HomeMy WebLinkAboutS040124 Minutes CITY OF LIVONIA – CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF STUDY MEETING HELD APRIL 1, 2024 Meeting was called to order at 8:23 p.m. by Council President Brandon McCullough. Present: Rob Donovic, Carrie Budzinski, Scott Morgan, Jim Jolly, Vice President Martha Ptashnik, and President Brandon McCullough. Absent: Laura Toy. Elected and appointed officials present: Lori Miller, City Clerk; Paul Bernier, City Attorney; and Todd Zilincik, City Engineer. Councilmember Donovic led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Christopher Martin, Michigan, spoke about Connections Magazine. NEW BUSINESS REQUEST TO WAIVE THE CITY’S NOISE ORDINANCE: Karen Bonanno, re: to host a wedding reception with a DJ at the property located at 31025 Munger Drive, on Saturday, June 8, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Karen Bonanno, 31025 Munger, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Jolly offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT WAIVER PETITION: Planning Commission, re: Petition 2024-02-02-03 by Stonefield Engineering & Design on behalf of Haggerty Six Partners, LLC, seeking special waiver use approval for a Planned General Development consisting of eleven (11) buildings, including eight (8) with approximately 143,000 square feet of retail/commercial space, a 4-story hotel with 101 rooms, a 5-story apartment building with 170 dwelling units, and an existing multi-level parking garage, located at 39200 Six Mile Road, on the north side of Six Mile Road between Haggerty Road and Fox Drive in the Southwest ¼ of Section 7. Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director, presented the request to Council. President McCullough asked if the current packet includes the changes that have been requested by the Planning Commission. Mr. Taormina said it does not. Councilmember Donovic commended the Planning Department and the development group for a great replacement for the Comerica building. He clarified that there will be sidewalks along Haggerty Road. He would like to see a connection between Building A crosswalk all the way down to the sidewalk next to the main entrance where the signal is and between Building A and Building B. Mr. Taormina said that’s a great suggestion as adding another crosswalk would be beneficial. Councilmember Donovic asked if there would be any vinyl siding and if there would be sufficient dumpster enclosures for all facilities. Mr. Taormina said there would be no vinyl siding. The Planning Commission determined that a lot of the trash handling will be internal within the apartment complex. There is a trash compactor near the grocery store. The dumpster behind the gym would be able to handle the trash for Buildings F, G, and H. Planning didn’t like the placement of the dumpsternear the full-service restaurant in the front yard of Building D. Healso indicateda provision of the Zoning Ordinance for mixed use developments requires 30% of the homes be under construction when occupancy permits are issued for the commercial parts of the development. Councilmember Jolly asked to speak with the petitioner. He said this is an exciting opportunity for the city. He asked if there are any plans for the retention pond to be an attractive point on the property. He said we have many retention ponds in Livonia that are eye sores, and he would like to see this one have a fountain in the middle. He also asked about plans for bike racks through the area and for the development timeline. Scott Bowers, Architect, said the retention pond will look pretty. They have to wait until storm water calculations are done so they know if a fence around the pond would be required. There will be bike racks spread throughout the site. They plan to start the project right away and it will take a few years to complete. Todd Zilincik, City Engineer, explained the calculations requiring a fence around the pond. Councilmember Budzinski asked if it would be done in phases. She also asked if an underground walkway could be considered if the skywalk between parking garage and apartments wouldn’t work. She said chairs around the retention pond and fountain would be nice. Mr. Bowers said the project will start with the grocery store. The restaurant, bank and hotel will be done later. They do believe the skywalk between the parking garage and the apartments will work. Vice President Ptashnik asked if there would be a need to widen or add a right turn lane on Haggerty or 6 Mile Road. Mike Labadie, Traffic Engineer with Fishbeck, indicated they would adda new signal on Fox and one on Haggerty. They would also add a right turn laneto the new signal on Haggerty. The driveway on the west side of the street lines up and will become a full movement driveway. Councilmember Morgan verified there would be another traffic light on Haggerty which would make a total of 6 traffic lights between 6 Mile Road and 7 Mile Road. He asked if this might bog up traffic. Mr. Labadie said it would not bog up traffic if all lights are coordinated with the traffic capacity. It shouldbe better as long as they are kept synchronized. Councilmember Donovic asked if the existing retention pond will be moved and stated it already has bubbler fountain and sidewalks around it. He agreed it would be nice to add benches and enhance the retention area. He asked that they not use a traditional chain link fence if a fence is required. He also asked about shopping carts for the grocery store and if they will have any sort of shopping cart patrol, so they don’t find them up and down Haggerty Road. Eric Williams, Stonefield Civil Engineer, indicated they will reuse the location with some alterations. Mr. Bowes said they will address the shopping cart issue. Mr. Taormina said the pond and fountain, bike racks, benches and sidewalk suggestions will be incorporated into the new resolution. President Mccullough asked if there isa sidewalk on the north side of the apartments. He wants to be sure the whole area is walkable. He also asked that EV chargers being put on the site. Mr. Bowers said there is a sidewalk on the north side of the apartments, and they will have EV charges on the property. Vice President Ptashnikasked if there would be sidewalks on Fox Drive. She also asked what businesses will be in the complex. Mr. Bowers said there would be a sidewalk all the way down Fox Drive and the businesses will include a furniture store and restaurants. Councilmember Donovic offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REAPPOINTMENT OF DAVID CASH TO THE LOCAL OFFICERS COMPENSATION COMMISSION: Office of the Mayor, re: for a seven-year term, which will expire on April 2, 2031. Lori Miller, City Clerk, presented the request to Council. Mr. Cash said he is honored to be reappointed. Vice President Ptashnik offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REAPPOINTMENT OF MARTHA FOLEY TO THE LOCAL OFFICERS COMPENSATION COMMISSION: Office of the Mayor, re: for a seven-year term, which will expire on April 2, 2031. Lori Miller, City Clerk, presented the request to Council. Vice President Ptashnik offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL ON A PROPOSED LOT SPLIT: Department of Assessment, re: for the property located at the Northeast corner of Seven Mile and Merriman, in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 2(19200 Merriman Ct) and to waive lot depth and lot area issue relative to Parcel 2. Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Donovic said he would not be in favor of this if there weren’t already other properties like this on the street. He asked If this would be the last lot that could be split. Mr. Taomina indicated another lot could be created on the other end of this site and the one across the street. Vice President Ptashnik asked if they have talked to neighbors and what their plan is to build. She also asked what their plan would be if the Zoning Board of Appeals denied the lot split. Toni Vacaru, 37749 Pickford Drive, said he spoke with the neighbor in front of the proposed lot and they have no problem with it, but they sold the property. The house in the back also has no problem with it. The plan is to build a 1400 square foot house with a basement for his brother.They don’t have any alternate plan. Councilmember Jolly asked if there was any thought given to splitting the southern part of the lot which would allow the lots to be more equally proportioned. Mr. Vacaru said no because a building on the south side would be too close to the road. Councilmember Jolly isn’t in favor of the split because it wouldn’t be a similar setback to the existing neighbors. He asked Mr. Taormina if it would be better if they split the southern portion of the lot to avoid the setback differences. Mr. Taormina said it would probably be similar in size and he agrees it would be similar to the lots across MerrimanCourt. Councilmember Morgan said he doesn’t see how they could deny it since the parcels across the street are similar in size and they go all the way down the street. Councilmember Donovic said the depth would be 87.66 with 16ft right of way in front. He understands therequest and the southern parcel would be constricted more due to the sidewalk and they would be blocking the house to the east which would have two houses in their front yard. He said he’d rather not disturb the trees in parcel number 1 as they are a buffer for the house to the east. He also wonders aboutthe utility make up for the proposed structure. Vice President Ptashnik asked if the swimming pool would be on the new property line. She also wants to confirm the approval of the neighbor at 31220. She indicated the Zoning Board of Appeals won’t approve the split without approval from that neighbor either. President McCullough asked if they have spoken with the neighbor to the east. He also asked if the existing fence is a privacy or chain link fence. Mr. Vacaru said he hasn’t had a chance to talk to that neighbor. There is already a chain link fence by the pool. He explained that he didn’t know he owned the lot until the neighbor behind his house told him, so he checked paperwork from the title company and found that he does own it. Councilmember Jolly asked him to talk to neighbor at 31220 and see if they would be interested in selling off any of their property, to the rear of the proposed lot. He said if the neighbor wanted to sell about 30 feet, he wouldn’t object to the lot split at all. Mr.Vacaru said he didn’t ask them if they wanted to sell any property because the neighbor asked him if he wanted to sell his property. President McCullough asked Mr. Taormina if it would make more sense to split it into three lots. Mr. Taormina saidhe looked further at the dimensions and the southern portion would be a smaller lot. Councilmember Morgan offered an approving motion for the Regular agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALREGULAR REQUEST TO APPROVE AN ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURE: Parks and Recreation, re: for Alexander Blue House Chimney Repair and Replacement with an additional not-to-exceed amount of $4,500 and the new total not-to-exceed amount of $22,500. Ted Davis, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Jolly offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT AWARD OF CONTRACT: Department of Public Works, re: for the City's Cross-Connection Control Program, in the amount of $76,536.00 annually, for a period of three (3) years, with an optional two-year extension, from budgeted funds. Don Rohraff, Director of Public Works, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Morgan asked if this is something they maintain to be sure we have clean drinking water. Mr. Rohraff said they check all commercial properties to make sure there are no siphonage or back flow issues that would contaminate the drinking water. This is required by the State of Michigan. If there is a problem, they will bring in a plumber and handle the repairs. Councilmember Morgan offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ONE (1) 2024 CASE BACKHOE MODEL 580SN THROUGH THE SOURCEWELL CONTRACT (FORMERLY NJPA): Public Works Division, re: to be used by the Roads Department, from budgeted funds. Don Rohraff, Director of Public Works, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Jolly offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ONE (1) SELF-CONTAINED LEAF VACUUM; Public Works Division, re: to be used by the Roads Department, from budgeted funds. Don Rohraff, Director of Public Works, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Morgan offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REQUEST TO AMEND THE CONTRACT WITH OHM ADVISORS FOR THE PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING (PE) DESIGN SERVICES CONTRACT FOR THE NEWBURGH ROAD RECONSTRUCTION FROM ANN ARBOR TRAIL TO PLYMOUTH ROAD AND THE REPLACEMENT OF FIVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS ALONG THE NEWBURGH ROAD CORRIDOR AT CHURCHILL HIGH SCHOOL, ANN ARBOR TRAIL, HINES DRIVE, PLYMOUTH ROAD AND SEVEN MILE ROAD: Engineering Division, re: same. (CR 336-21) Todd Zilincik, City Engineer, presented the request to Council. Vice President Ptashnik asked for the timeline. Mr. Zilincik said MDOT will widen Ann Arbor Road between Newburgh and Plymouth Roads, replace the HinesRoad Bridge and do the modernization at the Plymouth, Ann Arbor and Wayne Road intersection. His department would like to use the same contractor as MDOT in the fall of 2025 with completion of the project in 2026. Vice President Ptashnikoffered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT AUDIENCE COMMUNICATION Meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m. For the Regular Meeting of April 15, 2024.LORI L. MILLER, CITY CLERK