HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1943_1027Erect Portable School Building The Livonia Center Parent Teachers Association met at the Livonia Center school on October 18th. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Ale- tha Phipps. Mrs. Phipps told the group about the new loud speaker that was purchased by the school board and used for the first time at the Festival in September. The names of the committees for the year were given as follows: Mrs. Max Schumacher and Mrs. Wil- liam Meirs, hospitality; Mrs. George A. Hines, flowers or cards for our sick list; Mrs. H. Schu- macher and Mrs. Edward Hamil- ton, publicity; Percy Venus, pro- gram chairman; budget and fi- nance are the officers of the -PTA and Robert Snodgrass. The shows at the town hall that are being sponsored by the association are proving successful on Saturday evening, but we would like to stress that adults are invited to attend either the 6:30 or the 8:30 shows. The -next meeting of the PTA will be a pot luck and social evening. The bazaar that was planned for December has been cancelled and there will be card parties and dances to raise. money for the association during the year to replace it. Forty Mem- bers attended the meeting and Mrs. Weller's third and fourth , grade had the most parents out this month. Remember the room who has the largest attendance at the end of the year through their effort to get their parents to the PTA will be awarded a gift. Each Mother counts one, each Father counts two. Mr. .Blankenhagen told the group that a portable building would be erected on the school grounds by November 8,., and that by Thanksgiving ` we would have something to be thankful for. He also mentioned that he had made a deposit of $2,000.00 on the building. The building will be for three class- rooms but he did not know what grades would be there. October is the month for Parent Teacher membership and we would be in- terested in enlarging our PTA. Can we depend on you giving us your support this year? o - Guest From, Texas Honored With House Party On Friday evening, Oct. 15 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Owens held a house party in honor of their guest, Mrs. R. Williams of Texas. At- tending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nye, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ziegler, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wag- enschutz, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wagenschutz, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Kinsler and daughter Rose- mary, Dr. and Mrs. Oppenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Owens and son Gordon, and Allie Johnson of Coventry Gardens. Cards were played and a luncheon was served. LIVONIA TOWNSHIP'S ONLY OFFICIAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TH IV%AmJ'6"NIAN.­ Business Office, Plymouth Mail Building, Plymouth, Michigan. Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan Subscription price. $1.00 per. . year. E ;Y Post Office as second class mail matter 5 cents per single copy. STERLING EATON, Publisher PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN A Phone Plymout- 16 Vol. 4 No, 35 Wednesday, October 27, 1943 Hallowe'en Party - Arranged On Saturday evening, October 30, the members of the Civic As- sociation of Rosedale Gardens will gather in the Community House for their ,annual Hallowe'en - dance. Schaeffer's Orchestra will provide the music for dancing. The committee, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tilch as chairmen, assisted by` Mr, and Mrs. Ralph McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Fry and Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwards announce that there will be a grand march, and prizes will be awarded for the funniest and prettiest costumes. Everyone is requested to be in costume if possible. Mrs. Irvin McWethy will do the decorating job on the Commun- ity House, and the results will be well worth seeing. Refreshments will be served, and reservations may be made with any member of the above committee. A family potluck supper for the congregation of the Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian church will take place in the church base- ment Friday evening, Oct. 29 at 7 o'clock. Those attending are to bring either a salad, vegetable or des- sert, as well as dishes and silver- ware for their own family. The Women's Auxiliary will furnish the meat course, rolls, coffee and milk. The most will be divided among those present. Reservations must be in the hands of Mrs. E. G. Kracht, Li- vonia 2211 by today (Wednesday). The capacity of the dining room is 120 and only so many reserva- tions can be accepted. Those who have joined our church in the past year are es- pecially invited. Group singing will follow the supper, and the trustees will present building fund plans. Italian Women Dredge Sewers for Water Women of Naples dredge the sewer for water. Their water supply sys- tem was destroyed by the Germans. As Allied troops pushed past Naples, a landing by the British Eight army at Termoli on the Adriatic coast fur- ther strengthened the Allied advance. Carson Johnson has been ap- pointed Livonia chairman of the coming War Chest Drive. Com- 1nittees are novo being formed under Mr. Johnson's supervision and the members' names will be announced in nett week's Livon- ian. Livonia's quota for the drive has been put at $3,700.00 and the dates have .been set for the first sixteen days in Novem- ber. A list of Rosedale men in serv- ice to whom Christmas packages will be sent is now being pre- pared, it was announced by J. B. Folsom, chairman of the commit- tee which is supervising the mail- ing of the boxes. "We know that the list is in- complete," stated Mr. Folsom, "and urge relatives of service men not already listed to submit their names as soon as possible. We want every Rosedale man in the armed forces to receive a pack- age." Those having names to submit may contact Mr. Folsom at Li- vonia 2169 or at 10007 Ingram avenue. The next meeting of the Par- ent -Teachers Association of the Rosedale school will be held on Wednesday evening, Nov. 3 at 8 p. in. at the school. A special election, to fill va- cancies caused by the resignation of the president, Mrs. G. Hamil- ton, and the election of a corres- ponding secretary will take place. The program will consist of a