HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1944_0823Plan Harvest Festival Here On Monday evening, August 14th, a group of people met at the Livonia Town Hall to make plans for a Harvest Show to be held in Livonia Township on Saturday, September 23rd. The doors will open at 4 p. in. Mrs. A. T. M. Peterson of Rosedale Gardens is the chairman of the Victory gardens for Livonia township aid is the chairman for the Harvest Show. Mr. Dallas Hay was chos- en as treasurer and Mrs. Donald W. Donnelley as secretary. There will be an artistic arange- ment of flowers and vegetables— also a display of home canning 4-H exhibit and Junior entries from their own gardens, Livonia Township wants a Vic- tory Garden Queen between the ages of 16 and 20 Entries must be in to Mr. R. A. Snodgrass, 32190 Myrna, Rt. 3, Plymouth or call 2098, or Mr. Dallas F. Hay, 30425 W. Seven Mile Road, Rt. 2, Farmington, by September 9th which is the closing date. R. A. Snodgrass is the Victory Queen chairman and any inforformation may be obtained by calling him at Livonia 2098. The Victory Garden Queen Court will be made up from Eighth grade girls. Other chairmen for the Harvest Show are Dr. Marie Timpona, Dr. Hilda Whitright, Mr. Earl J. ;Burt, .Mr. John Martin, Mrs. Har- ry Daniels, Mrs. G. A. Bakewell, !Mr. Dallas Hay, Mrs.D. W. Don- nelley, Mrs. Chester Tuck, Mrs. E. J. Burt, Mr. George Simpson, IMr. R. A. Snodgress. Judge: Mrs. W. J. Yeager. There will be another meeting at the Livonia Town Hall on Tuesday evening, August 29th at 8:30 p. in. Anyone interested in this project is invited to attend. —�k Mrs. Arnell Hoyt left Thurs- day for St. Paul, to see her father who underwent surgery and is in a critical condition. *THE LIVONIAN*- Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan, Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. Phone Plymouth 16 Vol. 5, No. 27 Wednesday, August 23, 1944 Club Appeals For Robe Material The Mom's Club _,:iet at the Li-' vonia Town Haill on Wednesday, August 16th and had a potluck dinner. In the afternoon the la- dies made slippers for an appeal that came in from Fort Custer. ,More material is needed by the Mom's for this work. If you have and woolen material in your home please contact Mrs. Clara Smith, Livonia 3137 or any 'Mom in your locality and they will see that the material is picked up and put into lap robes or slippers, Four pair of slippers and 4 lap robes were sent to the United States Naval Convalescent hospital at Glen- wood Springs, Colorado. An appeal came from Fort Custer for 36 pairs of slippers. 17 pairs have _:cen shipped out and there is a need for material for these slip- pers These boys in the hospitals are from this district as well as other districts and so you may be supplying your own son or, neighbor's son with a robe or slippers. Mr. and •Ivirs. Francis Fischer and family, left Sunday for Tole- do, Ohio, to get their son, Fritz who is visiting his grandmother Mrs. C. A. St. John. Their son Bobby remained for a short visit, before returning to school. Miss Rose Hinds of Jonesboro, Arkansas, is spending two weeks with her neice Mrs. C. H. Groth. Members of Barber Shop Quartet Earl Rupert, George Gdanic. Lou Burke and Roger Cooper The Saturday Evening Post, in the issue of August 19th, carries a story "You Take the High Note", which gives the history of an amazing organization, The Society for the Pre- servation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Sing- ing in America, Inc. This Society whose name completely, if somewhat lengthily, disclosed the purpose of its existence, now has Chapters in more that half the States and Canada. Livonia Township is lucky enough to have a thriving Chap- ter of which Tom Baird, of Rosedale Gardens, is President The Gardenaires quartet, composed of men from Rosedale Gardens competed in the Championship Quartet Contest at Detroit recently. Marries In Ohio Mrs. Robert Bingley Announcement was made this week by Mr, and Mrs. Victor Kingsley of, 9803 Auburndale ave- nue, Rosedale Gardens, of the marriage of their daughter Doris