HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1944_1025Luck NGood01 W Say I - T1 iE LIVO 4 1)k 4 Hunters in western Wayne county reported a scarcity of game during the first four or five days of the upland game Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan, Postoffice as end Class Mail Matter. hunting season. Phone Plymouth 16 Vol. 5, No. 36 Wednesday, October 25, 1944 While there were more hunt- ers than ever before, fewer birds are reported than in any season in a number of years. The situation is unexplainable Wiftai A Solaier a 1 -Minks Club because theoretically there were - Rosedale fewer hunters in the field last y, year. This should have left more s 1JYing fo matin and production About he SponsorsParty 'birds r g this year, but most hunters de- clare that. the theory has nog Like millions of other kids fighting the war, Seaman Jack Cooper Rags and tatters were in vogue worked out. had his next leave mapped out. tie was going bacx home to Elkhart, for the Hard Times party held While some shells were re- Ind., marry his girl Helen (he called her -Big eyes"), put away some by the Rosedale Women's Club, leased to hunters this year, they home -cooked meals. Like tens of thousands of others, Cooper never Thursday evening at the Club were few in number, but there made it. hadioman on a Navy torpedo plane, he was shot ,down in House. Mrs. H. T. Valrance and seems to be no definite short- the Pacific by the Japs, arifted for weeks alone on a rubber raft. Mrs. -Donald Pickles won prizes age. One dealer reported that he More than a month later a Navy vessel found the frail craft with for the most zany costumes. Gam - had "put away" shells for a few Coopers body -and on paper leaves in his wallet a record of what a es .and contests were enjoyed by hunters, but four days after the kid thinks about as he cies slowly and, painfully. Wrote Cooper after the group, under the leadership hunting season started they had ithree weeks adrift: of Mrs. Morin Heric. Autumn not been called for. "July 6 - Mom: Wings are in sewing kit, am entitled, to all stars leaves, tattered lamp shades and and, more Be sure to cneck ins. etc. 10 0100; ins C.Roses] to remind More licenses were sold in � candles in; broken.. saucers plus a Plymouth than in a number of me of Helen. I've always loved her. Love kisses same for you mom, stuffed cross-eyed scarecrow dec- years, but this sale was largely dad and all. orated the club house and, a for - due to the fact that Northville "July 8 - Weak. Can't catch fish ... no rain .. , love big eyes. tune teller predicted the future dealers ran out of licenses. "July 10 - Rain last nite very weak land close somewhere. with the aid of mystic sticks. * July 11 - Mavis [a Japanese fighter plane] flew over ... no see A late supper was served by- left yleft eye bad shape ... still have water. Mesdames Wyatt, Bernard, Wilnus "July 12 - Little cloudy no planes no land headed north P. M. Jap Shook, and Holcomb, and ;heir Townshl'p CNell saw me ... s-trafed, hit me, in both legs ... bandaged them , • . chairman Mrs. William Kay. drifting, E. "July 12 [sic] - Very weak from loss -of blood .. , land in sight Mal'Is 178 Ballots ... no food since the 4th ... 6 ounces of water left... . "July 14 - .Caught one small fish last PM . t . very slight breeze New P. T* As At SE. If this is my last day tell my pig eyes to be happy with someone Along with all the other duties else. I'm back to salt water . .God bless you all. ■ of his township office and his << � flewburg thriving real estate business .clerk Surprise July 15 tell Helen I found God be happy love. No rain if •1 d for 2 weeks -to Helen I loved her until the end—Jack. I love ,Harry S. Wo it: this week mai e his 178th ballot to Livonia men in mom dad and all wish I cat some of her' cooking.' Cooper missed rescue by four days.. The Newburg Junior High PTA the service. The demand for bal- Time Magazine,October 2 issue. was organized on Tuesday eve - lots has been. greater than ex- ____ ning, October 17, at the Newburg petted and in addition to those school. Mrs. Gladys Tuck, District sent to service men more than 20 Were you one of the several who went into Postmaster Harry No. 1 Chairman of the Michigan Livonians have already voted ab- Irwin's office, the First National bank or The Plymouth United Congress -of 'Parent Teachers read sentee ballots. �Sav- ings bank during the past few days and cashed your war bonds. the by-laws of the PTA and an Mr. Wolfe received a letter from -- V election of officers as w:held. Mrs. ,Lt. Dudley Apps recently in which _ _ - _ Virginia Bock of Rosedale Gar - he was high in his praise of the for the fineLivonia ■ ■ ■ / P. A.Livonia oman s dens wa I s e ected the new Presi- dent. Mrs. Roy Kidston of New - clerks office mighty service given him On his request burg, First Vice President, Mrs. for a ballot. In the letter Lt. AppsL'Iub who is now serving somewhere inTo earHaskell Carl Wagenschutz, Second Vice President. Mrs. Peggy Coates, the Pacific on one of Uncle Sams •Sec' an r y, d Mrs. Edwin Thatcher, air craft carriers asked that Mr. Treasurer. Wolfe remember him to his many The Livonia Center Parent The Livonia Township Woman's Mr. Benjamin, of the Wayne old friends here in Livonia. Teacher