round table discussion. The sub- ject will be "The possibilities of supervised recreation in leisure time activities for the young peo- ple of the 'community." Repre- sentatives of various community organizations will take part in this discussion, and two . of the main points will be "Is there a need for this type of program, and if so what is it?" and "What resources do we have here in our community for a program of this nature." Allresidents of the commun- ity and all parents of children attending the Rosedale school are most cordially invited to at- tend this meeting. The Pierson School Parent Teacher Association will hold a Hallowe'en masquerade at the school Friday evening, October 29. There'll be plenty of fun for everyone with dancing and games. Prizes will be awarded. A small admission fee will be charged. Everyone is invited to the fas- tivities which will begin at 8 o'clock. Saturday evening, October 30, the school will sponsor a Hallow- e'en party for the district chil- dren. Features of the evening will be games with prizes award- ed to the winners and refresh- ments will be served. All those attending must be in costume. Inaugurate Officers Of Citizens Junior Club. The Eighteenth Annual Inau- guration of Citizen's Junior Club Officers was held at the Livonia Center School on Friday, Oct. 15. Welcome was given by Miss Wood, salute to the flag by the Boy Scouts, rhythm band 4th and 5th grades, presentation of 4-H certificates by Mrs. Daniels and the 4-H leader citizenship by . members, song, Our Flag by the 2nd and 3rd grades. Administer- ing the oath of office and present- ing the badgess, Miss Mary Jame- son the supervising teacher. The National Anthem. Tea was served by the PTA. The after- noon was visiting day for the parents and tea was served again at 4 p. in. for the parents and Hold First Annual Meet Of Scouters And Cubbers The First Community meeting for all Livonia Scouters and Cub- bers was held at the Livonia Town Hall on Oct. 14. The Scouts were well represented from all the districts in the township. The meeting was held to pass on Ad- ministration of troop leadership and training to form a troop committee for a Board of Re- view in Livonia Township in- stead of having to go to Ply- mouth and Northville as we do at the present time. Mr. Earl Sil- ver conducted the meeting. The next meeting will be held on Nova 18 at 7:30 sharp. Page 2 THE LIVONIAN Women's Club To ing is now progressing very new idly. We hope to be m the new rooms soon. Meet Nova The Beginners are proud to an- nounce that the whole class is drinking milk every day. The next meeting of the Last Thursday fourteen Begin - Women's Club of the Rosedale ners were vaccinated. That Gardens Civic Association will makes a total of twenty-two out take place on Thursday evening, of a class of twenty-nine who November 4 at 8: 30 o'clock at have brought vaccination reports the Community House. Follow- to school. We hope the rest will ing the short business meeting, soon bring reports in to make our there will be a book review pre- record perfect. sented by Mrs. Fred Zinn. David Paul brought a pumpkin On Thursday, October 21, the to school. On Thursday we made Women's Club held their annual it into a Jack -o -lantern for our Hallowe'en party, with about 40 Hallowe'en party. members attending. The party —0 — was very successful, and every- one attending had a grand time. Try Livonian Want Ads. ' BIG MORNING The committee consisted of Mrs. W. Barth, chairman; Mrs. D. Pickles, Mrs. L. Steele, Mrs. C. R. Carlson, Jr., Mrs. Q. C. McClel- lan, Mrs. R. W. Depencier and Mrs. T. J. Lyndon. The hostesses were Mrs. M. W. Watterworth, Mrs. C. Bernard, Mrs. W. Kay and Mrs. S. Coffee. Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1943 "Art" Smith "Doug" Richards DANN'S TAVERN Beer LIQUOR Wine 34401 Plymouth Road Plymouth, Mich, Phone Livonia 9275 LivoniaCommunity Church Will Give Hallowe'en Party The Livonia Community church will hold a -Hallow -e'en party for their Sunday school ,children and parents at the church dining room on Friday, Oct. 29 at 7:30 p. m. Lunch, games, prizes and surprises are in store for you. Come in ,a Hallowe'en costume. See if you can be the funniest or the best dressed. It may win you a prize. The committee members are Mrs, Ralph Case, Mrs. Fred Verran, Mrs. Arnell Hoyt and Mrs. A. W. Thatcher. 0 School News Wilcox School The residents of Livonia Town- ship, School District No. 5 will register for Ration Book IV at the Wilcox school on the dates set by the government, October 25, 26 and 27 between the hours of 1:00 p. in. and 9:00 p. in. In order to avoid waiting, the district has been divided into three sections. Residents of the district living north of Six Mile road are asked to appear on Mon- day. Those living south of Six Mile and east of Middiebelt will come Tuesday, and those living west of Middlebelt and south of Six Mile road will appear on Wednesday. The Wilcox school will hold its Hallowe'en parties on Friday, Oc- tober 22. There will be no school_ during the week of "October 25. The new addition to the build - 1 I6. Need Lumber SEXD A EVERY SATURDAY MORNING 00LL.41$ DANCING 9:30 UNTIL?? Av Tfiib18 JACK SIA'S ORCHESTRA \\ I/ Turn WEST from Telegraph Road on Ann Arbor Trail, (About 4 mil- Orchestra Saturday A.M. and evening. NANKIN 'PS" ILLS INN 33750 Ann Arbor Trail Phone Livonia 9297 F WHEN LONG DISTANCE LINES ARE CROWDED; THE OPERATOR WILL SAI: "PLEASE LIMIT YOUR CALL TO 5 MINUTES. Building Supplies n Are Available For �oE�' i_ - ,. 13 -to tt Your Homes and •K ►A S SoISS! 0YsoDt C Farm Buildings tap�E +t� E-4S� vics u Ssa `.: Sill You can get .lumber for Repairs and Enlarging Let Us Fill Your Needs � LERDBETTER Coal & Lumber Company WELL APPRECIATE YOUR CO-OPERATION WHEN YOU GET ON 12434 Middle Belt Rd. A CROWDED LINE: THIS NEW 3 -MINUTE SUGGESTION WILL HELP 1,2 Mile N. Plymouth Road SCALLS _GET THROUGH QUICKER: Phone REdford 0338 Mtehlyan Sea rel000n• Company INVEST IN WCTORY-WITH WAR BONDSI IF YOU WANT TO STAY'S YOUNG =Eat ell �\\ OPEN DAILY 1 A.M. to 1 A.M. at the A . FOOD GRO'T'TO Detroit's; Excluslve, Sea Food restaurant West Seven Mile Road at Telegraph s WHEN LONG DISTANCE LINES ARE CROWDED; THE OPERATOR WILL SAI: "PLEASE LIMIT YOUR CALL TO 5 MINUTES. Building Supplies n Are Available For �oE�' i_ - ,. 13 -to tt Your Homes and •K ►A S SoISS! 