HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL MINUTES 1959-11-16 Page 4199 MINUTES OF THE 1-119 H 9R10 NINFTY-!TnlIPT1 5"--IHAF '°EETINO flr T 7 -!-MFIL [Er 101 P1-TV --------------- -- - -- ------ ----------------- LOn Now-mher 1B , 195fl , the above meeting was hell at 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan , and wan called to order bv the Prenident at approximately 8. 35 p.m. Counrilman Ba nail delivered the invocation. Roll was called with the following result Prnsent -- Austin T. -rent , -rank O' Neill , Sydney B. Bagnall , Rudolf R. Kleinert, Robert flasser , Janie Salvadorand James 9. McCann. Absent -- None. Fly Councilman SalvadorL , cenonded by Councilman Bagnall and unanimoilly adapted, it was M729-59 RE9ntiJED that , the minutes of the 291st renular meeting of the Council of the City of Livnnia , held on November 9, 1959, arm hmrnby approvid Marie ii. fllar , nitv flask , presmntrd a letter from the Livonia Hoard of Education with reoard to sharing the cost of sidewalk installation on Harrinn Avenue, north of Jest Chica o. By Councilmen Solv7dbre , seconded hv Cnuneilman Sasser and unanimously adopted, it was 4779- 9 RESOLVE') that, resolution 11593-59 adopted nn november 9, 1959, is hereby rescinded. fly Forncilman W. /adorn , s! -FiridFd hy Counrilman Sasser , it was #730-59 REr3fILL/LO that , having concilered the 1Rt+R frnm the Livonia Public Schools dated November 13, 1959, and blanket pur- chase nrder #905R from the Livnnia Public School- , and the letter from the 'ii"i lr of Innin7erinn , nioartment of Public Uorks , dated November 7, 1'159 , the Council does hereby accept the bid of Iliau end Engler Buildinn norpnretinn , ' 560n Hidden Lane , Livonia , Plinhin=n , in thr amnunt of 47,923.90 for the installa- tion of sidewalks on Hirrisin Avenue ad'iar,ent to Hi Icon School pursuant to specifications of the nnpartmE-nt of Public Works , and it being determined th ,t thr nstF' laticn of ' jch sidewalks will he left up to the Pit- rniinenr as to rroorl cnnditions under which said sidewnlksrra r norrtrirter end firther on-3- vidmd that the Livonia Publin Scheele participation in raid pro- ject shall he in the amount of 'F2635. A roll call vote was tanu on the fnrponine resol ,ition Idth the following result Page 4160 AYES Repeal ] , Klsinert, Gasser , Salverlore, McCann , O 'Neill and Grant fJAVS None The President declared the resolution adnn+ed. At the su! gestion of Counsi_lman Barman , and with the approval of the Co !nen as a whole, the Preri 1ert desinnetnd rinnday nveninq, November 23, 1959 at 9 30 p.m. , for a meeting to be hrld with the Civil Service Commission renard- ing the 1960-61 Budget. Marie W. Clark, City Clerk, brourht to the attention of the Council two veto messaoes from Mayor William W. 9rrcheer pertaining to Council resolutions X701-59 and 't726-59. The Mayer's vete mn'snnes were held in abeyance until such time as recess would be held and the Council could study these letters. 9y Councilmen Gasser, seconded by Counri lm an Salvadnre, it was resolved that #731-5q WHEREAS , by resolution No. 535-59 adapted by the City Council on Seotemher 14 , 1959 , the City of Livonia accepted the offer of the Shrug doting M !rhino Corporation fn- the purrhise of ten (10) Shone F1ictricel1y operated "rating machines , known as the ten-column , fifty row machine for a total price of 11R, 239.00, Alin WHEREAS, purchase oder No. 31167 was 'ul " issued for the purchase thereof, AND ' !HERFAR, the f.ty Cnunr 1 determines that 9;1 ,407.00 of the purchase price shall he paid h the is or certificates of indebtedness to be dated Octets-- 30, 1959 , and payable as fnllo s Pne (1) c rtifiratc in the amount of Four Hundred Sever ((S407.00) Dollars due April 1 , 1961 , and four (4) certificates of Four Thousand ($4,0[]O.DD) Dollars each due annually thereafter April 1st of each of the years 1967 to 1965, inclusive. Said certificates shall have attached thereto coJpns evi i'n r n i , nterest at the rate of 3. 50 per cent , payeb] r annually each yeer on the prinrip^1 payment date until maturity of said certificates. Both principal and interest on said certificates shall he payabla at National Bank of Detroit, Detroit, ['lichinan, AND 'WHEREAS, said vnti nn m -eines have been delivered to, and in- spected by theCity Clad' and th , Custodian arra have heen found to be in accordance with the terms of the proposal therefor, IT 17 HERFPY RE ,DL'!ED that slid vnti nn machines he accepted by the City of Livenia all that ,'mini machine certificates in ac- cordance dt h th. cnccif' ratinns met forth in the preamble hereto be issun1 rnr the h lance of the purchase price. Page 4161 REOOLVF0 , FHRTHER , that r3i i certificates he sinned by the Mayor and countersigned hy the City Clerk and City Treacurnr, and have the corporal- seal "f tha Fi.+y affixed, and +hat said certifi- cates be deli very d to the Ohoup Uot ! nr Machine Corporation, with interest rrepon attached hrarinn the facsimile signatures of said Mayor and Fi 'y Treasurer RESOLUED,Ft' THFR , th't said certifirater and roupons by in sub- stantially the following form HNITF9 rTATEC OF AMERICA STATE FF MICHIGAN fOHNTY or WAvNET rITv r?" I I IONIA VOTING MACHINE Cf- TIFTCATE OF IPDFBTEDNFrS No >� KNOW ALL r'rN nY THr5F r'r'ESFNTS that the Fity of I ivoni a, Wayne County, Michicen , for value rEreived, acknowlndnes itself indebted, and promise, tn pay tn the hearer hereof the rum of lawful money of the H gni ted rt.I n of Al ri ra , on the first day of April , A.9. , 19 , with int -,r st thereon at the rate of three and nnn-half per rent ( 3. 5F /) r m en, oav'f l i on the first day nf April of Ranh year, hnth f,r; r, nal end inter et to he pavahle at Nat one' Rank of Ret rni t , nrtr t , M chi ono. This certificate i -nr of a serine of five (5) certificates of like date end tenor excent an tn dein n" mi unity and emn!ant, crgrenatinr' t,f ' nim of. 1"1f ,hfl7.Ofl , ; ns 1- d for the purpose of pay- ing part of the rnr+ if tnn (111) votino machines sold and delivered to the City o' Li vnni 3 hy fhnup '!nt n - Machine Corporation, and is i_rsued !nder the p-'n ri^ions nF Section '''4, Art 116 , Puhlic Acts of Miohinch , 1954 , an "ded Tt i s certificate is payable from the 1cht nrtiremert Fund of ` he City nf ! i 'nein , r"L ' he fill fai +t and credit of sail ri +y is he'cby plelnnd f-r +h p- m"n,+ of the r -'inripel and interest thereof. It is hnreh ' r,ar+i f '-r' ars 1 T r-rited thn t. all thinns rem',! ired to he rime n order tn rake thi ne-t f.rate valid and hinding nh] i_ _ at incl nf t!