Association held their Club met for a luncheon and busi- Health department, showed a- Pic - regular meeting on Monday, Oc- ness meeting on Wednesday, Octo- ture of 'the smallpox epidemic and tober 16 at the Livonia Center ber 18th at the Pen Mar Cafe on Miss Losier, R.N. told of the ad - Garden Club School. This was membership Plymouth road. so as their speaker Dr. Marie Timpona introduced vantages of vaccination. month and *. thHey had Mrs. Virginia Bock the Hon. Ed. A. Elsarelli, assist - ■ ® s icn,i '� Membership Membership chairman of the ant prosecuting attorney of Wayne Wayne County Council. Mrs. Bock County, He ■ accination ■ as guest speaker. ad- talked on why you should be a dressed the club on the subject Members of the Garden Cub of member of a PTA. Mrs. William of child, delinquency, pointing out of the PTA :'e- the Clinic Scheduled Proffitt president need of mothers guidance in Rosedale Gardens held an outdoor signed and so a nominating com- combating this problem. picnic luncheon, Tuesday, Octo- mittee was appointed and a tzew Te 'Livonia Township Superin- ber 17th, on the Clubi-louse lawn. president will be elected next tendent of Schools Mr. Harry A vaccination clinic ill ol be held John Petersen, commissioner of month. Mrs. R. Case, Mrs. -Harry Johnson discussed the plans of the at the Newburg School on Mon - Parks and Boulevards, :gave a talk Schumacher and Mrs. Harry Dan- board of education in organizing day, October 23, at 11 a.m. and on Fall Planting -,and:' ground cov- .e'_s are on the nominating tom- musical groups. the Livonia Clinic will be on er," and showed samples of plants best suited to planting dur- mittee. Refreshments were served. Amon other by Mrs. Walter Phipps, Mrs. Shan- g guests present Monday, October 3a at 10 a.m. All school children should be vacci- in this time -of year. He cordiall- g, Y .y were Mrs. Beatrice Bowen, Prin- non and Mrs. Garnet J. Potter. cipal of Rosedale Gardens School hated ever Y five years and chil- dren invited the members to visit i , s greenhouse which is located near The next meeting will be held and Mr. Donald Howell. should have -a consent slip signed by their parents. All pre - p Outer Outer Drive and Chicaao Blvd. f , the school on November 20 at The next meeting will be held 8 Dr. Haskell of the Wayne school children that have not been Mrs. Milton 'Stover, 1st vice-presi- dent �of the group, who now lives p.m. at the Pen Mar Cafe on November County Training School will be 15 at 12:30 p.m. Mr. AustinGrant vaccinated are welcomed to come and be taken care of aeither- tof at Grosse Pointe Farms was pres- the speaker. will be the speaker. For reserva- these schools. The cost is fifty ent at the meeting. - �At' tions call Livonia 2144. cents. This clinic is recommended * The Presidential candidate re- � by the State Health p De artment. Great opportunities come to ceiving the largest popular vote Grand Traverse and Leelanau all, but many do not know they is not necessarily elected. In 1888 counties are closed to pheasant Highest muskrat production in g _ have met them.—The only pre- paration to takeadvantac'e of Benjamin Harrison received a hunters this fall, in addition to smaller popular vote than his op- Alcona, Benzie, Mason, and. Michigan occurs in the cattail marshes of Saginaw River, Sagi- them, is simple fidelity to what each day brings.—A. E. Dun- ponent—Grover Cleveland—but Wexford counties, closed last won on the essential electoral fall, and all of the upper penin- naw Bay, and Lake Eriewhere the ning. votes. sura. average acre of marsh sup- ports four muskrats. Page Two THZ LIVONLOLN Wednesday, October 25, 1944 Small Storekeeper our points are all changed for I The word independence is proper study of the thou -ht of d Does His Full Duty Editor of Grand Rapids her- ald: An open letter to the OPA: Sorry my price was one cent high on head lettuce when you checked. I hope I have taken care of the following: income tax, sales tax, withholding tax, social security tax, excise tax, oleo license, sausage license, cream station license, cream testers' li- cense, retail license; price tags on 60 meat items, grade on 23 meat items, points on _; 16 meat items; fiile . milk sign poste,Qi, oleo sign posted, price on 1,200 processed food items, 200 dry goods items, 123 shoes, all mark- ed and posted: I have our livestock slaughter permit, permit to buy and seii livestock, meat grading permit; we collect stamps on shoes and rubber footwear. I have my truck s and car license and my $5 stamp for each, have just made applica- tion for B gas book and new stamps for the truck. Personal property tax is pail to date as is real estate tax; am watching my tires on truck and car (watching them disappear); have our grade marked on eggs, MW ftufmStang* and Ban& IFAR�i INGTON. THEATRE Wednesday, Thursday I October 20, 26 * -It * DISHES TOH 4 FREE LADIES! Jean Gabin and Ida Lupino in "Moontiae" and Frances Langford and Guy Kibbee in "Dixie jamboree' Friday, Saturday, October 27, 28 SATURDAY MATINEE Huge Big Hallowe'en ,dhow Begins at 12:30 p. m. Humphrey Bogart and Sylvia Sidney in "Dead End„ and Janis Carter and Edmund Lowe in `.Girl In The Case„ Sunday, Monday, Tuesday October 29, 30, 31 Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman in "'Gaslight" and Marjorie Reynolds and Dennis O'Keefe in 'Up In fable's Room this month. I have my fishing license, hunting license, dog license, car and truck license, and gun per- mit, driver's license, liquor per - mi t, etc. Our scales were tested and found OK; our cream room was reported dirty by the inspector but we have it cleaned now; our � points are all paid up to date. I have dropped our price on head lettuce one cent and am sorry that you had to drive 30 miles to find that out. DUMP RETAILER, IN T A SMALL TOWN. Usefulness is doing ri -htly b-,,, yourself and others. We lose a percentage due to our activity ;�-hen doir the ��Tork that be- longs to another.