Brown to Robert Bingley of Ply- mouth. The marriage was a sur- prise to the many friends of the young couple. They were married in Napole- on, Ohio and will make their home in Plymouth. Both were graduates of Plymouth high school and are well known here. Select Grade Supervisor Harry O, Johnson, superintend- ent of Livonia township schools, announced this week his faculty assignments for the various schools. The two junior high schools wil. be headed by Gerritt Kramer, former principal of the Rosedale and Elm school districts, who wil' be in charge of Livonia Center, and James Rossman; former prin- cipal at the Stark school, who will be in charge at the Newburg school. Following is the complete list of assignments: Kindergarten=Pierson, A. M. Pauline .Isham;Rosedale, Margaret Laine; 'Wilcox, P. M., Pauline Is - ham; Stark, Jane Bowser. First grade—Pierson, Lillian Anderson; Wilcox, Elsie Bengel; Elm, Bernice Roberts; Rosedale, Doris Smith; Stark, Lucille Reeves. Second grade—Pierson, Eliza- beth Edgar; Wilcox, Edith Coop- er; Elm, Dorothy Smith; Rosedale, Marjorie Becker; Stark, Effie Searle. Third grade�Pierson, Myrtle Funk; Wilcox, Winefred Johnson; Elm, Barbara Wood; Rosedale, Beatrice Bowen, principal; Stark, Gladys Ryder. Fourth grade -Pierson, Hester Leavenworth; Wilcox, Irene Well- er; Elm, Catherine Thurman; Rosedale, Esther Simpson; Stark, Audrienne Gates Fifth grade—Pierson, Dorothy Wheeler, principal; Wilcox, Erma Bridge; Elm, Ruth ;McBride; Rose- dale, Alice Weaver; •Stark, Louise Helwig. Sixth grade—Wilcox-Section 1, Eunice Young; Wilcox -Section I, Miss Helen Graves, of Chicago, Floyd Bingel, principal; Rose Illinois, has been appointed Grade dale -:Section I, Gladys Swanson;. Supervisor for the Livonia Town- -Rosedale-Section II, Agnes Lee ship Schools by the Board of Edu- (Grace Breningstall); Stark, Iva cation at their meeting held Mon- Rinehart. day, August 14, 1944. Junior high school—Edna Huff, Miss Graves received her Bach- Edna Brake, Grace Breningstall elor Degree and her Masters De- (-°-fines Lee); G. Kramer, Mary E. gree from the University of Chica- R -b 0, .James Rossman, Louva Wa- go. She has taken additional grad- terrnzn, Elaine Ra•dkev, Margaret uate work at the University of Gollinger, Florence Gerdes. California and the University o Briggs—M. Adeline Lee. Michigan. She has a rich back- 7k— ground of experience in Illinois, Friday, August 25th at 2 p. m., Minnesota, and Michigan. During is the date and time of the Bake the past seven years she was em- Sale and Silver Tea to be given at ployed as Elementary Supervisor the home ofMrs. Harry Daniels, i n t h e Buchanan, Michigan 34030 Dorais Street, Goventry Schools. In addition to her teach- Gardens. There will be plenty of ing and supervisory experience cakes, pies, cookies, etc. This she has been active in several bake sale and silver tea is given Education Associations ,and Bus- for the benefit of the Livonia iness and Professional Women's Ccmmunity Church. Everyone in !Clubs. She took over her duties the community is cordially invit- on Monday, August 21, 1944. ed to attend and donations will be appreciated. Mrs. John T. livwell and daugh- ters, Mary and Susan spent last Mrs. James E. Tanner and child - week at Indian River, 'Canada, ren returned last week from a visiting her mother, Mrs. Ann week's vacation spent at Lake Fitzgerald. Erie near Point Peeley. P"s TWO THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, August 23, 1944 For Refrigeration Service Call Livonia 2941 Work That's Different and Distinctive # i i 9035 Middlebelt between Chicago & Joy Authorised Sales Headquw- tm for Stamps and Bonds CFARMINGTON 31%711 THEATRE Wednesday, Thursday, August 23, 24 # is * ES TO THE FREE DISHLADIES! "Bridge of San Luis Rey" -- with Lynn Bari, Frances Lederer — um&— "Goodnight Sweetheart" with Bob Livingston and Ruth Terry Friday, Saturday, August 25, 26 "Detective Kitty O'Day" with Jean Parker and Peter Cookson —and— William Boyd -n— "Three Men From Texas" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, August 27, 28, 