HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL MINUTES 1968-10-23 9982 MINUTES OF THE SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVENTH REGULAR MEETING LOF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LIVONIA On October 23, 1968, the above meeting was held at the City Hall, 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan, and was called to order by the President of the Council at approximately 8.05 P. M,. Councilman Kleinert delivered the invocation. Roll was called with the following result Present--Edward H. McNamara, Rudolf R. Kleinert, Robert E. McCann, Robert F. Nash and Edward G. Milligan. Absent--Jerry Raymond and *Peter A. Ventura (excused). *Councilman Ventura was excused as he was representing the City in another capacity. Elected and appointed officials present. Addison W. Bacon, City Clerk; Steve Polgar, City Attorney; Harry C. Tatigian, Chief Assistant City Attorney; John Dufour, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, Henry Sieferd, City Assessor; Don L, Hull, City Planner; Frank Kerby, Chief Building Inspector, Marie Talbot, Court Clerk, Richard Jones, Assistant Superintendent of Operations Division, Victor C. Phillips, Budget Director, Thomas Griffiths, Jr. , Chief Accountant, Raymond Danaher, Budget Analyst, Gary Clark, Engineering Department; John Nagy, Assistant Planning Director; John Stymelski, Traffic Commission; Harry Wrightman and Raymond Tent, Planning Commission. By Councilman Nash, seconded by Councilman McCann, and unanimously adopted, it was #1185-68 RESOLVED, that the minutes of the 626th regular meeting of the Council of the City of Livonia, held October 16, 1968, are hereby approved. The following resolution was unanimously introduced, supported and adopted. #1186-68 WHEREAS, the control of water pollution and the provision of adequate recreation and preservation of open space are outstanding needs for today, and have high priority for public action in the immediate future, L WHEREAS problems of clean water and quality recreation in the many communities of the State arise in great part from the incapacity of urban governments to finance capital improvements; 9983 WHEREAS state level financial support and encouragement will enable each community in the State of Michigan to do its share in restoring and maintaining high standards of water quality in the lakes and streams of the State and the Great Lakes, WHEREAS cities, counties, and townships would make significant advances in the field of recreation under the stimulus of a grant-in-aid program funded and administered by the State, WHEREAS the state park, forest recreation, fisheries, and wild- life programs need enlarged and dependable financial support in order to provide the urgently needed increases in land and facilities, WHEREAS the availability of funds for recreation land purchase, facility development, and water pollution control will encourage the adequate treatment of these elements in comprehensive community plans and in conjunction with the state-wide plan, WHEREAS the availability of these funds will lead to implementa- tion of community and State plans for recreation and pollution control, WHEREAS the Michigan Legislature and the Governor of the State of Michigan have provided for placing on the November 5, 1968, general election ballot for vote of the people of the State proposals for author- ization of two general obligation bond issues to be supported by full faith and credit of the State of Michigan which would: (1) provide $335,000,000 for aid to communities in sewage treatment pla bconstruction, and (2) provide $100,000,000 for recreation land acquisition and develop- ment, including provision for both state level projects, and grants-in-aid to communities; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Livonia gives its full and enthusiastic support to the Clean Water and Quality Recreation Bond Programs and urges all its members and other citizens of the State of Michigan to become informed and favorably support this valuable natural resource program. By Councilman Milligan, seconded by Councilman Nash, and unanimously adopted, it was #1187-68 RESOLVED, that having considered a communication from the Mayor dated October 18, 1968 with respect to the City's membership in the Good Roads Federation, the Council does hereby refer the same to the Streets, Roads and Plats Committee of the Council. By Councilman Milligan, seconded by Councilman Nash, and unanimously adopted, it was #1188-68 RESOLVED, that having considered the letter from the Mayor, dated October 18, 1968, with respect to the purchase of Insta-Matic Vehicle Stabilizers for police vehicles, the Council does hereby table this matter until such time as further reports are received with respect to this item. 9984 The communication from the Planning Commission, dated October 17, 1968, relative to a status report on the Plymouth Road Parking project, was received and li filed for the information of the Council. By Councilman McCann, seconded by Councilman Kleinert, it was #1189-68 RESOLVED, that having considered the letter from the Director of Public Safety, dated October 17, 1968, approved by the Mayor and the Budget Director, requesting a transfer of funds in the Police Division, the Council does hereby authorize the transfer of the sum of $200 from Director of Public Safety Budget Account #173-29-Travel and Education, to Division of Police Budget Account-Intelligence Bureau Account #182-44, for miscellaneous expenditures. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result. AYES: Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS: None. Councilman McCann took from the table, for second reading and adoption, the following Ordinance: AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 516, AS AMENDED, OF THE CITY OF LIVONIA, KNOWN AND CITED AS THE L "NOXIOUS WEED AND REFUSE ORDINANCE," BY AMENDING SECTIONS 6 AND 7 THEREOF. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing Ordinance with the following result AYES : Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS : None. The President declared the foregoing Ordinance duly adopted and would become effective on publication. Councilman Nash introduced the following Ordinance AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 449 KNOWN AND CITED AS THE "BUILDING CODE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LIVONIA," AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SECTION 4.07 OF ARTICLE IV THEREOF. The foregoing Ordinance, when adopted, is filed in the Journal of Ordinances in the office of the City Clerk, and is the same as if word for word repeated herein. The above Ordinance was placed on the table for consideration at the next regular meeting of the Council. 9985 By Councilman Nash, seconded by Councilman McCann, it was #1190-68 RESOLVED, that the proposed amendment to the Fence Ordinance which would purport to prohibit fences or hedges in front yards in excess of 2-1/2' in height, is hereby referred to the Legislative Committee until such time as correspondence is received from the Director of Public Safety, statistical background to be included in such report. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result: AYES : Kleinert, McCann, Nash and Milligan. NAYS: McNamara. The President declared the resolution adopted. The communication from the Operations Division, dated October 10, 1968, relative to Kimberly Oaks Park, such report being requested in council resolution #838-68, was received and filed for the information of the Council. The communication from the Department of Law dated October 2, 1968, with respect to complaint of Mr. Fred Wynn (CR#1054-68) regarding certain property located at the N. W. corner of Five Mile and Norwich, was received and filed for the information of the Council. The letter from the Department of Public Works relative to the grading and landscaping of Outlot A of the Greenwood Farms Subdivision (CR#867-68), was received and filed for the information of the Council. The communication from the Mayor, dated October 11, 1968, relative to the designation of Wayne County Board of Supervisors as the community action agency under Section 210 (a) of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 as amended, was received and filed for the information of the Council. The Municipal Court Report for the Month of September, 1968, was received and filed for the information of the Council. By Councilman Kleinert, seconded by Councilman Nash, it was #1191-68 RESOLVED, that having considered the request made by the Gold Lie Construction Company dated October 7, 1968, proprietor of the Gold Manor Subdivision No. 2 located in the West 1/2 of Section 8, City of Livonia, the Council does hereby determine to allow the said proprietor to deposit 9986 as financial assurance for the installation of sidewalks in the aforesaid subdivision an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $33,640.00 drawn on the City National Bank of Detroit in lieu of the Corporate Surety Bond previously authorized in Council Resolution No. 531-68; and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to do all things necessary or incidental to the full performance of this resolution. roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result. AYES: Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS: None. By Councilman Kleinert, seconded by Councilman McCann, it was #1192-68 RESOLVED, that having considered the report and recommendation of the Superintendent of Operations Division dated October 11, 1968, approved by the Director of Public Works and Budget Director and approved for submission by the Mayor, the Council does hereby accept the bid of Fendt Builder's Supply, Inc., 22005 Gill Road, Farmington, Michigan, for supplying the City with 1500 bags, more or less, of Air Entrained Cement at $4.79 per barrel delivered in 140 barrel lots through December 31, 1968, and at $5.04 per barrel from January 1, 1969 through November 30, 1969, the same having been in fact the lowest and only bid received for this item. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result- AYES: Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS: None. By Councilman Kleinert, seconded by Councilman McCann, it was #1193-68 RESOLVED, that having considered the report and recommendation of the Superintendent of Operations Division dated October 11, 1968, approved by the Director of Public Works and Budget Director and approved for submission by the Mayor, the Council does hereby accept the bid of Mercier Corporation, P. 0. Box 57, Dearborn, Michigan 48120, for supplying the City with 25,000, more or less, Hard Burned Cull Brick, 3 Core, with a maximum water absorption of 3% by weight, to be delivered in lots of 6,000 or 7,000, palletized, at a cost of $43.00 per thousand, the same having been in fact the lowest and only bid received for this item. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result. AYES: Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS: None. By Councilman Kleinert, seconded by Councilman McCann, it was 9987 #1194-68 RESOLVED, that having considered the report and recommendation of the Superintendent of Operations Division dated October 11, 1968, approved by the Director of Public Works and Budget Director and approved for submission by the Mayor, the Council does hereby accept the bid of Redford Top Soil Contractors, Inc., 15553 Beech Daly Road, Detroit, Michigan 48239, for supplying the City with 1,200 cubic yards, more or less, of Topsoil at $2.10 per yard, to be delivered to Castle Gardens Park at Lyndon and Hix Roads in Section 19, the same having been the lowest bid received for this item. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result AYES: Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS: None. By Councilman Kleinert, seconded by Councilman McCann, and unanimously adopted, it was #1195-68 RESOLVED, that having considered a request dated October 15, 1968 from the Coventry Gardens Improvement Association, Livonia, Michigan, the Council does hereby grant permission to the said Civic Association to barricade Rayburn Road where the same adjoins Shoreham Park by placing traffic barriers at the intersection of Rayburn Road and Stamford, Eddington, Myrna and Surrey Roads on October 31, 1968 between the hours of 7:00 P. M. and 10•30 P. M. for the purpose of conducting a Halloween Bonfire and neighborhood gathering at the said park; further, the Council does hereby authorize the Department of Public Works to deliver and pickup such traffic barriers as may be required for this event; and the action taken herein is made subject to the approval of the Director of Public Safety. By Councilman Kleinert, seconded by Councilman McCann, it was #1196-68 RESOLVED, that having considered the recommendation of the Assistant City Engineer dated October 1, 1968, approved by the Director of Public Works and the City Engineer and approved for submission by the Mayor, and it appearing from the aforementioned communication that the necessary contractor's affidavit has been filed, the Council does hereby authorize the Final Payment in the amount of $1,909.11 to the United States Steel Corporation, 1925 E. Hancock Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48207, which sum represents the balance due on a contract between that company and the City of Livonia dated July 19, 1967, for the installation of a chain link fence around the Whispering Willows Golf Course; and the City Clerk and City Treasurer are hereby authorized to do all things necessary to the full performance of this resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result. AYES: Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS : None. 9988 By Councilman Nash, seconded by Councilman Milligan, it was #1197-68 RESOLVED, that having considered a communication dated October 2, 1968 from the Department of Law transmitting for Council acceptance two Quit Claim Deeds, each dated September 16, 1968, and each executed by the Livonia Public Schools School District, by its secretary Geraldine W. Joyner, which deeds purport to dedicate certain rights-of-way on Newburgh Road to the City, and which deeds are more particularly described as follows: 1. The East 60 feet of the N. 1/2 of the N. 1/2 of the S. E. 1/4 of the N. E. 1/4 of Section 18, T. 1 S., R. 9 E., City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, except the north 150 feet of the east 350 feet thereof. (Bureau of Taxation Parcel 18B2) 2. The East 60 feet of that part of the N. E. 1/4 of Section 18, T. 1 S., R. 9 E., City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, described as beginning at a point on the E. line of said section distant due north, 659.29 ft. from the E. 1/4 corner of Section 18 and proceeding thence N 89° 44' 30" w, 659.29 ft., thence N 0° 01' 35" E, 330.55 ft.; thence S 89° 39' 43" E, 301.53 ft. ; thence due south, 200.13 ft., thence S. 89° 44' 30" E, 358.0 ft, thence due south along the E. Section line, 130.0 ft. to the point of beginning. (Bureau of Taxation Parcel 18C2b) the Council does hereby determine, for and in behalf of the City of Livonia, to accept the