HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1945_0214Blood Bank Here on February 16 The Livonia branch of the Red Cross held its monthly meeting at the Livonia Red Cross Center, Wednesday, Feb. 7. Mr. Fenske, branch chairman, officiated. Re- ports were given by Mrs. L. D. Thompson, volunteer s e r v i c e chairman, on the interesting luncheon meeting she attended at the Red Cross headquarters. Also reports from other chairmen told Livonia Community School News Will Dedicate the story of a very busy month r in all branches of the service. Fin- Pierson School. who will dramatize ".The Three Church Organ al plans were made for the blood Fifth grade—Thomas Curran of Billy Goats." They will sing "The bank to be held February 16. Mrs. the Wayne County Health Depart- Train .Song," "The Big Indian," A. Skinner was- appointed chair- ment gave an interesting talk on "The Snowman" and "The Clock The congregation of the Rose- man of home service. "Well Water." He showed !pictures Song." dale Gardens Presbyterian church of different kinds of pumps, bad Fifth grade—Betty Lou Rich- is to dedicate its new Hammond and good. The Fourth and 'Fifth ardson and Freddy Badcock have organ in a special service of music grades sent samples of their well perfect scores on the health chart Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. water to Lansing to be tested. for the whole year. The organ will be played by the Pierson Pans We planned our Valentine par- - Our room has been reading organist of the Rosedale- church, ty for February 14. about Benjamin Franklin, study- Mrs. Onnellee Koenig, and the The Fifth graders are enjoying ing his life and colonial days. choir will sing two anthems under Founders Day the new readers "Let's Travel On" Elton Fisher drew a tree for our the direction of Mrs. Lloyd F. and "Let's Look Around." Bulletin Board with eight of our Nelson. The Pierson Parent Teacher As- Fourth grade — The Fourth year-round birds on it. The Woman's Auxiliary will -sociation will hold their Founders grade gave their travelog on Des- Newburg School, serve refreshments at a social Day program on 'Thursday, Feb. ert countries in the Third and The school has gone on a new hour in the church basement fol - 22 at 8 p.m. at the Pierson school. Fifth grade rooms. We are .plan- schedule': _This went into effect lowing the dedication service. Mrs. Tracy McMurtry of Wayne ning a museum. Many interesting Feb. 5: Now the daily subjects The organ, which is the largest county council, and a represen- articles have been brought. We come in the morning, and the oth- model of Hammond made, was in- tative of the FBI will be the are labeling the articles and writ- er classes such as music, art, and stalled in December for use in the speakers of the evening. Refresh- ing stories about thein. We plan- Physical education come in the af- Christmas services, and has been ments will be served.ned our Valentine party. ternoon. Arithmetic, geography, in use at all services since the hol- At the January meeting held` Elm School. science, English and history pe- iday season. Januar 25th the Michigan Bell The Third grade is learning to rinds have been cut from one hour Y � g g g to 45 minutes. This .allows time for Telephone company had movies subtract two -figure numbers. Junior Red Cross stud periods, of why we are not able to have all The Second grade enjoyed mak- student council meetings :rid speHealth Guild the phones we want in war times ing puppets after reading ,about tial art and special music classes. and how they have improved their "Punch and Judy." The Second _Anne Randall. system. What the telephone com- graders made some very interest- Stark School. Formyl Unit Here pany is doing during the war, ing "March of Dimes" posters. The Second grade is reading If your child is attending the The First grade invited the stories about different ways to The Wayne County Health Pierson school won't you make an Third grade to hear their new re- travel. They drew pictures show- Guild held a meeting at the Stark effort to come out to the meetings cords about "Winnie the Pooh." ing the different ways. The chil- school Feb. 1, for the purpose of of the Pierson PTA, this is your Mr. Covell fixed our -big ball and dren brought airplanes, boats, forming its first unit, to be known PTA and we would like to have the children sent him thank you trucks, and cars for a travel table. as the Livonia Township Health you come and take part in our notes. Two of the reading groups Jimmy brought two large tanks Guild unit. Mrs. Moyer, the first work for the school. are reading Tom and Don. Da- for the table. Myron brought an president of the parent organiza- vid Bowers' sister, Joan, had a interesting book about airplanes tion, presided. Miss ,Georgina Reid * birthday on President Roosevelt's of all kinds. We have learned founder of the Wayne County birthday. The children brought many things about travel. Health Guild, was present. After many dimes for the "March; of The Kindergarten boys and an interesting talk on dental care Start New