—? Jary Baker Eddy. HARTFORD Accident and Indemnity Companir INSURANCE' A., Bakewell 0 38105 Plymouth Road Phone 616 -VST Plymouth united to the ideas of dignity ouiers.—Calderwoo . and virtue; the word depend- �- --- --- -- -- - -- - ence, to the ideas of inferiority and corruption. --J. Bentham For �elriraion Perhaps the best known build- , ing in ,Michigan whose foundation service Call res�s on -Michigan limestone is the state capitol in Lansing. Livonia 2941 Independent thought is the III only true preparation for a'-- -- ---- --` ---_--_-- - Quick Lunches Served At All Hours i TAVERN 34401 Plymouth Rd. D j .thane Livonia 9275 "E OLD JUDGE SAYS* e "We can't argue with the Judge on that point, can we Mabel? It's not fair to penalize the many for the actions of the few." "That, folks, is exactly what we would be doing in this country if we ever voted for prohibition again. Authorities who have made a careful study of the problem, report that only about 5% of those who drink abuse the privilege occasionally... 95% drink sensibly. Probably doesn't compare with the number of folks who overeat and do other things to excess. Prohibition certainly isn't the answer. It's not that simple. We had nearly 14 years proof of that, didn't we? "The real answer is education and better control. In fact, the responsible members of the distilling industry are working con- stantly toward that end. They don't want anybody to abuse the use of their product any more than the three of us do." "If everybody would take that sensible attitude, Judge, and cooperate as more and more are now doing, we'd be a lot better -off a lot quicker." Tki-sadnertisetmad sPonsmed by Conference of Alcoholic BeVeaage In-dustries, Inc. Wednesday, October 25, 1944 770 LIVONUN Page Three YOU'VE TROD T ptESTI NOW UBE THZ BEST .. 0 CLOVMWALE FARMS DAIRY Yow L4C81 Dealm a841 Westnm Azbw Trafl pbmouth- Web. PLUMBING AND TING P arts and FLvhuw rt.,,Pairs and SWIM In- ut ja 146ME. U., 20-547 FankeM JLV06,* Cox. Paitm REdfard 2167 Get better results with better feeds A R 0 KDQUAR 8 Pco,ultry Remedies SAXTON Farm Supply Store 587 W. Ann Arbor Trail Phone 174 For Livonians the DICKERSON. HARDWARE 33405 Grand River Phone 4 Farmington Is still the favorite You will find us al- ways ready to serve .Oa and if you can buy it today we'll have it to sell, Poor Teem of . Members of the Belgian "White army" laughingly point to a poster of a weeping Adolf Hitler which is displayee, in the window of their' headquarters in the now liberated city of Liege, Belgium. lNeedless to say the poster was riot there during German occupancy. .4r - He who would really benefit, mankind must reach them through their work. — Henry Ford. ALACE INN Boor - Liquor - Wine ED PAL XW-81U, PTw. (Fonnerbr Frank's Inn) .11022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriman Road Insulation c m__ d- AWM :Storm 'Windows WiU CuAlk YOW Haaaw Casb to a Wnimma We will gladly give you an eabrnate on the cosU of in- sulating or on the coaU od Lusta sWm mash, The costs are excee ly law &nd finerwe is avafiablc mouth A - Lumber oal Company SM & WbAn U at P. X Tracks Pon* 102, Piymoutb, MidL FOR ACCURACY IN Eyes Right'. WAR INDusTRY L - One error can t, -,3t lives and I - 0!%, planes ... tha are depending o1i ve- I ; your accurate eyesight for safety! Don't take chances, let, our Regis- tered Optometrist examine and prescribe the proper glasses for your improved, safe, sure -vision. Dr. John A. Ro" � Dr. L E. Rohner DCCT'ORS OF OPTOMETRY 809 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Mich Phone 433 Our office, hours are every evening from 7 to 9 o'clock and .Lrom to 5 o'clock Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays Dependable Car Service QUALITY PRODUCTS - FRIENDLINESS That's why there is no better place to- trade in Livors" C ROSjjr.RTS GULF PRODUCTS Phone Livonia 9202 Comer Merriman & Plymouth Roads 1 1 1 N: ;� 1 — 34115 Plymouth 4- When you womt a delicious cooling meal, where the chefs really know how to prepare chicken, we recommend our dinners, Famous Chicken Dinners Salads -hunches = Breakfasts Forpre-war menus --where quality foods are prepared and sold at reasonable prices —eat recmlarly at Berry's. Page row Township An eis I A campfire Halloween party for the bluebirds and campfire girls will be given at the home of iMrs. Edward liamiltwa on Fri -day, October 27 from 3-5. All girls are to be in costume, and games wili be played and refreshinems Serv- ICL. A nursery school, under the supervision of Mrs. Cahries WE - son, will open it's winter session