--e City n° t ; �nni ha it f!'r n done , and that the total indehtednrse nr -aid flit ' , incl rii en certificate, Ones not axre 'd an, nnnnti `I t i nnai nr ntrt, tory limitation. TN 'ITNF"S I' F'FFF , th r tv of Livonia , flaunty of Jayne, State of Mirhipan , by its City Cnuncil , hes cau' ed this certificate Page 4167 to be eiqned in the nim] of said City by its Mnyor and to he roun- tersi'7ned hy its City Clerk and City TrpnPurer and its corporate seal to be here//ntn affixed, and i-9s caused the annexed interest coupons to he executed hy the faoFjmile sinnaturps of the Mayor and City T-eosorer, pl] nr of the thirtieth day of October A.D. , Iq59. � CITY OF LII/MITA ny____________ (Seal) Mnvor Countorsirned City Treasurer City Clerk (Form of Coupon) No. On the first day of April , P. O. , lq ' the City of Li /onie, Wayne County, Mirhiean , herehv promises to pay to the hearer het'eof th gum of Dollars , at National Bonk of Detroit , Detroit , Michigan , being the annual interest doe that day on its Uotinr Machine Certificate of IrdehtPdneas dated Ortnber 30, --- Mayor City Treasurer ----- A roll call vote was taken on the foragoine resolution with the following result AYES Bnqnall , Kleinert, Sasser , 3olvodore, McCann , O 'Neill and Grant. K|AYc Kone. � The President declared the resolution adopted. By Councilman Ponne] l , seconded by Councilman Sasser, it was #732-59 RESOLVED, that the Council does hereby acknowledne receipt of resolution adopted on November lO, 1959, by the Library Commission at a special meeting on November 10, 1959 , which resolution in accord- ance with the provisions of '1o+ 305, Public Acts rf Michigan, 1917v 9- erp~dcd, oL erm^/.ee It to uu ['. r ` `t - ' of City to erect a Fr'''e ? h eery uu_Llding and provide a site therefor and by such resolution makes application tr the Pity Council to bor- row the sum of SrOO,OOO.00 for such purposes A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result AYES Bagnall , Kleinert, Sasser, Salvadore, McCann, O 'Neill , Grant. NAYS None. The President do'`] ered the resolution adopted. By Councilman Sasser, eenond^ d hy ro//ncllmnnqa] vndorp itwas resolved that ,4WS733-59 / /H[RF0S , the City CouneiI of the City of Livonia determines to be for the best interoat nf the City to ereot a free publio Iibrory in the City. nnd pro 'i 'ie a eite tharefor, and estimetes tha Lit cost thereof to he Two Hundr' d Thowmnd (r2OC,000~00) Dollars , Page 4163 AND !JHEREAS , the City Council determines it to be far the best interest of the City to harrow th eum of Two Hundred Tho isand (m0,000.Of) Dollars and issue its ''eneral Obligation Ronds to pay the neat of er,ctinn said free puhlic library and provi di nn +hp site therefnr, ASC l!REREfE , anplin tion has been m=ade by the Library Com— miesion to the City Council requrstinn that +he City borrow the sum of 12O0,0nO.D0 and issue its honds therefor for the purpose of nayinn the cost of erecting free public library in the Pity and providing a site therefor NO'J , THEOFF-Ior PF TT RncT L UFO THS'T 1. The P ty Council of the City of Livonia hereby approves the issuance of ° 'nn ,M0.n0 Public library Bonds of the Pity for the ourposs of def ravin[ the rest of erection "aid free public library and providinn a site' therefor. ?. Thr Puh' ir Library Onnds o ' the Pity of Livonia, pledo— inn thg full faith and credit of the Pity hr' issued in the apere— nate principal sem of `; 219,0011.00 'or the purpo"e of defraying the cost of e'ertinn a free ruhlio library in the Pity of Livonia and providing a site therefor '-cid irs ;a to consist of tuo hundred (200) bonds of the denomination of 'l ,DOO.Oo each , num— bered in direst order of maturity from 1 to 700, both inclusive, dated March 1 , 19E0 , and maturing serially, without option of Prior redemption , a" follows S 5,000.00 April 1st of each veer from 1061 to 1070, hnth inclusive 910 ,000.00 April let of each year from 1971 to 1985, both inclusive. Said hon _is shall hear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding five (5°4) per annum, payable on April 1, 1061 , and semi—annually thereafter on October 1st Ind Ap„i let of each year , hoth principal and interest to he pavahle at a bank o trust company to he designated by the purchaser of the hands. Said bonds hall be aign"d by the Mayor and countersiconed by the City Plerk and Pity Treasurer anri -hail hr vg the corporate seal of the City affixed theretn end shell have interest coupons attached bearing the facsimile ri innturr s of +he Mayor and City Treasurer. 3. The period of usefulness of said free public library build— inn is esti mated to hp not l r sn than thirty ( 30) years. 4. Said hoods arod the attached coupons shall he in suhstan— ti ally the folic-luting form !!PTTFP rTSTFS OF AMFPTCA STATE OF MTCHTCnN COUNTY OF !Avoir rTTY OF LIVONIA PUOLIC LTOFPPY BOND Page 4164 No. r 1 nop.00 KNOld ALA ME" ElY TH-rF poem th t the CITY nF LIT-Prn, County of 'oiym rtatp of M] rh -n , arknnwl die' itself to nwp, and for \J-flurflonivri hprohy n-omises to pay tn the hearrr the sum nf OWL THFIMPArl lawful money of the Hnited States of Amnrina , on the firrt day Fr April , A. D. , 1R , with ir+orrst thereon from the dato hereof until paid at, the ratnf rent nor rnnum, payable on April 1 , ] 961 , end remi -annuelly thoreortrr on thr flrot day nf Ontohor and April ir rich yea-, on rraent-tion and surrender of the annexed ir'er “-t roupons on they seve-allv hecome due. Roth nrinrinal of rri iplaro-t en thi - bond ern hpraby made payable at and F1-17- ' hr prompt payment nf' this Lord, hnth cnn- ci and interert , the Full faith , credit and rrsources of the City of Livonia are hernh" irrevnrnhly p1r4fl d. Thio hand in one of a onriar rr tnn hiln1rnd ( 7nn ) horns of even dot non tenor evcent nn to data of me , lritv nf 'W .DPR OP ianerd for 'ha nurpo-P of derravina thr rn-t of nr, rir , a f'-en pphlir liorery in the Pity of Li\innia and p neesite th ,rernr, in arrnrdanre Tditr thr nrovisinrr or Art P , PuHl , n Oct nr hioan , 1'119, end ort 717, Puhlic Pats of Flrhinon , 1003, an 'imnnded. Thin honl ia na , ahle out of thr - rnt retiremnot r !rd of poid Pity nf Livnnio , ond it 7 h hv rprtifind orrecited that 011 arts , cflndit4er, and ; red IT \ law pro rOent to end in th- nf th - herd nxiit arH ' arn do r -nd nnrformed in i-n elar ard dna, lime nd form a rr, ' v lou, and that the total indeotrr'no g pf nf' Li ' nnin , inn1 nr tht'- bond, dnes not nvrn ' co Ptitutinnol 'AT ni-nt !