HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1943_1222STARK SCHOOL We are having our Christmas vacation from December 23 to January 3. Mrs. Searle, the first and sec- ond grade teacher, was ill. The substitute teacher was Mrs. Lat- ture_ The Boy Scouts had a party December 18 at 2:30 o'clock. Jerry McSafety and Wayne .Fernelius were at school Friday, December 17, giving a perform- ance on safety. The -boys and girls in the sixth and eighth grade room are giving a Christmas play. The title of the play is Squander Bugs Christmas Carol. The Campfire Girls of Mrs. Leosch's group went to see Sonja Henie at the Olympia, December 17. 0 WILCOX SCHOOL The Wilcox dedication program has been postponed for the pres- ent due to the cold epidemic. The date will be announced later. Our stamp sales reached $54.00 for last week. The school sold $45:00 worth of Tuberculosis Christmas Seals this year. Christmas vacation is schedul- ed to begin Thursday, December 23. Classes will be resumed on January 3. The third and fourth grades furnished ten yards of flannel for the Junior Red Cross. The sev- enth grade will make it up into wash cloths. Grades three and four has a Christmas sandtable, a Christmas tree and a poster of Santa and his sleigh. Their party will be Wednesday, December 22. We -will have a program .and distri- bute presents. The first grade sold $7.00 worth of Christmas Seals. First grade children are enjoy- ing- the Christmas tree in their room. The fifth and sixth grades have been making Christmas gifts and cards for their mothers and fath- ers this week. They dedicated their tree this week. The following received "A" in spelling: Donald Bates, Dea Jean Brasgalla, Roger Fitzpatrick, Rog- ,Qr Gault, James Lane, Thomas Masserang, Lynn Rickert, Mar- garet Ross, Janet Whitman, Roy Parker, Sylvia Bell, Carole Trow- bridge, Nancy Valentine, Janice Wenzel, and John Walbridge. Our room has bought 29.30 worth of defense stamps and bonds. ELM SCHOOL ..,Grades five and six are getting,- ,a etting,a play ready for their Christmas program. They are making gifts for their mothers and decora- tions for their tree. Some of the children are learning Christmas stories and recitations. The kindergarten and first grade are getting realy for.their respective Christmas parties— learning songs, making tree dec- orations and Christmas cards and deooratiing their room for Christ - as. The second grade have been hearing many Christmas stories. They are learning poems and shories about Christmas. Also they have been very busy. mak-. have been making decorations and gifts. The third and fourth grades leave been making dedcorations :For their room and tree. They. have been reading Christmas stories. I The seventh and eighth ;grades presented Dickens' Christmas Carol for their -parents Monday; December 20.. The cast with alternates. "is _ as . JoIlows: Scrooge, David Heinz - man, Robert Grossnickle; Serv- ant, Martha :Lostutter, Ila Strope; Ghost of Marley, , Jack Hoag; Cliristmas Past; Anita Duke; Christmas Present, Dolores Wolt= man; Christmas Yet -to -come, Fay Morgan, Marie Henry; Fan, Scrooge as a boy, Tiny Tim, First Graders — Patricia Pariseau, Ralph Hoag, John Heinzman; Bob Cratchit, Walter Schwentor; -Mrs. Cratchit, Phyllis Brackney, Joyce Rutenbar; Fred, Jack Carney;-_ Boy, Richard Pariseau; Mrs. Fred, Beverly Patrick; Joe, Bruce Harder. The other class members acted as members of the Cratchit fam- ily, Fred's family, and carolers. The PTA furnished ice cream and cake for the children's Christmas party. Bob Rotarius attended the party in the seventh and eighth grades. LIVONIA TOWNSHIP'S ONLY OFFICIAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TH IVONIAN Business Office, Plymouth Mail Building, Plymouth, Michigan. Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan Subscription price, $1.00 per year. Post Office as second class mail matter.; ge ' Scents per single copy. STERLING EATON, Publisher PLYMOUTH. MICHIGAN Phone Plymout,- 16 Vol. 4 4WNo. 44 Wednesday, December 22, 1943 Fire destroyed the farm and out buildings of Alva Whited, 8410 Joy road, on November 30. The loss was considerable as it included a Dodge pickup truck, 7 tons of hay, one calf, and a quantity of corn and a number of chickens. Several cows were removed before the arrival of the department. The home was not damaged. The fire was believed to have been started by children playing in the barn late in the afternoon. No estimate of insur- ance was obtained. Eire Destroys rmenter Home Fire dwesproyed the residence of V. O. Parmenter, 28055 West Six Mile road, Saturday afternoon. Much time could have been saved and there would have been less loss to the building had the fire call come direct to the fire de- partment. As it happened, the call was originally made to the Detroit Fire Department, who re- layed it to Redford Fire Depart- ment who in turn relayed it to Livonia Fire Department; also the firemen of both Redford and Livonia were hampered by lack of water and both trucks ran out of water that they carry, soon af- ter their arrival, and had to go over a half mile to a hydrant to replenish their booster tanks. In the meantime, the fire obtained added, fury, consequently very little of the building was saved. Here is another case of where great loss might have been pre- vented had residents known - the fire department number and call- ed Livonia 2-555 immediately. The men of the Livonia Fire De- partment wish" to thank kind neighbors who went to the trou- ble of serving hot coffee to the men after having been there over five hours. The neighbors are al- so to be thanked for taking in the family of Mr. Parmenter for the time being until other hous- ing arrangement can be made. —a— ­ POINTS NEEDED FOR TONGUE Ration points are required to buy all varieties of tongue, and no types of this meat may be sold point -free, the OPA said recently. Some consumers apparently be- lieve tongue can be purchased without points, because beef "long cut" tongue was removed from the current table of consumer ,point.values for rationed meats. "Long -cut" beef tongue, OPA ex- plained-, is an untrimmed type which is not sold at,retail. Will Collect Old Clothing On Thursday evening, Decem- ber 16, the members of the Wo- men's Club of the Rosedale Gardens Civic Association met at the clubhouse for their annual Christmas party. The clubhouse was beautifully decorated with Christmas greens, and credit must be given Mrs. Robert Summerlee for the lovely effects she obtain- ed. The party opened with the singing of several Christmas car- ols. Mrs. C. E. Cotten was at the piano. Gifts were then exchang- ed and everyone marveled at the lovely things that can be had for a quarter. After this, the pro- gram committee directed the playing of several games which were enjoyed by all present. Mrs. T. J. Lyndon was in charge of this, assisted by Mrs. W. Barth, Mrs. D. Pickles and Mrs. C. R. Carlson. Following the games, refresh- ments were served. The tables carried out the red and green col- or scheme, and as a favor, each member received a.paper Christ- mas angel which was made by members of the program commit- tee. Hostesses were Mrs. B. E. French, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. H. Coutu, Mrs. J. C. McKernan and Mrs. E. M. Zopff. Mrs. H. J. Olsen, welfare chair- man, announced that a collection would be taken to help provide two handicapped girlsd with clothing so they could, attend school. The next meeting of the Wo- men's Club will take place on Thursday, January 6, 1944, at 8:34 p. m., when, following the busi- ness meeting, Mrs. J. C. Calhoun will review "The Big Rock Candy Mountain" by Wallace Stegner. The officers and board of the Women's Club wish to extend.the season's greetings to all their friends and members, and hope that all those who are now ill with the flu will be up and around again shortly. SOLDIERS INSURED The National Service Life In- surance Program in the army has grown to a 65 billion dollar en- terprise, providing insurance pro- tection to more than 95 per cent of all members of the army, ac- cording to the War Department. The program was established three years ago..:. Try Livonian Want Ads. Will Hold Dance ,L,v'eW Years Ev e The Rosedale Gardens