HomeMy WebLinkAboutS041524 Minutes CITY OF LIVONIA – CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF STUDY MEETING HELD APRIL 15, 2024 Meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Council President Brandon McCullough. Present: Carrie Budzinski,Vice President Martha PtashnikRob Donovic, and President Brandon McCullough. Absent: Scott Morgan, Laura Toy, and Jim Jolly Elected and appointed officials present: Lori Miller, City Clerk; Leo Neville, Assistant City Attorney; Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director;and Todd Zilincik, City Engineer. Councilmember Budzinski led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no Audience Communication at the beginning of the meeting. Councilmember Budzinski wished Vice President Ptashnik a happy birthday. NEW BUSINESS BLOCK PARTY: Denise Justice, re: to be held Saturday, August 3, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., on Washington Street between Hubbard and Indiana Streets, with a rain date of Saturday, August 10, 2024. Denise Justice, Petitioner, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Budzinski offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REQUEST TO BARRICADE CITY STREETS: Chris Inch, Stevenson Cross Country Head Coach, re: on Friday, August 23, 2024, from 12:00 p.m. through Saturday, August 24, 2024, at 12:00 a.m., with a rain date of August 24, 2024, on Perth Street from Stark Road until it dead-ends West of Farmington, for a nighttime high school cross country meet. Chris Inch and Mark Lauzon, Petitioners, presented the request to Council. Vice President Ptashnik offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REAPPOINTMENT OF STEPHANIE BLATT TO THE PLYMOUTH ROAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Office of the Mayor, re: for a three-year term, which will expire on May 16, 2027. Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director, presented the request to Council and indicated she was not able to be present at tonight’s meeting. Councilmember Budzinski offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REAPPOINTMENT OF OMAR FARIS TO THE PLYMOUTH ROAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Office of the Mayor, re: for a three-year term, which will expire May 16, 2027. Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director, presented the request to Council. Mr. Faris was present to answer any questions of the Council and thanked them for the opportunity to continue to serve the Livonia community as a member of the PRDA. Councilmember Donovic offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REAPPOINTMENT OF PATRICK MIES TO THE PLYMOUTH ROAD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Office of the Mayor, re: for a three-year term, which will expire on May 16, 2027. Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director, presented the request to Council. Mr. Mies was present to answer any questions of the Council and thanked them for the opportunity to continue to serve the Livonia community as a member of the PRDA. Vice President Ptashnik offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REAPPOINTMENT OF DANIEL LAIBLE TO THE PLYMOUTH ROAD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Office of the Mayor, re: for a three-year term, which will expire on May 16, 2027. Mark Taormina, Planning and Economic Development Director, presented the request to Council. Mr. Laible was present to answer any questions of the Council and thanked them for the opportunity to continue to serve the Livonia community as a member of the PRDA. Councilmember Donovic offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REQUEST TO EXTEND CONTRACT WITH ALLIE BROTHERS, INC: Livonia Fire Department, re: for a period of two years with a four percent increase, in order to supply Livonia Fire Department uniforms, from budgeted funds. Fire Chief Jennison presented the request to Council. The Chief indicated that Allie Brothers is in Livonia and has offered to extend their existing contract with the Fire Department with only a four percent increase for uniforms. Vice President Ptashnik offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ONE (1) LIFELINE TYPE-1 SUPERLINER AMBULANCE: Livonia Fire Department, re: to replace an ambulance in the vehicle replacement program, from budgeted funds. Fire Chief Jennison presented the request to Council. The Chief indicated the process takes a longtime to order an ambulance to be built, typically two to three years. When the vehicle has been completed and delivered to the Fire Department, they will then decide which vehicle will be disposed of, but it is too early at this point to say which vehicle the new ambulance will replace. Vice President Ptashnik offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REQUEST TO WAIVE THE FORMAL BIDDING PROCESS AND AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) PARATECH HEAVY STABILIZATION AND LIFT STRUT KIT: Livonia Fire Department, re: in order to enhance emergency response capabilities, from budgeted funds. Fire Chief Jennison presented the request to Council. The Chief indicated due to technological advances and EV battery-powered vehicles, the Fire Department needs the