HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1943_0811..:.:...::.:..:.::::.. ........... ....:: r:.::.:.... v:.:.:;.iss:::+:.,:r:•;i::r:.si:.:.:�::..r�:cr:.:..;.....:::..:......:.:. ::...:.:.:: :.::. ...:::::.r::. ::... ........... ......... ...::.:...:.::::.:.".'j^;^e:::^^...a.^:^.T:�r.•:>;:.^.+.^a... +:: S -,: .. �c. .... ...,.......,a.+........::.:..:.:::.::...,.r...,.+..........,......:.........,..,:.....s..::..::::::..:.:.....:...s...... ... ,., .....:.:::::.::;:::.::.�:::;::raa.::�<s:a>s::rrrs.. ...!�`.?'�•°?. xsA , . ,.........,..�,•-::::::.�.u.:::<a:.rsr:,x•.s,3:...............�:-:.,:;•. ::,..:.�::.,„.r,.�:.:r•cassx:s+x:•rw•;<... n:............. .;:?-'Q+ ... , ..: ♦.. ..f.. ... .. ... ... .., .. .......: :.. ,.. .............::..:...:: :.:six;:;.::;::.s::sass:•ro%;•r:.:-iirfi::;:i:;Y}?<i::ii!'iiisr>::rs:r::�srssrrr:• Red Cross Calls, For Volunteers LIVONIA TOWNSHIP'S ONLY OFFICIAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER I! >> Women of Livonia township r>< are appealed to today by the Li- vonia branch of the. American «:>:.:TH IVONIA »` Red Cross :for additional assis..............- tance in the surgical dressings k_1 Business Office, Plymouth Mail Building, Plymouth, Michigan.t project. Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan Subscription rice, 1.00 per year. f "Surgical, dressings for wound- P P $ ed Americans become, more and Post Office as second class mail matter.; a.. 5 cents per single copy. more needed with. the invasion g'•. of the continent of Europe,” says Mrs. Carson Johnston, chairman. .� of surgical dressings production • '� r ,w` �" .,,:. in Livonia township.. ,"M ,... :�",.�.�.>. ,�F� •: � ..� ....,.:..,�„a,�, "'.,,�°�. If our quotas for the army areSTERLING EATON, Publisher PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN to be met we must have addi- phone Pl mout�. 16 Vol. 4 tional assistance. Surely there y No, 25 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1943 are many more local women _ who can spend a few hours a Plans Set For Services Held week at the production room in 5 Days in Cockpit - behalf of the boys. who are risk- ing everything for us. Think of the moral lift a Li-voni Garden h,�.. a boy would have if the �s`;:�ha<« a.arc :,:�,�:.A,� F®r L. om herr nurse told him the dressings used - ;;i on his wounds came from a box The annual .flower show spore- Funeral services were held labeled Livonia. That e sored b the Rosedale Gardens v t`y thin Y g xes branch of the Woman's National happened. These boof > last week forL. O.BeriY who o dressings from home townslet Farm and Garden association �.�,.,., � .,,.......,. ,. .....:::.::.:<r.;a, � si;:passed away. at Henry Ford hos- the fighting men know that the will be held at the Community x r pital at the age of 54. Mr. Berry, House in - Rosedale Gardens on...+... home folks are working hard to a well known Livonia - resident, back them. Saturday; September 11. Mrs. E. awned and operated .the Farm - :Commercial concerns cannot N. Wooster is chairman, and she Farm - Possibly ;produce enough dress- wishes to announce that all res- i a'> ':':: ers' Market on Plymouth road ings to meet the demands of glo- -idents are eligible to enter as and also the Berry Chicken bal war and that the American many specimens as they wish. Shack at the same .location. Red Cross has accepted from the Junior gardeners are especially, Mr. Berry came .here several war department the responsibil- invited tt<, enter their prize pro- ity for additional production. ducts of their victory gardens, .years ago and opened his ' busi- Specifications for the dressings both flowers and vegetables. ness which has expanded stead - and regulations in connection Those entering canned pro- ily. He was the former mayor of with their making are issued by ducts are asked to remember Highland Park, Michigan and the army. Medical corps doctors that they must be brought to the had always taken