Dimes." girls are beginning their new by Miss Helen Graves of the state The Fourth grade is visiting the work book. It will help us to get department of health, the follow - arses Course "Altiplano" in Bolivia. We are ready to read. ing officers were elected: very busy makin4 scrapbooks for The Fourth grade have just fin-. :President: Mrs. R. A. Snodgrass; Livonia Township residents can Junior Red Cross. We're making`a ished studying the Eskimo's on vice-president, Mrs. A. Kreger; frieze on lightning. Baffin Island. secretary and treasurer, .Mrs. L. be grateful, that through the un- Y The Fifth grade is glad to have The Third grade are enjoying M. Hotchkiss. tiring efforts of a groan of civic f minded people, this area is serv- ane Tragge back in school after the unit about Colonial days. We The purpose of the Wayne .ed by the Peoples Community an 11 weeks' absence. Gary Mor- have many •pretty pictures. We County Health Guild is. to further hospital in B -Building, Eloise, gan has- just returned home from are reading stories about George health education by determining Michigan. Irl order to fortify the the hospital. Washington and Abraham Lin- the health needs of the community area even more against the possi- The following pupils had per- coln. and to determine the method of bilitg epidemic, feet attendance records since Sep- g iistered fnursan s,Mrs C. Ja1Ker- tember opening of school. Elsie Flint. rlo 'Smith has moved to practical such accomplishments of as shaw, 9525 Wayne road, Mrs. R. A. Myers, Flora Kays, Donald Britt, Carol Ann Williams is absent been the establishment of a loan Clyton Heffron 119,610 Boston Post Rose Ann Faulkner, Gerald Kach- because of chickenpox. closet of linens and other sick - Snodgrass 32190 Myrna, and Mrs. enko Billy Bryant, Donald Liddle, We had a vaccination clinic at room needs, located at .he home road, have volunteered their time Martha Nagy, Raymond Wolfram, our school last week. Forty-one of Mrs. Joseph Blaharski, 8427 Hix Wilcox School. road, Plymouth. starting Monday, Jan. 29, and children were vaccinated. ending Feb. 9, to give a nurse's Last week at the . Primary As- * The Wayne County Health aid course for paid nurse's aides. sembly there was a special pro- There will be a first aid class Guild will have its next meeting This course, which is not too .be gram given honoring the Beginn- starting February 15, at 7:30 irr the Wayne Park 'Community confused with the ones given un- ers who were -uests. "'Minute o'clock at the Livonia Red Cross :building at Wayne, on March 8 der the auspices of the Red 'Cross, Men" talks were given by Paul Center. Instructor of the class will at 2 p.m. Dr. Franklin H. Top, teaches class members hospital Mamlin, Paul Grossnickle, Louise be Mr. Arnold Rutila. Let us be epidemiologist for Herman Kiefer ethics bed -making, tray feeding, Parmenter, Glen Sheppard Char- present for the fi.rst class. hospital, will talk on "The Finney baths for bed patients, and all the les Pease and Susan Bowen. Solos * Treatment for Polimyelitis. many things that an aide can do were done by .Colleen Reid, Joyce Mr. Austin Grant, the Detroit The next meeting of the newly to relieve the registered nurses Hritzkowin, Richard Johnson and News radio commentator, will formed Livonia unit will be held for more technical duties. Mrs. Sharon -Brandenburg. The first speak at 'a special meeting of the at 2 p.m. March 15. The location Wilta Bentley, secretary of the grade chorus sang "Five Little Livonia Township Woman's club, of this meeting will ;be announc- P e o .p les Community hospital, Drums," "Jigging Sambo," and Dinner will be served at 6:15 p.m. ed in a later issue of the Livon- wishes to thank the nurses that "Baa -Baa, Black Sheep." The Sec- and Mr. Grant will speak at 8:00 ian, as will be the program, which contributed their teaching servic- ond and Third grades sang a song p.m. at the Old Elm restaurant, is in charge of Miss Losier. Any es, and the members of the classes they had just learned, "Riding 33725 Plymouth road. For reser- woman in the community who whose efforts will help to relieve Thro' the Sky." This week the As- vations call 'Mrs. Marion Dipboye has completed a course in home the serious shortage 'of trained sembly anticipates a reciprocal at Livonia 2898 before February nursing, or has had its equivalent nurses in the hospitals. entertainment by the Beginners. 