HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1946_0124Fire Department Begins Fifth Year H LIVONIAN The Township Fire Department E is now operating in its fifth year ntered at the Plymouth, Michigan Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. Phone Plymouth 16 and at the present time consists Arthur Jenkins, Editor Thursday, January 24, 1946 Vol. 6, No. 48 of one full time chief who has 4 Church volunteer Firemen available duo- ing the day and 8 at night. All of Rosedale C these men are well versed in fire fighting spending many hours :n HasNewPastor H training, attending meetings, dis- H cussing methods of extinguish - NOTICE Effective with this issue of the Livonian, the paper is to go to press Tuesday 1I Board Submits More Data ment, pressures, first aid, salt' mornings instead of Mon- In complying with The Honor - age and ho.>e and ladder evolu days as in the past. The able John P. Espie, Chairman tions. The men, apparatus and deadline far all news items House 'Ways and Means Commit - equipment are of the latest designhenceforth will be Monday tee Michigan State Legislature re - and are on call 24 hours a day 365 noon. It is requested that guest to furnish more and detailed days a year. any items of interest, per- information in regard to State aid, _ These volunteer firemen are justsonals, club meetings and so the Board of Education drafted a what the name implies-Volun ,e: ,: forth be called into the Li- Li - letter and compiled y piled the riecessar teers. All calls are made on their vonian, phone 18. In the data which 'was forwarded Janu- tivne, in their cars, with their k near future space will be set ary 7th. and on their tires. In case of aside listing all club, educa- The letter and enclousures pre - gas a fire call 2555; do not hesitate tional, civic and religious sented some of the facts concern - for there is no cost involved. All meetings with the date, time ing the newly consolidated school M on Page 10) and place these meetings are district, a map of the district, po- (Continue _1A I- h )I• 1 * — o be he W en ca rng n pu anon trends from 1920 to 1960, with this information make school census trends classroom Jahn S Plan T� sure it is correct and that it needs and cost data.. 0k. is in prior to Monday noon. On January 9th, Harry Johnson „a was one of 10, school superintend - Expand More ents, called to Lansing by, Dr. Eu - Harvey and Clarence Jahn are LaBelle Home gene B. Elliott, State 8upertin still in the process of expanding tendent of Public Instruction, to their enterprises at Farmington m a meet with the "Ways and Means" and Five Mile Road. They plan Damaged by Fire Committee in regard to schools an "open house" sometime in requesting state aid. Mr. Johnson April when 'free gifts are to be Fire, that was though to have was endorsed by 29 religious, edu- given away. Rev .Woodrow Wooley started from either the careless cational and civic organizations At the moment, construction is Y use of matches or smoking in and her brought back the report going on at the lumber yard At the meeting of the Presby- bed, caused damage to a mattress, that the hearing as satisfactory. which will feature appliances, tery of Detroit on January 14, held flooring and wearing apparel of builders hardware and general in the First Presbyterian Church the ocupants of the LaBelle home It Gordon Laing building supplies. On the North of Detroit, the call of the Rose- at 15915 Deering Street January side of Five Mile road, the hard- dale Gardens Presbyterian church 18th. The loss was not covered by u (Continued on Page 5) to the Rev. Woodrow Wooley of insurance. Edits 'Raba Haba New York City to become their Many precious minutes were H pastor was approved. Mr. Wooley lost in delay when the party turn- Lt. (jg) Gordon B. Laing, son Milt's Market graduated from Alma College in ing in the alarm was too excited of Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Laing, 15850 1941, and from Union Theological to give the house number and Harrison Dr., is at the present Seminary, New York, in 1944. For gave the 'wrong street address. time in the Far East on the LST In New Hands two years while in seminary he The Township Fire Department 1017. Gordon graduated from the was an 'assistant in the depart- wishes to caution the residents to journalism school at Michigan Jack Vagi and Jerry Alverson ment of religious education of be calm when turning in an and as a result is instrumentive are the new owners of Milt's groc- New 'York's, Riverside Church. alarm. in putting out "The Haba -Raba ery on Plymouth Road at Rose- For the past year he has been * Herald and Observer," the ship's dale Gardens and the store will assistant minister of the Olm- To Exhibit At paper. The following story is tak- operate under the narW of "Jack stead Avenue Presbyterian church en from the Haba Haba and gives and Jerry's Grocery art." Due in New York, from which he re a picture of coolie labor in China. to Milton Orr's ill health and Doc- signed to enter the Army as a MSC Caravan "Our steadiest beefers are cur - tors orders, Jack and Jerry begin chaplain. The, surrender coming- rently wearing a cat -in -the- en - day, of 'their store Wednes- soon after the Army had accept- Ray Grimm of Grimm Brothers creamery smile that is not he - day, January .ccancelled 13th. ca and he did not see ser- his application, his papers were is one of. the local farmers who tirely attributable to regular lib - will will be a new experience for will display several of their ideas erty and the pleasures of the Jerry, but an old story for Jack (Continued on Page 10) and devices at the Michigan State nouveau -riche. We have, in re - who owned his own store for 11 College Caravan, January 23rd. sponse to popular demand, dip - years prior to entering the US■ The Grimms specialize in fruit ped into the local labor pool and Navy two years ago. Mr. Vagi was New Gall Opens growing and are well known come out with 25 coolies, complete (Continued on Page 8) „„ throughout the state. At the pres with No. 1 and No. 2 boy, who chip �+ *pT ®ii Plymouth d. ent time 18 local farmers have paint P hours a day like they were Pierson i i made arrangements to display born to the job. The cost to us is �% Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barkus original labor saving devices and (Continued on Page 8) Meets Jan. Z4th are the new owners of the Livors- ideas. :an Soda Grill on Plymouth Road Homemakers will also find Altar Society To which opened for business Janu- much of interest and value at the The Pierson P.T.A. will hold ary 12th. They will specialize in local showing of the Rural Prog- their January meting on the 24th sodas and light lunches. Tess Caravan which comes to at 8:00 PM in the school. Follow- At