+nTV ' imitrtinn. TN !IJITIL" "-'rn-nF the nit of Li ionio , Pnrnty of loavrin, State of Miah Tor f-y ito r, t, Pr] ocil , be rnu Pd thin Tifind to HP -i red ito rThyor and flIr4- i " il Pity rl .,-rL end Pity T'no-Hrdr and it' rnronratn ro-1 I-17 affixed re-reto , and hos roused the onnPxod intErost onunra, 'n '17 IX ntli—J0 hv the feosimiln -iinhatu-rna nf it- Neyn ard rlf T"p0r !ter , all ar nf the fi ant ria" of fv'errh , R. D. , r-rTy n- I morn n , M-vnr (Seal ) Countersi !rind Lily r] prt Pity Trpanurer Papa 4165 5. The Ci +y ['lark shall make application to the Municipal Finance Commission fer nn nrdnr rrentino permiasIon for the ins l- ance of said bonds end for npprn"al of the form of notire of sale, and upon receipt of such approval shall naurn tr be published in the Mirhiran In,restnr, Detrnit , Mirhinen , and in the Livonian of Livonia, Michiiian , notice of the rale, of seid hoods , which notice of sale shall he so published at leaet seven (7) full days before the date fixed for sale of th _, bonds. 6. The entire of eele if sn4d hnnds shell he in substan- tially the °n1] n r} nq form OOPTTPC Pr 'PIE "'nn ,Onn.nn °TTv Ir I TUTNTf ['H 11'JTY OF :r1AYPJF , MI 'HTfl O `JLIpLIP LIHRARY HOODS Sealed hide for the purchase of Pr hli r Library Roods to he issued by th , City of Livonia, County of Wayne, Michinan, of the par value of 17H0,OOn.00, will be received ` y the undersigned at her nffice in tie cit , Hill in said City of Livonia, on , the day of , 1°59 , until 9 3n o ' clock p.m. , Eastern Htenderd Time , at whirlr time end pl''re erid bids will he publicly onened end read. The bonds will he dated March 1 , 1pfn , will he numbered con- secutively in dielet order of mateni tv from 1 to 200, both Inclu- sive, and will metuve serially, without eptinn or prior redemption , as Follows 9G 5,000.00 April 1st of each yerr from 1°61 to 1E170 , hoth inclusive, ` 10 ,000.00 April 1st of Terre veer from ir171 to 190r, both iralusive. Said bonds shall he roman hands of the drenomi neti on of rt l ,OOn.n0 each , shall bear in +err st 'rnnm the r irte at a rete or rates not ex- ceeding fi ,A (57/) nor cent per annum, nxnressed in multiples of 1/8 of l°!, and said interest ehall by payable on 'leril 1 , 1961 , and semi- annually 4 herr erteer on Ortober let and April 1st of each year. Both princi pal and interest will ll hr o-, ,ehl e at hank or trust company to be derinnated by the purchaser of the bonds Arcrund nterest to dote or do' inn" of thr horde ire ;t he paid by the purchaser at time of delivery. For the nerpone of awarlinrl +he bonds , the interest cost of each bid will he comaited by !rr "! Rinin 1 , et the r to or rues oper'ified therein , the total dollar value of all interest on the bonds from (Here insert the first de n° this mn 7th next following the date of sale or the date of the bonds , ohinhever is liter) to their matririi-y and dedectinp `her -ifrom any premium Thr hands will be awarded to the bidder whose bid nn the aHove computation produces the lowest interest cost to the City. Ain preposel for les- then 711 nr the bonds , nor for less than one hunrri d Win per ren+ of trTri' pit veler will he considered. Pare t;165 The City will he authnri7ed anc repHir?d by low to levy upnn all the taxable oroort'tv tt- froio euch ad valorem taxes as may he Lnecessory to pay the Hinds and interrst thpronn , dthejt limita- tion ar to ra+e nr amoint . n certified nr coshier 's nhrni in the amount of S4,non. no drawn upon an inenroorated hprIle ir trunt company and pa ,ohle to the order of the Treasurer eF the City of Livonin, must accompany each bid as a guaranty of !rod faith on the part of the bidder, to be forfeited an liquidated dr IV- if unh hid is accepted and th- hidder F-ils to to!ee up and pay for th bonds. Rio ieter-!st ?hell he ollowod nn thr 'nod fa ' h rhects , and checks of the un- succeesful binder- ..1 ,11 he promptly returned to each bidder ' s representative, or by rerist -red mail. Bids shall he ronditionod upon the unnualifird opinion of Miller, Canfield, Paddock rid Ptorr , attorneys of Detroit , M, ch ran , apnrovinn the lentlitv of the hor -n. The rnst of surh opinion shall he paid by +hp 'ity of ! ivonia. The purchaser shall onv the cost of brintirc the bonds Pond- m, 71 tin delivered pf Potrojt , Mirhioon Thr ri h' 4n d n eisct ar P7r1 oll bids. Envelopes rontaininn tha bi -4n obould be oloirly ma-terd "Proposal for gone " City Clerk P. roll call vote was t-lon on thr fore -lin re-elution with the follnwing result AvEg- Flannel ] , Kle Pert , P,,nnor 'Jalvednrr, MeConn , D ' Neill , Frent. Thur Preeidrnt declared the esolutineIn tad. E , Souncilman Sasser , sorned ,d ty 70 ,nrilonn Merano -r'ri th7h4r9n Fziv adopted, it JPS 17314-59 PPTIVFD, that ontin , nn ib norT, o r ,tion From the Mayor 1-,tod non or 3, 1F1t)P , in ronnertino ith requrets OF Plymouth Tpwrobin For ntandl-y wntnr nervior , h ?reby tabled perdini receipt rF o coTplete reeort and re,-.ommendetion from the Penertment of r! blin "or! , tHe reneultinr firn of Huh!--ell , Poth Rf 'lark , Tor. niunnilman !Thr npll otrolur d th fellowtnL fri nonce PP111-flAHCE ffl. 73 imnm PROTNnRCE r!!THOPT '70 THC 79NPTPUPTIcN PF EXTFNSTCNE , [190ITTPR - pmn -r(PP!ThrrY! NT- TP THF 11TFR OL!PPLY 7YRTFm OF THF PTT y Fir LTTrTn rwn hhpuTnTrjr cop THF TnniinmrE nF REVENUE- EPNDE °age 41. 7 TO EEFRAY THE H!iHT T TRE'JF F r' SPI 1'Tl,r, ETr,'p 'TTH THF 0!1TETP DTP E .LATER TUPPL" DYSTPM HEUENUE Rfl lfr' HERETriFHPL TSSHFD UP1PEn THE PPOUISIENf nr- PP'lTNAl' f E NO 1,3, nr PMEHDTD , flo IHANCF f'0. on, AND nRfII' 4n'rF f'.0 1R5 EF THE CITY RIF t TUfrTf . A roll call vote was token on the forenn4rn Drdinonce with the following result AYES ra�nall, Klein rt, c17asenr, Salvadore, Mcrann , E '!\Ieill and Er n'-. NAYS Pone. Tho President declarrd the Orrii n-r r'o a 'noted, said frdi nanr_e 4273 havinn been approved by the Mayor it tInvem`-P 17, 1959 nerti f i ed h✓ tte ci natures of the Mayor and the city clerk and publi-hnd ; n the "L_ivnnian" on November 18, 1959, is recnrded and c, rti fi ed in Fula in journal No U of the Journals of Ordinance- of rdnance- of the r; ty of Livonia. By Councilman Kle nert, cerondnd by r'r rinrilmain Pannell , it +,aas resolved that #735-59 WHEREAT', by flydinnnne in. 773 adopted on November 16 , 1999, the Pity Enunci 1 or the nit, of Livonia has a'athori led lim the issue of 'a'720,ffP.0f sinter r !ppl y Eys' em `?evenue Ponds , Series 0, dated March 1 , Jn=,n, IT IS HE[ ERY RFrPL a1FE +hat the rity Clerk raise notice of sale of said bonds to he puhlish id in Th nand LJitver, Neal York, New York , as soon as the form n" eucK nntire in approved by the muniripol Finance rommisrion settinn thn date of ;ale for the first reg al or nr special mretino of the City council occurring more than fourteen ( 14 ) Ways after ='urh nuhliration. RESOLUTE FURTHER, that said notice he in substantially the following form, subiect to any change that may he rewired by the Municipal rinanre Commission NOTTr'' nF SALE 7170,OPO.OP H TY OF I T"fnrn , CrILINTY OF WAYNr MTCHTGAN WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM REVENUE PONDS , SERIPC D Healed bids For the purchase of t77D ,OD0.DP Water Supply System Rev'nUn Ron 's of tb= r'; ty of Livonia, Cointy of Wayne, Michic.an , will he