29 "The Desert Song" with Dennis Morgan, Irene Manning _411" MaIllace Berry and Marjorie Main --m+— "Rationing" To score a hit with the family, i add bacon bits to muffins, waf- fles, pancakes, cornbread, pota- to salad, popovers, omelets, cook- ed vegetable greens, and stuffed potatoes. To each of his pallbearers at his funeral B. E. Bopst, of Fred- erick, Md., willed the sum of $5. REWS SHOP General Repair Used Mowers Bought and Sold Complete Line of COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS Repair and Replacements Keys Made to Order Saws, Scissors, Knives, Etc., Sharpened by Machine Lawn Mowers a Specialty Ground by the Ideal Machine ALL WORK GUARANTEED 29201 Plymouth Road East of Middle Belt Road PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN Phone Livonia 2341 City of Plymouth Enjoy Ideal Fbma Lifal [Jul II Wi.` ,MCITY CHAi.+ U �,*® \ �4 i • 14 CH ��" Low Tax Area Shopping Center l Schools, Perks The New, Ideal, Clean Suhur6 -i City Becoming Nationally -Known for Beauti- ful Parkways and Far -Sighted Planning. Lifetime Homes $300 Down READY TO MOVE IN! Large living room, file features, recreation room, full attic, 50 -foot lots. An ideal loca- tion, convenient'o as West Side industries. OFFICE and MODEL L?EN OR PHONE MR. MOON FROM 10 A. M. to 9 P. 61. } AT PLYMOUTH 1230 g . —*Look for the Yellow and Black Signs DAWSON BUILDING CO. He helps keep trouble from happening He's the Central Office Maintenance Maw — and a vital part of good telephone service. He keeps the central office equipment in good work- ing order. The speed and accuracy with which he does his job have a great deal to do with keeping telephone service flowing smoothly — especially these days when the wires are needed for war. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE C.OMPA__RM f * Invest in Victory — Buy More War Bonds * �.i WAR NEEDS LONG DISTANCE "Please limit your tail to 5 minutes!* when Long Distance circuits are crowded, y'ednesday, August 23, 1944 THE LIVONL46N no Thr -- I erIowns j ip ]`reals , Mrs. Alpo Phipps, Mrs. Mar- L 1 L News jorie Hamilton, Mrs. Katherine _ = Meier, Mrs. Gladys Tuck and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arnell Hoyt and Mickens. Five of the ladies at- hildren returned from a three tending the party are to have ,-eeks' vacation at their summe- similar parties in the near future. T ottage near Gaylord, Michigan. A bazaar and silver tea will be A breakfast party was held at held in !he parlors of the Livonia he home of Mrs. T. R. DeVrie_; Community Church, Friday, Sep - ,n Wednesday, August 16th. At-'' teniber 15 at 2 p. in. There will ending the party were Mrs. Ralph be infant's wear, children's cloth - '^se, Mrs. Lottie Shannon, Mrs. ing, aprons, pot holders, fancy Vm. Kutchins, Mrs. Lucille Ha t;- work, also a white elephant table. RACE Each-Night Post Time - 6:30 Opening �. riday Night St SEPTE. Admission: .60 including tax Free Parking Par-Nlutuels — Photo -Finish — Daily -Doubles Proceeds to be used for the bene-' Louisiana to spend two weeks fit of the church. The hostesses visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. fo, tris party will be Mrs. H. Dan- T R. DeVries of Coventry Gar - ie s, Mrs. Myrtle DeVries and i'dens. Her daughter, Theora Mry. Dorothy Case. Trapp has been spending the sum- * ' - i mer with her grandparents. Mrs. L. Graham is in the High- i land Park hospital where she un Ann and Kathy Howell spent derwent an operation. She is get-': last week visiting at the home of ting along nicely. All her friends Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sparrow on wish her a speedy recovery. I Allendale, Detroit. iVIrs. Thada Trapp arrived Wed- nesdayWar evening from Bossier City,' y i �IILN 1 LV 1 NG Northville DownsTroth ng Assoc 16ti on H. B. Dennison, President F page 34M THE LIVONIAN YOU'VE TRIED THE REST; NOW USE THE BEST ... CLO'VERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 841 Weat Ann Atbw Tnsii Plymouth, MiC PLUMBING AND IDEATING Parts and Fixtures Repairs and SWOOP C.1. LNGERT 20547 Fenlcell Ava. Cor. Patton REdfmd 1187 Get better results with better feeds LARRO HEADQUARTERS Poultry Remedies SAXTON Farm Supply Store 587 W. Ann Arbor Trail Phone 174 For Livonians the DICKERSON HARDWARE 33405 Grand River Phone 4 Farmington Is still the favorite DR You will find us al- ways ready to serve and if you can buy it today we'll have it to sell. Towziship Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Homer Branion spent two days last week at Lake City, near Cadillac. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Peresty and Catherine spent last week in Chicago. John, Mary, and Petey Lee are visiting their grandparents in Toledo, Ohio. x = Mrs. H. T. Valrance and chil- dren spent the week of August 7th at cottage near Caseville, Michigan. They were joined Sunday by Mr. Valrance. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Steele were visited last week by Mrs. Steele's mother, Mrs. L. C. Reed of Lan- sing, and her sister and Mrs. H. L. Pride and son of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey T. Odg- ers, Ingram street, announce the birth of a daughter, Karen Ma- rie, August 5th. Private George W. McNeill, and A/C O. E. McNeill who are both in the air corps. spent 15 day furloughs with their mother Mrs. McNeill, and sister Mrs. Wm. Steuerwald, the forepart of Aug- ust. George who had been station- ed at Panama, Florida, has now been transferred to Westover Field, ,Massachusettes. Edwin is stationed at Camp Beal, Califor- nia The Nurses group met at the home of Mrs Cass J. Kershaw, Wayne road, for a social meeting, on Tuesday evening. iMrs.Nora McKieran and daugh- ters Claire and Joanne of Detroit, were Thursday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Cox. PALACE M Beer - Liquor - Wine ED PALI,SZEWSKI, Prop. (Formerly Frank's Ina) 310U22 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriman Road Insulation and Storm Windows Will Cat Yons MAGA Q Costs to a Mlnl m We will gladly give you an estimate on the ooft o2 In- sulatina or on the r of Tnets]]�i�¢ storm MAL The costa are exceedingly low and Sn,ance is avaib blit. Plymouth Lumber & Coal Company M a >rftk St. at P. ]lei. Tracts Phone 102, Ptynwutb, W&h Wednesday, August 23, 1944 FOR ACCURACY IN Right!WAR INDUST �� One error can cost lives and planes ... that are depending on your accurate eyesight for safety! Don't take •chances, let our Regis- tered Optometrist examine and prescribe the proper glasses for your improved, safe, sure vision. Dr. John A. Ross—Dr. L. E. Rohner DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY 309 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Mich Phone 433 Our office hours are every evening from 7 to 9 o'clock and from 1 to 5 o'clock Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays Dependable Car Service QUALITY PRODUCTS - FRIENDLINESS That's why there is no better place to trade in Livonia CAL ROBERTS GULF PRODUCTS Phone Livonia 9202 Corner Merriman & Plymouth Roads Wednesday, August 23, 1944 Township Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Jacobs announce the birth of a daughter, August 10th, at Sessions hospital,, Northville. She has been named Martha Louise. Donald Carlson is on the sick list with a case of mumps. s : : Don't forget to save all your waste paper for the Cub Scouts .i who will call for it with their "puck -up" wagon. If they should miss you on their regular pick-up day, call Mr. Pitts, Livonia -2961, and he will tell you which Den is in charge of the collection for that week. GUST'S MARKET s • • Every Customer Here is a Satisfied Customer Groceries and Meats ♦ • ♦ 29444 Joy Road Just West of MWdlebelt TM Lr New Jap Army (thief Gen. Hideki Tojo has been relieved of his post as chief of the Japanese army general staff and has been succeeded by Gen. Yoshijiro Umezu (above), ambassador to occupied Manchuria. L. BLAKE JEWELER Opposite Post Office Northville, Mich. The Best Place to Buy Closed Wednesday Afternoons During the Summer Still the Best place to Trade RED AND WHITE ROSEDALE GROCERY Fred VanLandinham, Prop. QUALITY SERVICE PRICE Choice