the present time the Bar- Wayne County from the State Give Card Party ing the business meeting, the kuses make their home in Detroit, College.on January 23rd. The Ca - Farmington High Debate Team but as soon as building materials ravan can be visited at the Norton St. Michaels Altar Society will will debate on, "Compulsory Mili- become available they intend to Pard, Inkster Road at the Pere give a card party, Friday January tary Training." This subject build a home in Livonia. He states, Marquette R.R. one-fourth mile 25th, 8:30 PM at the Parish Hall, should prove interestingdue to "Livonia is a friendly' place and North of Plymouth Road between Hubbard Ave., Rosedale Gardens. the fact that Congress is confront- is one of the coming townships in 10:00 AM and 4:010 PM. Refreshments are to be served ed with the problem at the pres- Michigan, therefore we selected The Home Economics display and table and door prizes will be ext time and it is of vital import- it as a location for our business will show how to do' household awarded. Mrs. Mullaney is chair- ance to parents of teen age chil- and intend to live here the rest of mending the modern way. Defi- man for the affair. The admission dren. our lives." (Continued on Page 11) price is. 75 cents. Fire Department Begins Fifth Year H LIVONIAN The Township Fire Department Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. Phone Plymouth 16 is now operating in its fifth year and at the present time consists Arthur Jenkins, Editor Thursday, January 24, 1946 Vol. 6, No. 48 of one full time chief who has 4 volunteer Firemen available our- 8 night. All of Eosedale Church ing the day and at these men are well versed in fire fighting spending many hours s- dis- Has New Pastor training, attending meetings, a.a cussing methods of extinguish- ment, pressures, first aid, salv- age and hose and ladder evolu * 3X, tions. The men, apparatus and equipment are of the latest design and are on call 24 hours a day 365 _ days a year. These volunteer firemen are just.: what thename implies—Volun- teers. All calls ake made on their time, in their cars, with their gas and on their tires. In case of a fire call 2555; do not hesitate for there is no cost involved. All (Continued on Page 10) Jahns Plan To E dMe School Board Submits ore Data In complying with The Honor- able John P. Espie, Chairman .House 'Ways and Means Commit- tee Michigan State Legislature, re- quest to furnish more and detailed information in regard to State aid, the Board of Education drafted a letter and, compiled the necessary data which was forwarded Janu- ary 7th. The letter and enclousures pre- sented some of the facts concern- ing the newly consolidated school district, a map of the district, po- pulation trends from 1920 to 1960; school census trends, classroom needs and cost data.. On January 9th, Harry Johnson was one of 10, school superintend- ents, called to Lansing by Dr. Eu Home gene B. Elliott, State Supertin-' Harvey and Clarence Jahn are LaBelle Home tendent of Public Instruction to still in the process of expanding meet with the "Ways and Means" their enterprises at Farmington Damaged by Fire Committee in regard to schools and Five Mile Road. They plan requesting state aid. Mr. Johnson an "open house" sometime in A ril when `free gifts are to be Fire, that was though to have was endorsed by 29 religious, edu p started from either the careless cational and civic organizations given away. Rev .Woodrow Wadley and her brought back the report At the moment, construction is use of matches or smoking in going on at the lumber yard At the meeting of the Presby- bed, caused damage to a mattress, that the hearing was satisfactory. which will feature appliances, 'tory of Detroit on January 14, held floorin g and wearing apparel.of Gordonr builders hardware and general in the First Presbyterian Church the ocupants of the LaBelle home Lt GdLaing building supplies, On the North of Detroit, the call of the Rose- at 15915 Deering Street January side of Five Mile road, the hard- dale Gardens Presbyterian church 16th. The loss was not covered by a (Continued k n Page 5) to the Rev. Woodrow Wooley of insurance. Edits ,Raba Haba' New York, City to become their Many precious minutes were p pastor was approved. Mr. Wooley lost in delay when the party turn- Lt. (1g) Gordon B. Laing son M1lt,S Market graduated from Alma College in mg in the alarm was too excited of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Laing, 15850 1941, and from Union Theological to give the house number and Harrison Dr., is at the present In New ++anbLa S Seminary, New York, in 1944. For gave the wrong street address. time in the Far East on the LST H two years while in seminary he The Township Fire Department 1017. Gordon graduated from the was an "assistant in the depart- wishes to caution the residents to journalism school at Michigan Jack Vagi and Jerry Alverson ment of religious education of be calm when turning in an and as a result is instrumentive are the new owners of Milt's groe- New York's Riverside Church. alarm. in putting out "The Haba -Haba ery on Plymouth Road at Rose- For the past year he has been 7k Herald and Observer," the ship's dale Gardens and the store will assistant minister of the Olm- TO Exhibit At paper. The following story is tak- operate under the nanip of "Jack stead Avenue Presbyterian church EXen from the Haba Haba and gives and Jerry's Grocery art." Due in New York, from which he re a picture of coolie labor in China. to Milton Orr's ill health and Doc signed to enter the Army as a MSC Caravan "Our steadiest beefers are cur tors orders, Jack and Jerry begin chaplain. The, surrender coming - rently wearing a cat -in -the operation of their store Wednes- soon after the Army had accept- Ray Grimm of Grimm Brothers creamery smile that is not he - day, January nca 13th. ca is one of the local farmers 'who tirely attributable to regular lib - Jerry, but an old story for Jack (Continuedhis application, his papers were It will be a new experience for cancelled and:he did not see ser- will display several of their ideas erty and the pleasures of the *on Page 10) and ti at the Michigan State nouveau -riche. We have, in re who owned his own store for it College Caravan, January 23rd. sponse to popular demand, dip - years prior to entering the USThe Grimms specialize in fruit ped into the local labor pool and Navy two years ago. Mr. Vagi was New Grill Opens growing and are well known come out with 25 coolies, complete (Continued on Page 8) aa throughout the state. At the pres with No. 1 and No. 2 boy, who chip * ®n Plymouth NLL. ent time 18 local farmers have paint 0 hours a day like they were Pierson PTA made arrangements to display born to the job. The cost