October 24th, lasting through. De- cember 14th, each Tuesday, Wed- nesday, and Thursday, from 8:45 ,,,-o 11:30 a.m. The enrollment mem- bership with a limit of eiglilitee,_-L was, reached some time ago and many more ase on the waiting list. �n Those w ­J 'L.o are now enrolled in - elude Kenneth Cobb, John Ker- shaw, Douglas Richards, Mary Collins, Robert Wilson, Connie Fors'ythe, Ann Conway, Constance Craig, Gale McIntosh, Kathleen Weise, Linnea Benson, Roger Wi(--- gand, Dexter Davis, Billy Mc- Queen, Penny Barth, Gayle tGor- don, Marilynn Garwood, and Rosemary Rice. The children will meet at Mrs. Wilson's home, 9610 Blackburn. Their mothers w-1.11 take turns assisting Mrs. Wilson. The cubs of Den TIN -o. 4 of LV -1 - collected 79 lbs. of wast -e fat last Saturday, October 14th. ao THE LIVONLkN Wednesday, October 25, 1944 Who are interested in steady post-war J obs in cold drawn steel mine You will be trained for your after -war position. At present we are engaged in 100% defense works ONLY MEN ELSGIBLE UNDER W.M.P.Ce PLAN i�TRu APPLY Steel Corporation IDrawrPi grim THANK YOU, Mr. Curley. We value your letter of friendly appreciation. It is stinue ating to all of our people and is particularly appreciated by our Customers Service men. Even during wartime, 'rhe Detroit Edison Company has tried to maintain the high standards of service our custorners expect and deserve. We know, however, that we are 'Far from perfect, and we hope you will be equall; prompt in telling us -�,-hen we fail. That would be just ac. stimulating and even more helpftil. 11cre is the record of Edison services in wartint e: PHONES 1130 and 1131 Plymouth, Michigan We have always appreciated the luxury. '..��>.`< economy and courtesy which the patrons of your organization receive. 11n these days of high prices, poor quality .......... .......... .......... and unsatisfactory service in almost everything .......... we spend our money for, it is a real pleasure .......... to realize that one can -i still have the same meas- .......... ure of services, economy and quality in our electric service as we enjoyed before the war. "Good wishes for your continued and well- earned success.' (signed) Thomas P. Curley THANK YOU, Mr. Curley. We value your letter of friendly appreciation. It is stinue ating to all of our people and is particularly appreciated by our Customers Service men. Even during wartime, 'rhe Detroit Edison Company has tried to maintain the high standards of service our custorners expect and deserve. We know, however, that we are 'Far from perfect, and we hope you will be equall; prompt in telling us -�,-hen we fail. That would be just ac. stimulating and even more helpftil. 11cre is the record of Edison services in wartint e: PHONES 1130 and 1131 Plymouth, Michigan IRON CORD EXCHANGES. Defective iron cords (badly frayed or worn) are exchanged without charge for new cords of standard length. During the war we have rebuilt thou- sands of cords from salvaged materials. FIRST SUPPLY OF LAMPS. For thousands of new war homes, and for other houses being served for the first time, we have provided a first supply of lamp bulbs without extra charge. LAMP EXCHANGES. Residence customers have always been able to exchange burned 7k out lamp bulbs for new bulbs without added charge. This service is now operating as usual. in APPLIANCE REPAIRS. Despite the delay and difficulty in getting parts, our Appliance Repair Division has kept in service tens of thousands of irons, toasters, percolators, clocks, etc., at only a nominal charge for repairs. IRON CORD EXCHANGES. Defective iron cords (badly frayed or worn) are exchanged without charge for new cords of standard length. During the war we have rebuilt thou- sands of cords from salvaged materials. FIRST SUPPLY OF LAMPS. For thousands of new war homes, and for other houses being served for the first time, we have provided a first supply of lamp bulbs without extra charge. In war or peace, we try t© furnish the best electric service in the world. Always welcome are letters from our customers. 'our criticisms and suggestions guide us iw mak-ing Detroit Edison policy. THE CU Serving more than half the people of Michigan TROUBLE CALLS, On emergency calls to restore service we were slowed somewhat b ,. 7k transportation difficulties but still answerec, a majority of these calls within an hour. HOME SERVICE DEPARTMENT- The ad in vice of our Home Service staff helps customer with rationing, sugar shortages, etc. They pr(; vide recipes and information about cookinC canning, special meals for school children, et, as well as assistance with home lightin In war or peace, we try t© furnish the best electric service in the world. Always welcome are letters from our customers. 