received by the Trier ivied at the City Hall in the City of L J varlia , Fi rhin an , until R no n ' nl ock p.m. , im Eastern Standard Time, on the de , or _, 1959, at which time and pl^lce -aid hi is w; 11 he publicly opened and read. Page 4168 The bonds will he dated march } , 1969 , and will coreist of seven h _rndrr d twenty (720) bonds of $1 ,909.99 each , numbered con- secutively in direct nr 'rr rF mei irity from 1 to 729 , both inclu- o ye , payable sarielly as Follnwe $15,000.00 Parch lot rf each veer from 1967 tn 196x, both inclusive, $20,000.00 Parch ). t of each leer from 1969 +o l074, both inclusive, $25,090.00 Parch lit of each veer from 1975 to 1979, both inclusive, $30 ,000.00 Parch .lot of each ,/ -1r from 1990 to 1987, both inclusive, 135,000.00 Parch 1st of each veer From 1983 to 1985 , both inclusive, 4D,000.00 Parch 1 , 1996, $45,000.00 Parch let of each veer from 1987 to 1909 , both inclusive. Said bonds shall he coupon bonds , repintrable as to principal only on the brink, of the City Treese-e-, and ;hell hear interest et a rote or rates not exceeding five (a°Y) per rent eer annum, expressed in multiples if 1/o of 1°/, pe"ahle on September 1, 1960, and semi-annually thereafter on Parch 1 't and ,aptemher let of each year. The interest rate for each coupon period on any one bond shall be at one rate only Soth principal and nterest will hn pr 'ahl.n a+ THE PFTRDIT RANK AND TRUST CfPPANY, netrai t, Pi ch; nen. Accrued interest to th- date of delivery of said bonds shall he paid by the purchaser at the time of delivery. flute-tending hoods of this issue may he called for redemption as a whole, on any interest payment date on or after Parch 1, 1962. Unless called as a whnle in accnrdenee lith the above provisions , hoods numbered 1 to 275, Neth inclieive , maturing in the years 1962 to 1976 , both inclusive , shall not be euhloot to redemption prior to maturity. Bonds numbered 276 to 720, both innlusi\ e, maturing in the years 1977 to 1980, both inrlueiee , shall he suhjert to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the City, in inverse numerical order, on en" interest payment date nn or after Parch 1 , 1970. Bonds called for redemption either as a whole or in part shall be redeemed at par and acereid interest plus a premiem as follows $50.00 on each hnnd called °or rndamptinn prior to Parch 1, 1966, 345.00 on each bond called for reiemption on or efter Parch 1 , 1966, hut prior to Parch 1 , 1968, 140.00 on each bond ,a1 led for redemption or or after Parch 1, 1960, hut prior to March 1 , 1979, 135.99 on earn heed calln,d rnr redemption on or after Pa ch 1, 1970, but prior to March 1 , 1079; $39.00 on each hand celled for redemption on or after march 1 , 1972, but prior to Parc/1 1 , 1974 , 125.90 on each hand r•al 1 ani ' n- rr damp+inn on nr nft'r Parch 1 , 1974 , but prior to Parch 1 , 1976 , $20.00 on each hand call d for redemption on or after Parch 1, 1976, but prior to Parch 1 , 1978, 315.00 on each bond called for redemption on or after Parch 1, 1978, h It prior tn Parch 1 , 1980, 110.00 on each bond called for redemption on nr after Parch 1, 1980, but prior to Parch ] 1987, 3 5.00 on each ' end called foremption on er after Parch 1 , 1982, but prior. to Parch 1 , 1H-3 14 Page /4169 Thirty dad notice of ,,he -f ry reueHption ehe, Lr le r , JLi.eeeti on in a paper cireulnted in th ,+ + : r f Niehigan which carries ; p-, t if ; da re _uler Service, notices of rale of muni- cipal bonds , and in case of registered bonds , thirty days ' notice shall be given by mail to the registered address. Bonds so called forredemp- tion shall not hear nterest after the date fixed forredempti_on, pro- vided funds are on hand with tho p9 'ino anent to redeem said bonds. For the nurnone of awardine the bonds, the interest cost of each bid will he computed ! y determining , at the rate or "s specified therein , the total dollar value of al] interest nn the bonds from (here insert the first day of the Month next following the date of receivinc bids , or the date of the bonds , i.ihirhever is later) to their maturity and deduction therefrom any premium The bonds will be awarded to the bidder whose bid on the above rnmriitati_on produces the lowest interest cora to the City. No propn-al for purchase of less than all of the bonds hir in offered, or at a price less than 100° of their par vel ue will 11 he cons icier d. SPid bony! ern not a general nb] i eati on of the Pity of Livonia, br.d- are payable enlely from the revenues of the eater Supply System of the City and are a first lien on all such revenues , subject only to payment of exe noes of opp^- tion and maintenance. Additional hoods having equal Stan ii np i' t' t' n '-inns+, nr' this issue may he i cued het only for the p _irpos•es and on the terms and eon- -lit-ions expressed in the aiithn1H ging Ordinance. Soil bnnds ern ti he issued ,finder Act 94 , Public Arts of Michigan, 1933, en amended , and pursuant to authorization contained in Ordinance No. 273, duly adopted by the City puler 1 on Novemhjr 1° , 1959 , for the purpose of defra\,inn the poet, of angel inn and con trusting exten-inns , additions and improvements to the Pater Supply System of the City, and for the paym 'n+s of the principal of and interest- on riaid bonds and on any additional bonds of enual r'tenrii ng i Four--gid nursuant to the terms of said Ordinance , a stateto y first lien has been created on the net re- venues of the System, including any ,dditions , extensions and improve- ments thereto. Said boots shall he of equal standing with the 1$1,660,000.PO 'slater Supply Sys 'em Revenue Ponds dated February 1 , 1952, ihsued under the provisions of Ordinance Nn. 43, ;as amended by Ordinance No. 45 of the City, with the ."•1 ,500 ,000 [J0 Hater Suppl, System Revenue Bonds , Series B, dated April 1 , 1954 , i ,siiod under the provisions of Ordinance No. 8!n of the Pity, and with Hater Supply System Revenue Bonds , S ,ries C, in the agnrenate p-,incipal amount of '{"1 ,000 ,000.00 , dated January 1 , 1958 , i =sued under the provi ono of Ordinance Nn. 186 of the City A certi {'i od or earhier' s check in the amnent of 114,400.00, drawn upon an i ncorpnre [ - d hank or tri fist company, payable to the order of the City Treasurer, must arcnmpany narh hid es a guaranty of nood faith on the nart of the hi rider, to he ferf-iiteri as liquidated demages if r ^h bid is ac-enter1 ends the hi rider fails to take in and pay Per the bonds. Nn inte-est will he allowed on the r nod Faith cheeks , and checke of un- successful hidden will he returned promptly to each bi ider 's represent- ative or by rnr i sterid mail Page 417f1 Bids ,hall h- rnndi ti onrd upon the inrualifi, d neinion of hill =r, Canfield, Pad lurk and ,ton , at t n „ ye of not roi