i"EL, 19188 Gaylord Rd. three session of such firearms is abso- Wo-eks south of Grand River. Rev. lutely forbidden by both State Edwin C. Gordon, Pastor. 19248 and Federal law. Dalby, Phone EVengreen 0124. 10 It is posible these guns, brought a.m. Church School with Bible back as souvenirs, might be ren - classes for all ages. 11:16 a= dered harmless. If this can be done, Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m. in all probabiliy they can be kept B.Y.F. Mrs. Edwin Gordon, lead- as souvenirs. No police official er. 7:30 p.m. Evening service. could be found who would rule on Wednesday, 7:45 pm. Bible study that. Such cases usually are turned and Prayer service. We cordial over to the Federal Government. ly invite you to come and worship Owners of war souvenir pistols with us, • 0 • should take them in to the police ST. MICHAEL'S C A T H O L I C station to be inspected and regis- CHURCH Father Contway. pas- tered, even if it were not against tor; Rosedale Gardens. Masses at the law not to do so. 5:45 a.m., 6 a.m, 10 assn. and They should do it for their 12 noon own protection, said Chief of P i' S k R d • • • HOPE CHAPEL. CHURCH OF rI-M UNITED BRETHREN. Six Mile, west of Middlebelt. Morn- ing worship and Sunday school; 10:30 am. Young Peoples Chris-. tian Endeavor at 6:30 pm., with Youth Fellowship following. That mid -week prayer service is held on Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m - The Ladies' Aid meets on the first Wednesday evening of each month. The Women's Mission- ary Society meets on the sec- ond Wednesday of each month at noon, beginning with a potluck luncheon at 12:30, which is fol- lowed by the business and devo- tional meeting at 1:30 :p m. We in- vite everyone in our community to take part in our Christian fel- iowship. BETHEL MISSIONARY CHA- PEI„ 8890 Middle Beit Road. Sunday school, 1:45 pm., Sunday Zvening service, 7:45 p.m. Mid- week Service. Thursday, 7:45 pm. ST, PAUL'S • EV. • LUTHERAN CHURCH, corner Farmington and Five Mile roads. Theodore Sauer, pastor. Worship service, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. You are cordially invited to at- tend. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Maple and S. Harvey Sts. Rev. Francis Tetu, rector. Sunday morning services: Church School, 9:45 am. Morning prayer with sermon, 11:00 a.m. o ice Lee ac ett. ecor s YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW USE THE BEST ... CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. Unholsterina Old F rnaure Made to Look Like Now FREE ESTIMATES Phone Redford 3199 GUILBEAULT UPHOLSTERING Red. 3100 Corner Westbrook show that more and more in- juries and deaths are result- ing from souvenir guns as the total coming back to this country mounts. The guns will be registered as to make, serial number and de- scription and the owner's de- scription and signature also will be listed. Then they will either be tested locally, or sent to a sci- entific laboratory. For those living outside Plym- outh and in no incorporated mu- nicipality maintaining a police' force, the guns should be taken to the sheriff's office. And to avoid being arrested for carrying concealed weapons, the guns should be wrapped in a pa- per and carried in the hand, Chief Sackett said. Sackett further pointed out that Army and Navy guns cannot be registered, since they are Federal property. they must be turned back to the service from which they came. It is illegal to own such firearms privately. The possession of a machine gun or such firearm is a felony, and punishable by a fine of $1,000 or five .years in prison, or both. Assistant Wayne County Prose- cufor Charles Simmons,, with whom we spent several hours go- ing over the laws relating to guns, at the request of the Plymouth Po- lice department, pointed to one ambiguity in the law governing these guns. The law states that it does "not apply to ... pistols kept * BUY WAR BONDS * I 1 11 2 IS ons We Aim to Pl*wW' Phone Your Order to 191 Northville W49d calls Phone a9 C. R. ELY & SONS Oil Burner Service Plumbing & Heating Repair & Installation * * 7k John M. Campbell Licensed Master Plumber Phone Plymouth 1505 Nights, Sundays and Holidays Phone Livonia 2073 * * * Located at 38630 Plymouth Rd. solely for the purpose of dis- play as relics, souvenirs, cu- rios or antiques .. . It is possible that the possessor of a war gun may escape punish- ment through that loophole. How- ever, it is a question that will have to be decided by the courts if a test case comes up. A new brake, the fastest ever developed, can stop a one-eighth horsepower motor, making 16,000 revolutions per minute, in less than six rotations, which is equi- valent to stopping an automobile, traveling at 60 miles an hour, in less than three feet. Make This Your Jewelry Headquarters VON BURGS Redfords Oldest Established Jewelers—Just west on Grana River Ave., at Lasher AUGUST 20—First Post Office on a naval vessel established on "Nebraska," 1908. N'� 21—Develop machine with 100,000,000 X-ray volts. 