HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-16 Human Relations Commission Meeting Minutes January 16, 2024 I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Chair Glover. Members Present: Richard Glover, Haitham Fakhouri, Denise Collins-Robinson, Madison Ling, Rebecca Drzewicki, and Pastor Yvette Warren. Not Present: Thomas Emerick and Dominick Mack II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda from the January 16th, 2024 meeting was approved unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the October 17, 2023 meeting was approved unanimously. IV. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT a. Budget: Chair Glover to meet with Dave Varga to review budget for 2024. b. Madonna Student: Chair Glover will revisit appointee of Madonna Student and to possibly recruit others. c. Meetings to occur every 2 months. d. Chair Glover will work to send out a list of events and who is involved with each event to the group. V. OLD BUSINESS a. Updates from our subcommittees i. Non-Discrimination Ordinance – N/A: No updates, still on pause. Investigation into whether now is a good time to revisit the NDA. The focus is on having the City Council bring it forth. ii. Research & Data – (Becky): Nothing new, no updates. iii. Outreach & Communications – (Haitham): Haitham is working on the DEIB Changemaker award and will present nominees for a vote on the winner. Will send Dave a message to send out through the city channels. Also working with LKF to secure funds through t-shirt sales to be used for future scholarship awards. iv. DEI Forum – Nothing new, no updates. v. Education – (Denise & Madison): Madonna Essay winner selected and will be announced at th Madonna on Wednesday, January 17. We are currently accepting essays from LPS students. Cut-off date will be Dates need to be figured out for when to release the scholarship and when to make it due. Madonna University would like the prompt earlier to increase support and participation among students. b. Mental Health Event (Becky): LKF wants to partner with the HRC and will provide funding for future event. c. City email address: Email address questions were address and are working for members. d. Commissions Meetings (Denise): No commission meetings have been attended. th e. HRC introduction at Pastor Warren Church – Will be held on February 18 at 12PM. Chair Glover will speak on behalf of the HRC. Members are welcome to attend and sit in the audience. Will stream on Facebook Live on the IYF Church Page. Pastor Warren will send over questions in advance. NEW BUSINESS A. Review 2023: Good and Bad. a. Good – Pride event was a success. Pride stickers were nice. Better presence than past years. Grown the commission. New e-mail addresses for members. b. Bad – Being more consistent in methodologies. Being more purposeful in conversions. Stay passionate about getting things done. VI. AUDIENCE COMMUNICATION (2 MINUTES) No audience communication at this time. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 PM