0YsoDt C Farm Buildings tap�E +t� E-4S� vics u Ssa `.: Sill You can get .lumber for Repairs and Enlarging Let Us Fill Your Needs � LERDBETTER Coal & Lumber Company WELL APPRECIATE YOUR CO-OPERATION WHEN YOU GET ON 12434 Middle Belt Rd. A CROWDED LINE: THIS NEW 3 -MINUTE SUGGESTION WILL HELP 1,2 Mile N. Plymouth Road SCALLS _GET THROUGH QUICKER: Phone REdford 0338 Mtehlyan Sea rel000n• Company INVEST IN WCTORY-WITH WAR BONDSI Valedr..esday, Oct. 27, 1943 THE LIVONIAN Page 3 State President Seven members of the Mom's Club of Livonia Township attend- ed the stats convention of Mom's Clubs held recently in Ann Arbor. Those attending were Mrs. Pearl Teahan and Mrs. Clara Smith as delegates, Mrs. C. Carey, Mrs. M. Clark, Mrs. M. Arnold, Mrs. A. Coleman and Mrs. Taylor. The Mom's Club also met at the township hall on Tuesday when they had the pleasure of having as their guest for the afternoon, Mrs. Chafee, the state president. The Mom's will meet today (Wed- nesday) at the Township Hall to sew, and all members are asked to be present. Mrs. Carey and Mrs. Smith toDk five layettes to Chaplain Johnson, of the Ford Naval Training Sta- tion in Dearborn last week, to be distributed to the wives of the men attending the station who might need them. The Mom's will have a card party on November 11 at the Township Hall, at which time they will raffle off an afghan. There will be more about this party in next week's paper. Honor Rosemary Kinsler With Birthday Party A birthday party was given in honor . of Miss Rosemary Kinsler by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Kinsler at their home on Myrna road, Sunday, Oct. 17. A chicken dinner was served at 4 p: m., -the table .was beautifully decorated in pink and white. The birthday cake -was also pink and white. Pink chrysanthemums and pink and white candles were used. Miss Kinsler received many beautiful gifts. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Owens, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and daughter Betty, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Farmer of Livonia, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinsler and daughter Sharon Ann, Miss Marion Punske, Miss Florence Wesch and Miss H. Empkie of Detroit and the following service men from River Rouge: Pvts. Jack Owens, Chuck Murphy, Bob Brown, Joe Cum- mings and James Lester, Mrs. R. Williams and daughter Katryn of Texas. PALACE INN BEER - LIQUOR - WINE Dancing Sat. and Sun. ED PALISZEWSKI, Prop. (Formerly ;Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriman Road To Hasten Victory No American wants this war to go one minute beyond the time we can bring it to a vic- torious end. To hasten that victory—to save possibly the Iives of millions of our boys on our far flung fronts—it is imperative that every Ameri- I can do his part in the Second War Loan. There is an in- vestment to fit every purse. The most you can do is little enough compared with tie sac- rifice offered by our boys in service. They give their lives —you lend your money. l "The Friendliest Atmosphere in Northwest Detroit" Lahser Road at Grand River REDFORD QLD TIMER TAV N LIQUOR - BEER - WINE Modern and Old -Time Dancing Fri.,, Sat., Sun. Nights MUSIC BY WESTERN ACES Jimmy Thrapp, Prop. Phone Redford 0702 e i* GIVE FREELY TO THE 1 1k Aged Steaks Chicken SALADS SANDWICHES SHORT ORDERS Beer and Wines CHICKEN - STEAK - CHOP - DINNERS Hot Beef Sandwich 45c REMODELED — ENLARGED — NEW FOOD COUNTER — NEW AND COMPLETE FOOD SERVICE. Special attention given to all defense work- ers at any hour. THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... L. BLAKE JEWELER Opposite Post Office Northville, Mich. The Best Place to Buy on the following instruments. * MICROMETERS • GAUGES * TIMERS • DIAL INDICATORS * STOP WATCHES and other precision instruments IS AVAILABLE AT THE " Just dropped by to tell you, Frank, I had a fine letter from your son, Joe, this morning. Mighty nice of him to take the time to write me... I know how busy they keep the boys. That's a fine camp he's been transferred to up in New England." "Yes, Catherine and I had a letter this morning, too. Said he was writing you... he's very fond of you, Judge. Catherine is certainly proud of Joe and proud of the great Army he's a part of." 4'She has good reason to be, Frank. Joe is one fine fellow and the Army he's in is the best disciplined, best behaved in our history. Just last night I was reading an article that quoted a report signed by five chaplains in the very camp where Joe is now training. I remember their exact words which were "there is no liquor prob- lem at this Post." And I understand that's true in camp after camp all over the country. And if Catherine would like to see that report, I'll drop it off at the house tomorrow." This adiertisemeot sponsored by Confertwo of Alcoholic Beoerag# Industries, Inc. Page 4 THE LIVONIAN - Wednesday; Qct. 27, 19.43 Consumers -will' pay -about six" cents more for household brooms made wholly or partly. of .broom corn, because of a recent OPA order. This increase was granted to reflect recently ,established Elmer McIntyre, son of Mrs. C. Miss Virginia Zobel is spend- ceiling prices for broom corn. o Carey of Plymouth road has re- ing three weeks visiting with Sgt. turned to Treasure Island, San and Mrs. A. T. Lesnew. . in San * Buy War Bonds Francisco, after spending a few Antonio, Texas. . homes and property in Livonia township.. -I# you days at home. ner were Mrs. M. J. Anderson Mrs. Harry .Schumacher, Mrs,. - are considering self our bu ers°have the cash chicken dinner was served and Pfc. Frank Schilinski was Miss Jacqueline Opper who is taking a Nursing Course in Har- prizes were won by Mrs. Shely, Save With Safety home from Camp Claiborne, per Hospital, spent Sunday at Mrs. George Chaundy, Mrs. Louis- LeBar, Mrs. Lawrence , Larsen, R RY S�-_ .Louisiana, for a few days. the home of -her parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Hamilton's Camp Fire at your given .by Mrs. Ports �n Sense of Humus b Bertha Da man. Mrs. William Opper. - Girls will have a Hallowe'en Mrs. Robert Bruce of Arden ReXall Drug Store avenue, Rosedale Gardens is con- valescing at her home followingan Mrs. Carson Jackson was the REAL ESTATE — FARMS-- INSURANCE': `. at Mrs., Hamilton's and then..wiil _ : _ operation at the University hostess on Thursday evening ata go on a nature hike and cook their in open. Cecil H. Habermehl Hospital in Ann Arbor.: delicious .luncheon and cards PHONE LIVONIA . 