1943. r— �_22—"Savannah,"first Ameri- can steamship to cross f' Atlantic, launched, 1818. 23—State of Franklin Dater NOMH `:."" absorbed by North Caro- «RO""" lino) organized, 1784. u 24 --The White House and Capitol burned by British 4 invaders, 1814. — ds 25—Peace Treaty between U. S. and Germany signed in Berlin, 1921. OfSTTUToN 26—XIX Amendmen (Worn- .���Fy�c^1 an's Suffrage) declared adopted, 1920. WNU s<,.i.• GOOD EYES1GiP Makes History for You Compliments of John A. Ross L. E. Rehner Doctors of Optometry 909 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Michigan Phone 433 New Office Hours OPEN DAILY FROM 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, August 22, 1945 T= L reR Plymouth Eleven to Open Sept. 21 Plymouth High School's football team will open its 1945 schedule Sept. 21 with a game at Farm- ington, Coach Wayne Falan an- nounced this week. Local fans will get their first chance to see the team in action, all decked out in its new uniforms and under its new leadership, when it entertains Belleville on the Plymouth gridiron Sept. 28. The Belleville game also will be Plymouth's first football contest in the new Suburban Six "B" League. Four league contests are included on the 7 -game sched- ule, which concludes Nov. 2 with a game at Ann Arbor. The other league games are Oct. 5, at Ypsilanti; Oct. 19, at Redford Union, and Oct. 26. with Wayne, at Plymouth. The other contest brings, Trenton, an old rival, here on Oct. 12. With several veterans back from last .year's squad and sev- eral others who received ground- work in the game on the fresh- man and lower grade squads last year, Falan promises a fighting team. It'll be interesting to watch, whether it wins or loses, Falan said. "We'll be in there fighting every inch of the way." Odds and Ends Men do not realize how great a revenue economy is.—Cicero. What a man knows has to be put into action to really count. A new stabilizing device for helicopters materially increases their safety by keeping the rotor in its normal horizontal position when the body of the plane dips and rolls at various angles. Most brands of vermouth and other aromatized wines still con- tain a bit of quinine, a practice started when the aperitif -loving Europeans first colonized tropical countries which had much ma- laria. Although the term "high seas" is understood. to refer only to the open, unenclosed parts of seas and oceans, it has been held, by the U. S. Supreme Court (150 U.S. 249), to include the Great Lakes because they have the general characteristics of seas and are navigable by large vessels for internaticnal trade between Cana- da and the United States. Fritz Kreisler achieved much of his fame as a violin virtuoso by playing, among others, his own compositions which he claimed were unknown works of miner masters long dead. Kreisler start- ed this practice in his early days of concert work through the fear that he would not become popu- lar if the public knew his reper- toire consisted largely of his own music; and he carried on the artifice for 30 years before con- fessing in 1935. SHOE REPAIRING Expert Work Frank's Shoe Repair 11151 Stark Rd- t/s Blk. South of Plynwath Rd. "We've just bought a house—and we're awfully anxious to move in. For that house was built before the war by a man who recognized the wonderful advantages of electric living ... and he built and equipped it for full use of electricity. It has an all -electric kitchen .. I'll certainly put that dishwasher )o work for me! And, of course, it has the biggest labor -saver of all—an all - electric laundry. I think I'll find it a little hard at first to get used to the convenience of frozen food storage and all it means in making shopping and planning meals easier. Of course the house is air-conditioned. And the light- ing is a dream! The whole spirit of such living is modern to the utmost... we're going to be living as we never have before!" Electric equipment is not generally available for sale now. Some is being manufactured and