an active art desire the same uniformity in Community. House on Friday P Red ,Cross dressings as in those evening, September 1.0. All other in civic affairs. . made by machinery. classifications will be accepted Interment was made Wednes- The Red Cross assigns quotas on Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 day at the cemetery in St. to chapters according to popula- p.m. --The judging will take place Francisville, Illinois. The busi- tion,' on the basis of war depart- from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and the ment requests. ` show will open at 5 p.m. and be ness has been closed for the last The quotas for Livonia are not open until 10 p.m. week but was re -opened Monday up to requirements and addi- As in the past, boutonniers by Mr. Berry's daughter, Mrs, tional workers are urged to give will be sold with the proceeds Shown recovering in a Newfound - their time to this production— going to the USO. land hospital is Sergt. Philip G. Mae Hutton, who will continue only a small percent of the total o Bockman, an American in the Royal to operate the same. number of trained workers are now participating. It is very ur- gent that all return to the pro- duction center held each Monday afternoon from 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 and each Thursday from 10 p.m. to 3:00. Beginners will :be in- structed each Thursday. Do your bit -on the home front for our boys who are sacrificing every- thing for us. 0 Township Briefs Irl May of Brookfield avenue, who suffered a stroke recently, is still seriously ill at his,hcme. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summer - lee and their daughter, Sandra, of Ingram .avenue, spent" last Thursday at Put -in -Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Seed of-. Detroit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Zopff of Black- burn avenue on Sunday, August 1 for dinner. Miss Betty Stewart of Black- burn avenue left Sunday for her vacation. She will go to Chey- enne, Wyoming, and will . return in about 10 days. Beverly . WDlgast, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wolgast of Edington road, spent last week as the guest of her grandparents, - Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wolgast of Plymouth. Mrs. Forest Randall and her children, David and Donald of Berwick avenue, Rosedale - Gar.. dens left on Tuesday to spend a month in _Calumet as guests of her Parents. - 0 Civilians will get more dry beans and peas this year than they consumed in 1942, said the WFA in announcing allocations of these foods. More than half of the 22,200,000 hundred pound bags of beans will go to civilians, who will also get 1,624,000 bags of dry peas—more than were. eaten in 1942, and 76,000 bags more than. the 1935-39 average civilian consumption. 0 He knows not how to speak who cannot be silent; still less how to act with vigor and decis- ion. Who hastens to the end is silent; loudness is impotence.— Lavater. —0— To select well among old things is almost equal to inventing new ones. Decorated For Action In Sicily Jumping off . from a sinking hospital ship was a mere noth- ing to Private Jack Flynn who had gone through a series of dis- asters before finally reaching safety in the Sicilian invasion, according to word received here last week by his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Flynn. Jack, according to his letter, had :been among .the first to land when the invasion started and had the misfortune to' break his leg when trying to get in the water from his destroyer. He was pulled back aboard his ship and :his leg bandaged, then transferred to the hospital ship which shortly afAerward was sunk. He jumped from the hospital ship and was picked. up by a lifeboat. Three different lifeboats went down under him before he was finally able to swim to a de- stroyer which_ . carried - him to Lybia. From there he. was flown to Egypt in an air transport where at present he is recovering from his experiences.