2668 Mrs. J. B: Kurtz and son Jackie were played. Mrs.. William Opper, Mrs. T. Hollowood, and 32101 Plymouth road Win. W. L. Nelson of W. Chicago has returned to his home after Mrs. Brewer of Detroit attended. undergoing an operation at the _ _ Mrs. Opper was awarded first prize and Mrs. Brewer. second- Rosedale Gardens Corner of Blackburn BEAUTY CLINIC Phone Livonia 2234 Even though you are busy you can still look- your best by having us do your Beauty Work -Mary Camilot Ann Stephan Operators 9035 . Middlebelt Road. Between Chicago and Joy There will be a pot luck for the Mrs. C. Schaible of Westmore Buy War Bonds *, Camp Fire and Blue Bird Moth- road was pleasantly surprised at ers at the home of Mrs. William a birthday dinner given in her Opper on Five Mile road Wed- honor at her home on Thursday TIKIME IS CASM ` WAITING nee d N 3 1 C d evenin Oct 1 Bunco was �/ s ay, ov. at p. m. ar s will be played. Mrs. Opper and Mrs. Case will act as hostesses. t" played after the dinner and prizes werde awarded, to Mrs. M. J. FOR YOUR PROPERTY Anyone interested 'in Camp Fire Anderson, Mrs. Harry Schumach- work is invited to attend. er. and Mrs. Leona LeBar. Mrs. Schaible was with a We have man buyers wlid-are wai4in to. buy Y y 4 Y Mrs. William R. Davis of "Hub- presented beautiful gift. Attending the din- . homes and property in Livonia township.. -I# you bard roadentertained her Pedro club on ThursdayOct. 14. A ner were Mrs. M. J. Anderson Mrs. Harry .Schumacher, Mrs,. - are considering self our bu ers°have the cash chicken dinner was served and Charles Shelton, Mrs... D. W. Don- waiting - prizes were won by Mrs. Shely, neliey, Mrs. Max Schumacher Fred S. McQueston on Thursday, Mrs. Rhoades and Mrs: Canfield.` Mrs. George Chaundy, Mrs. Louis- LeBar, Mrs. Lawrence , Larsen, R RY S�-_ Oct. 28. The book review will be Mrs.- Hamilton's Camp Fire Mrs. Andrew Zzzo, Mrs. Edward given .by Mrs. Ports �n Sense of Humus b Bertha Da man. ' - Girls will have a Hallowe'en Hamilton and Mrs. Arneli Hoyt. Breakfast on Saturday, Oct.: 30 at 8 a. m. The girls are to meet (Continued on . page. 7) REAL ESTATE — FARMS-- INSURANCE': `. at Mrs., Hamilton's and then..wiil _ : _ q_ �s go on a nature hike and cook their in open. Try Livonian Want Ads. 32398 Five Mile Road, just east _Qf Farmington Ruad .breakfast .the PHONE LIVONIA . 2668 Mrs. J. B: Kurtz and son Jackie - t._ left Tuesday evening for a two weeks visit with her parents in Springfield, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Siterlett are the proud p parents of an 8 pound 15 ounce daughter, Elaine Ann, � nC a am -Wan S to r0 uc-- -. P" p tion can be -sure of the Sunday, Oct. 17 the Grace — you J ` at new Hospital, Detroit.„ 9, �� ._.;bes# results w13en you feed our: The Livonia Center Book Club - dairy feeds — will meet at the home of Mrs. You Can Only Get- _ r Fred S. McQueston on Thursday, -1 Oct. 28. The book review will be t y given .by Mrs. Ports �n Sense of Humus b Bertha Da man. Quality From a UPHOLSTERING Old furniture made to look like new. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE REDFORD 3100 -Guilbeault Upholstering. 212B1 Fenkell Corner Westbrook ooflSfflVICE OIIRATIDN e s Quality Jeweler VON BURGYS JEWELERS Oldest Jewelry Store in Redford 22009 Grand River Ave. [t WILL PAY YOU to get the best job possible when your car is -involved. THOROUGH LUBRICATION DONE BY EXPERTS PROTECTS WEARING PARTS ON ANY CAR You Can Depend On Us CAL ROB�RTS SUPER GULF SERVICE_ R Phone Livonia 9202 for Service Edell Cor. Merriman, Plymouth Rds., Rosedale Gardens Mr, Farmer -7, !;j; \, SEEDS — FEEDS \ Commercial Fertilizers Spray Materials FOR GOOD COAL — PHONE 107 tchles Coal Supply. Co. 882 Holbrook Ave. Plymouth. Mich. PRIDE DRY' CLEANING I� Removes all dirt, stains and grease RENEWS YOURGARMENTS! Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1943 With The Livonia Churches THE LIVONIAN from Plymouth and Northville. Tuesday, November 2 the Men's Round Table will meet in the church basement at 8 p. m. Topic: "Resolved, That Freedom GAYLORD ROAD BAPTIST CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY from Want is Desirable." chapel, one mile west of Grand Farmington high school audi. 0 - River on Seven Mile road, one= torium, Sunday, 11:00 a.m., Sun- Plans are being made to in - half biock north on Gaylord road. ady school, same hour. Wednes- crease the supply of ammonium Sunday school, 10:00 a.m.; wor- day evening services at 33336 nitrate for use as an agricultural ship service, 11:13 a.m.; B.Y.P.U., Grand River Avenue at 8:00 p.m. fertilizer, according to the War 6:30 p.m.; evening service, 7:30 Production Board. The material p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible ST. JOHN'S EPYSCOPAL Church has been so improved to prevent study, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Fri- .Maple and Harvey streets, caking that orders received for day, Junior Bible school (ages 5- Plymouth. Sunday morning the supply. Additional sodium 16) 4:00-5:30. Come and worship services: Church school at 9:45 September and October exceed where Christian cordiality wel- a. m. Morning prayer with ser- nitrate became available for Ag - comes you. "A stranger but once." mon in observance of Youth Sun- ricultural fertilizer last April Pastor: Ray Hein, phone Univer- day. The service will be con- when government capacity to sity 2-2419 ducted by William -Saxton and produce it began to exceed the LIVONIA COMMUNITY- Church, Rev. Albert Luibrand, pastor. Worship services, 10 a. in.; Sun- day school, 11:00 a. m.; Mission- ary meetings (Tuesday, October 12 and 26). Afternoons. Bible Study and prayer meeting Tues- day evening at 8 p. in. Choir practice Thursday evening at 8. This is an undenomina.tional church and anyone in the com- munity is invited to attend. ST. MICHAEL -S CATHOLIC chu3ch, Father Contway, pastor, RosedaleGardens. Masses at 6 a.m.. 8 a.m.. 10 a.m. and 12 noon. WEST ::POINT SWLE CHURCH Evangeline Farnum, pastor. H. Sandercock. -vlslting--pastor.. Suw- day school, 19:00-11:00 am.; morning ' worship, 11.00a m. - junior church, .3:00-5:00 . p.m.; evening •worship, 7:45; Tuesday cottage meeting, Horace Gra velle's MerTiman Court. Friday afternoon. _-2-00-3:30,- Missionary meeting at church, 3:30 to 4:3C Industrial Arts for children. -Fri- day evening, 8:00, prayer.meet Eng. After prayer meeting, chair practice. HOPE CHAPEL, CHURCH OF THE UNITED BR i HERN, Six Mile; near Middle Belt. Morning worship; 10:00, Sunday school 11:00. Evening worship 8:00 p. m.