t, Ini ch; ran , anernv- inrd the lerality nf the hon1n , which opinion will he furnished without L expwnna tr the purrh ceer rP 4 i hands orinr tn thr- deli Vary ther- nf. Exesu' ed hands wi l 1 be delivered to the purchaser w thor_it expense. Bands will be delivered at. th _, ra ,i - el, nt hank or at s Irh other place as may he anrred upon with the purrhaser. . Tha r; rht ir rear vcd tr re rrt any nr all lids. Envelopes containing the bids ghoul d hp Plainly marked "t-roposal for Ponds. " City Clerk A roll call vnto IJ9' taken nn the fnrrgninn resol rt an with the following result PYEE "agnall , Kleinert, P -sser , Calvadnre, Iv'cCann , O' Neill and Crent. "!AYE • f'inne The Presi dent decl='r. ed thr ren iti on au-opted. By Councilman '1 rii nert, , eaonnded a , Councilman Salvadore and unanimously adonted it was L /736-59 r3E9DI "nfl, that hevinn non dared the pati tinn dated March 7, 1959, from r silent, of laurel. °n-d and Pinetrre Pond requestinn th--t nirtinns of srinh rr dr he de^iaretrd 9 • public streets , and having also cnnsilernd the report and recommenda- tion nf thr Chief riiy -n n rr d ted ynvemher 4 , 1959 in con- nection therer i th , the Council dors herein determine th-,t it will accent a dedication nf such streets , provided, hnwevor, that all affected property owners firat execute quit claim deeds convey- ing to the Pity th- erne --t' r,-nen-rd tn hr !ad; rated, that the City does net nnmm t itself to in any way imnrnr/e these streets prior to nr suhsegirant to arrertarre as public streets , and further the r,Pna"tmen'- of LaW n regur• t-d to ria all thinns necersarY or inr'i dental. to rinnomuli h the purpose of this resolution. n„ Councilman I, lei a ,r't , sernnded "y - inn lman her am --,-i unanimously adopted it was #737-50 r'Eofll 'r-D that , thp faun'i 1 deep here=by refer ` n thca Planning Commission Err rrnort and rrinommenuuatien the request of hrn Lucille C rrett dated hn"ember c , 1959 , in connection with Petition Po. 7-317 An 9rdinance r'rr-nndinn Cartions l. , 9 , 12, 21' , 71 , nn and 25 of the Zoning imMap of the Pity if Li rani , and Pmrnh- nn lir' iale .ftp of +he 7nninn Ordinance , Drd ranee No 60, a i amended, of the Pity nf Li vcni a by IRdinq Thereto Sections 3. '41 , 3. 2L2 , 3. 243, 3. 244 , 3. 245, 3. 246 , 7 247 and 3. 248, intra iu^ed on November 9, 1059 by Cr nr; lmen ' anerr , war tat/en from the table and a roll call vote was rend rrted for - an with the fel lowing re cult Pnge 1171 r1YEE 9annall , Kleinert , SoF on'' , Salvadnr , Mcr' ,nn , [] 'Neill and Gr7rt fl'nYC Norn. The President doclornd tr e firdinanr'n H' ly or'nntrd and would t ecome sffert; vs on ni.lhli ration. nn frdi_nanre !1mr n-i nr iertion 16 of the Znninr (dap of the City of Li'ioni a anj Amsndino Article 3.ilf1 of +he 'rnin frdinanrn, Prdinnnoe No. 60, as amended, of the ri ty of I i vori i hy Pddi nr Thurntn cert' on '. '214,1, introduced on Novemher 9, 1959 , by Go inti lman Selvrdore, w-s taken frnm th" tahle and a roll roll vote non acted thereon ii tr thr fnl l of ii nn ru"' 1 t n'rn Parnell , Kleinert, S nnnr , `olvadorn , tlnCann [] 'file; l l and ',rant. 1URYE Nom, . Tho President dncl a"ed the frdi_nnnnr dlra v ndiptnd and ,.would hocomo effective on nubli rati on. An Ordi n ,nre Am ,n n Eart i on ''5 of the Znninr m'n ' +he City of Livonia and 'Condi nn nrtinl r no n`' the Znnin nrr'i ran^n, Prdi n nce No. 67 , as mmnndod of tt e City of Livoria by 1-d ;inr Thor-'to re-tion 7. 2c41 , intrndured on Nnvarrher 9, 1'1919, by rnr_ ncilm r, 'lrr n 11 1 , _,Irr token From the table and a roll nail \.-ote con- duct,od thereon with the fel l oi, lr n rug-!lit nYFE 7n -roll , F, lri nert , 9-1nnnr , Snlvndore, Moreno, fl ' mill 0nd Grant. NnY7 None. ThE Prem dent Ldndl arnd rr i nanrr ul v 'a'1C ho' nnr offer+i vs on o'rhlirat on. Pv Pounri loran rnnoc-r, -n^nndn i ' y "nurri lmon i"crann and rnanimnu,ly adopted it Wan '719-un PEE7I !ire, th t hn'ri carni dr: Page 117? ( 1 ) lot 70 ar-d the !!art fent of Lot 6'g , except the Eolith 1 50 feet thr of, (2) The meet '+P fret of the west 45 fen+ of Lot 69, except the South 1511 fr?t thereof, ( 3) ThE east 10 feet nP Lnt 6g , except the south 190 fret +h , eof and the i, et 311 fret of Lot. 68, r'•xr: pt the snuth 15n fret thereof, (4 ) The east 20 feet of the west 50 `'eat of Int 68, except the co ,+t- 19r "Thflt thereof, (5) The past 5 fret of at 6Q , except the south 15n feet thereof and the west 35 feet of Lot 67, (6) The Pest 7n fent of Lot F=7 end the wrest '20 feet of Let 66, (0) The ec t 35 fret of Let 66 and wnct 5 feet of Lot 65, (R) The nest 411 feet of ' i-e went 4n feet of Lot 69, (o) The east 10 fret of Lot 65 , except the snith 40 feet V r of and the rawest O fer+ of Lot 64 , except the south 40 font nf t' e wee+ 10 feet 1-hem nf, (10) Lo+ ;4 , except the wnst 30 feet thereof, provided, hove% or, that the apnrovai corte fined herein is condi- tioned jr nn the said V "i 'tui 1 line Cnrrpany decor,; tine with the O`+y of Livonia a each bond in the ,mnur + nf ",090.I11 to nuar- antee and i nsui-e th, onr trirrti no of +h, m"ennry prntecti ye wall required by the ern /lesions of nrr'i since Nn. 6n, es amended by Ordinance No. '240 , -id1ncent to thr so-called Livonia Estates Shoppinn Plaza , the cnndi ti nn n' such =id heing that the same shall he fnrfnited to the Pity of Livonia on July 1, 196n , if the required wall has not been constructed by the said K & P1 nuil ding nor pany i n ercnr ianrn .ri.t h the clans and spec i firati ons of the Enn n nrine li ri or , , ' h-,4 date and that such sum may thereupon he used h" the city nf Livonia to construct the re- nuired protective wall , and further that it shall he presumed by the depositinr nf urh cash bond with the City, pursuant to this resolution , that the K & l puildini Company fully under- stands the affo-em, tinned car ,di tine, end accents and agrees to same, cnn further the f ity f l erik is hr rehy reship sted, upon re- ceipt of such cash hand, to col ee a re ti fi nd cone n' +his re- solution e- solutron to he recorded in the Office or the Havre Pount" Resister of feeds. Hy Co incl lman Sal \radore , s -ennded by ('nuns; l man Sasser, it was 4739-50 RESOL'/En, thet th art ; nn no Petition No. 7-399 end recommenrlatinn nf +h Pity Planning Commission dated September 1r , 1Q5Q , in connection there d th ie hr ret y tabled. A roll call vote rile 1-9r, on thr fo-, gain rs ;nlut i nn with the following result AYES Klein rt , Sasser, Salva _lore, faicCann MAYS Pennoll , O 'Neill and (rant The President declernd the resolution adopted. Poe !x173 By Councilman Kleinert, reconied by Cnenri. lmon Pennell, ' t was * #.740-59 REEos_ JEf, th-'t the °nu.m -11 dors hea ein renuest the City im 0lanninn Commission to held a oull c heerinr on the question to r.rhether er not the folie jinn ries°^i hed property should be rezoned from M-1 to 0-7 and to make a report and recommendation in ronnection therewith to the reenril The Wert one-half of the fellntrinn deecrihed parcel Part of the Southwest quarter of r'prtion 2,1 , Town 1 South , Range 9 East described as follows Fommencino at a point in the North and South quarter lien of said Section 29, 674.08 feet south from the enter pnint of said section, thence South on Raid nrarter line 1959. 