aforesaid instruments, and the City Clerk is hereby requested to have the same recorded in the office of the Wayne County Register of Deeds and to do all other things necessary or incidental to the full performance of this resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result. AYES: Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS: None. By Councilman Nash, seconded by Councilman McCann, and unanimously adopted, it was #1198-68 RESOLVED, that having considered the communication from the City Planning Commission dated October 8, 1968, which transmits its resolution #8-97-68 adopted on August 27, 1968, wherein the Commission did amend Part V of the Master Plan of the City of Livonia entitled, "Master School and Park Plan," so as to incorporate property located approximately 300 feet north of Greenwood Farms Subdivision in the East 1/2 of Section 18 as a park site, the Council does hereby acknowledge receipt of the same. 9989 By Councilman Nash, seconded by Councilman Kleinert, and unanimously adopt- ed, it was #1199-68 RESOLVED, that having considered the communication from the City Planning Commission dated October 8, 1968, which transmits its resolution #8-98-68 adopted on August 27, 1968, wherein the Commission did amend Part V of the Master Plan of the City of Livonia entitled, "Master School and Park Plan," so as to delete property located immediately north of the Blue Grass Farms Subdivision in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, the Council does hereby acknowledge receipt of the same. By Councilman Milligan, seconded by Councilman Nash, and unanimously adopt- ed, it was #1200-68 RESOLVED, that the Council having considered a communication dated October 7, 1968, submitted pursuant to council resolution #349-68, from the City Engineer, approved by the Director of Public Works and approved for submission by the Mayor, wherein the City Engineer has ascertained the assessed valuation of all property affected by the proposed installation of ornamental street lighting with underground wiring in Livonia Meadows Subdivision and Thomas F. O'Connorts Parkview Acres Sub- division in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 12, T. 1 S., R. 9 E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, and such report having indicated the number of parcels which show tax delinquencies, the number of parcels owned by public authorities, the number of parcels which are vacant, and to prepare and cause to be prepared, plans and specifications therefor and an estimate for the cost thereof, and to file the same with the City Clerk together with his recommendation as to what proportion of the cost should be paid by special assessment and what part, if any, should be a general obligation of the City, the number of installments in which assess- ments may be paid and the lands which should be included in the proposed special assessment district, and it appearing to the Council that all of such information, estimate, plans and specifications and recommendations have been properly filed by the City Engineer with the City Clerk under date of October 8, 1968 and that there has been a full compliance with all of the provisions of Section 3.03 and Section 4.01 of Ordinance No. 401, as amended, entitled "An Ordinance to Provide for the Making of Public Improvements, Defraying the Expense Thereof by Special Assessment and a Special Assessment Procedure," the Council does hereby set Wednesday, November 20, 1968, at 7:00 P. M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the necessity for such proposed improvement, which public hearing shall be held before the Council in the City Hall, 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan, pursuant to Section 3.04 of said Ordinance No. 401, as amended, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to give notice and publication of such hearing as is required by Section 3.04 of said ordinance. By Councilman Nash, seconded by Councilman Milligan, and unanimously adopted, it was 9990 #1201-68 RESOLVED, that the Council having considered a communication dated October 7, 1968, submitted pursuant to council resolution #282-68, from the City Engineer, approved by the Director of Public Works and approved for submission by the Mayor, wherein the City Engineer has ascertained the assessed valuation of all property affected by the proposea installation of ornamental street lighting with underground wiring on Parkville Avenue, north of Seven Mile Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 1, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E., City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, and such report having indicated the number of parcels which show tax delinquencies, the number of parcels owned by public authorities, the number of parcels which are vacant, and to prepare and cause to be prepared, plans and specifications therefor and an estimate for the cost thereof, and to file the same with the City Clerk together with his recommendation as to what proportion of the cost should be paid by