HomeMy WebLinkAboutS011724 MinutesCITY OF LIVONIA – CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF STUDY MEETING HELD JANUARY 17, 2024 Meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m. by Council President Brandon McCullough. Present:Rob Donovic, Carrie Budzinski, Laura Toy, Jim Jolly, Vice President Martha Ptashnik, and President Brandon McCullough. Absent: Scott Morgan. Elected and appointed officials present:Lori Miller, City Clerk; Paul Bernier, City Attorney; Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director; and Todd Zilincik, City Engineer. Councilmember Donovic led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no Audience Communication. NEW BUSINESS REQUEST TO WAIVE THE DRIVEWAY ORDINANCE REQUIREMENT: Kunal Bindra, re: to waive City Ordinance 12.04.205 (1), Curb cuts, from a maximum of twenty-five (25) feet to twenty-seven (27) feet. Todd Zilincik, City Engineer, presented the request to Council. Kunal Bindra, 14428 Dooley Drive, explained the reason for the request. He indicated his contractor said he got the permit through the city to extend the approach, but he has since found that he did not. Councilmember Donovic mentioned there was a situation like this at a prior meeting. He verified the resident will still need a permit even if an approving motion is offered. Mr. Zilincik indicated the permit is required to be sure they have not buried any sanitary, water or shut off valves that are critical to maintain our infrastructure and to assure the concrete is 6 inches thick. Councilmember Jolly asked Mr. Bernier if we are doing anything to penalize contractors that are doing work without permits. Mr. Bernier referred the question to Mr. Zilincik who indicated the fines doubled and if it is a recurring problem they will be prosecuted and be assessed a $500.00 fine. Councilmember Jolly said he would feel better approving this if the permit and inspection had already been done. Councilmember Jolly offered an approving motion for the Regular agenda but stated the permit and inspection must be done before the next meeting. Vice President Ptashnik asked Mr. Zilincik if the sidewalk was replaced as well or just the driveway around the sidewalk. Mr. Zilincik said the driveway and approach were widened after original plans were approved by Engineering. DIRECTION:APPROVINGREGULAR REQUEST TO APPROVE LOCATION AND SCHEDULE OF DATES AND TIMES FOR THE 2024 BOARD OF REVIEW MEETINGS, AS WELL AS COMPENSATION RATES FOR MEMBERS: Department of Assessment, re: per the requirements of State of Michigan Statute MCL 211.30. Jake Liberati, Assistant City Assessor, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Toy offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTION:APPROVINGCONSENT REQUEST TO APPROVE HOURLY RATE INCREASES: Department of Civil Service, re: for the classifications of Highschool Co-Op, College Co-Op, and Seasonal Clerk. Jeanine Laible, Human Resource Director, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Jolly indicated his employer is a university and they are trying to find municipal partners for their federal work study students. He suggested HR look into this. Councilmember Jolly offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTION:APPROVINGCONSENT AWARD OF BID: Department of Community Resources, re: for the printing of the City of Livonia's 2024 Connections Magazine, from budgeted funds. Kristin Houchins, Director of Communications and Community Resources presented the request to Council. Councilmember Donovic asked if there are any additional changes to be made in the magazine and how many editions will be sent out this year. Mrs. Houchins indicated there will be 3 editions and there will be glossy pages will be on the city side. Councilmember Donovic asked how many other magazines the city will pay for this year. Mrs. Houchins indicated there is only one since the City and Parks and Recreation combined their magazines three years ago. She also explained the Senior Bulletin is designed by Communications,but the Senior Center has a contract for printing. Councilmember Toy offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTION:APPROVINGCONSENT REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO WAIVE THE SEALED BID PROCESS AND PURCHASE FROM SOLE SOURCE PROVIDER: Department of Information Systems, re: for the purchase of ThinkGard Backup and Disaster Recovery Solution, for a period of three years, in an amount not to exceed $53,114.40 annually, from budgeted funds. Casey O’Neil, Information Services Director, presented the request to Council. Vice President Ptashnikoffered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTION:APPROVINGCONSENT AWARD OF BID: Department of Parks and Recreation, re: for purchase of Calcium Hypochlorite (chlorine) for the Kirksey Recreation Center pools, Botsford pool, Clement Circle Pools and Shelden pool, from budgeted funds. Ted Davis, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation presented the request to Council. Councilmember Toy offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTION:APPROVINGCONSENT REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO WAIVE THE SEALED BID PROCESS AND PURCHASE FROM SOLE SOURCE PROVIDER: Department of Parks and Recreation, re: for insecticide, fungicide, pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer needed for the 2024 golf season to maintain Fox Creek, Whispering Willows and Idyl Wyld golf courses, from budgeted funds. Ted Davis, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation presented the request to Council. Councilmember Donovic asked what the fertilizer does. Doug Ware, Golf Course Superintendent, explained it is a full year fertilizer and is applied to the tee boxes and greens weekly and the fairways are done several times a year. Vice President Ptashnik asked if this includes the algaecides for the ponds. Tom Welch, Vice President Ptashnikoffered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTION:APPROVINGCONSENT There was no Audience Communication at the end of the meeting. For the Regular Meeting of January 29, 2024. LORI L. MILLER, CITY CLERK