Groceries and Meats Large Vegetable Department FROZEN FOODS E Shop where all Rosedale residents make their headquarters— We are here to serve. --- iOXIAN Wage n" 'a ragas &-a wairra via • 20740 Fenkell You'll Find Detroit's Finest Phone Red. 0900 Selection On Our Lot Our Service Deportment Is The Most Efficient In The Northwest Section. SILL BROWN See As When You ant a Better Car r When Your Car Needs Repairing IeS OLDEST REAL ESTATE FIRM HARRY S. WOLFS ?h MURANCM Phone Livonia 2668 31398 Five Mile Road—Just East of FW=dngton Road List your property with us for prompt sale FEEDS - FERTILIZERS FARM SUPPLIES - SPRAY MATERIALS - GRAINS BUILDING SUPPLIES All Kinds of Coal The Eckles Coal & SupplyCompany rhos. 107 882 Holbrook ,Plymouth Page Six THE LIVOKI" VON BURG'S RMFORD's.. . Oldest Established JEWELERS =1000 Grand River Avenue UDhols erina Old Furniture Made to Lo k Like New FREE ESTIMATES Phone Redford 3100 vault Up6klerilg 21161 Fenkeli Corner Westbrook Cor_stant companion of this sad - eyed bewildered Japanese youngster was "Shipper," the slip's mascot of a coast guar;;-ma.eued assault trans- port, where the "Little Tojo" found haven and medical treatment from the strife that surged over his Sai- pan home. SHOE REPAIRING Expert Work Frank's Shoe Repa:tr 11151 btark Rd., % Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. NANKIN MILDS INET Is still the best place to meet your friends and enjoy an evening of hospitality. 33750 Ann Arbor Trail Phone Livonia 9297 EXCELLENT MIXED DRINKS — GOOD BEER The best of everything and it costs no more Paint Now ..... 0 We carry a complete Line of Inside and Outside Paints ... u, RavThorpe GENERAL HARDWARE Garden Seeds and Tools 28302 Joy Road Wednesday, August 23, 1944 Timely items concerning your electi* service, suggestions about cooking, lighting and appliances, and many other things of interest and value will appear from time to time in "Edison Lines" Make "Fr1i on Lines" a readind nabW MAN-MADE WEATHER . . . Scientists haven't yet learned how to control the weather, but our Research Department has developed a machine that pro- duces all four seasons of the year in just 24 hours. April showers alternated with sunshine, heavy rain- storms, freezing and thawing—all take place in cycles that are repeated dal'.y. So when we want a paint that will stand up in all kinds of weather, or a plastic that won't warp out of shape if used outdoors, a sam- ple is put in the "Weather-ometer." In 30 days' time it receives a buffeting equal to many years' service exposed to the elements. Z TO TEMPT SUMMER PALATES ... Our Home Service Department recommends this tasteful dessert: Grapefruit Pie—Temp. 450 degrees, Time 15 min. 1/2 lemon (juice) 1 cup boiling water 1-1/3 cups grapefruit juice 3 eggs, separated (whited for 11/a cups sugar meringue) 3/a cup sifted flour 1 tbsp. butter Combine all the ingredients with the exception of the egg whites. Cook on "low" heat until thickened. Pour into baked shell and top with meringue made of egg whites. For the pastry use a standard pastry recipe, substituting sweetened grapefruit juice for water. Bake pie shell. a i w A MILLION DOLLARS AN HOUR ... Combat muni- tions—tanks, airplanes, guns, engines, gas masks, air- plane flight instruments, gliders, jeeps, trucks and ammunition (to name only a few)—are produced at the rate of .$1,000,000 an hour in the Detroit area. Electricity is the lifeblood of this tremendous pro- duction, and there has been no shortage of power for the operation of these plants. Accomplishments of manufacturers in producing the weapons of war are outstanding. One of our customers makes the Bofors 40 -mm, anti-aircraft cannon, and in one year increased his output of these guns more than 30 times -3,000 per cent. Using automotive production methods, he cut the assembly time for one of these guns from 450 man-hours—the best record abroad—to 14 man-hours. 