to us is Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barkus original labor saving devices and (Continued on Page 8) are the new owners of the Livors- ideas. Meets Jan. 24th :an Soda Grill on Plymouth Road Homemakers will also find which opened for business Janu- much of interest and value at the ,Alias Society To The Pierson P.T.A. will hold ary 12th. They will specialize in local showing of the Rural Prog- their January meting on the. 24th sodas and light lunches. ress Caravan which comes toa at.8:'00 PM 'in the school. Follow- At the present time the Bar- Wayne County from the State Give Card Party itng the business meeting, the kuses make their home in Detroit, College on January 23rd. The Ca - Farmington High Debate Team but as soon as building materials ravan can be visited at the NortonSt. Michaels Altar Society will will debate on, "Compulsory Mili- become available they intend to Pard, Inkster Road at the Pere give a card party, Friday January tary Training." This subject build a home in Livonia. He states, Marquette R.R. one-fourth mile 25th, 8:30 PM at the Parish Hall, should prove interesting due to "Livonia is a friendlyplace and North of Plymouth Road between Hubbard Ave., Rosedale Gardens. the fact that Congress is confront- is one of the coming townships in 10:00 AM and 4.0'0 PM. Refreshments are to be served ed with the problem at the pres Michigan, therefore we selected The Home Economics display and table and door prizes will be ext time and it is of vital import- it as a location for our business will show how to do' household awarded. Mrs. Mullaney is chair- ance to parents of teen age chil- and intend to live here the rest of mending the modern way. Defi- man for the affair. The admission dren. our lives." (Continued on Page 11) price is 75 cents. Thursday, January 24, 1946 THE,LIVONIAN Page Three CI1oo1S Acting on the principle "Learn The class has new decorations Livonia to do by doing," the school teach -,on the windows and bulletin es the child to read by providing boards. The theme is "winter fun" (Continued from Page Two) him with plenty reading material. with snowmen, ice Skating, brok- St. Michael's School en sleds, snow ball fights and The class shelves of St. .Mi- Wilcox School skiing very evident. chael's School at Rosedale Gar- Thelma and Velma Martin left The Sixth Grade has been play - dens are gradually becoming filled our school after Christmas vaca- ing the Fifth Grade in socces with library books. Several sets tion. They are now attending the games games during the recesses. of wholesome fiction books were Walled Lake school The Fifth Grade is leading 3 to 0 purchased for grades 5 to 8 from Shirley Koehler is ill with at the present time. donations given by Mr. and Mrs. measles. * Joanne Karns is ill with tonsil - B. McGrath. Mr. Mahalak gave a• If you have anything to sell or similar donation sof .books for litis. rent try a Livonian want ad. They grade 3. The school has purchased ` Our grade has been having fun bring results.—Plymouth 16. for pupil use a set of 'Compton's writing newspapers as though 'Encyclopedias and their Picture they had been published in Revo- Question from a child: "How Library and Source Material. 7 lutionary days. many helpings of kittens does a The Second Graders have adopt- The boys and: girls of Wilcox mother cat have"? ed a unique plan of donating School have ` been studiously books permanently to their class working during their recess pe - library or loaning the books for riods so they may have the use during the school year. The " privilege of going skating in the following pupils gave. permanent afternoons on the pond at the rear donations: Kenneth Bourgon, Ro- of the school Mr. Balmes super- bert Champagne, Joanne Perry,. vises their skating period and only Sarah Popham, Joseph 'Mullaney, boys and girls who bring their James Sudol, Bernard Papo Nor- skates are permitted on the ice. If ma Straub, Nancy Lubig, Barbara the boys and girls start developing Ann Theisen, Jo Ann Bergin. The rosy cheeks, it is' fro their good books range from picture books, outdoor exercise. story and rhyme books to a set Second Grade—All of the chil- of Pictured Knowledge 'books. dren in the Second grade drink Besides the books obtained in for lunch every day. the abve manner all classes from Bert Plumley and Richard grades 1 to 8 are supplied semi- Melow have been neither absent annually with a set of books from nor tardy this school year. Philip the Wayne County library. McKayne has not been absent. Harold Filpus is back with us eadquarters for Lumber Roofing and all Building Materials Coal for all types of heating plants Plymouth Lumber & Coal Company 308 N. Main St., at P. M. Tracks Plfone 102, Plymouth, Mich. agaan after an absence for a ton- silectomy. We wish to welcome Marjorie Clemens who is the new girl in Get better results with better feeds LARRO HEADQUARTERS Poultry Remedies 'X(TON Farm Supply Store 587 W. Ann Arbor Trail Phone 174 F1,0' st For fashions FOUR GREAT SHOES Florsheim Air Step Poll Parrot Buster Brown FISHER SHOE STORE 290 S. Main street, Plymouth the Second grade. -- -- Eddie Bowen brought us a new calendar for 1946. Sixth Grade—The Sixth Grade had a spelling bee last Thursday. Nancy Magee was the winner with Wanda Coolman the runner f up. Mary Ostrander, former Wilcox Sixth Grader, still writes to the sixth grade from Henderson, Na - the West, has sent rock specimens to us and has described her school at Henderson. Last Friday, the class went ice skating after school in the creek back of the school Three ^new pupils have entered our room. Roy Willet is from Rosedale School and John and Catherine Clemens are from De- troit. Distributor Hi -Lo 300 Amp Welders Arc & Acetylene & Production Welding Fabricating Tool Work ADARET C Welding Service 34203 Plymouth Road Plymouth, Michigan Livonia . 2623 Page Four THE LI VONIAN Thursday; .January 24, 1946 WHEN YOU 'COME TO DETROIT GREENFIELD'S, FAMOUS FOODS AS we write this message to the legion of Green- new highs were set by many thousands of dol - field patrons in Michigan, a New Year is on the lars. Our greatest pride, however, is in the many threshold. It is fitting, therefore, that we offer complimentary expressions from guests and heartiest greetings ... and a sincere wish - their recommendation of Greenfield's to friends. that 1946 brings you a heaping portion of health, happiness and prosperity. Please accept this as a special invitation to visit Greenfield's on your next visit to Detroit. We're Greenfield's volume of patronage in 1945 ex- sure you'll enjoy the wide variety of famous ceeded all previous records, despite critical labor foods, prepared by -expert culinary staffs and and material shortages. Over FOUR AND A skilled dietitians. Satisfying portions and HALF MILLION meals were served. Likewise, popular prices are other features that will make in the purchase of Michigan grown foodstuffs, your visit a happy event. 