- Young :Young People's Christian En- deavor 6:30. p. in. Sunday. Mid- week service, Thursday evening at 8:00 P. in. EveryboGy welcome. WEST POINT CHURCH OF CHRIST, 33200 Seven Mile road, one block east of Farmington road. Bible school Sunday 10:00 a.m.; preaching and communion Sunday 11:00 a.m.; preaching Sunday evening 7:45. Everybody is welcome. Edward Strong. The preacher will be William Muehl of the Uni- versity of Michigan, a law stu- dent. His subject will be the stress on war on the thinking of college 'youth. Rev. Francis Tetu, Rector. ROSEDALE GARDENS PRES BYTERIAN CHURCH. John B. Forsyth, minister. All families of the congregation are invited to the potluck supper Friday eve- ning, October 29 at 7 o'clock. The Auxiliary _ will furnish the meat course as well as rolls, coffee and milk, and costs will be divided among those attending. Families who come are to bring .a vege- table or salad or dessert. After group singing, a special meeting of the congregation will be con- vened in order that the trustees may present building fund plans for. discussion: Sunday, October. 31, is the'an- niversary of the Protestant Re= formation, _ and the occasion will be observed in our morning serv- ice of worship. The Christian Youth League will- have its meeting at Youth Island in White Lake . Sunday evening, together with groups MobilGas ®i' LUBRICATION � ® TIRE REPAIR Open 6:45 to 6:45 Week Days—Closed Sundays BOB CLARK'S THREE -ACRE SERVICE Eight Mile and Middle Belt Roads "STOP AT THE SIGN OF THE FLYING RED HORSE" EYES RIGHT off For Accuracy in '' a.; f War Industry - One error can cost lives and planes ... that are depending on your accurate eyesight for safety! Don't take chances, let our Registered Optometrist examine and prescribe the proper glasses for your improved, safe, sure vision. Dr. John A. Ross — Dr. L. E. Rehner DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY 809 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Mich. Phone 433 Hours: 11 a. m. till 9 p. M. DIGNIFIED - SINCERE - COURTEOUS SERVICE Schrader Funeral Hoene Funeral Directors Ambulance on Call Phone 781W Plymouth, Mich. 280 S. Main �.J Page 5 amount needed for military ex- plosives. THORPE'RAY_S HARDWARE GET YOUR HUNTING LICENSES From Livonia's Sportsmen's Headquarters 28302 Joy Road Between Inkster and Middlebelt Roads Phone 3120 M materials •5 a •mus a equipment Pndrnum war P actio rod 1, snarly, per. egu the yyaxi rvation of £uE we ars to acaieve .,Copse as that for the United States if foot of 9 wants. bic pirnerncan gallon of oil. epees as ytlen4th®ped lust every very ergY pool' bash fuels. d °f coal, a len ese Every Poun that our asu�na a Pr°duetion of'communfcauons can be saved meas nhour saved' th and in d of transportation Every Poun ch. Every transP else. a pound that mu °f electricity, for something lamps is fa the production uCtion of electric that can be used is a man mat is saved in tile uChom of radar erN'pn'ent natural tungsten the prod 1 petroleum, electric, us- tbat can be used is the coal, sportation ted h Ca upon unications and trap to accomplish ,,.We have. therefore. campaig tion of those as, water. cO� con servation and manufactured g US in a bn w be voluntary as absolutely their services only as Amerie mea to loin w The Campaign Public to us them. We ask ®wa eifoe these reSults' cn11ce by them• asking them and � industries in tWais a real sa rl and to gipe campaign develops• necessary seP that sactifi as ;3319 to re unseating cooperation C N eathuaiastic and un5tinhn4 DON 14- Was productiom Board Signed, chairman, xAgOLD Ad strator and _ Solid rdinator for War petroleum coo Iotespo of De ensT n ansportagfoI S. D The voluntary cooperation of all Detroit Edison customers will help make this program a success. Page 6 THE LIVONIAN Our Corn,munity School News 11 Rosedale Schools Rosedale kindergarten is a busy place. Little folks are learning to cut and color and to be good citi- zens. In the first grade: fourteen had perfect attendance for the past six weeks. They are learn- ing to read all about "Alice and Jerry." Their room is filled with owls and Jack o' lanterns. They have learned three Hallowe'en songs. The third grade Citizenship club meets every Friday with Jane Cook, Marlene Markham and Karen Ann Benson as offi- cers. Health inspectors are Mar- cia Randall and Don Carlson. They enjoyed the movie on Spid- ers and wrote stories about them. They are also collecting seeds for a display poster. The second grade likes the stories and pictures in their Alice and Jerry books. They saw films on The Cecro- pia Moth, the Spider, and the Pueblo Indian. Hallowe'en pictures decorate their room and they have learned a new song about "A Wise Old Owl." They went on a field trip last week looking for seeds, leaves, and cocoons. The upper grades are enjoying their playground equipment. Each recess sees them out on the base- ball diamond, the soccer field and the basketball court, boys and girls alike. In the fourth and fifth grade they are very inter- ested in collecting comic books to send to. English children. They also collected money to send to "The Wishing Well Fund" at Percy Jones hospital in Battle Creek. -In the seventh grade room a contest is on to see who can buy the most defense stamps each month. This month the girls won so the boys treat to a Hallowe'en party. This contest is carried on through the entire year. The seventh and eighth grade art classes have enjoyed making wall hangings and scarfs with crayons on muslin. They are very beautiful and they have a right to be proud. The band under Mr. Guinan's direction is. growing fast and all show keen interest. The upper grades are all plan- ning Hallowe'en parties. Sixteen in the sixth grade room had perfect attendance -during the past six weeks. Elm School Most every second grader has his name on the defense stamp chart We have been making Hal- lowe'en masks in the second grade room. Third and fourth grades: We are planning our Hallowe'en party. We are going to play games and sing songs. Fifth and sixth grades: We are planning a Hallowe'en party. We are collecting comic books for the Defense Center (they are being