special assessment and what part, if any, should be a general obligation of the City, the number of install- ments in which assessments may be paid and the lands which should be included in the proposed special assessment district, and it appearing to the Council that all of such information, estimate, plans and specifica- tions and recommendations have been properly filed by the City Engineer with the City Clerk under date of October 8, 1968, and that there has been a full compliance with all of the provisions of Section 3.03 and Section 4.01 of Ordinance No. 401, as amended, entitled "An Ordinance to Provide for the Making of Public Improvements, Defraying the Expense Thereof by Special Assessment and a Special Assessment Procedure," the Council does hereby set Wednesday, November 20, 1968 at 7-00 P. M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the necessity for such proposed improvement, which public hearing shall be held before the Council in the City Hall, 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan, pursuant to Section 3.011 of said Ordinance No. 401, as amended, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to give notice and publication of such hearing as is required by Section 3.04 of said ordinance. By Councilman Nash, seconded by Councilman McCann, and unanimously adopted, it was #1202-68 WHEREAS, pursuant to the direction of the City Council in its resolution #799-68 adopted on July 24, 1968, and in accordance with Section 3.06 of Ordinance No. 401, as amended, the City Assessor of the City of Livonia has prepared, reported and certified to the Council under date of October 2, 1968, an assessment roll dated October 2, 1968 covering the installation of paving and drainage on Doris Avenue from Five Mile Road to Puritan Avenue in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 14, City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, containing the special assessments to be assessed and levied, respectively, in the proposed special assessment district heretofore established for the construction and operation of the proposed improvement in said district as designated in the said resolution #799-68; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said roll is hereby accepted by the City Council, that it is hereby ordered to be filed in the office of the City Clerk for public examination; that the City Clerk be and hereby is directed to give the notice required by the provisions of Section 3.08 of Ordinance No. 401, as amended, ofthe City, to-wit: that the assessment roll has been made and filed in the office of the City Clerk for public 9991 examination and that the City Council of the City of Livonia will meet in the City Hall in said City, 33001 Five Mile Road on Wednesday, November 20, 1968 at 7 00 P. M., to review the said special assessment roll at which time and place opportunity will be given to all interested persons to be heard; IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and hereby is directed to publish a notice of said public hearing at least once in the official newspaper of the City of Livonia which is published and circulated generally in and throughout the said City, at least ten (10) days prior to the aforesaid date of November 20, 1968; the City Clerk is also directed to give notice of said hearing by sending written notice thereof by first class mail to each and every property owner in the proposed district as their respective names and addresses appear on the most current assessment roll in the City Assessor's Office. By Councilman Milligan, seconded by Councilman Nash, and unanimously adopt- ed, it was #1203-68 RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 4 of Act 207 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1921, as amended, the City Zoning Act (M.S.A. Section 5.2934), as well as Article XXIII of Ordinance No. 543, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Livonia, the Council does hereby determine that a public hearing will take place before the City Council of the City of Livonia on Wednesday, November 27, 1968 at 7:00 P.M. at the Livonia City Hall, 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan, with respect to the following items : (2) Petition No. 68-6-1-21 submitted by Bonk, Pollick and Wartell, Attorneys for J. J. Stone, for a change of zoning on property located on the northwest corner of Seven Mile Road and Osmus in the East 1/2 of Section 3 from RUFB to PS, the City Planning Commission having in its resolution #8-92-68 recommended to the City Council that Petition No. 68-6-1-21 be denied; (b) Petition No. 68-6-1-24 submitted by Bonk, Pollick and Wartell, Attorneys for J. J. Stone, for a change of zoning on property located on the north side of Seven Mile Road, west of Merriman Road, in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 3 from RUFB and R-1 to C-1, the City Planning Commission having in its resolution #8-95-68 recommended to the City Council that Petition No.68-6-1-24 be denied; (c) Petition No. 68-6-1-23 submitted by Bonk, Pollick and