1180 GRISWOLD STREET 29SI WOODWARD AVENUE Open daily 7.00 a. m. to 9 p. m. R E S T A U R A N ,� S Open continuously day and night, Closed Sundays and Holidays. including Sundays and Holidays. D E T R O I T s Thursday, January 24; 1946 THE; LIVONIAN Page Five Mary Camilot Marries A reception was held at the JAHN'S FLAN TO for another 1,400 are being formu- At Rosedale Church Armenian Community Center in EXPAND MORE lated. ' Detroit. By expanding, the Brothers The wedding of Mary H. Cami- The bride and groom left for a(Continued from Page One) hope, to keep up with the growth lot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. honeymoon in Washington, D. C. ware store will be remodeled and of the community and to give Lino Camilot of Wayne, Michigan, They will make their home in here Harvey will handle sporting the residents the best in every - to Frank J. Pulice, who 'recently Wayne, Michigan. goods only. He expects to have'a thing• received his discharge from the * line of guns ranging in price from *-- United States Air Forces alter Q $6.00 to $500.00 which can only be A West Coast woman is seeking three and a half years in the Pa -ter Ladl@S ALtX1111Y� matched in Detroit. The grocery a divorce from her 'husband be- three ific and who f the son of Mr. store has already added more than cause he wears ear plugs every and Mrs. Arthur Pulice, of Dear- Q} Met �%1 p 2;000 feet of floor space and plans time her mother visits them. born, Michigan, was solemnized Jan. Z1st at 10:30 o'clock Saturday morning The Ladies Auxiliary of the at the St. Michael's church of Stark School met at the home of Rosedale Gardens. Father Cont- Mrs. Sam Davis, 34080 Orange - way officiated. The large altar lawn Road January 21st at 8:00 was decorated with lilies 'and PM. The meetings are scheduled Nankin, Mi'lls Inn white candles. for every second Monday at the The bride wore a princess gown Davis home 'where cards and of white candlelight satin with bunco will be played and. refresh- 33594 Ann Arbor Trail a net yoke and a long skirt end- ments served. The proceeds from ing in a slight sweep. Her finger- these card parties are for a new - tip Hospitality tip veil was held in place by a kitchen at the Stark School which J beaded tiara. She carried a large is urgently needed. The Auxiliary bouquet of white calla lilies. invites all women in the com- Pleasant leasant Surroundings The bridegroom's sister, Miss munity to attend. The next Teet- Louise Pulice, was maid of hon- ing is scheduled for February 4th Beautiful New Bar or. She wore a gown of aqua taf- at 8:00 PM at Mrs. Davis' home. fetta patterned after the bride's The newly elected officers for gown and a head band of aqua the coming ,year 'are as follows: Private Rooms available Special attention feathers with two velvet stream- Pres., Mrs. E. Thatcher; Vice ers in back. She carried a large Pres., Mrs. J. Gagnuer; Sec., Mrs.: to parties and large groups bouquet of yellow snap -dragons J. Gage; Treas., Mrs. F. Byrd; and carnations. Hostess, Mrs. S. Davis. Bridesmaids were Miss Alyce -v- --" - --�— --- Merritt and Mrs. Lois Camilot, both- of Wayne, Michigan. Their gowns followed the same lines as the bride's also. Miss ,Merritt was in light orchid and Mrs. Camilot was in yellow. They also carried large bouquets of yellow snap- dragons and carnations. The bride's niece Sanda Lee, was flower girl and her gown was carried out on the same linea as the bride's. She wore a blue ` tulle bonnet and carried a small colonial bouquet of white sweet peas, Ring -bearer was Arthur Pulice IIL The best man was Frank Ry- nicki of Garden City. Ushers were Mr. Stanely Ryniciki, and Mr. John Dicelylo. OeVONIA Lumber & HrdwaE FIVE MILE ROAD at Farmington Phone Livonia 3140 Announce "Just Arrived" 36",& 54" steel runner sleds Pencil Sharpener Bath Scales DICK: "I wonder how the distillers .feel automobile, but in the hands of a man who about that new movie built around an doesn't know how to drive it or is reckless, alcoholic." it becomes a menace. Likewise, it's not the OLD JUDGE: "It's funny you asked thatuse but the abuse of alcoholic beverages Dick... I was just reading apiece about it.", that causes trouble." DICK. "Wonder why it is most men can DICK "What did it say?" drink moderately and others can't?" OLD JUDGE: "A very sensible statement. OLD JUDGE: "Intensive research at a great It said the beverage distillers are fully aware university has shown that most excessive of this problem and are cooperating in every drinkers are really sick people. They are way possible to help solve it. The alcoholic suffering from some physical, social or emo- is to the beverage distilling industry what tional upset. And great strides have been the reckless driver is to the automobile made in developing clinical methods of help - industry. There is nothing wrong with the ing these unfortunate people." , Thii's advertisement sponsored by Conference of Alcoholic Beverage Industries, bre. Page Six THE LIVON'IAN Wednesday, January 23_1946 Shower Given for "'Panther" Patrol sweepstakes which was judged by some of the fathers, Scout Offi- cialsand: Township Officials. Each ! L. BLAKE Miyear it gets better, next year JEWELER Marilyn Wenzell ns Sweepstake make it a point to see the "Daw- Mrs. Werner Ciauss entertained Sunday, January 13th in Cass son City Sweepstakes." Opposite Post Office 20 guests at a miscellaneous Benton Park the Rosedale Gar- * Northville, Mich, shower last Friday, January 11th dens "Panther" patrol won the Children, all eyes and ears and at her home in honor of Marilyn Fifth Annual;Dawson City Sweep- gulping in everything around The Best Place to Buy Wenzell who formerly resided in stakes. The event is, fashioned them, should be brought up with Livonia. Miss Wenzell is to be after a similar meet' which is run parents who get along. wed to William R Kolack son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kolack, off by the Dearborn Scouts ,each year. Slim Mathias isthe found - 33910 LaMoyne, Wednesday, Jan- er of District Ts Sweepstakes uary 23 in Redford. which incidentally has been won' — every year by a, Rosedale Garden''. If you have anv items of inter- patrol. est abount your family or friends This year, 11 patrols took part. please call 16. in the event which starts at the Edward Hines Drive and follows• along the .bridle path near Shel- donroad. The course is about l% miles long and is made up of 10 stations where judges award` for points to each patrol on their quality ability to carry out the various L i 1�T (! iO T 1 N G