sent to England.) We have learned two new Hal- lowe'en songs and one Hallowe'en poem. We have new curtains, new plant stands made by some of our pupils. The seventh and eighth grades have elected their room officers. They are president, Anita Duke; vice-president, Dolores Woltman; secretary, Ilene Vincent; treas- urer; Ilene Vincent; chairman of school problems, Henry Arm- strong. The meeting to discuss the con- solidation of Livonia's schools will LARRO FEEDS FOR POUL- try. The easy way to give your flock a balanced ration. Vi- tamin, Mineral, and protein supplement plus your own grain. Saxton Farm Supply Store 583 West Ann Arbor Trail Phone 174, Plymouth 24827 Gd. River at 7 Mile Rd. Redford—Phone 1996 1i4 East Main St. Northville—Phone 150 be held at Elm, Monday evcning, Nov. 1, at 8 p. m. All taxpayers and parents are vitally effected by this issue which will be voted upon at a later date. This meet- ing will be an opportunity to hear both advantages- and disadvan- tages. The regular meeting of the PTA will be omitted because of the meeting at the school Nov. 1. Stark School Our room is nearly decorated for Hallowe'en. Our pupils made the decorations in art period. James Van Tassell made the pat- tern for the witch. Arthur Kre- ger made the pattern for the corn shock. More than $18.00 worth of stamps were sold in our room. Thirty ,per cent of our people pur- chased. Those on committee to help Mrs. Hembree with decorating the hall and basebent on Saturday morning, Oct. 30, at 9:30 a. in. are Kathryn Hembree, Patricia Byrd, Shirley Johnson, Betty Tuberger, Hazel Allgood, Barbara Burdick. There will be no school all week of Oct. 25-29 for pupils. On Oct. 25, 26, and 27 from 1:00 to 9:00. p. m daily there will be rationing for parents and teachers. On Oct. 28, 29 and 30 there is MEA insti- tute for teachers. Meetings are held in Detroit. Physical fitness is.being corre- lated in the regular school pro- gram rather than taught separate- ly as heretofore done. The boys and girls of our room have been playing competitive baseball. They are having a game at 3:30 p. in. on October,21. Five of our boys have formed a Junior Red Cross club for the pur- pose of making ash trays for serv- ice men. They have some tuna fish cans, paint and brushes. They have discussed designs for the ash trays. The members of this group are: Stanford Block, Billy Boehmer, Robert Case, Fred Mc- Kellar and Richard Snyder. Please save your cans for us. Remember our community Hal- lowe'en party on Oct. 30 begin- ning at 7:00 p. in. for pupils, par- ents and teachers sponsored by our PTA. Livonia Center School Grade one: We have started reading the story of Edward Bear or "Winnie the Pooh." It is a fine story and we like Christopher Robin, who is a little boy just our age. We are excited because Hallow- e'en is so near and we are anxious Get Ready, For Fail fes_ • a a � if .I ;- CAN BE OF MUCHI ASSISrTAKE �T PAINTS 'TOOLS REPAIR PARTS rwn CLEANING SUPPLIES DICKER SON HARDWARE 33405 Gr. River Ave. Phone 4 Farmington, Mich. to see the Halloween ghosts. Third and fourth grade are happy to have bought $17.30 of defense stamps. We received our first grade cards this week. Several of our mothers visited us last Friday for open house. Jacqueline Mickens left us but couldn't stay away from us. She returned Thursday. We are learning a new song, "Hallowe'en Fun." Friday we had our Citizen Junior Club inauguration and visitor's day. We had our Citizen Club while the visitors were here. Jerry Comfort moved Mon- day. In our weekly reader we have been studying about Russia and the war. The sixth grade drew maps of Egypt. The fifth grade drew but- terflys for science. We would like to say That par- ents are invited to the shows at the town hall on Saturday night. Dorothy Kolak, Gay Ann, Bar- bara R, Edgar G and Bebery W. were on the honor roll for this month. Seventh and eighth grades—We had our citizenship inauguration last Fridav morning. Cecile Seylers who is in the eighth grade will be leaving us next week. She is moving to Seven Mile road. We will not -have school all next week. They are giving out ra- tion book number 4. The following people have not I L + Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1943 been absent or tardy the first six weeks of school: Edward Collins, Tom Hollowood, Pamela Krause, June Venus, Douglas Burkholder, Jean Gillues, Marvin Hayton, Harold Hoyt, Harold Osborn, and Donald Patterson. (Turn Back to Page 2 for More School News) * Buy War Bonds * Plumbing and Heating Parts and Fixtures Repairs and Service C. J. LEGGERT 20547 Fenkell Ave., cor. Patton REdford 2167 ,TEL OIL We Aim to Please" Phone Your Order to 191 Northville Night Calls Phone 68 C. R. ELY & SONS Your Appointment Now For Your Christmas Photograph San Remo Studios 17190 Lasher Road, Redford Phone Redford 7798 MEED A NEW CAR? YOU CAN GET ALL Hundreds of good used cars MAKES on our used car lot FROM US You can always get the car you want here We operate Northwest Detroit's most ipodern and efficient all -car service -repair department. BILL BROWN 20740 Fenkell Phone Red. 0900 i If Get First Call o9a #foe *$so- 00009 ONTHE "MIRACLE GOODS" OF TOMORROW BY %%su¢�y� BANKING SOMETHING REGULARLY TODAY TEE-FAP:M1N(;T0NoSP1EBANK Farmington, Mich. Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1943 THE LSVONIAN Paize 7 Township .briefs (Continued from page 4) Bob and Bill Schaible, accom- panied by their Dad, spent sev- eral days hunting in northern Michigan. The Livonia Center Scouts un- der the leadership of their Scout- master, Louis LeBar, had a Rally at Rouge Park on Sunday, Oct. 10. Eighteen boys were present and were assisted by Mr. Ander- son and Mr. Larsen. They had tug-of-war, cooking, drilling, fire building, fire by friction, com- mando tactics and First Aid. The boys enjoyed the outing and are looking forward to the next one. There will be a meeting of im- portance to all people interested in young boys for cubbing and Boy Scouts at the Livonia Town Hall on Nov. 18 at 7:30 p. in. Mr. Earl Silver of Plymouth will con- duct the meeting. Mrs. R. Williams and daughter Kathryn of Texas have been visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Owens on Eight Mile road. The Wilcox Recreational Club will hold a Hallowe'en party at the Wilcox school on Saturday, Oct. 30. There will be refresh- ments, games and entertainment. Come