12. in training, is invited to attend. *THE LIVON , IAN* Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan, Postoffice as Sec ond Class Mail Matter. Phone Plymouth 16 Vol. 6, No. 52 Wednesday, February 14, 1945 Livonia Community School News Will Dedicate the story of a very busy month r in all branches of the service. Fin- Pierson School. who will dramatize ".The Three Church Organ al plans were made for the blood Fifth grade—Thomas Curran of Billy Goats." They will sing "The bank to be held February 16. Mrs. the Wayne County Health Depart- Train .Song," "The Big Indian," A. Skinner was- appointed chair- ment gave an interesting talk on "The Snowman" and "The Clock The congregation of the Rose- man of home service. "Well Water." He showed !pictures Song." dale Gardens Presbyterian church of different kinds of pumps, bad Fifth grade—Betty Lou Rich- is to dedicate its new Hammond and good. The Fourth and 'Fifth ardson and Freddy Badcock have organ in a special service of music grades sent samples of their well perfect scores on the health chart Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. water to Lansing to be tested. for the whole year. The organ will be played by the Pierson Pans We planned our Valentine par- - Our room has been reading organist of the Rosedale- church, ty for February 14. about Benjamin Franklin, study- Mrs. Onnellee Koenig, and the The Fifth graders are enjoying ing his life and colonial days. choir will sing two anthems under Founders Day the new readers "Let's Travel On" Elton Fisher drew a tree for our the direction of Mrs. Lloyd F. and "Let's Look Around." Bulletin Board with eight of our Nelson. The Pierson Parent Teacher As- Fourth grade — The Fourth year-round birds on it. The Woman's Auxiliary will -sociation will hold their Founders grade gave their travelog on Des- Newburg School, serve refreshments at a social Day program on 'Thursday, Feb. ert countries in the Third and The school has gone on a new hour in the church basement fol - 22 at 8 p.m. at the Pierson school. Fifth grade rooms. We are .plan- schedule': _This went into effect lowing the dedication service. Mrs. Tracy McMurtry of Wayne ning a museum. Many interesting Feb. 5: Now the daily subjects The organ, which is the largest county council, and a represen- articles have been brought. We come in the morning, and the oth- model of Hammond made, was in- tative of the FBI will be the are labeling the articles and writ- er classes such as music, art, and stalled in December for use in the speakers of the evening. Refresh- ing stories about thein. We plan- Physical education come in the af- Christmas services, and has been ments will be served.ned our Valentine party. ternoon. Arithmetic, geography, in use at all services since the hol- At the January meeting held` Elm School. science, English and history pe- iday season. Januar 25th the Michigan Bell The Third grade is learning to rinds have been cut from one hour Y � g g g to 45 minutes. This .allows time for Telephone company had movies subtract two -figure numbers. Junior Red Cross stud periods, of why we are not able to have all The Second grade enjoyed mak- student council meetings :rid speHealth Guild the phones we want in war times ing puppets after reading ,about tial art and special music classes. and how they have improved their "Punch and Judy." The Second _Anne Randall. system. What the telephone com- graders made some very interest- Stark School. Formyl Unit Here pany is doing during the war, ing "March of Dimes" posters. The Second grade is reading If your child is attending the The First grade invited the stories about different ways to The Wayne County Health Pierson school won't you make an Third grade to hear their new re- travel. They drew pictures show- Guild held a meeting at the Stark effort to come out to the meetings cords about "Winnie the Pooh." ing the different ways. The chil- school Feb. 1, for the purpose of of the Pierson PTA, this is your Mr. Covell fixed our -big ball and dren brought airplanes, boats, forming its first unit, to be known PTA and we would like to have the children sent him thank you trucks, and cars for a travel table. as the Livonia Township Health you come and take part in our notes. Two of the reading groups Jimmy brought two large tanks Guild unit. Mrs. Moyer, the first work for the school. are reading Tom and Don. Da- for the table. Myron brought an president of the parent organiza- vid Bowers' sister, Joan, had a interesting book about airplanes tion, presided. Miss ,Georgina Reid * birthday on President Roosevelt's of all kinds. We have learned founder of the Wayne County birthday. The children brought many things about travel. Health Guild, was present. After many dimes for the "March; of The Kindergarten boys and an interesting talk on dental care Start New Dimes." girls are beginning their new by Miss Helen Graves of the state The Fourth grade is visiting the work book. It will help us to get department of health, the follow - arses Course "Altiplano" in Bolivia. We are ready to read. ing officers were elected: very busy makin4 scrapbooks for The Fourth grade have just fin-. :President: Mrs. R. A. Snodgrass; Livonia Township residents can Junior Red Cross. We're making`a ished studying the Eskimo's on vice-president, Mrs. A. Kreger; frieze on lightning. Baffin Island. secretary and treasurer, .Mrs. L. be grateful, that through the un- Y The Fifth grade is glad to have The Third grade are enjoying M. Hotchkiss. tiring efforts of a groan of civic f minded people, this area is serv- ane Tragge back in school after the unit about Colonial days. We The purpose of the Wayne .ed by the Peoples Community an 11 weeks' absence. Gary Mor- have many •pretty pictures. We County Health Guild is. to further hospital in B -Building, Eloise, gan has- just returned home from are reading stories about George health education by determining Michigan. Irl order to fortify the the hospital. Washington and Abraham Lin- the health needs of the community area even more against the possi- The following pupils had per- coln. and to determine the method of bilitg epidemic, feet attendance records since Sep- g iistered fnursan s,Mrs C. Ja1Ker- tember opening of school. Elsie Flint. rlo 'Smith has moved to practical such accomplishments of as shaw, 9525 Wayne road, Mrs. R. A. Myers, Flora Kays, Donald Britt, Carol Ann Williams is absent been the establishment of a loan Clyton Heffron 119,610 Boston Post Rose Ann Faulkner, Gerald Kach- because of chickenpox. closet of linens and other sick - Snodgrass 32190 Myrna, and Mrs. enko Billy Bryant, Donald Liddle, We had a vaccination clinic at room needs, located at .he home road, have volunteered their time Martha Nagy, Raymond Wolfram, our school last week. Forty-one of Mrs. Joseph Blaharski, 8427 Hix Wilcox School. road, Plymouth. starting Monday, Jan. 29, and children were vaccinated. ending Feb. 9, to give a nurse's Last week at the . Primary As- * The Wayne County Health aid course for paid nurse's aides. sembly there was a special pro- There will be a first aid class Guild will have its next meeting This course, which is not too .be gram given honoring the Beginn- starting February 15, at 7:30 irr the Wayne Park 'Community confused with the ones given un- ers who were -uests. "'Minute o'clock at the Livonia Red Cross :building at Wayne, on March 8 der the auspices of the Red 'Cross, Men" talks were given by Paul Center. Instructor of the class will at 2 p.m. Dr. Franklin H. Top, teaches class members hospital Mamlin, Paul Grossnickle, Louise be Mr. Arnold Rutila. Let us be epidemiologist for Herman Kiefer ethics bed -making, tray feeding, Parmenter, Glen Sheppard Char- present for the fi.rst class. hospital, will talk on "The Finney baths for bed patients, and all the les Pease and Susan Bowen. Solos * Treatment for Polimyelitis. many things that an aide can do were done by .Colleen Reid, Joyce Mr. Austin Grant, the Detroit The next meeting of the newly to relieve the registered nurses Hritzkowin, Richard Johnson and News radio commentator, will formed Livonia unit will be held for more technical duties. Mrs. Sharon -Brandenburg. The first speak at 'a special meeting of the at 2 p.m. March 15. The location Wilta Bentley, secretary of the grade chorus sang "Five Little Livonia Township Woman's club, of this meeting will ;be announc- P e o .p les Community hospital, Drums," "Jigging Sambo," and Dinner will be served at 6:15 p.m. ed in a later issue of the Livon- wishes to thank the nurses that "Baa -Baa, Black Sheep." The Sec- and Mr. Grant will speak at 8:00 ian, as will be the program, which contributed their teaching servic- ond and Third grades sang a song p.m. at the Old Elm restaurant, is in charge of Miss Losier. Any es, and the members of the classes they had just learned, "Riding 33725 Plymouth road. For reser- woman in the community who whose efforts will help to relieve Thro' the Sky." This week the As- vations call 'Mrs. Marion Dipboye has completed a course in home the serious shortage 'of trained sembly anticipates a reciprocal at Livonia 2898 before February nursing, or has had its equivalent nurses in the hospitals. entertainment by the Beginners. 12. in training, is invited to attend. Pane Two THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, February 14, 1945 Astimmi"d Bebe N - "n fag aid Boy & CIF'AIRMINGTIfO �T THEATRE Free Dish Night Wednesday Wed.-Thurs. Feb. 14-15 "Mark of the Whistler" Richard Dix — Janis Carter "Ghost Goes West" Robert Donat—Jean Parker Fri. -Sat. Feb. 16-17 "San Diego I Love You"' Louise Allbritton—Jon Hall "Music Box" Laurel and Hardy Sunday -Monday -Tuesday February 18-19-20 "Bathing Beauty" Red Skelton and Esther Williams and "Secret Command" Pat O'Brien—Carole Landis Tovvnsh2p Briefs A skating contest was held at the Lloyd rink on Sunday, Feb. 4 for children in the neighborhood. Races for skaters 5 and under, 7 and under, 10 and under, and 15 and under were hell. Winners of the prizes given by Mr. Lloyd in- cluded Jean Kay, Linnea Benson, Anne Newman, Sally Holcomb, Philip Barnes, Ty Cook and Nor- man Herren. A campfire party in the form of 4 sleigh ride party was given by Barbara Evans, Mary Lou Pass- more and Marilyn Schumacher on Friday evening, Feb. 2, after the sleigh ride the girls returned to the home of Barbara Evans on Rayburn avenue Coventry Gar - dons, and enjoyed movies and a luncheon. Attending the sleigh ride were, Lois Meier, Gay Ann Welland, Lois Schumacher Jane Ann Donnelley, Beverly Kolak, Patsy Larsen, Betty Teitz, Jacque- line Mickens, Beverly Jahn, Jean Gillies, Ann and Kathy Howell, Sue Ann Passmore, .Sue Davis,'' Carolyn Baker, Mary Martin and the chaperones Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hamilton, Mrs. Richard