problems. The 10 stations or prob- lems are at intervals along the course and consist of: 1—ten knots make to be tied; 2—map of the course from station 2 to 10; 3 --draw pic- pp Davis & Lent tures of 25 trail signs; 4—make- three trian=gular bandages on a where your money's victim and transport victim 100 Well spent" feet; 5—make kindling wood and p shavings for a fire; 6—build a fire and cook three pancakes; 7—dem- your clothing onstrate two uses of the necker- chief; 8—judge distance, heights HEADQUARTERS ethe.; s—identify 25 nature ob- jects; 10 --send and receive a mes- 811 Penniman Ave. Plymouth sage. Some of the rules and speci- fications are: each patrol in a troop may enter, but the patrols must be a natural patrol, the pa- trols must consist of 4 to 8 boys, a sled or toboggan must be hauled custom and must keep within 100 feet of the course, the drivers are to alternate at each station. The M - M made SUITS points are awarded on a 0 to 100 basis for each problem. $30.00 38.50 35.00 The winning • patrol ,scored 95 points this year which is an al- most perfect score. Each member of the winning patrol is awarded a leather medal, the first three -patrols get ribbons and the num- Suits and coats made ber one patrol gets a plaque. The Livonia patrols entered were Li- vonia 2—"Panthers," Stark 1— to your measure "Lions," Elm 1—"Wolf' and the winners Rosedale Garden 1— "Pamth.ers." About 150 enthusias- tic spectators witnessed the Arrow Shirts Interwoven Socks Knox & Portis Hats Sportswear Slacks — dress pants Undergarments ork'Clothes HOSPITALITY PLUS! — at the JOY BAR Corner Middlebelt and joy Roads Mountain Red, your fav- orite radio star, on hand every Thursday night to make you laugh. —Guest, night, be sure you bring . a guest! Orchestra Saturday and Sunday With Old Time Dancing Sunday NOTICE To the Taxpayers of Livonia Township 1, A5 Township, County and School Taxes are now payable at the town- ship Hall, 33110 Five Mile Road, near intersection of Farmington Rd. Taxes may be paid each week day between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m., on Saturdays, from 9:00 a.m. until noon. The final date on which taxes can be paid is February 28th. (signed) Carl Wagenschutz Township Treasurer Thursday, January 24, 1946THE LIVONIAN Page Seven Teachers meeting the first Mon- fig on- With***. ■ C day of each month at 7:30 p.m. PLACE INN the Livonia urches This is an und�enominational ■■�■ church and -everyone in the com- munity, is cordially invited to at Beer - Liquor - Wine tendROSEDALE GARDENS PRRS- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY ' BYTERIAN CHURCH, Hubbard Farmington high school auditori- —* ED. PALISZEWSKI, Prop. at Chicago Blvd., 3 'blocks south um, Sunday, 11:010 a.m., Sunday Before he even swallows a bite (formerly Frank's Inn) of Plymouth road. Church School, school, same hour. Wednesday a child can. be filled to the brim 31022 Ann Arbor Trail 9:30 a.m. Nursery and Beginners, evening services at 33336 Grand with injunctions such as "Now 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 River Avenue at 8:00' pm. eat everything on your plate," or Near Merriman Road a.m. Christian Youth League, 6:30 • s s "This will be good for you." s s s ST. MICHAELS CATHOLIC ST. PAULS EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH -Father Conaway, pas - CHURCH, corner of Five Mile` tor: Rosedale Gardens. Masses at and Farmington Rd. Worship 7:00,-9:00,-10:30,-12:00. T.he third Service, 10:30. Sunday School, program in a series of ten state - 9:45. Adult Membership class, wide radio broadcasts sponsored Wednesday, 8:00 PM. Choir prat- t?Y the Parochial Schools of the tice, Tues. 8;00 PM. Theodore Archdiocese of Detroit will be Sauer, Pastor. heard Sunday January 19th at At the church meeting Sunday 1:45. The theme of the program will be, "The Ideal Home". afternoon January 13, William s s M Esch of 11636 Russell Street, Plymouth was elected to the o ElUPE CHAPEL, CHUHCH OF f Tice of Truste. George Whyte of THE UNITED BRETHREN. Six' 340'0'5 Roycroft, Coventry Gardens Mile west of Middlebelt. Morning and Cards Ash of 23350 Willmarth worship and Sunday School, 10:30 Ave., Detroit were elected as a -m. Young Peoples Christian 'En - Deacons for the coming year. At deavor at 6:30 p.m., with Youth the conclusion of the elections, the Fellowship following. The mid - Congregation pledged themselves week prayer service is held on for an expansion program with Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. The the ultimate goal of a new school. Ladies' Aid meets on the first Wednesday evening of each month * * BETHEL MISSIONARY CHAPEL +ST at 889.0 Middlebelt road. Sunday GAYLORD ROAD BAPTIST School, 1'45 p.m. Sunday Evening CHAPEL, 19188 Gaylord Rd. 3. service, 7:45 p.m. Mid -week Ser- blocks south of Grand River. Rev. vice, Thursday, 7:45 p.m. The Women's Missionary Society meets Dalby. Phone EVergreen 0124. 10:00 a.m. Church School with Bi- on the second. Wednesday of each ble classes for all ages. 11:15 a.m. month at noon, beginning with a Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m. B.Y.F. potluck luncheon at 12:30, which Mrs. Edwin Gordon, leader. 7:30 is followed by the business and p.m. Evening service. Wednesday, devotional meeting at 1:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Bible study and Prayer We invite everyone in our com- service. We cordially invite you munity to take part in our Chris- to come and worship with us. tian fellowship. " LIVONIA COMMUNITY CHURCH, Farmington road and - Five Mile road. Rev. Albert J. PATRONIZE Luibrand, pastor. Morning Wor- ship 11`30 a.m. Sunday School, YOUR OWN classes for all ages, 10:30 a.m. Choir practice Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. Prayer meeting and Lumber- Bible study Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. Friendship Circle first — and. third Wednesday of each -- and month. Evening worship and song service the last Sunday of each Building Supply month at 7:30 p.m. Young People's meeting at the church last Sun- Headquarters day of each month at 7:00 p.m. *** Coal - Lumber Building Materials Leadbetter COAL & LUMBER COMPANY 12434 Middlebelt Road 1/2 Mile N. of Plymouth Rd. Phone Redford 0338 camilot g BEAUTY iQ CLINIC r Phone Livonia �+ 2234 Mary Camilot Ann Stephan 9035 Middlebelt Bet. Chicago & Joy No I TICE YOUR DOG MUST BE LICENSED Licenses now available at TownshipHall 33110 Five Mile Road The costs of dog licenses are; Male or unsexed dog __11.10 Female dogs -------------------- 2.10 if purchased before MARCH 1st 1946 On or after March 1 st, a PENALTY of $1.00 for each male or unsexed dog, or a PENALTY of $2.00 for each female dog will be charged Harry S. Wolfe Township Clerk Page Eight THE'LIVONIANThursday, January 