distributed. It will be to your advantage to have your name on your electrical dealer's list, so that you will be able to get it at the earliest possible time. ''�'?URN ON THE ELECTRIC LICE The DETROIT EDISON Co, for information. He will be glad to help you decide upon the models that will fit your needs. Y. ELECTRIC KITCHEN There is a wealth of enjoyment in i' the all -electric kitchen with an l automatic electric —> range, electric re- frigerator, elec- tric dishwasher is and electric gar- bage disposalunit. " ELECTRIC LAUNDRY Any day or every day can be an i, almost effortless >> washday with an all -electric laun- dry. The electric dryer and ironer '1 % do away with long hours and fatigue. ti FROZEN FOOD STORAGE Frozen food units for the home are on the way—com- pact units thatk will keep food- stuffs indefinitely. ; `" The family can have fresh foods at any season. k AN • CONDITIONING Proper year- round tempera- ` tune in the home, ' together with re - 5> I moval of dirt and III I dust, is the advan- j tage in electric air - conditioning. j A The DETROIT EDISON Co, for information. He will be glad to help you decide upon the models that will fit your needs. Page Eight Take Bottleneck Out of Water Line The "bottleneck" between two "bottles" in the water main run- ning between the north side pump and the city storage tank is go- ing to be eliminated says Mayor Carl Shear. The city commission has let contracts for the construction of a 12 inch main from the corner of Pearl and Cherry to the corner of Adams and Church. This section of the water main has been only six inches in di- ameter. The remainder of the pipe line leading from the pump to Pearl and Cherry is a 12 inch main. The six inch main from this point runs to the corner of Adams and Church street, where the pipe line again becomes a 12 inch main. It has been the six inch main which has been partly responsible for the low water pressure in the south end of the city says Mayor Carl Shear. THE LIVOKLM This condition has been the cause of many complaints during the past few years, and so the present city commission decided to do something about remedying the situation. The contract has been awarded to the Northline Construction company for a total of $16,638.75. Robert Hazlett Back from War Sgt. Robert L. Hazlett. son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hazlett of Waterford has arrived home from the European war zones for a 30 day furlough. This youthful soldier, who has seen plenty of action has more points than necessary for a dis- charge and at the end of his fur- lough will go to an army camp in Texas where he will be given hi= honorable release from the arm- ed forces. Sgt. Hazlett's war experience resulted in winning for him some- thing more than plenty of tough TAIT V S Cleaners and Tailors Now Pick Up and Deliver Tuesdays and Fridays On Plymouth Road to Merriman Road and Back on Five Mile Road Residents on these roads or residents near by at Stark, Rosedale or Coventry may phone Plymouth 234 for pick up and de- livery service on either or both of these days . Wednesday, August 22, 1945 services on battlefronts. Plymouth high school. During his Soon he will bring from Eng- three and a half years overseas he land his pretty English bride and was engaged in six major .battles, their infant son. He was marriedincluding the battle of the Rhine, in En¢land to Miss Janet Brown, St. Lo, Cherbourg and Nurenburg. an English girl, before he was sent from that country into France for the invasion. It is hoped to When the recipe tells you to bring his bride and babe to his flour chicken, chops or other meat home as soon as transportation' before cooking, try this. Put flour, will make it possible. salt and pepper in a paper sack, He enlisted with the armed drop in the meat pieces and shake forces in July 1939, a few days thoroughly. The seasoned flour after his graduation from the may be used more than once. Notice Of Public Hearing To the Residents of the Town- ship of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED of Pub- lic hearings to be held before the Livonia Township Zoning Board of Livonia Town- ship, Wayne County, at the following places: 1.THE PIERSON SCHOOL -32635 West Seven Mile Road, Livonia Township. Date: August 21, 1945 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. 2. LIVONIA TOWNSHIP HALL — 33110 West Five Mile Road, Livonia Town- ship. Date: Thursday, August 23, 1945 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. 