in costume. This party is open to anyone from 12 to 60 and there will be a small admission fee charged. Come out and have a good time. Leave your trouble at home and have an evening out that can be remembered for a long time to come. Will you be there? Truck owners who wish to save on the use of their trucks by exchanging work in hauling are free to do so without clear- ing with any government agency and without having to,pa,-y tax on sums exchanged with each other to even up the costs, the Office of Defense Transportation says, provided they: (1) use their own trucks with their own help; (2) merely pool goods for hauling and delivery within a certain area; (3) do not form a corpora- tion or other special membership plan to perform transportation for all members. Farmers who by diesel fuel, kerosene, benzene, benzol, nap- tha, and light fuel distillates to use as fuel in engines rather than for heating or other purposes should arrange to have delivered at any one time just as much as if the fuel were gasoline. A re- cent change in an Office of De- fense Transportation order ap- plies to these fuels—when used as motor fuels—the same rules in effect on gasoline since last June 1. 0 Limits on wholesale and retail truck deliveries that have ap- plied in the Northeast since last spring are effective over the na- tion October 11. Farmers need have no worries about deliveries of farm supplies to a farm, how- ever. because they are not re- stricted, the Office of Defense Transportation says. Farm sup- plies include any article or things definitely intended for use in maintenance and operation of a farm. Jobs Are Plentiful But Have You Thought Of Future Possibilities Steady employment is includ- ed in your post-war plans, Why not make telephone oper- ating your career? It is fascin- ating, responsible work with clean, pleasant surroundings and an opportunity for contin- uous advancements even after the armistice. No previous experience is nec- essary. Apply at employment office at 729 W. Ann Arbor Trail. People already engaged in war work need not apply. Michigan Bell Telephone Com- pany. "1 Let theWork LittleWant Ads; forYcu JA Only 25 cents - Phone Plymouth 16 , FOR SALE FOR SALE—Drain tile and sewer pipe. Call for prices. Farming- ton Lumber and Coal company. FOR SALE—Victory garden sup- rolies: lime for the soil,- drain tile for excess rain—Gypsum for the vines. Farmington Lum- ber and Coal company. FOR SALE—We smoke our own ham. bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry. Taylor's Super Market, 29150 Joy road, one block east of Middle Belt road. 9-tf-c FOR SALE—Insulation balsam wool, rock wool, 1/2 inch insu- lating board. Your insulation can be financed if desired. Call for details. Farmington Lumber and Coal company. FOR SALE—Lumber for main- tenance and repair jobs. Our government urges us to keep our building in good condition. Cooperate; do your repairing now. Farmington Lumber and Coal company. FOR SALE—Plumbing and heat- ing supplies, boilers, furnaees, water pumps, gutter pipe and roofing. We help you with pri- orities. John M. Campbell, plumbing and heating, 9525 Wayne road. Phone Livonia 2073. Equipped service cars to your door. 26-tfe SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selle and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 744 Wing Si. Plymout DR. J. MCL. PAT'ERSON DENTIST 32007 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Wednesdays and Fridays For Appointment Telephone Livonia 2360 You've Tried the Rest, Now Use the Best ...' CLOVERDALE FARMS' DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. WANTED—Homes in Coventry Gardens or proximity, 5 or 6 rooms, large lots, $6,000 to $8,000. Phone Evergreen 4966. 3t -p WANTED—Poultry. We pay the highest prices for poultry of any kind. Taylor's Super Mar- ket, 29150 Joy road, one block east of Middle Belt. 9-tf-c WANTED—Single woman wishes companion -housekeeper in five room modern home; pleasant and permanent. Call evenings. Wayne 7142-F3. 2t -p WANTED to Rent—House in or near Plymouth. Employee of National Biscuit company. Renter assured of permanent tenant. Call or write Mr. C. Rupp at Mayflower Hotel. $10.00 Reward. tfe Try Livonian Want Ads. WANTED To rent house in or near Plymouth. Employe of Na- tional Biscuit Company. Renter assured of perman- ent tenant. Cali or write C. Rupp at Mayflower Hotel. $10 reward. MISCELLANEOUS REFRIGERATION S E R V I C E, p h o n e Plymouth 160. Kim- brough Electric Shop. 868 West Ann Arbor Trail. tf-e WE BUY OR SELL POULTRY, live and dressed. Berry's Poul- try Market, 34115 Plymouth Road. Phone Livonia 3876. One of our every two fami- lies have at least two work- ers. Figure it out yourself how much beyond 10 per- cent of your family income you can put into War Bands every payday. The Michigan Bell Telephone Company Has openings for women as l Nc experience necessary. Training done on the job. Pleasant surroundings. Permanent employment. Persons engaged in other war work cannot be ac- cepted. Apply at your local Michigan Bell Telephone Office Ybung,Ladies We are offering you a career in our business office. We will pay you during your training. Good salary, regular hours, excellent op- portunity for advancement, refined work amid pleasant surroundings. —No previous experience needed— Those now employed in war industry should not apply. Business Office of the Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Plymouth, Michigan I i I I 'NEN WAS IN T E dmEwl" 10 Who are interested in steady post war jobs in cold drawn steel mill. Experience Not Necessary You will be trained for your after war position. At present we are engaged in 100% :defense work. ONLY MEN ELIGIBLE UNDER W.M.P.C. PLAN NEED APPLY Pilgrim Products Corporation PHONES 1130 and 1131 {� i Page 8 THE LIVONIAN I Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1943 Block Buster and Tiny Relative Agropoli Greeter The 4,000 -pound "block buster" bomb is pictured at Wright Field Ohio, with its tiny relative, the 100 -pound demolition bomb. At present the 4,000 -pounder is the largest bomb used by the United States. Britist bombers, however, carry 8,000 -pound bombs. Since they are larger than "block busters" they might be nicknamed "town tossers." Captured in Iceland 'Music Hath Charms' OH the north coast of Iceland, Biers of the U. S. Army Air forces shot down a German plane and