'our criticisms and suggestions guide us iw mak-ing Detroit Edison policy. THE CU Serving more than half the people of Michigan Wednesday, October 25, 1944 'F' LiVOKI" Page Five sky Army returns From Arnhem American paratroopers returning from the front following three days of fighting without relief near Arnhem, Holland, where Britilsli sky array was trapped by the Nazi. The British were able to withdraw, leaving behind 1,200 wounded. This was the first set badik dna ing present phase of the campaign. To p Briefs,' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Page r�:- turned Wednesday from a five day trip to Washington, D. C. While there they attended the wedding i of Miss Sylvia McNe,?ie aiid Ma- jor Peter Shallis-King of the Brit- ish army, which was held at St. Margaret's church; also the re- ception at the United Nations, club. There will be a meeting of the I Executive Board of the lv ewbur g i Junior High P.T.A. also a meet1 - ing of the committee noh r the ot i.unch program, held at the school this evening. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zopff an- nounce the birth of a Baugh -1--e--, Mary Eleanor, born Monday, Ge-- tober 16th at ;Harper Hospital. Mary Eleanor will celebrate the same birthdate as her grand- mother, Mrs. Seed, Mr. and Mrs. Leads Ninth Army .Seed are staying at the Zopff Lieut. Gen. William H. Simpson, r o�>>e for a few weeks. shown above, has landed in France * * * and is leading the Ninth army A class in Home Nursing will against the Nazis. Along with the start November 2 at 7:30 p.m. 'It First, Third and Seventh armies,. the Livonia Center School 15125 they make the mightiest army Farmington, Road near Five %Mile A Merica has ever assembled. Road. Mrs. Marie Hackett, Supt. of -.Nurses at the Marr hospital will be the instructor. This course ng a problem into the light helps covers the care -of the si^k in t'. -Ira to solve it. Whatever your child home. Everyone interested Is ;irg- management problem is, disci - ed to attend. Men are Welc.:)rne. pline, whining, tattling, shirking * * * responsibilities, aggressiveness, oi* Richardson Rice, of the Meth- mal -adjustment, s.uggestsion from od.istChildren's Village will lead some other parent may .help in a group discussion, at the next its solution. meeting of the Rosedale Garden's P.T.A. to be held Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Leo LeBlanc of November lst. The central theme Coventry Gardens are the proud of the discussion will 'be "Chil- parents of a son James Leo dren have reasons! How about weighing 8 lbs. 41/2 oz. born Oc- their parents?" Sometimes bring- tober 18 at Providence Hospital. WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR r COMPLETELY REARRANGED FOR MORE CONVENIENT SHOPPING YOU WILL LIKE THE ARRANGEMENT AND WE KNOW THE NEW COUNTERS AND SHELVING WILL MAKE YOUR FOOD BUY- ING MUCH SIMPLER. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT RED & WHITE STORE Stark at Plymouth Roads Page Six Brazilians in Italy TISE ISI' 'Fox Wednesday, October 25, 1944 November -- election month-- evacuation hospital, well behind has been the birth month of more the lines; (4) a general hospital Presidents of the United States in that or a near -by foreign than any other. Five of our 31 country; and (5) a general hospit - Presidents were born in Novem- al, or one specializing in the pa- ber, but May and June have nev- tient's - type of case in the U. S. er been represented. —* - After receiving first aid, an The largest fine ever imposed American soldier wounded at the on the violator of a _cease-an.d- de -ront may be sent, if necessary, desist order of the FeCieral Trot to five successive places for Commission in a civil suit V-;as (1 Battalion aid sta- the $15,000 penalty recently in -- 11, (2) g gym-- flicted on a New Jersey ; nallula clearing station, foI erly called a field hospital, (3) turer of a "cure for tubercu lo>is." Rivaling the recently selected "Miss America," is lovely FVt. Kathleen McCann of Detroit, Mich., who was chosen as the prettiest WAC in the country from thousands who participated at the New Jersey state fair. �i THANKSFOR S AYING Brig. Gen. Eucli Des Zenobio da Costa, field commander of the Bra- zilian Expeditionary force in Italy (kneeling) with some of. his staff of- ficers at a Brazilian automatic rifle post in Italy. They have been giving a good account of themselves. Tom nshp l News The first pack meeting 10r the LV -1 Cubs will be held.O,,tobei i 27, at the Livonia CenterSchool. at 3 p.m. The theme for October is Halloween. Each Den will have a game for the entire group an -a' each boy is to bring a Jack -o - lantern that he made. Tire boya are to dress in; costume. i tef rosh- ments will be served. Each f-hild should try -to 'bring both ':f his parents. Let's watch the Den Flag this year for the best atteA dance at each pack meeting. The Pierson PTA will meet at the Pierson 'School on Seven Mile Road near Farmington road on Thursday, October 20. T Jiis is get acquainted night. All parents who have children going to the Pier- son School from other dis,,tr; cts should try to attend this meeting and get . better acquainted with-, the parents from 'Pierson. After the busipess meeting there will be a social hour and refreahme-iits. Every branch of knowledge which a good man possesses, he may apply to some good pur- pose.—C. Buchanan. . •@ZoH -H -d--s.zaujo off. tnjasn Isouz StasurtLI si oLInn jsaj U@X0-' auk urtu sptou .41uetls1.1gD Livonia Township Woman's Club meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month with the excep- tions of .Tune. July and August. For information call, Livonia 2144 We appreciate an your helpand understanding when Long Distance lines are crowded* ri ht on sa g a cheery '1'0X*'1'0X*"_O."