3. ST. MICHAEL'S PARISH HALL -11311 Hubbard Avenue, Livonia Township. Date: Thursday, August 30, 1945 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. These Public Hearings are required to be held by the provisions of Section 9 of Act 184 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan, for the year 1943, and are being held to give public consideration to the text of a proposed zoning ordinance before the same is submitted to the Township Board of Livonia Township for enactment as the Zoning Ordinance under the provi- sions of said Act 184. The text and maps setting forth and describing the said pro- posed zoning ordinance will be available for public Hearing held at the places here- to fore mentioned. The text and maps will also be available for public inspection and examination at the Office of the Township Clerk at the said Township Hall, Monday through Friday of each week from 9:00 o'clock A. M. to 5:00 o'clock P.M. and on Saturday from 9:00 o'clock A.M. to 12:00 o'clock noon commencing with August 13, 1945. LIVONIA TOWNSHIP ZONING BOARD By Carson T. Johnston, Chairman. Wednesday, August 22, 1945 T= Lryoul" Page Nine. FOR SALE FOR SALE—We smoke our own ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry. Taylor's Super Market, 29150 Joy Road one block east of Middle Belt hoad. 9 tf-c FOR SALE—Maytag motor. 11961 Hartell. It -pd FOR SALE—One pair men's shoe) ice skates, size 9, one pair ladies, shoe ice skates, size 5; bed, spring, nattress and box springs; semi carrel back chair; riding habit; goat; iodphur pants and boots -nd mise. articles. Phone Livonia 3180. It -pd — --WANTED POULTRY WANTED — We pay the highest prices forpoultry. Taylor Super Market, 29150 Joy Rd. Phone Livonia 9207. tf NW'E1-LANWU.S Complete Decorating Service Spray or Brush Painting and paper hanging Prompt Service BOB BOULWARE Evergreen 5968 and TED DUNCAN Farmington 0886-R L. BLAKE Opposite Post Office Northville, Mich. The Best Place to Buy WANTED Highest price paid for used bicycles or parts Specialists in repairing, re- painting and remodeling Repairer Ace Eike Repairer 3rd house South of Plymouth Road on Farmington Road Get better results with better feeds LARRO HEADQUARTERS Poultry Remedies SAXTON Farm Supply Store 587 W. Ann Arbur Trail Phone 174 ;ii Septic Tanks Cleaned Sand, gravel and fill dirt deliver- ed. L. Mollard, 11695 Inkster road, Plymouth, phone Evergreen 3745. 23 -12t -c Install Flasher Signal Light The Wayne County Road com- mission has informed the city commission that a flasher signal will be installed at the intersec- tion of Mill and Ann Arbor Trail. The city had asked that a traffic signal be installed. The hearings on the widening of South Main street between Dodge and Fralick were continued un- Camilot BEAUTY CLINIC ` Phone Livonia 2224 MARY CAMUOT ANN STEPHAN Closed July 7ih Open August 7th s • s 8035 Middlebell betwom Chtmgo & Joy til information can be obtained on how the widening would affect the trees and utilities. The ques- tion had been raised by a proper- ty owner. The Salvation Army was grant- ed permission to conduct its an- nual tag day from Sept. 10 to 15. Mrs. Cass Hough, secretary of the Community Fund, was given Permission for the Fund, and the War Fund, to operate their cam- paigns from Sept. 15 to Nov. 15. City Manager Clarence H. El- liott submitted the proposed ne,v health ordinance for the commis- sion's study. No details will be released until it officially comes u - for action. Keep 'em roMag? We mean dollars! Buy U. S. Savings Bond: and Stamps. 744 Wing St. Piymoutah SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selig and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 JOY AR "The Home of Livonia s Warmest Hospitality" Middlebelt and joy Roads MODERN and OLD TIME DANCING Every Friday, Saturday MUSIC BY TOMMY RECORD and his TEXAS TIMBER COWBOYS Phone Livonia 9294 BEER — WINE — LIQUORS A grand place to spend an evening with your friends and neighbors MEN WANTED Who are interested in steady post-war jobs in cold drawn steel mill. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY You will be trained for your after -war position. At present we are engaged in both defense and reconversion production. Pilgrim Drawn Steel Corporation PHONES 1130 and 1131 Plymouth, Michigan Pie Ten Z'M LSTONIAN Wednesday, August 22, 1945 REFRIG AT D FOOD OC R Now Being Constructed In the Heart of Livonia 'Locker Reservations Now Being Taken For Lockers In Our New Plant at 31503 Plymouth Road Order, Your Locker Today'. Phone Livonia 2190