Wartell, Attorneys for J. J. Stone, for a change of zoning on property located on the northwest corner of Seven Mile Road and Merriman Road in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 3 from RUFB to C-2, the City Planning Commission having in its resolution #8-94-68 recommended to the City Council that Petition No. 68-6-1-23 be denied; 9992 (d) Petition No. 68-6-1-22 submitted by Bonk, Pollick and Wartell, Attorneys for J. J. Stone, for a change of zoning on property located on the northeast corner of Seven Mile Road and Auburndale in the East 1/2 of Section 3 from RUFB to PS, the City Planning Commission having in its resolution #8-93-68 recommended to the City Council that Petition No. 68-6-1-22 be denied; further, that the City Clerk is hereby requested to no less than fifteen days prior to the aforesaid date of said public hearing cause to have a statement, indicating the nature and location of the proposed change of zoning, as set forth above, first to be published in the official newspaper of the City or a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Livonia, as well as to not less than fifteen days prior to said public hearing cause to have notice to be given by registered mail to each public utility company and to each railroad company owning or operating any public utility or railroad within the districts or zones affected; and the City Clerk is requested to do all things necessary or incidental to the full performance of this resolution. By Councilman Nash, seconded by Councilman McCann, it was #1204-68 RESOLVED, that having considered a letter from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission dated July 29, 1968 and the report and recommen- dation dated October 4, 1968 from the Director of Public Safety in connection therewith, the Council does hereby approve of the request from Chris S. Cranias and Kenneth R. Fetterman for transfer of ownership of 1968 S.D.M. License Business from Verner Bodker to be located at 28490 Joy Road, Livonia, Michigan; and the City Clerk is hereby requested to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result. AYES: Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS : None. By Councilman Kleinert, seconded by Councilman Nash, it was #1205-68 RESOLVED, that having considered a letter from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission dated September 20, 1968, and the report and recommendation dated October 7, 1968 from the Director of Public Safety in connection therewith, the Council does hereby take this means to advise the Michigan Liquor Control Commission that with respect to the application made by Bashara Bowling Enterprises, Inc. to add space to Class C Licensed premises at 28455 Plymouth Road, Livonia, Michigan, and to drop stockholder Theodore Bashara, and to add a new Dance Permit, that on October 17, 1968 the said applicant has been requested by the Bureau of Inspection to comply with certain requirements so that a building permit could be issued, but at that time the said applicant never pursued the matter and consequent- ly no further action was taken with respect to his application; and the City Clerk is hereby requested to forward a certified copy of this resolu- tion to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. 9993 A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result: AYES : Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS: None. By Councilman Milligan, seconded by Councilman Kleinert, it was #1206-68 RESOLVED, that having considered a letter from the Department of State Highways dated October 10, 1968, file reference #82141-6,with respect to the proposed improvement of the intersection of M-102 (Eight Mile Road) and Inkster Road, the Council does hereby refer this matter to the Engineer for his report and recommendation. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result: AYES: Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS: None. By Councilman McCann, seconded by Councilman Milligan, and unanimously adopted, it was #1207-68 RESOLVED, that having considered a petition from certain residents of Buckingham Avenue in Lyndon Meadows Subdivision (Lots 148 through 160) dated October 9, 1968, requesting the vacation of a certain easement at the rear of their property and the designation of a proper easement for a drain which has already been installed at the rear of the same; also the vacation of an existing overhead public utility easement approximately forty (40) feet from the rear lot lines, the Council does hereby refer this matter to the City Planning Commission for action and recommendation according to law and Ordinance No. 29, as amended. By Councilman McCann, seconded by Councilman Nash, it was #1208-68 WHEREAS, property described as that part of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 36 described as beginning at a point distant N. 89° 41' W. 1795.11 feet and N. 0° 04' 40" E. 1085.0 feet from the S. E. corner of Section 36, and proceeding thence N. 0° 04' 40" E. 250.0 feet, thence N. 89° 41' W. 154.50 feet; thence S. 0° 04' 40" W. 250.0 feet; thence S. 89° 41' E. 154.50 feet to the point of beginning, is included in the Master Plan for Parks for the City of Livonia, and WHEREAS, the United States of America has entered into Contract OSA58 which provides for financial assistance to the City of Livonia in acquiring the above described real property for park purposes, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined upon consideration of two competent independent appraisals that the fair market value of this real property is $3,750.