- Private xperiences. 'Private Flynn was awarded the order of the Purple Heart and the silver- star for his heroic actions. American housewives salvaged almost eight million pounds of waste kitchen fats in May— highest total since the fats and grease salvage program was started. This result " surprised government officials -who said that a drop'might have been ex- pected `because meats and fats have been rationed since March. Nevertheless, the -eight million pounds is only about 50 percent of the needed quota of 16,667,000 pounds per month. 0 Civilians will get eight of ev- ery 10 pounds of butter produced in the year -which began July 1, the War Food Administration has announced. The Armed forces will get- one and. -a -half -pounds, and. the Russian Army will get a half pound. Civilians will also get five and a half of every 10 pounds of cheese, and four and a third, cases of evaporated milk out of every 10. =o The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages may be preserved by quotation.— Disraeli.. Cub Scouters To Visit ZoAo The Cub Scouts of Livonia Center, with their Den Mother, Mrs. R. A. Snodgrass and the Cubmaster, Edward Hamilton, will have a trip to the Detroit zoo an Saturday, August 14. They will meet at the home _of Mrs. Snodgrass at 8:30 a.m. and all are asked to ..bring their own lunch. Selected thoughts depend for their flavor upon the .terseness of their expression, for thoughts are grains of sugar or salt, that must be melted in a drop of water.— Senn. o A thing is never too often re- peated which is never sufficient- ly learned. Saved Froin Japs Lieut. Melvin Kimball (left) lights cigarette for his rescuer, Lieut. Ira Sussky, beside the plane in which Sussky landed and .picked up Kim- ball behind Jap lines in Burma. Sussky, whose landing was covered b th U S I Judge Gardens A Second Tinge The second judging of the Vic- tory Gardens throughout Livonia township will begin shortly. Will residents who have enter- ed the contest please have ready for the judges when they "come to inspect your .garden, an ap- proximate .yield of their plot, in- -eluding the amount and kinds of food already canned or preserv- ed, the amounts used for table, and the amounts you -expect to be able to store. This is requested, as the am- ount of produce received from the garden is one of the main points to be judged. o - A garden party was held at Lovliview Wednesday,` August 4 honoring Mrs. Earl Harrington's mother, Mrs. J. S. Wilson, of "Montreal, Canada. Those invited were Mrs. J. S. Kinsler, Mrs. Bruce Eldred, Mrs. RichardCox, Mrs. Louis Isbell, Mrs. Marvin Cross, Mrs. Joseph Bokor, Mrs. Robert Parrish and Miss Kay Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Ma- halak and family of 9832 Arden avenue, returned home after spending a week at their cabin at nIdian Lake. While there they had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mahalak of Flint; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard' Mahalak and ' fam- ily,' Mr. and Mrs. Neil Amiot and family and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Conway, all of Wyandotte. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Kracht announce the marriage of their daughter, Irene Catherine, to Private - Robert Folsom, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Folsom, of Ingram avenue. The ` wedding took place at the Presbyterian church,. Altus, Oklahoma Satur- day, July 31. After the reception the couple left for Texas. —0— Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together; that at length they may emerge, full -formed and majestic, into the delights of life, which they are thenceforth to rule.