24, 1946 such school us,but may proceed past any such EDITSORDON LAING HABA HABA with this start should go a long New Bus- Stop Lawpassing y .p past ' way. T„ p bus at a greater speed — # Now In Effect not greater than is reasonable and (Continued from Page One) j proper, and in no event greater 20c per man per day, reverse lend- What most parents need is the than ten miles an hour and with lease; however for coolie to pros- child's -eye view. The residents of Livonia Town- duo caution for the safety of pas- per, very unseemly, so` boss man, Town- ship should note that the 1Ve. sengers being received or dis- well verset[ in ancient business School Bus Stop Law is now in charged from such school bus: methods, charges regrettable 13c effect. "This law states," accord- provided however, This Act shall for corn bread for noon meal. But ing to Supt. Harry Johnson, "that not be applicable to busses of in- unfair labor practices or no, we a violator shall be guilty of a mis corporated cities or villages. are rapidly emerging with the demeanor and shall be punished as provided by the laws of the (c) Any person who shall vio- most meticulously groomed, rust - state." The law is quoted for the late the provisions of this section free LST this side of the Quincy, information of local drivers: THE shall be guilty of a misdemeanor Mass., yards." NEW SCHOOL BUS STOP LAW and upon conviction thereof shall On his release from the Naval Section 1, Act 318 of the Public be punished as provided by the Service, Gordon is seriously con - Sider g on- Sidering a newspaper carer and Acts 1927 as' amended, being sec v's o tions 4693 to 4754, inclusive, of I s act is •ordered to take im- the Compiled Laws of 1929, is mediate effect. hereby amended by adding to said * . act a new section to stand as sec- PTA D tion .24a thereof, said added sec- ZLCO j Vel tion to read as follows: charms to crystal and wooden ware Sec. 24a Passing school busses. „ m P1�i+S Completed (a) The driver of a vehicle present time make their homes in Detroit; but as soon as condi- shall not overtake and pass any The plans for the Livonia P.T.A. school bus proceeding in the same <'George Washington" dance and direction, which has stopped for the purpose of receiving or dis- card party scheduled for Satur- charging passengers. All school day, February 23rd at the Wilcox busses shall contain signs on the School have been completed. Da - ' back and front thereof, as shall be tus Moore's "Meloderes" have approved by the State Highway been secured to furnish the music Commissioner. for the evening also arrangements, (b) The driver of a vehicle have been made to set up card tables for those not interested in overtaking any school bus 'which aancing. Mrs, Bertha Laing, chair - has stopped for the purpose of re- man of the party, announced,; ceiving or discharging and pas- shall bring such vehicle "This is the first dance sponsored' sengers to a full stop at least 10 feet in the by the P.T.A. since the iconsolida- tion of the schools and the pro - rear of such school bus and then ceeds are to go into a fund for a, proceed with caution: Provided, program for the graduating class.' That at an intersection where Everyone is cordially invited." traffic is controlled by an officer or traffic stop and go signal aMILT'S MARKET vehicle need not be brought to a IN NEW HANDS YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW USE THE BEST .. . CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. (Continued; from Page One) There's a reason f or shopping at immo 's You can find the finest selection of choice jewelry and gift items -` from the Ford Motor Company at the nXINTIS charms to crystal and wooden ware Both men are married and at the and precious stones, and jewels present time make their homes in Detroit; but as soon as condi- Quality Market daily on display Livonia. Robert Simmons Company ry Vagi and Mr. Aut the are very enthusiastic about the lo- " cality of their business and the opportunity which Livonia gives 9/ AN /� (rl�+lA/�ENT E NDEIR NEW MANAGEMENT x,11 V NEW !rl 1�FL''�t3�drl l �1 1 AND IS NOW JEWELERS Across from the First National Bank Plymouth (Continued; from Page One) released from the Navy - several weeks ago as a Radioman first class and Jerry was employed by the Ford Motor Company at the nXINTIS Bomber Plant and Rouge Plant. Both men are married and at the present time make their homes in Detroit; but as soon as condi- Quality Market tions permit expect to move .into Livonia. ry Vagi and Mr. Aut the are very enthusiastic about the lo- " cality of their business and the opportunity which Livonia gives 9/ AN /� (rl�+lA/�ENT E NDEIR NEW MANAGEMENT x,11 V NEW !rl 1�FL''�t3�drl l �1 1 AND IS NOW to its merchants. They intend to carry on with the fine job of serv- ing the neighborhood as Milt has CLOSING OUT done and .further .increase the 1ACK ��� JERRYS STOCK OF good will which now exists. NAD r a'l t If you have any items of inter - AT est acalyour family or friends FOOD MART pleasee call l 16. _ "We intend to carry on with the fine job of nerving the area and hope to increase the good will that already exists. Veatch for our future advertisements,, Phone Livonia 2531 32105 Plymouth Road 11 UilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIi{llll!IIIlilll!VIII!Il!I!IIIIIIIIII11flIIIIIIiIIIIIVIIIIIIIIJIIILIIIIilllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllillllllllllllll�lllllllilllllll�llllllllll1111!IlllllllllllllglilllllllllllHlill'' Thursday, January 24, 1946 THE LIVONIAN Page Nine Army Modifies not be large enough to meet the suit, overcoat, dress or shirt may missing article and found all the immediate demand. I benefit from the delay. Waiting contents, including $51 in cash, Qualifications Many families wishing to buy will mean larger stocks and better untouched. Each youth was re Lt. Col. A. J. Hannon announcedw have quality from which to select. warded with a 5 bill. that changes have been made in wait, but those who q Y WD Circular 310 to the effect that wait will benefit from newer ma- � The paper, commenting on the all Officers, Warrant 'Officers or terials and design. So if you can Florida Paper Praises incident, editorially remarked . Honesty of Local Youth Flight Officers released from ac- get along with the old refrigerator "because of the honesty of two or washing machine for another Fort Lauderdale youths, there is tive service under honorable con- ditions between 12 May 1945 and year, you'll probably be ahead in Donald Patterson, a Plymouth at least one person who believes 1 Nov. 1945 inclusive may if the long run. youth now in Florida, recently I in Santa Claus." — otherwise qualified eb enlisted in Miss Davis and Miss Fond look figured in an incident which re - the Regular Army in the grade of with more optimism on the cloth- sulted in a won -tan recovering her If you have anything to sell or Master Sgt. or First Sgt. provided ing outlook. They think extreme missing purse and its contents. rent try a Livonian want ad. They enlistment is accomplished prior shortages of most clothing should The Mail learned of it from a clip- bring results.