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 9994 1. The City Council of the City of Livonia hereby authorizes the Department of Law to acquire the aforesaid property at a price of $3,750.00, 2. The City Council does hereby authorize a sum not to exceed $60.00 for proration of City, County and School taxes at the time of closing, prorated from the date of the option to purchase; 3. The City Council does hereby authorize the advance of the aforesaid sums from the $4,400,000.00 Parks and Recreation General Obligation Bond Issue with the provision that any federal assistance obtained from the Department of Housing and Urban Development shall be reimbursed to the Parks and Recreation General Obligation Bond Issue; and 4. The City Clerk and City Treasurer are hereby authorized to do all things necessary or incidental to the full performance of this resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result: AYES : Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS : None. The communication dated October 9, 1968 from the Department of Law regard- ing Dave Pink Builder, Inc. vs. City of Livonia, was received and filed for the Linformation of the Council. By Councilman Kleinert, seconded by Councilman Nash, it was #1209-68 RESOLVED, that having considered a communication dated Oct. 10, 1968 from the Department of Law, transmitting for Council acceptance a Warranty Deed from Dave Pink Builder, Inc., a Michigan Corporation, dated September 17, 1968, conveying the following described property in the City of Livonia. A parcel of land being a part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11, T. 1 S., R. 9 E. , City of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, more particularly described as . Commencing at the center 1/4 corner of Sec. 11, T. 1 S. , R. 9 E. , thence North 89° 52' 50" W. , along the E. & W. 1/4 line of said Sec. , 799.4' to a point, thence N. 0° 05' 50" W. , 841.13' to a point on the S. line of Pickford Avenue (60' wide), thence N. 89°59'55" E. , along the S. line of Pickford Ave. , 220.00' to a point, said point being the Northwest corner and the point of beginning of the parcel herein described, thence N. 89° 59' 55" E., continuing along the S. line of Pickford Ave., 80.00' to a point, thence S. 0° 05' 50" E. , 285.00' to a point, thence S. 89° 59' 55" W. , 80.00' to a point; thence N. 0° 05' 50" W. 285.00' to the point of beginning, containing 0.5234 acres of land, more or less; 9995 the Council does hereby determine, for and in behalf of the City of Livonia, to accept the aforesaid instrument, and the City Clerk is hereby requested to have the same recorded in the Office of the Wayne County Register of Deeds and to do all other things necessary or incidental to the full performance of this resolution; and further, the Council does hereby authorize the expenditure of a sum not to exceed $50.00 from the $4,400,000.00 Parks and Recreational Facilities General Obligation Bond Issue for taxes when issued for the 1968 year. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result- AYES• Kleinert, McCann, Nash, Milligan and McNamara. NAYS : None. By Councilman Nash, seconded by Councilman McCann, and unanimously adopted, it was #1210-68 RESOLVED, that the Council does hereby suspend their rules for procedure as outlined in council resolution #337-56, so as to permit consideration of an item that does not appear on the agenda. By Councilman McCann, seconded by Councilman Nash, and unanimously adopted, it was #1211-68 RESOLVED, that having considered a letter from Mr. Raymond G. O'Neill, Hawk Unit Director of Livonia Junior Football League, dated October 21, 1968, with regard to conducting a homecoming parade on October 27, 1968 in the following manner• Assembly area and time - Emerson Jr. High School (parking lot) - 10:30 A.M., Departure time - 11:20 A. M., Proceeding West on W. Chicago to Middlebelt, then North to Plymouth Road, East to Harrison, South to Joy Road, West on Joy to Franklin High School, Estimated time of arrival - 11.45 A.M., Distance 3-2/10 miles, the Council does hereby request that the Director of Public Safety extend all the necessary assistance of the Police Department with respect to all matters under its jurisdiction, which may be required and pertinent to the conduct and success of such parade activities. By Councilman Nash, seconded by Councilman Milligan, and unanimously adopted, this 627th regular meeting of the Council of the City of Livonia was duly adjourned at 8:46 P. M., October 23, 1968. ADDISON W. BAc0 rk.