—Carlyle. y o er . p anes, made nine at- tempts to take off before getting into Scout day camp last week., The camp is under the direction of the air, while Jap snipers were Mr. and Mrs. Hees. Mrs. Moore, shooting at him. who is -an educational director, is directing the camp recreation. LIA Page 2 RATIONING TABLE Processed Foods Blue stamps N, P and Q good through August 7. Stamps R. S and T good through September 20. Meats, Cheese, Butter, Fats, Canned Milk, Canned Fish. Stamp T and U good now; V August 8; _ W . August 15; all ex- pire August 31, Sugar Stamp 13 good for five pounds through August 15. Stamp 14 ;good for five pounds August 16 through October 31. Stamps 15 and 16 good for five pounds of canning sugar each; apply at iboard for additional as needed. Shoes Stamp 18 good for one pair through October 31. Gasoline No. A-7 stamp good for 4 gal- lons through September 21. B and C stamps good until used. _ Tires Next inspections due: A book Vehicles by September 30; B's by October 31; C's by August 31; ,commercial vehicles every six months or every 5,000 miles, whichever is first. Fuel Oil Period 5 coupon good for 11 NEED MONEY QUICKLY? • AUTO LOANS Refinancing While You Wait Selling Your Car? Private Sales Financed UNION INVEST'MENT CO. 821 Penniman Ave. Hours: 8;30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Plymouth, Michigan Close Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. l THE LIVONIAN gallons through September 30. Period 1 coupon for new season good now for 10 gallons per unit and should be used with definite value coupons for filling tanks. 0 Not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.—George Augustus Sala. Ray Thorpe's . IS STILL THE BEST PLACE TO - TRADE 28302 Joy Road Between Inkster and Middiebelt Roads Phone 3120 WEAR DIAMONDS FOR PERSONAL ATTRACTIVENESS Own Them as a Safe Investment 01 Deane Herrick Jeweler 839 Penniman Ave. Plymouth SPENCER J! HEENEY FUNERAL HOME 23720 N. Farmington Road Farmington, Michigan Phone 470 Uncle Sam wants top produc- tion — you can be sure of the best results when you feed our dairy feeds — Mr- Farrier SEEDS — FEEDS Commercial Fertilizers Spray Materials FOR GOOD COAL - PHONE 107 Eckles Coal & Supply COM 882 Holbrook Ave. Plymouth, Mich. Talk often,, but never long: in that case, if .you do not please, at least you are sure not to tire ,your hearers.—Lord Chesterfield. Wednesday, August 11, 1943 Our Master taught his disciples one brief prayer, which we name after him the Lord's Prayer.— Mary Baker Eddy. LUBRICATION OmS Mobiluu ® oil ® TIRE REPAIR Open 6:45 to 6:45 Week Days—Closed Sundays BOB CLARK'S THREE -ACRE SERVICE Eight Mile and Middle Belt Roads" "STOP AT THE SIGN OF THE FLYING RED HORSE Hour to before it happens!` It's no fun sitting in the dark simply because a blown fuse has plunged your house into a black, but. Most fuse trouble can be stopped before it Mappens by observing a few simple precautions. (1) Frayed lamp cords and extension cords are often responsible for short circuits. Such frayed cords are dangerous. Have them repaired BEFORE they cause trouble. (Don't loop cords over a nail. Dont kink cords or tie them in knots. Don't run cord through a door jamb or under rugs.) (2) Never put an electric appliance in water. Never poke at the element of your electric toaster (or any other "appliance) with a fork. or sharp tool, whether turned on or ofL (3) Don't connect too many appliances and extra lamps on one circuit (4) Be careful not to overload your washer, or feed too many pieces of clothing through the wringer at one time. The same is #suet of your ironer. (5) Disconnect appliances by pulling on the plug never jerk out the cord. Do not. let cords come in contact with water, grease or acids. (6) If a faulty lamp or appliance burns out a fuse, - disconnect it at once—and dont use again until it has been repaired. The Detroit Edison Company. Electricity is not rationed. But -its production requires coal and railroad transportation. Don't waste it! Wednesday, August 11, 1943 Township p Briefs Miss Alice Davis is home re- covering from a recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Livrance