necessary equipment to be able to be effective in various incidents and to lift and stabilize vehicles and/or structures that are much heavier than their current equipment can handle. Councilmember Donovic offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL ON A PROPOSED LOT SPLIT: Department of Assessment, re: for the property located South of Eight Mile Road, and East of Merriman Road, just North of Pembroke in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2 (19831 Purlingbrook Road) and to waive the lot width-to-depth ratio issue relative to Parcel A. Mark Taormina, City Planner and Economic Development Director, presented the request to Council. The Petitioners were present to answer questions. Councilmember Donovic asked if this is more of an administrative type of thing. Mr. Taormina said yes, due to the Land Revision Act. President McCullough asked who owns the property to the west and what is being done with it. The petitioner said he owns it, and it is an extension of Section A and there is access from Flamingo. He indicated they aren’t sure what they are going to do with it yet. Vice President Ptashnik said there is a letter in the file indicating there are outstanding violations and asked if they have been paid. She asked what they intend to do with the property since it is currently vacant. The petitioner said he has taken care of the violations. He is thinking about talking to a builder to see if they want to do something with it. He doesn’t want to pay the taxes and the petitioner that lives in the house cannot take care of itany longer. Councilmember Budzinski asked who owns the entire rectangle that President McCullough mentioned. The petitioners weren’t sure if they owned it or not. Mr. Taormina indicated 19831 is the parcel and it includes the split. They also own 19833 and a portion between 19833 and 19902. Charles Haapala lives next door to the property and indicated it was surveyed last year and they cut into his property line. He is directly north of the property and is concerned about the land lines. Mr. Taormina shared the survey provided in the packet. Mr. Haapala said he has his originalsurvey from the mortgage company. Councilmember Donovic said Council cannot litigate which survey is correct. President McCullough said the property line dispute is a personal matter. Council is only looking to approve the lot split and cannot help Mr. Haapala with the survey. Todd Zilincik, City Engineer, said it is a legal matter between property owners. If Mr. Haapala feels the survey was incorrect, he needs to hire his own surveyor to investigate. Councilmember Donovic offered an approving motion for the Unfinished Business portion of the agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALREGULAR REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL ON A PROPOSED LOT SPLIT: Department of Assessment, re: for the property located North of Seven Mile Road and on the West side of Newburgh Road, in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 6 (19283 Newburgh Road) and to waive the lot depth and lot area for both proposed Parcel 1 and Parcel 2. Mark Taormina, City Planner and Economic Development Director, presented the request to Council. Councilmember Donovic asked if it would make more sense to rezone this as opposed to the petition now and having to go through ZBA. Mark said it is a very selective area affected by rezoning and you may need to look at a wider area which would then lead to additional properties to be divided. He doesn’t recommend a zoning change in these cases. He feels they should all be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Councilmember Donovic verified that the petitioner would be keeping the existing garage area. Vice President Ptasknik asked for the intended purpose for the lot split. She also asked if his neighbors were aware of the Petitioner’s plan. The petitioner said he is representing his parents who live there, and they can’t keep up with the property any longer. They plan to build on the divided area and hope a family member can move back there to help with upkeep for his parents. He said neighbors are aware of the plan and he hasn’t heard any objections. Councilmember Donovic offered an approving motion for the Unfinished Business portion of the agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALREGULAR REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ONE (1) TRANSIT VAN 250 HI ROOF CARGO VAN UTILIZING THE STATE OF MICHIGAN AND MACOMB COUNTY CONSORTIUM BID PRICING: Public Works Division, re: to replace current van, from budgeted funds. Doug Moore, Assistant Director of Public Works, presented the request to Council. Vice President Ptashnik offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT AWARD OF CONTRACT: Engineering Division, re: for the 2024 Pavement Joint and Crack Sealing Program, Contract 24-D. Todd Zilincik, City Engineer, presented the request to Council. Vice President Ptashnik offered an approving motion for the Consent agenda. DIRECTIONAPPROVALCONSENT There was no Audience Communication at the end of the meeting. Study Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. For the Regular Meeting of May 6, 2024.LORI L. MILLER, CITY CLERK