New Year's Eve dance will, as usual, be held on December 31 with dancing from 10 p. m. to 3 a. m. Music will be provided by Schaef- fer's Orchestra. If you plan to attend, make your reservation now as reserva- tions will be limited to 75 couple. You must have a reservation in order to attend. A buffet sup- per will be served. Mr. and Mrs. William Kay are chairmen. Garden .':,.. i ''. ,,1. The annual membership tea of the Rosedale Gardens Branch of the Women's National Farm and Garden Association was held at the clubhouse on Tuesday, De- cember 14 at 2 p. m. The feature of the tea was a pageant, directed by Mrs. E. N. Wooster, of the costumes of "Wo- men, Yesterday and Today." Mrs. Lester Bookout was at the piano, and Mrs. S. A. Francis the narra- tor. A sale of novelties and baked goods was under the direc- tion of Mrs. K. S. Gibson. A ta- ble on which were several sugges- tions for table decoration, etc., was set up. Following the pa- geant, tea was served with Mrs. E. N. Wooster pouring. The January, meeting will be the election of officers and an- nual meeting. All members are requested to be present. .Livonia Red Cross To Elect Officers The Livonia Branch of the American Red Cross will hold .election of officers at a meeting Wednesday evening, December 29, at the Township Hall. Officers to be elected are chairman, vice chairman, and secretary. Any Red Cross member is eligible to vote. Anyone interested in the ac- tivities of the Red Cross is urged to attend the meeting which will begin at 8 p. m. Paper is used in the production of many weapons of war: bomb bands, wing tips, parachute flares, fuse tank linings, practice bombs, airplane signals and shell containers. Page 2 THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, December 22, 1943 Townsh -Briefs Pierson P. T. A. held its annual Christmas party and meeting at the Pierson school Thursday, De- cember 16. Christmas carols were sung by the audience. Albert Owen sang several selections. Mrs. Zaida Wolfe accompanied him at the piano. The member- ship has passed the 100 .mark as we now have 101 members, of which we are very .proud. Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Albert Owen, Mrs. Masters, Miss Ruth Edgar and Miss Dorothy Funk. "Wings," the movie shown as to how air pilots are trained, was enjoyed by the group. The next meeting will be held at the school on Thursday, January 27. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Holdern and children of Cherry Island spent the week end visiting at the home of Mrs. Earl May on Mayfield. The Pedro Card Club of Livo- nia met at the home of Mrs. Au- gust Grabowski, 15461 Brookfield, on Thursday, December 16. After the cardd party an exchange of Christmas gifts took place. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Beatrice Ahern, Mrs. Dorothy Canfield, BUY QUALITY MERCHANDISE FROM AN OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM 9: You can buy everything you need at Fred L. Cooly Co General Merchandise Phone 10 Farmington, Michigan. WEAR DIAMONDS FOR PERSONAL ATTRACTIVENESS Own Them as a Sate Investment 0 Deane Herrick Jeweler 839 Penniman Ave. Plymouth Mrs. Mae- Davis and Mrs. Irene Shely. Scout parents' meetings was held at the Pierson school on Tuesday evening, December 14. Second class scouts received their awards, Richard Krimkow, Ger- ald Sicolvan, James Skilling, Howard McLellan, and Gene Ru- tenbar. Mr. Shore of Detroit Dis- trict No. 7 gave a demonstration on a first class Boy Scout emblem 21 times the size of the first scout emblem. This was very impres- sive and was enjoyed by the group 'of scouts and parents who at- tended the. meeting. The Boy Scouts of Pierson sold Christmas cards and worked in pairs. The pair of boys who sold the most Save with Safety at your Rexall Drug Store Cecil H. Habermehl 32101 Plymouth road Rosedale Gardens Corner of Blackburn cards were Albert Spicer and Gene Rutenbar and were each presented with a hand axe. The patrol which sold the most was the wolf patrol and it received a plaque. One boy sold alone and he received a scout knife as his award. He was Bill Soos. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Isbell and daughter, Patricia, were the din- ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Bretz on Lauder ave- nue, Detroit. _ Try Livonian Want Ads FUEL OIL We Aire to Please" Phone Your Order to 191 Northville Night Calls Phone 68 C. R. ELY & SONS Bray War Bonds � 1 For Accuracy in War Istryffi� One error can cost lives and planes ... that are depending on your accurate eyesight for safety! Dont take chances, let our Registered Optometrist examine and prescribe the proper glasses for your improved, safe, sure vision. r® John A. Ross — Dr® L. E. Rehner DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY 809 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Mich. Phone 433 Hours: 11 a. m. till 9 p. m. g (iT�l 943 'At Christmas play and make good cheer For Christmas coarses but once a year" d`iLITTERING more fantastically than the jew- kff els of Aladdin's cave are the Christmas trees in the windows of this town and adjoin- ing farm areas. Everywhere, everywhere Christ- mas, and the spirit which Christmas brings. We love this town and its environs. We have grown up here and have come to regard- our- selves as "a fixture." We have a great many friends, "but not a friend to spare;" and at this time we want to thank thein, on'e and all. YES, CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR, SO IT BE- HOOVES US ALL TO MAKE THE VERY MOST.OF IT. ON THE EVE OF THIS JOYOUS SEASON WE TAKE GREAT PLEASURE W WISHING ALL OUR FRIENDS THE FULLEST MEASURE OF CHRISTMAS JOY AND HAPPINESS. Adlk -0 0 tP 10 go- - I" xw cr..w urw*[xw asv�umvi vrw�vrw�-+zt,.�-ukw,c;r.Wcr,,aC�!�uF+ugrw�arkw+fru'.+rr,A�!�#uP���twfitiir��➢'!(�OTB�+$��{"wF�p - Wednesday, December 22, 1943 , IRE LSVONIAN The Lee Valley Improvement Association held its annual Christmas party at the Livonia Township Hall on Friday evening, December 10. The group sang Christmas carols around a port- able organ. Miss Nancy Shireman of Detroit sang "`O Holy Night." Ted Taylor acted as Santa Claus and passed out the gifts. Robert Snodgrass and Mrs. M. Dugan were in charge of the program and Mrs. Hines and Mrs. Parker had charge of the refreshments. An election of officers was also held at the meeting. The new of - DR. J. McL. PATERSOIV DENTIST 32007 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Wednesdays and Fridays For Appointment Telephone Livonia 2360 1, 'N 4 �1•" f Shop Now For Christmas Use Our Convenient Layaway Gift Plan Jewelry is always a wel- come gift and the quality sold here makes friends that last forever. yBurg's III ®n r JEWELERS Oldest Jewelry Store in Redford 009 Grand River Ai ' r r 7 f•9.��� spy ,.. t �� y:• vFf 1 y Y S MERRY CHRI STMAS� f• Pt E ett P r- CUTS BUTTER ALLOWANCE Page 3 iters are rest en , mm a ker; vice president, Calvin Kil- The peacetime daily butter al- SHOE REPAIRING gore; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. lowance of two ounces per soldier Calvin Hollowood. T h e next has been reduced to approximate- Expert Work meeting will be held on January 1•y 1.12 ounces per man, the War ; 7 and will be in the form of a Department has reported. This FRANK'S SHOE REPAIR dinner and either sleigh or hay includes butter used as a spread 11151 Stark Rd., % Blk. ride. Any member wishing to and in cooking. South of Plymouth Rd. know more about this should ___0_ contact the chairman, Calvin Kil- Try L�}ivonian Want Ads. * Bur ar .8on �s gore, at Livonia 2384. 0— The Camp Fire Giros of Wayne ,,... county had their annual vesper service Sunday at the Woodward Presbyterian church in Detroit. Miss Patricia Isbell of Livoniay "° ide Sam Says: ..� told the story of the Christmas carols and their originality. EAT A N�URIST Fill NG, --eggs—meats and fruits at the "The Friendliest Z lowest prices. 