entertained Mrs. William Liv- rance of Northville last week. The Boy Scout troop, of Stark road, attended a Boy Scout camp at Howell, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Larsen spent last Thursday at Bob -Lo with their family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stergison entertained at a family reunion at their home last Sunday. The . Navy Mothers' club of America held their annual picnic at the home of Mrs. Mulry, of Sheridan avenue, Plymouth. and Storm Windows Will Cut Your Heating Costs to a Minimum We will gladly give you an estimate on the costs of insulating or on the costs of installing storm sash The costs are exceed- ingly low and finance is available Plymouth Lumber & Coal Co. 308 S. Main St. at P. M. Tracks Phone 102 Plymouth, Mich. i You Can Only Get Quality From a Quality Jeweler *** V YS JEWELERS Oldest Jewelry Store in Redford 22009 Grand River Ave, THE LIVONIAN Mrs. C. E. McCaffrey of Eding- ton road, Coventry Gardens, and her chilydren are in Canada vis- iting relatives. Mrs. Ernest Bentley of Ber- wick avenue, Rosedale Gardens, returned last week from spend- ing a few days in Cleveland. Patsy Isbell and Betty Schu- macher left last Tuesday for two weeks at Camp Wathana, the Campfire Girls camp near Rose Center. * Buy War Bonds * Save with Safety at your Rexall Drug Store Cecil H. Habermehl 32101 Plymouth road Corner of Blackburn Rosedale Gardens UPHOLSTERING Old furniture made to look like new. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE REDF'ORD 3100 Guiiheauit Upholstering 21261 Fenkell Corner Westbrook Page 3 HAVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE REPAIRED NOW any make. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Detroit Phone Northlawn 9122 or Hogarth 2866 for a BETTER Photograph, . . Go To A BETTER Photographer San Remo Studios 17190 Lasher Road, Redford Phone Redford 7798 OUR URVICE DURATION It WILL PAY YOU to get the best .gob possible when your car is involved. THOROUGH LUBRICATION DONE BY EXPERTS PROTECTS WEARING -DARTS ON ANY CAR You Can Depend On Us CAL ROBERTS SUPER GULF SERVICE Phone Livonia 9202 for Service Cor. Merriman, Plymouth Rds., Rosedale Gardens, 1 1 him off the.1wire- me: pmqu -11 0 z z 9 CJI� Page 6 THE LIVONIAN _ Wednesday, August 11, 1943 Township Briefs The Campfire .Girls spent last week at a cottage on Island lake. Frank Davis, of Stark road, was on a fishing trip at Duck lake last week and he expected. to return to work last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Steele are entertaining Mrs. Steele's mother, Mrs. Reed of Lansing. She arriv- ed last Sunday. James Valrance,-son of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Valrance, was home last week end from the Naval Training station. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Baum- gartner entertained Mr. and Mrs. Philip Everett and sons at din- ner, Sunday, August 1. Mrs. Irving Watts, of Califor- nia and Mrs. .Ray Jennings of Chicago were entertained by their ocusins, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Cooper, of Hubbard avenue, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fet- terly attended a party given at the home of Mr.- Fetterly's par- ents. The party was given in honor of James Fetterly, who is home on furlough from Kessler, Mississippi. Mr.. and Mrs. Charles McKin- ney's son, Air Cadet Charles R. McKinney, graduated from pri- mary training school at Vernon, Texas. He is now having his basic training at Major's Army Air Field near Greenville, Texas. His wife is staying in Greenville. Charles Stergison, Richard Holbert, and .lack Fetterly of Den No. 10 attended the Cub You've Tried the Rest, Now Use the Best .. . CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. PALACE INN BEER - LIQUOR - WINE Dancing Sat. and Sun.' ED PALISZEWSKI, Prop. (Formerly Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriman Road "The Friendliest Atmosphere in