12 fent to the South line of said section, thenre !West on said South line a distance of 132? feet to the line eeeelly dividing the !West half of ea; d section , thence North nn said line North 0 degrees 64 minutes 30 seconds east 1971 .04 feet, thence South 99 decrees 75 minetun 30 ee-onds Fast a distance of 1325. 77 feet to the place of bnrinning, in accordance with the provisions of Section 20.01 of Ordinance Nn. 60 ( zoning Ordinance) nf the Cit" of Livonia. A roll roll vote was taken nn the fnreininn resolution Pith the following result AYES. Hannan , Kleinert, °Passer, Salvadore and 7' Neill . NAYS McCann and Srant The President declared the reenlu' an adopted. Py Councilmen Kleinert, serend ri H'1 re rncilmen Bernell , it was #741-59 RE`AlL'IEn, that purseant to the report and recommenda- tion of the City Planning Cnmrnission dated October 21, 1959, in regard to Petition No. 7-414 nf Scr4on-Benin Peal Estates , Inc. for a change of zoninr in the Snuthwest 1/4 of Section 24 from RUFB to R1A , the Coenr_il does he'shy approve of same and the said Petition No. Z-414 is hereby granted, and the Department of Law is instronted to prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 60 in errnrdenr_e with this renolet:ion. A roll call vote was tak' n nn the fnrennin re'-nlution with the following result AYES Bagnall, Klein rt , Sae er , Mc°ann , el 'Neill and !rent NAY° Salvadnre The President declared the revolution adopted A letter from Warner and Warner regarding 12 inch water main installed im for New-Joy Subdivision was removed from the Agenda , ine ,mech as the provis-ons of eosoluticn ,, :5' - er i l teke ee, ❑f tr—e matte' . #Resolution #710-59 vetoed by the Mayor November 23, 1959 na 1319' eu .��mae Harnait, seeped y r i ie; 1 ins Kleinert and unanireurly im adopted, it was #742-59 RF-OLJED, that pursuant to the request contained in the letter dated October 37, 1959 , from Mrs. Jack katanick , 31838 Bretton Road, the Council does heroin authorize and request the City Clark to make application to The Retroit Edison Company, on forms provider' by such cmmeeny, for the installation of street lamps of suitable lumen strength to he inetelled at the inter- section of Seven Mile Road andr;hmuo Street and Eight Mile Road and Remus street in the City of Li "eri.c , it heing the determina- tion of thr noirnr 1 [-hat such intersection requires liehtine in order to protect the public safety of the residents of this community. At Cl 42 n.m. , a recess was called, after which the meeting resumed with all mem- hers present who were named a-, present, in the nrininal roll call of this meetinn at 10 05 p.m. By Councilman Bar n1l , seconded by Councilman P 'Neill, it was 4743-59 RESOLVED that, Edward Rn Sons , Inc , as proprietors , hRvi ng re, rested the City mune 1 to apprnv' the proposed plat of the followinn Subdivision L, ndnn Meadows No. 2 located in im the S.E. 1/4 of Section '73, T 1 S. , R 9 E. , City of Livonia , and it appearing that, tenteti \ approval rf said proposed plat was niven by the City Planning Commission unie.r date of June 30 , 195n, and it far+hon eppee inn t` ^+ said prono-pd slot , together with the plans end sprnificatinre '-'nr irnr re rnment' therein , have been approved by the Den rt ' nt of 'bi lic Iddorks under date of November 6 , 1959, the City Council lees hereby coprave said proposed plat on the fnllowinq renditions (1 ) '111 of such imprnU Tints', shall he int-balled in confor- mance with the Plot Ordirnnre (Sn. l35) es amended, of the City of Livonia, and the rules end regulations of the Depart- ment of Public :corks, within a period of two years from the date of this resolution , (2) That the inetnilation of such improvem nts shall hr siper- vised and i nsperted by tba Orpertmnnt of Public ! Forks and such improvement she1.1 not ho ronsi dered as hnvinn hewn satis- factorily installed until th==re is filed with the Council a Certificate as provided in Section 14 of said Ordinance No. 135, as amended, ( 3) That the City Clerk is not rthorized to affix her sin- nature to ,aid P1 - t until either said irmnrovements have been satisfactn ily install d or, in lieu thereof, these is filed with her by said proprietors a hand to the City of Livonia, in such form as may he approved by the City Attorney, and in the followinn amount Surety Bond '$157,000.00, Carh Bond $1'7,OflO.00, end until all inspection fees and other charnes due to the City of Livnnie have barn fully Haid; Pace 4175 (4 ) That the ornpriptor submit to thn Pity Engineer as-built plans of all improvements instilled in th subdivision, on cloth reprodurihle miterial, L (5) On Full compliance tith the above rnnditions and with the provision- of an r4 Plat Ord Fiance, as amended , the Pity rle-k is hereby authori7ed tn afriv her siinaturc to said Plat as evidence nF n9nrq (a) That tha propriitor provide for a six-font planting ease- ment surroundinc aa d retention basin and outside the required chain link fence and prnvide ade 'uate screen plantinn on said easment, (h) That, no building permit eh- 11 ho issued on lots adioining or ahuttin- nn il retFnti or hi 4r until rush basin is comn1Fted satiefectorilv and the prnorietnr has recrivEd the written approval a' the Fr inferior] Thision nf the Pepertment of Pub] in ldnrks , (r) That the dPSiT , purchase and installation of the screen planting and landsaapinf , inclddinr grass , qhR11 be supervised by the Onoartment of Public Hnrks , the Prat if such planting to he ho-ne aompl-Aely by the Proprietor , which sum shall he determined by the Department nPublic Wirks ; (d) That the arra and nnrtinn if this pronosed rub li 'ision which in to le used Fnr the purposes ofa storm water retention L basin , and inclul n , the rfarrad tn six-foot elentinq easement , shall be dedicited to the Pity of Li )Tinin for public purposes and that the nropriRtor denosit with the Pity of Livonia a war- ranty deed conveying to said Pity thit prop sty which is to he used for the ahnve purposes and further that an an nddi t anal condition to the approval grant-Rd herein , the proprietor shall deposit with the Pity of livneia the 5111 of l'3,rinn on prior to the si -ning of na d nlat by the nit / fLr , whish sum shall he devnted to and used for thr, mHinlenanre and operation of