HomeMy WebLinkAboutS010324 MinutesCITY OF LIVONIA – CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF STUDY MEETING HELD JANUARY 3, 2024 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Council President Brandon McCullough. Present: Vice President Martha Ptashnik, Rob Donovic, Carrie Budzinski, Scott Morgan,Laura Toy, Jim Jolly, and President Brandon McCullough. Absent: None. Elected and appointed officials present:Lori Miller, City Clerk; Paul Bernier, City Attorney; Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director; Todd Zilincik, City Engineer; Don Rohraff, Director of Public Works; and Chief Goralski, Police Department. Vice President Ptashnikled the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. During Audience Communication, Dan Martin, Pershing Investment Group, non-homestead owner in City of Livonia, spoke about the Rental Licensing Ordinance and his recent inspections. Councilmember Donovic wished everyone a Happy New Year and congratulated the newly elected Councilmembers. He asked for a moment of silence in honor of the passing of Kathleen Glynn on December 31, 2023. Councilmember Toy welcomed the newly elected Councilmembers. Councilmember Budzinski invited everyone to join her coffee hour next Saturday, January 13th, at the Civic Center Library. She indicated Lori Miller, City Clerk, will be present to discuss elections. President McCullough thanked his family for attending the meeting. He announced the upcoming 3rd annual hockey game he and Councilmember Donovic will participate in against the Red Wing Alumni. The game will be held on January 28, 2024 and benefitsthe Livonia Kids and Families. NEW BUSINESS REQUEST TO WAIVE THE DRIVEWAY ORDINANCE REQUIREMENT: Kunal Bindra, re: to waive City Ordinance 12.04.205 (1), Curb cuts, from a maximum of twenty-five (25) feet to twenty-seven (27) feet. President McCullough indicated this item has been removed from the agenda. It will be placed on the Study agenda for the next meeting to be held on January 17, 2024. WAIVER PETITION: Planning Commission, re: Petition 2023-11-02-14 submitted by Rental Equipment Solutions, requesting waiver use approval to operate a construction equipment rental business with outdoor storage at 34147 Schoolcraft Road, located on the south side of Schoolcraft Road between Stark Road and Ashurst Court in the Northeast ¼ of Section 28. Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Donovic asked Mr. Taormina if there would be a dumpster enclosure and what it will look like. Mr. Taormina indicated this doesn’t require dumpster screening since it is located in the back of the property and not visible to the public. Matthew Hull, Petitioner representative, indicated they plan to have interior garbage collection and the exterior will only be for the purpose of disposal on the pickup day. They do have an optional space on the plans should one be needed. Councilmember Donovic asked if they will begin to have more exterior need due to maintenance on equipment. Mr. Hull explained disposal processes and stated they won’t have loose bags of trash at the curb. Councilmember Toy offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVINGCONSENT SITE PLAN PETITION: Planning Commission, re: Petition 2023-11-08-08 submitted by S & Z Restaurants, L.L.C., requesting approval of all plans in connection with a proposal to add a second drive-thru lane at the Culver’s restaurant at 13030 Middlebelt Road, located on the east side of Middlebelt Road between the CSX Railroad right-of-way and Schoolcraft Road in the Northwest ¼ of Section 25. Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director, presented the request to Council. Andrew Zielke, Petitioner representative, was present to answer questions. Councilmember Toy asked if this would prohibit the flow of traffic. Mr. Zielke said the only restriction is at the ordering point. The traffic is either stacked in front of the building or on the other side of the building. They prefer to use the other side of the building where there is more room. Councilmember Jolly verified with Mr. Taormina that most National Franchises are now requesting double drive through lanes as a rule. Councilmember Donovic asked if they are going to extend the curve on the island area. Mr. Zielke indicated it is a striped area and not an actual island. Councilmember Jolly offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVINGCONSENT REQUEST TO WAIVE THE CITY'S FORMAL BIDDING PROCESS AND PURCHASE ONE (1) DELL POWEREDGE R760 SERVER: Division of Police, re: to replace multiple network servers that are out of warranty and are at end of life, from budgeted funds. Livonia Police Chief Goralski presented the request to Council. Vice President Ptashnik offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVINGCONSENT AWARD OF BID: Public Works Division, re: for water main repair clamps for the City's 2024 and 2025 calendar years, from budgeted funds. Don Rohraff, Director of Public Works, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Morgan offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVINGCONSENT REQUEST TO APPROVE TWO-YEAR EXTENSION WITH EGANIX, INC: Department of Public Works, re: for the Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Prevention Treatment, through December 31, 2025. Don Rohraff, Director of Public Works, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Morgan asked for an explanation of the process. Mr. Rohraff indicated many restaurants push fogs, grease or oils into our sewers. DPW takes samples and gives the business informational pamphlets and educates them oncleaning and how frequently it should be done to prevent sewer backups. Councilmember Morgan offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVINGCONSENT AWARD OF CONTRACT: Department of Public Works, Sewer Department, re: for Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring and Rain Gauge Program, for a period of five years, from budgeted funds. Don Rohraff, Director of Public Works, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Donovic asked if ADS is the only company that is able to link with our system should this be bid out in years to come. Mr. Rohraff indicated other companies can also link with our system. Councilmember Donovic offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVINGCONSENT REQUEST TO WAIVE THE CITY’S FORMAL BIDDING PROCESS AND APPROVE AN ANIMAL SHELTERING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LIVONIA AND THE MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY: Department of Public Works, Animal Control Division, re: for the period of January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024, with a 5% boarding/holding fee increase to $6,012.56 per month. Don Rohraff, Director of Public Works, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Toy asked if we have thought about a contract longer than one year. Mr. Rohraff indicated the Humane Society won’t consider a longer contract since there are continually rising costs. Councilmember Jolly indicated he didn’t feel that this increase in price is unreasonable and appreciates the attention this item has received. Vice President Toy offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVINGCONSENT REQUEST TO AMEND THE ENGINEERING CONTRACT THROUGH THE QUALIFICATION BASED SELECTION (QBS) PROCESS WITH OHM ADVISORS (OHM) FOR DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE 2024 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT; Engineering Division, re: same (CR 336-21) Todd Zilincik, City Engineer, presented the request to Council. Jessica Katers, OHM representative, was present to answer questions. Councilmember Donovic offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. President McCullough indicated this will be put on the Regular agenda due to the amount. DIRECTIONAPPROVINGREGULAR PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE LIVONIA CODE OF ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED: Department of Law, re: to Title 3, Chapter 04 (Financial Procedures), Section 200, to add per diem language. Paul Bernier, City Attorney, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Jolly asked if the per diem is a flat amount given for meals or if it is a reimbursement system. Mr. Bernier indicated it is a per diem so individual receipts are not necessary. Vice President Ptashnik offered an approving motion for the Regular agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVINGREGULAR There was no Audience Communication at the end of the meeting. For the Regular Meeting of January 17, 2024. LORI MILLER, CITY CLERK