Northwest Detroit" Lahser Road at Grand River REDFORD OLD TIMER TAVERN LIQUOR - BEER - WINE Modern and Old -Time Dancing Fri., Sat., Sun. Nights MUSIC BY WESTERN ACES Jimmy Thrapp, Prop. Phone Redford 9702 Bowling Season 1943 and 1944 LIVONIA Recreation 31630 Plymouth Road Saturday, August 14 Modernized with latest equip- ment. Enjoy good health by bowling. GET THOSE BUGS! ROTONONE PYRETHRUM Get those Rose Chafers with Pyrote Headquarters for BONE MEAL S,� N FARM SUPPLY Get Rundy For Fall A GOOD HARDWARE CANBE OF MUCH ASSISTANCE PAINTS TOOLS REPAIR PARTS CLEANING SUPPLIES DICKERON HARDWARE 33405 Gr. River Ave. Phone 4 Farmington, Mich. THERE IS CASH WAITING FOR YOUR PROPERTY We have many buyers who are waiting to buy homes and property in Livonia townsh4 �a If you are considering selling our buyers have he csish waiting HARKwIff S. WOLFIE REAL ESTATE --FARMS -- INSURANCE 32398 'Five Mile Road, just east of Farmington Road PHONE. LIVONIA 2668 BIG MORNING LETS�o DANCE SElYD A EVERY FRIDAY MORNING DOLLAR DANCING 9:30 UNTIL?? '0 ROWS JACK SIA'S ORCHESTRA T0100, Turn WEST from Telegraph Road on Ann Arbor \\ // Trail, (About 4 miIA ' —Afternoon Shift n Welcome— NANKIN MALLS INN 33750 Ann Arbor Trail Phone Livonia 9297 "Art" Smith ';]Doug" Richards DANN'S "CAVERN Seer LIQUOR Wine 34401 Plymouth Road Plymouth, Mich. Phone Livonia 9275 e OPEN DAILY ' 11 A.M. to 1 A.M. IF YOU WANT TO LIVE LONGER EAT SEA FOOD cit the SEA FOOD GROTTO Detroit's Exclusive Sea Food Restaurant West Seven Mile Road at Telegraph 14 W1 A * 11.1 11 111"'kin C Aged Steaks (hicken. SALADS SANDWICHES SHORT ORDERS Beer and Wines 01 Complete Dinners - - c J COUNTER — NEW AND COMPLETE Special attention given to all defense work- ers at any hour. J 11 Wednesday, August 11, 1943 THE LIVONIAN Page 7 With The Livonia Churches WEST POINT CHURCH OF CHRIS', 33200 Seven Mile road, one block east of Farmington road. Bible school Sunday 10:00 a.m.; preaching and communion Sunday 11:00 a.m.; preach;ng Sunday evening 7:45. Everybody is welcome. HOPE CHAPEL, church of the United Brethren in Christ, Revs. E. N. Sheridan and Mrs. Sheri- dan, pastors, 27431 Long avenue. residence. Sunday services, 10 a.m., unified service, worship and church school; 8 p.m., eve- ning service; Tuesday, 7 p.m., Boy Scouts; 7 p.m., Wednesday, evening, 8:00, personal evangel. ism; Wednesday evening, 8:00, choir rehearsal; 8 p.m. midweek prayer service, Thursday; Sun- day 6:30 p.m., Christian En- deavor. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY —Farmington high school audi- torium, Sunday, 11:00 a.m., Sun- ady school, same hour. Wednes- day evening services at 33336 Grand River Avenue at 8:00 p.m. GAYLORD ROAD BAPTIST chapel, one mile west of Grand River on Seven Mile road, one- half block north on Gaylord road. Sunday school, 10:00 a.m.; wor- ship service, I1:1T5 a.m.; B.Y.P.U., 6:30 p.m.; evening service, 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible study, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Fri- day, Junior Bible school (ages 5- 16) 4:00-5:30. Come and worship where Christian cordiality wel- comes you. "A stranger but once." Pastor: Ray Hein, phone Univer- sity 2-2419. LIVONIA COMMUNITY church. Rev. Albert Luibrand, pastor. Church 10 a.m.; Sunday school, 11 a.m.; prayer service, 7:45 to 8 p.m.; evening service, 8 p.m. ST. MICHAEL -8 CATHOLIC church, Father Contway, pastor, Rosedale Gardens. I'vlasses at 6 a.m., 8 a.m., 10 a.m, and 12 noon. WEST POINT BIBLE CHURCH Evangeline Farnum, pastor. H. Sandercock, visiting pastor. Sun- day school, 10:00-11:00 a.m.; morning worship, 11:00 a.m.; junior church, 3:00-5:00 p.m.; evening worship, 7:45; Tuesday cottage meeting, Horace Gra- velle's Merriman Court. Friday A Good Place To Buy Your GROCERIES and MEATS Lidgard Brothers formerly McKinney & Schaffer Attractive Positions Available for ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS On semi -production work for