_ We hope you will keep g Ym you to limit our call to 5 minutes* when the operator asks y y time - rush it will be during It wanevery happen rush hours on calls to war -busy places. y *invest in Victory — Boy More Warr Bonds 1 MICHIGAN SELL TELEPHONE COMPANY NvVednesday, October 25, 1944 THE LJVONI" Page Seven i It s easy in the world to live -L in 1NMichigan, with 1,3k,38,039 cocIT-s " of ter the world's opinion ; it i,� talicen. ecat s y i n solitude IEREJS SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THE to live after our own; but the great man is Doral courage is obeying o-1-Le's PICTURES WE MAKE, he who in the midst of the conscience and doing what one crowd keeps with perfect sweet- believes to be right, in the face nese she indepe-nBence of soli.- Of a hostile mct!ority. People Find a Clearer Likeness In Our Lude.—Emerson. Photos — Let Us Show You! Right mot-ives give pinionsto There is often as much inde-- thought, and strength and free- pendence In not being, led, as in (,I.om to speech and action. not -being driven,A -low Malry Baker Eddy Am N I Siwawsiv 1RFX-UJw'h STUDIO Hunters' report cards show Produ-tion o-11 a gallon of gaso- 17190 Lash RoacL Rediord I L t -hat the pheasant kill in 194'� line requires from 70 to 100 gal - was the greatest ever recorded ­; 11ons) requires water. Phone ledford 7798 • .0 an A- Better Car?. 20740 Fenkell f Plymouti y Enjoy Ideal Home Ufel You'll Find Detroit's Finest Phone Iq Red. 0900 'Llt Selection On Our Lot LU 0*11 PA NJ 1. S 0z z V) LU wry HALL tj Low Tax Are* shappi#q ce" VhGA Poris The New, Ideal, Clean Suburban City Becoming Nationally -Known for Beautim P tul Par ways and Far -Sighted P1. M*g* * D Lif mme e Fr1go., 0 ownU Plus Mortgage Cost and Prepaids W READY TO MOVE INII Large living room, file hafures, recrea4,*,on room, full affix, 50®oflots. An 'Ideal loco - Con, convenient to all We- Side Indusfties. 't OFF WoE aq.O. MODEL OPEN OR PHONE R. MOON FROM 10 As M, to 9 P,, Me AT PLYMOUTH 1230 i m* - ook or Ce Ye'19-tv ant -d Black. Signs DAWSON BUILDING CO. 111 Our Service Department Is The Most Efficient In The Northwest Section, BILL MOON" BKOWN See Us When You Want a Better Car or When Your Car Nekie& Repairing LIVONIA'S OLDEST REAL ESTATE FIRM 4 - REAL ESTATE - FARMS - IMURANCE Phone Livonia 2668 32398 Five MRe Road—Jusi EaM od Farntinaton Road List your property wiUl us for prompt acde y Cz 44fto �S ME 111-4 ''S SUITS, TOPCOATS T LADIES' PLAIN DRESSES, COATS i r� 'Plymouth: 774 PennTman Way= -,e: 2925 N. Washingwn Ypsilanti: 14 N. Washington & �C ARWY -CA SH Page Eight TH39 LIVONIAN Wednesday, October 25, 19,44 General- -Election Notice: Township of Livonia, -Wayne Coupty, 11[ichigaa Notice Is Hereby Given, THAT A GENERAL ELECTION WILL BE HELD ON: 6 4-. At which time the following officers are fo be voted for in this Township Governor, Secretary President and Vice President of the United States, Governor, LieutenanL C of State,. Attorney General, State Treasurer, Auditor General., Representative In Congress, State Senator, Representative in the State Legislature, and (1) Circuit Judge (to fill vacancy) for the 3rd Judicial Circuit for the term ending December 31, 1947, two (2) Judges of Probate, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, County Clerk, County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, County Auditor, Drain Commissioner, and two (2) Coroners, as provided for by Act 351 ` P. A. 1925, as amended. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN THAT the following proposed Amendments to the State Constitution will be submitted to the electors of this Town hip. No. 1 ,�Q A proposed Amendment to Section 23 of Article V111 of the State Constitution,. relative to chang- ing the restriction of furnishing water by any City or Village to an amount not to exceed 25 per cent of that furnished by it within its corporate limits. No. 2 A proposed Amendment to Secton 7 of Article V of the State Constitution,, relative to eligibility IN 11 of members of the legislature to be candidates for and elected to state offices,, No. 3 A proposed Amendment to Section 9 of Article V of the State Constitution, relative to Com- pensation of the members of the legislature. No. 4 A proposed Amendment to Article VIII of the State Constitution by adding a Section 15b rela- tive to the reorganization of the government of Wayne County. THERE WILL ALSO BE the following Referendum and Bond Proposition Ballots submitted to to electors of this Township* No. 5 "An act to amend -local act relating to collectic n of county taxes on properties located in the City of Detroit.: to change the date of paymeni of taxes without interest, charges or penalty, from December Ist to January 15; to provide further means for the collection of personal pro- perty taxes® and to provide for the cancellation after 5 years of delinquency of uncollectible personal property iaxo'r'f No. 6 WAYNE COUNTY BOND ISSUE PROPOSITION, to authorize county to issue bonds for new county building. $7,000,000.00 upon the "Shall the County of Wayne issue bonds in an amount not to exceed falotih and credit of the County to provide funds for the purpose of purchasing a site and for constructing and equipping a new building to house county offices and