4W w berry Christmas BERRY'S C ICKEN SHAG Jimmy Thrapp, Prop. Phone Redford 9702 1i ' LIGHTS ON THE FIR TREE, t SNOVI ON THE VVIN"DOVJ t LEDGE ... THE JOYOUS t r FACES OF CHILDREN ... - f 1 ... NiAY IT BE A `ERY HAPPY ONE FOR YOU FEED STORE - 28850 Plymouth Rd. i Y i � 11elp keep war -crowded circuits clear on December 24, 25 aand 26. Please use long distance only if it is vital. War needs the wires—even on Holidays. INVEST IN VICTORY— WITH WAR BONDS MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY HEARTY BREAKFAST We feature a delicious defense ; workers breakfast served from 6 p. m. in the morning until noon— Hot and cold cereals — Wheatcakes c, --eggs—meats and fruits at the "The Friendliest Z lowest prices. 4W w berry Christmas BERRY'S C ICKEN SHAG Jimmy Thrapp, Prop. Phone Redford 9702 1i ' LIGHTS ON THE FIR TREE, t SNOVI ON THE VVIN"DOVJ t LEDGE ... THE JOYOUS t r FACES OF CHILDREN ... - f 1 ... NiAY IT BE A `ERY HAPPY ONE FOR YOU FEED STORE - 28850 Plymouth Rd. i Y i � 11elp keep war -crowded circuits clear on December 24, 25 aand 26. Please use long distance only if it is vital. War needs the wires—even on Holidays. INVEST IN VICTORY— WITH WAR BONDS MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Page 4 - TFIRLIVONIAi3 _ V epi tits "-1 cer±rl3er 2 ; i +43 'Z-.ri'E„% `` :tt .li eotne of 1Vlrs Jos a` short _bus mr t)VV27SMrs sg; yrsi sery attPse setite} pay . eph'Spitza at 13526 'Merriman L. Christensen and Mrs. Fred Ver- toad. This will be the Christmas ran, took charge of the games. Pvt. and Mrs. Fred O: Bo S'tWick Mr, and Mrs. John Hacker and 'party and there will be an ex- Gifts were exchanged among the spent Sunday visiting with 2&s. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Birdsall at- change of gifts. The time of the members. Tea and cookies were Earl May. dinner party at the meeting and party will be Tues - tended a dhome of iinnr. and Mrs. Edward day evening, December 28, at 8 Staley of Northville. p• M. • LUBRICATION Seventeen acults .ttended the MobilGas ® �I M TIRE REPAIR Mr. and Mrs. Myron J. Ander- missionary Christmas party given son attended a dinner and bridge at the Livonia Commi inity church Open 6:45 to 6:45 Week Days—Closed Sundays party at the home of Mrs. Alma on Tuesday, Deoembe r 14. After Bogie in Farmington on Saturday BOB CLARK'S evening. This was the annual T1 -ACRE -ACRE SERVICE Christmas party for the bridge -- group. Other guests attending were Major and Mrs. J. L. Nelson Of Detroit, Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Saley of Northville and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Johnson of Farm- ington. John L. Kurtz of Oxford, Penn- sylvania, arrived Wednesday to spend several weeks visiting at the home of his son, John B. Kurtz on Surrey road. Mrs. James Cravens returned Saturday evening from Nashville, Tennessee, where she visited with her brother, who is confined to a hospital there. Mrs. Anna Hamlin returned Monday from Indiana where she visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crabb. St. Joseph's Circle of St. Mich- ael's parish will hold its regular "How can I save —coal.? —transportation? —manpower?" ,r 4,, Answer: MEED A NEIN CAR? SAVE ELECTRICITY YOU CAN GET ALL You cant see electricity, but if you could Hundreds of good used` cccrs . , MAGES you'd dis"c:&tff-many things go into on our used car lot its manufacture . coal and transports: FROM US tion- and manpower -and the tremendous You can always get the car you want here energy of giant-Aurbines,- plus- Traria We. _operate Northwest Detroit's most modern: and efficient Critical War materials` all=car service= repair department: Today the conservati of-- all- 6 things is vitally important in winning. the. ML. BROWN war. You, save half -¢-dozen. at once= when - 2074Q Fer kell Phone Red. A94Q you save eiectricity.- Far the raw mate- roils usedin making electrity tial usls .. nem.:€ep war 'mate' i i i. *4, 0 �. c s c i: i , " America s war 'prodi oh=thdiv at -top - A speed. light switch. Use= only the lights gowactu- ally NEED. Be care€dl-your- twe of oiec 0-01 tric appliances and= equipment. There is. no shortage of electric generating or ;dis tributing facilities in this area, but the Government' asks everyone to save Christmas spirit is VOLUNTARILY, to conserve critical re- p sources. Even though it is not rationed, here, the gayest sea- saving electricity is the patriotic duty of son of the year. We every American citizen today. The Detroit V wish good wishes Edison Company. and cheek, to all of you there from all of us here! Merry Christmas Enjoy a delightful Christmas din- ner here on Christmas Day—you'll appreciate the holiday treats our chefs have prepared. PEN MAR CAFE CONSERVE ELECTRICITY Even a 5% saving in the monthly use of electric- ity by Detroit Edison customers will save about 190 CARLOADS OF COAL PER MONTH 1,800 14,000 TRAIN -MILES ..