the storm water retention basin; (i) That +hp mrnpr etnr prowl In a chain link fence or that type of fence commonly -orErred to as a cyclone fence , uhi -h fence shall be a minimum of six flat hi nh with three strand barbed wire ahnve, es mean rail from the surface of the grnund and which fenne shall nninnintn the a minimum of six inches , (f) That rush stnrm water re+entign ta'=in nhsll he so adequately decH , ned and of a sufficient capacity to retain all of the storm water produced and resultien F.roM the plettinn and developing of the lends pi-' rd within the promised Hinder Meadows iihdi- virinn Nos. "' and -3 an 1 in nn r /ant larll -,hrh qtn-m he diverted pr rause-1 to hr di ,, ,rted into what is knoun as the Blue Drain excep ' ternurh the fecilitiFs of the retention basin L and Pope 4176 (n) That no Cehti firate of Pooupancy shall he isRu7d by the Ci ty iri or to the comp] etion of the i orovemente pre- rent' y ornpn ed to +h •! i voni !dater Suonlv flystem, which irrInraVEMErat'' "'"( cal rd-tnd to he comeleted on or about July 1 , P. roll call vote woe taken on the inner pinrose] utinn iitb the following result AYES Ba nail , K1 ei nert P !flip,' 11 and Frant. NAYS Paecer ,, Silvadora eon Nr- ,ann. The Presi lent d7rlared tho rnenlo ti or shnoted. By rounci lm;-3o Kleinert , seconded L y Cotnri. in P7.geall , it was *744-59 PFc'PL'/Erl that Friworri Rose 1Rt Sons , Inn. , a proprietors , havinr req !Ertel the City Counni 1 to conrove the Proposed plat of the following Suhriivi ei on Lyndon readows 43 located in the 7.E. 1 /4 of Portion 2-i , T. 1 r. '3.g F. , City of Li donia , anH it anpe7r- i no that tentoti anorn\ al or Rai d props ed plot was given h ' the Pity Planning Cummicel or unr'er -into of -lun- -in , 109P , and it fur- ther anpnnrinn thPt R71 d piarinnid slot tnuether rith the clans and spool f or i or- for improvomen 1-n thrr-ir , have hoer eon-roved by thq flanartment rf " 1 i c Jnr s under El-te of rJovemher b , 195g, the Ci ty flounri 1 does horrhy apo rove raid o- nen7nd plat on the follow- in cnn1i1inn- (1) All of Runt, imaroJornente 'Thal 1 he n, tall ed in conformal-1re rith tho Plot Orin PCP, (en. 1_35 ) an -mended, rif the Pity of Livonia , and th ruler, and in Tint of the '?spartment of Pohl in "nrk- , thin of ten ( P ) ru from hr data of thi renoir t nr , (7) Tt at the instal lati no nF ,.,!1 inprevr shall he super- vi sod :7r! 1 in- 'estrri 'iy th- Pen7rtment of nu' us ort-se and such imprn /ements nha 1 no he none 1 -,r,H h- fi or- been sati nfao- tori ly I nsta] led until then r f' I or! IA t the Comm-1. 1 a Certi- ficate as nrnvi led in P-r-ti ni 1 if nounl rl-di nonce No. 13F , 77 arrnnlen; ( -1 ) That t!--e fl1np in r theri 7eri to offi x her F.-Anna- turn to said ill at inti 1 ni ther imorovements have been satin- factoril , inetal lo-1 or, in ithiithnrnF, Un sin fijidirith her h, said nrnari tore a hoer' tn the ty n L von a , in a ch form is m7; he apsro /Fri I v Ur 01 -tv At-to-I-no ', and in the foil nwino e.moun Suret" Pond ThiP,Fon.nn , 7-1 h nor and until - 11 I n-pert nn foes - no ther ah7rge-, die to the Pity of Li voni a hey eon fully ) That the pronri etor sunmi t to thi flit , 7nninP-r - plane of 711 imp-o /rnaentH3 n-t-llnd in the hr'i vi el or , on cloth reorn-h ci 7-11 (9) On full complioner with the ahnve nnuii ti nos and wi th the orovisions ai ri Plat Prdinanue , as am ndod, th E Pity Clerk is hereby 7uthnri 7FH to n" i her nature to said Plat as evidence of this 7u ; ( a ) That th ornorintor shrill install and construct enclosed storm sew r far" ti ni ' thi n sn oroneR.Dd Ruhr! vision Page 14.177 S9 as to reuure all storm w-uter re ultirr from the olattino and develceing of such euhdivieino tn flew into the open retention basin previn aleroved end a thnrized in con- rectino mit- L 1-1 hr mrch a -uhril Hs on No. 2, that the desien and rsnetruction of sigh storm water facilities shall he sieh Ps to ahcelutely hreclu 'e the denositing of any such storm Dater into what i , commonly called the Blue Drain , except through the fariliti -E of the retention hasin and that the desi n and construction of SHCh storm meter facilities shall he apornvad en ! rupervieed hy the Fnqineerinr Division of the De iartment of ' 10 ks , and (h) That no Certificate of Dcruoancy shall he issued hy the City prior to the completion of the improvements presently proposed to the Livonia Hater Supply System, which improve- ments are calculated to he completed on or about Duly 1 , 1960. A roll call vote was taken nn the fore Dino resolution with the follnwino result nyr9 . Pannell , Kleinert, and Lrrnt. NAYS Sasser, Bialvedore and MeCann. The President derlarRd the resolution arneted. By Councilman McCann, seconded hy Foeneilmen Rennall and unanimously adopted, it was 1745-59 RFSDI Jr0 that , th recommendation of the Engineering Divi- sion of the City of Livonio reoardine Pond fnr. Improvements for Idlest Pointe Duhdivision hr tahled until the next reeular Council Meeting. By Fnunci3man McCinn, seconded hy Councilman Easse- and unanimnusly adopted, it was #746-99 RESOLUEn, that having coneidered the request from the Miehigan Liquor Contrn1 FOMMiF "4 -1' '-ted Dotocer 27 , 1999 , and the recommenlation of the Police Deoartment dated Novemher 6, 1959, the Council does hereby apprnie of the reguest from Louis Perchikoff to droe David Citron , ae partner , on 1999 SD M license , lenvinn Louis Perchikoff as sole owner , located at 33614 Plymouth Road, Livonia , Mirhinan. By Councilman Caeser, pconned hv rnonrilman n-Dann and unanimously adopted, it was 1747-59 RE5OLMEn, that havino cnneidered the request from the Michigan Liquor 'petrol Commise on received October 9, 1959, and pursuant to the recommendation of the Police Department dated November 6 , 1959 , the Council does hereby approve of the request from John and ITA"E Natoli fel fo u t-Pr,:fRr of lunation Lif E 1D59 rpm lie . ostuii , L -- 7 Lyiu,,uth Hoad, Livonia, +n P 0A 1"g two or three lots east -f p eerni lociLion, clew location addres to he 28760 Plymouth Road, Livoria, that since such new location is under construrtion presently, final approval of this body is withheld pending completion and final inspection of new location and supplementary report in .conn ctinn therewith from the Police Department. DV Councilman r l.vadore , seconded l v Councilmen Sasser, it was 4748-59 RESOLVED, that har,iinr conniiercd the renuest of the City Clerk dated Cetoher 3P , 193n , approved of by the Meyer and the Pudget `fir. ,cto', the Council dons h arrby tran-fer the sum of ifi155.00 from thr l?napnrnpr etr d Durnlus to the City Clerk Budget ,Arrount No. 4P, for the purpose of covering the cost of purr:hani nq additional vehi ^l e ii cenan plates which the City Clerk in required to issue upon proper apnliration. P roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resp l'it en with the following result RYES Bernell, Kleinert , Canner , Celvadore, Merano, fl 'NeilI and Grant. NAYS None The President declared the reerlutinn dented. By Cnunr' lmen C ,lva cera , rennnded by Councilman Sasser, it was 4749-59 RESOLVED, that having con idered the communication from the Budget Director dated 1 o in«hnr 2, 1959 end approved of by the mayor, the "ounci l deco harrhy transfer the of 12300.00 from the Unappropriated Surole te Ch' ing D y,rtment flidget Anonunt No. l—t (Traffic fehanl Cro', inn fluerds ) for the purno' n of pa' ing the salaries of nu-h employers fry-' the hal anrn r' thr fiscal year. A roll call vote was tarren on thr fe, egni c, resolutinn with the fnllowinr result AYES Bagnall, Kleinert , Canner, Salvador ', Nlr.Cann , O 'Neill and Prert. NAYS None. The Preaidnnt declared the resolution adopted. 