departments, in ac- cordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors adopted on August 8, 1944? LOCATION OF VOTING BOOTHS PRECINCT No. 1—(Consisting of all that area of township lying North of Six Mile Road and West of Middle Belt Road.) In old school building back of Pierson School on Seven Mile Road, one quarter mile East of Farmington Road. PRECINCT No. 22—(Consisting of Sections 27 and 34, and the West half of Sections 26 and 35, also known as that part of the township lying South of the center of School - craft Road and lying East of the center of Farmington Road, extending East to number 30400 on Joy Road, Plym- outh Road and Schoolcraft Road.) In voting booth at the corner of Plymouth Road and Merriman Road. PRECINCT No. 3—(Consisting of all that area of town- ship lying bet -ween Six Mile Road and Schoolcraft Road.) In the Livonia Township office at 33110 Five Mile Road, 1 block East of Farming ion Road. PRECINCT No. 4—(Consisting of all that area of town- ship lying South of Schoolcraft Road and West of Farm- ington Road.) In new voting bootth at corner of Plymouth Road and Stark Road. PRECINCT No. 5—(Conststing of all that area of town - snip lying North of Six Mile Road and East of Middle Belt Road.) In voting booth at the corner of Seven Mile Road and Angling Road, one-quarter mile West of Inkster Road. PRECINCT No. 6—(Consisting of Sections 25 and 36 and the East half of Sections 26 and 35, also known as all that part of Livonia Township lying South of the Center of Schoolcraft Road and lying East of number 30400 on Schoolcraft Road, Plymouth Road, and Joy Road.) In Red's Repair Shop, on South side of Plymouth Road, 1 block East of Middlebelt Road. RELATIVE TO OPENING AND - CLOSING OF POLLS The polls of said election will be open at seven o'clock a. m., and remain open until eight o'clock p. m., War Time, of said day of election. HARRY S. WOLFE Livonia Township Clerk. .a.- =� ft -r— - _. VVI ednesday, October 2-5, 1944 THE ON Page Nine 4S VON BURG* EDFORD'S 0 f • Oldest Established JEWELERS 22009 Grand River Avenue T Iffla r Old Furniture Made to Lo Ic Like New FRS ESTIMATES Phone Redford 3100 Wkault 'U'hf 21241 Fenkell Cornu Westbrook Banker Railroader Realizing a life's ambition to he a railroid man, Russell L. Hoak of Elkhart, Ind., banker, arrives at the Englewood station, ending his first run from Elkhart as a brakeman on the New York Central. He is serv- ing only part time. The Porcupine Mountains on the far western side of the up- per peninsula, to be acquired as a public recreation area, have the highest point of land be- tween tl�e Black Hills and the Adirondacks. — --- NANKIN � ILLS INJA bs mt411 the best place to meet sous friends and enjoy an evening of hcspiwlity, 33750 Ann Arbor Tragi Prone Livonia 9297 will XC�I.ENT MIXED DRINKS —GOOD BEF�t T$e beat of everything and it costs no more HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES Authorized. Agency Edison and Uflhty Bills Payable Here --Free Lama Exchange Open Daily 9 to 7 p. m. Friday & Saturday Open 'Til 8 23302 Joy Road, between Inkster and diddle e t Phone Livonia 3120 ON THE TOB — — THOSE LIZiE ANTADjj J, Only 25 Cents Phone Plymouth 16 SA-LEEUK 1940 INDIAN 4 -cylinder motor - 1 cycle iil very good condition. Caii Livonia 2992, It -c SIfM,M 0-2' S steel springs and ma- plt bed, lull size, 9832 Berwick, tosedale Gardens. It -pd 1937 LaSALLE 4 -door sedan, ra- d o and heater, $550. E. L. Carl- son, 23433 Joy road, Trailer Camp. ,�_'ard.en City. It -c PAIM white shoe ice skates, size 0 i'2, worn only once. Also tan fleece winter coat, size 14. Livonia 2114, 9958 Wayne Rd. corner Pine Tree Rd. It -pd b.Al.,E--VV e smj4e jur town ham, basun and sausage. Fmah "W po w. Taylor's Super aret, 24150 Joy road, oau block east of Mime Belt road. GIRL'S tan coat size 10, also blue coat and leggings, size 8, rever- sible coat size 10, tap slippers sZze 4, girl's ice skates size 4, and boy's or m'an's ice skates size 8, child's' scooter, and Delco motor with switch. Call Livonia 2195. It -pd FOR RENT TWO BEDROOMS for rent. Phone I' Livonia 2908. It -pd LOST KEYS in, zipper leather case, on or near Ingram St. Call Plym- oult.h Mail. Box H.J. It -pd Buy War Bonds L. BLAKE Ji; • R Post Office orthville, Mich. The Best Place to Buy Painting, Decorating Imide and Out Wallpaper Removed For Free Estimates Call Livonia 3149 WANTED LARGE tricycle or junior bicycle f or 8 year old boy. Care Livonia 2:061. It -pd WOMAN for housework one day each week. Phone Livonia 2923. It -c MENS' shirts laundered, 15 cents each. Family washing ironed, cash and carry. Mrs. Mildred Col - ling 15415 Auburndale near Five Mile. Phone Livonia 2892 or Li- vonia 2944. 2t -pd POULTRY WANTED — We pay the highest prices for poultry. Taylor Super 'Market, 229180 Joy Rd. Phone Livonia 92&7. tf WANTED—All kinds of tractor work—lawns. expert orchard work, basements dug, plowing, discing and harrowing guaranteed. 'Call Farmington 409-J. 3t -pd MISCIRT.LAIMUS ELECTRIC Ranges, apartm-ent size for those who need them, Kimbrough.s, 808 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Plymouth. j MISCELLANEOUS — PLAS- TER REPAIRING. New and old. Satisfactory work, reasonable Phone Redford 7312. 