� MANHOURS i�it,.:l'.J'Td'�d'�i?N��::1'l`'_�g,N,N.M,tN{'+ . 1i—"1� ,iY .t" Y'�'i 1 -Y•Y ( ,Y f .nY nr�' Y Page 5 T E,L1V0NIAN - ing. After`prayer .meeting, chair {,Lh L L L practice. With The Livonia Churches HOPE CHAPEL, CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRETHREN. Six GAYLORD ROAD BAPTIST River on Seven Mile road, one Mile, near Middle Belt. Morning worship, 10:00, Sunday school chapel, one mile west of Grand half block north on Gaylord road. 11:0.0. Evening worship 8:00 p. m. - Sunday school, 10:00 a.m.; wor- young people's Christian En - ship service, 11:1-5 a.m.; B.Y.P.U., deavor 6:30 p. m. Sunday. Mid - Authorized Sales Headquar- 6:30 p.m.; evening service, 7:30 week service, Thursday evening ters for stamps and bonds p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible at 8:00 p. m. Everyboay welcome. study, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Fri-. dJ B'bl h 1 ay, umor i e sc oo (ages 5- FARMINGTON 16) 41-00-5:30. Come and worship where Christian cordiality wel- comes you. "A stranger but once." C', C1 Pastor: Ray Hein,, phone Univer- T H E A T R E sity 2-2419. Wed.-Thurs., Dec. 22-23 DISHESLADIES THE FREE7k �k 7k "DANGER WOMEN AT WORK" Patsy Kelly Mary Brian and "APPOINTMENT IN BERLIN George Sanders, Marguerite Chapman Friday -Saturday, Dec. 24-25 "PASSPORT SUEZ" Warren William, Ann Savage and "GUNGA DIN" Sun. -Mon. -Tues., Dec. 26-27-28 IN WHICH WE SERVE Noel Coward Bernard Miles and "THEY GOT ME COVERED" Bob Hope Dorothy Lamour ST. MICHAEL -S CATHOLIC church, Father Contway, pastor, Rosedale Gardens. Masses at 6 a.m., 8 a.m.. 10 a.m. and 12 noon. WEST POINT 13MLE CHURCH Evangeline Farnum, pastor. H. Sandercock, visiting pastor. Sun- day school, 10:00-11:00 am.; morning 'worship, 11.:00 a.m.; junior church, 3:00-5:00 am.; evening worship, 7:45; Tuesday cottage meeting, Horace Gra- velle's Merriman Court. Friday afternoon. 2:00-3:30, . Missionary meeting at church, 3:30 to 4:3G Industrial Arts for children. Fr: - day evening,- 8:G0, prayer meet Insulation and Storm Windows Will Cut Your Heating Costs to a Minimum We will gladly give you an estimate on the costs of insulating or on the costs of installing storm sash The costs are exceed- ingly low and finance i'savd'- lable Plymouth -Lumber & Coal C®. `308" S. Main St. at P. M. Tracks Phone 102 Plymouth, Mich. NEW YEARS EVE CELEBRATION -- MUSIC - ENTERTAINMENT DANCING Make your reservation today Phone Livonia 9297. NANKIN: MILLS INN We at home have every right to enjoy a Merry Christmas if we are helping to shorten the war, by buying War Bonds and Stamps to our greatest capacity. Keep Your Home In Good Repair There are many items that you will need such as paints—tools —nails, etc. that we can furnish. Let us help you help Uncle Sam by keep- ing your home in first class shape. J Quality Merchandise. * DICKERSON HARDWARE 33405 Gr. -'River Ave. Farmington , Mf f Wednesday, December 22,4943o, SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selle and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 744 Wing Si. Plvmout Building Supplies Are Available For Your Homes and Farm Buildings You can get lumber for Repairs and Enlarging Let Us Fill Your Needs LEADRETTER Coal & Lumber Company 12434 Middle Belt Rd. 1/ Mile N. Plymouth Roaa Phone REdford 0188,, A RS . /+ DURATION -_ JT WILL PAY YOU to get,:the. lost job possible when yqu, , tar is involved. THOROUGH LUBRICATION DONE BY EXPERTS PROTECTS WEARING PARTS ON ANY CAR —� al Y®u - Can Depend On Us CAL- ROBERTS SERVICE OR`=* Phone Livonia 9202 for Service SUPER GULF EFMS Cor. Merriman, Plymouth Rds., Rosedale Gardens FAMILY NIGHT WED. Aff 30 THEATRE 19% IN RE. 2368 21220 Fenkell