8y Councilmen K1iinnrt , ,ernndnr! by Councilmen 9 ena11 , it was 4750-59 RCSOL '\1FD, that, the ounci 1 , after due consideration, rives hereby amend the hurinet prrvinui'ly adopted by Council Resolu— tion 1775-5D on Povnmher 9 , 1950 , by transferring the sum of `;'6700.ff fram Fincellenenes flu get Account Provi ion for Addi— tional Personnel to Civil C 'rr'in' rudnet Account, Nn. 1 Tlo] arienl for the purpose of nrn,'i din, th , annual romeenrnt , nn for the Personnel Director, which r:h clary err Ji ^ion wan omitted from such budget lows A roll call vote WA' taken on the forr-nine resolution with the following result Pape 1479 AYES Hahnal 1 , Kleinert , Caesar, Salvadnre, Merano , H 'h'r ; 11 and Grant PAYS 'Jeer. The Prnn lent dnnl arc d th! rr?snl on anon-tor! Marin !Il r'i ark , ''i ty 'l , -k , it the -Pee r nt n{' the President , read a letter from Mayor 'Ji ll i am ' ! Prashnnr to the ',nunci l dated (1'ovemher 10 , 1950 , conteinino veto n' Pesnl uti on 1/-7'75-90 , rn garriino salary adjustment for the Director of Public safety, ny founri lean Kl.einart , secnndrH by rnunci lriar '-Irina? 1 , it WAR !7751-59 RESELl/F0 that , WPFRcTar , t' n !in' or's '"eto me,esnan of Tovnmber 10, 1099, nortaininn to Cnunril 'Resolution !1726-59 neves so-called reasons which are hared on nasurrptinnr end inrnrrrctly r' ntad conditions , and , WHEREAS , the Charter of the fl tv of Livonia states that the Chiefs of thn Poli Jnr' Eire Tpartm nt; Are the executive heads of their rennecti ve departments and the Savor mneciii cal ly dole sated the author ty and ren-Ionsi hi li ty tn see that all lalAs and ordinances are enforced, and fur' h r that r 1 I rl„ nr m}v rt -,r the Cirri-ter of Puhli c Safety thug' it -+.; cn+inn that thr- nffi re ar such is not in fact essential , and, HERF0S , the salary for i r + nefi ^e of lirr ctn^ of Publi ^ Safety during the 109A-1'9P fiscal voir was net at the amount ebo n in the hudnet for that ye-'„ h,,couse of several rnr Ir.,+ , from the Iflevor stat- inn that the parson '-hen nncninted to that nff CA had r rtaln personal exceptional n'lal i f it ati ontm a1 i !.Ing Il d he mxpectnd to expend an extra- nrd nary amount n' time. and effort tn improve nndi ti nnn th ,n r:xi.^tinr, within the Penartment , thus actually lnni in 'iefinI to cash income from normal empinym nt , II rPFAS, the start of a now ` udhet Year is a reasonable time to make salary ad iustmentc in aeon-dam-se with charmed condi tions , and, !III-!rrrnr , afte, rte- cf it nor i {e at on of all rn; li.rements fnr the office of Di , ctrr of POUF. ` nfnty, the Council has determined that the amount of q1 , 500 in adenuate recompense for all time necessary to he oxnended and for all automobile expenses which normally may he in- curred in the prone- oxer et; on of the ri t i rf that r"'fice, '10' 1 Turr?rrrlpr nr TT R0m01 i(Cfl th '.t Council nnmnlu`ion 4755-59 he and hereby is relent n, th r;cm an if wnrd for word repeated herein. A roll call vote was t-,ken en th ``ire , >i n, resnluti on with the fell ❑wine, result AYES Rahna11 , K1 of nett, Sa on- , `;hl va lore an ' PcCann. to nIAYS n 'Neill add flr 'nt. Thr: Prnsi r r,n+ rierl arc d th resolution ednnted. P•-Or 4180 Marie W. nark , Cif-, r'1 rr' , at tt'r requer ' of the Pre' 'e't , rr''d a letter from ha nr i'i 1 1 ; an ' 1. rr- + + ^, Y hoer r, the ol_rnr; 7. ratrd rj rvrmher 16, 1°sI9 , containing- veto nr r .'volution ' 7111 -5n ref-err or -1,,-N, inr:rrase hark to Civil Spr'ri_rn rnmmi ri nn. Py nounni lman rr1 r, -r f , recorded by rohnf' l men r'r'11 ''Hor -, it war 4757-J-9 !Jiro(-O' the rear'one riven in +h °a'or l e veto meo ane of November 16 , 1959 , nnrtainine '-n f nuns; 1_ nn n1ntinn '7111-59 aro entirely {' nt r p nr,rl n -1--n' rr-.r-nr ^+n puerile, and, I nrnrnr 14- ; inr_nnrei ';abl n +h + +hp rn 'nr i 1 sho )ld he required to ruhher stamp an epnrnnl nn an" recommendation of th rivi l enrvi re Commi i rr , -in ', Iiihrr fog tHr ri 1'i 1 C'Fr',i n flrrnr-i colon has not ,-ren fit to offer ao s? ' tonr e to the rn lnni 1 i a P-r'in +hR proper decision and the r'orinri 1 has +horrr'nrr r ret r',,1 1 v been "enui rnr' to di rar'tl'r rern esi I!rh nfnree F i on, nine T,fr7rFnpr RE IT °r-fELUEf that resolution /'.R111-59 be and hrreh , is rendn lted +'' '='ms as if i were word for word renes+rd herein. LA roll call vote was taken or +hE fore-nine resolution with the following result PYRE Bagnall , Kleinert, San-nr ,, gal v rr'ore and Organo. (JAYS ri nir?i ] ] end rant. The President den] ar,?d the resolution adopted Tn rem-nese to +h rinvnr 'r- l e t+nr dated r\'ovemher 16 , 1959 , end the i ovo' '- letter of November ifl , 1959 , addrn'rch to the Council 7flr4 rnnarr+ioq roLlor 1 re- sol_ut on "72e-5q a irptin r1udget, fnunnilmon 5asr,er rood a letter of comment , dated IJovemhnr 16 , 1959, sinned by Col nciln on Pannell , Kleinert, hrrann , colvadore and passer. These letters Iwr"'r' rer'r'ivnd and piled. 8y Councilman "r or , r'ernnded F'" °orlon] lmarl gm r1,111 end unanimously adopted, it was !J750-5g PErgiJell +hat , the nn inn 1 :ens he r \ strhlioh renular meetinhe to he h 1 h on the 7th ani r'1 ''t of 1- "em` nr , l959 "lade 'i. ['Lars , ri tv hlnrk , reniiretcd the r'nr.rnri 1 ronsi der rrcommendi nI that the City office hp rinsed at noon on Corer rr r 24 , 1959 and fer'emher 31, 1959. Pope ll]„^1 Ry °o rnci lman Fanner, -econdr d b"" flnunri lman mrrnnn and m'nimnu-1y adopted, it wan /L754-5q nr^nf `IEn shit , the fnuiril inn, hernhy rncommnnri that the offices of thr r ty of Li 'inn hr elnea at noon nn fer'nmhnr 74 , 1c39, -,nd Pecembnr 31 , 195F. On motion of Pcunei l man k1 ; na*'t , nnennd,c! by CoHnci lman Fanner and -n nimously adopted, thin 79'7nd rerular merit; nn of the Council of the fity of Livonia was duly adjnurrr'd at in 44 p.m. , rtovemhnr 16 , 1859 - /„. ":)/ ) 6 '1rri r1 ark , n-i ty rinrk