day and afternoon shift Close Work NOW WORKING 6 D A Y WEEK. C O N S I D E RABLE OVERTIME. TOP WAGES. AVAILABLE IN FACTORY NOW ENGAGED 100% IN WAR WORK, BUT WHICH ALSO HAS GOOD PEACE- TIME BUSINESS. Only those eligible under the warmanpower' commission employment stabilization plan need apply. Apply to Stainless Ware Co. of America North to Grand River, at 35300 Grand River turn left on Drake, 6 miles to Walnut. Aug. 5-12-19-26. afternoon, 2:00-3:30, Missionary meeting at church, 3:30 to 4:30 Industrial Arts for children. Fri- day evening, 8:G0, prayer meet- ing. After prayer meeting, choir practice. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL church =Maple and South Harvey streets, Plymouth. Sunday morn- ing service: Holy communion and sermon at 11 a.m. Rev. Francis Tetu, Vicar, Telephone 1137. ST. PAUL'S EV. LUTHERAN church. Corner Farmington and Five Mile roads. Theodore Sauer, pastor. Divine service, 10:30 a.m. . Sunday school, 9:45 o'clock. You are invited to attend. No reproof is so potent as they silent lesson of a good example. —Mary Baker Eddy. SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selle and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 744 Wing Sti. Plymout L. BLAKE JEWELER Opposite Post Office Northville, Mich. The Best Place to Buy GET READY FOR SCHOOL buy your kiddies their fall necessities before the school bell rings. 0 You can buy everything you need at Fred L. Cook Co General Merchandise Phone 10 Farmington, Michigan. Building Supplies Are Available For Your Homes and Farm Buildings You can get lumber for Repairs and Enlarging Let Us Fill Your Needs LEADDETTE Coal & Lumber Company 12434 Middle Belt Rd, ?!> Mile N. Plymouth Road Phone REdford 0333 Silence is the safest respondent for all the contradiction that arises from impertinence, vul- garity, or envy. Every quotation contributes something to the stability or en- largement of the language.— Samuel Johnson. SERVICE LFLubrication — Tire Repair Accessories W D"T'S GULF SERVICE 34399 Plymouth. Rd., at Stark A INEW CAR? YOU CAN GET_ ALL Hundreds of good used cars MAKES on our used ear lot FROM US You can always get the car you want here We operate Northwest Detroit's most modern and efficient all -car service -repair department. ..ILL BRO" W N' 20740 Fenkell Phone Red. 0900 EYES RIGHT! Csx For Accuracy In �� E War Industry One error can cost lives and planes , that are depending on your accurate eyesight for safety! Don't take chances, let our Registered Optometrist examine and prescribe the proper glasses for your improved, safe, sure vision. Dr. John A. Ross — ®r. L. E. Rehner DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY 809 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Mich. Phone 433 Hours: 11 a. in. till 9 p. in. DIGNIFIED - SINCERE - COURTEOUS SERVICE Schrader Funeral Home Funeral Directors Ambulance on Call Phone 781W Plymouth, Mich. 280 S. Main RATIOnED" 51 AD When you carry much cash in your pocket or purse and "spend as You go," you soon have no idea how or where most of it goes. But when you pay by check in business -like fashion, you are more careful and can "ration" your spend- ing in keeping with your real needs and your income. You also have a record of every payment and a receipt for it. Paying by check actually pays `NSUR4 for itself by saving time, money �� and effort for you. We invite you to carry your checking account with this ba.nl--- ' EFARMINGTW,Sj CNK Farmington, Mich. Page 8 THE LIVONIAN Want Ads O Only 25c � Phone. Plymouth 16 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Drain tile and sewer pipe. Call for prices. Farming- ton Lumber and Coal company. FOR SALE—Child's Iver John- son tricycle; 500 pounds of Beaver plaster. Livonia 2098. It -p FOR SALE—White Rock pullets, 10 weeks old. Excellent laying strain. $1.00 each. 15975 Mer- riman. 