IRVING—Thurs., Fri., and Sat., December 23-24-25 Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake —in— "FOOTLIGHT GLAMOUR" —plus— Robt. Dona.y and Phyliss Calvert to "YOUNG MR. PRETT" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, December 26-27-28 Victor McLaughlan and Carry Grant in "GUNGA DIN" p1w, Elissa Landi - Otto Kruger —in— . CORREGIDOR", a Wednesday, December 22, 1943 THE LIVONIAN � Let the til ® "k F 'wan�AdsforYcu –A" �i /Only 25 centsi- phone Plymouth16 FOR SATE FOR SALE—Rockwool only, 79c per 35 lb. bag. Farmington Lumber and Coal Co. it -c FOR SALE—Heavy duty shal- low well pump, 1/4 H.P. motor, 30 gal. tank, safety valve, pres- sure switch. As is, $65.00. FOR SALE—Large base burner, in good condition. 15640 Oporto, west of Mi•ddlebelt, off Five Mile Road. 2t -c FOR SALE—Balsam Wool Insul- ating Blanket only 51/2c per square foot. Farmington Lum- ber and Coal Co. It -c FOR SALE — Octagon -shaped living room table; very sturdy; in good condition; walnut fin- ish. Call Livonia 2114. FOR SALE—Coal burning eir- culating heater, 6 room capac- ity, red mahogany finish, all €ast iron, $60.00. 29221 Clar- ita Road. L W. Whiletey. It -c FOR SALE—Comet Soot De- stroyer. Saves fuel—cleans furnace and chimney. Only 25c. Farmington Lumber and Coal Co. It -c FOR SALE—Storm sash, 18 stock sizes on hand. There will be no more when the present stock is gone. Farmington Lumber and Coal Co, It -c FOR SALE—Celotex and Weath- erwood insulating board, 1/2" thick. Only 5 1/5c per foot. Farmington Lumber and Coal Co. It -c FOR SALE—Gas stove with high oven, good condition; also lad- der back maple bed with coil springs; also baby's chest of drawers. Phone Livonia 2592. It -p FOR SALE -We smoke our own ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry. Taylor's Super Market, 29150 Joy road, one block east of Middle Belt road. 9-tf-c FOR SALE—Plumbing and heat- ing supplies, boilers, furnaces, water pumps, gutter pipe and roofing. We help you with prl- orities. John M. Campbell, plumbing and heating, 9525 Wayne road. Phone Livonia 2073. Equipped service cars to ,your door. 26-tfc The public is asked to save all types of waste paper. The paper should be kept •dry. It can be sold to a junk dealer or donated to a charitable organization or it may, be collected by a local salvage committee. (hristinas Gift Headquarters Children's upholstered Rocking Chairs, regularly $12.95.Q 95 SPECIAL- NOW �7* General Hardware Plumbing and Electric Supplies 1'- TH Onh'RPE 28302 Joy Road, Between Inkster and Middlebelt Rds. Phone 3120 MISCELLANEOUS Ri;,FRIGEPATION S E R V I C E, p h o n e_ Plymouth 160. Kim- brough Electric Shap, 868 West Ann Arbor Trail. tf-c WE BUY OR SELL POULTRY, live and dressed. Berry's Poul- try Market, 34115 Plymouth Road. Phone Livonia 3,876. IF YOU need a graduate nurse .for an hour or more call Maude Smith, R.N., daily from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Phone Livonia 2461 or Livonia 9268. 4t -c BEER - LIQUOR - WINE Dancing Sat. and Sun. ED PALISZtWSKI, Prop. (Formerly Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriman ,Road You've Tried the Rest, Now Use the Best .. . CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. The Michigan Bell Telephone Company �•x Has openings for women as SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS Nc experience necessary. Training done on the job. Pleasan* surroundings. Permanent employment. Persons engaged in other war work cannot be ac- cepted. Apply at your local Michigan Bell Telephone Office • e1 1- 1 Page 7 Until the last few days to order your Christmas photo - gr ---)hs. San %® Studios 17190 Lasher Road, Redford Phone Redford 7798 LI`IONIAN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Uncle Sam wants top produc- tion — you can be sure of the best results when you feed our dairy feeds — Mr. Farmer— - SEEDS — FEEDS Commercial Fertilizers Spray Materials FOR GOOD COAL PHONE 107 Eckles COftalt Su"PI Jr y co. 882 Holbrook Ave. Plymouth, Mich. Yo -u Ladies We are offering you a career in our business office. We will pay you during your training. Good salary, regular