Gaston and Edward Evans. L. BLADE JEWELER Opposite Post Office Northville, Mich. The Best Place to Buy PALACE INN Beer - Liquor - Wine ED. PALISZEWSKI, Prop. (formerly Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriiman Road It's Easy To Shop In Our Modern Serve -Self Market With marketing as difficult as it is today you will appreciate the convenience of our modernized store. LIDGARD BROS. RED & WHITE STORE Stark at Plymouth Road THERE'S SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THE PICTURES WE MAKE. People Find a Clearer Likeness In Our Photos — Let Us Show You! SAN REMO STUDIO 17190 Lasher oad, Redford Phone Redford 7798 Want A Better Car? 20740 Fenkell Phone You'll Find Detroit's Finest Red. 0900 Selection On Our Lot Our Service Department Is The Most Efficient BILL See When You Want a Better Car or When n Your Cas Needs Repairing In The Northwest Section. LIVONIA'S • ESTATE FIRM REAL ESTATE - FARMS - INSURANCE Phone Livonia 2888 32698 Five Mile Road—Just East of Farmington Road List your property with us for prompt sale FEEDS - FERTILIZERS FARM SUPPLIES -SPRAY MATERIALS -GRAIN BL3ILDING SUPPLIES All Kinds of Coal The Eckles Coal & Supply (Ompany C Phone 107 882 Holbrook Plymouth Wednesday, February 14, 1945 TRZ LIV0011Bix -- -_ Page Three With the Livonia Churches LIVONIA COMMUNITY CHURCH, Farmington Road and Five Mile road. Rev. Albert J. Luibrand, pastor. Morning Wor- ship 11:30 a.m. Sunday School, classes for all ages, 10:30 a.m. Choir practice Thursday evening at 8 -p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible study Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Friendship Circle first and third Wednesday of each month. Evening worship and song service the last Sunday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Young People's meeting at the 4*urch last Sunday of each month at 7 p.m. Teachers meeting the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. This is an undenomina- tional church and everyone in the community is cordially invit- ed to attend. ST. PAUL'S EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH, corner of Farmington and Five. Mile roads. Theodore Sauer, pastor. Sunday Worship, 10:30 a.m. iSunday School, 9:45 a.m. Wednesday evening, 8:00 the first of a series of special mid- week Lenten services. The theme which will run through the entire series of services is "The Fulfill- ment of Prophecy in the Passion of Our Savior." Each sermon in the series will dwell upon some phase of the Passion History as it was foretold by the Old Testa- ment prophets in some instances fifteen hundred years before the actual fulfillment. We urge you to accept our invitation to join us in these mid -week services as well as on Sunday morning. • ROSEDALE GARDENS PRES- BYTERIAN CHURCH, John B. Forsythe, Minister. Sunday, Feb. 18, is the first Sunday in Lent. Church School, for grades 1 to 12, meets at 9:30 a.m. in .the church. Morning Worship is at 11 a.m., with Nursery and Beginners De- partment for smaller children in the Community House. Following the morning service, canvassers for the Church budget will meet in the basement for final instruc- tions and materials. Christian' Youth League will meet at 6 p.m. in .the Youth League chapel. At 8 o'clock in the evening, the new Hammond organ will be dedicated in a special service of music. Ev- eryone is invited. A social hour in the basement will follow the service. The Woman's Auxiliary meets this evening (Wednesday) in the 'Church basement at 8 o'clock. The church membership class for high school young people will meet this evening in the church auditorium from 8 to 9. • • • HOPE CHAPEL, CHURCH OF THE UNr= BRETHERN. Six Utile, near Middle Belt. Morning worship, 10:00, Sunday school. Young People'a Christian Eh- deavor 6:30 p. m., Sunday. Mid- week service, Thursday evening at 8:00 p. m. Everybody welcome. Sometimes EverY day, millions of hands reach for the there's an Extra Rush on Long Distance telephone to use Long Distance. Most of those calls go through quickly. But some- times there's a crowd on certain lines. Then Long Distance will say, "Please limit your call to 5 minutes."... That helps everybody. * INVEST IN VICTORY— BUY MORE WAR BONDS MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY "The Friendliest A.fmosphere in Northwest Detroit T l OLD TIMER TAVERN Lahser oad at Grand River REDFORD LIQUOR - BEER - WINE Modern & Old Time Dancing Fri., Sat., Sun. nights MUSIC BY WESTERN ACES JIMMY THRAPP, Prop. Phone REdford 9702 M E N'S WEAR MHMMade SUITS $30.00 - $32.50 - $35.00 Nationally Known Tailored Suits made to Your Measure Topcoats and Overcoats ARROW SHIRTS INTERWOVEN SOCKS Knox - Portis Hats Jackets - Sportswear Slacks - Dress Pants Undergarments Full Line of WORK CLOTHES Davis' & Lent "Where Your Money's Well Spent" 811 Penniman Avenue PLYMOUTH Page Four — Township Briefs The Rosedale Gardens Presby- terian church has set up plans for a Sunday school membership and attendance contest. A large map of the United States has been post- ed at the back of the Church