25 -2t -c FOR SALE—Victory garden sup- plies: lime for the soil, drain tile for excess rain—Gypsum for the vines. Farmington I= - her and Coal company. FOR SALE—We smoke our own ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry. Taylor's Super Market, 29150 Joy road, one block east of Middle Belt road. 9-tf-c FOR SALE—Insulation balsam wool, rock wool, I/2 inch insu- lating board. Your insulation can be financed if desired. Call for details. Farmington Lumber and Coal company. FOR SALE—Lumber for main- tenance and repair jobs. Our government urges us to keep our building in good condition. Cooperate; do your repairing now. Farmington Lumber and Coal company. WANTED WANTED—Poultry. We pay the highest prices for poultry of any kind. Taylor's Super Mar- ket, 29150 Joy road, one block east of Middle Belt. 9-tf-c FUEL OIL We Aim to Please" Phone Your Order to 191 Northville Night Calls Phone 68 C. R. ELY & SONS Plumbing and Heating Parts and Fixtures Repairs and Service C. J. LEGGERT 20547 Fenkell Ave., cor. Patton REdford 2167 DR. J. McL. PATERSON DENTIST 32007 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Wednesdays and Fridays For 'Appointment Telephone Livonia 2360 WANTED—Electric well pump. Mrs. L. Martin, 14931 Lyons, Detroit, Michigan. MISCELLANEOUS REFRIGERATION S E R V I C E, p=hone Plymouth 160: Kim- brough Electric Shop, 868 West Ann Arbor Trail. tf-c WE BUY AND SELL POULTRY live and dressed, also home made dog food sold. Berry's Poultry Market, 34115 Plym- outh road, phone Livonia 3876. SHOE REPAIRING Expert Work FRANK'S SHOE REPAIR 11151 Stark Rd., Iii Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. Authorized Sales Headquar- ters for stamps and bonds FARMiNGTO''''NN�` I�i TH EAT RE C1 Weds.. Thurs., Aug. 11, 12 FREE DISHESLADIES HE Every lady receives free a beautiful dish. Attend and get your complete set. "CAIRO" with JEANETTE McDONALD, ROBERT YOUNG and "REDHEAD FROM MANHATTAN" with LUPE VELEZ, MICHAEL DUANE Fri., Sat., August 13, 14 "HIT PARADE OF 1943" with JOHN CARROLL SUSAN HAYWARD and "QUIET PLEASE MURDER" with GEORGE SANDERS GAIL PATRICK Serial Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, August 15, 16, 17 "RANDOM HARVEST" with GREER CARSON RONALD COLMAN and "EAGLES OF THE NAVY" with EDWARD ARNOLD ANN HARDING It's Always Cool At the Civic Young Ladies We are offering you a career in: our business office. We will pay you during your training. Good salary, regular hours, excellent op- portunity for advancement, refined work amid pleasant surroundings. -No previous experience needed— Those now employed in war industry should not apply. Business Office of the Michigan* Bell Telephone Co. Plymouth, Michigan Wednesday, August _11, 1943 FAMILY NIGHT WED. IRVIN6 THEATRE RE. 2368 21220 Fenkell Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 12, 13, 14 CHESTER MORRIS and RICHARD ARLEN — in — "AFTER MIDNIGHT WITH BOSTON BLACKIE" - Also — PAULETTE GODDARD and RAY MILLAND in — "THE CRYSTAL BALL" Selected Short Subjects Daredevils No. 9 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, August 15, 16, 17 JOHN CARROLL and SUSAN HAYWARD in — "HIT PARADE" .- Also — -GARY COOPER and BARBARA STANWYCK — in — "BALL OF FIRE" BUY YOUR WAR BONDS AT THIS THEATER SPECIAL.'' Ending Aug. 14 TIES 4 for 19c r, NW . ' V Men's Suits I Topcoats —Ladies' Plain Coats and Dresses t 79c 3 A� I a �, . �M Plymouth: 794. Penniman nve Wayne: 2925 N. Washington Ypsilanti: 14 No. Washington DEFENSE WORKERS: OPTICAL STUDIOS OPEN MON., FRI. it SAT. EVENINGS UNTIL 9 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY FOR EXAMINATION 1NARE SQ tae® K oe. YoS q u ls. peTvous- hesadacba tati9ue in gess an strain.e test aeaoouTC1 true con, n tile eyes. t'a nu of GLASSES on Pxull` r You'll look health., ier, because your eyeDR. M. H. FIRESTONE, O.D. are free of Optometrist in Charge strain and diatom•? Op g fort. Glasses fitted with scientifically made lenses pro. ®� scribed here by a registered optom- 21648 BRAND RIVER • 22088 MICHIGANetrist. Ir worm as W. HAMAN