41! MI' HOME CANNING AIDS ... "Which canning method should I use for fruits? Is the Cold -Pack method better than the Hot -Pack? •Is it possible to can with- o=.?t sugar? What is the difference between the various kinds of jars and jar caps?" ... Answers to these and many other questions may be had from our Home Service Advisor. Consult anv Detroit Edison office. —1/m _'%e"u:1 4Cc6d" ea. .._ Wednesday, August 23, 1944 THE ” LIVONIAN F& SWT. FOR SALE Thor washing mach- ine; writing desk; almost new Sun oil burner, 'heats 5 rooms; 2 oil drums with locks; friut jars, 25c per dozen (bring your own 2ontainers). Call after 6 p. in. 29200 Sunnyda2e, between Five and Six .Mile Rds., off Middlebelt. It -pd lid Painting, Decorating Inside and Out Wallpaper Removed For Free Estimates Call Livonia 3149 FUEL OIL "We Alai to Please" Phone Your Order to 191 Northville Night cab Phone 66 C. L ELY d SONS PATRONIZE YOUR OWN Lumber —and— Building Suppy Headquarters Coal - Lumber Building Materials Leadbetter COAL & LUMBER COMPANY 12454 Middlebeit Road 14 Mile N. of Plymouth Rd. Phone Re::„ord 0338 FOR, SALE—We smoxe our own have. bacon and sausage. Fraih killed poultr Taylors Super M=ke% 291 Joy road, one black east of Middle Belt road. 9-tf-c WANTED WANTED—Good home for year - cid, well-trained- female dog. Part Shepherd and Collie. Good watch dog. Call Livonia 2047. 27560 Joy road. It -pd POULTRY WANTED — We pay the highest prices for poultry. Taylor Super Market, 29150 Joy Rd. Phone Livonia 9207. tf LOST LOST—Black Schaeffer Pen with gold band with name "John T. Howell". Lost about a month ago, reward. Livonia 3145 or leave at Livonian office. It -pd MISCELLANEOUS . ELECTRIC Ranges, apartment size for those who need them. Kimbroughs, 868 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Plymouth. HARTFORD Accident and Indemnity Company ,INSURANCE d� G.A. Bakewell, 38105 Plymouth Road Phone 616-W Plymouth I'M L F FS Poultry farm Fancy Milkfed BROILERS "I At O.P.A. CEILING PRICES Our mechanical plucker as- s. ras rapid dressing, as you wait. However, we apprec- iate phone orders. 30511 8 Mile Rd. Phone Farmington 916 Thanks to a woodpecker, aided by a swarm of bees, the Los An- ge'_es home of Mrs. Helen Sharpe is a sweet mess. The woodpecker drilled a hole in her house. The bees took over and filled the walls with honey. Mrs. Sharpe tried to rout them with a vacuum cleaner She got stung. A central depot for relief sup plies to help feed and clothe Am- erican prisoners of war and ci- vilian internees in northern Italy occupied by the Germans has been set up at Bergamo. From lack of moral strength Page Seven empires fall. Right alone is irre- sistible, permanent, eternal.— Mary 'Baker Eddy. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Maple and S. Harvey streets, Plymouth. Sunday morn- ing Services, Morning Prayer with sermon at 11 o'clock -preach- er Mr. M. B. Whittlesey. The Guild of St. John's Episcopal Church will hold an ice cream social Friday, August 25th on the lawn of the Church from 3 p. in. to 9 P. in. Homemade cake and syrup will be served along with ice cream. Do not miss this de- lightful occasion. Rev. Francis Tetu, Rector. You Get the Best in Liquors Here An ideal place to meet your friends! SANDWICHES 3 always Weicome at N'S TAVERN 1 Plymouth Road Phone Livonia 9275 SIM, PLIFY YON HANDLIKS OF MONEY MATTERIS o e f7 ?1/ - Joy, 71 N, t a°RD ah qaak A��Relieve yourself of some of the worry and detail of paying bills, filing re- ceipts, and keeping track of expendi- tures. Pay by check. It will simplify your handling of financial matters, save time for you, and substitute order for confusion. 7Vi/�Ii ♦ Open a checking account at this bank. T#-E-FAMIN GTO N eSTATE-BANK Farmington, Mich. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Pap zldht THE LIVONIRN Wednesday, August 23, 1944 "The Friendliest Atmosphere in Northwest Detroit" OLID TIMER TAVERN Lahser Road at Grand River REDFORD LIQUOR BEER - WINE Modern & Old -Time Dancing Fri., Sat., Sun. Nights MUSIC BY WESTERN ACES JIMMY THRAPP, Prop. Phone REdiford 9702 TWIN GABLES 33601 Plymouth Rd. EN HOME OF THE FINEST DRAFT BEER IN LIVONIA IN FISH & CHIPS EVERY FRIDAY Dinners & Sandwiches Under the Management of "Eddie & Eva" (Formerly of Dann's Tavern) WEAR DIAMONDS FOR PERSONAL ATTRACTIVENESS Own Them as a Sate Investment Deane Herrick Jeweler 832 Penniman Ave. Plymouth GAYLORD ROAD BAPTIST and Five Mile roads. Theodore chapel, one mile west of Grand Sauer, pastor. Sunaay worship, River on iSeven Mile road, one- 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 half block north on Gaylord road. o'clock. You are cordially havited Sunday school, 10 a. m4 wor- to attend. ship service, 11:45 a. in.; B.Y.P.U. p in Prayer meeting and Bible LIVO_NIA COMMUNITY CHURCH, Farmington Road, near Five Mile Road. Rev. Albert J. Lui-brand, pastor. Sunday school, classes for every age, 10:30 a. in.; Morning Worship service, 11:30 a. m.; Evening Worship service and song service, 7:30 p. in. Young People's meeting at 7 p in. Board meeting at 3:00 p. in. Bible study and prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 p. in. This is an un - .denominational church and every- one in the community is cordially study, Wednesday, 7:3'0 p.m. Fri- BETHEL MISSIONARY CHAP- invited to attend day, Junior Bible school (ages 5- EL, 8890 Middlebelt near Joy Rd., * . 16) 4:00-5:30. Come and worship A. Hodge and R. Rose, Pastors. When a recipe calls for one egg where Christian cordiality wel- Sunday School, 1:45. Sunday don't try to use half an egg for comes you. "A stranger but once." Evangelical Service, 7:45. Young half a recipe. Egg is usually used Pastor: -Ray Hein, phone Univer- People's Service, Tuesday even -for thickening purposes, and too sity 2-2419. ing, 7:45. Mid -week Service, much is better than too little in ST. MICHAEL'S C A T H O L I C CHURCH—Father Contway, pas- tor; Rosedale Gardens. Masses at 5:45 a.m., 8 a.m., 10 am. and 12 noon CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SSOCIETY Farmington high schoolauditor- ium, ,Sunday, 11:00 a. m., Sunday school, same hour. Wednesday evening services at 33336 Grand River Avenue at 8:00 :p. m. WEST POINT BIBLE CHURCH Evangeline Farnum, pastor. H. Sandercock, visiting :pastor. Sun- day school, 10:00-11:001 a. m., morning worship, 11:00 a. m. junior church, 3:00-5:00 p. in., evening worship, 7:45; Tuesday 14:00. Evening worship 8:00 p. m. cottage meeting, Horace Gra- velle's Merriman Court. Friday afternoon, 2:00-3:30, Missionary meeting at church 3:30 to 4:30 industrial arts for children. Fri- day evening, 8:00, pryer meet- ing. After, prayer meeting, choir practice. HOPE CHAPEL. CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRETHERN. Six ;Mile, near Middle Belt. Morning worship, 10:00, Sunday school. Young People's 'Christian En- deavor 6:30 p. in., Sunday. Mid- week service, Thursday evening at 8:00 p. in. Everybody welcome. WEST POINT CHURCH OF CHRIST, 33200 'Seven Mile road, one block east of Farmington road. Bible school 'Sunday 10:00 a. in.; preaching and communion 6:30 p. in.; evening service, 7:30 Sunday, 11:00 a. m.; preaching Sunday evening 7:45. Everybody' i is welcome. IST. PAUL'S EV. LUTHERAN' CHURCH. Corner of Farmington SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Belle and son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 744 Wing St. Plymouth Save with Safety at your REXALL DRUG STORE CECIL H. HABERMEHL 32101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Corner of Blackburn Thursday evening 7:45. this case. Funeral Designs Wedding Bouquets Cut Flowers Table Decorations Evenings: 31001 Six Mile Road R. S. BALL FLORIST 17591 Couzins Highway, at Outer Drive Delivering Daily To Livonia Township University 3-8585 Detroit, Mich. Thorough Examination by Skilled Optometrists COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE .1 W t I L H h OPTIC1pHSUf- r Dr. M. F. McGuirk,' O.D., in charge "Style Right" Glasses on Liberal Credit Terms BERRY'S SiHACKN — 34115 Plymouth Road — When you want a delicious cooling meal, where the chefs really know how to prepare chicken, we recommend our dinners. Famous Chicken Dinners Salads - Lunches - Breakfasts For pre-war menus—where quality foods are prepared and sold at reasonable prices —eat regularly at Berry's.