—Plymouth 16. 1 to 1 February 1946. The twenty disappear in six months. The will improve as the sup- ping out of the Fort Lauderda e paper. PLUMBING AND day limitation will still apply to those officers released from active quality Plies of clothing and textiles ap- It seems a woman from Erie, HEATING duty after 1 Nov. 1945, however, pear in the stores. Programs to the manufacture of Pa., a Mrs. Addie Thomas, who was visiting the Florida city, re- i r'�` those officers are not affected by the 31 January deadline. The day encourage more low-priced textiles and ported her purse lost on a down - C E i of release from active service in clothing have been started—some- thing that should help the cloth- town street while shopping. Later, Donald and a boy friend Parts and Fixtures Repairs and Service any case is the last day of termi- ing budgets of all families. appeared at police headquarters 20547 Fenkell Ave., nal leave if granted. Further information may .be ob- The family or the individual with a wallet they had picked up The notified Cor. Patton REdford 2167 tained from the Recruiting Offi- who can wait until late spring or in the street. police Thomas claimed the OUR $120,000,000 POST-WAR fi cer located at 21 Cadillac Square early summer to purchase a new Mrs. and she Bldg. _ _— Bowling The The telephone `SLivonia House League" stand- ings as of January 15th are WL has turned in , Coon ................ 39 29 38 30 ....... John'sa . • . 38 30 Johns LIVONIA XXI .. Hi -Speed ........... 38 30 DeWWfs .......... 36 32 . Habermehl ...... .. 30 38 Johnston Radio . ...... 27 41 O. H. Burke .......... 26 42 , ` .., �.._........ .,...... a 200 Bowlers: T. Smith 222-207, H. Tudba=l 203-214, Folsom 201, Shoesmith 207, A. Johnston 225, L. Mason 223, Dwight 215, Wilson 225, Ro- berts 203, Downing 209, Davis 205-224, Leece 21.5, C. Wolfram\\ \ 207, O'Brian 202-204, Oneza 200; H. Wolfe 202-250, C. Hoffman 20 F. Cravey 200. —1 — Delayed Buying Has Advantages Buy in 1946 only the things for which there is the most urgent need: That is the recommendation of Julia Pond and Laura Davis, ex- tension home management spe- cialists at Michigan State college, as they survey the prospects for new household equipment. The expect the supply of the small pieces, such as alarm clocks, electric irons and cooking utensils, to become fairly large during the year. But the number of washing machines, refrigerators and other heavier pieces of equipment will Save with Safety at your REXALL DRUG STORE CECIL H. HABERMEHL Corner of Blackburn 32101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens THis is a report we are glad to be able to Before spring we expect to clear up vir- make to you: tually all orders which require only tele - phone instruments to provide service. This In this exchange, we are now installing applies to a large percentage of the wait - telephones faster than we are receiving ing applicants in this exchange area. To new orders. serve everyone, however, more outside wire The number of families waiting for tele. and cable must be manufactured and in - phones has begun to shrink. stalled. And that's a big job that will take This good news is evidence of the progress quite a while longer. being made in Michigan Bell's 5 -year If you're waiting for a telephone, you $120,000,000 expansion and improvement can be sure that we will install it in its programa As more and more equipment and proper turn just as soon as we can. The trained manpower become available, we in- waiting list is still long. But instead of tend to step up the' pace of that program growing longer, it should be getting shorter still further. from now on. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OUR $120,000,000 POST-WAR fi PROGRAM MEANS JOBS FOR THOUSANDS the department. As soon as these plans are completed an announce iron, and blew a fuse. And Junior has ment will be made as to, the date noticed that his electric train won't pull and time. h S' N If you have anything to sell or rent try a Livonian want ad. They )ring results.—Plymouth 16. Make This Your Jewelry Headquarters * VON BURUZ Redford's Oldest Established Jewelers — Just west on Grand River Ave., at Lasher as many cars w en is is ironing. o, there isn't always room for one more, particuiarly when it comes to. adding new and wonderful electrical appliances to an obsolete house -wiring system. Almost any of the older homes of today are likely to have too few electrical circuits to carry the many electrical appliances needed in today's living. Your home can be as adequately wired as a new house— the cost is small compared with the comfort and convenience you will enjoy. Then, too—if you are planning a new home, 'be sure it has plenty pf outlets, conveniently located, and served by enough circuits properly distributed. I advertisements prepared I in the interest of the elec- trical contractors in your area to insure adequate wiring for every home. When you build or re- model, be sure your home is properly wired. U�� THE DETROIT EDISON �o Thursday, January 24, 1946: THE LIV( Clarenceville Founders' Day PTA Organized Program Planned The organization meeting of the The annual Founders Day ban- Clarenceville P.T.A. was held quet of the Rosedale Gardens Par - Tuesday, January 22nd at the ent Teachers Association will be Clarenceville High School at held at the Community house on whish time officers for the coming Wednesday, February 6 at 7:00' year were elected. PM. Mr. Richardson Rice will Mrs. Glenn Parker, District Or- speak on, "'The responsibility of ganizer, was the guest speaker at the home to the children," Harry the meeting. Following the busi- Johnson on "the responsibility of ness meeting and elections, re- the school to thechildren" and freshments were served. Reverend Woodrow Wooley, "on responsibility of the Church to School Census Census children." Mrs. Robert Bruce, ticket chair- man, announces, "tickets are now p } In Area sale for get your tickets Highest t us early and let us all enjoy the fel- ea Did you 'know that the the lowship of Founders Day." present time the Livonia School census is greater than Plymouth's, M Mrs. F Garrison at Farmington's or Northville's and . that the count is within 400 of the total for those three towns? Rosedale P ,T.A_ J Ross Rohner The program chairman of the and Roesdale Garden Women's Club, 1 Mrs. L. A. Steele