audi- torium, showing airline routes for the six contesting classes. Distan- ces between cities are divided in- to ten spaces or air beacons. Each class has chosen an airplane to represent it. The P-61 of Mr. Van- Coevering's class and the C-49 of Mr. Mepyan's class start to New York from Seattle, Washington, the Mustang from Mr. Balkema's class and the Black Widow from Mr. Rostell's class leave from San DO YOU KNOW! There is one sure way to know whether or ,not you have enough Life Insurance to do the job you would like it to do. It is this— Jot down a figure that represents the minimum monthly income your -family would require if you should die suddenly. Then compare that figure your family would receive from your present Life Insurance. Your Ordinary Life policies show different ways called '"Options" for obtaining monthly income from the proceeds of policies you now own. You may be somewhat shocked to find that your life Insurance um- brella is not nearly as big as you thought it was. Talk it over with Bakewell, he represents the lowest net cost Eastern Company in America. The National Life Insurance Co., of Vermont G. A. Bakewell Phone: 616W 38105 Plymouth Road TiiE U Francisco, and Miss Hanson's Hel- icopter, and Mr. Carlson's Aven- ger, leave from Los Angeles. Ad- vancement will be matte on the following plan: 100 per cent at- tendance -3 beacons; 100 per cent with Bibles -2 beacons; 100 per cent with quarterlies -2 beacons; 100 per cent on time -3 beacons; 1 visitor -1 beacon; 1 new mem- ber -3 beacons; 1 new member in another class -2 beacons; class re- ceiving new member -1 beacon. PATRONIZE YOUR OWN Lumber -and— Building Suppy Headquarters Coal - Lumber Building Materials Leadbetter COAL & LUMBER COMPANY 12434 Middlebelt Road 1/2 Mile N. of Plymouth Rd. Phone Redford 0338 Its Just What Every One Had Hoped f or— THE MID -JD (iRILL Now operated under the sole direction of Ray Thorpe Re -arranged — Beautified in fact its just like home Spotlessly clean and serving the finest of healthy, foods Located on the Corner of Middlebelt at Joy YOI(L►1r Wednesday, February Thorough Examination by Skilled Optometl CO PLET OPTICAL SERVII ?'die ftwo of evewvnon-smse" Prices a �ut,,AMXWU a 22085 HICNIGAN W. Dr. M. F. McGuirk, O. D. in charge "Style Right" Glasses on Liberal Credit Tei U 11calft 11( DAN ft Seven Nights of the Week 34401 Plymouth Roo FUN' -GOOD MUSIC - FOOD An Ideal Place to Spend an Evening BEER - WINE - LIQUOR QUILUIV MAR t t Next to The Rexall Drug Store In Rosedale Gardens There's a friendly feeling in this store the makes shopping fun. Make this your foc headquarters, that's what your neighbor is d ing. Service With j` We Carry Only A Smile �V Quality Foods -- YOU CAN GET IT HERE — Wednesday, February 14, 1945_ THE LIVONIAN Page Five FOR SALE—We smoke our own ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry. Taylor's Super Market, 29150 Joy Road, one block east of Middle Belt Road. 9 tf-c STUDIO couch with covers, baby bathinette and teeter=babe. All pre-war, reasonable. 11307 In- gram, Rosedale Gardens. It -pd WANTED POULTRY WANTED We pay the highest prices for poultry. Taylor Super Market, 29150 Joy Rd. Phone Livonia 9207. tf FOUND IDENTIFICATION bracelet, yel- low gold over silver,with the name Robert Kinnane engraved. Call Livonia 2517. It -pd MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC Ranges, apartment size for those who need them Kimbroughs, 868 W. Ann Arbor Trail. Plymouth. Freddon Great Dane Fennels Reg. A.K.C. i Training, breeding of Great Danes. We offer at Stud -the best, Ch. Dusky's Blackout (Black) Ch. Tor- rence of Vakeek (Fawn) Fred don's Captain Keck (Harlequin) 1 five points towards his Champion- ship. 30521 Schooleraft Hazel B. Liptak 1/2 mile west of Middlebelt At crowded counters and res- taurants the customers who slow un business by deliberate motions and inefficient fumbling are a pain in the neck. PLYMOUTH & MIDDLEBELT =: SERVICE 29404 Plymouth Rd. Plyr,,aouth, Michigan Phonee Livonia 9253 Of ficia'Z AAA Service .o Make This Your Jewelry Headquarters VON BURGS l Redfords Oldest Established Jewelers—;Tust west on Grand River .Ave., at Lasher A combination Valentine and birthday dinner was given by Marilyn Schumacher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Schumacher at her home on Westmore Road Fri- day, Feb. 9 from 4=6 p.m. The SHOE REPAIRING Expert Work Frank's Shoe Repair 11151 Stark Rd., '/2 Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. Upholstering Old Furniture Made to Look Like New FREE ESTIMATES Phone Redford 3199 GUILBEAULT UPHOLSTERING Red. 3100 Corner Westbrook birthday dinner was given in hon- or of Mrs. Edward Hamilton, Campfire leader for Livonia Cen- ter. Attending the party were the Campfire Girls of Livonia Center. * BUY WAR BONDS SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selle and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 744 Wing St. Plymouth 0 IN Ending Feb.. 17 SWEATERS Luc Plymouth! 