hours, excellent op- portunity for advancement, refined work amid pleasant surroundings. —No previouF experience needed— Those now employed in war industry should not apply. Business Office of the Min- Telephone Co. Plymouth, Michigan MEN WANTED! Who are interested in steady post war jobs in cold drawn steel mill. Experience Not imecessary You will be trained for your after war position. At present we are engaged in 100% defense work. ONLY MEN ELIGIBLE UNDER W.M.P.C. PLAN NEED APPLY Pilgrim Products (orp0mration PHONES 1130 and 1131 -~ y;,Page 86 ....: _ . _: _- THE•LI�TC►N Township Z•Iefs• Mr. and Mrs.' Frank E. Manley Melrose Rosedale of avenue, Gardens, announce the engage - Mrs. Irving Hancock of Black- ment of their daughter, Betty (burn avenue left Sunday evening Ilene Manley, to Robert Floyd for Texas where she will spend Parcells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christmas visiting her son, Rob- Delbert Parcells, of Elmira ave- ert, who is stationed there. nue, Detroit. No wedding date has been set as yet. Mrs. Harold Adams of Cleve- -0- land spent the week end as the JOSEPH C. PORTER guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Joseph C. Porter, 56 years old, Bentley of Berwick avenue. died at 5:00 a. m. Sunday, Decem- Captain and Mrs. John G. Lile, ber 12, after a five day losing battle with bronchial -pneumonia. formerly of Cranston avenue, Mr. Porter was an electrical en - left Friday morning for their for- gineer and since locating out here mer home in Little Rock, Arkan- seven years ago, had made many sas. Captain Lile is scheduled friends by his ever ready assist - for overseas duty shortly, after ance in the many little electrical I being stationed at the Romulus problems that came up in a new Air Base for over a year. Sue community. He will be greatly and John returned with their missed also by his neighbors who grandmother, Mrs. George Wil- looked to him for advice on the son earlier in the week. planting and care of trees and The Mom's Club of Livonia shrubs, which was his hobby. His Township will hold their next remains are being shipped to his meeting on Tuesday, January 3, - 1944 at 2 p. in. at the Township Hall. As there is quite a lot of JOHN M. CAMPBELL work to be accomplished, all members of the group are urged to start the New Year right and PLUMBING and HEATING be present. There will be no January meet- ing of the Parent Teachers As- Boilers, , Furnaces, Water Roof - Pumps, sociation of the Rosedale School. Gutter Pipe and The February meeting will, of ing: Equipped service car to; course, be the Founder's Day your door. Dinner, and will take place on Phone Livonia 2073 Wednesday evening, February 95 25 Wayne Road 2. There will be more informa- Plymouth, Michigan tion regarding this event in fu- ture Livonians. .f . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .... : l No doubt, you know a few people Who '( 1 have old-fashioned glasses . , who yf really need a ne��style frame to give t them a lift in mo'taile. N"y not give a ! worthwhile gift this Christmas.by- giving them a new pair of glasses . fashion - styled to fit the features of the wearer. COMPARE OUR LOW 'PRICES gG,$ �iger> 0.1D- 't. STJD1D AE A' Vol.J y �ik> Desi. phY Dc. �. . 22085 MICO M 6let pp0 ttlYEtt w.o Z1688� �FORo � . ,tr • ,iT'� .rT" . ! .ri% ; .d' t .n'! , .rii . ,+X % ,r* ,rX' Wednesday,.December,422-.104 - boyhood home, Battle Creek, for wife and son at the loss of a ie - burial in the family plot. Great voted husband and father, 13y sympathy is expressed for his their friends and neighbors. :V mqz-�� 1943 Township, county and school taxes were payable Tuesday, De- cember 14, 1943 and may be paid without penalty until Tuesday, February 29th, 1944 3 Taxes may be paid at the township hall, 33110 Five Mile road near inter- section of Farmington road each 1 week day between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., except Saturday. Tax payments may also be mailed by check or money order directly to the treasurer at the township hall, 33110 Five Mile road. R. F. D. No. 3, Plymouth, Michigan Arthur Trapp . Township Treas.