has planned a =A i ��rr j T —, L 1'l ` A C very interesting evening for Thursday. January 24th at 8:30 pm. at the club house. Mrs. F. �t Garrison of Birmingham, Michi- gan, a former resident of South �y America, will give a talk on 0 South American customs, politics, etc. Also one of our own mem- bers Mrs. G. C. Cook will give a "He that cannot obey, cannot command" brief talk on her work with the travelers aid society. Plan to come JANUARY - oF —22—British cabinet shift— MacDonald named �) Prime Minister, 1924. y „ _ 23—First Philippine Republic is constituted, 1899. �— 24—Return of A.E.F. from Europe is completed, 1920. — 25—Scottish poet, Robert Burns, is bom in Ayr, ! -qq 1759. J d' 1,2r,—Khartoum is captured IS 4 tk- from can . B885 h by Mandi Y I%P7—Leningrad is cleared of -""' �- Nazi armies, 1944. t — 28—Adolf Hitler becomes r chancellor of Germany, 00 1933. ww ami. GOOD EYESIGHT Makes History for You Compliments of John A. Ross, L. E. Rohner Doctors of Optometry 909 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Michigan Phone 433 Monday -1:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Tuesday -1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday — 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 pan. Thursday - 1:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Friday -1:0'0 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 10:0'0 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. out and bring your neighbors. Hold Services for Mrs, Geo. J. Isbell Funeral services were held Monday, January 14 at 4 p.m., at the Schrader Funeral Home for Mrs. Grace J. Isbell, who passed away Friday evening, January 11. Mrs. Isbell resided at 15810 Au- })urndale, Livonia Township. She is survived by her husband, George Louis Isbell, her daugh- ter, Miss Patricia Isbell, two sis- ters, Mrs. John Williams of Guelph ,Ontario and Mrs. Benja- min Bidwell of Brighton, a host of other relatives and friends. Rev. Thomas Foster of Redeemer Epis- copal church of Detroit officiated, A hymn was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor of Detroit, .accompanied at the organ by Mrs. M. J. O'Conner. The active pall- bearers were Messrs. Hubert E. Ratliff, Marshall Bretz, William Nelson, Mr. Cross, Mr. Fox and Mr. Krause. Interment was in Parkview Cemetery, L i v o n i a township. If you have any items of inter- est abount your family or friends please call 16. SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selle and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 a )NIAN Page Eleven TO EXHIBIT AT unit shows correct work heights MSC CARAVAN that savebackaches and fatigue. Still another exhibit shows how (Continued from Page One) to penetratingseal. refinish floors with the new nite improvements have been made since grandmother's day, penetrating The display shows how to make Anyone interested in exhibiting a jiffy patch that will save many one of their own original ideas minutes of mending time. Other ' or devices are requested to con homemaker displays show how to tact Mr. E. I. Besemer at. 3914 save time on many, other jobs Monroe, Wayne before January around the home. The kitchen 122nd. A Personal VALENTINE GIFT A Portrait of Yourself San Remo Studio Hours: 9:30 to 6:00 Daily 9:30 to 9:00 Saturday Sunday by Appointment 17190 Lasher Rd. Redford 1798 LIVONIA'S OLDEST REAL ESTATE FIRM HARRY S. WOLFE REAL ESTATE — FARMS — INSURANCE Phone Livonia 2668 32698 Five Mile Road—Just East of Farmington Road List your property with us for prompt sale CHICKEN SHACK Under New Management 34115 Plymouth Road Wine and Beer — Chicken Dinners to Take Out Delicious Sandwiches Our reputation for chicken, steak, duck and turkey dinners is unexcelled for price, quality and quantity anywhere. We Cater to Parties and OUR FRIED CHICKEN IS FAMOUS Carl Haray, Prop. Phones Livonia 9290 2554 r Page Twelve THE LIVONIAN Thursday, January 24, .1946 ON THE JOB - THOSE LITTLE I WANT AD5 III Only 25 Cents Phone Plymouth 16 FOR SALE ELECTRIC train; size 101/2 Gil- bert erector ` set; also 2 pairs boy's ice skates, size 2 and 6. Call Livonia 2131. ltc FOR. SALE—We smoke our ow ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry. Taylor's- Super Market, 29150 Joy Road, -one block east of Middlebelt Road. 9-1f MISCELLANEOUS RESIDENTIAL plans drawn to suit your lot. R. Anderson, 2:9805 Grenland. Phone Livonia 2518. 48-4tc Septic Tanks Cleaned Sand, gravel and fill dirt deliver ed. L. Mollard, 11695 Inkster road, Plymouth. Phone Evergreen 3745. 23-12tc WARREN'S Oil Burner and Hot Water Heater Service All makes and models Call Livonia 2234 or inquire at Olson Drive, one block north of Joy road and Oxbow Oil Burner Service Plumbing & Heating Repair & Installation John M. Campbell Licensed Master Plumber Phone Plymouth 1505 [Nights, Sundays and Holidays Phone Livonia 2073 Located at 38630 Plymouth Rd. WANTED POULTRY WANTED — We pay the highest prices for poultry. Taylor Super Market,29150 Joy Road. Phone Livonia 9207. tfc n Walter Grayson AW 11 amed President The Coventry Gardens Im- provement Association met at the Livonia Township Hall on Wed- Onesday evening, January 2nd at 8:30 PM. The important business of the meeting was the election of officers which are as follows: Pres., Walter Grayson; Vice Pres., Harvey Jahn; Directors, Clarence Jahn, Edward Hamilton, Frank Johnston. Mrs. D. W. Donnelley was retained as Secretary and Treasurer. On 'Wednesday evening, Janu- ary 9th the out going board and the newly elected officers met at the home of Stanley C. Allen and appointed the following commit- tees: Roads, walks, parks, and utilities, George Hance and Har- vey Jahn; Building plans and re- strictions, Myron J. Anderson and Edward Hamilton; Transportation, postal and club house, Harry Wolfe Jr. and Clarence Jahn; En- tertainment program, new :and old memberships, James Hogan and Frank Johnston; By-laws and legal, Stanley Allen and Walter Grayson. The Association will hold their meetings at the Livonia Township Hall on the first Wednesday of each month at 8:00 PM. The next meting is scheduled for February 6th at 8:0.0 PM. Upholstering "Bring it to me for satisfaction" GUILBEAULT �or. Westbrook & Fenkell Phone Redford 3100 with regular checking tutting GULF PRODUCTS General Electric Products RABI00`LAmGuIf Service Phone Livonia 9202 Corner Merriman & Plymouth Rds 3] s 'Courteous Ambulance Service available �.. 24 hours a day 365 days a year Want A Better Car? 20740 Fenkell You'll Find Detroit's Finest Phone Red. 0900 Selection On Our Lot Our Service Department Is The Most Efficient See Us When You BILLBIROWN Want Setter Car n Your Car or When Needs Repairing In The Northwest Section 3] s 'Courteous Ambulance Service available �.. 24 hours a day 365 days a year