774 Penniman V Dsilanti: 14 N. Washington Wayne: 2925 N. Washington Save with Safety at your REXALL DRUG STORE CECIL H. HABERMEHL Corner of Blackburn 32101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens MEN'S Sun$ TOPCOATS LADIES' DRESSES AND COATS 794 Who are interested in steady post-war jobs in cold drawn steel mill. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY You will be trained for your after -war position. At present we are engaged in 100% defense work. ONLY MEN ELIGIBLE UNDER W.M.P.C. PLAN NEED APPLY Pilgrim Drawn Steel Corporation PHONES 1130 and 1131 Plymouth, Michigan Erlot Page Six — THE LIVOrI L%N Wednesday, February 14, 1945 Township News Mrs. Albert S. Balkema, Grand- ville, is spending two weeks with her son and family, Mr, and Mrs. E. P. Balkema. � x Mrs. A. O. Hedden of Fairhope, Alabama, is spending a few days with her son and family Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hedden. Lt. Howard Dickie who is at- tending the naval architecture' school at Ann Arbor, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Waters. X Frank Davis who recently sub- mitted to an operation at Univer- sity hospital Ann Arbor, returned to his home on Starke road last week. * * s The Livonia Township Woman's club will hold their regular monthly meeting and luncheon at 12:30 o'clock, Wednesday, Feb. 21 at the Elms, 33725 Plymouth road. "How to make. Livonia Township a better place in which to live" will be the subject for panel dis- cussion by Mesdames Carson, Co- der, Brown and Howell. For reser- vations phone Mary Wolfe Howell Livonia 2095. All women of Li- vonia Township are cordially in- vited to attend these meetings. Cal"llilot Ful ;T.;1V9WX ii • Work That's Differmu and Distindivs s s • $096 Nliddlobelt betwosn Chieago & JOY Storm Windows aad Insulation Will Cut Your Heating Costs to a Minimum We will gladly give you at estimate on the costs of in- sulating or on the costs of installing storm sack. The costs are exceedingly low and finance is available. Plymouth Lumber & Coal Company 308 S. Main St., at P. M. Tracks Phone 102, Plymouth, Mich. The Livonia Center Parent Teacher association will hold their regular meeting at the Livonia Center school on Monday, Feb. 19 at 8 p.m: Mrs. Forest Randall and Mrs. Earl Rubert were co -hostesses at a miscellaneous shower given Wednesday evening in honor of Mrs. Cecil Cotten. Guests included Mesdames R. D. Craig, Wm. Kay, Harry Burton, L. O. Burke. John Ahrens, Harry E. Colgan, Donald Pickles, Harry Wiliness, Morin Heric, Francis Merrion, Ralph Timmons, G. W. Meier, C. B. Knapp, and Harvey Odgers. The table was decorated with a pink and blue cradle containing a doll, and guests were given pink and blue favors. FUEL OIL "We Aim to Please" Phone Your Order to 88 euogd s1leo TgBIX aIITAKi=oX I6I C. R. ELY & SONS Eyes Right! A short business meeting was held at the Rosedale Gardens school Wednesday evening. Due to the inclement weather an in- sufficient number of members were present to make a quorum, so after a brief discussion period, the meeting was adjourned. F X Cant. Wm. L. Tuck, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tuck, left Monday for Greensboro, North Carolina, after a short leave spent at his home. Capt. Tuck has. for the past three years, been the commanding officer of maintengnee at Brooks Field, Texas. Conkeys _ys Y -O Egg Mash Makes Eggs at Low K� Cost Production Gat it from TOWERS FEED STORE 28850 Plymouth Rd. Phone Livonia 3161 FOR ACCURACY IN WAR INDUSTRY!) One error can cost lives and n`'a" L planes ... that are depending on ti v - your accurate eyesight for safety! Don't take chances, let our Regis- tered Optometrist examine and prescribe the proper glasses for your improved, safe, sure vision. Dr. John A. Ross - Dr. L. E. Rehner DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY' 809 Pennican Ave.Plymouth, Mich Phone 433 Our office hours areR: Monday through Friday 1 to 9 o'clock Saturdays 10 to 2. o'clock. t. s 34115 Plymouth Road Owned by Carl Haray Southern Style FRIED CHICKEN Once again we are featuring our fpmous chicken. Try a treat you'll never forget. We Serve Breakfast — Lunch — Dinner For pre-war menus—where quality foods are prepared and sold at reasonable prices —eat regularly at Berry's. YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW USE THE BEST .. . CLOVERDALE - FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. PLUMBING AND HEATING C. J. LEGGERT Paris and Fixtures Repairs and Service 20547 Fenkell Ave., Cor. Patton REdford 2167 Get better results with better feeds LARRO HEADQUARTERS Poultry Remedies SAXTON Farm Supply Store 587 W. Ann Arbur Trail Phone 174 For Livonians the DICKERSON HARDWARE 33405 Grand River Phone 4 Farmington Is still the favorite You will find us al- ways ready to serve and if you can buy it ter rry we'll have It to sen. Wednesday, February 14, 1945 Tlli ytppKUN Page Seven Tells ofPost- War Planning Members and guests of the Rosedale Gardens Civic Associa- tion were privileged to hear Ru- dolph Herman, who, as president of the Automotive association in Czechoslovakia, spent many years in the Far East studying people and