cap- tured seven of its crew. German Sergi. Gunter Karte, who suffered injuries to his foot, is assisted back to his quarters after interrogation by U. S. officers. .' Marines on Guadalcanal saved this six -week-old calf from the din- ner table after her .mother was killed in an air raid. They fed her, cur- ried her, petted her, and named her "Sally." In this picture they are trying to develop her apprecia- tion of music. SHOE REPAIRING Extert Work FRANK'S SHOE REPAIR 11151 Stark Rd., % Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. Try Livonian Want Ads. FAMILY NIGHT WED. 111VIN6 T HEAT RE. 2368 21220 Fenkell Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Oct. 28-29-30 Hop Along Cassady - -in— "LOST CANYON" — Also — Michael Morgan and Allan Curtiss — in — "TWO TICKETS TO LONDON" Sunday, Oct. 31 and Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 1-2 Ida Lupino and Dennis Morgan in "THE HARD WAY" plu, Harold Perry and Jane Darwell to "GUILDERSLEEVE'S BAD BOY" BUY YOUR WAR BONDS AT THIS THEATER Frank ("Vito") Ruocco, formerly of Brooklyn, N. Y., was the first Italian to board an Allied landing craft as our invasion armada neared Agropoli. Boatloads of citizens with white flags welcomed the invaders of this city. Because it usually takes fuel to pump water, the U. S. Govern- ment asks water users to repair leaky faucets and other leaky plumbing fixtures. Saving of water may also save on the man - BUY QUALITY MERCHANDISE FROM AN OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM EN You can buy everything you need at Fred L. Cook Co General Merchandise Phone 10 Farmington, Michigan. Authorized Sales Headquar- ters for stamps and bonds FARMINGTON V THEATRE C1 Wed., Thurs., October 20, 21 FREE DISHESLADIES HE Wed., Thurs., Oct. 27-28 "SOMEONE TO REMEMBER" With Mabel Paige and "THE THIRTY-NINE STEPS" with Robert Donat Madeleine Carroll —A Free Dish To Every Lady Patron— Fri., Sat., Oct. 29-30 "AERIAL GUNNER„ with Chester Morris Richard Arlen and "OX BOW INCIDENT" with Henry Fonda Dane Andrews Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 31 Nov. 1-2 .'THE HUMAN COMEDY" with Mickey Rooney Frank Morgan and "GILDERSLEEVE'S BAD BOY" with Harold Peary Jane Darwell power required to make it avail- able as well as the chemicals re- quired to treat it. Keep 'em rolling! We mean dollars! Buy U. S. Savings Bonds and Stamps. JOHN M. CAMPBELL PLUMBING and HEATING Boilers, Furnaces, Water Pumps, Gutter Pipe and Roof- ing. Equipped service car to, your door. Phone Livonia 2073 95 25 Wayne Road Plymouth, Michigan Insulation and Storm Windows Will Cut Your Beating Costs to a Minimum We will gladly give you an estimate on the costs of insulating or on the costs of installing storm Sash The costs are exceed- ingly low and finance is available Plymouth. Umber Coal Co. 308 S. Main St. at P. M. Tracks Phone 102 Plymouth, Mich.' �.� 000,000 cp�,j � CE THESE EYES REpIA Many people go blissfully along their way of life un- aware that tragedy is stalking them. They are slowly losing the power of their eyesight . . . Little things happen which they can't understand . . . all because of their eyes. If you are having any sort of trouble, maybe it's because of your eyes. Why not find out? EASY CRED111 TERMS Dr. E. A. Burger, Optometrist Dr. H. J. York, Oculist, Physician 21648 GRAND RIVER • 22085 MICNIGA11 i IN WFOO IN W. otueow Office Dearborn 2300 CLARENCE F. GREENWALD FIRE APPRAISALS AND REPAIRS COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE 23415 Kean Near Outer Drive and Michigan DEARBORN, MICHIGAN "There's a Difference" FAMILY NIGHT WED. 111VIN6 T HEAT RE. 2368 21220 Fenkell Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Oct. 28-29-30 Hop Along Cassady - -in— "LOST CANYON" — Also — Michael Morgan and Allan Curtiss — in — "TWO TICKETS TO LONDON" Sunday, Oct. 31 and Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 1-2 Ida Lupino and Dennis Morgan in "THE HARD WAY" plu, Harold Perry and Jane Darwell to "GUILDERSLEEVE'S BAD BOY" BUY YOUR WAR BONDS AT THIS THEATER Frank ("Vito") Ruocco, formerly of Brooklyn, N. Y., was the first Italian to board an Allied landing craft as our invasion armada neared Agropoli. Boatloads of citizens with white flags welcomed the invaders of this city. Because it usually takes fuel to pump water, the U. S. Govern- ment asks water users to repair leaky faucets and other leaky plumbing fixtures. Saving of water may also save on the man - BUY QUALITY MERCHANDISE FROM AN OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM EN You can buy everything you need at Fred L. Cook Co General Merchandise Phone 10 Farmington, Michigan. Authorized Sales Headquar- ters for stamps and bonds FARMINGTON V THEATRE C1 Wed., Thurs., October 20, 21 FREE DISHESLADIES HE Wed., Thurs., Oct. 27-28 "SOMEONE TO REMEMBER" With Mabel Paige and "THE THIRTY-NINE STEPS" with Robert Donat Madeleine Carroll —A Free Dish To Every Lady Patron— Fri., Sat., Oct. 29-30 "AERIAL GUNNER„ with Chester Morris Richard Arlen and "OX BOW INCIDENT" with Henry Fonda Dane Andrews Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 31 Nov. 1-2 .'THE HUMAN COMEDY" with Mickey Rooney Frank Morgan and "GILDERSLEEVE'S BAD BOY" with Harold Peary Jane Darwell power required to make it avail- able as well as the chemicals re- quired to treat it. Keep 'em rolling! We mean dollars! Buy U. S. Savings Bonds and Stamps. JOHN M. CAMPBELL PLUMBING and HEATING Boilers, Furnaces, Water Pumps, Gutter Pipe and Roof- ing. Equipped service car to, your door. Phone Livonia 2073 95 25 Wayne Road Plymouth, Michigan Insulation and Storm Windows Will Cut Your Beating Costs to a Minimum We will gladly give you an estimate on the costs of insulating or on the costs of installing storm Sash The costs are exceed- ingly low and finance is available Plymouth. Umber Coal Co. 308 S. Main St. at P. M. Tracks Phone 102 Plymouth, Mich.' �.� 000,000 cp�,j � CE THESE EYES REpIA Many people go blissfully along their way of life un- aware that tragedy is stalking them. They are slowly losing the power of their eyesight . . . Little things happen which they can't understand . . . all because of their eyes. If you are having any sort of trouble, maybe it's because of your eyes. Why not find out? EASY CRED111 TERMS Dr. E. A. Burger, Optometrist Dr. H. J. York, Oculist, Physician 21648 GRAND RIVER • 22085 MICNIGA11 i IN WFOO IN W. otueow