31 -4t -pd MENS' shirts laundered, 15 cents each. Cash and carry, 31620 Five Mile road. Phone Livonia 2892 or Livonia 2944. It -c I- �r Save with Safety at your REXALL DRUG STORE 32101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Corner of Blikek "The Friendliest Atmosphere fn Northwest Detroit" un GCD TIMEAV% TAVERN Lahser Road at Grand River REDFORD LIQUOR, - B - WME Modern &- Old -Time Darncinq F*rios Sat., Sun. Nights MUSK BY WESTERN ACES JAY TI3RAPP, " Prop. Phone REd!#ord 9702 Page Ten THZ LIVONI" tiVednesday, October 25, 1944 FUEL OIL "we rum to 1pume Phone Your Order.to iai xorth.lue X callis pBe Co R. II.Y & SONS * Buy War Bonds PATRONIZE YOUR OWN Lumber E ---and— Buil ding Su,.nIDV Headquarters Coal -Lumber Building Materials Leadbetter COM &LUMBER COMPANY I2484 Mfddlebelt Road � Mike N. of Plymouth Ad. Phone Res:iord 0338 WEAR DIAMONDS FOR PERSONAL ACTNENESS -Own Them as a sat* tarestmont Deane Herrick Jewelw 839 Penniman Ave. Plymouth With the Livonia Churches GAYLORD ROAD BAA.PTIS`r' cfiapei, one nide west of :Grand elver on aeven Mile road, one - halt alocx north on Gaylord road. z).unaay sciiooi, 10 a. m.; wor- sia,p service, 11:45 a. m.; B.Y.P.U. p. in. rrayer meeting and Bible s Lucy, W eanesday, 7:3,0 p.m. Fri- uay, .; uruor .bible school (ages 5- 1 o) 4.00-o :� U. tome and worship where Christian cordiality wel- comes you. "A stranger ibut once." .eastor:.ia,y dein, phone Univer- 31 Ly 2-141J. l-. RUC:HALL' S C A T 110 L I C �,;kiwiW%—.I`ather Contway, pas- tor; lioseaale Gardens. Ivlasses at 0:4a a.m., 8 a.m., IU a.m. and iL noon vi-iRIS T IAN SCIENCE SOCIETY r axmington' high school auditor- s um, S unday, 11.0+0 a. m., Sunday school, same hour. Wednesday evening services at 3.3336 Grand Aiver Avenue at 8:00 p. M. WEST POINT BIBLE CHURCH Evangeiine Farnum, pastor. H. Sanuercock, visiting pastor. Sun - cLay school, 10.010-11: U0 a. m., morning worship, 11.:00 a. M. junior church, 3:00-5:00 P. m,, evening worship, 7:45; Tuesday 11:00. Evenin=g worship 8:00 p. m. cottage meeting, Horace Gra- velle's Merriman ,Court. Friday afternoon, 2:00-3:3.0, Missionary meertang at church 3:30 to 4:30 industrial arts for children. Fri- day evening, 8:00, prn yer meet- ing. After prayer meeting, choir practice. ------- HOPE CHAPELS CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRE i HERN. Six Mile, near Middle Belt. Morning worship, 1-0:G0, Sunday school. Yotkng Feaple's Christian En- deavor 6:30 p. m., Sunday. Mid- week, service, Thursday evening at 8:00 p. m. Everybody welcome. WEST POINT CHURCH OF CHRIST, 332010 Seven Mile road, one block east of Farmington road. Bible school Sunday 10:0;0 a. m.; preaching and communion 6:30 p. m.; evening service, 7:30 Sunday, 11:0,0 a. m.; preaching 'Sunday evening 7:45. Everybody is welcome. LIVONIA COMMUNITY CHURCH, Farmington Road and Five Mile road. Rev. Albert J. Luibrand, pastor. Morning Wor- ship 11:30 a. m. -Sunday School, classes for all ages, 10:30 a. m. Choir practice Thursday evening at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible study Thursday evening at 7 p. m. Friendship Circle first and third Wednesdays of each month. Evening Worship and song service the last Sunday of each month at 7:30 p. m. Young People's meeting at the church. last Sunday of each month at 7 p. m. Teachers meeting the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p. m. This is an undenominational church and everyone in the com- munity is cordially invited to at- tend. tf Oct. 29th. All Saints Service on Nov. 5th. Everyone welcomed at the services. Rev. Francis Tetu, Rector. x x � ST PAUL'S EVANGELICAL, LUTHERAN CHUt CH, earner of Farmington and Five Mile roads. Theodore Sauer, pastor. Sunday morning worship, 10:30 a. m. Sun- day School, 9:45 o'clock. You are cordially invited to attend. tf The Navy is now using fifteen types of landing vessels, ranging in size from a 12 -ft. rubber boat to a 450 -ft. ship. Of the 7,800 planes the U. S. sent to Russia up to Dec. 31, 1943, more than 3,000 were flown to their des- tination. Since 1924, the soy- bean crop of the U. S. has in- creased from 5,000,000 to 195,- 000,000 bushels, or about one half of the world's entire production. Bare steel telephone wires not only convert vibration into noise but are so sensitive to such mo- tion that engineers using special listening apparatus, have even heard birds alighting on and leav- ing these lines. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, TMaple and S. Harvey' Sts. Sunday Morning Services: Church School at 9:45 a.m. ;Morn- in.g Prayer with sermon at 1.1 a.m. Harvest in Gathering service on SHOE REPAMING Expert Werk Fr c k'a Moe Rop(Air 11151 Mark Rd., Ili Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. * Buy War Bonds calm"11110t BEAUTY CLINIC Phone Livonia 2234 MARY CAIv[ILOT ANN STEPHAN Work That's Different and Distinctive 9035 Middlebel# between Chicago & Joy Thorough Examination by Skilled Optometrists COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE iFWEi;1E.R; OPTiCk°ANS- Dr. M. F. McGuirk, G. D. in charge "Style Right" Glasses on Liberal Credit Terms ROSEDALE Q GROCERY S ��E Fred VPIOji. Choice Gi *ceries and Meats. Large Vegetable Department 0 FROZEN FOODS 0 - Shop where all Rosedale residents maze their headquarters -- We are hers to serve.