conditions in that area. Mr. Herman, who was introduced .by Mrs. William Wood, spoke on the subject of "People of the Post- war." He gave the group an inter- esting view of the temperament of the Asiatic peoples, that showed clearly how some of their confus- ing reactions have a definite back - :,,round. Manchuria, where Mr. Herman went in 1934, was com- pletely under Japanese influence. The Manchurian governing coun- cil of 52 members consisted of 50 Japs and 2 Chinese. He pointed out that the Chinese who have given the Allies much help, have been at war, against Japan since 1932. Their disorganization is due to starvation, lack of well trained officers, and poor equipment. The Chinese communists, while better equipped are un -cooperative. Chi- nese soldiers receive low pay, on- ly $1.00 per month for fighters. He quoted from a book by Col. Carl- son, who understands the under- lying forces motivating the differ- ences of opinion among the Chi- nese armies. "The parties of China," he feels, "may yet learn to work together for a greater China." Explaining the much discussed (Continued on Page 8) .C'igl�ie tie ?Val! ,! 68 overhead lamps ... 2000 lumens each 49 ornamental lamps .. 2500 lumens each 1 ornamental lamp . 1000 lumens each 118 lamps totaling . . 283,500 lumens AFTER 78 overhead lamps ... 1,000 lumens each 11 overhead lamps ... 2,500 lumens each 46 overhead lamps ... 6,000 lumens each 22 ornamental lamps .. 10,000 lumens each 157 lamps totaling .. 601,500 lumens The main street at night /AlOLUMENOVF AOsrRErruGHTS 250OWMEN OVERHEAD STREET LIGHTS 6000 LUMEN OVERHEAD STREET L IGNT5 • ASi=UWNORNAAIENTAL STREETUGHIS In 1938 the forward-looking leaders of Bad Axe asked Detroit Edison engineers to provide the community with better street lighting. And they got it: modern directional luminaires ... twice as much light ... more than threefold improvement in visibility ... . all at a remarkably small extra cost per year because of the higher efficiency of larger lamps! And the engineers solved the problem of that alley behind the main street. They placed 6000 -lumen overhead lamps where the alley intersects the side streets, thus (a) lighting the alley and (b) the parking areas off the main street; (c) building up light intensity approaching the main street; (d) helping to promote busi- ness activity on the side streets. The residents of Bad Axe are enthusiastic about their street lighting, which protects children and pedestrians . . . does the motorist a good turn ... helps merchants ... and gives additional sparkle to the town. How is the street lighting in YOUR community? Our engineers will be glad to discuss a postwar plan now. THE DETROIT EDISON Serving more than half the people of Michigan The 6000*jMnImp CO. Page Eight T= LTY091" Wednesday, February 14,.1.945 Tells Of a son in a Japanese camp two months ago, and who has a son ,in another Japanese camp, a sur - (Continued from Page 7) vivor of the infamous Bataan question, "Why doesn't the Jap Death march, has a deep regard Navy come out and fight," Mr. for the Filipinos. These Asiatic Herman said, "That the Japanese Christians are our real friends, navy is not intended to be an ag- and have suffered privation them- !i gressive force, having two pur- selves to help the Americans. Ths' Doses, first to protect the home- recent daring raid on the Japa- land, second for communications nese prison camp was made by a and convoy, but that it has no real band of 150 Texas Rangers, and task force. Mr. Herman, who lost 300 Filipino scouts. ELECT Richard V. McKay David L Allen, Jr. Justices of the Peace REPUBLICAN Livonia Township, Wayne County Vote Monday, February 19 Your Vote and Support will be Appreciated MAKE THE ROBERT SlMmMmONS K V YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN - THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH We carry an extensive line of fine jewelry, crystal and wooden ware in addition to precious stones and 'jewelry. LOCATED ACROSS ,FROM THE FORD GARAGE IN THE CONSUMERS POWER BUILDING ON MAIN STREET You'll find a larger stock! You'll find the things you want! For Quality Groceries, Vegetables and Meats trade with The Ro'sedah"I-1- Grocery Phone 2190 Wry. J. Shekell Joseph T. Stadnik We soli: it your patronage and good will 0 iF rove FREE MalcrZER ZOOMS ;yls" INSPECTION ``�. SERVICE li ff -ITIX11[" 11 IL with a leaky, clogged, worn-out Economy muffler. It's dangerous and cuts down the efficiency of your engine, If your car muffler is clog- and can waste precious gas. Let us ged, the excessive back- inspect the exhaust system pn ffiyoul pressure created can sub- car. If you need a new muer, stantially reduce power and we'll install a Genuine Ford muf- efficiency. A new muffler fler promptly at small cost. A new corrects this, saves vital gas muffler will make your car much and is safer and quieter. quieter, much safer to drive. RALPH ELUMORTH, Inc. Authorized Ford and. Mercury Dealer PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Phones: Dearborn 2310 Wayne 1070 Garden City Official AAA Garage